The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 22, 1900, Image 1

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Boer and Briton Once More In
Frobnblo That No Very lniinrtniit Action
Will Orcur Uurlnc Nrit Tlirro V ki
Inrnlun Ulllc Hocrlvrn it Meting but
lta Content Are Kept Secret
London Mnrch 22 Several tele
grams huvo passed between President
Kruger end the British government in
udditiou to the Salisbury Kruor eone
hnnndenno already published The for
eigii oillce received a dispatch fiom
Pretoria yesterday The contents of
thcho eonnnunications cannot yet be
obtained So far as the military situa
tion is concerned there is practically no
change Lord Roberts is quietly mak
ing preparations for tho next inovo As
necesMiry to a beginning Generals Gat
aero and Brabant aro swiftly moving
from point to point in the southern dis
tiictsof the Free State dispersing or
aceeptiug tho surrender of any remain
ing Boers thus ensuring tho safety of
Lord Roberts communications before
htarting toward Pretoria
A correspondent of tho Daily News
nt Springfontein describing these move
ments says General Gatacreis swoop
iiig through tho country like a cyclone
with flying columns in all directions
His swiftness and strategy have proved
of inestimable value to Lord Roberts
Tho rebuilding of tho railroad bridge
at Norvnls Pout will take two months
Two temporary bridges will be completed
in about 10 days Meanwhile supplies
are transported by an serial tramway
across the gap These works necessarily
delay tho providing of supplies for tho
Lord Methuens movements north of
Kimberley aro believed to be a prelude
to the gathering of a column of 20000
with Kimberley as a base to strike east
ward from Fourteen Streams into the
The long and anxiously awaited news
of tho relief of Mnfeking has not yet
been received Mr Schreiner has
granted tho request of tho mayor of
Capo Town that a public holiday be
proclaimed throughout the colony on
the relief of Mafeking
A dispatch to the Daily Mail from
Pretoria dated March 19 says Presi
dent Kruger returned from Kroonstadt
yesterday Ho says tho light in the
Freo State will bo desperate I am in
formed that the Transvaal government
has taken no resolution to destroy mines
or property as a last resort
The Capo Town correspond cut of tho
Daily Mail telegraphing March 31 says
I have just arrived from Bloemfontein
where I learned that no further move
ment is probable for three weeks as
negotiations are proceeding I failed to
ascertain the naturo of tho negotiations
or whether Sir Alfred Milners depart
ure from Capo Town is connected with
thein but I should not bo surprised if
the war collapsed quickly
Tho correspondent of tho Times at
Lourenzo Marquez telegraphing Tues
day says It is reported from Pre
toria that a scheme has been raised for
the amalgamation of the Transvaal and
the Freo State Kruger will become
president of tho federated states and
Steyn commandant general of tho Boer
army The flag will be the same as
that of tho Transvaal with an addi
tional orange color
A dispatch to the Standard from
Bloemfoutoin dated Tuesday say
Four thousand Transvaalers from
Colesburg trekked on Saturday and
Sunday into tho northeast going by
way of tho Basutolaud border They
will probably be caught at ouo of tho
The Capo Town correspondent of the
Morning Post says On tho best
authority I learn tliat the real objective
of the Fischor Wolmarans deputation is
Russia Cecil Rhodes sailed for Eng
land yesterday
Klliniimtu KiikIIhIi motoric
Chicago March 22 Histories of
Englund were dropped from tho lists of
supplementary reading for tho public
schools at a meeting of the board of edu
cation last night Books wero adopted
for all grades at a cost of thousands of
dollars but none of tho histories will
contain a mention of England except as
an incident in connection with tho war
of independence For threo months
Trustee John T Keating who is tho na
tional president of tho Ancient Order of
Hibernians has been fighting tho uso of
histories of England which ho de
clared was prejudiced in favor of En
Vruti Itatlflcntion of Iruiuli Treaty
Chicago March 22 Tho executive
committee of tho National Business
league met today and formulated plans
in which tho committee hopes business
men throughout the country will join
to secure a ratification of tho Freuch
reciprocity treaty John V Ela and
James Doering wero appointed a com
mitteo to frame a memorial to congress
asking immediate und favorable action
on tho treaty Tho leaguo will also
make an effort to secure tho co-operation
of the press all over tho country
Fear at Another Strike at Ianu
Pana Ills March 22 Another
strike is threatened in this city ut the
coal mines Tho mining scale of 40
cents per ton expires April 1 At tho
Springfield convention a few weeks ago
the mining scale for this district was
ret nt 40 cents per ton Already several
manufacturing firmB of tho city are
Mocking up with coal und preparing for
the occasion
llilrtv Men lniii il lv the ratling of
Irrlulit Klrvntor
Chicago March 22 Thirty person
were injured by the falling of a freight
elevator in tho rear of tho building nt
120 Market street where tho vletinif
wero cmphived by the Blakely Frintiug
company It is thought none of tho
victims will die although several til
them were badly hurt Following aro
the most seriously injured Goorgo
llnlc Albert Christian Joseph Hoffman
Albert Seiftrt Ernest Heine luiiici
Delamey Walter Hartwig Patrick
Foley Edward Lwi James Thomas
George Weikes John Rambo Georga
Hall Edward laville Edward Wolf
Edward King Louis Stanton Goorgo
Tho men had worked all night in tho
printing shop and had crowded into tho
elevator at the top floor Tho big ele
vator moved slowly down tho shaft till
the third floor was reached Then ac
cording to Harry Olson who had taken
hold of the rope which set the machine
going something snapped and an in
stant later tho lift filled with its mass
of victims crashed into tho basement
Tho accident was caused by the break
ing of the engine in the basement
Heroic ItM m of n Fiimlly Trout n Iliirii
liiK Ilnt Nhm York
Nrw York March 22 Six lives wero
saved by the gallant work of a young
colored man luring a fire at a flat house
in West One Hundred tiutl Thirty fourth
street The mans name is M S An
derson Ho detected tho tiro whilo on
his way to work Tho flames had
gained considerable headway and in a
window of tho second floor stood a man
unmed Nelson with his six littlo child
ren hovering around him their cscapo
having been cut off by tho lames With
two passers by Anderson ran into tho
building next door and up to tho burn
ing floor With his two companions
holding his legs Anderson swung head
downward and swaying his body back
ward nnd forward managed to reach
the children as they were held up to
him by the father All were taken out
safely in this manner
SnutlKiiiuiH Clipnr Duuiy
SAVANVAHMuroh 22 Fifty thousand
persons on the streets here yesterday
gave Admiral Dewey an euthusiastia
welcome to Savannah Tho admiral
had recovered irom his indisposition
sufficiently for him to tako part in tho
military parndo and as he rodo through
tho streets with Mrs Dewey at his side
ringing cheers rent tho air Military
companies were present from many
Boutnern cities and nearly men
wsro in line An admirals salute was
fired by the Chatham aitillery from
brass pieces presented the organization
by President George Washington Tho
climax of he occasion occurred at the
banquet at tho Do Soto hotel last night
where the admiral wes presented with
a beautiful vase on betuilf of tho city of
Savannah by Hon F G Dubine
Ilenne oil lnileieiiiluiit Action
London March 22 At a meeting of
the Irish members of the house of par
liament yesterday John Redmond pro
siding it was agreed that tho Irish
commoners should not bo allowed here
after to pair with either Liberals or
Unionists This action is a recurrence
to the independent attitude of the Irish
party under Parnells leadership and is
calculated greatly to increase tho fight
ing influence of the organization in par
Itobert TiiIkh to Naval lirigutlu
BLOKMroNTKiv March 21 Lord Rob
erts while inspecting tho naval brigade
on tho plain outside tho town in tho
presence of muny of tho townspeople
addressed the men thanking them for
thoexccllent work thoy had done in tho
course of tho campaign He wished
good luck to thoso who wero about to re
join their ship and expressed tho hope
that the others would bo present at tho
entry into Pretoria
Shot by Unknown AmuikhIii
Chicago Mnrch 22 Robert W Gil
christ proprietor of n barbershop at
1754 Twenty second street was shot
and instantly killed whilo preparing to
shave u patron in his shop last night
The assassin camo to tho door of the
shop opened it about half way took a
slow aim with a riflo and fired hitting
Gilchrist in tho templo Ho escaped
before tho witnesses of the crime could
recover from their astonishment and
givo pursuit
Professor Henry Colin of tho chair of
German at tho Northwestern university
ut Chicago died Wednesday of apoplexy
Sydney capital of Now South Walo3
and Adelaide capital of South Australia
Jiavo ueon declared intcctca with tho
bubonic plague
A petition was filed Wednesday in
tho district court at St Paul asking for
tho appointment of a receiver tor tho
Twin City Jockey club
As a result of tho recent increase in
wages granted tho Massillon miners tho
Massillon District Coal Operators asso
ciation has decided to raise the price of
coal 25 cents per ton
J A Orcutt a well known old
trapper near Rhinolander Wis was
found dead at his houso just at the edge
of town where ho lived alone Ho was
shot through tho head
The houso committee on public lands
Wednesday directed a favorable roport
on a bill allowing a single woman who
locates a homestead entry on unplatted
lands to completo tho entry after her
Smallpox has broken out in the Greut
Northern grading camps uoar Fort Ben
ton Moil where ubout 1200 men are
at work Thirty eases have been al
ready reported and it is feared thut it
will be impossible to check the dUetue
House Members Become Heat
ed Over Its Provisions
Ohio lteirccnlritlte CIiiur mI Willi llrllig
Atliiinry for lulilij FIrMIhe llir Men
urr Sen ii tn Im nun Itriollitlon for III
qnliy on Capn Nome Irani
Washington March 22 Dining tho
debate in tho house yesterday on tho
Loud bill relating to seoiiid class mail
matter there was n sharp exchange be
tween Mclhorson Hep la and Lent
Dem O over a charge made by the
former that the latter was the attorney
for the lobby which is fighting the bill
otherwise the debute was without inci
dent Both the friends and opponents
of the measure express the belief that
tho vote today will be close Loud has
agreed to accept two amendments one
to increase tho number of sample copies
which newspapers can send out at sec
ond class rates from o00 to 2000 and the
other to limit tho provision requiring
newspapers to separate their mail to
thoso in excess of 5000 circulation
These are all tho concessions ho will
make He says tho debate has strength
ened I he bill and he believes it will pass
The speakers were lironiwoll O
Griggs Ga MePlierson la Burke
Tex Bingham Pa lleatwole
Minn and Latimer S O in favor of
the bill and Moon Tenn Lent O
Vandivcr Mo Snodgrnss Tenn
Cochran Mo and Neville Neb
uguinst it
I ii it 1 1- on Cnpi Niinii tiiimti
Washington March 22 Upon tho
nuthority of the governor of Alaska
Turner Wash made the statement in
tho senate yesteiday that concessions
for gold mining in the bed of the sea
near Capo Nome Alaska had been
granted by the secretary of war anil
upon that statement be based a resolu
tion of inquiry Senator Turner said if
such a grant had been made it was a
shame a reproach and a scandal Tho
resolution was agreed to In a few
minutes and without discussion the ad
ditional urgent deficiency bill was
passed with one or two other measures
of importance Allison gave notice that
he would call up today tho conference
report on the Porto Rican appropriation
Heellil Will Willi
Washington March 22 Tho Post
says On account of earnest efforts
being made by Republican senators to
reach an agreement on Porto Rico
which all senators can consistently sup
port Senator Beveridge will not for the
present urge his amendment for free
trade for that island but will postpone
his speech until such agreement us the
Republican senators aro able to make is
reached The senator desires it under
stood that he has not abandoned hi- po
sition and that he will vote to sustain
the principle enunciated in the
Hill for St 1 1 ill Imposition
Washington March 22 Representa
tive Lane la yesterday introduced a
bill providing for an exposition at St
Louis Mo in lJOU to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the purchase of tin
Louisiana territory Tho bill provides
for a government building to cost -100
000 and also for the expenditure of
5000000 by the government when the
exposition authorities huvo raised 410
000000 Piovision is made also for the
creation of a commission and for other
features giving the exposition a national
and international scopo
To 1iinh 1orlo Itlcci Turin Hill
Washington March 22 The friends
of the Porto Rico tariff bill in tho sen
ato aro more confident than ever that
they will be able to pass tho measure It
is claimed that tho quiet work which
tho hurmony committee has been doing
is having effect nnd tiiut tho opponents
of tho tariff are not so determined as
they wero a short tinin ago Tho argu
ment is being mado that this being a
Republican measure it ought not to bi
defeated by Republican votes
Irohncul Ion ItdtH Hit Cam
Washington March 22 By a vote
of i to 4 the Couer dAleno investigat
ing committee decided not to call Mr
Sinclair as a witness for tho prosecu
tion Mr Sulzor thereupon announced
that tho prosecution would rest its case
This cleared tho way for tho opening ot
tho dofeuso but as tho hour was late
tho commit tee adjourned until today
when it is expected that Governor
Steuuenburg will be called
The Norfolk Weekly News
Ostium IimIiii the Hero of Ilttvnu llle
Nrw YoitK March 22 A dispatch
from Constantinople announces the
death of Ostium Pasha tho hero of
Plevna and the greatest Turkish soldier
of recent times Ho was 08 years old
His defense of Plevna against an over
whelming Russian forco in 1877 gave
Osman enormous prestige By the in
tronohinonts ho caused to bo thrown up
ho urrested for four mouths the advance
of tho Russians In threo pitched bat
ties ho overcame tho finest troops of tha
czars armies
Two Woiiifn Try Stilclile
EiKHAitT Intl March 22 Stella
Harrington married and Lyda Jordan
unmarried young women of this city
took morphine last night with suicidal
intent Miss Jordan leaving a uoto pro
claiming her love for Mrs Hnrringtons
husband Mrs Hurriugtou will not
give uuy reasou for her owu ultempt at
vtJ destruction
Opening Dates
MARCH 24 and 26
THE Large and Stylish collection of
trimmed hats will embrace some
Genuine French Patterns The line
Readyto Wear Hats is a large one
The Public is Cordially Invited
The services of Miss Wise an expert trimmer
from Chicagohave been secured for this season
llllilt III Ill Vt Til PIT
Chicago March 22 Junius J Jeff
ries through his managers contracted
to meet three men in one night in Chi
cago April i Tho champions three
opponents have not been definitely
selected but it is practically settled that
Jack MeCormick and Ed Duukhorst
will be two of them Jim Barnes has
been mentioned as the otner Jeffries
will leave California at once and prepare
here for the bouts
Itillitum liiiiiti fur Tiirrri
Monvkkkv March 22 Tho Ninth
regiment of infantry stationed in this
city has received orders to proceed im
mediately to the scene of the Yaqui
Indian war and join tho forces of Gen
eral Torres in tho cnnipaign that is now
being waged against tho rebels It is
probable that permission will bo asked
of tho United States government by
President Din for this regiment to pas
through tho United States
Tho Democrats of Alaska huvo called
a convention for May 28 to naiuo dele
gates to the national convention
Tho Metropolitan Railroad company
of Now York formally took control of
the Third Aveinio road Wednesday
A reunion of federal veterans was
held Wednesday at Dublin Tex the
occasion being the visit of General Al
bert I Shaw comiuaiiderin ehiof of
the G A R
Knn as Missouri and Iowa passed
through St Paul Wednesday en route
to Lttrimorn Miuot ami other points in
North Dakota
John and Jooph Cliasiner brothers
wero struck bya train on the Wisconsin
Ooiltrill Witfl ilfieilti t tiliiln 1
- iwj if u i w iu iiiu
track in a buggv near Cudott Wis
Both were instantly killed
The Merchants and Manufacturers
association of Baltimore Wednesday
adoptetl without a dissenting vote
resolutions strongly condemning tho
Porto Rico tariff bill and favoring tho
Nicaragua canal
Tho secretary of tho navy has granted
ship building concerns engaged in tho
construction of about -10 torpedo boat
destroyers and torpedo boats an exten
sion ot one years time for tho comple
tion of their contracts
Arrangements have been made to
send an additional detachment of med
ical officers to Han Francisco with a
view to their transportation to Manila
for tho relief of a similar number of
medical ofiicers in tho Philippines
Tho gold stutuo of Tho American
Girl whio is to be exhibited at the
Paris exposi on was successfully eust
in Now Yort Wednesday MissMuude
Adams tho actress was tho model aud
Mrs Bessie Potter Vounuh wus the
M D tjli r
Attorneys n Law
Norfolk - - Nebraska
At Ilcrco Evpry Monday
Mast Block
Not folk Ncl
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco itizdiH Xiitiiuml Hank IIiiIIiIIuk
Tukiilintio 101
Sanitarium unci Main iiml lTtli St
Norfolk - - Nebraska
rll Smith Uli Stnel Norfolk Xuhr
Will ho In Vadium Tiii hIii mill 1riilaj of
eiirll week
Olllco nnr Citfrnus National Hank Kn iiliiiro
ouo lilock north of LoiiKrtKatioiiiil church
Iasliionahle Dressmaker
tp ctaire hi Cotton block owr llanmV Mori
Kirt t uork nuarantciil
Attorneys at Law
Ilooiut 10 It nml 1L Mni t block
Undertakers and Eiiilmliucrc
SVi moiis Illk Norfolk Ue
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Attorney at Law
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wfgton
lilock Norfolk
Facial Treatment
Manicuring and Shampoo
Will kIiiIIj call ut jniir homo nml do any of
thin work Orilors taken for IIiid hair rwitches
IVrfi ct match KiiaranOiil Kosiilvnca on 1- irst
street liinclioii Onli rs may lie left at thu
Junction DniK Store Tel ihoim No 11
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
Sale andL
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold o
Braasch Avenue
and Tnird St
Everybody wautu the best of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Osr Shop la theNeateit
In the City