The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 05, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The iotd oik fleuus
KutiiiiliHlimi lis
ICwy ilny nril Hmiluy lly rnrtlnr
will 15 conls lly mil imr nnr U00
rlnlllHlini1 fwl
KwjrTliunulnjUHy mil pnr jour JIiO
Kntered ill tlm lostolllco nl Norfolk Niih
nrfcxuil cIum mutter
Tolniihiinn No 22
JenVrvim IH I Tol ill
Uepitbllruu tttiilii Committor
Tim republican electors of tlm fiuiirnl riimi
ties or tlm state of NnliiiirAn ure hereby oil ml
toiunnl in roiionlloti nt llneolii Nnhrnslii
AIiijS MM at 2 odoek i ni rorlliniiirMitiiir
electing fmr dotiwUe mill four iiltenmti
ilnlttnl to tlm lintlimiii riiilillnin comim
rim which roneue in IMillliliiltililn
lW0nloto iilncn i nomination oiiihIIiIiiIih
for lint follow ing nlllriw
Kight iiriwlilmilliil electors governor linututi
mil gotornor serietury of Mate treasurer
Muilllorof imlillr accounts nltornm unnnriil
iroraniiiwtoiinr or public lnliiln Mini buildings
nniMlnlaiiilniil or iiulillo Instruction
TTTio IihhIk of niiiriwiMiiiitliin is onn delegate nl
Virno ntiil one delegate for each 100 votes iiml
major fraction llinrimf oust Tor lou M II
Ititsit forjudge of thtisuproum court ntlhiteleo
tiim linltl In IW Tint t otornl counties being
fuiilloil In delegates iH follows
Adams 1
Antelope II
Manner -
ltlaliwt 2
iillltlll 11
Itox liiitln t
Slojd H
Flutflo 17
riarl HI
Vullcr 14
nss -I
Vlur II
Chime I
fJirrrj 7
Clu U
lf llnx H
Olsniug ID
tter IK
Dakota 1
IhlWOM 1
Diittron Ill
tfm 4
Diimi II
Omnt -
flriwln I
Hall hi
Hamilton II
llarluii I
llnjm 4
Holt II
llookT 1
OUi LVnril K
roiiiihiiu t
Kniirnej 0
Knllli 1
Khvm Ilihn I
Kiinhiill 2
Knox 12
Lancaster rS
Lincoln 11
liOgllll -
lioiii 2
Mnlliorsnn I
MiiiIImiii 17
Merrick II
NlllHil H
Niiiiiiilin II
Nuckolls 11
Moo 21
Pnwnoo I
1orkiiiH H
Phelps 11
IMiirrit H
PUtto 12
Polk H
It ml Willow II
lltchurihiou -I
Hock Ti
Siilimi IH
Snriiy 7
Hnunders t S
ScottH lllutl I
Smwinl 17
Hhorlduu r
Sioux 2
Slnntoii 7
Tlmjor 17
TliomiiH I
Tliiimtoii 1
Vnlliy K
Washington II
Wiiyiin 11
Webster 12
Wlmoliir 2
York 21
T rrriiiiiimmiToiT tliul no ihoxidk on in
Bowpil hul Unit thn iIoIiikiiIim iirowmt iiihI tlm
full Milo of tho ililniition Tlni Ioiiiit fim
vnntlons in tlm Hiivnrnl iimiiiIIch liolil fur Ihn
purpokn or MilnctliiK iliiliwatoi to thin cumiMi
cinri iliiill hoIihI thn county iiiimiltiii anil oi
flwirii tlmroor At tlm ntutn rnmiMilloii tin
estate riiitrnl coiiiiiiiltcniiimi fioiu tlm oilil mini
IfiTMt Mninliirliil illHtrictH will tin miltctnil or
iVinnnmiliii twiMiiarH mill tlioium ntntii ruin
ixittrn will liolil iti moatiuit ut tin nloxn of tin
tato coin ant Ion OltlXNDi TlHT
J T 61 Ail Miru Chairman
iSucrotiiry Im Tom
ltviiutillciui Oooiily OoiixmiHiiii
Thn ruiiulilioau itlnotorH of Mnitloou county
NnliniHkn urn nxiuoHtoil to hdiiiI ililiiatii rrom
tliobomriil otlnii iirociucU to niKiit in coummi
Ultiii at Norfolk Niiliriinka on thn 21st day or
April HHX at 1 oclock i in Tor thn imriiiMii or
ifinlcetliiK 17 ilolopiitiM to thn ininililleau Htatii
ccoinnution at Lincoln NoliritHkn Mnj -ml 11KK
cibo tooloct iliiloatiiH to tin roiiplilicau
rnimniliim oT tlioTlilil ilistrict ami
Co Irnnwict such otlior buinc n may lio
IlmiiKlit bcforn thn convention
Thu Unocal liruoinctM urn nutltloil to roprti
Miiitntion iib followif tlni npiMiitiotituimt IhiIuk
tkimnl it Mill tlm votociiHt for lion M II Htuwu
Fu- Juiltso of llinBiipniiniiroiul of Nnliriirika at
tlionloctiou linlil in ttW lin onn ilnliwitn at
liarRn for onch xotint product anil onn for ouch
JA olcs nun major iniciiou uiDrcoi
lirft wnnl
iVtonil nnul
1riwrnli uanl
Ualtlo Crook
Ill ni nil
lliTrvTuw H
Vnllin 4
Waimirrillo 1
IroM I
litou Oarilou 2
Dcur Crniik i
Slmll Clonk IX
Schoolcraft I
Kalamazoo 1
Total 12
It is rcoommmiil it Unit tncciuci nuiiial ion Do
Itfthl on tlm Htli ilay or April 1W0
DvMli Wlimv
Jimis NicuoiH Cliairinaii
Sec rotary
Jveu South Omaha whooled into lino
for tho republican ticket this spring
Tho fuslonlsts aro finding very little
to rejoico over in tlio way tho municipal
CDnto8ts rohultod iu Nebraska Thoro
appears to be nothing to encourage
thorn iu tho beliof that a republican ad
ministration is so dlstastoful to the poo
plo as thoy had fondly anticipated
Bryan should lose no tituo iu hurrying
back east to the enemys country Men
at bis party aro planning his overthrow
ie tlm national convention They bo
Itevo that a man of brains cau carry
jUJqw York this fall ami thoir pppositiou
co Bryan is au iusiuuatiou that ho is
not tho man
Admiral Dewey says ho has ohauged
Ills miud about tho prosideuoy and sig
iUJ65 his willingness to accept tho high
t ottlce in the laud should the people
insist upou it lie now thinks that tho
president has littlo to do except to en
force tho laws passod by cougress If
the admiral has formed tho opinion that
tho oilice of president is a sinecure
hQ would bo quite apt to chaugo bis
Euind again after a torai or two iu the
Tho destruction of Kansas Citys
aniuiimoth couvontiou hull yesterday
Afternoon by lire should at once bo
added to tho list of Mark I lamia
It was known that tho demo
cratic uational convention was to moot
in that hall on the tth of July and Mark
probably thought that by destroying tho
building he could prevent tho meetiug
Ills precipitate actiou was taken how
ever without consulting tho commer
cial club of that city whioh has begun
immediate stops to have the auditorium
robuilt in time for tho meeting
Bryans homo town Lincoln again
asserted its republicanism at tho munic
ipal contost jiwt closed This is most
disheartening to tho fusion causo Those
people should know better than to vote
rtho republican ticket by this time if
ituey kuow enough to know auythiug
They have uot only had Mr Bryan and
his teachings constantly before them
when he was not away from home but
for a number of years now thoy I five
flocintcil with rofnrm stato olllciiilfl
hold tliolr RtmtloHrt purity In ptiblio iib
well nn litmto lifo ntiil recolvoil liniires
iilvo ltiflfloitR lit roKnrl to Ilio nintinur of
lmiulliiiK rallroaclH tnwtaiitl ooiponi
lions Hiuoly tliny intiHt bo a doiwo lot
not to untlorHtmul which 1h tho trim
poopltH party
Whom tlio antiHaloon Ioiikuo camo
out in an opon flKht aKftint tho hiiIooiih
in tho varioiiH townn of Nohranlta thoy
wito almost uimnlmously ilofoatod liy
lnro iimjorlUoH whioh would certainly
liavo boon tlio oaflo In Norfolk J hoy
havoyot to loam in many placcn tliat
tho Htpior traillo cannot ho hroiiKht n
HtandliiK with u round turn Thoir
point can himt bo obtained by a procenH
of urndual and uittlriiiK oducation
Whom thoy do miocoetl by radical
mothoilH tlioro la usually a revolt at tho
mid of a your or two and a town or city
sinks lower than tlio depth from which
it was temporarily lifted Thoy can no
mora convert a saloon town into a pro
hibition community In one year or a
few months than a saloon can over
throw tho Hontimout of a prohibition
lown that has boon so for many years
1 1 tho snmo length of time
Tun Nkws did not refer to tho stand
taken by Mr Wostorvelt in tho mayor
alty contost as Its contomporary statos
It did howovor rofor to tho stand
taken by the saloon olouiotit In his
favor whioh was not a difllcult conclu
sion to arrive at This paper does not
know what Mr Wostorvolts policy
would have boon but from its knowl
edge of him ho would hayo rIvoii a
conservative administration of affairs
Ifthorownt anything morothau an
other that conduced to his defoat It was
tho support given him by tho Times
Tribuno and tho opon and activo efforts
iiuidu in his behalf by tho saloon pooplo
who were of tho ovidont opinion that
they could aRaiu run a wldo open town
should ho bo elected and should their
hopes hnvo boon realized thoro is no
question but that the anti saloon folks
would have soon to It that tho laws woro
lriuutry IMeollniin
A primary election of tho republican
doctors of tho First ward of the city of
Norfolk will bo hold at tho otllco of tho
police judge iu tho city hall iu said ward
on tho 11th day of April 1000 for tho
purpose of electing flvo delogatos to the
county convention of tho republican
party to bo held at Norfolk Nebraska
April 21 10 polls to bo oponod from
V2 oclock noon to 7 oclook p in
Thoro will bo a caucus of tho republican
electors of said ward to suggest names
to bo votod on at said primary moetiug
on Friday evouing April IH 1000 at 8
ocIock p in at tho Oxnard hotel
Eli Uaslky
A primary election of tho ropublican
electors of tho Secoud ward of tho city
of Norfolk Nebraska will bo hold
at II 15 Hardys coal ofllio in said
ward on tho 1 1th day of April 1000
for tho purpose of electing nine delo
gatos to attend tho county couvontiou
of the republican party to bo hold at
Norfolk April 31 1000 polls to bo
opened from V2 oclock noon to 7 oclock
p m of said day Thoro will be a
caucus of tho ropublicau electors of said
ward to suggest names to bo voted on at
said ropublican primary election on
Friday evouing April 15 1000 at 8
oclock at Tin Daily Nkws oillco
OrVDi E Eiselky
A primary eloctiou of tho ropublican
electors of tho Third ward of tho city of
Norfolk Nobraska will bo hold at tlio
oillco of L O Mittlestadt iu said ward
on tho Mth day of April 100O for tho
purposo of olocting 11 delegates to
attend the oouuty couvontiou of tho re
publican party to bo hold at Norfolk
April 31 1000 polls to bo oponod from
13 oclock noon to 7 oclock p uiof
said day Thoro will bo a ciucub of tho
republican electors of said ward to sug
gest names to be voted on at said pri
mary electiou on Friday evouing April
111 1000 at 8 oolock p m at tho polico
judgos oillco Blut Mapks
A primary election of tho ropublicau
electors of tho Fourth ward of tho city
of Norfolk will bo held at thedrug store
of J L Hershlser In said ward on the
1 IMi day of April 1000 for tho purpose
of i lectiug four dolegates to attend tho
county convention of tho ropublicau
party to bo held at Norfolk April 31
1000 polls to bo opon from 13 oolock
noon to 7 p in of said day There
will bo a caucus of tho republican
electors of said ward at tho drug store
of J Ij Horshisor to suggest names to
bo voted for at said primary election on
Friday evening April 13 1000 at 8
oclock 7 Thompson
A caucus of the republican olectors of
Norfolk outside precinct will bo hold at
the law oftice of Mapes Haeu on
April 14 1000 at 3 oclook pm for
tho purposo of choosing sovon delegates
to represent tho outside precinct at tho
republican county convention to bo held
in Norfolk April 31 1000
Geo D Smith
Agentsjwautod for tho best typewritir
0 1 tho market tho Pittsburg Visible
writing in sight at all times exclusivo
territory given Address Bindley Hard
ware company Pittsburg Pa
Tit Htcnmtrm Jiirrrnlnp Uninpniilr
rnnit III I ii mi lrillntill n
Dies Moinim April I Two building
nml loan mensuros patsed yosterday
Ono is tho senato building nud loan
coiuinlttco bill piiNROl by tho upper body
last week It provides greator restric
tions upon this class of business than
ovor existed in tho Mate boforo Tho
measure passed without amendment so
will bocomu a law without further ac
tion of tho assembly
Tho other bill is ono by nuohatian
which provides for tho creation of a
building and loan department in Iowa
Its chief provision is for tho appoint
ment of an Inspector by tho governor
anil one deputy to oversee tho building
and loan business of tho state Tho
vote on the Until passage of tho measure
was C2 to 17
Ono of tho ovouts iu tho legislature
yesterday was tho defoat of tha flvo tnllo
limit bill by tho houso This action
wui a surprise to tho friends of tho
nioasuro who bad counted on almost
as large support as tho bill had in tho
senato Tho bill on its dual passage
received tlio following vote -18 yeas and
11 nays thus failing to rccolvo a con
stitutional majority
KiMiliiuliy lolltlcn In DracKnil Into
li on lliiunllnli Hill
Washington April fi Thoro was an
oxciting scono in the houso yesterday as
tho climax of a discussion of tho Ken
tucky situation when Whoolor a Ken
tucky Democrat and lugh a Kentucky
llopublicttu faced each other from op
posite sides of the main aislo and en
gaged in a wordy duol Pugh charged
Wheeler with misrepresenting cortaiu
facts Ho was laboring untlor groat ox
citomcut Whoolor showed admirablo
temper uud though quick to resent tho
fancied insult awaited tho explanation
of Pugh in which ho disclaimed any
intention of Imputing to him personally
a desiro to distort tho facts Through
out tho debate which was procipltatod
by a speech of 13oeriug tho othor Ro
publican member from Kentucky thero
was a fooling of suppressed excitement
It was tho llrst time tho subject had
been broached in tho houso and great
Interest was manifested Lacoy la
concluded the dobato with n general
denunciation of tho Qoobol eloctiou
law This incident overshadowed tho
othor speeches on tho Hawaiian bill
many of which were irrelevant
Wolcott Apoloclo lo Ioilgp IlGstnrln
Iuuro In tlio Scnatn
Washington April 5 Pcaco was ro
stored in tho senato yesterday boforo
tho body convened and during tho pro
ceedings of tho session thoro was only a
reminder of tho harsh language used
just boforo adjournment Tuesday Tho
session opened with a livoly and inter
esting discussion of the status of tho
Quay case in tho courso of which Wol
cott apologized for tho languago ho had
used Tuesday disclaiming any inten
tion of being offensive to anybody least
of all to his friend Lodgo
Tho Colorado senator mado a voho
mont and eloquent appeal for early ac
tion upon tho Quay caso Ho was sup
ported by other frionds of Mr Quay
and it was decided finally to tako up tho
caso today under tho unanimous con
sent agreement mado on March 10 In
accordance also with that ngreomont
tho Spooncr bill was mado tho unfin
ished business thereby bringing tho
Philippine question1 to a direct issue iu
the senate
Inilliitin Slot Won Up Ilrlilo4 and ltniim
Hoimea on Toll 1lkc
LodANSPOKT Intl April 5 Ono
hundred and fifty masked men blow up
twabridges and burned two toll houses
on tho Logausport uud Burlington piko
at midnight
A family in ono toll houso moved out
yesterday and tho mob ordered tho fam
ily in tho other ono to got out boforo
tho torch was applied The road is tho
only toll piko in tho county and protosts
have boon directed against high toll and
tho alleged bad condition of the piko
Tho mob was well organized
Vaiulttrltlllii In u IIIk Deal
New Yokk April v5 Tho Herald
says According to statements mado by
Wall street interests in close touch with
the Vanderbilt and Morgan factions
one of tho first and most important ro
suits of tho
alliance for the joint control of eastern
railroad systems will bo tiio cementing
of a now coal combination which will
include both tho anthracito and bitu
minous companies and bind thorn to
gether in a powerful trust that will
have absoluto control of tho American
coal trado
Woman Hm neil to Death
Centkuvhxi la April 5 Whilo
Mrs Martin Nelson living ono milo
north of Numa was tending a firo of
trash and grass yesterday hor skirts
caught firo and soon she was onvoloped
in names being so badly burned that
she diod last night
niurilor Trial at Crriton
CitrSTON Iu April 5 Tho Williams
murder trial is tho absorbing caso how
in progress in tho district court Deo
4 1800 Al Williams shot and killed
Deputy Sheriff Tom Walsh at the for
mers farm whilo tho officer was at
tempting to servo legal papors The
murderer is now boforo tho court The
caso will probably go to tho jury this
evening Williams will attempt to show
self dofenso claiming that tho deputy
hold a revolver in his hand and was
coming toward him J W Fuller tho
only oyo witness declares that Walsh
did not draw a revolver Tho court
room is crowded at every session
DUWIni In CutlinlUi Clrolm
DlIiuquk April fi A serious division
iu Catholic circles seems likely ovor tho
naming of a successor to tho lato Arch
bishop Honnessy Dr Carroll of Du
buquo Archbishop Ivcauo of Washing
ton and Father McLaughliu of Clinton
were nominated by the convocation of
priests on March lfi Somo days later
tho bishops nominated Bishop OGor
man of Sioux Falls and Bishop Scanlan
of Salt Ijiko Yesterday tho Ocruinu
priosts of tho dlocoso forwarded to
Borne a protest against tho appoint
ment of Archbishop Keano A projoctad
meeting which is to arrange a division
of tho dlocoso has bc6n forbiddon by
peremptory orders from Archbishop
Marttiiolli tho apostolic delegate
Thero is more catarrh iu this scclton
of tho country than all other diseases
put togothor and until tho last fow
years was supposed to bo inournblo
For a great many years doctors pro
nouucod it a local disoaso and pro
scribed local romodies and by constantly
falling to euro with local treatniunt
pronounced it incurable Scionco has
proven catarrh to be n constitutional
tlisetiBo and thoroforo requires ronstltu
tioiml treatmont Halls Catarrh Ouro
niunufaoturod by F J Chonoy Co
Toledo Ohio is tho only constitutional
euro on tho markot It is tukou inter
nally in doflos from 10 drops to a tea
spoonful It nets directly on tho blood
and inncous surfaces of tho systom
Thoy offer one hundred dollars for any
case it falls to euro Sond for circulars
and testimonials Address
F J Chkney Co Toledo O
Sold by druggist 75c
Halls family pills aro tho bost
To Curs Conntlpatlon Forever
Talto Cascurots Caiuly Catlmrtlc 10c or 23c
If O C C tail to cure uruKKlsts rotund money
Trimtnon Salo ofltonl KMntn
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order mado on tho 0th day of
March by tho Hon E P Weatherby
roforoo iu bankruptcy of tho district
court of tho United States in and for tho
district of Nobraska I will sell at public
auction to tho highest bidder for cash
on tho 7th day of April 1000 at 300
oclock p in on said day in front of
Leonards drug store iu tho city of Nor
folk In Madison county Nebraska tho
following described real estate belrng
iug to the estate of Herman Tillenburg
bankrupt to wit Lot 0 iu block 1
Bear Mathowsous addition to Nor
folk Nebraska a ouo half Interest hi
lots 1 1 15 aud 15 of Wards suburban
lots to Norfolk Nobraska now platted
as Bob Flemings subdivision lot li iu
block 1 ot Gardner Brnaschs addi
tion to Norfolk Nobrnska and lots 7
nud 8 block 1 iu Collamers addition to
Norfolk Nebraska nil in Madison
county Nobraska
Said salo will remain open for one
Dated March 0 1000
AiirnlR O Hazen
Medical Offices J s
308 N Y Life Building
3615 North 241b St - OMAHA NEB
-A I 1-
All Chronic Diseases Treated
By Modern Successful Methods
TREAT Catarrh in all its
WE forms Affections of the Nose
Throat Ears deafness Bron
chial Tubes and Lungs Stomach
Liver Bowels Kidneys Bladder
Womb Hay Fever Asthma Rheu
matism Neuralgia Paralysis and
other seated ailments which the fam
ily physician has not the facilities to
thoroughly care for and treat Se
lected Surgical and Confinement Cases
will also be received
moots tlio nctunl needs of each caso and
Includes nroidlit and medical atten
tion 1 taths in nil forms electric electro
thermal and saline Electricity In every
form Ozone inhalations In catarrhal anil
bronchial ailments medical nnd surgical
caro of women chemical and microscopi
cal tests in atfections of tho lungs and
kidneys lavnge and test feedliiBs In
summon mscaes eic v uay uppuruiua
for diagnosis in obscure cases
Offices In the New York Llfo Hulldlnfr
Rooms 301-7-8 will bo continued as for
merly wheru consultation aud otllca
reatment yill bo given All patients In
city or countiy should coma to the of
lice Hours 9 to 4 dally evenings
Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only 7 to 8
Sunday IJ to 1
Those who are not seriously HI or whi
cannot spate time to como to tho Sani
tarium may ho treated bv correspondence
with oxcellout results Wo have treated
over six thousand people by mall during
tlm past eight years Send for full ques
tlou lists and diagnosis sheets Also foi
BPfclil literature pertaining to your casa
Catarrh Asthma Bronchitis Deafness
Dyspepsia Jlhoumatlsm Malaria Nep
vous Diseases lllood Diseases Skin Dis
eases Kemalo Dlt enses aud other cura
ble chronic aliments treated succssfull
by mall
Address all letters lo DRS SHEP
life lildg Omaha Neb
On Tuesday April 24
Dr SUepard will bo ut tho
Pacific Hotel Norfolk
for a freo coimiltntion nud exaniiuation
of patients His object in making this
visit is to meet his patients who Hud it
iniDOSfeible to como to Omaha and nlso
to meet any now people desiring to con
suit him in regard to the Suuitiirium or
llouie Treatmeut
Street Hats and Sailors i
Misses Caps and Tarns I
I Childrens Mull Hoods
1 and Tarns
s and Uie Grout Showing of
1 Trimmed Hats
siill continues at
J5x3xx5t 5 5 IkJJkjxJ xjSxS3k
G EAiir
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Bay and soil oichango on this country and all parts ot Enropo
Directors Cabi Asmcs W H Joiinson Chas S Bridge C
Swank 0 A Luikabt T F Mkmmingeb L Sessions
Tried Them
Exclusive agent ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all slzeB TELEPHONE 01
i SEE -
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
G A LXJIKABT President
OKAS S I3RIDGE Vice President
The Citizens National Bank
Farm Loans
W Bbaascu
O 11
vt A d 1 rvnnrT Dny4A
1 W U
uuiiiuLi uaanier
ZOTZ Aeaistant Cashier
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sella Exohange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transaoted
Railroad and Business Directory
IS 2 1 Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Oimilm Passenger
ChiciiKo Exprebs
ChiciiKi Express
Oniulm Iasstngor
Black Hills rzproes
MordiKro Iliseenger
1210 1 m
7i0 p m
1210 p m
710 nm
VonliBro AccommoJatioa 900am
Mack Hills Kjpross 1220 pm
VorttiKro lRSBOiigor 805am
Vonlicro Accommodation 720 ii m
Thn Chicago anil Mack Hills Express arrives
anil departs from Junction depot Tlie Omalia
and VordiBro trains arrivo and depart from city
depot H O Matuad Atont
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation 8 3 p m
Omaha Denver aud Pacltic Coast 1100 a m
Columbus Aco mmodation 1080pm
Omaha trcuver aud Pacltic coast 900pm
Connects at Norfolk with F K M V Koin
west and north and with tho 0 Bt P M O
for poiuta north aud oast
F W Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Passonger
Sioux Clt Passenger
w ST
Shun City Passenger
Bioux City and Oinaiu Passenger
II M a in
100 pm
103iii m
7 30 p in
Connects at Norfolk with F E M V goiug
west and north aud with the U P for points
south F W Juneman Agent
lla7 except Sunday
Fine Watch
Spenser Oielman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Cheapest and Dest
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Cor 4th St and Ilraasch Ave