The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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I i
Story of Dr F Verges Exper
ience in Nebraska
Jlo Kurly Siv tho roimllillltlen or SUKHr
llcut Oulttiro Wn Hnnl Worknr mill
llit tlm or III Town nl llmrt
Wlmt lie Huh Acriiiiiillii1ieil
Dr I Verges of this city is ono of
tho early pioucors of tliis section nnd
ouo to whoso progress nml activity may
bo attributed ft very largo share of tho
prosout dovolopniont of tho city and
country perhaps more than to any one
individual of tho city Ho is classed with
tho sturdy German sottlors of tho lids
thoso who cnnio when there was nothing
but tho fortilo and undeveloped prairies
to attract who endured hardships and
griof that pooplo of later geuoratious
know not of nnd cannot appreciate
His prosout standing in tho business
nud fluanoial world was only attained
by toil hard and por8istautnnd if thoro
is anyone who is entitled to spend his
declining years in comfort and ploaBuro
it iB Dr Verges who has spout tho best
part of his lifo in attaining his prosout
position and has dono more for tho
happiness and prosperity of his neigh
bors than he is given credit for
Tho subject of this skotch is n nativo
of Germany aud when ho immigrated
to this country his idea was to settlo in
some of tho larger cities aud practico
his profession thai of rnediciuo Ho
therefore first settled in Chicago but
through correspondence with frionds in
Nebraska his attention was attracted to
this state whero it was suggostod that
thore woro great opportunities for a
young niau and ho decided to como out
horo In 1SS he arrived in Omaha
which ho found to bo a typical western
city on tho outskirts of civilization At
that timo tho peoplo wero celebrating
tho completion of tho Union Pacific
railway tho last spike of silver which
formed tho connection bctweon tho east
and extreme west having just been
driven Ho had no rnonoy to start in
business and it was his idea that a
young man should start without assist
ance Therefore ho decided to look up
some fertile prairie land aud start from
tho very bottom Six others of similar
mind were found and they decided to
start together to look up desirable loca
They had in mind the Elkhorn Valley
when they startod and camo to Fremont
by rail that being the nearest railway
point They left Omaha January li
J8G9 and arrived in Fremont in duo
time On their arrival at that city they
had little money and no team or other
conveyance but this did not deter them
and thoy started out afoot to their desti
nation Tho snow was two feet deep
and tho weather was cold Tho little
party followed tho Elkhorn river and
wero entertained in tho log cabins or
dugouts of tho pioneers along the way
The entire party could seldom bo ac
commodated at ono place and thoy
were compelled to divide up nnd a por
tion of them proceed to tho next place
which sometimes meant a tramp of
several miles farther The accomoda
tions received were not such as could be
expected at a modern hotel and often
their menu consisted of nothing more
than cooked whole wheat and a little
bacon There was a mill near whore
tho town of West Point now stands
known as the Pebble Creek mill but it
was not easily accessiblo and tho home
steaders did not ordinarily have oven
flour Tho dugouts were of very crude
construction and wore covered with
slough grass
Coming on up the Elkhorn Valley
they fiually arrived at the home of Fred
Lucas near where tho sugar factory
now stands Tho ground covered with
snow they had no opportunity to pick
out desirable land and went solely on
tho advico of Mr Lucas aud other early
sottlors who had seen tho laud in sum
mer aud judged as to its desirability by
the quality of tho gross produced Thoy
picked out the quarters desired in this
manner and returned soon afterward to
Omaha to make encry for them at tho
land ofleo
Dr Verges and Adam Baumann
chose land located about 10 miles north
of tho oity in Pierce county
That summer two acres woro broken
on their claims by neighbors in order to
comply with tho requirements of the
On returning to Omaha Dr Vorges
wroto to his old homo for saflicieut
monoy to purchase a team and in 1870
returned to his homestead During
that summer ho broko 85 acres of ground
on his claim and 25 acres for his neigh
bor and it was not until 1871 that ho
harvested his first crop That year
there was a market established iu Nor
folk tho mill having been built and it
might bo said that ho and his neighbors
had at last made a start at farming
In 1875 Dr Verges erected the first
f ramo house in Pierce county the others
being either log cabius sod shanties or
dugouts It was not until 1875 and
1870 that hogs were introduced into the
country and previous to that tho Bettlers
were depending solely upon their crops
of grain nnd hay for their support
When thoy entered thoir homesteads
Old Man Huobuor was tho last settler
north of Norfolk Messrs Wicker
Baumann aud Verges woro tho first to
sottlo north of him
Dr Vorges mado his resldonco on tho
homestead until 1881 ho having ac
quired up to that timo two additonal
quortor sections and had 200 acres under
cultivation tho balanco of tho land
being hay aud pasture land
Tho years up to this timo woro flllod
with many and varied experiences iu
tho doctors lifo of more than passing
intorost Boforo ho had fairly started
at fanning ho workod in tho harvest
field for others On ono occosiou ho
was ollorcd f 1 per day and board to
bind on a Marsh hurvestor Tho wages
ollerod woro big for that timo and ho
promptly nccoptod Tho woathor was
hot and tho grain dry Ho worked
sovorul days wearing tho skin oil his
hands and lingers in sovoral places
Ho rested over Sunday and on Monday
found his hands so still and sore ho could
hardly bond his fingors At that timo the
Marsh harvesters woro without a canopy
aud us tho suu was almost broiling hot on
his suggestion thoy riggod up n canopy
with bed shoots and willow polos
Whother tho harvestor pooplo got tho
suggestion from him or not ho is not
prepared to say but tho noxt year tho
canopy was put iu use Tho harvest
that year was finished howovor under
tho improvised canopy
It might bo stated in this connection
that Dr Vorges aud another gentleman
in tho onstorn part of tho stato intro
duced tho first solf binders in Nebraska
Tho doctor saw ouo on display at tho
Omaha fair or exposition nud bought
ouo through tho agency of A P Pilgor
paying for it botwoeu iflJOO and -100
It was a wiro bindor and was a groat
curiosity It did full duty for many
years aud bound many ncres of grain
during that timo
During his farm lifo Dr Verges also
practiced his profession being tho ouly
doctor for years in tho country His trips
wero usually mado on horseback in boo
Hue across tho country and woro often
mado under conditions most discourag
ing Tho tomporature and storms that
now prevail in this torritory aro not to
bo compared with tho weather thou
He often made trips with tho thermom
eter indicating 10 degrees below zoro
and with howling blizzards raging in
fact at that timo 20 below was not con
sidered very severe One winter thoro
was a diphtheria epidemic and tho doc
tor was kept on tho go much of tho
tho timo trips between patiouts being
a matter of miles In the summer ho
had worked all day on his harvesting
machine and whilo ho obtained a bito
to eat his assistant saddled his pony and
ho started for Norfolk a distance of tou
miles went around and saw his patiouts
and returned home He got to bed
about 1 oclock aud was up by daylight
to renew his labors at harvesting
Many such trips has he mado aud it is
ovident that ho knows what work is
After tho arrival of Dr Boar at an
early date his duties in this particular
were not so arduous but ho still prac
ticed rnediciuo aud is yet doing so
In 1881 ho sold or traded his laud in
terests in Piorco county nnd moved to
Norfolk whore he accumulated largo
property interests both in tho city and
surrounding country
Tho doctor camo from a portion of
Germany where tho beet sugar industry
prevailed nnd ho was early struck with
tho idea that this country could success
fully produce sugar beets As early as
1878 he tried tho raising of sugar beets
from tho seed procured from tho old
country Tho beets wero successfully
grown but ho was unable to determine
their value in sugar as there was no ap
paratus for testing them
Ho raised some beets in his garden
later and scut them to Germany to bo
tested Tho test was satisfactory and
his big ambition from that time was to
iuduco a factory to locate in this neigh
borhood Prof H H Nicholson of the
state university also tested beots for
hfm aud obtained good results After
tho Graud Island factory was built ho
communicated his idea as to this sec
tions adnptibility to tho industry to
H O Whymau and together thoy
visited tho Grand Island factory Ho
also devoted 20 acres to raising beets
for that factory When it camo to
raising a bonus for tho Norfolk factory
Dr Verges showed his faith in the in
dustry and tho benefits to be derived by
tho locality by subscribing 4500 to tho
faotory Ho was also on tho gnarauteo
committoo and contributed another 500
through that means thus contributing
in nil 5000
This is not tho only ovidonco of tho
doctors interest in tho welfare of Nor
folk Ho contributed to tho street car
lines the olectrio light plant and other
public improvements Ho did not go in
for tho purpose of speculation but with
tho solo object of nidiug in tho develop
ment of the city and vicinity
Dr Verges now owns stock in many
of tho industries of tho city He owns
two brick blocks and other business prop
erty and has extensive interests in town
lots nnd residences Ho owns farm lands
in Wayne aud Stanton counties aud
considerable country and suburbau
property in Madison county principally
around Norfolk
It is estimated by a friend that the
doctors wealth today is in tho neighbor
hood of 75000 While this was not all
mado by farming exclusively that in
dustry furnished the foundation for his
wealth and the large portion of it is tho
4 direct result of tilliug the soil
ii ii
ill 11
The Transportation Board was
Coming Today
Ill lr miik tlm Ditto IIximI liy tin Statu
lldiiid of TiiliortiitlHi 1ml Without
Nollco to Noifolk Mtloni Tlny Kultix
to Ill Ill till lIKIIIlllll
Koni TiiomlnrV Daily
This is tho tlay sot for tho hoaring of
tho case brought by tho Business Mens
association of Norfolk against tho Chi
cago St Paul Minneapolis and Omaha
railroad boforo tho state board of trans
portation Tho hearing was to bo hold
hero but tho day lias como and gone
nud no high pop dignitary of tho stato
board of transportation has put iu an
appearance This was to have boon tho
final hearing for tho purposo of allowing
tho railroads to make a showing as to
why tho rate ordered by tho board at
tho hearing held horo on February 1
which lowered tho cost of transporting
freight of tho first class from South
Sioux City to this placo from 18 to 5
conts a hundred should not bo ouforcod
On February li ono 1 W Edgorton
secretary to tho stato board of transpor
tation sent notice that tho final hear
ing on this ciiso had boon fixed for
March J and that if it was not conveni
ent for representatives of the Norfolk
Buslnoss Mens association to go to
Lincoln ono or more monihors of tho
board would como horo Tho board was
iuformod that it would bo hotter to hold
tho mooting hero and iu tho absouco of
nny contrary information arrangomonts
wore mado to havo tho hoaring at this
placo today At an early hour this
morning n rousing tiro was built in tho
city hall so that tho ono or more mem
bers of tho board who Bhould como
would not bo greoted by a chilly atmos
phere and ovorything was placod in
readiness to givo thorn as cordial a re
ception nB thoy desorvod But thoy
camo not and now tho question is what
has become of tho Norfolk caso Will
tho now rates ordorod by tho bonrd at
tho previous hearing bo put iuto effect
or not
Sovoral days ago tho railroad through
its attorney filed its answer with tho
board which is in part as follows
Tho complaint charged that whou
Secretaries Laws and Edgorton visited
Norfolk last Juno thoy found that
thoro was no freight schedule posted by
tho road on which thoy might depend
for information and that tho secretaries
promised to command tho road to pub
lish such schdulo but that they did not
koop their promise This allegation tho
road emphatically denies asserting that
it has been guilty of no discrimination
or injustice The document filed by
Attornoy Sheenan is filled with denials
It denies that tho road discriminates
against Norfolk iu favor of points no
better situated it denies that no tariff
sheet is published it denies tho publish
ing of rates from Sioux City la and
South Sioux City Nob other than
Norfolk to tho exclusion of tho lntter
It denies that tho road published a rate
from Omaha to Nebraska points other
than Norfolk it denies it will not ac
cept freight at Omaha to bo shipped to
Norfolk agreeing to transport it only
to Hopo a small station a mile from
Norfolk and assorts that the road is
willing to accept freight at Omaha at
any timo to bo carried to Norfolk if
ouly a roasonablo rate may bo charged
Tho road also denies that it has dis
criminated in auy way against Nor
folk In conclusion tho answer says
And further answering this respond
out says that whatever disadvantages
if nny aro suffered by tho business men
of Norfolk aro duo to circumstances
and conditions brought about by tho
location ot tho city that the rates and
charges mado by this rospondout aro
entirely equitable and just to tho pub
lic aud to tho shippers that South
Sioux City is a village existing under
and by virtuo of tho laws of the stato
of Nebraska and containing not more
than i00 inhabitants that no shipments
of any cousequouco aro received from
that village to tho city of Norfolk that
thoro aro no manufacturing commer
cial industrial mercantile or jobbing
enterprises at South Sioux City that
there are no commodities and Btaple
goods of any charaotor which aro
offered for shipment from South Sioux
City to Norfolk that tho domaud con
tained in said complaint for a readjust
ment of rates botweeu South Sioux
Oity and Norfolk Neb is not based
upon any demands of shippers from
South Sioux City nor from porsonswho
wish to ship from Norfolk to South Sioux
City but such a demand is adopted as a
subterfuge for tho purposo of securing
action on tho part of this honorable board
to secure lower rates from ua interstate
point to wit tho city of Sioux City in
the stato of Iowa to tho city of Noifolk
Nob aud for tho purposo of scouring
tho lowering of rates from other through
points without the stato of Nebraska
that tho rates from South Sioux Oity
are governed by a distance tariff and
tho same distance tarifi is applicable to
all small towns similarily eituatod and
near to South Sioux Oity as well as
other towns and villages in tho stato of
This respondent denies oaoh nnd
every allegation in tho complaint uml
in each paragraph thereof not specific
ally admitted
Kent Knmtn Iriitinrur
Tho following transfers of roal ostato
aro reported by Chostor A Fullor mali
nger of tho Madison county abstraot
olllco at Norfolk
Martin L Williams to Alvin
liowo q c d lot 5 block 15
nnd lot 1 1 block 17 Western
Town Lot Co s add to Nor
folk Junction Ml 00
Albert Edwards and wife to
William henry wd lot 8 block
1 Kimball Blairs add to
Bumott 1100 H
O Hanson and husband to
Potor Michaclsonwd oSOfcot
of w f foot lot I block I
Burnett 75 00
Cyrus Blush to Win Lonry wd
lot 7 block II Kimball
Blairs add to Burnett 100 00
Thomas Newlovo to Susan
Nowlovo Q O 1 lot 7 block
I It I add to Newman
Grove I 00
John Mollowoll and wife to T
L and E O Danes wd ou
of sw ltiOO 00
1 lonry Olauson and wife to W
II Vickors 10 W Slum jr
and M 1 ltiley wd lot tl
block 1 Clausen cemetery 15 00
Ada A Olulsohillos and hus
band to George A Piatt wd
lot 0 block 1 Gardnor nnd
Bratischs atld to Norfolk iirO X
Gustnv Nelson and wife to B
F and 1 L Witt wd o tj or
noV sw1 of no1 and mv1
Of SO1 I100 00
Goo C Heed aud wifo toDanl
Murphy and Potor Barrett
Wd lots 10 and 11 block IK
Western Town Lot Co s atld
to Norfolk 50 0
T J Mitcholl and wifo to Wm
1 Sollnmn wd so 2000 00
Francis Frnnuk to Charlos A
Adams wd oj of so 1 100 00
Mathias Hettinger and wifo to
Mrs E I North wd ou of
nojif loo oo
Chicago Burlington juiiicy
railroad company to Augustus
F Tannohilldsorsoi 27-
215 1 mo 00
John F Wado and wifo to
Francis Franok wd olu of ho1
ll ft I 80 of
Edward Allen and wifo to U
W Shippoo wd lot H block 1
Tildou 20 00
J O Trino and wifo to Andrew
J Heath wd lot 7 block 7 nw
ndd to Madison 125 00
D S Frnsor to W Volk wd
iiw 200000
Geo H Ci Spaulding nnd wifo
to D S Eraser wd nwj f
2500 00
David C llerrington nnd wifo
to Adolf Schilling wd nwJf 2
and si of nwf 5000 00
Lillie A Stuart to Barnard M
Carson wd S0J4 8 oxcopt fi
acres in so corner used as 11
cometerynndiiwj 10-22-2 7700 00
Geo Losoy shoriff to W E
Reed sheriffs deed scij 8-22-
2 1 1C0 00
W E Reed and wifo to James
Stuart qcd mi 8-22-2 1 100 00
11 Fied Smith and wifo to
David C llerrington wd no1
200 00
Helena Schilling and husband
to John Mauer wd swK 22 2
2 fiOOO 00
Mrs Etta G Vanhorn and
husbnud to Alvina Knapp
wd lots 25 and 20 Braaschs
ndd to Norfolk 700 00
H E Becker and wifo to
Sarah E Carson wd lots 2 li
4 5 and 0 block 5 block I
Madison pnrt of 1850 00
mM Je
ARenuineWnlo Silver Steul String for your
Violin Mandolin flultnr or Banjo will
be bent absolutely free to nny address on
receipt of a 2 ccnt postage stamp for return
Ourdandollna ire guaranteed to bo absolutely
true In tlio Scales perfect workmanship and
correct udjuuincnt of taring
Our 195 Walo Mandolin
reduced from J3 00 Is Walnut and Maple 11 rlus
neatly finished I u laid soundliole rosewood
flusfer liourd position dots American patent
head FKHR with eery Mandolin an extra set
of Strings and a valuable Self Instructor
Our 345 Walo Mandolin
reduced from J500 Is Oak and Maple 13 ribs
fancy Inlaid boundhole ccllulold bound edge
ebony trlmmmKsposItlon dots American pat
ent head ami line llnlli
Our 495 Walo Mandolin
reduced from 1700 is solid Kosewood 13 ribs
highly finished edges Inlaid with fancy colored
wood purfllng bound with celluloid obonlzcd
fingerboard pearl position dot mahogany
neck best American patent head
Send for Walos Catalogue ol All fluslcal In
strumentsand Furnishings Latest
Hand Orchestra and Ilano Music Catalogucson
application Pine Repairing u Specialty Watch
for Our Next llargalns
No 9 S Broadway St Louis Mo
MUdl VIULliII uAbhd
HAVt iinjlitUnHiio plmplnu Hirnti li which
hIiiiuh iiuliHisiioti Id IioiiI uiiIit onlin
ADDCAfiCn AT CIDQT AQ ni tii ntmiiil N11 0110 can Itll how iMMiiithcHo
HlTLrUlLU HI nnOl HO will iliMilup Into tanicr of tlio wmil lytic
K11 iiianv ln din fiiini Cancel simply lm-
MFRF PIMPI F rlUS lo llllmv nH wn tHi
Ilium I I 111 r LLOi lhn naluially I urn llicmsclvtii over I ho duclont
and an fiincd lo milnml lo a imiiiI and dniiKcimiH
tho only ttnalittiil which tlicdocintH know for Cancer Tlio iliwano
inoiuplly toturiiH however nml is even mule violent anil iIcmI nicllve than
boforo Cancoi is a deadly iiiiIhoii iu tlio blood and 1111 operalioii plaster or
other external ticatmcnt can Iinvo no ellVrt whatever upon it The onto muni
como fiom wllhln tho I11M vrst iin of pomon iiiiihI lie vindicated
ill lull
Mr Win Walpole of Ualshlowii H Diiaya A
little blotch about llio nio of a pea camo under my left
oyo Kinilifiillv mowing linger from which Hhoollnp painn
al inlet nlit ran inall iliieclioim I became Kioally ulaiiiioil
and consulted a iooil doeloi who pionouiiccd ft Onncor
and advitied that it be cut out but HiIm I could not con
Mlit to I icatl in my local paper of a cuio elfetiled by
H H H anil decided to try it It acted like a charni tho
Cancer becomim al Mrit Irritated and then dlt clmriIm
M very fieoly TIiIn gradually irmw Iohh nud then
limicd altogether leaving a Htnall Hcab which soon
ped otr and now only a healthy little near remaiiiH whom
what threatened to destroy my lifo once hold full Hway
1onitlvoly the only euro for Cancer ia Hwifta Spooillo
because it ih tho only remedy which can w deep iIIomrIi lo reach Ibo root of
tho diHwiNo and force it out of tho svntom permaneiilly A Hiirical opuiation
doen not loach the blood tho leal Heat oT tlio diHcase becaiiHo thv hltuxJ din
not br nil dim ItmiHt upon H tf H nothing can lake IIh place
S H H nircH iiIho an cane of Scrofula Ivoma Uhciinml Ihiii Contagious
Wood Poison Ulcers Sotes or any other foim of blood iliHeaHo Valuable
ImioIch on Cancer and Wood Dihciihoh will ho mailed fico to nny uddreart by
Swift Spcoillo Company Atlanta Cieoigai
II Vnii en iiuiilm luil inur ihkimhI icIkIiI ilit tiil M rvsrssi r f
iUin tun urn niKiuiKtiMi minim ton vft VW itJU fcwiaCSZysgggF
MMiiittiinur i spec alUI or W en 15 DO
Miir frrlKht Hcrnl Hir 1
mill riiluht Ilimiril Miiililni mhkIik IJI i iHitil tlio ft clt Jit will
iihtiiiii7iciiihiiii cncii mhiiiiIIih ravr it THtnr Miamic tdiai in
yoilrituti ItiincHiiil will iclui li j mil I Hi iiiuiy ilny ml mo mil
put Mini WfMll illirrrrlil niftlm nil rftiliir hrnltiit lUrlilitrw nl 1 H CO
fill Mil fit nil IJ Ill mill ui all tllllv ili rrllicl In mr Irrr Mi Mini
hill llllm thin illllll IIISK I 1IIIVM lit llllll k I
the irrciilr t iilm cut nil n 1 lij mo Iiimimi
ncAADP nr iMiTATinNQiynrnMCTiii
f w w - - - wJkm
i MaiirsmiassH4igii nrgi
riitiv our ml
tlHiiiHlLKnncnilir unkmiMi iMiriiiiM uiKltl iwioUn lift lien with rlmiiiti
ilirrtnrnU Mrllrnimf TrUntl In I litraitu anil Imrn nliu nrr rH Utile ninlnliiiiirriiiil
TUC DIIDniPlT r lliilrMO irilimUTiNT
fl n P U i iff I V IV tun linuit rtnitn imiv iiitn
litmiK Mh Mm y
j355lrnm tlm 1hI iiiiiIitIiiI inmiry
mi mix
i 1 1 mini lit ml ilmpjilhi li iin uluhl to lo iihimI im ii rmlfr UMr
iir 1hL tliti ollit i njnii with lull li iiKth ttihli nml In ml In pliirii fitr
ii u IliL 4 fnf ilrnnrri Iil l I mill hit 1 tun Tram rntit I ill III Itll 1111
lionml nhil ili rtiifiti ilitiMiiot MiiInIi Iih hI nlrki l linwci iiiIIa train mi fiiur
uintiiH nilJiirtnMi In mill tfiiiuliii Hiu Hi Iron ctunil Urri IIUli Arm
Itrail pthltlM1 fmir MMilloii riHPiir thiiwiillnir llimtlnu Hhtitlh mil mini tM
Imlitiln wltiilii iiiJiilnliilitMiilMtrri tmtiiit Ifii lnn III rmlur Inipi nvrl
ulircl Hiljiiflulili iiM Hriiiii hiil htiiriirilHliutll raitlrr mliiitin i illitlmr
ii1tllt ilrfKHllrtrtl In ml U ltnnliimi Ij ili tfimlftl mihI tinminf nlcl ami lnulirullj
rilrLtilrliiimiMl GUARANTEED H MvlilrKl rutnlnif mot1 iluraM ami nrwl
tifiUf h tm innrMnr iiiailf I i 17 knnii Allfltlnufnl U furnMinl nml Mil Kl on In
Htructlon Honlt lilln JiihI hnwininiiiw hii tun Itafhl ilo IlthiT pin In or nny
klnil nl Iniiry vntU A iU tiiV UUuMnv Uiinmiiirr In rxiutwllli ny inn rlil nn
IT PHCTQ Vnil NHTUINH I t rmrnlni HiU timrLliir coiilpillt Itwltli
11 tuaia
tl ii4inkiTiHr t im nt 11100 ii
01100 nml thrn IT mnvfnPOl Hint ymi nuvluu f oo tfi pny imr frtlKlit iHiiit tut 1DAO
MV in Ur II MS mill la0 if nt nny I line Kliln Ihnr 111 mIIimuii -ay u urn nut fallnlU d OKIHlt IU lUi
DONT UKLAY Siiirs Itm buck V Cu mn HmiiHiililt n II11I1I11 I ililor
Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Chicago III
lul IhU Mil tiul nml itriiil li in mIi IIHJihI wr mIII ncii
tlJKOHt IAIIMIH lhTt OmiAN lj fnk bl O l aiihjr
llon Vnii ciin niuiilnc It iits imr 111 unt IV 1 i la lit l
tun fiml It vui II y hn ri nrii 11 1 1 tl tin icn liit tatutt
ami far ticllrr tlmn tirgnn ftlti rllni rt lij ullirrM at moir mini
4ffnl OUR PRICE 9i55U l4 tlir f iikiiIimim1 t
trfht rUnvm THE PARLOR CM l liiii of Hr
AMMHllh7 1 1 1 M 1 ltitrurnrntH tr niaIr nilll till n
ulniw ti villi ti fHcnrniil iJiifi t fi in a ilintjriiph
potni lUi nitf Its lifMiilini titM iiiinri Mmln rruiu
Miiutil 1111L ip uitlntit iiMilthlri tl Itrfiiralt d tfvtUi
tirauliful niariurtrj lrljcn iianrla and man othir liamNn
anil firnaixinlsi mitln II III IHU UIMIM1U Ill
liltM IttltlVrt itUi4 IihIicm IHi IliiliiM wllcui
OllllUllh IilMULM H II hli 1 II3M
lulrlana Slrloilla t ilrlp rrmina lUmi ohiIt IriMn tiu
PUMin Jorlr ami m HumanM il lrtar ulrss I lour H
I lirand Oriran hfli I Hi m of Orrliralral I tint it Kivmatir
guaHl Hint 1 hrir 37 lur hnrrl Slrloilia Idi l 1 hh
Iharinlnicll Hrllllanl rlral Itifil I hi ttfJI lllrli Hellim hit
lllaiiatton ItrtiU 1 hl nl llrjlnir hurt Jlriuilloit IrlnrliM
llrrria THE PARLOR CEM m lion cminlHtmir Um
IflrliratMl lrHI llrili Wlitril lltl Olliy USiMI Wl IJKMIIII
IMt lnuli IliHtniriHlitHl llllinl with llannnunil tiuItTN an
iui Humana alno n nt llolkU fulU lr tin rrt Itr In llnv
rif thu hrtit itililH rrliitli 3 plv Iu IIiiwh flock nml llnrn
linthiTln nlwn THE PARLOR OEM In Iiinilnlm
with a lOill Ihiw IfiJiilulu 1 iiiirh tnlrinr nhkil tilnti
iirtlnl frnini nml vvt ry mmliTii linpnriiiiiit Yir
furnUb fret lundiumt urgnu Uol and tin brl urKfeu Inatrur
tlon iMMik nuldUnrd
t i i
lHiU I VWIlKll llllli iiik Jll K1 IJ Vll
tiTinnHMil fiiiiilltlniis ofwhidi il uny uirl KlvcHiiiil
repnlr It Irtr ur rlnrKr Iry It inn lilnlilM ullil wh i
rcnirm jour inoiify 11 yon nni not pi rrrriiy pniitnicd
of tlicnrniiiiwfll lp rnlil nt 3550 OltllKIt
AT llSIK IIONT iiiav
di ult with iin ilhW yfitiriiLlhliurHhiiiit ijh wrltu
tho piiMlhln r of thltt pii jn r or Mi trnpolltati
ntlnnul IHlik nn nrn Mil imtikrn CtilUK
or liTinnn KzchniiKollniik Now York or uny
rnllrimil or inprpHB rnmpnny In tliUnKo
batr araillalhr imt 7MllMijlMl occupy critlru
oiof ihB Jurkpnt hurliifiiiH lilorku In hlcKJf
and employ ncnrlv SOK poonln In nur own
0 -v jl
ri nirianiiii - V rjl BBM
ii iiui nml ii f jMnuZA IBBBb
i ii- rruii n SJUiuXakmMmtm
ml III lUlllh I 67 CrKf WUtflU VtH m
inn irntimi t rroXull PcWri I iPillnl
j on an r rm c VV iflwsvill vftf wJ A liPl
iiiiiii niniriir I K laliBir iKW r I I I VP4 Rl
rulllimrllmll fc k ttSVf BiTT Jll ShS WVvl
mr Uriirnlliiii t kN WWIJfrWTSJMi EXTiUjOI
i IAitioic t flrCjuS 4 KHirUrt
a Tjmmimmi
I x SMmaU
i re sti3 mil 9Z
lRfa4BIIJflL VAmn I ELK1B1D ff SKI
WSBmt tx xffl ira
1 1 3ijAfitrxW iBVjsaH SbEh
tiulldiMK K HKIMIKIHMi At 23H and upt -
IUMis Uim and Dptnltiii every thliiK In rimalrat fntninicntn at low en wIioImirIo prices Write fnr frencprlfcl
ornii plnnound mualral IlutruiniMit cittiiloiuo AdllUHd 8ar Uotbnck It C are thofoujhl nlUMe bdJUr
QEARScROEQUCK L CO Inc Fulton Deiplainesand Wayman Sts CHICAGO ILL
Free Reclining ICIialr Cars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
em and Eastern points
Uuexccllcxl timo anil Hccommtxlotlona
to till
Famous Hot Sorines of Arkansas
lir miiro complnto information descriptive
immplilcU eto mlilrobb
Southeast Cor lllli ami DoulubSt8
Cut this ul nut tinl wiiil to ii aiil
Wnwlll k ihI ou thi i llllill UKAIIK
Irfiht t 1 fuhifCt to t iniiil
natlun ynucatiiiiaiiilnc ltatour I
imiil ueHiHiiiiir luiiiii Nriivii
MLtUfHttDrvuxurllv uk riiirfcentnl
aril HijUil to wnltfl Hint ritnllut
tit S tlicrallntiJ airrut our titrJil
Iflfr 4775 lb l OU tir
a0t7S Hnl tiuUht lntif Tlio
MilPpIn weluht js Y II14 und the
l if IHH win atiittt 1 n 1 r rum w
iiilluvanl Kuarautre T drlltrr
IHK A17IK lur
farm hlor r
Kiitrmitcfif lu
iMrnmi win
In t 11 II fil I mi
Will mrUli Wl Hi hv inlni nil welulii nirmmwl
llranK licani elxhM II hu hlrtrm llr MMIni IoUr
riutrnrm l UjW liHlitB rc tliik on odJuUhle chill
lii uriliim hi llrntnii tctl iil murt rvhrltltv
mviiralo mil ilunililn wale inmli nmuntiil un four
lurk M uluUs they are nlcrl lntel unit iiriminenltil
uml In nutl fully lliiUhnl lliruuulinut Kit funnrr
Mill rave tMlro Clin pni In in Knnin hv wtltrhlnir tin
Krnln ho mllii ami hii mint It AT UM E I ho
iillculii aiUunrml Catitluicunnf Halfii fun fur thv ark
In tiidirrn Sears Roebuck Co Inc Chicago IIL
Ihrar Itorbuck 4 l are Iburvuifblr rrlUtlrLdllor
3C Etv sfTZjfMZfJ
tstfsi t itp
Heart rlun lb rr nort TrnM nidr
I rilTIIU Ildlt S lea than uue thlnl
li nriw Hurt en ny oiuvn aim nt
iliirliiur juuwiah uurBle Irtacb fr on
ur N
urk llrcrlbl alailc Iru Illiistrutetl ulxiw cut tlila
il out ami neiiu in UMIIIUI n nniii run uwa
tom rour llrlbl HtUbl Ar hu Ions oil have Ucn
iit irol wncthir rupture ialarueor aniall ulroatato
umlKir liicliia uruuml the hod on a line ultli the
uitur aay liether rutiut I on rlKht or Itttilile
ml ue ll aviul rllher tni u to jou with the under-
lalidllK IT It I ul rttrrl lit aud rnullo lru tbat
rutlaitlirtetlitu auur iirlri ooucuiiieturultaudwa
vlll return oiir monoy
riraor IhCluillUaT Ihe Nr IIIUU Ua Truu l 7 C
Satrurr altuu1 aa rar aud wblrhaarll fur MillJ
To PATENT Good Ideas
may bo secured by
our aid Address
Baltimore Md
SubscrlrtWas to Tut lateat Record llWicruuutu