1 il m i i K V 1 f I I I f l ka 8 5HI zsy5r JC He Fooled tho NitrKeolis All doctors told Renick Hamilton of West Jefferson O after suffering IS months from rectal flstuln ho would dlo unless a costly operation was per formed but ho cured himself with Buckleus Arnica salvo the best in the world Surest pile cure on earth 5 cents a box at Kiesau drug Btore Drug companys CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ux What Vour 1aie Worth Sometimes a fortuuo but never if you have a sallow complexion a jauu diced look moth patohes and blotches on tho skin all signs of liver troublo But Dr Kings New Lifo pills givo clear skiu rosy cheeks rich complexion Only 25 cents at Kiesau Drugcompauys drug store Beauty la Illood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No tpnii v without it Cascarets Candv Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body Begin to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets beauty for ten cents All drug gluts satisfaction guaranteed 100250500 Dont Tobiffo Silt aud buik uur 1 ire Annr To quit tobacco easily and orerer be mag cetlc lull of life nerve and vigor talio No To Uoc tiie wonder worker that makes nealitncn strong AH druggists tOc or II Cureguaran teed Booklet and sample free AJdrcsi Psrllng Itemed m Chicago r New York illff A FLASH of lightning sudden mill stiittllng disease strikes down tunny n turns Yet tlicrc have been warning ujioii vrnriiifsf un heeded lood lias lain like n heavy weight in the stotnncli after caling There have been lrclchingrt bitter rihiiiLs in the moutlif nervousness sleeplessness niul growing irritability liibtcnd of listening to these warn 1 J Sh tuus recourse liiwIieen Itnil to some of the nerve numbing palliatives that cover but never cure disease Many wrioiwvuiscnscs begin in n diseased rondition of the stomach nnd organs of dlRcMion mill ntitritiAn The stomach is rcnlly the vital center of physical life It furnishes the blood which nourishes the whole body in brain ns well ns brawn When the stomach is weak It is tiqt equal to the work of MVnnlyinptlie blood uihiii which depends Ihcstrenglh ntidviKofar the hojly Without thin essential blood supply the Ixnly weakens in nil its organs The condition of the lxdy when the blood stream nms low i the same ns that of the mill when the mill stream runs low lucre is not enough power to do the work The heart feels the lack of power the brnin feels it m do the lungs ncrvcji liver mid all the vital 6tgnii Dr Verces Golden Medical Discover- cures the weak stomach mid oilier organs of digestion d nutrition jncieawH the activity of the blood making glands mid pours n tide of pure blood along the arteries and veins which nourishes every organ into strength It is the great stomach strengthening nerve nourishing lung healing miisclc maklng lemedyof the age It coiitntun no alcohol and is free from opium cocaine and all oilier narcotics Doctors Dlsagroo About ten years nn I bignn to have trouble with my stomach writes Mr Win Connolly of SVS Walnut Stieet Lorain Ohio It not so had that I hnd to lay olT quite often two nud llitce days in n week 1 have been treated by the best doctors iu this city but ot no help Home said I hnd enucer of the stomach otluiH catittrh others dyspepsia Then I wrote to von for advice You advised the use or vour Oolden Medical Discovery and PleaMiut Pellets These medicines I have taken as directed I coninrenivd to net belter from the start and have not lost a dav this summer on account of my stomach I feel tiptop anil better than I have for ten jems MVVvMAAAAM Kaop tho bowels healthy by using Dr Piarcos Pleasant Pol lots m Thoy dont ffrfpo They arc easy to take and sure to cure If llio Cup Fits Wcur II If your nro KutToring from tho eonno tmoncos of impuro blood hrivo boilB pimploB or Borofula soros if your food doe not digOBt or you sufior from ca tarrh or rhounmtiHtn you are tho ono who should tulco lloodB Siirsiiparilln It will fit your case exactly miiko your blood puro and euro salt rhuuni scrofu la rheumatism dyspepsia catarrh and glvo you porfect health i Hoods pllla euro all livor ills Non-irritating - llimlior KoutH rt Itoliliiir J K GarriBon cashior of tho bank of i Thoruvillo Ohio hnd boon robbed of f health by a BoriouB lung troublo until ho tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for consumption Thou ho wroto It is tho bust uiediciuo I over usod for a Bovoro cold or a bad enso of lung troublo always Icoop a bottlo on baud Dout Buffer with coughs colds or any throat chost or luugtroublu when you can bo cured soeasily Only M contHitudfi 00 Trial bottles froo at Kiesau Drug com panys drug store How Are Your Kidney t Dr IlobbaSiiaragut Pills cure Ml kldnoy Ills Snn plofree Add titorllUK UcintdyCoClilcuKoorN A KIoikIImIi Attack Au attack was lately matlo on 0 F Collior of Chorokeo Iowa that noarly proved fatal It camo through his kid ueys His back gotBohunoho could not stoop without grent pain nor ait iu a chnir oxcopt proppod by cushions No remody holpod him uutil ho tried Eleo trio Bittors whioh offected such a wou derful ehiuigo that ho writeB ho feols like a now mini This marv ohms medi cine cures backache aud kidney troublo purifies tho blood and builds up your health Ouly f0 couts at Kiesau Drug companys drug storo Meu can bo enrod privately aud posi tively at homo of all woakuoss audj difl easo Write for uow free book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sioux City la OASTOHXA eare tbe nB nlllu tuu irarasindii Dupu Ugnature of nil iSSn WiM 1 iVi I Tlmri Is a Class of Peopln Who aro injured by tho uso of codeo Kocoutly there hits boon placed iu all tho grocery stores a now proporation called Oraln O made of puro grains that takes tho plnco of colTco Tho most dolicato stomach receives it with out distress nud but fow can toll it from coffoo It does not cost over na muoh Children may drink it with great bouoflt 15 cents and 25 cents per package Try it Ask for Grnin O Lovod by tho pooplo hated by its would bo rivnla tho foo of dieoaso tho friorid of humnuity Hocky Mountain Tea niiido by tho JIadison Modiciuo Co Ask your druggist Tills Ih Your Opportunity On receipt of ten cents cash or stamps a gcnorottH sample will bo mailed of the moBt popular Catarrh and liny Fovcr Curt Elys Cream Halm Ruflloient to demon btrnto tho great merits of tho remedy ELY imOTIIEKS CO Warren Bt New York City Itov John Held Jr of Great Falls Mout reconimcudod Elys Cream Halm to mo I can emphasize his statement Itisnposi tive euro for catarrh if used as directed llev Francis W loolo Pastor Central Pros Church Helena Mout Elys Cream Enlm is tho ockuowlodged euro for catarrh and contains no mcrcurj nor any injurious druj Prieo 50 cents Whou you aro lorn tho Creator starts you going and yon go a long time if you grease tho mainspring of lifo with Rocky Mountain Tea Groat lubricator Ask your druggist To Cure Const Iputluu Forever Toko Cusvurets Candv Cathartic 10c or 25a If C C C full to cure UrtiKKists rvfuud money Educate Your IloweU With Cuscnrets Cniuly Cathartic euro constipation forover OoSic 1ICC C tall UruRRlsts return money People who burn tho Lamp of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea Greatest reason producer known I5 c Ask your druggist Doing nothing is doing ill Impuro blood ueglectod will bocoino a serious matter Tako Hoods Sarsaparilla at once nud avoid tho 111 PILES I autTered the tortureaofthe damned with protruding piles brought on by constipa tion with which I was afllictcd or twenty years I ran across your CASOARKTS In the town ot Newell la and never found anylhlnR to equal tuern To day I am entirety tree Irora piles and teol like a new man 0 11 Kbitz Ull Jones St Sioux City la CANDY CATHARTIC TfUDI MAMN MWTtlo Pleasant Palatable rotent Taste Ooort Do Good Never blcken Weaken or Gripe 10c Sic UC CURE CONSTIPATION Itrlli Ymii Coaplsr fkltw Bil Tsrl 911 UrtTn BAP Sold and guarantred by all drng r1UIUVAU gists to CVKKTobicco Uablt THE North Western LINE F E Jfl V R R Is the best to and from tbe SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska XXAfM THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY MARCH 8 1900 DOUBLE TRAGEDY AT OMAHA Jenlone llushniiil Hhixits lll Wife mid Tlmn Kills Himself Omaha March 8 An n result of jealousy Frank Bteelo of 410 Walnut treet shot his wifo aud killed hiniflolf at tho homo of llov A F Nolsou at 2801 Chsb street lost night Btoolo fired six shotfl flvo of which took ofToot throe in tho body of his wifo and two in his own body Mrs Steele wnB tokon to tho Clark on hospital and1 tho body of Stcolo wan removed to tho coroners office whoro It wan found that ho had shot himself In tho oon ter of tho forehead aud just below thoiheart Bteelo was formerly employed by the Swift Paoking qompany of Bouth Omaha but for uomo time has boon out of employment Decision In Telephone Cue Lincoln March 8 Tho supremo oourt yesterday for tho second time but in dlfferont casoB aflirmod tho constitu tionality of tho law giving tho stuto board of transportation power to regu late tolcgraph and tolophono rates Tho Nebraska Tolophono company Bought an injunction provonting tho board from acting on a complaint and tho district court of this county rcfuKod to grant it On nppcal tho snpromo court sustained tho lower court Hjrrup From HtiKitr Ilccti Fkkmont Nob March 8 John W Bchadt of this city Iiiib succeeded in making a syrup from sugar beets whioh ho thinks will provo a strong competitor with cane nud other syrups and molasses for cooking purposes It is of about tho samo consistency aud a little darker in color than tho host grado of Now Or leans molasses and contains uo granu lated sugar In suspension Orient Court House Proposition Gkand Island Nob March 8 Tho proposition to levy a tax for building a court housu was dofoatod at tho polls by a docisivo majority ROOT ARRIVES ATHAVANA Greeted by Gonurnl Wood the Dlvlsloa St nO nml lromliieiit Cubitus Havana March 8 Socrotary Root arrived yesterday on board tho United States transport Sodgwick Ho was ro colved with a saluto from Cabanas for tress Gonoral Ludlow was also on board tho Sodgwick Governor Goueral Wood uud all tho division staff and the department of Havana staff wore con voyed to tho transport by tho quarter masters tug and escorted tho party ashore The proniinont Cubans who visited tho Sedgwick wcro tho ohiof justico tho secretaries tho mayor civil governor and chief of pollco Strcul Car Men Demands St Louis March 8 Tho demands ol tho employes of tho St Louis Transit company wore presontcd to General Manager Coleman yesterday who ns sured tho delogatiou that tho resolutions would bo placed iu tho hands of tho board of directors of tho transit com pany and that a prollmluary answer In tho form of a statomout us to whou tho company would bo proparcd to give n doiinito and filial answor would bo forth coming us soon as possible ISuinli In IurU Pauls March 8 A bomb was thrown yesterday through tv whitlow of tho Paris residence of Alfred Picard commis sioner general of tho Paris exposition It did not explode A lady who saw two men light tho fuso uud who gavo tho uliuiu was attacked and severoly handled by them Fourth Death from Mlssour nrlflo Wreck Kansas City Mo Maiv 8 W R Vaughau the Cincinnati newspaper man who was injured in tho Missouri Pacific wreck at Independence a week ago died at tho University hospital after an operation on his arm This makes four deaths us u result of tho wreck IHore Workmen Wnlk Out CincAtio March 8 Two hundred aud thirty men woro yestorduy added to tue thousands oiworicmcu nutoustriKes iu this city tho buffers polishers nud brass workors employed by Tumor Bros and tho L Wolff Manufacturing company walked out iu an effort to en force their demauds for recognition of their union nnd a t liour working day llnshltlit Vlmv of Audleiire Clkviiaxi March 8 Tho largest flushliKlit view of un interior yot taken was taken on tho Ktiigu of tho Einpiro theater last night during a porformnneo of vaudeville showing 1700 faces taken by a now process employing 1 0 simultaneous eleetrio flushes A proof awaited the audience iu tho lobby at tho closo of tho porformnneo Tho Seta of Delegates Waco Tex March 8 Tho oxpectod split in tho Republican convention of Texas developed at tho oponiug of tho second days session of that body Two sets of delegates will apply for hoats in tho national convention at Philadelphia Ouern to Visit Ireland London March 8 It has boon de cided that Queen Victoria will visit Ire land next month staying nt tho vico regal lodge iu Dublin which has been placed at her dis posal by tho viceroy Ear Cadogan if i aguliibt It CariliH tin Current were you 1 wouldnt lean thui post You might get hurt The spenker was n policeman nnd the perbon to whom his words were ad dressed was a young fellow who stood under uii Iron awning with one hand resting on an Iron post which helped to suppoit the a wulng Tho young man Jerked his hand uwny quickly Whuts the mntter with the post bo asked It looks nil right Yes it does responded the police man and It may he all right Hut Its Iron nutl its surface is wet from the rain that is fulling There uro n whole lot of telephone uud telegraph wires lu the vicinity One pf them may be mix ed up with an electric light wire some- where nnn mny niso uo running up against some part of this awnliiK Un derstand If It should be the com bination would be ono that with tho wnter that Is running down the post ns a conductor would bo npt to put you out of existence Ive seen ono uinn killed In just that way aud I real ly dout wnut to seo another Thnts all Goodby Then the pollcemnn walked off down tho street lenviug tho young fellow staring first at the post and then at tho wires overhead But ns long as the sauntercr remained under the awn Ing ho kept his hands away from tho wet Iron Philadelphia Inquirer Not Wnntlnir a Job When tho lato W E Gladstone was chancellor of tho exchequer ono day he was In tho shipping department of tho government olllco getting somo In formation nnd figures for tho coming budget Whllo thus engaged n Sunder land shipowner called to see Mr Llud soy the then member for Sunderland Whllo wnltlng for Mr Llndsey to come In the shipowner got his eye on Mr Gladstone and was watching him closely After doing so a little while he thus addressed him Thou scetnst a good writer nnd clev er nt figures 111 give thee 100 a year nnd thats nn offer thoult not get every day Mr Gladstone thanked him nnd said ho would see Mr Llndsey Just then Mr Llndsey entered Then Mr Gladstoue told Mr Llndsey of the offer his friend had made him Mr Llndsey said It was n very good offer but he did not know if Mr Glad stone could be spared Anyway ho hnd better introduce them Turning to his friend the shipowner he said Allow mu to introduco you to W B Glad stone chancellor of tho exchequer Mr So-and-so Sunderland The amaze ment of tho shipowner cannot be de scribed The Grand Old Mau laughed Immoderately Loudou Answers WHEA r AGAIN YIELDS Advanoe nt Opening Checked by Lack ol Speculative Deittnutt Ciiicaoo Mnroh 7 Wheat durinrr tho first half of thu ojslon today was steady helped lartjoly by higher cable but yielded later to tho laok ot Hpoculatlvo doniand and closod barely steady May 5Jo under yosterday May corn closud aHhadu hlghor nnd May oats o lowur Provisions at tho closo were oasy ond practically unchanged Closing prices WllKAT May tSoJOJJic JuIt GftSOflJio CoitN May tVi3aa July 3oJc OATS Mny a3o July Kc PoitK May 1U01 July 1005 ItllH May tb82i July J5l IiAItD May J587H July J60X5O7K Canh quotations No 2 red wheat 0809c No 2 spring wheat fi5iJ00aO No 2 corn Wio No 2 oats 2JJi23Cc Cliloago Live Stock CniOAOO March 7 Cattlo Uocoipts 10000 actlvo generally 1015o higher on all grades of beef cattle natives good to prime HteerH JB15 000 poor to medium tlOOftt00 selected feeders active firm J415475 mixed stock ors 340cJ393 cows WI0la heifers J325 t75 cannurs i 25300 bulls strong 12753 440 calves steady 475775 Texas fed steers 40O5O0 Toxas bulls 323375 Hogs Receipts today 23000 tomorrow 2000 es timated left over 8000 activo averaging 5c higher top 5 00 mixed and butchers 470 405 good to choice heavy 485500 rough heavy 47048O light 405400 bulk of sales 4 85tt4P Shoep Itecoipts 10000 sheep nnd lambs slmdo higher many Colorado lambs 74V7 50 highest on record for tho season good to cholco butchers 5603000 fair to choice 473550 westorn sheep 550f5C0 native lambs 5253750 western lambs 000 ffiau Kansas City 11 to Stock Kashas Citv March 7 Cattle Receipts 5100 desirable killers strong to lOo higher fctockurs nnd feeders steady heavy na tive steers 4755545 lightweights 400 4U5stockersand feoders t350520 butchers cows and heifers 325425 canners250325 Texans 325tQ425 Hog Rocelpts 7800 act ive 5o higher heavy 480 100 mlxod 470 4 85 light 44y477J pigs 400440 Sheep Receipts 2750 receipts all westerns that sold well nt Arm prices Colorado Iambs 085 0U5 yearlings J00O3020 muttons 525 6 50 stackers uud feeders 4 00 500 culls 300400 South Omaha Live Stock South Omaha March 7 Cattlo Receipts 1600 active lOo higher native beef steers 385 5 60 cows and heifers 325425 canners 225 3 00 Htookers and feeders 3 00 4 80 calves 40097Jo UUIU stags etc 275380 Hogs Receipts 6600 slmdo stronger heavy 47094 77 mixed 470472 light 405 470 pigs J0040J bulk of sales 47U Blieep Receipts 6700 10c higher yearlings 1575 025 webtern niuttons 5 40 500 u took Bheep 40050O lambs 000710 THE SIOK ARE MADE WELL And the Wpnk nro to Tull Vigor and StrniKlli lit tho HiiiiiIhoI est Ileulor of Moduru TIiiii h Hnvo rnnnny pnlnornclioorwinknrRst ArO YOU Duos jour IjIooi rUOMrlliut It contains iui Clint lmrltlei J Ar you nurtout Do yon luck biuiiKimt nntlrltvnf Klnilnml lht 1 -a oucuiuy iirunr nun you lot munition In tliuru nil unnatural ilrulu upon tin Ktcml is uvury oriiau per forintni Its nronpr fiino limit In Other WoiIhi Aro You u IViltctl Mroui Vigor oiih lliiiltli llumi Mmior Woiiiiiii if no J nn not iln lay onu day lxoru you con suit a i pcciallfl nuu ti nlium tliuliiiiuan mily Isun open hook mid ulo unilrr btmds mitj phiin of eak xum uud lUeani mid lo h Imm lliu pniHT triutiueul for it cum is us bliunlii ur I lio lulillni ol it coluiiiii of ihurex lor oiitMi pare DIl JNEWTON Tho Leading HATiiAWAViiusiiitiitiitiicadiin Snnrialiet spicLillfttif thlHcnuntrr lllsprae opociuiibi tfru UB Wvll tT vafH uriertStan Hint of all oilier FpicMaltsrinilliiid llUcuri of ull wirlsof IimummI romlltloiiH IiumiIkcii tint marvel of tho medical profeMcm audtliti pcnplo Kcncrully 111 mid liax nucad Into ecrytiu uud tivcrylmiulel rhUMMlllllCtCtllUlllllUIIIlrlflllMlaMlUFllllll Ills ni Ices In order Hint tlivynilklit txiinadiiuliok tiy tliu UlinlnMorlnL of IiIh uundcrf ul kj ct in of treat nient Wrecks of liuruanlty lane cona to liim for coiii uHatlon unit nit did nee w lion feivmoiitli Inter Iiumi I ft u mod to liim In nioi t lKoroulHciUlito klve liim tlielr tliauLs All Ulsonsos Dr ilatliuHay treats all dlccioef OhioiI thoMi peculiar to men uud iK cullar to women ns nell lie Cntarrli RliPitmntlMu Kidney Complaint Kcteuu and nil forms of liuvurliii nnd chrome dlsorder u Dr IluUiawuiV Niccesn Inllie VarlOOOOlO and trtmeut of Varicocele nml Sti lotupii blrlctuiitultliouttlionldof knife or cautery Ifplieiinmenal Tlie patient Is treated liythls melliod nt tils own liouie nltlioiit lalnor Iokh of time from luK lne Ililsls postureiy uM onir ireauneni uuirn cures vuu oui an operation lr llatlumav rails tlio partlruluratton tlon of mirnrer from Varlcocelo nnd Sirlclure to luiKes A mm si or uisnew ooonwuicu nui vv Every Caso Snnnlnllw Ht free on application Kverr rasfl taknn blF Is specially treated uccordlnu tolls TmsIsH nalureall under Ids eeneml pe rMiiul suoerrlslon and ntl rcmeilti ti um d lr lilin are prepared from the purest and lift drugs In Ids own lalxiratones under Ida personal overtlnlit unuuu iroiu special pretcripiionsor ntsnvrn Dr Hatlianar mnses no cliarue for consul LOW tattoo or ad Wee either at Ids office or by Fnaa niall and ulienucae is taken the one lw fee covers nil cost of medicines nnd profes sional terriccs J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D Dr llathavruy ti Co SCoinuirrclallllock bluux Cltr Iowa iv m inMmintiiiniffiwinfWtnraiirvtiHmiiriMtfctri B sMsMWsWsWsWslsBWHsar F535 ZSA LLiimri nuuiiMijnuuLii itnKr1 JiNfictabJcPrcparationlbrAsT slmilating MYooi EromoicsTfigcsllonChcciruI tic3S nndlfcstContnlns neither CtauiivMorphine fwrMflcraL WOT NARCOTIC JkcutttfOUDrSMUnJUIVnXa Jppax Si JiAMSJti JnUtSttd fKrmSttil liWywia rifi tion Sour StomachDiarrhoca and Loss OF SLEEP TflcSlmlle Signnlurc of NEW YOBK EXACT C0P5r OF V7BAEPEB fwrt c MIOTTS EKHJLMiXSU OASTQli For Infants nnI ChiMron The Kind You Wwz i Always Bought Bears the Signature of jjeS It Is a mistake to take any and every kind of medicine when you are Sick There is danger in it Most of the so called cures for female weakness do nothing more than deaden the pain temporarily and when the effect wears away tiie patient is weaker and sicker than before It is never wise to take chances You have only one life and that is dear and precious If you have any pain ache disorder or weakness in the femi nine organs nothing will help yoti like Wine of Cardui It helps do away with morning sickness during the early stages of pregnancy ajid modifies the pains of childbirth recovery is rapid and future health is assured I he wine is purely veg etable being made of herbs whose medicinal properties act directly upon the organs of womanhood It is a long tried remedy and has many years of success behind it It V GrXIZIsVX REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY VT A Made a Well Man mxj inc produces the above results ln30 day It sell powerfully and quickly Cures when all others f l t young men will regain tholr lost manhood and old men will recover tbelr youthful vigor by uslnl REVIVO It quickly and aurely restores Nerrous nees Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Iower Failing Memory Wasting CUeiuoa and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion which unfits one for study business or marriage II not only cures by starting at tbe seat of disease but is a great nerve tonlo ana blood builder bring tng back tbe pink slow to pale cheeks and ro storing tbe are of youth It wards offlnstnlti and Consumption Insist oa having REVIVO do other It can be carried In vest pocket Sy mall 100 per package or elz for SOOO with at post tlve written gost antee to enre or refund tho money Circular free Address BwLMedictaeCo For sale by Geo B Christoiih Pncunioiiia Cured Mrs A J Lawrence of Beaver Pa Bays Brazilian Balm brought me out of a severe attack of pneumonia iu splendid shape It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs aud lung troubles Also for outward use for burns cold sores and chapped hands and face it cures J1KC iuui fsmily It is invaluable iu the LADIES ADVISORY DEPARTMENT For advice In cases requiring special directions adilrens kIyIuk symptoms Udl idtlorj DpX Tki ClIATTAHOOUl lviiihb 10 Chattanooga Term is sure Why take a chance medicine when you can get sure medicine Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 rrrtmam FREE ADVICE y our physicians and a FREE SAMPLE ot our medicine also Free Home Treatment a 116 page illustrated book describ ing symptoms and causo of diseases with best treatment also many valuable recipes and prescriptions In plain language saving you heavy doctors bills Ask tor It Dr Kays Renovator cures the very worst cases of s Dyspepsia Constipation Headacno Palpitation of Heart Liver and Ktdnoy diseases and bad results ot La Grlppo Send for proof of it Write us about all your symptoms Sold by druggists dont accept any substi tute but send us 25 eta or tl00 and we will send Dr Kays Renovator by return mnlL Address DR B J KAY MEDICAL CO Saratoga Springs N Y T XrT7V ror Mf 1lf 1 JMl JLJ J ti s yi ilfi jrdi asa mmwMM imLlmt ILaW l l Kkmc - WA siidpockcVv uuus BBVSBJ HSVn il i f tfIF jv m m u JMi The if IMHU f You Have Always Bought CASTORIA THCCNTAUH COMPANY MIW YOUK OITY V rw I LLIIIi I I1U I flL If ILLU omissions or aMd banish pains of menstruation They aroIIFESAyERS to girlsiat womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm lifo becomes a pleasure 100 PER BOX BY MAIL Sold by druggists DK MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio Jor Sale atKEONIGSTEINSPHARMAOY EZJEJ HE A SURE ME0EG9IIE Handbom Va Dec 31 I have been Buttering from female weak ness for four years nnd havo taken many medicines but Wine of Cardui and Dlack Draught have done more for me than any thing else UBS CAROLINE EVANS VbHpBbBBK atBBBBBBaB 7- uXU TTTTTrlfBfVTXrRSgrTrlrjS SOLD BY KOBNIGSTEINS PHARMACY AND KIESAU DRUG CO Photographed nrom uit CaXomftt rfever CoU vm vi 7UorvA iVAl IrVH fUKAM IIAIM Isnpiislllvociiro nfpty lulo Urn imslrlls 1 Is iilkly nhxirlieil V noils nt Drutfulsls or by mull sniuiilis Uk by inixll IY IlllHTHIllH W Wnrriit hi New YorU Utv OAJBPOXlXA Bean tbe Blgnatnre of The Kind tou Ha3 Always Bought p limit Kb Toa whether you cnntlnus tbs nvrD s in ins uuscru uun nwiWBMV reiuuTss iud uesire tor uiuseco i QuturrTvuBuipirsis SlUClSt line purines tue tiiuua I siurre iue uikuiiuuu msaes you siroog innrauunsrTv vam smsfffffffa isl flsiaia1 imiiiiiiiis rm a a sum uoooo VasKlsLf m ui cases cured Uuv own druiriritt wha Touch ttir na Tsi kit It wltri WlliDsVtlrDtlTirilitfrtlTnnA boxti usually curoit SboirattM Bwrllni KrorUjr Iris Iratl w Iri i OASTOHXA Bsautl 1hti Kind You Haw Always Bought flir