The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 29, 1900, Image 1

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The Noejeolk Weekly News
Commander of Transvaal Army
Fights Last Battle
Dentil of tlio Orcnt Icnltift Who IMnnnril
Moer Cntniiile n Ilnril Mow to the
Inrulicr Cnuie llml Ilevn HiifTfirliiK
From Stomntti Coinplnlnt
PitrroiUA Miirch 28 General Jou
bert died last night at 1 1 till oclock Ho
hail been suffering from a stomach
complaint The town is plunged into
mourning for tho true patriot gallant
general and upright ami honorable gen
General Piotrus Jacobus Joubcrt
conuuandant general of the Transvaal
forces was born about 08 years ago
He was descended from an old French
Huguenot family which settled in South
Africa many years ago Ho was born
in Capo Colony but was taken by his
parents when 7 years old to tho Orange
Free State where ho was taught from
early childhood to shoot straight and
hate tho British
In conscqnonco of tho acquisition of
Natal by the British his family moved
from Natal and settled in tho Trans
vaal Soon afterward lie became a bur
gher of tho South African republic and
a daring fighter It was claimed in his
behalf that ho could lead a body of men
more successfully against hostile na
tives than any other man in the Trans
vaal Ho ciiino to bo so feared by tho
natives that the knowledge that ho was
at tho head of a punitive expedition
usually resulted in their surrondor
Itwas j - these wars with tho na
tives thai juuuem inSuma acquainted
with Paul Kruger and tho two mon bo
camo boom friends Ho was elected
vice president of tho Transvaal Jl 1890
defeated Sir George Colloy atAlujuba
hill in 1831 and acted as president of tho
republic in 1883 84 during Kruger s ab
sence in Europe
General Joubert was always in favor
of the uso of forco instead of diplomacy
and Prosidont Kruger on several occa
sions had great difficulty in repressing
his hotheaded colleague notably in 1879
when Joubort with Kruger and Pro
torius was planning tho robollion to
overthrow British rule in the Transvaal
Tho result was Majuba hill and the
practical independence of tho Transvaal
It was Joubert who organized tho
army of tho South African republic later
on dividing the country into 17 mili
tary departments and each of those de
partments into smaller divisions with
commandants field cornots and lieuten
ants of various ranks in charge
According to the generals plans
every man became a trained soldier
without leaving his farm and had his
equipment ready at hand To such a
point of perfection was tho Bystom car
ried that within 48 hours after tho pres
ent war was declared the Boor nation
was under arms It was also due to
General Joubert that the South Af
rican republic succeeded in amassing
the i mm on so stores of war munitions
and provisions which have stood them
in such good stead during tho conflict
now in progress
Indication That Lord Robert Army l
About to Move
London March 29 General French
who has arrived at Bloemfonteiu from
Thaba Nohau says that Commandant
Olivier has 0000 men and is north of
Immense quantities of stores have
now been accumulated at Bloemfonteiu
and Lord Roberts infantry is seemingly
about to move An impression which
can bo traced to the war oflico is abroad
that the advance will begin next Mon
day Boor observation parties are hov
ering near Bloemfontein but Lord Rob
erts has 185 miles to cover before reach
ing the great position which the Boers
are preparing at Kroonstadt
Moving 10 miles a day is probably the
best he can do with field transport There
fore ho can hardly engage the Boors iu
force for two weeks Tho construction
of the railway behind him may even de
lay an invasion of the Transvaal until
Meanwhile all the important towns iu
the Free State withiu Lord Roberts
reach axe being garrisoned Thaba
Nohu Philippolis and Jaegersfontein
ore occupied Sir Alfred Milner is tour
ing iu the newly acquired territory in
vestigating conditions and arranging
the administration Ho is understood
to bo getting materials for a report to
Chamberlain concerning a plan of civil
All the morning papers print singu
larly kind editorials regarding General
Joubert They praise his military skill
uphold his chivalrous conduct and re
gret that so strong und moderate a
iniud bhould be absent from the final
settlement or the dispute
Although sonio of the younger com
manders thought tho old soldier want
ing iu dash and enterprise his raid into
tho country south of the Tugola is con
sidered tho best piece of Boer leader
ship during- tho whole war It is now
known that ho crossed tho Tugola with
oulv J5000 riflemen and six guns but ho
bold and rapid worohis movements that
tho British conunaudors thought 10000
Boors were marching on Piotormnritz
His successor in tho chief command
will probably bo General Louis Botha
now commnndingin Natnl
London March 21 Tho Bloomfon
tein correspondent of tho Morning Post
telegraphing Tuesday says Thu First
Coldstreams and the Third Grenadiers
are already at Glen ten lulles north of
Bloeinfontoin Tho Gordons and tho
cavalry brigade moved Sunday Tho
Fourteenth brigado followed today
Tho three span bridge at Glen was
dynamited three hours before tho
Guards reached it Tho necessary re
pairing will delay further advance for a
time General Gatacros forcos are
now arriving
HonilmtdiniMit or MixtpltlnK
London March 29 A Pretoria dis
patch to tho Daily Mail datod March
28 bays An olllcial dispatch reports
a heavy bombardment of Mafeking iu
progress March 20 which was mooting
with a spirited response Michael
Davitt had an interviow with President
Kruger today
Kruijur Will Tnko Comniniul
EmiShELS March 29 A privato dis
patch has been received hero from Pre
toria which says President Kruger will
now take chief command of tho Trans
vaal forces
Dlmun Pinna to Aid llonr
Nhw York March 29 A meeting of
the committeo to aid the South African
republics was hold last night and Judge
Van Hoesen presided A delegation
from tho German sociotics which are
arranging a German pro Boor mooting
was present It was proposed to urgo
tho amalgamation of all tho Boer com
mittees in this country and letters fa
voring this plan were road from many
cities An effort will bo mado to havo
tho public children of this city follow
the example of the children in Phila
delphia and get up a monster petition
to President McKinley for peace and
mediation A committeo wil appointed
to receive tho delegates from tho South
African republics who will arrive hero
in a few weeks
Duvln lln k From South Africa
New Yokk March 29 Among the
passengers on tho Aller from Genoa was
Webster Davis assistant secretary of
the department of tho interior Davis
ropeated hisprovious denials that his
visit to tho Boer republic was of an offi
cial nature Ho met Presidout Kruger
at Pretoria and was greatly impressed
by the strength of character of tho chief
exocutivo of tho republic Davis believes
that tho Boors will bo able to coutinuo
their struggle against tho British for a
considerable time in spito of recent re
verses He hod an opportunity of see
ing tho Boors in action and ho spoke
highly of their soldiorly qualities and
Fntttl Explosion at Erin
Ekie Pa Maroh 29 Eleven dryers
in a paper machine in tho H F Watson
company mill cxplodod last night
wrecking the portion of the building in
which it was located Josoph Stahl
was blown through a briok wall and in
stautly killed and Albert Harris was
fatally scalded Anton Greenbeck
Charles Wrigle and J Yerka were ter
ribly hurt by the forco of tho explosion
and were taken to hospitals where they
may all die Tho loss to tho building
and machinery will aggregate 20 000
Tho cause of the explosion is a mystery
Its forco was terrific tho city for squares
around being perceptibly shaken
Itutno Japnneie rrlctlon
London March 29 A dispatch to the
Daily Mail from Kobe says Renewed
trouble between Russia und Japan in
Korea is imminent The movements of
tho Russian fleet indicate tho proba
bility of tho seizure of a Korean port
The war oiflco officials at Tokio are
holding conferences and thero has been
considerable military and naval activity
iu Japan this mouth
Arbuoklo Bros Wednesday unnounccd
a reduction of 5 points in tho price of
all grades of refilled sugars
Oscar Gardner knocked out Patsy
Haley of Ciuoinuati in tho third round
Weduesday night at Shawnee O
Tho German reichstag Weduesday
adopted tho budget bill aud adjourned
for the Easter holidays until April 24
The Paris press is unanimous in eulo
giziug Gonoral Joubort whoso death is
considered a serious lost to the federals
Tho bill repealing tho Hortou boxing
law passed tho Now York senate Wed
uesday Governor Roosevelt will sign
the bill
Harvey L Goodall for 80 years tho
publisher aud proprietor of tho Ohicago
Drovers Journal died Wednesday
night of heart failure
Tho plan to havo Champion Juntos J
Jeffries fight tliroo men iu ono night has
been abandoned aud Jeffries now will
fight nobody iu Chicago
Ex Congressman W H Stanton a
prominent lawyer and formerly a leader
in the Greenback Labor party died at
Ueranton Pa Wednesday aged 50
A combination of expressmen aud
moviug vun companies in Ohicago is
eaid to huvo been formed embracing
nearly 300 companies aud single express
Policemen Georgo W Kirkley and J
H Adams were shot aud seriously iu
urod at Birmingham Wednesday by
two white men supposed to be safe
Ex Consul Macrum Testifies
Before House Committee
lroiltirr Two of tlio Oprtirtl Imeloni n
Siiy III OIiluir lUmtih Asking for
Icnp of AliKOtirn Win Mitilo Iulillo III
Dnrbnii Nowititur
Washington March an Charles E
Macrum tho American ex consul at
Pretoria appeared lieforo tho house
foreign ailairs committee yesterday und
told of tho alleged indignities ho suf
fured at tho hands of tho Britisli during
his incumbency Macrum was asked
by Chairman llitt to make such state
ment as ho saw lit regarding tho open
ing of his mail by tho British censor
MttCrum said thollrst actual evidence ho
had was the receipt of two opened letters
Ho produced tho envelopes which ho
said contained those letters Ono was
from a privato citizen addressed to tho
United States consul at Pretoria and tho
other was to him bv name from Consul
Btowo at Capo Town
Ho understood ho said that tho Brit
ish had possession of our cable cipher
IIo was uot certain of this but ho had
since had in formation which convinced
him that his suspicions were correct
Ho cabled tho department in cipher on
Nov 0 asking for leave of absence Tho
next day he had been informed a
newspaper at Durbair printed tho fact
that he had asked for leave of absence
Macrum described a meeting between
President Steyn of tho Orange Free
Stato and Consul Stowo of Capo Town
at which ho was present in which ho
said Stoyu was very anxious that Stowo
should do somothing to sottlo tho diffi
culty which was browing He said
that President Steyn suggested an up
peal to tho president of tho United
Statos Later I was told by Consul
Stowo that tho question was submitted
to the president of the United States
added Macrum and that ho returned
an unfavorable reply
Dinoritnii Ilitunon Indium nnil Settler
Ililclu Up by IlikHnco ol Hill
Washington March 29 The house
yesterday devoted practically the whole
day to the consideration of tho army ap
propriation bill Several minor amend
ments were adopted and about lialf the
bill was considered
Driggs N Y created a diversion by
charging reckless oxtravaganeo in the
fitting up of tho transport Sumner and
precipitated a lively tilt upon tho sub
ject Ho gavo notice that later ho
should ask tho houso to investigate tho
On assembling tho houho passed a sen
ate bill to approvo a revision and ad
justment of certain sales of Otoo and
Missouri lands in the btatos of Nebraska
and Kansas notwithstanding tho vigor
ous antagonism of Lacoy la who de
clared that tho buyors of these lands
had not kept tlio contracts they made at
the sale of tho lands and now songht to
havo tho purchase price scnled down
Ho said the bill involved several hun
dred dollars which belonged to the In
dians aud should be defeated The bill
was a provision to scale down tho value
of Nebraska lands to tho appniihed prico
in 1883 without interest
Little Ark favored tho bill He
said tho purchasers of tho lands could
never pay for them at tho prico they
had bid and that tho Indians had agreed
to accept tho amounts fixed in the bill
Caldorhead Kan who lives within
10 miles of tho location of tho lands
strongly urged tho passage of the bill
and explained tho circumstances under
which tho settlers had bid wildly on the
lauds to kcop them out of tho hands of
Ssnute Will Act on Iorto Itlcuu Mil on
That Day
Washington March 29 Tho senate
agreed to voto on tho Porto Rican
government and tariff bill Tuesday aft
ernoon ut 4 oclock An important ut
teranco was made later in tho day on
the bill by Davis Minn who advo
cated free trado between tho United
Stsites and Porto Rico His speech was
comparatively brief but his reasoning
was so closo and cogent that he crowded
into small spaco an immense amount of
well digested information and careful
thought His principal proposition was
that tho necessary money to bo raised
by taxation should not bo raised by u
duty levied upon Porto Rican products
but by an internal revenue tax levied
on rum und tobacco produced on the
island This system in his opinion
would better suit the people of the
Uuited States aud those of Porto Rico
than tho proposed tariff and would be
just equitable and constitutional
The amendment offered by Carter to
tho Alaskan civil code bill relating to
tho mining for gold under tho waters oi
Capo Nome was agreed to but no fur
ther progress was mado with the meas
Senate Full to Confirm Itynum
Washington Murch 29 Tho bonate
yesterday failed to confirm the nomina
tion of Hon W D Bynuin as general
appraiser of the port of Now York be
cause of the absence of a quorum Die
nomination was debated at some length
and was attacked by Senators Jones
Ark Berry aud Money while Sena
tors Fairbanks and Spooncr spoke in
By nams behalf The opponents of
confirmation based thoir opposition on
the ground that Bynuin is uot a Demo
crat although nominated an such
Acrlilrnl nt
tho Inlon rnolllo Oil Itoiimi
nl lnrninln
Ghkyknnk Wy March 29 An ox
plosion occurred at tut early hour at tho
Union Pacific oil housont laramlo The
end walls were blown out tho roof
thrown ill feet in tho air turned over
und fell back upon tho remaining walls
Tho explosion was caused by tho care
lessness of a iv oiler in leaving tho
faucet of a gusjllue tank open J O
Mcllue chief of tho tiro department and
E M Tierney general foreman of tho
Union Pacific at ljirumio wore badly
cut anil weio thrown 1ft feet by the ex
plosion William and Charles Mast
were both badly burned about tho head
mid anus Several others were slightly
injured All the injured with two ex
cept ions are members of tho volunteer
fire department Although many are
seriously wounded none aro expected to
Cut pnnici Alii ItoniMtiK Work
Chicago March 29 Olllcers of tho
caipentors union had conferences yes
terday with several contractors ami
architects and tho result maybe mo
sumption of work on two or three jobs
that are tied up and the starting of sev
eral now ones The spirit of concilia
tion is beginning to bo shown among
both contractors and workmen and it
now preposition for restoring peace and
Bottling future disputes by arbitration
is being talked over in both camps
This plan is that tho Building Con
tractors council and the Building
Trades council shall hereafter compel
their mombeis to arbitrate disputoH
Wlmntly NnuiPil for CnnicroM
OiiANtTK Kan March 29 Georgo
W Wheatloy or Columbus an attor
ney was nominal ed for congress by tho
Republican convention of tho Third dis
trict R N Allen and J T Bradley
wore named as delegates to tho national
convention and instructed for McKin
ley Tho delegation was instructed
against Cyrus Loland Jr who is a
candidate for reappointment as national
committeeman and indorsed 1 R Bur
ton for the United States senate in op
position to Senator Lticien Baker The
convention is the fifth to elect delega
tions instructed against Lcland and this
assures his defeat
lli nvy nnow lull In ilititom
Aukhdkkn S D March 29 Tho
heaviest snowstorm of tho winter pro
vails hero Six or eight inches of snow
has fallen Points south report 15 to 20
inches Tho temperature is mild Stock
will sufler in cases where tho hay sup
ply IB light
Stenmor SIiiIih With Thirty
MiSMiOUUNit March 29 Tho coasting
steamer Glonoglo foundored Sunday
morning during a galo off tho Gypps
land coast Out of a ships company of
3U only three were saved
Tho mikado will review 40 Jiipnncso
warships off Kobo towaid tho end of
Tho Kansas Cyty board of trado has
rejected tho proposition to restrict tho
length of speculative options to two
It is reported at tho navy department
in Washington that Rear Admiral
Howell the senior in his grade is about
to seek retirement
Tho steamer Cervona cleared at Now
Orleans Wednesday for Cape Town
with a large lot of foodstuffs and 830
horses for the British army
A Urge quantity of plows boos and
other farm implements was received at
Santiago Wednesday for free distribu
tion throughout the provinco
Tho Republican convention for tho
Thirteenth Illinois congressional dis
trict renominated Congressman Ves
pasian Warner by acclamation
An advance in the prico of coal to
consumers will be made by tho railroad
and river combines of the Pittsburg dis
trict becoming offectivo April 1
Frank E Bundy alleged defaulting
city chamberlain of Elmira N Y was
roleasod on 10000 bail It is claimed
that his shortago will bo about 38000
Admiral Dewey Wednesday night
was tlio guest of honor at tho most elab
orate banquet over given iu St Augus
tine Fla tlio host being General John
M Schofiold
A meeting of tho executive committee
of tlio American Bar association was
held in Washington Wednesday to niako
arrangements for tho annual meeting of
tho association at Saratoga in August
Die machinists strike at Columbus
O was settled Wednesday The em
ployers agree to tnko back all tho old
men out tliey uro Jolt ireo to employ
uonuuion labor on equal terms with
Two hundred prominent residents of
Indianapolis Wednesday night attended
a banquet in honor of Hon Hugh
Hanua who wab at the heal of tlio
monetary movement Ex President
Harrisou presided
Tho preparations for tho German
scientific Antarctic expedition aro nearly
comphtted Prolo sor Dryg tlsui wil bo
accompanied by Professor Ernst von
Hoeneu zoologist Professor Hma Gaz
gert bacteriologist und Professor Etnil
Pliilipps Tho starting point will bo
KergiUleu Island ol Desolutiou in tho
Indian ocean
Two cases of bubonic plague nave
been reported in Honolulu since tho loth
iust Tho situation is such now that
the board of health can act without tlio
co operation ot tho citizens committee
In default ot f 100000 bail Charles W
Mussey cafhier ot the Merchants Na
tional bank of Rutlaud Vt charged
with tho eiiibezzleiueut of f 145000 of
tho bunks funds was committed to thu
county jail
At thu Democratic congressional con
vention of tho Fourth Ohio district R
B Gordon was renominated for congress
by acclamation Resolutions were
adopted Indorsing Bryan and tho Chi
cago plattbria
Sensational Document Filed by
Iowa State Treasurer
Annlcim Kin Cnltiiiulirt for Allegro1 lrn
vorlllmn on Itullronil
Thai thu ItoitiU Am Not taylni lint
Iropoitlon of Tin ut Inn
Diss MotNicrt Maroh 2 Yesterday
thotrcasuicr of this state John ller
riott lied with the secretary of Mate
and executive council a sensational doc
ument as to his position with reference
to railroad asHessnieiitH Iator iu the
afternoon the other members tif the ex
ecutive council filed a reply to com
plete the iccord
The treasurer in his statement argued
for two propositions That the assess
ment of railroad property iu Iowa is too
low and t lut t iu tho assessment made
tho executive council bits favtltod the
Chicago and Northwestern road whoso
attorney for Iowa is denominated lie
do facto government of Iowa
Hun lot t states I think the people
of own will be perplexed to determine
whether sheer stupidity or downright
dishonesty predominates the executive
council of the state Ho proceeds to
arraign his associates on tho council
especially Governor Shaw and Secretary
of State Dobson
Ho denounces what ho calls tho star
chamber sessions of tho council ami
says the assessments are usually agreed
upon in tlte ollloo of the secretary of
state with no outsiders present Treas
urer II orriott holds that tho railroatlH
are not paying their just proportion of
the taxation and ho also claims that the
valuation is not equitable and in accord
ance with tho earning capacity of the
In reply to the argument of tho stato
treasurer tho other members of the
council cite tho fact that wheieas in
1882 tlie railroad property of Iowa had
but I per cent of tlio taxes and the live
stock interests 12 per cent at this time
tho railroads pay 9 per cent and the live
stock interests but 0
Itnhhrr Vlxll louil Itllllll
Mason Cnv la March 29 Robbers
broke into the O F Ulland bank at
Hanlontown blew open tho safe and
stole 2000 Tlie robbers escaped on a
Northwestern handcar Tim bank car
ried burglary insurance and will lose
nothing President Ulland is now in
llntT Sniiwuloriii In Iinrn
CiDAH Raimds March 29 A heavy
snowstorm has stopped the street car
traffic and promises to coutinuo Train
borvico has not been delayed
lrrslilcnt Mntm III IokIIIoii to a Tarty nl
Mi n Krnin Kentucky
Washington Maich 29 Tho presi
dent has informed Kentucky Republic
ans that while ho cannot interfere in
Kentucky affairs to tho extent of dis
arming tho militia of either faction ho
is willing so far as ho can legitimately
do so to recognize tho Republican offi
cials of that stato as tho defacto officials
Ho told thorn in tho samo connection
that ho would givo directions that mail
addressed to an official by tlio title only
as to tho governor or tho secretary
of state should be delivered to tho
Republicans holding thoio offices and
not to the Democrats
No InvIoiinmiU In Jorlii 1 Cnno
Fkanktokt Ky March 29 Thoro
were no developments in tho assassina
tion caso yesterday though the air wan
filled with minors of more arrests and
other now phases Tho visit of Gulton
to tho attorneys for tho commonwealth
at the Capital hotel has caused a great
deal of talking on both sides aud while
the Democrats claim thut ho mode a
confession the Republicans stato that
ho told nothing whatover about tho
tragedy as ho knew nothing to tell be
yond tho importation of niountaiuoers to
Kiiflnunr UllfiMi
Ohicaoo March 29 Tho Columbus
aud Wheeling express train on tho Bal
timore and Ohio railroad crashed into a
Chicago Junction freight train at Whit
ing Intl i0 miles Irom Ohicago last
night Tho eugiiio of tho passongor
train was thrown into a ditch bosido tho
track and Engineer Roniman was killed
Firomau Georgo OConuoll was severely
injured but it is thought that ho will
OunhoBti Chun Flllbuatar
Manila March 29 Rear Admiral
Watson on board tho Brooklyn has do
parted for Hong Kong where ho is ex
pected to transfer his command to Rear
Admiral Remey Two guuboats last
week discovered a steamor signaling
with tho shore at Cape Boweador island
of Luzon They pursued tho steamer
which extinguished her lights and es
caped seaward in tho darkness
Twrnly iU Iiniuluruat Train
Winnipeg March 29 There are 20
immigrant trains eu route on tho Can
adian Pacific to this point loadod with
settlers and their families
Senator l nve Uhiudb
Havana March 29 United States
Senators AJdrich Piatt Conn and
Teller left for Tampa yesterday on tho
Dolphin Senators Butler aud Petti
grew visited Matanzas yesterday
Dundee Colliery Ulowu Up
Puktokia March 20 Tho Dundea
colliery has been blown up the maphin
try destroyed aud the mine mado use
lCbS for three mouths ut least
AIorncH nl Law
1 II llnrnri
M I Tjlor
R 0 H PA UK 1411
At Ilrrro Unr Mntiilny
MiihI Block Norfolk Nob
lliNlrhui imdNiirgcoii
Ulllcn Clttrtiiiri Nnlloiiiil Hunk
Tnlniliiiiiii 101
Hntitt iiriuiti nnil UrMiliShrc Mum nnil lllli Hi
Norfolk Nebraska
jU i k scomcio
rll Smith tuli Sin it NitrfulL Nulir
Will I It
niuli uiiiL
MiuIImiii TiiimIii nnil Illilny of
Olllrn mnr faiirmiV Nut lonnl lliuili Ilrxlilniiru
line block ninth of CniiiocKHlhiiinl i liuirli
Norfolk - Nebraska
rnitlilonnlilo Dressmaker
UpMiiirH In Ciilloii hlncl tiMir Hiiiiiiih kIiiii
Klml cIiikh vwiik itiiiimiiliuiil
AtlomcjH at lnn
Hooiiih III II nnil 12 MiihI bloc I
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Intlcrliikers and KniliitliiierF
SiM ioiiH nil Noihilk Ami
Norfolk Nebraska
Atlorncj at Lhw
Rooms 1 and 12 Robertson Wiglori
Block Norfolk
W 0 Halls Barber Slop
Facial Treatment
Manicuring and Shampoo
ill Kindly mil nt your iiomiw nnil ilo nny of
thin uorU Onlcrh tnkim or f I no hair twitched
Iurfitcl mil Loli Kiiaraiiti iil IIiihiiIoiico on Mrtt
htiiiot Junction Onlum iiuiy hi Infl ut tho
Junction DriiK Store Taili phone 7iu 11
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Sale and -
Boarding Barn
Bought and Sold
Braasch Avenue
and Tnlrd St
Everybody wants the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Shop In tt eiNeftteat
in the