The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 10

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lie Fooltiil the SuriiiiH
All doctors told Heuick Hamilton of
West Tofferson O after suffering 18
months from rectal fistula lie would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed but ho cured himself with
Backleus Arnica salve the host in tho
world Surest pile euro on earth 27
cents a box at Kiesau Drug companys
drug store
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of CX6X
Whats Your Km c W01II1
Sometimes a fortune but never if
you havo a sallow complexion a jaun
diced look moth patches and blotches
on tho skin all signs of liver trouble
Bat Dr Kings New Life pills give clear
skin rosy cheeks rioh complexion
Only 25 cents at Kiesau Drug companys
drug store
Deauty la Illood Deep
Clean blood means a clean skin No
beauty without it Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keen it clean by
tirriug up the lazy liver and driving all
Iiurities from the body Begin to day to
jauish pimples boils blotches blackheads
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascarcts beauty for ten cents All drug
gibte satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25e 50c
Dont Toltcco Silt ud huile Your I ire Ann
To quit tobacco easily and forever be mas
oetlc full of life nervo and vigor talte No To
I3aciewonder worler that malies weali men
strong All druggists tOc or II Cure guaran
teed Booklet and sample free Addrctf
Pcrllng iiemedy Co Chicago r New Voilt
LIKE A FLASH of llKlitniiiK
sudden and stiiitling disease Btrikrs
ilimii ninny a mini Yit tlirrc have
been wiiriiingH warnings un
heeded 1ood lias lain like a heavy
wiiht in the stomach after eating
Theiu have been bclrliiiiffN bitter
tisitigi in the uuiutli nervousness
sleelesMiiesHaiil gumiug irritability
Instead of listening to these warn
inis recourse ha been bail to some
of the nerve nmnbinir palliutivca that cover but never cure disease Many
ocrious diseases begin in a diseased condition of the stomach and organs of
digestion mid nutrition The stoinnch is really the vital renter of physical
life Jt furnishes the blood which nourishes the whole Inxly in brain as
well n brawn When the Ktouinch is weak it is not equal to the work of
MinplvliiK the blood upon which depends the Micnglh and vigor of the body
Without this essential blood supply the body weakens in all its organs Hie
condition of the Innly when the blood stream inns low n the same as that
Ol tlie HUH Wlietl Hie nun stream mini nra i iikic in
not enough jiowcr to do the woik The heart feels the
lnck of power the brain fuels it so do the limns nerves
liver anil all the vital organs Dr Pierces olden
Medicnl Discovery cures the weak stomach and other
organs of digestion and itutillion inci eases- the activity
of the blood making glands and poiiiH a tide of pine
blood along the nt tones and veins which noiiiisheM
every oigan into stiength It is the great stonimh
streugthening iietve nouiisliing hing healing inuscle
uiakiug leuiedy of the age It contains no alcohol and
is free from opium cocaine and all tithei uaicotics
Doctors Dlaaflioo
About ten jeaii niro I beRtm to have tionble with my
stomach writes Mi Win Ciinnollv of MS Walnut Stieet
loiiin Ohio It not so bid that I had in lay oil Millie
often two and thiee days in a weeV 1 line been Heated
by the best doctois In this city bill not no help Some
said I had cancel of the stonmch ntliein eatiiiih olheis
dyspepsia Then I wtote to von fni advice Yon ml vised
the use of vout olden Medical DWcoveiy anil IMeiisiuit
ldlets These medicines 1 have taken as diiected I
couiiucuecd to kcI belter fiom the stiiil and have not lost a
tluv this sunuaci on account of my stomach I feel tip top
and beltei than I have foi ten yeuis
Keep Use bowels fooalitty by
using Dr Pierces Pleasant Pel
lets Thoy dont grijsss They are
easy to take and sure to euro
Sulf IrrHorvutloii
Is tho firHt luw of Nftturo For thin
reason overyono who 1h ill dosiros to bu
como well Tlioso who huvo impuro or
impoverished blood turn to Hoods Sitr
Bnpurillft becnuso thoy know it will
enrich nud purify thoir blood nnd give
thorn good health To tuko thi liiedl
ciuo on tho llrst iipponriinco of impuro
blood is an important Btop toward Holf
Hoods Pills ouro nick honduoho indi
ltuuktir HmitHii lloliliur
J H Garrison cashier of tho bunk of
Thorn villo Ohio luul boon robbed of
health by a sorious lung Iroublo until
ho tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for
consumption Then ho wroto It is
tho best medicine 1 over used for a
Bovoro cold or a bad enso oflung troubln
nlwnys koop a bottle on hand Dont
Buffer with coughs colds or any throat
chost or lungtroublo whon you can bo
cured so oasily Only r0 conts and 1 00
Trial bottlos frco at Kiesau Drug com
panys drug storo
How Are Ymir Hlilnrst t
Dr Pills euro nil kidney Ills Sara
pie f rue Aikl Sterling luiuedyCoCulruiuorNY
A KluiKtUh Altnek
An attack was lately niado on O V
Collier of Ohorokeo Iowa that nearly
proved fatal It camo through his kid
uoys His back got bo laino ho could
not Btoop without great pain nor sit iu
a chair except proppod by cushions No
remedy helped him until ho tried Elec
tric Bitters which effected such a won
derful change that he writes ho feels
liko a now man This marvelous modi
cine euros bakaoho and kidnoy tronblo
purifies tho blood and builds up your
health Only rO conts at Kiosaa Drug
companys drug store
Men can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of all weakness and dis
ease Writo for new froo book
Dr J N Hathaway
22 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
3eari the j9 inB wnu ou naB wways B0Uni
If if fflP
IS i
Try Clriiln Ol Try Oraln t
Ask your grocor to show you a pack
ago of Cirain O tho now food drink that
takes tho placo of coffee Tho children
may drink it without injury as woll as
tho adult All who try it liko it
Gruin O has thnt rich seal brown of
Mocha or Java but it is niado from
pure grains and tho most delicate
stomach receives it without distress f
tho price of coffei I Go and 5e per
package Sold by all grocers
If you want to bo a handsome rollick
ing girl with rosy oheoks laughing
eyes lips like Cupids bow take Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask your druggist
Tills Is Your Oprmrtunttj
On receipt of ten cents rush or stamps
a generous sample will bo mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Can
Elys Cream Halm sufficient to demon
fctrnto tho groat merits of tho remedy
fill Warren bt lcw York City
Itov John lleid Jr of Oreat Falls Mont
recommended Elys Cream llalm to me 1
cau oniphnsio his statement It is a posi
tivo euro for catarrh if used undirected
llov Francis V Joola lustor Central 1roB
Church Helena Mont
Elys Cream llalm is tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh and coutainn no mercury
nor any injurious dni Price 50 cents
Tho maidons dream of love and Imp
piuoFS can bo fully realized by taking
Hooky Mountain Tea Brings bright
oyos lovely color health Ask your
To Cure Constipation Forever
TiilioCiNftiiots Uaialv Uuthurilc 10c orilo
tf U C C fall lo cure ilrusslMs return money
Ktttirnto Tour lloweln Willi CitMcnretfl
Candy Cathartic euro constipation foroor
0cUc If CCCfall IruKKlstMutuad money
The only way to euro constipation is
to romovo tho causo This cau bo done
by taking llocky Mountain Tea the
only absolute cure T conts Ask
your druggist
Demurrer of Standard Oil Com
pany Is Overruled
Htnlfi l liven A linui n to Collrct
Slinrtacn IrnMi llnnilmnrti HI llunilrml
Thoiuniiil llollnit luvoltrit In Suit Sif
liirnie Cinirt Appulnti llrriliiinn CleiU
Lincoln March 22 Tho supremo
court overruled tho demurrer of tho
Standard Oil compuny o tho suit
brought ngaiiiNt it and named April 1
next as tho date for trial Tho action
is one brought by tho attorney general
charging the Standard Oil company
with violation of tho antitrust laws of
Nebraska und seeking to oust its ngeu
cIub from the state Thu Standard de
murred to tho ut tornoy generals con
tention that the case could bo brought
before thu supreme court as a court of
original jurisdiction claiming that thu
caso was of a criminal nnturo which
must originate in a lower tribunal
Tho supremo court decides it has juris
Tho court on motion of tho attorney
general granted a rehearing in the
Hartley bond case It involves sJHUO
000 of state money embezzled by ex
Stnto Treasurer Joseph Hartley and for
which ho is now serving a 20 year sen
tence in tho penitentiary Three mouth
ago tho court held his bondsmen not
In the Omaha lire and police contro
versy the court denied the right of
either sido to intervene in tho suit now
pending but permittud either to illo
new petitions in the regular way
Thu supreme court boforo adjourn
ing announced the appointment of Leu
Herdiniiii of Omaha as clerk
JiiiIru Sullivan Ilinne Smitenei 1pnii the
Coiitlonttirit Mini
LrxiMiTON Neb March 22 Judge
Sullivan overruled tho motion for a
new trial iu the Dinsmoro murder case
yesterday Ho then ordered tho pris
oner to stand up and propounded tho
usual question as to why sentence
should not be pronounced
Dinsmoro auswered iu a firm voice
I nm absolutely innocent
Judge Sullivan replied You may be
Innocent but you have had a fair and
impartial trial and whilo I am sorry
tho jury did not fix the penalty at life
imprisonment instead - of death which
is a reduction on civilization I bolievo
tho evidence warrants a verdict of
He then sentenced him to bo hanged
iu tho jail of Dawson county July 20
1000 Tho prisoner was then hnndcuficd
and returned to the Buffalo county jail
for safekeeping
The attorneys for tho defense will at
once carry tho case to the supremo court
Tar anil IViiIIiith For Fiiri
GitKTXA Neb March 22 List night
a mob took Louis Figg and wife tho
religious fanatics from their beds and
treated them to a coat of tar and feath
ers Notice was then served upon tho
head of the Figgito church that if ho
did not desist from breaking up fam
ilies ruining homes and maintaining a
harem filled with tho women of tho
families ho has broken up that a socond
visit from the mob could bo expected
and more stringent remedios applied
Dentil of Nrtlii ilnn Hull
Omaha March 22 Netherton Hall
died suddenly yesterday at Manzanillo
Mex Mr Hall had chargo of some
largo mining properties at that placo
and had just returned from tho north
when ho was taken ill with coast fever
His life had been principally spent iu
Omaha whero ho was very prominent
nml well known Ho was a nephew of
Tint Niws 300 department is com- tho late Bishop Clarkson
ploto in every particular
Rob Peter to pay Paul That is
what thoy do who tako stimulauts for
weak nerves Hoods Sarsaparillu gives
truonervo strength
Lazy Liver
I linvo lieen troubled n great ileal
Willi 11 torplil liver which produces constipa
tion I romul CASO AHliTS to ho all yon claim
for thorn ana bceurod biicU relief tho llrst trial
that I purchaaotl another supply anil wni com
pletely cured I ahull onlybo too b I ad to rec
ommend Casrurots whenever tho opportunity
lo iiiiucmuu JA U1TII
20S0 Susquohanna Ave Philadelphia Pa
rioasant ralataulo Jolent Tatte Good Do
flood Iuvcr Sicken Weaken or Gripe 10o 25c tOc
tidier Itemed Couaio CMti0 l New Til 51
linTnR10 Qri and tftiarnntcrd by ulliUiiK
HU u DftU dtli to UVi Tobacco Habit
North Western
F E Ifl V R RJsthe best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Intimity Ih thu Uefeime
Hastings Nob March 22 By its
opening statoniont yesterday in tho
trial of Viola Horlockor charged with
poisoning with attempt to kill Mrs
Charles 13 Moroy tho defense out
lined its intention to prove that Miss
Horlockor was mentally irresponsible
by heredity her condition being aggra
vated by a man whom sho loved not
wisely but too woll
ItttirultH for the Ilillipplueii
Niw Yohk March J2 More than
1000 cavalry infantry aud artillery re
emits will leave Fort Schuyler and Fort
Slocuin today for Brooklyn where thoy
will board the transport Sumner which
will sail on Saturday for tho Philip
pines It is also announced thut im
mediately after their departure COO more
raw recruits will bo received at Fort
Slocuin for a general training
Prohibit ItiuUt Niiuie h Ticket
Minneapolis March 3 Tho stato
Prohibition convention yesterday uoiiii
nated tho following ticket For gov
ernor B 13 Haugon liouteunnt gov
ernor O 13 Wilkinson secrotury of
state Frank K Carlihle treasurer O
W Dorsett Tho delegation to tho na
tional convention will support Hale
Johnson for tlrst pluco on tho ticket
Hoy Held on Murder Cliuri
Inuianaiolis March 22 Peter
Schwartz Jr tho sou of a brewery
worker was held at tho police station last
night on tho charge of murder Tho
boy is 9 years old and in a ciuurrel
threw a piece of brick which struck
John Duucan a companion of about the
same age above the left ear resulting
in death
hire ISmt U Through Ire
Cleveland March 22 After a ter
rific battle with ico the fbu bout Clove
lander carrying a large upply of pro
visions yesterday succeeded iu reach
ing the two fibbing tugs aud the fire
boat Farley imprisoned in an icefield
off tbii port
IMnUli Wrrntlnr D lrnt llin Animlrnn
Clmiuplnn ill Miullnoti Hilinit Onrilnn
Niw Yohk March SiJ Beck Olson
of Copenhagen met Kriicst Hoeber tho
heavyweight champion wrestler of
Ameiiea at tho Madison Square Garden
last night iu a Irieeo Houmn match for
the worlds IhnmploiiMiip and Olson
was declared tho victor by Hcforco Sam
Austin This mutch d inured from ro
cent contests of this order inasmuch as
it was to all intoutsand purposes on tho
level Hoeber gained tho first full in 21
minutes and 25 seconds by a half Nelson
hold Tho Dane secured the next fall
which proved to bo tho Inst by a front
body hold and throw Hoeber was mi
able to como to tho center at tho call of
time after a iO minuto intermission
aud Olson thereforo was given tho
Altiiupt to Murder n Itulco
Paiuk March i2 Iu tho pnlaco of
justico yesterday an attempt was niado
to murder the presiding judgo of tho
llfth court by a druggist named Hardin
who had just lost a suit Tho judges
had just taken thoir scats nnd counsel
iu another caso had begun his speech
when Bardin aimed a revolver nnd fired
three shots at tho judgo who had a nar
row escape tho ballots grazing his
head Municipal guards threw them
selves on Bardin and removed him to a
cell whilo tho judge with porfect cool
ness said to counsel You can con
tinue maitre it is nothing
KnRlno tlunipH Hie Track
Altoona Pa March 28 The on
ginu hauling the second section of tho
western express duo hero at l40
oclock yesterday morning from some
unknown causo left tho track at tho
east end of tho Altoona yard and fell
over on its sido Engineer Adam Kauff
mail uged -15 of Harrisburg was
crushed in his cab aud died soon after
Irompt Selling Itemilln In
Aro You
Wiping Out
uu lliu ly Giiln
OlllOAni Mnrch LL Tho wheat market
ucnuraKCil by a Rood foreign ilomnml forueil
npwnrd nml onward for b time odny but ro
ncteil when this demand was mitislled nml
closed weak May b8Ko under yesterday
May corn closed V Jo lower and May onts a
hliade better Provisions at tho closo were 6o
lower for May pork to So higher for May ribs
Cloiim prices
W ii bat May CiiWio Julv OTgOTJio
Cons May H7Uo July l7J43rjc
OAis May aifgl io j July ffilc
PoitK Mny niH1 July JU23
Kliw May tO11 July J017
Laiui Miiy IOU75 July 015
Cash ijnotatious No 2 red wheat CSJiO
e4c No I BpriiiB wheat WAWiz No i
corn ajo No S oats 2IJJo
CIiIchko Ilvo Sloolt
CmrooMaroli Jl Cattlo Rccelpts 10500
steers lOo lower except best butchers stock
active arm natives best on sale lodny 5X
Kooil to prime steers 14 7nCi4 80 poor to med
ium 14000405 elected feeders 4O047O
mixed btoclters t34lXtl00j cows JHO0420
heifers ja154C0 canners Ji2j300 bulls
calves 450iiflOO best Toxnns
J450 Texas fed hteers active U75r500
Texas bulls J316at5 Hors Receipts today
31UO0 tomorrow 28000 estimntod left over
5000 KitlOe lower top J5 Yli mixed and
butchurs J480510 Rood to choice heavy
llit5r5 rouRh heavy J4NXt4iMJ liht
4755 0s bulk of Miles 4 P5i5 X Sheep
Receipts 10U00hlieepbtroiig to shade hlRher
lambs lOiitlA1 hiRlier Rood to elioien weth
ers 00j5h5 lairtoehjioe mixed KX50
western sheep 5 4lub0 yetu liiiRsSO IKVO 50
iintis u lumba 5 50s7Uj western lambs JtlUO
Knnnu Clly Lite Stock
Kansas Citv March 31 Cnttlu -Receipts
6750 steady lo Hlo hltlier plain native steers
4 iir25 Mockers und feeders IH 50Sr52i
butchersi ows and heifers jJ54i0 can
ners lia fed westerns I8S1 50 west
ern feeders I400425 Toxnns 5fti4 0
Hors Reeeiots 18200 Rood demand for nil
nUsses at 5o dplnu lieavy t48Vj5H0 mixed
147501 W llRht 4GOo4llOplRS J42545
Hlieep lteceipts 3700 offerinRS nearly all in
ferior steady to 5c lower common lambs
lOSOvftflJO yearlings o0035 00 muttons 1500
Si 00 stookors und feeders J400fl0M culls
South Omaha Live Stock
South Omaha March 21 Cattlo Rooeipts
2800 steady natlvw beof Rteers 40tVi35
rows and hiiifrHI3UO4UO canners I225cp3 25
Btocki rs uud feeders 370a480 calves J400
0750- bulls stags etc 2808b0 Hors
Rweipts 860 610o lower heavy 4804 00
mixed 477aS4bO iiRlit HXmtiH piRs
U 0O5l75 bulk of saloa 477i48JJJ Shoop
Receipts 30u0 steady yearlinRs 575015
western muttons J5 8058J stock siieep J425
45 00 lambs 0000li0
mi sioic m
Anil till Wfiili nro Ilertoreil to Iull Mlfor
aiiiltri iitli ut the llnuosiil
est Ilenlor of Alodurn Times
Have nil any pilii or nchn or M eakness
Dots jiiur liliHxl slioAthatitcoiitiliit
Are oti nen ousj uu luk
ivii in jimmuuu ihki viu
oiiei iiy tiiein nine ou
liirtiuilatliin iHtlieiiuni
unnitural ilriiln u ton lit
s ploml Is in ery oiriii tier
fonnliiL Its iner fmic
linn In Other MohIm
Aro You ll IVrleelly
Strong Vigor
ous lliiiltti lleppy
lliiii or Woiiiiiii Y
II not ini slioiiM Mil du
Invonudn lieforu nm cull-
suit a spet lnlli t ono to
open lunik and ilio
and dUeuso Mid to
tor a emu m us miui Id uc
tho luUlini ol a Ililutiiii of IlRiin
roriMrVOoarnil 1 NiTOS
TIlO Loading IIATIIAW AVlUhlnen tlieleuitini
Qnnrlntlcf si ecliillitof llilncouiilry Ills prut
oiuouiiti tiro liiistieen for jeiirs liirnerllinn
Hint of ull oilier speciullstHcoiiililntd lll cnn sof nil
rorlsnildlM ured rondlUons liuelieeii tlmiimrvtlol
tliuuK dlriil priifpfKioiiundtliiipisipliiRenenilly Hi
fiiinohis rpreuil into every tou nnd eiei hunilit
lilriseMKis In order tlint they niltlit tn miil ulmlo
liy Iho uiliiilnli tcrtiii of Ills wnnilei f ul si sti m of treit
went Wrecks of Immunity liute eoiuu to him for
IliliFidtiitlon and medicines lmu feu Liter
liu e I etiirued to him In most iRnrous htulth to sn u
hlmtlielr llmiiks
All DlscasOS lr lintliiuiu trealu ulldlin ei
Mui nri thosn peculiar lo iiien und those
uu uu
iifculliir lo Hoinen us well b
Oiitarrli niieimiiitlsin Kidney Complaint KizmiJ
mull II fnriuKot liiiuurliiKiiml chronic illsorders
lr Hiillianujs siircii s in the
VarlCOOOlO and treutment of uml
Strlrturn Slrlcturewllhmiltlmuldol kmle
or rautetr Isilienomenal The
imtlent l treated liythln uietliinl nl his ounluuue
witlinnt natn or lossof tlmo from business linslo
iswltlvely tle onlr treatment hrh cures llliout an
nrenillon llr HuthuviurfiilU tle Iurtlrulur alien
itnn ol niTiVr from Varicocele uul hlrliliire to
piis esIoViWiuiil 3lof hlsnewlsskuhlchnlll Is
Every Caso
scrtfreann nnnllratlon
iverrraso taken hyDr IIhIiiimii
Is iisslully treated arcnrillnu tolls
liHlurpHlliinderhlsReneriil ernrnl
Mm arn prepiin d from the purest and lst ilms s In
lilsown lalxirHtnries under his personal oMislSlit
aud nil fimn seeclHl prescriptions of his own
llr liainanav iiiukes nn eliHruu inr
LOW tulon or inli Ice either al his olllce or liy
Fees mull and nheuartise Is taken the one h
ft e covers ullrottof iwilicliK s und profes
tlonul tervlres
Ir Hiithawuy Co
VCouiioerctul llliK k Sioux Ml yIouo
n - r
ilhii i ii tiiieuiik
utrl i i i hi iTi nWia
cfictablcPrcparattonfor As
similating ihcToodandRcgula
ting theStQioarJuS andDcwcls of
ncss nntlltestContalns ncitlicr
OpiurrTMorpWfAC norKincraL
Not Narcotic
joxve oroidHrSAMCimnvnsa
Iunftoix Seed
Hifrynv Harm
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion Sour StomachDinrrhoca
Worms Convulsions Fcvcrish
ticss and Loss of Sleep
TncSimilc Sinnturc of
Auwv -
Fnr nil vlcfi In ruflpfl rpnnlrlnf imprint
dlrcctlona adrireM pIvlnkKymitomR
HKuiuiB iu uiiAiinnooga ienn
esSm7 liw
msMZiiZzy ik si
Made a
V imrm L en ivian
the f jKjfCmb of Me
ITUEllXroaE5E maamrDS
produces tbo above result a In 30 days It actl
powerfully and quickly Cures when nil others fail
Young raeu will regain their loet manhood and old
won will rocover their youthful vigor by using
BEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervoua
ness Loet Vitality Impotrncy Kightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting OUeases and
all effects ot self abuso or eicem and indtBcretion
which unfits ono for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tbo seat ot disease but
la a great nerve tonic and blood builder bring
lug back tbo jilnk glow to palo cheeks and re
storing the dm of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having BEVIVO ne
other It can be carried In vest pocket By mall
100 per package or sis for SOOO with avposl
tire written guarantee to rare or fciona
the money Circular tree Address
Royal Aledicine Co3
For sale by Geo B Christoph
lneiuiionia Cured
IMrs A J Lawrence of Heaver Pa
says lirailian Halm brought me out
of a severe attack of pneumonia in
splendid shape It is a wonderful rem
edy for coughs aud lung troubles Also
for outward ue for burns cold sores
and chapped hands and fuce it curc3
like mngc It is invaluable in the
Ask your
It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age
None of us want to die young This universal desire can be realized if
care be taken of the health in early and middle life A little precaution then
will add many years to our existence Death can be kept away a long
time Happy healthy old age will be the lot ot the woman who promptly
corrects the ailments which afflict her sex In youth Wine of Carduiwill
take the female child safely over the dividing line between girlhood and
womanhood As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of
pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible At the
Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in
her pathway between 40 and so Then will come many years of truly
blissful existence She will grow old slowly and gracef jfly To the last
she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic
ot periectry healthy grandmothers
It is for women alone to decide
whether they will be healthy or
sick The remedy for their sick
ness is close at hand
For Infants and Chrdren
Tho Kind You Hav
Always Bought
Bears tlie
w Alb
You Have
Always Bought
They overcome Weak
ness irregularity and
omissions increase
or ana oanisli pains
of menstruntion They are IiIPE SAVEKS to girls at
womanhood aiding development of organs and body No
known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm lifo
becomes a pleasure lGO PJEIt BOX BY MAIL Sold
by druggists DR MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio
Lxnun Brcvrox Co AnK Aug 4
I am 49 years old and have been suffering with
Change of Lifo I had flooding spells so bad that
none thought I could live My husband got mo
Wine of Cardul and it savfd my life I am like
another person since taking it
aYJ I Z I M ifif JLl Zl I tB
Luna llalm and nil ILLUSTRATED BOOK on Throat and Lunir Di
for a generous
Elys Cream Dalm
contains no cocaine
mercury nor cny other I
injurious urug
It is quickly Absorhcd
v lives Hellcf at once
Vt iiimiiB ntiil tmnuAd
Kays 1
Seari the A liio Kind You Katf AIW3TS
itreit with you whether Ton rnntlno the
mrvlcliiiir lttia liall a ry
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