t 1 i i V I 11 It f Si la M 11 W iw fk i fa T j Economical I Shoes aro novor ohoap shoos Shoos llko Plngroo Smiths inons womoufl and childrens nml Drow Solby Shoo Cos ladios shoos nro truly economical bccauso thoy Will Outwear two pairs of choap shoos and aro not high priced at that If you lmvo novor triod thorn i wo would adviso you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER OIHco Unnlyd Conl OHlcn Firo insurance Farm and City Loans and ltoal Estnto Onorf liotiso Imrn unci 4 acrnsof liiml in Nor folk fur eulo chimp J E SIMPSON I SEE THE I WINDOW A nice assortment of suitable i gifis is shown Tho latest in J Bracelets and Jowolod Back Combs Friendship Hearts nicely i Haud Engraved Freo of Charge if J bought of us Fine Watch and Jewelry Re- X pairing a Specialty I C F W MARQUARDT I t JEWELER AND OPTICIAN NORFOLK NEBRASKA Tho Wmttliur Conditions of tho weather as recorded for tho 24 hours ending at 8 a in to- day Maximum temperature 40 Minimum temperature 21 Average ii Snowfall inches 00 Precipitation 02 Total precipitation for mouth 110 Earometer 2060 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight and Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS The Wednesday club met yesterday afternoon with Mrs Dr Boar Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O F meets tonight in regular session Mr and Mrs Morris Mayer will enter tain the West Side whist club tomorrow evening The weather has cleared off but has left a wiuterish chill behind that is not conducive to garden work Several Norfolk school teachers who did not go to Wayne yesterday went over on the train this morning Edmund the little sou of Mr and Mrs Rudolph Ohrischillis who has been so sick is said to be getting along nicely A number of the little girl friends of MiBs Hazel Sooggiu Jperpetrated a sur prise party upon her this afternoon and enjoyed a pleasant time Trinity church guild will meet with Mrs Fox on South Sovonth street to morrow afternoon at 2 oclook A good attendance iB requested It is reported that Dr F Verges is very Biok at his home on North Tenth street Friends of the doctor hope for his speedy recovery to his usual health The Air Ship company came in on the noon train from Fremont They played at Nobraska City night before last coming there from Missouri From here they go to Sioux City and Omaha Sessions Bell have received a line specimen of the Mongolian pheasant from a customer at Soribnor to be mounted The bird was undoubtedly killed on the Pacific coast as they are seldom fonnd inland The firm also shipped a pair of nice pelicans to a customer at Pine Kidge agency today There is considerable enthusiasm among local ball players aud a team will probably be organized that will put up some interesting games during the summer It is understood that 10 havo signified their willingness to par ticipate iu the sport and the first tico will Iw hold tomorrow THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 20 1900 if tho f PI weather permits lames McDonald of tho oloctrio light plant was walking along mwtho Con gregational church Inst ovoning when ho henrd a thump bohind him and tho noxt instant one of his legs was being uono too gontly carrossod by tho tooth of a good sized dog Ho shook tho ani mal looso and ho made an attack on tho other log Ho was again dislodged and tho bruto nindo another lutigo at him but was mot with a blow from Jims list and was induced to desist in his elTorts Tho only injury sustaiuod by Mr McDonald was a bruised and spiainod list H K Owon is homo from a trip to Ohoyouno and Sidney whoro Owon Bros havo a largo force of inon at work on tho B t M railroad Mr Owon found tho work progressing in a most satisfactory manuor Ho was called to Omaha yesterday afternoon to figure on tho doublo tracking proposed on tho Union Pacific botweon Omaha and Choyenno It is hoped tho firm will rocoivo this contract which will prove a good thing for laboring mon of Norfolk who aro always given preference on work that Owen Bros havo to do aud a contract of that mugnitudo would re quire a groat mauy men aud a groat many teams C D Jenkins has received a lottor from A P OBanion who recontly moved to Buffalo Gap S D to take chargo of a ranch Mr OBanion says ho likes his now homo and occupation very much He also rocitos a story of an adveuturo that may bo interesting He was driving a bunoh of cattlo to town one day recently and stopped at a crystal stream to quench his thirst when on looking up ho beheld a wild cat that seemed to bo much interested iu him aud wns not a bit shy Tho interest was mutual and Bert returned to tho house procured a gun aud Bhot six loads into Mr Cat and ho says tho animals pelt is now adorning thoir back fouco A number of tho Masons of this city aro receiving a very haudsomo brouzo medal which has been issued under tho auspices of tho grand lodge of tho order in memory of Robert Carroll Jordon who was tho first grand master of No braska He was born January IS 182G aud died January 1800 On one side of tho modal is a very good representa tionof tho bust of Mr Jordon nud on the other a broken column a virgin aud Father Time are represented tho signif icance of which aro understood by members of tho fraternity The med als aro sold by tho grand lodge at 100 each and make a very handsome memorial to the first grand master Ma son Several plans havo been proposed lately of paying off tho debts on the now Auditorium but nono havej resulted satisfactorily thus far Tho trustees of tho creditors now have a new plan and aro anxious that tho people should know it in detail They have therefore called a public meeting to be hold in tho Audi torium tomorrow night when thoy hope to meet all interested in the building as will bo seen by a call in another column They announce that no con tributions will bo asked at tho mooting so that none need stay away for fear thoy will bo asked for donations It is hoped that the meeting will be well attended by the business men of Norfolk and that the plan will be a satisfactory and successful one An exchange recites tho calamities which befell a man who couldnt afford to subscribe for a paper as follows Did you ever hear of a man who was too economical to take his home paper but sent his little boy to borrow a copy taken by his neighbor In his haste the boy ran over a two dollar stand of bees and in two seconds looked like a warty summer squash His cries reached his father who came to the rescue and failing to notice a barbed wire fense ran into that breaking that down cutting a handful of fish bait out of his anatomy and ruining a four dollar pair of pants The old cow took advautago of the tap in tho fence got out ate forty cents worth of alfalfa aud died of a bloat Hearing the raoket tho wife ran out upset a four gallon churn of cream into a baskot of kittens and drowned tho whole iness In the hurry she dropped aud broke 7 worth of false teeth The baby left alone drawled along the flood of cream into the parlor ruiuiug a brand now carpet During tho excitement the oldest daughtor ran off with a book ngent the dog broke up eleven sotting of lions and the calves got out and chewed tho Bleeves from four fine shirts that hung on tho lino Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residouco and nffico Farm and city loans The Durland Tbubt Oo Baby day at Michaels studio on Tues day April U All babies 2 years and under will be photographed free of charge and a first class cabinet photo donated without charge Mothers briug iu your babies Ro member the day and date Tuesday April 3 at Michaels Wall paper at Christophs CuaIi U What I Wuut A six room house good barn one acre lot on Norfolk aveuue worth 2000 will sell for 1000 if taken this mouth O F W Mauquakm AniBRS at um A Large Attendance and Inter esting Session MI88 TANNEII1LL WINS A PRIZE OMIriTH of t In DiKliiiiutlory Annniliillon ii ro OIioimiii Mrn Kllim AiikIIii ill Sluti lon m Iiiiii u tlui IritftlilltiK 111 cur Ollinr Wltuimn In tho NintoM It is said that about 2o0 toaohors wore in attendance at tho annual session of tho North Nebraska Teachers associa tion at Way no when tho first mooting wns hold and It was oxpeotod thnt tho numbor would bo increased to nearly 400 during today Tho session was called to ordor in tho court houso yes torday aftornoon at 2 10 by President OConnor of this city Mm KUon Austin of Stanton was chosen as presid ing ollicor of tho session Several interesting and valuable papers wore road and discussed yester day aftornoon and tho program for to day was of unusual interest and impor tance Tho North Nebraska High School Declamatory association was formed yiwtorday aftornoon by tho oloction of tho following officers President Prof Miller of Randolph vice president Prof Soykora of South Omaha Boa rotary Superintendent Laird of Fre mont Ouo of tho most interesting features of tho sessions to tho public nro tho do clamatory contests and tho one hold last night was largely attended by tho teachers and tho pooplo of Wayne and surrounding towns Tho following were tho winners In tho oratorical class tho first prizo was won by Miss Hollo Rico of Noligh and tho second prizo by Miss Juno Watters of Bloomlield In tho dramatic class Homer Poyton of South Omaha won first placo wliilo two contestants tied for second Thoy were Miss Zoo Gliddou of Fremont and Roy Conrad of Arlington Iu tho humorous class Miss Maud Tauuohill of this city captured first prizo aud Miss Edith Ray of Fulldrton won second Tho winners in this contest will repre sent north Nobraska in tho contest of tho Stato Doclamatory union Wanted A good girl for gonornl housework Mits J H Bauxks Choice corn beef at tho Palace Meat Markot Wo mako loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiokne Sec Just received at Michaels studio an elegant lino of buttons tho now ovals Call and seo them Do we mako stamp photos Well I guess Seo tho latest styles in spring mil linery goods at Miss Benders UluH lor CiimIi Residence on Norfolk avenuo nn aero lot two story house six rooms good collar lurgo barn orchard and plenty of of shade trees SlGOO will buy it if taken soon Inquire at G F W Mar- quardts jewelry store PERSONAL C F Carey was a city visitor yester day from Fremont Mrs R A Tawuoy of Pierce was a city visitor yesterday W H Butterfiold iB at Rib Lake Wisconsin on business Miss May Durland went to Plaiuview this morning to visit friends C Morris of Humbolt visited at the home of J Allbery yostorday Misses Ruth and Grace Matrau left on tho noon train for a visit with relatives and friends in Chicago Miss Eva E Mixer of Pierce was in tho city yesterday on her way to Wayne to attend the teachers meeting G B Salter and Dr Frank Saltor havo returned from tho Platte where thoy enjoyed a half day of shooting with very fair success Knox Tipple is in tho city from Wayne It looks suspiciously like Mr Tipple was run out of town by the school maams who havo possession of the city It would not be surprising to see other Wayno citizens coming iu on most any train Three Huh Dujh On Monday Tuesday Wednesday April 2 1 and 4 1000 wo will make a fine cabinet or 8x10 photos free of auy baby or child not over 3 vears old Wo do this to show tho fine work wo aro doing aud the elegant backgrounds just received Uriug in the babios and get photo freo I M Macv Dr Sisson is a tluent speaker has a commanding appearance and an ex cellout delivery Omaha Bee Wanted An apprentice to learn dressmakiug Miss Mattib McNisii The latest out in buttons at Michaels studio Tho new oval stylos Stamp photos Juhllo Meotlhp The control of tho Auditorium baa recently passed into the bauds of a local board of trustoos representing the creditors who have called a uublia meeting for Friday evening March 30 at o o clocK for the purpose of present- lug a plan for tho payment of all in debtedness against the property Tho mooting will bo hold iu tho Auditorium and tho trustees uuiiouiico that no money will be solicited at said mooting Everybody is Invited to bo present Celery at Olissinnns Smoked white fish at Ollssmans Fresh fish at Ulissmnns Wantkd A young lady clerk Call at Palace Cigar Store Furnished rooms to rent by Mrs Younger on tho Heights Fresh halibut at Gllssmaus llldll Kill III llltllll WHIltttll Call on I j Fishback ten miles south of First street or at tho Fair store Watch for announcement of our spring millinery opouiilg Miss 10 J Hknimck Fresh lettuce radishes onions aud oaulitlowor at Fueslors A NEAT SWINDLE On Man lluyx Anuthiirrt Harm Without MU Cotinmit Thtin MnrtiKH It Tho following dispatch from Wayno to last evenings Sioux City Tribune in dicates a peculiar stato of atlairs iu Wayno county F D Kellogg whoso homo is given as Norfolk is not known hero and tin report may lack founda tion in this regard A gold brick fraud of peculiar and daring design was unearthed in this town today F I Kellogg of Norfolk who owns a couple of lino farms near Wayne was visiting iu Lincoln last winter when ho itici dontally mot J G Morrison another Wayno county real estate owner Dur ing a short conversation Mr Morrison remarked to Mr Kellogg I seo you havo sold one of your Wayno county farms No I havo not sold any of my landanswored Mr Kollogg where upon the Lincoln man repliod that it was peculiar for tho transfer had appeared iu a Wayne paper Mr Kellogg had thought no more of tho occurrence until today whon ho was in tho Wayno court houso paying his taxes As ho loft tho building it sud denly occurred to him and upon return ing and investigating discovered Unit a farm of 100 acres had been trauqfered from his ownership last December to ouo R E Britton und also that tho said Britton had mado a loan of lr00 upon said farm through F A Dearborn local agent for Hudson Bros Co of j Chicago It was also ascertained that Britton had made sovoral trips to Wayno since ho had first appoarod with tho deed to tho farm and had it recorded This instrument had been acknowledged by a notary at Lincoln named Bennett and the signature of F D Kellogg was a remarkably good forgery Britton had appeared in town several days at a time wliilo tho loan wns ponding and ap peared in no hurry to got away Ho also leasod tho farm to tho presont tenant for another year Sheriff J M Cherry left today for Omaha on a still hunt for tho forger and Mr Dearborn also departed for Illinois to confer with tho loan company It is tho second deal of tho kind Mr Dearborn has exporioncod in throo mouths Farm land and city property for sale by G R Seilor The News joo aepartmont is com plete in every particular Fok Sale Ouo dray wagon and two sots of harness II II Millek Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children Black boss at tho Palaco Meat Mar ket Notice to Ialiitfli H Bids will bo received by tho undor sigued up to March 31 for painting the Catholic church Plans and specifica tions can bo seen at the under signed or at J O Stitts office J B Hekuan Sturgeon is the piano man Try Ohasp Sauburus coffoo You can got it at Fueslors For painting and paper hanging seo Clark and Miller or leave orders at Christophs drug store Prices reason able Houses for Bale n e b A T E Odioknb Fresh catfish at the Palace Moat Market Cunt Tnlk A 2000 residence property for 1 500 an acre lot two story house ou Main street Must bo sold quick at this prico O F W Mabquaicdt HARDY always keeps in Btock all the best grades of i n h u HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screeued and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar- auteod Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L -- i J if- is Street Hats and Sailors J Misses Caps and Tarns Childrens Mull Hoods and Tarns ami Mio J real Showing of Trimmed Hats j skill ntiiuits a I INSKEEPS MILLINERY 3 DIRECT UTE CIFIC COAST C W BRAASCH DHALHH IN CJ C3 n2r3L Xi A ism GKR IEItT I col m Exoluslvo agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho host In the market Scranton Hard Coal Iu all hIzoh TKLISIMIOMC 51 FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Buildin and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary i A IUIKAHT PiticHimcNi CIIAB H imilHIIC Vici ltiEMtiiNr W II IOIINHON Cahiiikii W It IIUAASCII Ahh i hiiiiii The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny nml hkII nxrlmiiKiMHi IIiIh cimiili nml nil piirlHiif Kiiniim Im 111 Inniin Directors Cam Ahmiih W II Ioiinhon Ciiah S IIkiimi V W IIiiaahcii O M HUANK i A ILIKAHl T I MlMMINUUI Hihnionh BABIES CRY FOR Have WHEATL1NG AN URI AI MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk N A HAlNltOIr Imiulniit AMiXANDISIt IIKAK Vico Imnlilout W II HUCIIOI Cimhiiir K W 7UTZ AmisUntCHHliior National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europri A General Steamship and Foreign Passage BuslnessTransaotedT DIBHOTOBS A BEAU F P HANLON F J IIALK W II 1IUCHOJZ WM ZDT NA HAINBOIVT JOHN H HAYS F VKKHKU ZZ a atm I a ATvmToorv 8 H COTTON NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work culled for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Norfolk Nebr Splendid Train Service DENVER S4TT TATnJ OTTV AND ALL TO AND FROM Ci r PRINCIPAL wi ri0 poi FUKTIjAIND VIA THE Union Pacific MEALS SERVED AiA CARTE STtAM HEAT P NTSCHUGHl Two trains daily to and from Denver nud Colorado points Two trainB daily to and from San Francisco aud California points Two truius daily to and from Salt Lake City aud Utah points Ono traiu daily to and from Portlund and North Pacific Coast points with direct connections for Tacoma aud Seattle Double Drawing Room Palaco Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Chair Cars For Time Tablos Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of the territory traversed cairjon your uearest agent or address e l lomax General Passenger and Ticket Ageut Omaha Nbb