Is 8 ssjpjpss SVASNV V An attack was latoly mado on G V Collier of Ghorokeo Iowa that nearly proved fatal It caino through his Icitl uoys His back got bo latno ho could not stoop without great pain nor sit in n chair excopt propped by cushions No remedy helped him until ho tried Eleo trio Bitters which effected such a won derful change that he writes ho feels like a now nwn This marvelous medicine- cures ba kioho and kidney trouble purifies tho blood and builds up your health Only f0 cents at Kiesaa Drug compauys drug store Men can bo cured privately ami posi tively at homo of all weakness and dis ease Write for now free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Blook Sioux City la OASTOHXA eari jh 1 ha Kind You Have Always Bought He Fooled tile Snrtfmnin All doctors told Iteniok Hauillton of West Joirerson O after suffering 18 months from rectal tlstula he would dio unless a costly operation was per formed but ho cured himself with Bucklens Arnica salvo tho best in the world Surest pile euro on earth 25 cents a box at Klesau Drug companys drug store CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always taught Bears the 8ignature of Zf WhHt Your Ituu Worth Sometimos a fortune but uovor if yon have a sallow compiexiou a jaun diced look moth patches and blotches on the skin all sign9 of liver trouble Bat Dr Kings New Life pills give clear skin rosy cheeks rich compiexiou Only 25 cents at Kiesau Drug companys drug store Denut la Ulood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body Uegin today to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c Dont Tobacco Spit mil bincko lour Lire Auny To quit tobacco easily ami forever be mag Dtllc full of life nerve and vlfor talie No-To-Boo be wonder lvorlier that makes weak men strong Ml dmetlsu Moor II Cure guaran teed Uoolilet and sample tree Address PsrllBg Kemedy Ca Chicago rr New York UKE A FLASH of iiKlitniiij aiddtu ami tnrt1in liM nsc strikes low ii many man Vet there have been warnings hjhhi warnings mi lii Lilctt bond lias lain like a heavy tnht ill tin stoinnch a ft it eating Tluie have been hLloliinjjH hitter iimiui in the iiiDiith nervousness HeepesMioyiuiid towin initahility Instead of listening lo these warn ings Htouin hi been had to some of the nerve mimlriiiK palliatives that cover but never enie disease IMnny mtIimih diseases heidn in n diseased eondittou of the Mo mch and organs of diges un and nnAion The slonaeh is really the vital center of jTiys cnl life It furnishes the blood which nourishes the whole laxly in bran as well ns brawn When the stomach is weak it it not equal to the work of minnlyiiiK tin- IiUkkI upon which depends the strength and vigor or the body Without this es cntinl blood supply the body weakens in all its organs The condition of the Innly when the blood strean runs low i Hie same as that Of the mill wliell tile mill stream runs unv tic not enough lxiwcr to do the work The heart feels the lack of power the brain feels it so do the lungs nerves liver and all the vital organs Dr Tierces fSoltlen Medical Discovery cuies the weak stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition increases the activity of the blood making glands and pours a tide of pure blood along the arteries and veins which iiouiishea every oigan into strength It is the great stomach strengthening nctvc iiourishitig lung healing uniscle liiakiug leiiiedy of the age It eontaiim no alcohol and Is free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics Dootora Dleagvoo About ten veurs mm I beKtuI lo have ttouhle with my stomach write Ml Win Connolly of S1S Walnut Stieet Lorain Ohio It Rot m bad that I had to lay on quite often two and llnce days hi a week I liave been Healed bv the best doetois in this city but eot no help Some said 1 had cancer of the stomach otluis eatnrth otlieis dyspepsia Then I wrote to you for advice You advised the use of vour olden Medical Piicnveiy and llcataiit ldlets These niidieines I have taken as dittrteil I eoniiiieni rd lo net beltei from the Mint and have not lost a lay this siimmei on account of my siomich 1 feel lip top null better than 1 have fin ten yeais Keep tho bowels healthy by using Dr Percos Pleasant Pel lets They dont gripa Tfaay are easy to take and sure to cure If tlio iit KIIh YYimr It If your aro HiitVering from t ho eonso ciuohcoh of impure blood lmvo IhiHh pimplos or scrofula sores if your food does not digost or yon mitlor front ca tarrh or rhounmtiHin you uro tho ono who should talco Hoods Snrsiiparilln It will lit your cnHu exactly ninko your hloMl pnro iintl euro salt rliuuin scrofu la rheumatism dyspepsia catarrh and give you porfeut health HoodH pills ouro all livor ills ritatlug Itiiuluir Hunts it llohbiir T K Garrison cashier of tho bank of Thomvillo Ohio had boon robbed of health by- n serious lung trouble until ho tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for consumption Thou ho wrote It is tho best medicine I over used for a v Hovoro cold or a bad oaso of lung trouble always keop a bottlo on hand Dont Buffor with coughs colds or any throat chost or lungtronhlo when you can ho cured so easily Only 50 emits and 1 00 Trial bottles freo at Klesau Drug com panys drug store Hum Am Your Kidney f Dr IIolilisHimrnKUs lMUftCiirnll klilney Ills Sum- plo IriO Ailil hlurllnil luuieuytoiuicuKouri A incnillMli AttneU Try nniln O I Try Orulti O I Ask your grooor to show you a pack ago of Orain O tho now food drink that takes the placo of eolleo Tho children may drink it without injury as well as tho adult All who try it like it iriiin 0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is mado from pure grains and tho most delicate stomach receives it without distress tho prico of coffee 15c and 2fio per package Bold by all grocers Its uovor still a minute Works with all its might Makes people well ami happy Kooky Mountain Tea taken at night Ask your druggist Tills Is Your Opportunity On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps a generous wimple will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curt Elys Cream Halm sufficient to tlomou btrato tho groat inei its of the remedy ELY MtOTHEKS CO Warren St New Yoik City Itov John It o id Jr of Gront Falls Mont rocomiiioiuled Llya Cream Italin to mo 1 can omplmsie his stntenirnt Hisaposi tivo cure for catarrh if iwed as directed Itov Francis V loole lustor Central Pros Church Helena Mont Elys Cream Balm in tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and contains no mercury lior any injurious dru Price 50 cents Whats in a naineV Everything when you coino to medicine When you got Hoods Sarsaparilla you got tho best nionoy can buy Ovor worked men dolicato women sickly children will find perfect health in Kooky Mountain Tea Works won ders whilo you sleep 15 cents Ask your druggist To Cure CuiiHtlputloti lrorevr TaUo Oisi iirets Candy Catlmulc 10c orJSo It C C C full to cure ilrmtKlsts rifuiul money ISilurnto Your llownln With Citarnrets Candy Cntliimle cure coiiHtipulloa forever OciSc If C C C fall ilrUKKlsts refund money Flug uglj Doiit use powdor paint j or arsenic Kuins your complexion Take Kocky Mountain Tea will niako lovely color lino form Ask jour drug gist BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you havent a regular healthy movoioniit Of tho howi a overy luy youru blck or will ho Keep your toel upon ami ho well Force In thothapoof violent phytic or pill ilbon u iIuiikitous Tho jiuootheht enbkibt uioot perfect way of keeplnii the howels clear uml clean Is to tuko CANDY TRADt MAMN aMItTtRIO Pleasant ralntaulc Potent Tame Good Do Good Never blcken Weaken or irlpe 10c We Wrlto for freo tample anil Uoklet on health Addrets Bttrllor lUurdy OMpt lblci Hoilrcil Hw Yerk 52J KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN THE North Western LINE p E M V R R Is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MAHCII 20 1900 TUB ORIGIN OF TBA AN INTEHE3TINQ FLOWERY LEGEND OF THE KINGDOM Tilt Myth of Irlnrr Durniiila Ainpti tntcil CjrlliU Irom Which Hprnnic tin- IIiiiiI Thnt 11 in Vn the Cup Ill Chccm hut IXM nnt Inchrlntc In the youthful years of the nine teenth century the proposal woh made seriously but npparuntly not entertain ed seriously to make tho tea plant the nittlonnl Mower of the United States And why Hecnuse the ndvocntofl of tea urged Hint It wna the emblem of resolution ami by some roundabout mental process they nrgtied that tho resolution displayed by strong tea was emblematical of the agency of ten in molding the destinies of the American people- at the celebrated Huston tea party Ah a mntter of fact tea Is much more popular now In the United States than It wns when the whimsical proposition was made Ve nre not yet like the Kugllsli a nation of tea drinkers but tea la now on every restaurant bill of fare real tea nml not pale yellow wa ter Most housewives know how to make it and afternoon tea Is an estab lished Institution IVW persons know the Chinese myth of tho origin of tea A Chinese histo rian to whom as no nas ueen lend iur many thousands of moons and hun dred 8 of years a grateful acknowledg ment of Indebtedness Is hereby made tells the story He miys that In the early part of the sixth century Prince Darmnl the sou of an Indian king lauded In the Celestial empire Darinil was a missionary Lie took the utmost pains to spread throughout China a knowledge of the Hindoo god mid of the most remarkable of the Hindoo true religions thnt which In re cent years enlisted the sympathies and sometimes the active championship of Sir Kdwln Arnold nml other thinking men This missionary prince must have met with success for nil China men nre not followers of Confucius a great many of them nre Huddhlsts Prince Darmal to stimulate others by what ho thought a good example subjected himself to privations 6f ev ery kind He spent the greater part of his time In the open nlr lie prayed frequently and lie often performed long fasts In one of his fasts he vow ed thnt ho would keep awake but the Mesh overcame the spirit and ho fell asleep When he awoke ho was still drowsy but he roused himself by a desperate effort and determined to make amends for his violation of his oath of wakefulness ho cut off his of fending members his eyelids and threw them on the ground Next day after being awake all night having no eyelids ho could not sleep that Is the logic of the story ho found that his cast off eyelids had taken root in the soil ami had sprung up Into a shrub the like of which the earth had never before produced He plucked and ato some of the leaves of the shrub He became exhilarated Ills strength was restored Ills drowsiness left him and he became more wide awake than ever before In fact ho never again missed his eyelids Whenever he felt sleepy or tired he ate some of the eyelid leaves which may account for the modern ex pression Co eat your eyelids Dar mal recommended the wonderful plant to his disciples and followers by whose means Its reputation Increased and since whoso time It has been used gen erally In due course of time some careless Chinese servant split n cup of boiling water over a bowl of the eyelid leaves and drinking up the liquor In order that Ids carelessness might not be de tected was astonished at the result With pitying and superior glances he watched his master and his masters family and guestH eat tho tea leaves Then throwing himself upon the ground he acknowledged his fault for they had been complaining that the leaves were rather dnmp and Infused for them all the liquor of the leaves In the simplest fashion which Is the Chi nese fashion unto this day putting the leaves Into cuw and pouring boiling water over them It Is to bo hoped that no ono will think any the less of tea when ho learns thnt It belongs to the natural or der ternsttoinlacea Llndley remarks that although many of the plains of this order come chleily from China and America after all they form an Incon siderable part of the whole number be longing to it China contains seven or eight North America four or Ave while CO or 70 are beautiful trees and shrubs natives of the woods of South America About 20 varieties are known In the East In dies and one conies from Africa India and Ceylon teas nre almost as well known ns Chinese The plant Is called by the Chinese tchn or tlui and to In Malay It Is teh English speaking people used to pro nounce It lay ns the Krench do spelling It the and the Germans who 6pell It thee at the present time Pope the Eugllsh poet rhymed It with obey nway and stay at various times In various poems New York Press TlilUKa Thry Did lu 1700 An advertisement In n facsimile Is sue of a Maryland paper in 1773 shows that the housewives of that day used cooking utensils of a kind that only a favored few can offord to use now A coppersmith from Lancaster living Hnlthnore Town advertises copper fish and wash kettles copper nnd brass brewing kettles saucepans coffee nnd chocolate pots btewpans and Dutch ovens There was plenty of help In the household then with the slaves Sev eral advertisements refer to them In one a Commission ana insurance favors of his friends ami hopes for a continuance of their correfpondence lie has now for fale a Pocket of good HOPS a 10 Inch new CA1ILE nnd wants to buy a NEUHO UIItL about 12 years old Women were In certain kinds of business at that time for a Inn of tnylors advertise their business ns two doors from Mrs Chiltons tavern People liked to henr n little gossip In thoso days also as now and what may bo called a society note follows the no tice of a wedding and Informs the pub lic that Hy a late mnrrlago In St Ma rys the Lndy Is become Sister-in-law to her own mother nnd the Gentleman to his Torn lorvrinn Mouth Tom Corwln had nn enormous month lie onco said he hnd been In sulted by Deacon Smith The good brother aBkcd for further explana tion Well said Corwln when I stood up In the lecture room to relate my experience and I opened my mouth Deacon Smith rose up In front nnd Bald Will some brother please close that window nnd keep It closed San Francisco Argonaut A Specimen of Cooknpy Hniiior It consists merely in Ignqrlng the hor rible or trnglc side of a funny situa tion Everybody knows the old story of tho cockney laughing nfter a fire Mump yer silly fool I says Me an my mites got a blanketl An o did Jump an thero wamt no blanket nu e broke Ms bloomln neck I Laugh 7 I avent laughed so much Black wood A girl should never throw away her old slippers They will come In hnndy at her wedding and much handler In after years Chicago News WHEAT STRONG HIGHER Vnuingo tu Frruch Crop the Hull Factor Another llulga In Protltloni Ciiicaoo March 28 Markets on the board of trail i todny were notlvo and stronj Mny wheat closed HlfOlJa over yesterday Influ enced largely by iumaKes to tho French crop and nervousnnsB over a small warcloud re ported from Turkey Provisions continued their upward career founded on tho Hmall hogs supply nnd tho excellent cuvh demrnd May pork closinc 45c May lard 24o and May ribs lViXa higher May corn cloned HWia up and oats o up for May and s bottor for July Closing prices Wiibat May mjgmta July OTJlJrSOSo CoitN May 33 Jo July 0S58SKc OATS May 245o July IMWJSJic PoitK May 1247 July 1227 Kins May t0 62j July WC0 IiAiinMuY S062J4 July 0ti2 Cash quotations No 2 red wheat G03 COKo No 2 HpriiiB wheat OoOJOTo No 2 corn 37Jo No 2 oats 24ic OhtraRO Live Stork Cmc voo Mnrch 28 Cattle Receipts 11600 Konernllystronu to 10a higher natives boston halo today 585 good to primo steers tG00 58o poor to medium ItlKXff 481 selected Feed ers firm 40050480 mixed stockers steady 3403300 cows 300435 hoifers 320 475 conners 2103270 bullo 26040425 calves I450675 Texas fed steers 3 00500 Texas bulls 820UflO Uoifs Kecelpts 21000 tomorrow 20000 estimated left over 3000 active 10c higher top 537H mixed and butchers t j05l5H5 good to cliolco heavy 515 537S rough heavy 500o2U light 505 0530 bulk of snles 520580 Shoep Kocelpts 11000 sheep nnd lambs mainly 10c higher two cars fwl Taziut sheep 015 good to choioo wethers 58010 fair to choico mixed 475 570 western sheep 5G0C6 10 yearlings JO 00050 native lumbs 560a730 western lambs 0002735 Kana City Live Stock Kansas City Mareh 28 Cattle Receipts 0700 very uctivu at 10c advance heavy native steers 47515 25 lightweights 450S50o btockers and feeders 4000560 butchers cows and heifers 3854M oanners 200 335 fed wustorno 4 16 4 80 western fesderti 3833425 Texans 31HXJ445 Hogs lleeeipW 10300 goad udvancu of 610o heavy 500 510 mixed 4063510 light 475502 pigs 3755476 Sheep Receipts 2 COO improved demand at strong to lOo higher prices Colo rado lamps uTXot muttons ib6Ov900u stockers and feeders 4603000 culls 8K 460 South Omaha Stock Bourn Omaha Maroh 8 Cattle Receipts 1200 6llo higher inative beef steers 4000 630 cows and heJfer8B264UO canners 235 0310 stockers and feeders J370fg400 calve 350700 bulla HtafH etc BO0J8O Hotf Receipts 6600 6f10o higher heavy 502 612H mixed 6J05041 light 405605 pits J40O jS5Q3 bulk of salei IIOuufiO Sheep Hucipti200itronjor lambs r ly jeui lings 6769416 western mutton 6 9 585 stock shep4ifcrl5 lamb 1 Dr Hathaway Treats All Diseases His Method Invariahly Cures All Catarrhal Itront liial Iiiiug Stom ach Liver Kidney nnd Other Com plaints us Well us All Diseases and Weaknesses of Women In Dr Ilnthiuvays most etuisle iiruutlco cov erlui a period of more liuiirJOyearbiieiiiisDeeu callrd upon to treat all liiiiuuer of diseases of men and women and along the wliolo line of human ullmnnts ho has h mi a uniformly tuu cosflll If Hnthaways me thod of treatment gets dlreetry lit tlio seat of Purltle tlio trouble purines tlin blood T n a I0ts P tl10 wliolo system and ine uiood nuutrajijis tlio poison which produce the dhuased renditions All ni Yearly ho lektores to perfect Troatedt from Catarrh lirotiphltls Asi tlima Hay Kut Iimg Complaints Htomacli Iher and Kidney Diseases Illos Tumors Can cers Kczema and all manner of skin affections Dr llutliawiy alo treats with uisoasosor tll gratest miccus nil thoso Women many distressing weaknesses and diseases by which o manywomen aronllllcted Electrical Ir Rvay unices nre fitted nVL wh a tm latst lttrli and Appliances tmr appliances In the use of which as well as the microscope lie lias world wide fame as an expert All of he medicines uved by Dr Hathaway aro compounded lit tils own laboratories under his personal direction and sMclal remedies are prepared for each In dividual case according to Its requirements trnmlnnifnn Ir Hathaway lias prepared serlesefsclf examlnatlonblanks nt i Ulnnus applying to tliodllTcrint diseases which ho sends freo on application No I for Men oj for Women j No forSUlu Diseases No I for Catarrhal Diseases No 5 for Kidneys DrHatliawaymukesnocharKB n 11 f Consultation for cuustiltsitloii at either his Freo ofllcuorby mall 1 NEWTON HATHAWAY AU D r Ilntliuwur Co kor Oruttfully acknowledges the cuimrtiui uiocu biouacityiowa Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought nnl -which has Viecn iu uso for over 30 ycors lias borno tho signature of nnd has boon mado under his pcr p sonal supervision since its infancy Y cucJUte Allow noono to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but 12x periments that trifle with and endnngcr the health of Infants and Children Uxnerlenco against Experiment What is CASTOR A Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphino nor oilier Xarcotia substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays Feverishncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It rclioves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend CENUDNE CASTOR A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ay74k The KM You Hate Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CCNTAUn OOMPDNV TT MUIHIAV BTRCCT NIWYORK CITY MOTT S PENNYROYAL PILLS Handsom a Dec 31 I hove been suffering from female weak ness for four years nml have taken many medicines but Wine of Cnrdul and Back Drauglit have dono more for mo than any thing else MBS CAROLINE EVANS HFHgIIIaBg5 Made a Well Man f ftil VI lIC OJEniAT K3Eix7aoEc jevjmsrxaryv prodnfses the above resalta ln0 days It net powrfully and quickly Curaa when all otbers all XouDg men will reailtj tholr lost manbpodandold men will recover their youthful vigor by usinj REVlVO It quickly and surely restores Nenrou nesajLoet Vitality Impotencr Nightly Emissions tiostrower Falling Memory Wastln Diseases and all effects ot self abuse or eicefsand indiscretion wbloh unfits one for study business or marrlaf e II oot only curta by starting at the seat of disease but Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring lng back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing tho Ore p youth It wards off Insanity and ponsumptlon Insist on having QEVITOnc other- It can ba carried in vest pocket By mail 10O per package or six or SSOO with m post tlvei vrrlttca fraarantea to euro or rattiM Royal Medicine Cofeft For sale by Geo B ChrJBtoph IMieuinonia CuvutJ Irs A J Lawrence of Beaver Pa says Urailiun Halm brought me out of a severe attack of pneumonia in splendid shape It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs nnd lung troubles Also for outward use for bjirns cold sores and chapped bauds and face it cures like magic It is invaluable in Uie fHtuilv They overcome Weak ness irregularity and omissions increase or anu Daman pains of menstruation They arc LIFE SAVERS to girls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm lifo becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists DIt MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY PmVJ I g 1 3ml3Mg4 r J ml B I W2 SURE MEDiGii It is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are sick There is danger in it Most of the so called cures for female weakness do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily and when the effect wears away the patient is weaker and sicker than before It is never wise to take chances You have only one life and that is dear and precious If you have any pain ache disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs nothing will help you like Wine of Cardui It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy and modifies the pains of childbirth recovery is rapid and future health is assured I he Wine is purely veg etable being made Of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood It Is a long tried remedy and has many years of success behind it It LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT Korailvlct In ratten remilrttitr nprlAl llrn lions ndilrefK kWIuk symptoms IJHllf1 Idtlorrllrpt rbUUrTA00Ul uiiit tu i iiaitanooga Tenn is sure Why take a chance medicine when you can get a sure medicine Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 ffJLlfilB WE OFFER f REE ADVJCEbv our Physicians FREE SAMPLE of Dr Kays Lune Halm and an IIiLuBTRATED BOOK on Throat nnd TLunir DisonaeH I Thousanda havo availed tbemaolves of our generous offer bavo written our specialists on lung and throat dlseasca ptalnlyabout tbolr case and following their advice now rejoice In regained health Explain fully as your correspondence Is kept confidential Dr Kays Lung Balm Guaranteed to euro every Cough Cold HoarsencssInuucftza La Grippe Whooplnc 1 Couyh CJroup Catarrh and all affections of the lungs and throat Safo for nil ages nnd does not slclcca or Uisairreo with tho btomuch Sold bvdruecistsat 10c and 25c or mailed I on receipt of price by Dr BJ Kay Medical Co Saratoga 8prlnga NY mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SOLD BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG CO rhotoiripitd rrooi uro IREVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Jh 7 VUC 1 1 UCa iss JssT JsssssV V9 fHVBR Wl Ask your Druggist for a generous lO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Calm contains no cocnliie mercury nr any other injurious arug It Is quickly Absorbed Gives Itellcf at once t i book CATARRH BLswm EasB wmxzzzim WWl A- t Ml opens una cicaiibcb m UieNasal Passages Pftl fl l H FL 1 Allays inuaniinnuon www - it Heals and Protects tho Membrane Iteftores the Hcnes of Taslannd mell Pull Size 60s Trial Size 10c atllriiLLletsorhymall KlVCROlKlftM ct wv v OASTOIIT Shrill irnaiiuni HatjAloars Bought iT11 1 better yon eontinue M nr tlllnglobcrobbltNOTOuitL5f ------ v MJltww due pariO the blood re torfi lout manhood i makei you lrooT lilallsaTTi1 lnbcaltbnerveSH1 1 lllsff7ld iPOOOO ancipocatt slTsm If sVTTin rf ur me Kind Y01 iSSiKttdOffi5 iTnivi - OABFCIn r tl jr rr Hare Always Bought Zie 1