The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 05, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    w 1
Mrs Campbell in iu tho city from
F II Scott of Stniiton was n city
visitor yesterday
Mrs Andrew Hillerlnck of Osmond is
n visitor in Norfolk
Misses Thomas and Iowoll have
tnrnctl from Omnha
E 1 Mumllck Ih moving from tlu
MeBrido house to tho IUs houso
John Shannon tho lIoHklnn fitooknuu
had lmhliitwH in Norfolk yesterday
MisHSiiRH Thompson who is teach
ing in Omaha is homo to spend her va
Sheriff Goo W Losey was in tho
oity yesterday from Madihon on ollloinl
MlsaGav Stanton has accented tho
position of clerk at tho Pnhteo cigar
More during vneation
M M Uotznor of Omaha traveling
freight ngont of tho Elkhorn is in ho
Bty looking after business
Mrs O Ahuius and Mrs Hudat ami
daughter Dorothy huvti rotnrned iruui a
visit to rolutires and friondH at West
Onmliii News Miss Kuthryno Kisson
n htmlunt of Dol aware O is visiting
friends in Omaha on Aior way homo to
Dr and Mrs J M Smith of Uolso
4Jlty Idalw aro in tho city visiting Mrs
Smiths parent n Mr and Mrs Ohes
Miss Laura Durlund wont 40 llain
vlow tlilh morning to attend a party to
bo given by her cousin Miss ImIiiu Dur
laud touighi
A ban ball team has been organized
among tho memberH of tho Y M O L
and the grounds hnv been no
cured for a buhe ball park
1 11 Donovan Poter OShon 0 -S
Smith and Dim Frasor woroiu tho oitj
over night from Madison and took in
tho entertainment at tho Auditorium
Miss Francos Sharplosa will lonvo
tomorrow for Sioux City where -oho
has accept odn position iutle milliuury
department of JDavidson J3xes btoro
John Kraut is moving his family
into his nowdionio on Ninth streot und
Mr GutchoriB moving hiH family into
the liouso being vacated by Mr Kraut
II E Austin has routefi tho llosiu
baum residence ou South fourth ntreot
auil will movo his family from Edgo
water Park addition the ilrst of tho
Otto Borgor tho Madison cigar unan
is in tho city looking for a residence
nud contemplates the roaiovnl of his
family and business interests to Norfolk
at once
Misses Zoo Glidricu au5 Thara Fredu
of Fremont who attended tho teachers
association mooting at Wayne wisited
nt tho homo of Dr and Mrs 51 M
Sisson while ou thoirvniy homo
Mrs J G Troutmau returned from
Chicago yesterday where t ho law been
with her husband for some time She
reports that Mr Troutmuu is getting
along nicely und will beublo to come
homo iu about a week
A gang of tolephone linemen arrived
iu tho city last ovening and will at
coinmeuoo putting up a new
metallic circuit between Norfolk and
Fremont One lino has been found to
bo immllieieut to handle tho commercial
business and tho proposed uddition is to
relieve tho congested condition of tho
Kev G II Main of this city and Rev
Wm Gorst of JSeligh will exchange
pulpits next Sunday Tho former will
hold quarterly cervices at ONeilL Rev
Gorst was formerly pabtor here but has
not preached iu Xorfolk since ho was
appointed presiding elder of tho Neligh
district His old friends and parish
oners will bo pleased -of tho opportunity
to hear him again
March has held up itn reputo for chill
wiuds and blustery weather in a very
commendable manner and does not seem
inclined to relinquish even the last few
days of the month to the gentle iullu
once of spring Komethiug better iu
the way of weather is looked for from
April which enters with Sunday Tho
wiseacres predict however that April
will uot bo excessively springhko before
Kaster which is on tho ICth
Tho Ladies Presbyterial Missionary
fociety of the Niobrara presbytery
cloBed a very interesting BCBt ion last
nicht at Pender Twenty four dele
gates were present representing the
different churches of the district Mrs
S F Sharpless of thi3 city was elected
delegate to tho 8th annual meetiug of
the Womans Presbyterian Hoard of
Missions of tho Northwest which will
be held nt EvnuBville Indiana tho 2nd
and 3d of next May
Miss Anna Streiohcr left on the noon
train for Omnha and from there will go
to her new homo iu Iowa Last oven
ing she was given a surprise visit by
members of her music nud Sunday
Bchool class and a hearty time was en
joyed Her father Kev G Streioher
who has been pastor of the German
Evangelical church here for the post
year has been appointed to a charge in
Iowa Kev G Keckow has been ap
pointed to the Norfolk charge
The mechanics nt the F E M V
machine shops at the Junction are today
congratulating themselves over having
accoinpliHhed tho greatest foat yot douo
in Norfolk having put on two full setH
of engino tires or eight tires in all They
have- boforo put on a not in a day but
nover before lmvo two Hots been put on
Six setH have beon put otitluiBfar this
yenr These tires weigh from 1 0W to
1 1W pounds apioco nud it can bo read
ily understood that their handling Is no
light tank
In regard to theatricals thoro Ih Bomo
timos ah tnuoh difference of opinion
concerning merit aH thoro aro people
present In reference to tho Air nutp
comtmnv whiuh held tho boards at tho
Auditorium last night this difference
was mauifost Somo thought that tho
performance was ono of groat merit and
very cleverly rendered while others
wore not pleased Somo thought that
certain parts and characters were first
class while others choso different situa
tions as meriting praise It is seldom that
a performance will pleaso all olassos and
it is Hohloxm that ono will bo unanimously
condemned For the class of entertain
ment tho Air Ship company was fully
up to tho average and it is judged that
a largo portion of tho nudionco was
delighted The furco eomody perform
ance howovor is evidently not a draw
ing card in Norfolk as thoro were many
vacant seatH and all who did attend
were not lavish in their praise and it
would probably bo just iih well for farco
comedies in tho future to givo Norfolk
a wide berth unless thoy come with
ohoapor prices and content to play to
tho class whom they delight of whom
thoro aro not a few in Norfolk
Tho city has recently had but little
theatrical outertuiunioiit and it is diill
oult to dotornilne what class of attrac
tions is tho most generally popular but
porhaps tho old fashioned drama will
please equal to any
TeiirliurN Chimnii Uliln Oily nil Next Mt
liiK riurMlmi IVUIIhiiih Ih TreiiNtirnr
Tho teachers association at Wayuo
hold interesting meetings yesterday nud
tho attendauoo was very largo
In choosing tho mooting placo for tho
next session 1 hero wns an interesting
rivalry with Norfolk OolumbusJ and
Fromout as oompotitors Tho mooting
was located at Norfolk however tin flu
onced uo doubt by this citys strong and
active representation
Tins election of olHcors for the coming
year resulted aH follows
President Superintendent Wolfo of
South Omaha
Vice ProBidont Superintendent Sun
dorlin of Toknmah
Secretary Miss Wallaco of Pierce
Treasuror Miss Williams of Norfolk
This city is doubly honored by tho
teachers on being chosou as tho place
for the next session and tho choosing oi
ono of its popular teachers as treasurer
Wakted JJoncBt man or woman to
travel for largo house Balary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-ad-dressed
stumped envelope MANAarit
DUO Carton bldg Chicago
Notlro In Nott ICuHlilcnt Jfiicliuitn
John J Farley and Farley wife of
said John J Farley llrst uaino un
known non resident cofendauts will
take notico that on tho 27th day of Feb
ruary 1100 D A Ommerman plaintiff
herein tiled his petition in tbo district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against the said defendants aud Caro
line E Farley itho object and prayer of
which are to foreclose u certain mort
gage executed by John J Farley now
deceased to tho plaint ill1 upon the toutli
linlf of the southwest quarter of section
thirteen li and tho north half of tho
northwest quarter of section twenty
four 2 1 nll in township twonty f our 21
north rnugo two 2 west in Aladisou
county Nebraska to secure the payment
of a coruin promissory note dated
July HO IMS for the sum of lHOOO0
and due and payablo in live years from
dnto thereof that there is now due upon
said nott aud mortgago by ronsou of do
fault iu the payment of intercEt tho
sum of a087O for which sum with
interest from this date plaintiff prays
for a decree that tho defendants bo re
quired to pay the somo or that said
premises be sold to satisfy the amount
found duo
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or betoro the Uth duy of April
Dated this 2bth day of February J000
1 A Ommkkmak
By Mapes it Haen Plaintiff
His Attorneys
A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth
Good health t inwardly of
the kidneys liver and bowels
is sure to come if Hoods Sar
saparilla is promptly used
This secures i fair outside and a
consequent vigor in the frame with the
glow of health on the cheek good
appetite perfect diction pure blood
Catarrh J liitve lout no return ot the
ruturrh which troubled mo tor years Muce
Hoods Fartupnrilla cured uie Mut Joe
MAitrtN Washington rit Oudensbtirk N Y
Dyspepsia - Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble I buttered tor years
with dyspepsia with severe puius Hoods
Sursapurlllu inudu mu strong und hearty
h nkkton Mum fctrett Auuum Me
JjQ0d ateabaig
Hoodt yilU curt llc r Ills tlie nan IrriuUpg aud
anly ottmUc loukt Willi jluodi BtrmyrUU
Mrs Crano of Stanton was city visitor
A son was born to Mr nud Mrs
Landroph yesterday
J G Minos is oxpectod from Wayno
ou tho evening train to visit over Sun
Mr and Mrs Morris Mayor enter
tainod tho West Sido WhiBt olub hut
Mrs Campbell of Oakdalo who has
been visiting iu Norfolk a fow days has
returned to that village
II J Huston departed today for
lowing wlioro ho will viBlt a fow days
and thon proceed to Ainsworth
Mrs P T Blrohard in entortainiug
her lady friends this afternoon in honor
of her gucBC Mrs J G Mines of
G II Whaley is in town on his way
homo to Nollgh after having attended
tho meetiug of tho teachors association
at Wayno
Tho IJ L has sold tho Parkor
Iiouho iu Hayes addition to Robert
Upton formerly of Madison for a cash
consideration of 800
Elmer Howell nud Mi6s Anna Duncan
of Neligh visited friends in tho city yes
terday Mr Howell is a brother1 of
11 G Howell of this city
Omaha Buo Norfolk people will
ploaso tako notice thnt tho rato cases
lmvo been postponed as the reform
railway secretaries are too busy to write
Loaland Dean is expected homo to
night from Hot Spriugs Ark whoro
ho has boon for tho past threo weoks in
tho intorcst of his health
Miss Annio McBrido is expected homo
tonight from Des Moines Iowa whoro
sho Iiiih been attending school and will
spend hor spring vacation hero
Mrs Linorodo and daughter Hattio
left on tho noon train for Pueblo Col
iu response to a telegram announcing
tho death of Mrs Liuorodos mother
Prof J A Hornborger formerly
superintendent of the public schoolB of
this city is hero greeting old acquaint
ances Mr Ilorubergcr is nqw em
ployed by the sohool book department
of tho Knud McNally publishing house
of Chicago
At a luto hour this afternoon tho re
port reached this oflico that Dr F
Verges who has been so low with tho
grip is dead Particulars in regard to
tho funeral and othor dotails have not
beon learned Tho doctor was a val
ued member of tho community and his
loss will be keenly felt
Dr W II Deering of tho Lincoln
hospital for tho iusano visited nt the
homo of O D Jenkins and departed
with a party of friouds for Hay Springs
to hunt ducks Fred JoDkius accomp
anied tho party It is understood that
Dr Deering has recently been appointed
superintendent of tho institute for tho
foeblo minded at Beatrice
Tho social given Inst evening by the
Y M O L iu their rooms in tho Mast
block was a grand success iu point of
attendance sociality aud receipts A
uico program was rendered nud tho
ovening was heartily enjoyed by all
present The receipts of the entertain
ment were about 15 The Ladies Aid
society of tho M E church served tho
J II Thompson who has been seri
ously ill at his homo in South Norfolk
died this morning nt 7 10 His remains
will be shipped at noon tomorrow to his
old homo at Hamburg Iowa for inter
nieut Ho wasa momberof tho Masouio
order and tho lodge nt this placo will
oscort the remains to the depot Mr
Thompson leaves n wife to mourn his
decease who will accompany the re
mains to their last resting placo
St Paul Republican The town is full
of Assyrian peddlers nud more of them
seem to arrive daily They are queer cus
tomers and somo people do not hesitate to
pronounce them an unqualified nuisance
So serious has their cut throat competi
tion become that the legitimate mer
chants of St Paul and surrounding
towns aro urging the county board to
enforco tho law requiring them to pay
a lioeuse for tho privilege of peddling
Some mornings the street iu f rout of
tho Walker houBO is full of rickety carts
spavined ponies and jabbering dagoes
the bceue bearing borne resemblance to
the old geography pictures of the streets
of Coubtautiuople Cairo or some other
foreigu seaport
Tho agent of Lew Morrisons Faust
has been in tho city billing that attrac
tion for the night of the Dili The paper
put up is a splendid production of the
lithographers art and thoso who have
kuowledge of tho production state that
the half cannot bo told by the paper
This is Morrisons last season with
Fuust and thoso who delight iu the
work of a true artist ou the stage should
not fail to attend The company is uow
playing in Tennessee aud will jump
from that state to Nebraska next
week to play two engagements one
at Lincoln nud the other at Norfolk
This h the company thut Mr Warrant
endeavored to secure for the opening
night of the Auditorium but was unable
to do so Their production will be none
the less enjoyed because their visit to
the city was delayed Tho company
carries n 60 foot car loaded with special
scenery for the production
Tho meeting at the Auditorium last
evening called by the trustees to
cuss matters pertaining to tho building
was nttendod by quite a number inter
ested and 6tops wore taken which thoy
hopo will result satisfactorily to the in
stitution A committee consisting of
K II Koynolds A P Ohiltls nnd Geo
II Spear was appointed to seo whnt
could bo douo in tho way of getting up
homo talent outortainraonts for tho pur
poso of raising tho 2500 asked by tho
insurnnco company after which tho
debts hanging over tho building will bo
paid It was considered that homo
talout productions aro popular and that
tho oxponsos counocted therewith will
bo considerably loss than to hire profes
sional troupes to come thus allowing a
largor credit to tho building Tho com
mittee will nt oncu begin its work and
it is probablo that ono or more commend
able homo talont productions will bo tho
Olehrntn Irorliiiiintliin Aniilvfimnry
E G Mason and othor colored citi
zens of Norfolk are preparing to colo
brato tho anniversary of tho issuing of tho
emancipation proclamation by Abraham
Lincoln pn Tuesday April 17th Thoy
promise now fontures and an interesting
time to tho public Tho spoaking will
bo short in order to givo time to now
P H Patterson of South Curolinn
who was a soldier in tho Spanish- Amer
ican war will mnko an address
P II Clark colored who is now n
member of tho Iowa legislature has
promised to deliver nu address covering
tho history of tho colored peoplo from
tho bogiuning of slavery up to tho pres
ent timo Othor speechos will be mndo
by prominent citions of Norfolk
Mr Mason will speak on a subject
concerning tho future welfare of man
Thoso having the matter in charge
announce that this will not bo a monoy
mnking affair but is intended simply to
koop in memory what tho whito peoplo
have douo for tho colored pooplo of tho
country and all above oxpouBes will bo
devoted to organizing a church for tho
colored people of Norfolk
Joo Walker of Omaha has promised
to entertain with his concert S Giles
will entertain with specialties Valu
able prizes will bo given to tho best up-to-date
cake walker and tho entertain
ment is promised to be very amusing
A uot her Infant Industry
Threo sisters whose homes are near
Newark N J within a little more than
threo hours timo became the mother of
twins ono day thia month four boys
and two girls being tho addition to the
family It has been known that Now
Jersey was responsible for many of the
trusts which have beon thrust upon tho
country but this exceeds nil bounds and
the peoplo could scarcely be blamed if
thoy plucked up the little eastern com
monwealth by tho roots and lling it into
tho sea Tke story of tho births is re
lated as follows About oclock
Mrs J W Garrbrant welcomed two
boys An hour later while her husband
was receiving congratulations a messen
ger hurried to the house with the news
that his wifes sister Mrs Charles
Freeman had just become tho mother
of two boys Throwing up his hands
in astonishment Mr Garrabrant ex
claimed Who ever saw the like
He was howovor to bo still more
astonished After tho messengers of
mutunl congratulation had ceased to
hurry between the Freeman and Gar
rabrant borne another messenger all
breathless arrived at tho two houses
with tho news that the third sister Mrs
Fredrick Gilbert had juBt presented her
husband with two tiny girls At first
tho Freemans and GarrabrantB thought
it a big hoax When tbey learned the
truth their wonderment knew no
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for large house salary 65
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope Manageh
SO Caxton bldg Chicago
Over Work Weakens
Your Kidneys
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes
i ne Kianeys are your
blood purifiers they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood
If they are sick or out
of order they fail to do
their work
Palps achesand rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood due to neglected
kidney trouble
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats and makes one feej as though
they had heart trouble because the heart is
over working in pumping thick kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kilmers
Swamp Root the great kidney remedy is
soon realized It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
nnJ lrAMnnHemrllc i VAVv
bv all drupplsts in
cent and one dollar HSnsSH
es You may have a
irfrlK1 i9luL
sample bottle by man Home of snamp iioot
also telling how to find
free Uiau pamphlet ivimi6v - -
1 ltJ 11JJa
H Ht Bock of Pierco was In tho city
O O Snyder of ONeill was a Suuday
viBltor in Norfolk
F S Ilcuscr of Wiilsido was a Sun
day visitor in Norfolk
II S Workman wbb a city visitor
yesterday from Winsido
A O McCrackon of Boone was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday
Judgo M J Moyer of Madison wasa
Norfolk visitor yesterday
Miss Anna Nolsou of HoskinB was
shopping in tho Sugar City today
Potor Kubondnll was a Sunday vis
itor in tho Sugnr City from Mndison
Tho Sugnr City Cereal mills aro todny
shelling tho corn thoy lmvo on hand and
loading it for shipment
Work on tho opera honso was resumed
this morning after a delay of sovernl
dayB on nccouut of tho weather
Miss Hughes of Sioux City who has
boon visiting her brothor for several
days returned homo this moruiug
Miss Edna Mason of Pierce who has
been visiting with hor friend Nellio
Hundley returned to hor homo today
Mi s Susie Thompson returned to her
school duties in Omaha thia morning
after n visit of a fow days with hor
Mrs E A Bullock has beon visitine
for a week with her husband in Sioux
City Both returned to Norfolk Satur
day ovening
Mrs Warrick departed today for
Omaha where she will visit a week aud
from thoro will go to Carrol Iowa to
visit her niothor aud father for a mouth
Misses May and Laura Darlaud camo
homo this morning from Plaiuviow
where they attended the party given by
Miss Edna Durlaud Saturday evening
Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs M
J Robb of South Norfolk died Satur
day night and was buried this afternoon
from tho house Rov G H Maiu offici
Lealand Dean returned Saturday
evening from Hot Springs Ark where
he had been for tho benefltof his health
which was very much improved by the
treatment received
Members and friends of the Young
Mens Christian League are requested
not to forget tho meeting at the league
rooms tonight when the work of the
past quarter will bo reviewed and plans
for the future discussed
Largo audiences greeted Rev Wm
Gorst of Neligh nt the Methodist church
yesterday both morning and evening
ana inoso wno Know nis power as a
pulpit orator and anticipated some
good sermons were not disappointed
John Liermau aged 11 years son of
Fred Lierman who lives north of Hadar
died Saturday night of Brights disease
of the kidneys The boy was buried
this afternoon from the Lutheran church
at Hadar services being held at 2
Company L is arranging to give a
ball on tho 10th of tho month at Mar
quardts hall Music will be furnished
by Bohnerts orchestra The members
of the militia company are making ex
tensive arrangements for tho event and
there is no doubt but that it will be a
The first house to be moved down
from Queen City place is well on its
way to tho city and will soon be placed
on its new location The others will
follow as rapidly as possible The
houses are nice looking and roomy
dwellings nil that has been against
thorn being their location Moved into
the city they will become valuable
property for renting purposes
Wayno Democrat Tho Sioux City
Tribune of hist evening in its account
of tho declamatory contest at Wayne
6ays Miss Maud Taunehill of Nor
folk pleased greatly iu her humorous
selection Lousio Smith Miss Tanue
hill pleased greatly nil right but
Sousio Smith was funny enough
without making it Lousie Smith
There were no bugs on her piece
Tho Sanders Bros of Ewing made a
proposition to the people of Battle
Creek last Monday to build a flouring
mill at that town providing tho citizens
would givo a cash bonus of 1000 The
project was viewed with considerable
favor on the part of some of the busi
ness men but it will take an united ef
fort to raise the amount and the outlook
for that kind of action is at present not
very favorable
Neligh Leader Will Spencer wenf
to Norfolk Saturday expecting to go to
Sioux City but returned to Neligh the
same evening His cxplanatien is that
he went to his Bisters for dinner bat
the train changed time that day nnd
pulled out just about the time he drew
iu Bight of the depot It is rumored
however that he boarded the Oreighon
train and only discovered his mistake
after the Sioux City fast mail hud
pulled out
Battle Creek Enterprise Taff Ames
ono of the pioneers of Meadow Grove
died last Sunday evening after a linger
ing illness and a post mortem examina
tion made by Dra Tanner of Battle
Creek Kindred of Meadow Grove and
Scofleld ofTilden disclosed the fact
that his death wab due to cancer of the
liver The funeral WUB held at the
a I
S IS thisVape wnen wrm DVkilmer fff - tag t 10
k Co Binghamton N Y I oclock under the auspices of the
Modern Woodmen of which order ho
wns n member and in which ho cnrrlonl
12000 insurance Tho remains were
laid to rest In tho McCoy cemetery
Mr Amos loaves a wifo and ono child
Tho Tenchorn AnMiclutlnn Treated Hoy
Btly nt Wfijne Innt Week
Norfolk April 2 Tho I lth annual
mooting of tho North Nobrnska
Teachers association closed its throo
days session at Wayno last Fritlny
ovening It has boon acknowledged to
bo tho most successful mooting hold by
tho association both in point of numbers
ns well as in a llnancial way Thoro
were 109 registered in tho association
and tho opera house copablo of senting
1000 persons wns filled on tho occasion
of each lecture making n handsomo sur
plus in tho trensury This success wns
duo to sound business methods em
ployed thorough advertising and by tho
earnest hoarty aud onthuBiastio co-operation
of tho oitizons of Wayne This
co oporntiou was shown in a most sub
stantial maimer by enrolling on tho
register attending tho ovening lectures
and opening the elegant and hoepitablo
homes of tho city for tho ontortninmont
of tho visiting school teachers Except
ing Fremont on ouo or two occasions
no other town iu tho district has shown
so high an appreciation of this conven
tion of teachers as Wayno has shown
In fixing the placo of meeting for next
year thoro was a very considerable con
test Fremont Columbus nnd Norfolk
wore the principal contestants Threo
considerations decidod tho matter for
Norfolk viz 1 its central location
nnd accessibility 2 its good hotols
and auditoriums and tho loyalty and
fidelity of its almost solid corps of
teachors On this Inst point tho Norfolk
teachers earned for themselves the
respect of tho entire convention Thoy
were on hand at all meetings remained
through tho principal sessions and were
active in the deliberations of tho
The purpose of this communication is
not to extol or sing the praises of any
particular place or person but to indi
cate to our citizens of Norfolk the efforts
that other places put forth to secure this
convention and to suggest the propriety
of ench citizen interesting himself in
an effort to make the next meeting fully
as successful as tho meeting jnstheld at
our neighboring city of Wayne
Our observation has been that where
our city has been secured as tho meeting
place of a political firemens or other
conveution flags and banners have bceu
flung to the breeze in token of welcome
but bodies of the countrys school
teachers have been allowed to come and
gowith scarcely more notice than a
dozen linos in tho local press Tho
cause of this apparent indifference
seems to have boen due to the want of a
realization of tho local value of such a
gathering and a thought perhups that
for the citizens the deliberations of a
teachers convention can have but little
Tho programs of these conventions
are practical such as will interest citi
zens as well as teaohers the lectures
are given by tho best popular lecturers
the nation can furnish and the profit
derived is limited only by tho area
What may citizens do They may
bo generous in tho matter of hospitality
and entertainment They may attend
lectures and meetings and in many
ways show they are appreciative
Let us hope that when the conven
tion meets here the 3rd of next April
that visiting teachers shall receive such
a welcome as they have not received iu
the pabt When that timo comes and
you as citizens are requested to purchase
tickets for lectures or furnish entertain
ment for teachers let your answer bo
Yes certainly I am glad to be able to
do this much D C OConnor
To Cum Ih Grippe In Two DnyH
Take Luxutive Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro E W Groves signature on
every box 25c
should always be kept in
the house for the fol
lowing reasons
FIRST- Because if any member
bf the family has a hard cold it
Will cure It
SEHOND Because if the chil
dren are delicate and sickly it will
make them strong and well
THIRD Because if the father or
mother is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated it will build
them up and give them flesh and
FOURTH Because it Is the
standard remedy in all throat and
lung affections
No household should be without It
It can be taken in summer as well
as in winter