r 7 I Economical I Shoes nro nover cheap bIiocs Shoes liko Pingrco Smiths mens woinous aud childrens mul Drow Selby Shoo Cos Indies shoes aro truly economical becauso thoy I Will Outwear T I two pairs of cheap shoes autl aro not high priced ut that If you have never tried thorn j wo would advise you to do ho Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR SIMPSONS CORNER OIHco Hanlys Coal Olllco Firo iusuranco Farm and City Loans and Ileal Estate flood liouso Imrn mix 4 ncroaof Innd in Nor folk fur salu cliciip J E SIMPSON YOUR EYES SHOULD BE TESTED SCIENTIFICALLY If glasses are needed I will tell you so aud if glasses will do no good I will also inform you No oharge for testing Yon aro welcome CFWMARQUARDT Norfolk OPTICIAN Nebraska The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 4 Minimum temperature 18 Averago 41 Snowfall inches 00 Precipitation 00 Total prooipitation for mouth 28 Earometer 294C Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight and probably Friday Moderate tem perature THURSDAY TIDINGS Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O F will meet tonight in regular session Daniel Robinson died at Plainview Tuesday nt the ripo old age of 95 years Mr Tomaclc the young mau from Pierce who was operated on for appendi citis at the sanitarium yesterday is getting along very nicely Tho guild of Triuity church will meet with Mrs Gibson tomorrow afternoon afc 2 oclock Ladies will please be prompt as thoro is work to do Tho entire weeks issue of liev Charles M Sheldons Topeka Capital is on file at the Y M O L rooms iu the Mast block where all who desire may read The springlike weather of today has Bet tho painters to work in dead earnest The store fronts of Holahaus building Darlands millinery store tho Johnson Dry Goods company Kiesaus drug store and the Palace meat market are showing evidence of fresh paint It is announced that Chester A Ful ler tho abstracter will remove about tho middle of April to Cedar Rapids Iowa where ho will engage iu tho in surance business He will still retain his abstract business which will bo placed in charge of E G Heilman ex county clerk Geo S Harper and Sarah E Oakoy who live niue miles southeast of Norfolk went before Couuty Judge Bates at Madison yesterday mornlug aud were made man ana wife They returned to the home of the bridos parents about noon where a wedding dinuer was served to a uuinber of guests some of whom were from this city Wayne Republican The time is rapidly approaching for tho meeting of tho North Nebraska Teachers associa tion in our oity Wayue is ready to receive and prepared to extend to thorn a hearty welcome aud to assuro them that she is abundantly ablo aud vory willing to furnish Ihem list class ac comnfodatiouS Let them come a thousand strong if they desire and overyono will bo woll cared for whilo horo Wayne does nothing in a half hoartcd way Manager Spoar of tho Auditorium hns recoivod a lotter from Manager Heal of Sioux City In which ho announces that tho Airship company has been billed for Norfolk for March SUtli Mr Doal announces that this is a tlrst olass farco comedy company and tho best which has shown in Norfolk this soason Mr Boal nlso annouuees that tho Spcddon Palgo company closod tho season at Sioux Falls last week and their dato for this city noxt wook has therefore boon cancelled Harry Ilirsch and a woman whoso namo was not ascertained woro up be fore polico court this morning undor complaint of vagrancy Ilirsch was tried undor tho Btatutos ploadod guilty autl was committed to tho county jail for a term of GO days Doputy Arthur Koonigstein took him over this morn ing and placed him undor tho caro of Sheriff Losoy Tho woman was tried undor tho ordinance pleaded guilty and was fined tho Hues and costs amounting to 1 1 10 which were paid Superintendent Paunnbalter presi dent of tho Northeast Nebraska teachers association writes Tho intorest in tho meoting of the North Nobraska teachers at Wnyuo March S i0 is so general and tho program is so decidedly practical and strong on tho vital questions wo liavo to consider in every school that I wish to again urgo boards to givo their toachers a chauco to attend This meeting will do much good Besides tho Northeast Nobraska mooting was passed over last fall on account of a desiro to turn all forces together for a good meeting this time II E Dawes superintendent of tho Nobraska school for tho deaf at Omaha has sent out circular letters to tho news papers inviting them to call attention to tho fact that there aro many deaf child ren in tho stato who aro not receiving tho advantages of tho Echool This in stitution provides such education as freely for tho deaf as tho public schools do for thoso who can hear Tho super intendent says I wish you would call your readers attention to tho fact that Nobraska has a school for tho deaf nnd dumb located at Omaha That tho school is absolutely free for tho deaf and dumb of Nobraska That pupils tloaf or dumb to such an extent that thoy cannot acquire an education iu the public schools are entitled to admission into this institution Tho school occu pies six largo brick buildings located upon largo and spacious grounds about five miles northwest of the post olllco but within tho Omaha city limits Twenty teachers nro employed to givo instruction in tho literary articulation art and industrial schools It is tho earnest desire of the management to bring into this institution every deaf or dumb boy or girl that may bo entitled to the benefits of an oducation here Colonial toa tonight as 7 50 at tho First Congregational church Boelers souvenir sale March 28th Buy ouo dollars worth or more nud get a nice present Furnished rooms to rent at Mrs Youngers on tho Heights Spanish war scones Friday night and Iu His Steps Saturday night at tho Second Congregational church South Norfolk Admission 25 and 15 cents Fresh catfish at tho Palace Meat Market To the lulillc I wish to announce to tho patrons and friends of the library that I have re duced tho prico of subscription from 250 to 1 50 per year and would bo pleased to receive subscriptions from all thoso who desiro to profit by this oppor tunity We havo on our sholves over five hundred volumes of tho best literature obtainable and we see no reason why auyono should buy books when they have access to a good library for tho small sum of three cents per week J L Daniel Librarian Sour pickles 20 cents a gallon Sauor kraut 20 cents a gallon Cocoauut 15 cents a pound The Faik SrpRE Sturgeou is the piano man Cheap Tor Cimli Residence on Norfolk avonuo an aero lot two story house six rooms good cellar large barn orohard and plenty of of shade trees 1C00 will bny it if taken soon Inquire at O F W Mar quardts jewelry store Foil Salu One dray wagon and two sots oi harness II II Miller 1 1 i Wanted to Rent By two young men one or more well furnished rooms Location iu northwest part of town preferred Address J caro of News office Wanted A good girl for general housework Mns G A Luikakt Wanted A dining room girl at the Clifton house Oh yes Wo are making stamp photos at Maoys Cash Tul lis A f2000 residence property for lG0O an aero lot two story house on Maiii street Must bo sold quick nt this price O F W Mabquaiidt THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 22 HMO m HUM Til jij Plan to Straighten Out the Tangle BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTED A Mooting trrr lltor ItiM litnt rtenlni lropnrty til lin lluriil Imlerthe Mull iiRPiiirnt of the Itimril llulldliiK to hn Cuniplitlril mul Opciiiil Tint Nrws is happy to stato that tho opera liouso troubles now scorn in a fair way toward a sottloinent At an ad journed mooting of creditors hold last ovoning which was also attondod by Messrs A L Wigtouand W II Wig ton it was decided to place tho house in tho hands of a board of trustoos who nro to mauago it until suoh a time as all local claims against it havo been settled Tho board of directors was formod as follows E A Bullock president Herman Gorecko vico president H B Wellor secretary Al Degner treas urer and W II Wigton By stipula tion among tho parties interested tho board of directors is to havo full finan cial ohargo of tho property and all rovonuo recoivod will bo expended undor direction of tho board It was ttecided that tho liouso ought to bo comploted and it is proposed to do this and finish furnishing it Tho plan detormiued upon is to finish and furnish the liouso complcto in time for another opouing For this advance seats will bo sold and a canvass of the city will bo commenced right away to sue how tho business men feel in regard to tho mat tir It was stated by the Messrs Wig ton thnt if 500 is raised for tho opening they will then not only bo ablo to comploto nnd furnish tho liouso but thoy will bo ablo to to pay every claim against tho property As soon as tho canvass which is to bo niado by tho bonrd of trustees Miows that a sufficient number of seats havo boon subscribed to warrant the belief that the oponing will be libornlly patronized work will bo commenced at onco to comploto tho building and furnish it in anappropriato manner It is the judgment of The News that tho Messrs Wigton desiro to do tho fair thing in regard to tho opora house aud thoro is no doubt but that they ought to bo met half way It is not bolioved that thoy are responsible for tho methods used by Mr Warrant in tho construc tion of tho liouso as thoy aro unques tionably greater sufferers from his work than tho city Tho city will havo a first class opera house when a few more finishing touches aro put upon it and tho woll known liberality of Norfolks public spirited men should come to tho front in tho emergency which now ex ists Ciixh Ih Wlnit I AVant A six room house good barn ouo aero lot on Norfolk avonuo worth 2000 will sell for 1500 if taken this mouth C F W Mauquaiidt We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhoru Building and Savings association T E Odioiive Sec Witriiiiifr Parties have already begun using places inside the city limits for a dump ing grouud and along tho river near tho Geigor place which is within tho jurisdiction of tho city government All such persons will take notice that tho city has provided a dumping ground on South First street near tho Elkhoru river and this is tho only place that can bo legally used as such Anyone found violating tho ordinance relating to city dump will bo promptly arrested and prosecuted under tho ordinanco By ordor of tho nuisanco committee W H Widajian Chief of Police Stamp photos at Macys just as many for 25 cents as yon can get anywhere in the city See samples iu show caso on tho corner Store room now occupied by F A Huston for rent possession April 1st Inquire of W M Robertson There will bo a special tea salo at tho Fair store next Saturday when tea will bo sold at 10 cents per pound Also lye ut 5 cents per can Condensed milk at 10 cents a can Three pounds of figs for 20 cents Houses for sale T E Odiobne Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residonco and office Choice corn beef at the Palaco Meat Market PERSONAL F W Muusou of Pouca was n city visitor yeaterdaj Ed OShea was a city visitor yester day from Madisou O A Hammond of Beaver Crossing was a city visitor yesterday E K Valeutiue was a city visitor yesterday from West Point Attorney II F Barnhardt of Piorco is in the city on legal business Geo Davenport jr and Ed Walters drove to Pierce today on busiuess C 13 Lear a prominent attorney of Spring View had business in Norfolk yesterdayt Gus Marquardt and Charley Rouso went to Plainview today to furnish uiuoio for a Knights of Pythias ball Postmaster P F Sprecher returned yesterday from Schuyler where ho had been to visit his fathor who has been sick A L Wigton of Omaha vice-president of tho Koyul Union Mutual Life I iisui unco company was a city visitor over night 1 1 Baker who has been horo in tho Intorest of the Toutlno Investment company of Hastings wont to Stanton this mornlug A left handed Roolal will bo givon Friday ovoning by the Kpworth league at the homo of O 1 1 Million on South Fourth street KofnshniontM will bo served for 10 cents Black bass at tho Ialaco Meat ket Mar- Drlrnnk Salter Diseases of children Wall paper at Christophs Farm land and oity property for sale by G 11 Seller Wanted Two good moil to canvass for organs and sowing machines One man for the country and onn man to solicit town trade Must furnish tho best of references 1 1 SimuiroN Tho Norfolk Piano Mau Having purchased the Box grocery store I will bo pleased to continue to servo Mr Boxs old patrons I will oiieu up for biiHiucss at Boxs old stand on Saturday the 21th with a full aud comploto lino of groceries Yours Truly B MrviciiH Agents wanted for tho best typewriter on tho market tho Pittsburg Visible writing iu sight at all times exclusive territory riven Address Hindloy Hard ware company Pittsburg Pa Not Itll to Nnii rinliliillt lleloililiilit To Minnio Nit non resident defend ant You are herein notified that on thoilrd day of March 1100 Albert K Nit filed a petition against you in tlio dis trict court of Madison county Nebraska tho object and prayer of which aro to obtain a divorce from you on tho ground that you havo willfully abandoned tho plaintitV without good cause for tho term ot two years past You aro required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday tho llth day of April lXX Aiiikkt F Nit By Barnes Tyler 1 lis Attornoys Notlcn of City Kindlon Notico is hereby givon to tho qunliflod electors of tho city of Norfolk Nobraska that tho annual election of said city will bo hold in tho different wards on Tues day the Id day or April 1K0 for the purpose of electing ono mayor ouo clerk one treasurer ono city engineer ono polico judgo ono councilman from tho First wardoneconncilman from tho Sec ond ward for tho two yoars term ono councilman from tho Second ward for tho ouo year term ono councilman from tho Third ward ono councilman from tho Fourth ward Tho polling places in tho different wards shall bo as follows First ward nt city hall Second ward at Anton Buchol resi dence Third ward at Third ward hoso houso Fourth ward at Junction hoso houso Polls shnll remain open at each of tho said polling places from oclock in the forenoon to 7 oclock in tho ovoning of Bititl day Dated Norfolk Neb March 20 1KX Attest J E Simpson J O St itt Mayor City Cleric Notice of School Klnctlon Notice is hereby Jvon that nt tho an nual election to bo held in Norfolk No braska on Tuesday tho d day of April 1900 thoro will bo two persons chosen as members of tho board of education of the school district of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska at which election tho polling places in tho various wards will bo the same as for tho city election First ward iu city hall Second ward at Anton Buchol res idence Third ward at Third ward hoso houso Fourth ward nt Juuction hoso house All resident voters of tho district out t do tho various city wards shall voto at ho city hall polling place Polls shall remain opon nt each of said polling places from 0 oclock in tho fore noon until 7 oclock iu tho ovoning of said day Dated Norfolk Nobraska March 20 100 Attest J E Simpson J O Stitt Mayor City Clerk HARDY A CI keeps in M B stock all tho best H grades of HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L Go to see CARL L LAUB6CH for first class TINWORK One door west of Oxunrd Hotel For lluinbing Steam Filling Pumps Taoks Wind Mills Anil ull work iu tliU lino call on W H RISH SntUfuctum Quuritiitcoil Iirt door South of Tiik Dwu News Oilico C W BRAASCH DBALKIt IN lOOALi AisrjD Exclusive agent Kir the Celebrated Sweetwater Hock Spring Coal tho best In the market Scninton Hard Coal Iu all sizes THLIQIMIONIC 01 FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary 0 A IiUlKAUT luicHiDicNr II AS H llltllHIIC VlOIJ IKEMIHCNT W II IOIINHON MnitlKft W It HttAAHH Arht UtnniKK The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny nnil noil oxcIiiwikii iiii HiIm count ly 11ml nil puitnuf ICnriiii Ilimi lonim Director tAUl Ahmiih W II JiiiinhON Cium 13 llitllim 0 W IIiuah 0 M HWANK I A ItJIICAlir T 1 MlMMINIllll I HlCHMONH BAcBRfF6 R WHEATLING AM HRHAI MADE FROA1 BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them Mi PACIFIC COAST SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk N A HAINIOIjT Irmulniil AUCXANDKU IIKAK Vloo Imniiliml W lllllIIIIOli Cimlilnr K W7UT7 AimlHtAiitdiHlilftr National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys iindScllHjSxohanjjc Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any PolntJnJKtirope A GcncralStiCiuiiHhlp and Foreign Passage Miislnoss Transacted DIBHOTOBB A IIKAU K P HANIiON l J HAMS W II IUJUIUU2 WM ZUrz NA UAINHOIVT JOHN It IIAYH V VKIH1KH HHCOTTON NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN flcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Ironinti delivery Work called for and relumed Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Union Pacific ASK FOR Hi BITTERS GOOD FOR WHAT AILS YOU For Sale at all First Class Saloons L P LARSON GO FREMONT - NEBRASKA Nebraska Dlitrlbutorj Norfolk Nebr Splendid Train Service TO AND FROM DENVER O A T m T A TTTP nrrnVT AND ALL fl yi PRINCIPAL SAN FKANCISCO PORTLAND VIA THE MEALS A-La-CARTE STEAM HEAT PINTSCHUGHl Two trains daily to and from Denver nnd Colorado points Two trains daily to and from San Francisco nnd California points Two trains dally to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points Ono train daily to and from Portland and North Pacific Coast points with direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Jiuffefc Smoking and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Chair Cars For Time Tables Folders Illustrated liooks Pampnlots descriptive of tho territory traversed calljon your nearest agent or addrnaHf e l lomax General Passenger aud Ticket Ageut Omaha Neb ------------------- If you want the Best Seeds Buy Vicks Our own growing and the Worlds Choicest The handsomest aud most com plete Catalogue wo evor issued sent free if you stato in what you aro most interested Flowers Vegetables or Small Fruits JAMES VICKS SONS ROCHESTER NY 1 -- 4