The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Madison County Delegations
are Named
Vlionnn IlolrRntPK In Stnt Smintorlnl unit
1 mlloliil Contention CoiiKroMmiui ltoli
Iiikuii Mny OIiooko I IelttRHtea Ite
intlillcati CoiiKroKHKinnl Cotniiiltten
From Monday Dally
Pursnnut to call tho tlcmocrntio
county couvoutiou mot nt tho Muniuiirdt
ball in this city at 2 oclock this after
noou auil was callod to order by D J
Koonigstoiu chniruinu of tho comity
central committee
T F Moininingor was choson nB
temporary chairman and V E Martin
aa temporary secretary
A committoo on credentials consist
ing of Ed OShea A J Dnulovy and
Albert Dognor was appointed Aftor a
short rocoss tho committeo reported that
all precincts in tho county wore ropro
Boutcd except Door Creole Emorick
Shell Creole and Kalamazoo
Tho temporary organization was thou
made pormauont and election of dele
gates to tho stato couvoutiou was
proceeded with
Tho following uamod woro choson
J S Robinsou T F Mommiugor W
Hartwig Q A Luikart D Roes A
Boar T M Hull A P Ohilds A J
Dunltvy P Stautou J J Hughes F
J Hale S K Warrick Owen ONeill
Frod Scheoreger Joe Osborn
Motion prevailed thatHou J S Rob
inson bo allowed to solect tho delegates
to tho couKrcssioual convention
Tho following named were elected ns
delegates to the senatorial couvoutiou
I G Wetervelt P F Zimmerman W
O Roland Fred Dims A G Moyors
Aug uumund Win 11 ikofsky Al
Doguer O scar Uhle 1 1 ITuglu j A
Beir C 11 llininan T 0 Oiborn
John Dieter Pit Stanton J S Craig
As delegates to the judicial conven
tion the following named were elected
D J Koenigstein T D Preece M B
Foster Geo Losoy F W Koerbcr S
K Warrick A J Dunlovy F J Halo
Motion prevailed that tho delegates
elected to tho stato convention to elect
national delegates also constitute the
delegation to tho convention which will
nomiuato candidates for state oilicers
Aftor selecting members of the county
central committee tho convention
adjourned to meet for tho purpose of
nominating couuty oilicers upon call of
tho chairman
Congressional Committee Mooting
The republican central committeo of
the Third cougressioual district will
meet this evening at tho Oxuard hotel
in this city to fix time and place and ap
portion delegates to the congressional
convention Some of the members of
tho committee arrived as early as yester
day and others came in today All
members will probably not bo hero bo
fore evening Those who have thus far
arrived to attend tho meeting are C
W Conklin chairman Tekamah A
W Ladd Albion A A Logan Croigh
ton J R Manniug Wayue W E
Peebles and B F McDonald Pender
J S Lsnimon Thurston Fremont
Everett Lyons H O Russel Schuyler
P L Rcrk Tekamah Carl T Seeley
Madison J F Jenal Hartington Carl
Kramer Columbus Ed Hoaro Fromonr
W M Robertson of this city is tho
Madison county member aud Jack
Koeuigsteiu is secrotary
Transportation Outfit Tells Why There
Viis no Mooting
The state board of transportation is
aillictod with all kinds of trouble of
which tho Norfolk case is not tho least
Somehow tho people have got an idea
into their heads that the honorable
board should do something besides draw
their salary and their breath They
did mako a move by appearing in Nor
folk in all their dignity and holding a
hearing regarding tho complaint of tho
citizens they oven went so far as to
make an order to tho railroad com
plained of but now that tho time has
como to enforce tho order or grant a
further hearing thoy appear to be
afllicted with a dosiroj forrest and tho
persistent urging of them to action is
exceedingly tiresome Tho object of
tho board soouis to bo to let tho matter
go by adjournment until thoy are re
strained from action by some court
The World Herald reporter inter
viewed members of tho board yesterday
with the following result
Seorotary Laws of tho state board of
transportation was asked today what
grounds exist for the complaint of tho
Norfolk Business Mens association
published in tho World Herald this
morning to the effect that while tho
hearing on their case had been sot for
March 0 at Norfolk the board failed to
appear and failed to auswer communica
tions regarding the matter
Mr Laws prefaced his statement
with tho declaration that tho Norfolk
case made him so tired that ho could
hardly bear to talk about it
The truth is ho continued that
ou March 1 tho board met and postponed
until March 15 the live stock hearing
the corn rate hearing and the Norfolk
hearing in cousequeuce of tho restrain
ing order secured from Judge Muuger
I know that tho Norfolk people should
havo boon notillod but I was so busy I
neglected to do it1
As tho restraining order was not ar
gued boforo Judgo Manger yostorday as
oxpoctod on ncoount of tho sickness of
one of tho attorneys it is probable that
tho dato for thoso hearings will have to
bo again postponed It is dilllcult to
understand how tho board could hold
tho threo hearings all at 11 a in on
March 15 tho tinio decided on espe
cially as tho Norfolk complainants woro
promised that thoir hoariug would bo
hold in thoir own city
As a result undoubtedly of this in
terview tho following lottor was today
recolvod by tho socrotary of tho Business
Mens association
Lincoln March J Mr Chester A
Fuller Norfolk Nobr Doar Sir Wo
notioo in tho World Herald today your
letters claiming you woro not notified
about tho actiou takon in your case
This caso was postponed from March Oth
to March 15th togothor with other cases
that woro tiod up ou account of tho
action takou by tho railroads in tho
fodoral court This adjournment was
takon ou tho motion of Mr Porter and
said hearing is to bo hold hero on March
IfUh with others Now if it iB not con
venient for tho pooplo of Norfolk intor
ostod in this caso to bo prosont nt that
timo hero nt Lincoln wo will adjourn it
to somo other dnto at Norfolk Our
failure to notify you of this chango was
an oversight and wo rogrot that it
happened Yours truly
Statu Board op Tuansitiktation
By Sec James 0 Dahlman
The Klrctlon Law
Thero has boon some quostion con
cerning tho law under whioh tho city
olectiou is to bo couducted this spring
and for tho purpose of getting nt tho
truth of tho mattor a roportor for Tins
News interviewed City Attornoy Mnpes
in regard to it His opinion is
that decisions of tho supremo court in
recont cases put out of oporatiou all tho
lato laws regarding elections in cities of
tho secoud class aud that tho law of lS8t
is tho ono under which elections aro to
bo hold
This is tho law under which eluctions
were conducted in Norfolk up to four or
five yoars ngo nnd it provides that tho
term of oilico of mayor city clork and
city treasurer shall bo but ono year
The first olectiou uudor tho now law
was when Dr Bear was chosen for
mayor aud Mayor Simpson was also
elected under tho now law Each of
thoso gentlemen hold tho office for terms
of two years but tho mayor city clerk
aud treasurer elected this spring will
hold their offices for a term of but ouo
yoar as provided uudor tho old law
Tho now law also provided that tho
city engiueor in a city of this class
should be apnoiuted by tho mayor The
old law now in forco provides for his
election A more recent law provided
for tho election of chief of police and
city attorney but this has met with the
disapproval of the supreme court and
these officers will be appointed as usual
by tho mayor
The decision which declares unconsti
tutional tho law of 1885 is tho result of
a caso iu which a man named Fox
worthy started a suit to recover damages
from tho city of Hastings for injuries
received through tho culpable omission
of tho city Tho law of 188 was an
amendment to tho ono of 188 giviug
tho same power to a city containing
5000 inhabitants as the law of 1883 gave
to cities of 10000 iuhabitauts A mo
tion has beeu filed for a rehearing in tho
case but it is not considered that this
effects tho decision rendered
Tho following quotations aro takdu
from tho opinion of Justice J Sullivan
which clearly shows that Norfolk is not
entitled to operate under tho samo pro
visions as a city containing 10000 iu
As tho original and only legitimate
title of chapter of the Session Laws of
1885 was clearly not broad enough to
cover legislation amending tho titlo to
chapter 10 of the Session Laws of 1883
we shall in tho further consideration of
this case deal with tho former act tin
dor its proper title tho titlo by which
it became known during its passage
through both branches of tho logislat nro
Leaving out of view then tho spuriouB
portion of tho title aud tho first section
of tho act the question for determina
tion is this Was it competent for tho
legislature to mako tho provisions of an
act entitled An act to provide for the
organization government nnd powers
of cities of the second class haviug moro
than ton thousand inhabitants applica
ble to oitios having loss than 10000
inhabitants by an enactment tho object
of which as expressed in tho title was
to amend the first four sectious of tho
original law To prevent surreptitious
legislation tho constitution declares
that no bill shall coutniu moro than ono
subject nnd tho samo shall be clearly
expressed in its titlo Const art i
11 This provision of tho supremo law
forbids amendatory legislation whioh is
foreign to the subject of the original act
aud which would not be embraced with
in tho titlo thereof If tho amendatory
law might havo been made a part of tho
original aet at tho time it was passed it
is valid otherwise it is not
It would hardly bo contended in
view of tho decisions hero aud else
where that an original act which ac
cording to its titlo related exclusively to
cities having 10000 inhabitants might
embraco legislation affecting cities hav
ing less than 10000 inhabitants
Tho restrictive titlo would in such
case clearly oxolude from the operation
of the law all cities having a population
of less than 10000 aud it is equally
olmr that au act purporting merely to
ameud such a law would furuisli no
indication that the amendatory
tiou was dealing with a different clash
of oities ror these reasons we con
clude that tho act of 188 was uot
cable to the city of Huntings
j i
ivn vnmi
Candidates for Councilmcn are
Ilsolry Kern lluUerstelii ltr ek unit
llntclmsiiti Noinliiiitotl ror liuiiiollinmi
Sm ontl limtmctH Tor Mtilrirliiiul Tor
UlnrU IrliiuirlrA Siittinlii
Tom Tiiosdnrd Onlli
Tho republican city caueiiHos woro
hold last evening pursuant to call In
tho Third ward whioh sootnod to bo
tho battlo ground tlioro was a lively
contest and thoso who favor tho prin
ciples omanating from tho Good Gov
ornmout Club scorned fo havo things
about thoir own way In tho Second
ward it is ostimatod rhat about half of
tho delegation is in sympathy with tho
now movement If tho dolegatos to tho
city convention who woro nominated
last ovoning are oleeted nt tho primaries
to bo hold Saturday aftornoon tho
probabilities aro that tho Good Govern
ment idea will control about half of
tho delegates in tho city couvoutiou
and there may bo n lively soufilo over
tho nomination for mayor For tho
good of tho party however it is to bo
hoped that harmony will prevail in tho
couvoutiou nnd that n good man whom
nil cau support will bo nominated other
wise tho city will inovitably bo turned
over to tho democrats
Tho First ward caucus was hold in
the city hall aud was organized by tho
selection of W II Widaman as chair
nmn and Goo II Spoar secrotary
Aftor sovorul ballots had been takon
O F Eisoley was nominated for coun
Ballots woro prepared for dologatos to
tho city couvoutiou and tho following
uamod woro choson
Wm Hemphill
H H Patterson
H Rokes
Ed Wegnor
M W Sponner
Al Johnson
W A Heiulebon
Tho following woro chosen ns com
mitteemen from tho ward Goo II
Spear II II Patterson aud W A
Tho primary election to chooso tho
delegation will bo hold at tho ofllco of
tho polico jndgo next Saturday from la
oclock to 5
second ward
Tho socond ward nominated W L
Kern for couucilmau for full term aud
Gay Hnlverstcin for short term
Tho following dolegatos woro selected
to represent tho ward iu tho city conven
M L Ogden
C J Stockwell
Clydo Eiseley
L M Gaylord
J W Ransom
Jos A Light
Fred Karo
Frank II Beels
J Jofferies
W M Robertson
H G Brueggemanu
R W Mills
H M Roberts
O J Stockwoll was chosen judgo aud
H M Roberts clork of primary election
J W Ransom O J Stockwoll aud
Clydo Eisoley woro elected as central
Tho following resolution was unani
mously adopted
Resolved by tho republicans of tho
Second ward that tho delegates elected
to attend tho city convention bo in
Btruoted to use all houorablo moans to
secure tho nomination of Samuel R
McFarlaud for city clork
After instructing tho central commit
toe to fill auy vacanoies on tho ward
ticket the caucus adjourned
Tho Third ward caucus was callod to
order by F E Hardy chairman of tho
contral committeo John R Hays was
elected chairman and W N Huso
R W Williams aud F W Beck woro
placed iu nomination for candidate for
councilman Upon a ballot being
taken F W Beck was found to havo
received 21 and R W Williams l and
the chair declared Mr Beck tho nomi
nee of the caucus
Tho next business was tho selection
of 18 candidates for delegates to tho city
convention and about 30 names were
proposed After some debate it was
decided that tho candidates should bo
elected by ballot which resulted iu the
selection of tho following named
W H Uucholz
W J Gow
W H Blakeman
A J Johnson
G M Thompson
H L Snyder
E O Mount
I Powers
F E Hardy
P T Birchard
O O Gow
J R Hays
J B Maylurd
R B Weller
F W Beck
A H Alliusou
W II Bridge
W R Hoffman
Tho primary election will bo held nt
tho lumber oftlco of L O Mlttnlstndl on
Saturday from Vi oclock noon to I
oclock p m h 1 Mlttlostadt was
oleeted chairman of such primary and
1 W Gibson secretary
roiniitt ward
Tho Fourth ward caucus was held at
tlio drug store of 1 llorshlsor and se
lected us candidate for member of the
council J K lluteheson As candi
dates for dolegatos to tho city conven
tion tho following named wcie choson
Frod HoUingrtworlh
A H Violo
O J Chapman
W 11 Livingston
W 11 Risli
Gilbert Andorsou
Tho primary election will bo hold at
the drug store of 1 L lloishiser on Sat
urday afternoon
Summons liy Ililil lent litn
Ollio M Fox wort hv
icorgo Foxworthy
To George Foxworthy non rosidont
defendant you aro horeby required to
lako notice that on tho llth day of Feb
ruary 11KM tho plaintiff tiled her peti
tion iu tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska against you sotting
forth that you havo beun willfully absent
from her for moro than threo years last
past without any fault or provocation on
her part That being of Hulfioiout abil
ity to provide for support and maintain
hor you havo wantonly grossly and
cruelly refused anil neglrctod so to do
Sho prays that she may bo divorced from
you aud be restored to her maiden imino
of Ollio M Wudoand for general equit
able relief You are required to answer
said petition on or boforo the Ilth day of
March 1000
Datod February i 1000
Oiiik M Foxworthy
By Barnes fc Tyler
Hor Attorneys
Notice to Non lteshlenl Itofonmiiit
John J Farley defendant will tako
notico that on tho IWrd day of Febru
ary 1100 Caroline 10 Farloy pluintill
herein filed her petition in tho district
court of Madison county Nebraska
against said defeudaut tho object and
prayer of which aro to obtain a divorce
from tho defendant from tho bonds of
matrimony on tho ground that tho
dofendant lias willfully abandoned the
plaintiff for more than two years Tho
plaintiff prays for a dooreo of divorce
from tho dofendant from tho bonds of
matrimony and for tho custody of
Myron M Farloy a minor and child of
plaintiff and dofeudnut
You nro required to answer tho said
potition on or boforo tho llth day of
April UlCt
Dated February 21th 1100
Corolini E Fariuy Plniutiff
By Mnpes and Haon hor Attorneys
In tho District Court of Madison
County in tho Stato of Nebraska
Lewis H Painter l
Mario E Painter J
Tho dofendant Mario E Painter will
tako notico that on tho 22nd day of Feb
ruary 1100 Lewis II Painter plain
tiff herein filed his potition iu tho district
court of Madison couuty Nobraska
against you tho object and prayer of
which nro for a divorco from the bonds
of mntrimony from you for tho reason
that prior to tho first day of Septomber
1807 you willfully deserted tho plain
tiff and for moro than two years last
past you havo been willfully nbsont
from tho plaintiff without a reusonablo
or just cause
You aro required to answer said poti
tion on or boforo tho 2nd day of April
You will also tako notico that on tho
20th day of March 1100 botwoon tho
hours of 10 n m and I p m at tho
office of Footo Soloman Room 501
Rand McNnlloy Building iu tho city of
Chicago iu tho county of Cook aud
stato of Illinois tho plaintiff abovo uamod
will take tho testimony of Ed Houkamp
a witness iu this action to bo used ns
evidence on tho trial of tho abovo
entitled causo with authority to
adjourn from day to day until such
deposition shall havo been taken
W M Robkrtson
Attorney for tho Plaintiff
Fd 41 ll iff7 -
A Gcnuino Walo Silver Steel String for Violin
Mandolin OulUr or Uanjo will be hent abso
lutely l RII2 to any a ldrcss on receipt of -cent
stump for return postage Write to day for
one A complete bet will be sent or 1 2c
For This Weak Only
Our 200 Walo Accordion
reduced from 3 00 is a single row Accordion
has 10 Iteys i basse ii stops 2 sets of reeds
ebonlcd wood llnlsti open keyboard double
and strong bellows our best seller
Our 550 Walo
Double Row Accordion
reduced from M50 lias 4 sets of rertsl9 Ueys
4 bastos open liey board sweet tone is cry
durable bus metul corners ou strong citable
bellows and Is all nickel trimmed
Our 725 Walo
Double Row Accordion
reduced from Il200has 21 lteys2 stopt sets of
reeds black molding all nickel trimmed open
keyboard nickel corners and clasps and very
long bellows This Accordion Is only for pro
fessional use it can bo used with bands will
tune to the Clarionet Cornet or any otbor musi
cal Inurnment Remember 1liee Prices Are
Only for One Week
Send for Waloa Catalogue ol All Mutlcal In
struments and Purnlahlnga Latest Hand Or
chestra and Piano fludc Catalogues on appli
cation Repairing ol All Kinds Done Neat and
Prompt Watch our next ad for Uarsulni
N 9 S Broidway St Louis Mo
u On iV b
Promptly Reaches the Seat
ot all Blood Diseases and
VCv WtHS Lsr
In every fit mmlo fl S H cnslly
diiumiHlnitiM IIh Hiipcritirity over other
blood riMiitillfrt It mill tern not how ol
Hliiiulo tho case nor wlml other treat-nil-ill
or reincdieH have fulled H H H
imvnyH promptly reiteliim mid eiirct any
liUrfiS n TIB ii WnrSl fiarK here I lm Mood Ih iu liny way in volveif
Kveryoiie who Iuih hml expenenee with
nmix IHiiihch Known lluil fliero are no nil
mentfl or Ironhlen bo olislinate mul lilllenlt to cure Very few romed leu claim
to euro mil h realdeep Ncalcd IIhhI IIwiihoh iih H fl H eurcH ami none can
offer mini incontrovorllblo evidonrno f merit H H H Ih mil merely a Ionic it
ifl a cure It uoes down to the very Hent id nil blood diHciiHCH and wcta nt tho
foutidationof the very worst cmmhiiikI routHtliepolHon from tlieHyntent ltdoet
no likootherremedicHdryiiptho poison and liide it from view temporarily
only to hreak forth nifuiii mom violently thaiiovcr a 8 S forecH out ovuf
trace of taint and riiln the Hystem or it forever
MrnT W lee iMontiionierv Aln uilie Hmih vmi
I i I1 V i T i
tF j in iimruiiut u wiim iimmmi ny ii nurse who imccictl
my liahe with blood taint I wart covered with hoi ch and
llhtllKil iMilltl liinil 1 I i i
tini viiil
mum nn inn in mi in mm 111 mi 111 my meai ex remit y I
onverai prominent piiyHltiiniiH treated me but
to die all
to no purpose Tlio merctirv and ihiImhIi wliiih Hhv
fjnvo me Heenicd to add fuel to the awful llnme which wiih
devotirinir me 1 wan advised by friends who liml seen
wonderful cureH matin by it to try Swifts HpeeiHe I im
proved from the Htarl as the medicine seemed to o direct
to the cause or the I rouble ami force t lie poison out Twenty
liiMlini iiiuml I a I II Hifl ii it
wuwtiuD uuiuu urn JUiUiHUiiy DWIIL H OpIKMlM
is tho only remedy that is miarantecd purely vegetable and contains no
mercury potash arsenic or any other mineral or chemical It never failrt to
euro Cancer Kcema Scnifula Ulieiiinatisni Contamo h lllood loison
letter Hoils JarbunelcH Mores elc
Valuablo hooks mailed free by HwiftKpcuillc Company A lauta Gn
ut ttil ftil duI fll rinl In in ullti IHI int f will ri
inriunfi run ok ihn immun ij rtrUia r o it iij
linn 1 oil Illii rkmitliMi It n j iiur liiiirl IViIkIiI
j iiii find It iiilt it rt pn n iiIimIi Hit itrmlrat lu
ml fr hf Mr r thnn nrtran AdtrrtWnl hy iilhrr ftl inir nit trj
ftKM OUR PRICE 330O lm tlHIrifll ii
frrUMrlWBf THE PARLOR OEM W iiiip of tlir
AMI NHhMKHT 1NH lnlr rnlrl rurwi Itnii tti
Mi ii ulilcli m Ilujniwil tllti t f t tii ft iiimtiirmili
notnn Itltiiuf IIh Im uullfnl niinrniic Almhi I runt
fHiurl iiliU ir U ill n lit li l Irnl iirrfitralnt ket n
hiilUul inarijiirtrj ilrwlffn ianrU mn many ullitr liamWoi
and on rnli making II Id U K Y IAIISlNIWK
tiVAl In ft f nut liltth ii hirmm IimkM Inclina whin m
milium oimiuiih r tinmrn n hiupn nn iniinun nian
lulrlana Rlrlmlla rralr I rrmona Ilna1 ontlrrt IrrM I
tlMinn frirl rkiMiii Human a i Jl Or t air I ntnitrr I I n f I
1 IJrnM Orcn Nwrll 4 NH of Orrliairal Intinl llMfiimlnr
Uiialllr IImU Httr 37 Turn Hnrrt M - It ItrN I Hrl
Ihannlnifl HrillUnl rlralf Itmla I H liifJI ltlrlTlriliH
Dlapiftno lUnli I NM uf rtrinir Htl Jlrlinllon Illnflpi
ItniU THE PARLOR CLM n tlon NitmNlNitr Hi
Olrhralril firll Itrni lili h mn only iiitoil In tint hlffl
estprailf lllitlllllMMtni IHllil with llammuml uiiilrrn ai
Vm Humana alK htNt holn fultM lr ItlitTrt rti lirtlnvi
nr tlm lnHt inlilior rlnlli a plv In lliwH HlMk nml llnoi
Imlhcrln nlvc THE PARLOR Gt M Irtfurnl Mr
with a Mill liovulfil iilntn l iiiirh iiitrini nl Ut I nlnli
txMlnt f i nil ion nml rvcry him lerti liniiroviiniiit U
furnUh trt fi lianflami urtau alool and thr It rat nrKHn luatrur
I Ion itiHik tulilUhta
inmiti k wrlllui lilhilln Ztyttit Kiiutniilrp liy tlu
teimniid roniMUniin nf wlilf h If any irl iivih on
rrhulr It fri f iif rliaiar liy It unit month uinl hi-
n f ii nil nnr mnniV IT yim urn not piih ctly rnllfllfd
nftlM triMNflwfll In nold nt S3550 UMHlt
ili itl l wllli iiHiijtk ynur iii llihiiriilMitil iib vm Ho
nil iniiii iHTicr or uiii pfipir ur jHiiriiiium
Nnlliinnl llnnk nr iirn Niil llink nt rhlmiii
nr Uiininii KiriimiKu Hunk Niiv Yuri i or any
rnllrimil or ihiih rinripuny In liliiin We
hkif arnrlllr ir luooi0uii on iipy cnliio
Mill Of lll IlirKDHt lllllllOfH lilflfkHltl IiIuikii
nrnl Iliiiiloy nunrly li pfilii In our ohii
IlilllillNir K hill OKHiS AT filOII iiiiI iiii
4fffl -v x
ii iu iii mi i IxSB rfHOTlyWlM V
di iMtt mi 11 1 z 1
liMHo rrrlHliir - flAWlffl t n IJaWlfiJfwi riTMT
r If II I Ml 1111 V MUmii tA7mmZWm
1101 in iiaiiik CHERH IBHBfTvtlW niMj I
o iiiimiriuinti LMAZIrU aaBRHI liENnfHral
3011 tnn fnrtn Tafl nainfS ErXvaiuiJVV
ioIIiI iiunrli r HWJAU l e v lwralaWl
inn panri ii 1 ryCVKyBL n JijlrwvtTHvl
ime ilrroriilmi 3 aalsayHMniiaKWkUintl
ul wiIkIin 1 11 J T MjrjlTWMTf 1 ffclfl BfM
IlAMis I liiMl nt upt filMi ovrryl lilnc f mn Irnl lntriiniiit nt lnwot wlmlinnl prli Wrltii for frcoiiirfUI
orimi plurii mul innul nl InMriiiniTiti nllni ii Aillttriri Hon Uuvkurk It Co us lUruuglil rolUlle Lllior
QEARSOEBUCK CO Inc Fullon Dospbincjand Wayman St CHICAGO ILL
Kiur frrliclit atrrnt our
aim i rinriiNi lb IHVlAlinHK7flP7 Mej irrrrn
Kwrii ZaBRtlti LjaS7 CfcWrtrllLIi
ii PwSswBSSe 1 BIB
IScrtSieiaaiSLpG VBJftT 13KZM
LaUd ixm 1
llMUicritHoiri rlllrC unknonn inarliliir Ulidfr ArJoUSIiaincit uith tarlnui
IEiFEiWfiB7isifillH B
lliin till I no itxitlllini it ill your in niinb 11 1 ikiii iiipn niii n iwiinu fuS7 m PUr 1 I
irfrllr nillltrlurjtCX ictly iiHriiininUil ripinl In nuirliliirfliprH i IKvlvlJi i V JLaw
lilirha 10 Oil unci TIIK IIIIKAllM IIAIIIHIN Villi iTlTOJWigTrJiKyygTCCtHyV ra
nnuii Aiiiiiii poj Qnofini Hdr Prim tiR nn SJSSSSStSStaissxsssssaa
and fnilliL diuitMK MiicIiIihj wiIkIih Ii tlinfn uht will
mimk7fiiiUoi riLcu firm iiiiih oivt IT THREt MOHTHS TH AL In
your own Iioiiim and vs will rrturii ourir m uny OuyMi urn not
nntlfdltil Hr II rilfrfrrnt miLra liml Krailnuf Hlnif lBrfinrat fiHi
f IDOO l m ODhimI u nil fully ilfcrllrfd In our tirr hfwlnic
Jlarhlnrlalal Kur hut 11 SO for tlilrt IMUM Mhh 11I1NKT IttUIUCK U
tin irriMilcol Miluti vvr on rru nj uny imitMr
rinrrtnrula Hrltti aomf frit ml In I Mf ayo
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555f qS5T XggfcA
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UltllK 51AII JIAIlK Willi TIIK
DKtM IH OF K Malr by thr
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from thf hit iniitfHiil nimiMv
JmSMm fn
QHI in nilARTPR QAWPn HALT OPfiP fir r TAfilHrT Piano polUard
v voi mi Jliuhiirttioii tiliowH iiiachlnt
cluatHl lirad dropping from Bltflit tolio uhimI hh a trnit r laid UaJ
nrdakth otheropcti with full length tnlilu hud In nd In place fur
MiWltut 4 fanrr dranrra lalfftt IhUJ akrlrfnn frarar rarved liatliulfdem
fd and dworattdrftMiict flnlidi nm t nickel dm hit mil lit rrstrt on four
atnrH adlllHtnhlntn ndlf LTCliulnflSiuvth Iron ftitid rlsral I ant lllcti Arpa
hrad potdtlvo four motion ftidirir thrtttdlnt tllnitlni shuttle uutmnatlis
lioiiliiu iiiocr ftojiiriniiir oriirjiiKH piiiuru iiiikioii uopniior imprnTriinHwu
wIktI ndJuBtnliln nrcirinurn foot ioipro imI nhiittl currier pili ntncidlrlmr
pfttt nt ilnHflUttrK hntA la bandurn l drrnralrd and ornamolrd and lirauUfully
nlrkrllrlumrd GUARANTEED Ihellnhlrtt running moil dyraMe aud urart
ntdtrlraa niarhlnr made Vtrj knuwn altattimrol furnUlird flllil our KfCB In
Htructlon Hook tells Jtmttmw uny nun ran run It and ilnvlther plain or any
kind of fancy work A 20 Yrara Hlndlwc luaranlrr Ii n nf Hli tvci y mnchlnti
IT PflQTQ Vmi NfiTNINR otf and riamlDriiiit mafLluf roinpaiH It witli
II uuaia tuu
hi mi t
t tfrekcrrr mdl at j
fOOOO and then If convinced that you urn ttavliiir IJA0V to JI0W pay jour freight agent tli SISfiO
WK TO nKTIIlN YOlK flo If at any time wjtliln llirpn ninntha u jouarunot rilltflfd OUDKU 10UAI
DONT DELAY Sears Itnflmck v Co mo tlmnmirlily n IIuIjIo Flftor
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
Free Reclining IChalr Gars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcelled timo anil accommodations
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
Ior moro complete Information descriptive
pumplilctt etc uddrea
J 0 PHILIjIITI w c baknes
Southcait Cor llth and Douglas Stt
Cut tlil ad out and fend to ijh und
whwIII Kind ou lliin IIIMI UIUIK
treltflit C O MihjKt to uvainl
nation t you can ui amine It at our
freight depot and If faiunl iKrftctl
hatlnfartoryeiiutly as rrpteouUit
und etjuil to talt that pUilut
fii IKrrallroaJ tKfJd uurapt clal
Irlff 5773 lr W i1 IK r
S675 uml Melklit rliari Tlu
Hhhtplntf weight l It It nnd the
frrtUht will auraie7 or vU
inllo anl ur guarantee aafe drlhrr
farm ttir ur
Koaratitttr IU1
tarstand will
it ur i
Rg rn so
affl oq
ni 1
rSSiSft rn
luhu iiicitiiini
will kiIkIi ouu Hh Iiv mliiix nil wcIkIiIk runiltheil
Ilrnii beam weiixllO Hi liai htririi llrtHlldlan Ib
riatronii It KiiJ inrtiea ri tlntt un mljuttalilf rlilll
Iwarliiu Iia Drntoii t tl pitota imt Miiitlve
ncoillnlu an I ilurulilu n itlv ihuIh imiuntrd dm four
lurKn Mhiili tlipynro nlrcl piliitci ami nrimintiiml
and Iwutirully llnllieil tliruiiKhoiit Fry farmer
wlllyatu iviiro th col 111 nn Min 1V wcfKhinic the
Kritin liu nll uml luy llllliHl AT HMI Iirfnrv tho
talliirut uf italeM fitf fr tlieak
liu Sean Roebuck Co Inc Chicago lit
brar Uucbuckalo ar Ibjrvuybl rrllabtrtJHor
H r Iiiok It leriUntt TruilM rel
rnV 111 L lj liin inttiliil
1 rAVlHI llfcJ IV M Vlv uiit m m
tlm iirlf cliartKl by otlirri and WE I JiJ
Urk K urlM lUilk lru llluttrated almvr i ut thta
d uitt and a nd iu uviUIi OIK bltilUt rlllfK -
jiateyour IIUM tlH liu lon jouliarebecn
ruptuiYil MtiithiT rupiura It larseoi mnull alostta
nuniKr inclio around the lid on a line with the
iuiiturvay wlietlnr rmduie U oil right or leltalde
ihlvMv Ill Hdiid fltherlniM to you with thr
Ifll U aat a prf I l tail rul lo lm lati
rtlrll rt Hi rcn time uur price ou can retui n It and vv o
will return your money
ur iriir Iiioliiillntr th V luou Ut Tru t1 7R
tlittcur Iuti1 ihi b 1 MlilbMll fur vfil J
To PATENT Good Idus
may be secured by
our aid Address
Baltimore lid
gulucrlptlon to Ttie Patent Record llUOperauauui