w F I TUESDAY TOPICS E 0 llass was dowu from Piorco yesterday Geo Whitnoy was in from Tildoti to attend tlio piny Geo H Hill wns n visitor yesterday from Plninvicw Va Reynolds of Wayne wns i city visitor yesterday II A Antics and lady were up from Stanton yesterday C S Hnyos returned at noon from a business trip to Noligh 0 H Kelsoy a Neligh attorney was in the metropolis yesterday 0 A Williams of Neligh wns in town yesterday onrouto to Madison A J Dnnlovy wns n Sugar City visitor yostorday from Tilden W W Mnrplo formerly of this city wns hero yesterday from Lincoln Hobort Pritchard the Way no tele phono man is in town on business Miss Fauuio Norton went to Omaha yesterday morning to visit friends Misses Ruth and Graco Matrnu havo returned from thoir visit to Chicago C 15 Buriiham of Tilden en mo down yesterday to seo Tho Poor Relation Misses Agues Wnnnor and Gortrudo Miller of Stanton were in tho city yes terday Charles Madson left for Onmlia today for a wotks vacation and visit with friouds Mrs Washburn and daughter Mrs Kdous of Verdigre arc visiting friends in Norfolk Miss Auuio McRrido returned to Des Moines Iown this morning to resume her studies Misses Ada aud Josephine Butterfiold returned from a visit to Creighton yes terday morning Commissioner J J Hughes came down from Eattle Creek aud went over to Mattisou this morning Misses Batchelor and Brunur bavo returned from Wayne where they spent their spring vacation E MeFndden of Sioux City is visiting his old time friend II II Miller and looking up real estate investments Mrs N J Bell of Madison has been visiting Norfolk friends n few days and uttended tho performance last evening T J Monow has fully recovered fiom his recent attack of typhoid fever and started on his trip yesterday morn ing A half interest in tho Noligh Advo cate has been purchased by Max Romig of that city Mr nnd Mrs Fred Sidler are today moving into their new house on South Ninth street just below the Episcopal church G A Luikart R W Williams F L Estabrook aud Commissioner Winter were among the passengers to Madison this morniug Mr and Mrs J D Haskell cau e over from Wakefield to see tho Russell company and were guests at tho home of Col S S Cotton A E Lawrence was over from Madi son to attend a meeting of the Singer hewing machine agents which was held at the Oxnard today Secretary W W Hughes of the Y M C L bus so far recovered from his recent over exertion in tho bicycle rond race that ho is able to bo up mid around It has been decided by the Methodists of this district to hold their annual camp meeting at Lyons ngain this year The dates for the meeting havo not yet been named Tho vacant lots at the corner of Nor folk nveune and Ninth street will be fitted up for a tennis court and it is expected that considerable interest will be taken in tho game this season W H Wigtou arrived in tho city last evening from Omaha in time to see The Poor Relatiou Ho will remain in the city some time nnd assist in the efforts to remove tho indebtedness against tho Auditorium Tho Pierce people who were hero to poo tho entertainment at the Auditorium last night wero Mr and Mrs II H Mohr Mr nnd Mrs Thos Chilvers Mr nnd Mrs Judge Cones Mr aud Mrs W E Powers aud Miss Eva Mixer Miss Agues Leach of Noligh and Miss N atie Brainard of Oakdalo who have boeu visiting several days with Mrs O J Hibben will leave for their homes this eveuing Mrs Hibben will enter tain a few friends at tea this oveuiug in their honor Tho Y M 0 L has organized for the base ball season and has secured tho Oluey grounds for a park Tho league hopes to soil 100 season tickets and if successful will secure a portion of tho old fair ground fence and tho grand htaud and fix tho grounds up in shape for tho sport Pf ople buying season tickets will bo given grand stand privi leges nnd tho league issues tho tickets on the guarantee of 13 games daring tho season A deal was consummated yesterday whereby Johu Krantz comes iuto pos session of tho Davenport livery busiuess as proprietor Tho now owner took pos HesBion of the busiuess this morning Mr Davenports many friends aud patrous will bo sorry to learn of his re tirement from business but may bo pleased to know that his successor is competent popular among thoso who kuow him nnd deserving of a continu ance of Mr Davenpnrts patronngo Yesterday wns largely dovotcd to tho preliminary work of opening tho dis trict court at Madison Tho jury cases wero nssigned and other initial stepB wero taken The first jury caso tocomo up for trial is that of W H Doxtcr vs tho Citions Nationnl bank which is be ing tried today M F Harrington has been appointed by the court as prosecut ing attorney in tho stock yards caso It is thought that tho session will not be a long ono as thoro aro but few important jury cases dockted for trial Tho tenm of 15 W Strnhni who lives llvo miles east of tho city took a lively spin down Main street yesterday afternoon lauding in the front of tho second room of the Heels block oc cupied by Braasch and Zuelow as a store room Tho door of tho building was knocked oil its hinges Ono of the horses fell aud it was thought it was killed or beverely injured Mrs Ktrnhin was hi tho wagon and while sho was assisted to alight the fallen horse was cut loose This had no sooner been ac complished than tho auimal took a dash up tho street at a gait truly surprising for a disabled bruto Fortunately no ono was injured and tho damage was slight The Minden Herald speaks words of truth and soberness whonit asserts that tho supporting of a nowpaper costs the town scarcoly a cunt Though tho paper may bo well patronized and the business men may spend largo sums of money advertising tho cash very quickly gets back into the channels of trado from which it came Nearly overy cent a paper gets in is spant at homo and it goes to tho merchants who delight in benefiting themselves and tho community by liberal advertising Boiled down the facts aro that a newspaper returns all tho money it gets to those who gave it and its word for tho town and country are thrown in for good will County Superintendent C W Crnm announces that nn examination of Eighth grade pupils will bo held in this city on Friday Apiil 0 nnd has undo appointments at other towns and districts of tho county Tho superin tendent makes the following comments on the subject All pupils of country schools completing the Eighth grade should present themselves at one of these places especially such pupils as expect to enter the high schools next year as uo other examination will be conducted and in order to secure the ndvautuges of free tuition pupils must possess tho county superintendents certificate showiug that they havo completed tho Eighth grade work At present the constitutionality of free high school attendance law is in ques tion having been declared coustitn tioual by one district judge and uncon stitutional by another A case is now pending in the f upreme court which will settle tho matter But whether tho law is sustained or not the annual Eighth grade examinations will ber con tinued because I believe them to be boneficial to the pupils and schools State Journal The story told by a teicher in a Philadelphia girls school of a girl of humble parentage who enrolled in her first year uuder the name of Bridget and then ran the whole course through Bridgetta Etta by dropping tho first syllable Margaretta and finally ro ceiving her diploma as Margaret is not more peculiar than many iustaues that oocnr in the university of Nebraska Tho caso of a girl registering as Carrie changing it in her second or third year as Carolyn nnd graduating as Caroline From Belle to Isabell aud thou Isabella is also common Ono girl who gradu ated last year registered through her four years of attendance as Qiiete and then insisted just at tho last moment that her diploma should be mado out as Mary her true name Only last week a man from tho western part of tho state had the whole publishers and registrars office force tearing their hair on account of his sou whoso first name was Tennis and whom ho insisted was registered in tho university Wheu ho was told that no student by that name conldbe found ho became quite indignant Another effort was made and after some time a young man was found with tho first namo of Locotaunis When tho father was told that he said that was correct but that they called him Tenuis for short Card of Thanks Many wero the kindnesses shown to my dear father and myself during his last illness and to all those who remem bered us in our trouble I take this method of extending my most sincere thanks Father appreciated the many ovidences of friendship on tho part of Norfolk people previous to the last sad momont aud could he hnvo seen tho generosity extended to me after he was taken he would have been doubly sure that he was surrounded by staunch aud true friends Again I sincerely thank you all Minnie Vkkokk Wanted Honest man or woman to travel for large house salary ijfi5 monthly and expenses with increnso position pormauent unclose stamped envelope Manaokk HO Oaxton bldg Chicago THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY APRIL 12 MOO WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Delia Roavis is on tho sick list S F Dunn is building an addition to his residence on South Fourth street Mrs 8 R McFarland is nn the sick list Influenza is tho trouble Attoruoy 1 F Boyd of Oal lalo was in Norfolk yesterday Frank McDonald has accepted a posi tion in tho Fair store Mrs Addlo Pay no was a city visitor yesterday from Elgin W O Craig camo over from tho county soat yostorday 11 11 Horbison of Madison wns n Norfolk visitor yesterday 11 P Shuniway was a Norfolk visitor yostorday from Wakefield Mrs T M Huntington of Gordon was in Norfolk yostorday F W Molehor of West Point was a visitor to tho north Nebraska metropolis yostorday A daughter was born this morning to Mr nnd Mrs L Bruce at their homo on Philip avonue WJ W Rembroo of Fullerton has taken a position with C P Michael in tho photograph gallery Word has boon received from Wisner announcing tho birth of a lino son yes terday to Julius Dogner jr and wife EdJBowmnn and daughter Mrs W D Lovett of Stanton aro visiting at tho homos of S R MoFurlnnd and M E Slawter O S Bargelt who has been visiting relatives and friends hero for a couple of weeks returned last evening to his homo iu Lead S D Tho fire department will hold its an nual meeting tonight for tho election of ohiuf president and other ollicers for tho ensuing year Daily services aro boing held in in Trinity Episeopnl church during this weik On Good Friday tho service is at 10 oclock a in and at Easter Even at I p in The thorinonioter registered at 20 de grees above zero last night being 12 degrees below freezing Tho freeze did no particular damage as buds and crops wore not far enough advanced to sus tain injury Mrs J II Watts anil children will arrive this evening from Cheyenne Wyo to visit at tho homo of her par ents Mr and Mrs Jos Allbery Bert Thomas lias resigned his position in tho Fair storo and will leave tomor row morning for St Paul Minn to accept a position as traveling salesman for wholesale house Mrs P F Sprechor and Miss Fannie Norton who have been visiting in Omaha several days returned last evening They wero accompanied by Mrs Chas Landers of Genoa who ill visit hero a phort time Tho Womans club will hold an open meeting at tho homo of Mrs A J Dur land ou Thursday evening Mrs Saw yer of Lincoln will givo an address on The Influence of Home on Civiliza tion Each member is priveleged to bring ono guest This will bo the last meeting of tho year nnd the members aro requested to wear their badges A special telegram from Stanton to this mornings Bee says Cyrus J Tront an old resident and highly re spected citizen of this place a contractor and builder met with a very painful accident this afternoon on the farm of PaullJelz two miles west of town by a scaffold giving way precipitating him to tho ground and fracturing tho bones of his right hip It is not known at this time whether ho has sustained internal injuries A conference of Singer sowing ma chine agents and managors was held in tho parlors of the Oxnard hotel yester day and tho campaign for tho coming summer was discussed and planned The mooting was attended by F II Roe of Deuver Col centrnl manager D L Morgan of Omaha state manager J E Ferguson of Hastings who suc ceeded B S Wyatt formerly of thiB city as district manager Among the local agents present wero J H Living ston of Creigbton Robt Pritohard of Wayne Gon Hatfield of ONeill F O Tyndall of Neligh and A 15 Lawrence of Madison F S Genuug has resigned tho position of local manager hero and Dan B Lee has been given charge of tho office which for the present will remain in tho jewelry storo of W B Vail Mr Genung has accepted a position as dis trict deputy with tho Moderu Brother hood of America and will operate in tho territory tributary to Norfolk making this his home Norfolk was treated to an experience with a window smashing mauiao last night and ho succeeded in doing con siderable damage before ho was corral led by Ofiicor Kane Tho follow who indulged in the pastimo was a tailor who had boon in the employe of O H Krahu Chris Naveo by name When ho quit work last oveuiug nothing un usual was noticed in his manner but after being abont town for a fow hours with friouda ho became dooidodly off his especial dislike seemed to bo for hotels At tho Oxnard he broke a largo pane of glass from ono of tho frout doors after having entered and in quired for a man nnd looked over tho registor He wont into tho Pacific hotel office aud demaudod a couple of bags of money which he claimed were there But nothing was known of tho money nor could ii be found and nflor ho went out ho smashed ono of the largo glasses in tho front door Ho also visited tho German boarding house south of the Pacific and forcibly removed a patio or two of gliiHS At the resi dence of P A Shurtz ho broke in a window sash with n chunk of wood shattering tho glass anil it is said that window lights wero broken in several other houses His final effort to amuse himself was at the Auditorium wheto ho threw two brickbats through tho windows above tho front entrance Ono of the bats went on through nnd broke n light beyond It was while ho was here engaged that Olllcer Kiino captured him aud placed in tho city jail This morning ho was taken to Madison by Chief of Police Widiinian tojlm examined by the insanity board and if found u fit subject will bo sent to the hoxpltnl for itisnuo Uo claims as iiuthnrltyifor his action that ho has been ordered to break tho window lights in Amotion by Oom Paul Krtigar of tho Transvaal It is said that ho has had spells of like char acter several times before this A Until Wc wish to return our sincere thanks in behalf of our late lather D A murine to the ninny kind friends and neighbors who so kindly and lovingly rendered their assistance in the sickness and burial of our loved ono To tho Salva tion Army and Grand Army of the Republic and to each and overy ono who showed their friendship and sym pathy we can only say wo thank you SotiUtinus tho ret lulling of thanks seem to bo but ido words in remunera tion for kindly deeds nnd this is ono of lhufio times His Gnu imnv M I H lllllll llUHTlUT Mrs lohii Mroeckur whodied at her homo on south Third street April 1000 was born October Ii 18111 iu northern Germany In ISilt she mar ried John Uroeckor and iininediatly they immigrated to this country first settling in Manitowoc Wis In IStiit they removed to LaPorto Intl and in IS- they went totorning Iowa Thoy came to Norfolk in IHSO wheio they liive n sided ever since Ten children were born to thorn four of whom died while young Tho other six are all living in and around Norfolk namely Mrs B W Jonas the oldest daughter Mr Louis Broerkur who lives two miles west of Norfolk Robert Uroookor who lives soven miles east iu Stanton county Mrs William Bluecher who lives on south Fifth street Mrs Geo Walters who lives on south Third street aud Mrs Philip Fuesler who lives on south Eighth street Be sides thoso children who aro loft to mourn her loss sho leaves a largo circle of friends and acquaintances The funeral will take place toinonow leav ing the house at - oclock aud tho ser vices will bo conducted at tho Christ Lutheran church The interrmunt will be in tho cemetery east of town tard ul TIiiiiiUn Wo take this means of expressing our hearty appreciation of tho many kind nesses extended by the public during tho sickness and obsequies over the re mains of our beloved wife and mother Onr thanks aro especially duo to the members of tho Norfolk Sick Relief society for their many acts of kindness John BitoKricnn and Family Wantkd Soveral bright and honest persons to represent us as managers iu this and close counties Salary fltOO a year and expenses Straight bona fido no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank in any town It is mainly office work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Company Dopt a Chicago 1u h CollVo Agrui With Vim If not drink Grain O made from pure grains A lady writes Tho first titno 1 made Graiu 0 I did not liko it but niter using it for ono week noth ing would induco mo to go back to collee It nourishes and feeds the system Tho children can drink it freely with great benefit It is tho strengthening substance of pure grains Get a packege today from your grocer follow the directions iu making it and you will have a delicious and healthful table beverage for old and young lOo aud 2Gcts Tho valuo of timber among tho people of tho prairio states is little known Could it bo realized thoro would un doubtedly lo a greater effort mado in tho cultivation of valuable woods This is tho time of year wheu the thought of property owners should turn toward tho planting of trees If thoy cannot real ize from the wood grown thoy can cer tainly enjoy tbo shade tho beauty added to tho landscape and tho benefit as a moisture producer Arbor day is approaching and it is a holiday which 6honld be observed abovo all by pooplo of tho Tree Planters state The follow ing gives some idea of timber valuo A Biuglo acre of Washington timber re cently measured by tho division of for estry contained 218G90 feet B M of red fir 11000 feet of hemlock and 0000 feet of cedar making a total stand of UUiyiJO feet Tho smallest fir on tho aero was i feet iu diameter aud tho largest H feet Tho height of tho forest approximates 800 feet The hemlock was scaled down to SO inches iu diam etor and had it been scaled to 12 or 11 inches ub customary iu tho cast tho stand would have been several thousand r i i m SrajH iii i rf iri Dewey says ho is a democrat but never voted in his life His would bo a horriblo example for democrats gener ally who would rather exercise their rights of franchiso thau eat a Thansgiv iug dinner TnK News jod aopartmont Is com plete in every particular rr FARMING GROUP The Balloon Painted by Julien Dupres A MOhT BlIAUTIPUL PlCTURU i vnn tub noun VTTM 1 WfFb I -I s v f U VVTJVX VWi AVrHSJA 75 VAYJ r s yyi jiviri i y llt -V vtWi - iSSi hi Successful jjiocims know full well That Ivory Soap is Ivst In sell Hecause tis In st to use iml so Theit tiatle well satisfied will jjrow They cannot he induced to huy The other soaps which people try Just once to find them wantiiij thou Insist on Ivoty Soap iisiin A WORD OI WAIlNINfi llii tc nil- tninv wlillr miV cii Ii tl irvnlisl In 1 1- Juil m niJ m tlic lwit llicv AMI Mil 1iit Illi nil cumititfiltv luK tin- iinllii uij ti uuildbti quiilUles ol the irnulnc Ask Icir Iwuv Snip nnj Insist upon i ttiiii II 101YMIbHt MIUU IT 1111 IMULII II QAMMIt I U CtNCINNA feet greater This aero wits measured near Wilkeson Washington about MI miles from Tacoiua The average stand por aero for lil acres measured by tin same party near Buckley in the sumo county was 7110J feet of ted fir JtdlOi feet of hemlock f0 feet of codarJ17fi feet of spruce and lt feet of white fir a total stand of llJT feet In these inoasiiioiiioiitH no trees less than 2 feel in diameter wero scaled No allowance however was niailo in tho above calcu lation for cull Tho Kit acres wore taken in various purls of a township and ropicsent with fair accuracy the stand throughout that township Tho signifi cance of these figures is apparent when it is remembered that lOOOO fret por acre is considered a heavy stand in all lumber regions east ol the Mississippi A fusionist exchange howls It must bo Mulvinloy tho trust magnates are satisfied with him Some aro and some arc not Laws cannot bo mado for tho benefit of tho people but that some trust is able to take advantage of it Tho office trust represented by tho fusionists is far from being satisfied with Mclvinley they want his position no matter how badly tho people may suffer Tho paper might havo added that tho majority of tho people aro also satisfied without stretching a point Thoy are most of them capable of dis tinguishing between a business proposi tion and calamity times ami will set to it that McKinley is endorsed Tun News notices with ploasuro that F G Simmons of Seward has paid tho government overy cent duo on account of liiB postofllco difficulties This was done at a sacrifice of practically all ho owned tho paymont being made with out calling upon his bondsmen for a cent While wo regret the unfortunate circumstances which engulfed Mr Sim mons wo rojoico that ho has lioon able to lift tho stigma from his character and believe that ho should now remain un molested to earn a living for himself nnd fnmily About 100000 a month will bo spent on public improvements in Porto Rico This will givo tho littlo island a surprising change in the courso of a year and the inhabitants will realize as never before tho push pluck progress and activity of tho American people Not only will tho island bo benefited but tho pooplo will secure steady employment at a living wugo lillT IImI List of letters lomaiiiiug uncalled foi at th poMntlifi Apnl L IKIO Mrs Ida Anderson A L Bryan Miss Bertha Krolln I C Griffith Misf M ittio Ionian Mr Chas Joues I A Mitchell Miss Mint McKay A Richard son W II Wiiiiner If not called for in 10 days will bo sent to the tlead letter olllcc Parties calling for any of the abovo please say atlvettised P F Hriticoi 1r1t P M BaviII CmtiK Neb April 1IOO llcadquurtors Madison County Veteran association There will bo 11 nieotiiift of the reunion committee hold nt Battlt Greek Nub on Saturday May fi at I p 111 to decide 011 tinit and placr for holding the reunion this year and to train act such other business as may properly come before the meeting All union soldiers aro cordially invited to attend It is recommended that the coniiniUct 011 by laws meet atthosnmo time and place S A Mc Kay Pros W A Bahnis Sec and Proas Curr Anil Ol TIik Slrli Dr Humphreys Specific manual or tho treatment and sure of tho sick mailed free ou request Adress Humph reys Medicine Co New York For the Best Photographs And Prompt and Satisfactory Finishing go to MICHAEL The Norfolk Photographer Frames made to order at low rates Photo HuttoiiB all sortB and sizes finest assortment iu town A Share of Your Patronage Solicited NEBRASKA BOURBOfl WILKES STALLION Will ntand at Brunsons Barn Mi hills old stand Fridays and Saturdays of each week until July 1 For terms see owner J A WALLER TREES AND PLANTS kJSWS nf Best Varieties nt hard Times Prices Kmiill fruit in Inrco tupply MilllniiH nf Htrnwborrj lilHiitu very thrifty unit wnll motcil iuttlm nKHTiiiHr fininn iitiil mvii f roijjtj t or exjiro Buml fur price lint to Norlh Bend Nurseries North lend Tdgc County Neh PARilLRS HA1H BALSAM CleAmit tiid latilinc tbe hr Vtumulvt R lumnaiit frronth Mover Jll to Ilcstoro Gray II air to tin VoulLlul Color Cum walp ituracti lnlr UlUuz fieill iU llrugMlm 3 This Masterpiece represents a i r i n 1 i ii ny ui puiiMiuiis 111 mu iiiiivuau nuiu It is noonday not a broath of air is stirring and away off in the dis tance where the villagers aro hold ing their country fair a balloon hangs in tho sky They gaze in mute astonishment wonder awe in1 ii lmiifinii vnirnn 1ml in fliniv till 1 1 lllillU ltUIVll JUIlvllllU 14 uuuu J faces and attitudes It is tho work of a master hand This is reproduced in colors 22x30 inches in a marvelous oil painting effect You could not buy ono for 200 Wo bought them in ton thousand lots so can ofter it mailed in a tube post paid with a three mouths trial sub scription to THE WEEKLY IJEE FOB 25 CENTS Address The Bee Publishing Co 2076 Faruam St Omaha Neb