The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 12, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
House Passes the Porto Rico
Mine ncpnbllcaui Tote Against tlm Hill
and Thrto Democrntt for It Sennta
1aaici Vacldo Cable mil Appropriate
I 1000000 fur Ilia Work
Washington il 12 Tlio long
id bitter struggle over the Porto Rico
lyiff bill ended yesterday whon tho
nse by a voto of 101 to 1153 coucurrod
ull tli a unto amendments Tho
Vow requires only tho signaturo of
Mirer of tho house and tho prcBi
n scnato before going to tho
vor his approval ThoBO sig
inuv bo attached today aud
fore nifjhttho bill will probably bo a law
ompleto codo of civil government for
id 1b aUo attached to tho mens
i in tho final voto nine Ropuh
iio led against tho bill Hcntwolo
Minn Ommpacker Ind Lane la
Littlcflold Mo McOall Mass II 0
Smith Mich Warner 111b Fletcher
7T and Lorimer Ills Two Demo
crats Davoy and Meyer La were
paired with Democrats in favor of tho
bill and one Domocrat SibloyPa
voted for it outright Dovrics the other
Democrat who voted for tho original
bill yeBterday voted against concur
rence Stallings Dom Ala was tho
only member on oither 6ido absent and
unpaired The voto came nt 5 oclock
after a very interesting and at times ex
citing dobato of five hours whicli cov
ered not only the bill but the Bpecial
order under which the house acted
Ouo of tho most dramatic features of
the day was tho reading by Richardson
tho minority leader of tho opinion of
Charles E Magoon of Nebraska tho
legal adviser of the war department in
favor of the viow that tho constitution
extended over Porto Rico ex proprio
vigoro Dolliver la in reply termed
Mr Magoon a clerk who tried to over
rule the great lawyer at the head of tho
war department Warner Crumpncker
McCall and Lorimer all Republicans
made speeches against tho motion to
Mnjoon rirtt Opinion
Washington April 12 Tho war de
partment yesterday complied with tha
recent resolution of tho houso calling
for an opinion by Mr Magoon law of
ficer of tho insular division relative to
the extension of the constitution over
Porto Rico Tho opinion was given iu
May 180 Atpr roferrirtr to Spains
cession of tho island the orYtfon eysf
Thereupon the territory conveyed be
came a part of tho United States and as
such subject to tho constitution No
further action by congress was neces
Bary or possiblo Tho constitution does
not depend on congress for authority in
any part of tho United StatcB The re
verso of tho proposition is tho fact
From this time on congress must look
to tho constitution for authority to leg
islate for Porto Rico
Sonata Tnuei Paclllc Cable Illll
Washington April 12 With littlo
debate of importance the seuato yester
day passed tho Pacific cable bill a meas
ure appropriating 3000000 for tho con
struction of a cablo lino between San
Francisco and Honolulu The bill was
unanimously roportod by tho committee
on naval affairs and that it was passed
without serious objection is regarded as
a compliment to tho committee Dur
ing the greater pia t of tho session tho
District of Columbia appropriation bill
was under consideration As passed it
carries nearly 8000000
Warililps to Protect Atnnrlcan Intorrtti
Washington April 12 Word was
received at tho navy department yester
day of tho arrival of Admiral Kautz
flagship the Philadelphia at San Juan
del Sur where she was ordered from
San Francisco for the protection of
Americau interests said to bo endan
gered by political uprisings in Nicar
ugua and Costa Rica
Agulrre Taken to Mexico
El Paso April 12 Bias Agnirro an
American oitizon was convoyed to
Juarez Mex by Unitod States Marshal
Seibricht and surrendered to tho Mex
ican outhorities to bo tried for murder
Aguirre participated in a raid across tho
border into Mexico last spring A fight
occurred and a Mexican was killed
Leopold Glrei till I unil ta the People
Brussels April 12 Iu tho chamber
of deputios yesterday the proraior M
De Smet do Naier read a communica
tion from King Leopold iu which his
majesty presented to the nation tho
whole of his real estate Prolonged
cheering greeted the reading of this doc
Rutilau Gurrlion at Knshk
London April 12 Tho Simla corre
spondent of tho Times says I learn
from a trustworthy source that the
strength of tho Russian garrison at
Kushk is about 30000 men including u
mountain battory Tho previous re
ports were much exaggerated
ftlgor of Martial Law
CoLEsnuna April 12 In view of the
Btate of unrest across the border Lord
Roberts has proclaimed a warning to
the Capo Colonists that further acts of
hostility will be treated with tho ut
most rigor of martial law
uunffeo Out Wagm
Cincinnati April 12 Representa
tives of tho National Iron Founders an
nidation and of the International Iron
Molders union after a two days con
ference here have disagreed on tho sub
ject of a wage scale
Armed Jlandt of lnattrRmtt Preying Upon
Their Own People In Inron
Boston April 12 Letters rccoivod
in this city from a naval officer Btationed
at Manila pay that great activity is
necessary on tho part of tho troops to
prevent the ravages of armod bauds of
insurgents who constantly harass tho
inhabitants at many points A rocont
letter says Wo aro in hopes that
some decisive stand may bo mado to
control tho disaffectod class so that
they may bo proven ted from preying
upon their own pooplo as they aro doing
Wo nro still keeping up a largo forco in
Manila and tho guards aro still doubled
in almost every block of tho city to as
sist tho native police Outside towns
aro oconpicd by strong detachments
and scouting partios cover tho surround
ing districts wherovcr thoro aro bands
of ladroues or robbers
More Cosmopolitan Than Kver on Kre of
Kxpoaltlon Opening
Pauis April 12 In spito of tho dark
cold weather it is ovident to ovoryono
hero from tho appearance of tho streets
that tho great fete is about to open Tho
boulevards havo already becomo well
nigh impassible on account of tho
crowds of pedestriaiiH and carriages
that low iu a continual stream all day
German and English can be heard on
tho streets as frequently as French
Strangely costumed Asiatics are ar
riving by every train Tho English
however hold tho record for arrivals
locking into tho city in thousands
Dig Puroliain of Norse
Chicago April 12 Tho Ohroniolo
6ays Not loss thau 10000 and perhaps
as many as 36000 horses for military
Bcrvico in South Africa aro to bo pur
chased in tho Chicago stock markot by
tho British government An English
officer who has beon in Chicago threo
weeks making arrangements for the
largo purchase has left for Now York to
meet tho government inspectors who
recently arrived from England Thoy
aro expeotod to roach Chicago Saturday
or tho first of next week at tho latost
The buying it is said will bo done in
open market and all local dealers will
havo an equal chance to compete
WnttTK Are Itcoeillng
Austin April 12 The waters aro re
ceding rapidly and no further damage
is expected from the Hood Thero is a
hot political wrangle on in this city be
cause of tho loss of tho dam and power
houso Tho city is without water and
tho old water company has como for
ward with a proposition to buy all the
property interests and tho good will of
tho citys plant This proposition has
its supporters but it is behoved tho ma
jority of tho taxpayers of Austin aro
against it
Fatal Wreck on tlio IllliioU Central
Jackson Miss April 12 All trains
on tho Illinois Central have been de
layed from eight to 20 hours as tho re
sult of a freight wreck abovo Canton
vesterday Three members of tlio train
crew were killed outright aud Engineer
Crisp one of tho oldest employes of tho
road was seriously injured Tlio reg
ular Illinois Central trains aro running
over the Yazoo and Mississippi Valloy
road but traffic will bo resumed over
the main line during today
No Hpeclal Heialnn In Montana
Butte Mon April 12 Governor
Smith in reply to a question as to
whether ho would convene tho legisla
ture iu special session to elect a senator
to succeed Clark if tho latter is ousted
said No sir such an idea is absurd
You are at liberty to quote mo as say
ing that I never would call that legisla
ture together again under any circum
Adlc From Itoer Sources
Pketokia April 10 Tho latest uowi
from tho front is that fighting is con
tinuing at Elaudslaagte Natal and De
wetsdorp Orange Free State but no
particulars havo been received
Robert B Hanna of Fort Wayno waa
nominated for congress by tho Twelfth
Indiana district Republicans
Fire in Calhkos boat yard at Rock
Islaud Wednesday destroyed threo raft
boats Loss estimated at 50000
Horr Salomon Nordlinger tho Berlin
banker has been sentonced to two
years imprisonment iu a penitentiary
W Winn Bramble aged 21 mailing
clerk in the Decatur Illspostofflco was
arrested Wednesday charged with em
Prosident MoKinloy is going to New
York on April 21 to deliver an addross
beforo tho Protestant Ecumenical con
ference on foreign missions
At Now York Wednesday Jamos B
Kollogg tho head of the E S Dean
company was sentenced to seven years
nnd six months in state prison
The statu department has been in
formed that the Ottawa government
has given notice of an iucreuio from 20
to 40 cents a cord on the duties on pulp
wood beginning May 1
A syndicate headod by O A Robert
son and Frank OMeara of St Paul and
F E Kenaston of Minneapolis has pur
chased all the Northern Paciuo lands in
Minnesota approximately 030000 acres
Rear Admiral Hichborn chief naval
constructor has been informed that 1 1
valuablo models of American warships
were seriously injured during their
transportation from New York to Havre
on tho converted cruiBer Prairie All
tho models shipped aro valued at f 100
Within tho last two months two mys
terious robberies of beer ktamps by
which the government lost 10000 havo
occurred Ouo of these thefts occurred
whilo the stamps were in transit be
tween the treasury department and tho
fcenerul postoQloe in Washington and
the other betw txui the pootoffloe and the
intwual revenue offloe in Chicaao
Believed Rcddcrsburc Affair Is
the Cause
Lord Roberts Dlspntelirs Make No Men
tion of tlrltlsti Drfrnt Little Frrsli In
telligence From the Front Mcthueus
Iteport of llothuf Capture
London April 12 Thoro is little
frosh intelligence from tho seat of war
in South Africa It looks as though
Lord Roberts may be preparing to take
a strong foroo to clear tho Boers from
behind him A Capo Town dispatch
bays ho will not move for another week
owing to tho necessity of gathering
stores and supplier
Sir William GatacroVmiddon removal
is tlio thoino of general speculation
The curt manner iu which it is an
nounced causes much oommout The
general impresHiou is that it is connected
with tho Rcddersburg affair although
thoro nro many who consider that there
must bo something much more serious
as other generals in South Africa have
been retained iu command after blunders
more formidable than Uatacros
Tlio war ofllco has received no news
of tho death of Colonel Baden Powell
and utterly discredits the rumor
Tho operations in Natal havo not yet
been fully explained Thero appears to
have been an attempt to outflank the
British at ElaudplaagtQ and to sever
them from their bitso at Iidysmith
Tho Dulto of Marlborough has ar
rived at Bloomfoutein Thero aro now
15 grandsons of tho Duchess of Aber
corn serving with the British forces
Susplrlous of Cliliingo Aiuliulnnce Corps
Tho correspondent of the Daily Mail
at Lourenzo Marqucz telegraphing
Wcdncflday says Tho departure of
tho Chicago uinbulanoo corps for Pie
toria waB delayed on suspicion of fili
bustering Tho members loft by special
train this afternoon accompanied by a
motloy following of Fronch and Ger
mans 100 in all The doparturo only
occurred after many stormy interviews
with thu Portuguese authorities Tlio
members havo no passports and no cre
dentials beyond it letter from Miss Clara
Barton to tho effect that she knows
some of them personally and believes
them to bo genuine but many have
openly expressed their intention of light
ing Tho Boers aro paying from 30 to
10 per month for such recruits Thirty-five
thousand Boors with guns aro
concentrated on tho range of hills bo
tweon Kroonstad and Winbtirg The
whole lino is fortified aud is almost im
Ituport of lloer Victory Not Credited
London April 12 The war ollice
has received the following dispatch
from Jjonl Roberts
BiAiiaiRiNTBiN April 11 Methneu
reports that tho party of Boers defeated
April 5 mado a good resistance for four
hours and only gave in when our troops
with fixed bayonets wero within 10
yards of them Seven of tho enemy
wero killed 11 wounded and 51 made
prisoners Besides Lieutenants Boyle
and Williams Sergeant Patrick Oamp
boll was killed and two of our men
wero wounded Williams was killed
doliberatoly after tho white flag had
been held up The perpetrator of the
crimo was at onco shot Buller reports
that tho enemy attacked his right flank
yesterday whilo ho was engaged in
changing his position but our artillery
silenced their guns and they did not
press tho attack Our losses were four
killed and eight wounded There is no
further news yet from Wepencr
As tho foregoing dispatch doss not
mention tho allogcd British reverse on
Saturday at Mcerkatsfontein tho Boer
telegrams are not credited at the war
lloerit Warn Portugal
London April 12 It is learned that
tho Boor governments have formally
notified Portugal that they consider the
shipping of British troops and muni
tions of war to Rhodesia by way of
Beira Portuguese East Africa to be
tantamount to hostile action This
however will not stop General Sir
Frederick Carringtons force from en
tering Rhodesia Whether or not tho
Boers will mako reprisals upon Portu
gal remains to bo seen though the best
informed opinion horo inclines to the
belief that tho Boers are not likely to
back up thoir protests with action that
would bring thorn into hostilities with
afill anothor power
liners Hold Long Itange of Hills
Elandslaagte April 11 Last night
tho Boors set fire to the grass on two
hills Tho motive has uot been ascer
tained but the incident disclosed the
fact that their position extends over
fully 15 miles in a continuous row of
hills from Jones kop on the British
left to a kopjo commanding Sunday
rivor bridge
Governor of Kumassle a Prisoner
Acciu April 11 Uncorroborated re
ports aro iu circulation at Capo Coast
Gastlo that tho governor of Kumasie is
in the ouomys hands Tho greatest
fear is expressed for Capo Coast Castle
if a reverse has been sustained aud if
tho rebellion continues
Knglue Collides With Kleotric Car
Chicaoo April 12 A Calumet eleo
trio car carrying 18 passengers wat
struck last night at Ninoty fonrth street
and Stoney Island uvenuo by an engine
on tho Belt Line railway P Duggan
J Abraham aud A E AbrahainBou
wero seriously injured Tho motorman
attempted to cross the railroad tracks
t ahead of the engine
tims Slnte Treasurer Files n Second Mate
lent of Olllrlal Wrongs
DnsMoiNits April 12 State Treas
urer John llcrriott yesterday tiled a sec
oud statement loss voluminous but
inoro sweeping than tho llrst protest in
which ho uot only reopens tho attacks
on his colleagues of tho oxrcutivw coun
cil but gives iu no gontlu words his
opinion of tho Republican state central
committee and its methods Ho alleges
that the committee has resorted to
doubtful practices in order to smother
the revelations mado in his protest
Governor Shaw and Secretary Hob
son hail littlo to pay iu regard to llcr
riott s statement but C W Phillips
secretary of tlio state central committee
talked freely of tho position tSf tlio com
mittee and its object iu doing tho things
told aud strongly condemned by llcr
Hod of Truinuu l Ilitrknr Is round Iu
Water on luKo Nliore
Foht Doihiic la April 12 The body
of Truman D llarker president of tlio
First National bank of Storm Ijtiko was
found iu about ten inches of water on
tho lake shore near that city about mid
night After tho bank closed betook Ids
gun and started duck hunting Not re
turning at a late hour tho family be
came anxious and a searching party was
organized After two hours search tho
body was located among tho weeds on
tho shore of tho lake Thero wero no
marks of any kind on hiH person aud
the gnu by his side had not been dis
charged His accounts aro in excellent
shape An inquest will bo held today
Ilouuessy Will Contest
Drmigric April 12 Michael J Hon
ncssy yesterday filed a petition to havo
tho will of his brother Archbishop Hon
ncssy declared null and void Ho al
leges the will on file is not tho last one
that thero aro two now wills ono dis
posing of church property the other of
private property They bear dato of
Jan 18 1000 whilo tlio original bears
the bate of Jan 17 Tho new wills aro
said to havo the sanio witnesses as
tho first ono aud to have many erasures
and interlines Tho wills aro in tho
possession of an attorney who refuses
to make public their piovihions
First Iuy for Nuninii luods
Drs Moivks April 12 State Treas
urer Herriott has sent to Poweshiek and
Bromer counties the 11 mt swamp land
money to bo paid under thu law passed
by the last legislature Since 1 850
countioB havo been compelled to send
agents to the seat of government to get
this money but by tho provisions of an
act passed by the 28th general assembly
the treasurer is authorized to transmit
theso funds by draft
Norinnl School Heroines ft CnllcRe
LrMaiis la April 12 By an agree
ment arrived at yesterday by tho Illinois
Des Moines Northwest Iowa and Platte
rivor Neb conferences of tho United
Evangelical church tho normal school
at this place was accepted for a theo
logical seminary to bo called Western
Union college An endowment fund
of 100000 has beon started
Ilulley In the Lead
Houston April 12 Stato Senator
Stafford of Marshall in charge of tho
Chilton senatorial campaign said last
night I heard from Mr Chilton yes
terday His condition is worse My
telegrams from Tyler stato that he is
unablo to be up It is true that Mr
Bailey has tho better of tho race just
now but Mr Chilton will be in tho
lead before the end of tho mouth
Kzploslou Iu lliivmm lliirhor
Havana April 12 About midnight
an explosion occurrod on board tho Ger
man tank steamer Gutheil Captain
Schroder from Philadelphia April 5
which waB anchored near Rcgla wharf
waiting for cargo Tho uproar aroused
many of tho inhabitants Tho accident
was duo to a bursting boiler which in
turn led to tho explosion of a largo tank
of oil The vessel was not seriously
damaged but two of tho crew were
badly hurt
The Illinois Central has arranged
throngh passenger service from Chicago
to Hot Springs Ark
Charles B Aycock was nominated for
governor by tho Democrats of North
Carolina Wodnosday
Hamburg and Brcmon roport a large
incrcaso of emigrant business during
tho first quarter of 1000
Tho Wildey Casualty company a fra
ternity assessment concern of Boston
has boon petitioned for receivership by
tho insurance commissioner
Sylvan Lang a wholesale liquor mer
chant who had boon tho Frouch vice
consul in Kansas City for the past 12
yearB died Wednesday after a lingering
The smelter combine has rofused to
grant a demand for increased wages at
the Germania 6raeltr Salt Lake and
the 450 employes went on a strike
The residence of Peyton H Ruble
near Parkersburg W Va was de
stroyed Dy flro Wednesday Mrs Ruble
and Gordon Davis 9 years old were
burned to death
Couriers from Koyukuk have roached
Dawson bringing nows of important
Btrikes on Bryan and McKinley creoks
and other streams heading into the
hills south of that place
Osborn Deiguau who was one of tho
crew of tho Merrimao whon that vessel
was sunk in the harbor of Santiago has
been appointed au acting boatswain in
tho navy and assiguod to duty on tho
gunboat Marietta
Paul Weguor thu lover of Ida Koller
who was Bhot Tuesday night by Rein
hard Tonu committed suicide at Chi
cago Wednesday afUr viewing tho girls
corpse Toun shot and killed Miss Kol
ler beoaube tshe refused to marry hiui
114 thuu shot him
Elected Chancellor of Nebraska
University by Regents
Vou Ford Nays the Hupnrlntcndent of
ChlraKO Cllr Mchonls Will Take Ihe
Position Foi liter President of Itniwn
1ulveislly In ltn inler Cnllei n Work
Lincoln April 12 Professor IS
Benjamin Audtowv snieriiiteudciit of
tho Chicago public schools and former
president of Brown university will suc
ceed Professor llcssoy as chancallor of
the University of Nebraska
This wiyt decided by the board of
regents at their meeting last evening
when by a voto tif 4 to 2 tho Chicago
educator was chosen to tho olllco va
cated by Chancellor MacLean a year
ago aud which Professor Bessoy has
filled temporarily during tho present
college year
Party lines wero strictly drawn in tho
choice of AndtowH as chancellor Re
gents Von Pond Konowor Rich and
Teeters voting for the Chioagoau and
Morrill and Gould against him
It is understood that Professor An
drews will accept the position of chan
cellor as a committee of two members
of the board of regents visited Chicago
last week and had an interview with
him It is supposed that at this meet
ing the place was tendered and ac
Dr Andrews Not In lilino
Chicago Apnl 12 Dr Andrews
who has just been elected chancellor of
tho Nebraska Stato university could
not bo found last night It was said at
tlio Chicago Beach hotel whoru ho has
been living that he left tho city over a
week ago anil nobody known where ho
has gono
Frnuli Mcllrlde Will Prohahly Die its He
Kill t of Ojnirrcl Willi Mrs Stevenson
SuiKUion Nob April 12 Mrs
Charles Stevenson a young woman
shot and probably totally wounded
Frank Mc Bride aged 70 years at Ru
bens Kan soven miles southwest of
this city Mrs Stevenson anil MoBrido
wero neighbors
Yesterday McBrido notified Mrs
Stevenson to keep her chickens at homo
In tho quarrel which followed Mrs
Stoveiihon drew a revolver Iroin a mit
ten which sho wore and shot MoBrido
in the faco and throat His chances of
recovery are very slight Mrs Steven
son is under arrest Both parties arc
people and aro well known
firnlii Ienlere Oct Toirellier
Omaha April 12 The thiid annual
convention of tho Nebraska Grain Deal
ers association met nt Crcighton hull
yesterday Mayor Moorcs welcomed
tho members of tho association about
IfiO of whom wero present to tho city
Secretary Bewshor presented his report
for tho past your It showed the asso
ciation to bo in good financial condition
and that 0i elevators aro represented
iu it
Nehrasbit Hunk Statement
Lincoln April 12 Tho quarterly
statement of tho condition of state and
private banks iu Nebraska at tho closo
of business March 12 issued by Secre
tary Hall of the stato banking board
shows continued improvement in all
lines of the banking business Tho do-
posits as shown by tho roport amounted
to 22251838 Oil an incrcaso of 3000
over tho same period of last year
Vole Aid to Itallroml
OschOLA Nob April 12 Tho voters
of Pleasant Homo and Platte precincts
Monday voted bonds to tlio amount of
llOOOO from Pleasant Homo precinct
and 11000 from Platte precinct to nid
tho Nebraska and Gulf ruilroad
riillliiloe Commission to Hull Mondny
San Fkancisco April 12 Judge
William II Tuft president of tho Phil
ippiuo commission accompanied by his
family arrived from Cincinnati Tho
other members of tho commission aro
expected to arrivo in tho city tomorrow
Tlio commission is scheduled to leave
horo on tho transport Hancock next
Monday Tho party will number in all
15 persons including clorks and other
attaches of tho commission and the
families of those who compose the latter
Four Conventions nt Iortlnud
Portland Or April 12 Four state
conventions tho Republican Demo
cratic Populist and Silver Republican
will moot in this city today Tho offio
ers to bo nominated are ono justice of
tho supreme court food and dairy com
missioner and four presidential elec
tors Each of tho stato conventions
will also elect four delegatei to tho na
tional conventions
Mortgniced Other leoplos Cattle
Kansas City April 12 Albert G
Roberts and William Duncan Jr in
tho criminal court pleaded guilty to
stealing 32000 from tho Barso Livo
Stock Commission company and were
sentenced to threo years aud six moutht
picco iu the penitentiary Thoy mort
gaged Oklahoma cattle that they did
not owu Roberts wus arrested in Do
troit and surrendered 17000 his share
of the plunder
Button Denied Clinnue of Venue
Lansinu Mich April 12 After ar
guments lasting nearly five hours Judgo
West last night denied tho motion made
for a change of yenuo in the case of
Colonel Eli R Sutton of Detroit in
dicted with Greueral W T White and
General Arthur P Marsh for alleged
connection with the stato military
RAUNI5H v TYLICIt t Ml linn
AlloriMjH nt Ia
Norfolk - Nebraska
At Ilitro Kveri Monday
MiiHtilllock Norfolk Nob
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Hiiro tHiriiiH NiiIIiiiimI IImnI lliilliliiiir
ToIiiIiiihi mi
Hiiiillniiiim iitnl lliMiliiicn Mnin mid lllli HfJ
Norfolk - Nebraska
Ml South Dili SI net Norfnll Nnhi
Will In- in M in I lii hi TiiimIiiv nnd lrnlii of
Ilipli i rk
OlllrioMii IitiIih Nntioniil Haul Iinnlnnci
urn lilorl nor Hi nf t iiiihhIhiiiiiI ilinrcli
Norlolk - - - Nebraska
IiihIiIoiiiiIiIc llresNiiialicr
lp sIiiiih in olliiu IiIm I IIiiiiiiih hlnrn
IllH I IlllKM M I ftllll I II ut III
AtforucjN at Law
Itoonih III II mill IL Mm t lilorl
Norfolk - Nobiiisku
Indcrtiilifrs mid Hnilmliiicrr
SoMuiih lllli Noifiill Ave
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Attorney ut Law
Rooms I and 1 lUibertson Wlglon
Bloik Norfolk
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Facial Treatment
Manicuring and Shampoo
Will nlinil call I jour Iiiiiiiih mid do liny of
till unrt OrcloiH tiikuit fur film Imfr suitclioH
IVrfict inittcli Kiuirmitccil Hcfiilcnca on Hint
Hlrcnt Junction Onion may bo left nt tlio
lutic t Kin DrtiK rltiire Telephone No lit
W D Halls Barber Shop
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought andlSold o
Braasch Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Everybody wants the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Shop is tbeNe1flst
in the City