The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 05, 1900, Image 1

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i f V
The Norfolk Weekly News
Boers Are Trying to Surround
lloberta li Concentrating Ills Form nml
IlncltiR Himself on tho Dttfeniilvn
Burghers Still HoIiIIiir tho Wnterwurk
ThlrtyTwo ltrltlih Ofllrcri Iot
Blokmfoktkin April 5 Thcro aro
numerous indications tlint in nursunuco
of tlfclr boast that thoy will recapturo
Hl2toln the Koors aro trying to
surround tho town and to cut our lino
of communication to the fcouth Largo
forces aro reported cast and south which
are supposed to bo mnkiiig for tho rail
way They still hold Thaba NOhu and
tho water works
Lord Roberts is completing his con
centration Four 47 guna and four
naval la pounders liavo boon mounted
on kopjes commanding tho plain
Several arrests have boon mado in tho
town of persons suspected of giving in
formation to tho Boers Tho railway to
tho north is in tho possession of tho
British bb far as Karoo Siding
Tho Boers aro across tho river in some
forco east of Bloomfontein Our infan
try has been in touch with thorn at
Bushman kop
Situation at llloemfuuteln Mjntirylng
nml Interesting
London April fi It looks today as
though tho Boors had conceived tho au
dacious plan of attempting to invest
Lord Roberts at Bloemfontein or at
least to endeavor to delay his north
ward advance by harassing the British
lines of communication On his side
Lord Roberts is concentrating his forces
and preparing to take every advantuge
of tho bold but risky tactics of the
enemy Ho is not likoly to striko
at auy of their forces nntil he is certain
of dealing a crushing blow The situa
tion in the absence of any official dis
patch from Lord Roberts is both mysti
fying and interesting
There is little doubt that Lord Rob
erts is hampered by tho necessity of re
mounts and the loss of tho guns and
Colonel Broad woods baggage wa a so
rious matter The Boors aro now act
ing on what they believe to bo their su
perior mobility Tho special corre
spondents at tho front aro now denounc
ing Lord Roberts policy of leniency to
ward tho Free Staters and aro calling
for the abandonment of that policy A
bpocial dispatch announces Mafeking
was still safe on March 27
Tho Daily Mail has the following
from Bloomfontein dated April 3 Col
onel Porter with 00 Carbineers and
Scots Grays and two guns performed a
brilliant deed Sunday Ho charged a
largo body of Boers and rescued ninety
odd British prisoners including 11 oili
cers who weio captured the previous
day There were no casualties on tho
British side
Giceteil by Hugo Crouds niul Warmly
Welcomed nt Dublin
Euhun April 5 Queen Victora
landed in Ireland yesterday for the fn st
time in iJ years
The disembarkation from the royal
yacht was accomplished at lliO The
commander of tho forces in Ireland
the duke of Connaught tho lord lieu
tenant Earl Cadogan and thoir staffs
greeted her majesty and tho rido from
Kingstown to Dublin commenced in
splendid weather and before huge and
good natured crowds
At tho entianco to tho city sho re
ceived an address of welcome and hand
ed tho lord mayor a reply Tho lollow
ing is her majestys reply
I thank you heartily for tho loyal
welcome and good washes which you
have tendered mo on behalf of yourself
and your follow citizons on my arrival
in tho ancient capital of my Irish do
minion I camo to this fair country to
geek a change and rost and to revisit
scenes which recall to my mind tho
warm welcome given to both myself
and my beloved husband I am deeply
gratified that I havo been able at this
time to seo again the motherland of
thoso bravo sous who havo recently dis
tinguished themselves in the defense of
my crown and empiro with cheerful
valor as conspicuous now as ever in
thoir glorious past
Queon Victoria was received with tho
enthusiasm which marked her recent
appearance in London and well nigh
eclipsed the vaunted glories of tho jubi
lee Tho lord lieutenant has been taken
at his word nnd tho wholo country has
urisen superior to political sentiment
Tho queen appeared to bo much af
fected by tho warmth of hor wolcomo
Tho national papers announce that no
political significance can bo attached to
tho queens visit to Irelands capital
The most optimistic loyalists expressed
themselves surprised at tho warmth of
the greeting
Tho counter demonstration emanat
ing from tho Irish Transvaal committee
proved a fiasco A few huudred men
and boys started with torches but the
latter wero quickly confiscated by tho
police Minus their omblems the pro
cession proceeded but it was soon lost
amid the crowd of sightboeru who
blocked tho streets
Nobrmtka Soldier Dead
Fullkktok Neb April 5 Chester
A Adams died at his fathers home in
this city yesterday of chronic diarrhoea
contracted while in the army in tho
i Philippines Young Adams was among
the youugest members of company B
First Nebraska
Itcrolvr Mnny Onr of Support In TU
Karn for tlia lrrtlunr3
Washington April C Admiral
Dowoy expressed himself as very much
gratified over tho maunor in which his
announcement to bo a candidate for tho
presidency has been rocoived by his
friends His manner llkowivo indicated
that fact as ho chatted with a reportor
for tho Associated Press nt his homo
last evening Many telegrams havo
como to him particularly from tho
south and some also from tho far wost
indorsing his course and stntiug that ho
will rocoivo tho suppoit of tho signers
in tho campaign which ho will mako
Tho admiral was in excollont humor
and talked interestedly in connection
with his proposed candidacy though
concerning most questions asked him ho
rcqucstod that nothing bo said at this
tituo as in due timo ho would mako a
statement to tho public
Much commont has been indulged in
by tho public as to which of tho two
groat political parties tho admiral will
ally himself with and Irom whom ho
expects to receivo tho nomination Tt
questions bearing on this subject ho de
clares that he prefers not to mako any
btatement at this timo To thoso who
havo talked with hiiui privately on tho
bubject however and who aro fully
acquainted with his views it is evident
that he docs not expect tho nomination
to come from the Republican party
Tho admiral his friends fay has vory
decided viows on tho question of expan
sion on that of a tariff for Porto Rico
and others of great public interest but
ho declined politely to iudicato them on
tho plea that this is not tho proper timo
for that
Hotli Purlins In Kentucky Careful to
Avoid Any Occasion
Louisville April 5 Tho likelihood
of a clash between tho rival btate ad
ministrations boforo a final decision of
the contest cases by tho courts is bo
lieved to bo small While overy move
of tho rcspectivo military establish
ments givos rise to a flood of warliko
rumors the men in control of thoso
movements in tho interest of public
order and of tho causes thoy represent
will not allow matters to take a serious
turn if they can prevent it A decision
from the court ot appeals is expected
within a few days but i0 days must
clapso after tho decision is rendered be
fore tho mandato of tho court is issued
Because of this fact and tho prospective
appeal to tho United States supremo
court if the Republicans aro beaten a
final settlement is still far off
Governor Taylor is still at his home
in Uutlor county and there is no indica
tion of his early return to Frankfort
Tho Franklin county grand jury in
its investigation of tho Goobol assassin
ation has gotten no further than the
determination of tho naturo of Goebels
wound and tho direction fioni wjhich
the shot came Testimony relating to
tho alleged conspiracy may bo reached
today Silas Jones tho Whitley county
suspect will be tho first witness on this
line of evidence
Differences Continue to Crop Out In the
doner ilAluno Invextiiitlou
Washington April 5 Tho cross
examination of Frederic Burbridge
manager of tho Bunker Hill jnino was
continued in the Couer dAlene investi
gation yesterday There wero frequent
animated controversies between mem
bers of tho committee Ono of these
occurred over the authority of Mr
Crosthwaite one of tho privato counsel
to appear Ho denied that ho repre
sented tho Bunker Hill mino or
General Merriam nnd said ho
was retained and paid by Gov
ernor Steuneuberg Representatives
Hay and Dick also joined issues over
the extent of tho inquiry Mr Hay con
tending that it was being curtailed to
tho prejudice of thoso making the
charges while Mr Dick insisted that
some limitation was essential in order
to get through
When questioned as to whether tho
Standard Oil company held any interest
in tho Bunker Hill mine tho witness
said ho had been informed by the presi
dent of tho Bunker Hill company that
the Standard Oil company had no in
terest in tho mine
Kxpect DecUlon Soon
Louisviux April 4 A decision in
tho govemoiship case is expocted in tho
couit of appeals within a day or so At
tho conclubiou of tho argument last
night tho case was takon under advise
ment and tho judges aro now consider
ing tho points involved
Herr Geissler first vice consul of
Germany at Naples has beon appointed
consul at Now York
Firo Wednesday night destroyed the
entire business portion of Ravenna
Mich Tho loss will oxceed 200000
Charles H Pepper who was lately
proffered tho position of secretary of tho
Philippine commission has declined tho
Hon E H Moore aged 88 has died
at his homo at Athens O He was a
former congressman from tho Fifteenth
Ohio district
W O Wntrous was Wednesday ap
pointed superintendent of transporta
tion of tho Missouri Pacific and Iron
Mountain railroad with headquarters
m St Louis
Stockholders of tho Chicago and Al
ton Railroad company Tuesday ratified
a proposition of tho board of directors
to reorganise the company with an in
creased capital stock
Lieutouant Colouol William P Hall
has been relieved from duty on tho
staff of General Davis in Porto Rico and
ordered to Chicago as adjutant general
of the Department of the Lakes
Attempt Made at Brussels to
Take Princes Life
AnthcTmln I IraTlnif Slnllon n Youth
ful AnnrchUt llre Two Hint hut III
Itojnl lIlgliurM Ik No Tolichctl 1 the
lllilliitii Aitnllnnt Ik Arretted
Batssms April fl As tho train was
leaving tho northern station for tho
southern railroad station an individual
llrexl a revolver at tho Prince of Wales
but mlsed his royal highness
The attempt upon tho life of tho
prince ocouned at i15 p m The
would bo assassin jumped upon tho
footboard of tho princos saloon car as
tho train was starting and fired into the
car aiming nt tho Prince of Wales
Tho man was immediately anested
The would bo assassin is a tinsmith
named Sipulo 10 yeais of age HiH
pockets weio found to be full of anarch
istic literature
Ho lired two shots at tho pi nice Tho
Princess of Wales and others wero iu
tho car but no ono was touch ed
Hearing the shots tho station ninster
rushed to the scene and knocked down
rnixcn or walks
tho would bo assassins arm as he pre
pared to fire a third shot and a number
of poisons threw themselves on the
princos assailant
In the confusion a second man who
was quite innocent was seized roughly
handled and beaten
After tho Princo of Wales had ascer
tained that the man who fired the shots
had been arrested he declared himself
and th princess uninjured and the
train starred
Intense excitement p rovailed for the
moment as it was fcaied the prince had
been hit tho shots having been fired
almost point blank Tho railway car
riago door was hastily thrown open and
gicat relief was felt when the prune
himself appealed at the window un
Both the prince and princess how
ever had a very narrow escape The
policeman on duty took Sipido in
charge Tho latter appeared proud ot
his exploit and seemed quite calm
Sipido told the authorities that he lhed
on tho Rue de hi Forgo at St Gille
two miles south of Brussels
When examined by tho station otli
cials Sipido declared he intended to kill
the Prince of Wales that ho did not
regret his action and was ready to do n
again if given a ciance
Sipido subsequently said ho wanted
to kill the pi nice because he caused
thousands of men to bo slaughtered in
South Africa
Atlemleil a 1io lloer Meeting
Tho police ascertained that on tho
previous evening Sipido had attended a
meeting at a local theater in favor ol
tho Boers Several of tho speakers had
advised thoso present to mako a demon
stration in such a way that tho Prince
of Wales in passing through Brussels
could no longer bo mistaken with re
spect to tho sympathies of tho Belgians
or doubt that they wereoverwheliningly
in favor of tho Boers Ut is supposed
that these utterancos influenced Sipido
who is a sickly and im pressionabk
youth A great crowd rapidly assem
bled at the railway tho news having
spread very rapidly Cheers were
raised when it was learned that the
princo was not hurt
King Loopld also wired Queen V icto
ria at Dublin a reassuranco that the
princo was safe and an expression of
his deep regret at tho attempt
Denounce the Attempt
Most of the papers express abhorrence
of tho crimo and thankfulness that the
prince escaped Thoy also hopo as the
Courier do Bruzolles says that England
will not cast upon tho Belgian peoplo
tho responsibility for a boys miserable
Ki Gazette says Tho wholo Bol
gian people will reprove an act of folly
as odious as it is un justifiable against
tho hoir to tho throne of a friendly na
tion which has rendered so many serv
ices to Belgium
AiHIrei From Mufrklni
London April 5 A dispatch to the
Daily Mail from Mafeking dated March
25 say b Last night mo recoived tho
welcome news of tho dispatch of n col
ninn by way of Vryburg to relievo us
The messenger reported that ho had en
countered no Boers on tho road Other
runners from tho jiorth tell of tho rapid
approach of Colonel Plumers column
Tho Boers continue the bombardment
but it is believed now that thero are not
more than 2000 around us mauv hav
ing left daily
Trying to Cut Itoberls Off
Sphinqfontein April 4 Owing to
information that the Hoots are hovering
in the neighborhood of the railroad run
ning from this place to Hloenifontolii
Grneinl Giitacre is propaiing to takf
vigoious mensutcs to cope with any at
tempt to cut olt Loid Robeits liuu of
communication at that point
Olio Woinnn fill nml limited In
Vrik nt Silver City In
Piivhu Citv In Apiilfi The north
bound passenger train on tho Omaha
and St Uiuis jumped the track about
half a mile south of town yesterday
but although the whole train wont into
the ditch only two passengers wtro ser
iously injnied Tho rear coach first
left the track and alter running about
200 j aids turned over and took every
thing else willi it except tho engine and
All of the cars tinned over on their
Ides anil all the passengers weio se
veiely nan ken up An eldeily lady from
Imogene was badly cut and biuised and
was the most severely injuied of any of
tho passongeis
The injuieil are
Mrs I h SUiihlll of Imngvue Ta seil
oiisly Injuied
Mis I liiniwis Keiiiaii ot Imogene Iu
surlinislj liijiitcd
Postal Cleik S Kttinger bruised
Postal Inks Cooper and Hauls
Mr McKceof Maryvillu Mo hand cut
and other injiiiles
The cause oi the accident is unknown
It Doc lined on a piece of straight track
and the train was not running fast be
ing on tune Tho damage will not bo
heavy the train having come nearly to
a standstill bo tore turning over The
cars are not badly bioken lint shattered
glass was tin own in all directions
Iloth IIiiuhi of I nun l yUlatnre Ircpnro
foi Cloning
Dis MoiMs April 5 Both houses
of the legislature made good progress in
winding up the affairs of the session
The house completed the consideration
of all tho appropriation bills except the
omnibus bill passing tho two bulky ap
propiiations lor the state board of con
trol and the state educational institu
tions The former earned with it tho
suinoffTiVint Maud tho hit tor M1 800
The c quil Mitlrago bill wa defeated
In tho senate Wednesday It was put
ton vote without discussion and its
friends had little hopes of its p issage at
the tune It has already been defeated
by the house Tho vote Wednesday
was 21 yias and 21 nays lacking two of
a constitutional majouty
A compromise bill for the five mile
limit measuio defeated by tho house
Tuesday passed that body yesterday It
embodies tho heart of nn nuiciidiuonV
offered by Byeis to tho five mile limit
bill Tut tduy proposing a heavy pen
alty for selling or giving liquor to stu
dents at tho stale educational institu
tions Thoiesolution is concurrent and
will go bofnio tho senate if tho sifting
committee decides to allow it
1 hlltj Tuo lllleeiH Lout
London Apnl A luither list of
the casualties sustained by the British
officers at Koom spruit March 11 adils
11 missing and one wounded making
the total thus far ii
Council Cnnuot Stop Suplio
Dis Moinkk April 5 At tho meet
ing of the council this morning tho
county solicitor reported that tho coun
cil had no authority to interfere with
the proposed performance of Sapho
in this city and tin Mayor Hartn
bower is alone responsible for the en
forcement of tho laws This was a
welcome relief from the responsibility
and tho council unanimously adopted
the report The mayor and chief of
police will attend and represent tho
county officially
ICIver Steamer Sinks
Rising SlN Ind April C Tho
steamer Henry M Stanley struck a tow
boat at 2I0 this morning and went to
tho bottom No lives were lost The
accident was caused by a high wind
Smallpox has appeared on tho No
Perces Indian reservation in Idaho
Tho Republicans of tho Sixteenth
Ohio district renominated Hon J J
Gill for congress
Dr W Wovor German consul at Rio
Janeiro has been appointed consul ol
Germany at Chicago
Tho Ohio senate Wednesday passed
tho Toledo centennial bill after cutting
the appropriation from 1000000 to
Mr and Mrs Hurst tho parents of
Joseph Hurst who was hanged at Glen
dive Mon Friday emphatically deny
that their sou mado a confession before
his death
Tho Republican senators who visited
tho White house Wednesday wero con
gratulated by tho president on tho ao
tiou ot tho senate in passing the Poiti
Rican taritr bill
Tho executive committee of tho bnrenr
of American republics held a meeting
Wednesday for the purpose of initiat
ing formally the movement for tho sec
ond Pan American cougress to bo held
in Washiugtou beginning on tho 17th
iust and closing on tho lJth
General John Bidwell tho Prohi
bition candidate for presidont in 1893
died at his homo near Chico Cat
Wednesday from heart failure He
leaves an estnto valued at 11000000
Admiral Gooigo Dowey confirmed tho
interview published in the New York
World to tho olract that ho will accopt
tho presidency of the United States
should tho American people desire him
to fill that office
Recent dispatches from Chile say that
considerable alarm exists iu official cir
cles there regarding tho relations be
tween Pern Bolivia and Chile and it is
believed Argentina is urging on Peru
and Bolivia to attack ChiU
Kansas City Convention Hall
Is Burned Down
Clitll ell H liool mill llenlileiu en In Ituhi
Iluin Mnile li Column liil lull In Ite
bnlhl Cum enl Ion Hull In lime lor Hie
Irinoiirntle Niitlomil Moling
Kssah Cnv April fi - on vent Ion
hall Kansas Citys piido whetein tho
Peuioeiatie uatiotal convention was to
havo been held on July 1 was laid in
ruins In less than 10 minutes yesteiday
afternoon fiom ho that stinted in an
unknown soiuce at I oclock The fire
burned with such fuiy that it was evi
dent almost ftoui the stall that tho
si met in o was doomed and the lliomen
soon turned then attention to saving
suiioiiiiding piopeity
A stitl biccn was blowing and before
the file was subdued at 2 lo oclock the
Second Piesbyteiiau church one ol tho
finest edifices in the city the chinch
piisonage the Lathiop public school
all situated acioss the way on Vntial
Htrcct and a half block of ll story flat
buildings on Twelfth slieet weie ren
dered a total loss Scwinl residences
were damaged to a greater or less de
gree nnd tor a time it was feared that
several blocks ol buildings in tho resi
dence district would go
The aggregate loss is 100000 appor
tioned as follows Convention hall 2115
000 insurance 55000 church fiO
000 insuied parsonage f 15000 insured
school 15000 insured lor iM IOOVill
iutiison block Twelfth street 00000
insurance 15000
Hull Will ltd Helmut
Plans ate on foot to rebuild Conven
tion hall immediately and make it ready
for the Democratic convention iu July
While the fire was still in progress
members of the Commercial club
thiough whose eflorts tho hall was con
ceived and limit mingled in the crowds
of spectator and liegan soliciting funds
for a new bt incline securing 25000
and Secictaiy E M domiciling of tho
club called a mass meeting of eitiens
for tonight to douse ways and means of
raising an additional 5000 The
hall association has i lOOOO in the bank
and will have the 155 000 insurance
for immediate use the insurance com
panies having ssiitaneouslj agreed to
waive the CO day hunt and make settle
ment on demand The Kansas City
Lumber company that furnished four
fifths ol the lumber for tho old building
Jii agreed to dupllato thoir ydT i t
once at the rate in existence tvo yet
ago and tho Minneapolis firm that
furnished tho steel girders for the im
mense ioof have been telegraphed to
duplicate their order
The lire started just above the boiler
room in tho noitheast corner of the
building on the alley where some
pluiubeis had lien at work There was
no file in the i in mice and the supposi
tionisthat tin blae started from a
spirit lamp or by ono of tho plumbers
crossing an electric light wire A still
alarm was first turned m By the time
the fiist engine arrived 10 minutes
later the wholo building was a mass of
flaunt Tho entire structure covering
half a block each way on Thirteenth
and Central streets was turned into a
furnace of firo before a second alarm
could be sounded and iu less than half
an hour tho roof upheld by massive
steel gliders that spanned its 200 feet of
breadth fell with a crasli that sent
showers of burning embers in every di
rection and drovo the firemen across
tho street The brick Corinthian col
umns lining tho building along the
facades on Thirteenth and Central
streets tottered a few minutes and fell
outward and tho hall was a complete
wreck tho work of but 11 minutes
Ilniiiea Tlireiitttn Kmldenco DUtrlct
Flying embers started blazes in a
down different residences within a ra
dius of two blocks and fanned by a stilf
breeze and aided by a low water pres
sure threatened a general conflagra
tion Tho fire which was finally got
ten under control at 210 proved one of
the quickest and most dangerous ex
perienced iu KmiMiH City for many
Convention hall had been classed by
travelers as one of the largest and most
perfectly constructed auditoriums in
tho world Tho building was erected
in 1858 at a cost of 2J5000 which was
raised entirely by public subscription
Tho building was of bridgo construc
tion without a column tho roof being
supported by great steel girdors Tho
total seating capacity was nearly 20000
ami with standing room tho building
was capable of holding more than 22000
people Tho building had no stairways
tho upper 6eatings being reached by
means of inclined planes
Sheldon for Irealdrnt
Des Moines April 4 j United
Christian party having been bom in
Dos Moines it is but fitting that its first
nominee for tho presidency bo suggested
from this city Tho leaders of tho party
hero havo suggested Row Charles M
Sholdon of Topeka as tho partys leader
for this years campaign and thoy aro
quietly organizing in tho hopo of being
ablo to induce him to run
Attorney Atlmut li DMiarreil
Fokt Dowie April 4 Judge Cas
well pronounced souUmco on Attorney
J Piatt Adams on trial for disbarment
suspending him from practice for one
year Adams was charged with manu
facturing testimony perjury and intim
idating the trial attracting itate atten
AllornejH ai I aw
- I M I IjU
At Pierre ICery Mou In
Miistilncl Not folk Neb
lloincoimtliif riislclnn mid Surgeon
Olliio ilueiiM Niitioiiiil I In nit lltilMlnjr
Teleiilioiiii lilt
Kiiiiitiiiiiini niul Hi Milciicc Mil In ninl Killi SlJ
I iilililiiinii tl
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Ml Ninth Mil Stint Nolfoll Nnlir
Will lie iu MiitliHin IiiihIii uuil Illllny ft
I urli i i k
Olllre oei CltlriMiii Niilloniil llnnl Id Milmirn
i iiiii liloi li ninth of I nnitl ll iuiinl i liiinli
1iisliloniilile DrcNMiinkcr
li in t otlon lilork inn llnumr htnnr
I in 1 iIiihh win l tliiinihli i it
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
AtloruejH ut lain
Ilooine III II nml 11 Miiht hloik
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
liiIertlers nml InilinliticrF
NtMiuiF llll Norfolk A
Norfolk Nebraska
- - -
Allernej at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wigton
Block Norfolk
M R S J 1 1 1 1 U J
Facial Treatment
Manicuring and Shampoo
ill kIiiiIIj cull nt onr Iioiik k niul ilo nny nf
tint- wink OnlcrH taken tor fine hnii bUlUliOh
Ii if i cl tout li Kiiiirimti i il Id Milencn on I irsl
Mil ut linn linn OriliTh may ln led nt Uui
lillittuili IniK Stun I elt phono o I I
viun you want a ooi
W 0 Halls Barter Shop
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Sale and
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold o
Braasch Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Everybody wants the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Shin I tnfiNeiet
iu tk City