The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 01, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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tlio Klkliorn rato to Norfolk
Exclusivo Nebraska linos depending
on western trade havo gono ImnUnipt
Tho Klkliorn Missouri Paoltlo and othor
lines with fraternal relations cast
of tlio Missouri lmvo managed to
exist At Fremont wo got awny from
tlio Ijlncoln situation mid rules urn built
utmn tlio Nebraska distance tnritV Kv
plaining tho sltuatinn in regard to rates
at lluitlngton and other points west of
Sioux City ho explained that tlio mto
was mado by tlio Short Lino running
from Sioux Olty to ONeill this lino llx
ing tlio rates at crossing points Said
ho didnt know that those rates woro
ilxcd boforii tho Short Mno was built
In regard to tlio into at IJeoiucr and
Petersburg ho stated that thoso were
postibln bocaiiMi shlpinontH woro ovor
tho companys own rails West of Nor
folk thero am tralllo arrangements with
tho M A- O whereby oaoh liuu gets a
fiharoof tho profits
Most of tho trafilo is carried lu tlio
third and fourth classes
ThoSIonx City into to tho South
Platte country is govornod by tho Lin
coln Hit nation
Tho short sido of a triangle is con
stantly in competition with tho long
Commissioner Prouty desired to know
if tho roads gave duo consideration to
tho claims of towns situated llko Nor
Mr Hidwell said that their claims
woro given overy consideration
Tho commissioner thonght that per
haps this was truo oxcopt in regard to
Tlio commissioner Given all tho
weight possible would not tho road bo
bmotltod by tho establishment of a
wholopalo point at Norfolk by Increased
traillo for tho road
Mr Hidwell No Sir It is not possi
ble to make Norfolk a distributing and
manufacturing center owing to tlio
condition of tho country west Nor
folks rato is us fair as it could possibly
bo All communities of any size have a
desire to bo distributing centers
Tho commissioners idea was that tho
road considered that it could make more
nioiioy by tho long haul from Omaha
than by making Norfolk a distributing
point to which Mr Bidwcll assented
The witnoss considered that tho
growth of Norfolk had bcon larger in
proportion than that of Freniout Ho
wont on to state that in order to aid tho
Norfolk sugar factory and koop it alive
tho road had made a rato of ton cents on
sugar to Omaha Whilo tho sugar wns
carriod from Omaha to Norfolk mer
chants for 21 coots Tho milk and
cream tariff was also very low
Meets aro hauled to Norfolk from a
distance of 25 to 50 miles at 50
cents a ton or 3 switching charges
Witness stated that all localities had
grievances aud that tlio railroads listouod
to them patiently but could not always
grant requests
His testimony further wont to show
that tho through rato to Norfolk was
nuuloby local tariffs woitof Freniout
After his t stlinouy had baon sub
mitted ho was submitted to soruo ques
tions by Mr Smith tho effort being
mado to show that the prosperous con
dition of tho South Platte country was
due to homo extont to tho favor shown
in regard to rates
It was also ondoavored to show that
tho reason the M O didnt niako a
through rato to Norfolk by way of
Sioux City was because it would affect
tho iuterosts of tho F 15 Ss M V
Tho sitting was coucluded with a
Btatoment by tho commissioner that an
opportunity would bo presented ror ar
guing tho caso either hero or at Omaha
probably next May whou a quorum of
the board would be present
A IeerloKM Trio
Of solid through oxpross trains daily
via tho Nickel Plato road botwoeu
Chicago Ft Wayno Cleveland Erie
Buffalo Nov York City Boston and
intermediate poiuts Sorvico ami equip
ment among tho best rates lower than
via other lines Tlio shortest route bo
twoeu Chicago and Buffalo Uniformed
colored portors nttond this wauts of
passougors in day coaches
Cure Ami Treatment Of T lieSlck
Dr Humphreys Specific manuul on
tho treatment and euro of the sick
mailed free on request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co New York
44No Eye Like the
Masters Eye
You are master of your
health and if you do not
attend to duty the blame is
easily located If your blood
is out of order Hoods Sar
saparilla ivill purify it
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood kidneys bowels or liver
Kidneys My kidneys troubled me
tud on advice took Hoods Sarsaparllln
tvlikh gave prompt relict better appetite
My sleep Is refreshing It cured my wife
also Michael Hovlh 3173 Denny Street
Pittsburg Pa
8crofulOUS Humor- I was In terrible
condition rum tlie Itcliiiit and burning of
scrofulous humor Grew worse under
treatment of several doctors Took Hooda
Sarsuparllla and Hoods Pills These cured
roe thoroughly J J Littlh Fulton N Y
lloodi lllUcuru IWor llli Hid noil Irrlutlug and
ouly cathartic to UkB with llnodt Srparlll
15 F Shloct catno in from Sioux City
lust evening
0 S Hayos wont toTlldon this morn
ing on buslnosi
Mies Aunlo Herman loft thisnoon for
a visit to Osmond
0 li Hnll of Ploroo is a business visi
tor lu tho city today
V Wietzer mado a trip to Madison
mid return yesterday
John Kolmors banker of Grand
Island is a city visitor
Goo Davenport sr Is in bed with
ipilto a severe nttack of rheumatism
Miss Anna Ivlllon has accepted a posi
tion in the Michael photograph gallery
Mrs T Klllott was in the city yostor
day ou her way from Stanton to Madi
Kid Hall was ovor front Wayno last
ovouing to attend tho dance of tho W
CarlT Sooley of Madison doputy
Internal revenue collootor is transacting
business in town today
Mr and Mrs Wm Frioke rojoicoovor
tho arrival of a daughter at their homo
southoaat of tho city
Mr aud Mrs D O OConnor enter
tained a small company of friends at au
enjoyable dinuer last ovouing
Mrs W II Buttorllold gavo au In
formal siippor party last evonlug to a
fow friends in honor of Mrs F Wiotzor
The Daylight storo of Boolor Bros is
being roprtporod and docoratod in a
handsomo green effect S O Dean is
doing tlio work
ltov W II Carter of Wausa was in
tho city yesterday on his way to Lin
coln to attend tlio nieotlng of tho Antl
Saloou loaguo
Tho reception for ltov Weills and
family will bo hold at tho hoinn of Dr
II T Ilnldeu on Monday ovouing Kob
ruury 211 Tho satno invitations and
nrrangoinonts hold good ns woro mado
for tho ono postponed
A lettor from Madison says Tho
funeral of Corporal Waltor L ltlloy of
company F will bo held Sunday nt
2 oolock p m nt tho M 15 church
Company F has chargo of tho funeral
assisted by tho Ejiworth Loaguo and
ltoyal Highlanders
Local coal dealers receivod notice this
morning of nn advance of 25 couts a ton
on tlio first of March ou Rock Spriugs
lump aud nut and Hauua lump and nut
Consumers will congratulate theniFelves
that thero cauuot bo many more months
of weather in which coal will be needod
Washingtons birthday was also tho
birthday of Mrs Judgo Powers an
evout which was colebratod during the
afternoon by 20 or 35 of her lady frlouds
who eatno uninvited but wero neverthe
less wolcomo Tho surprise was com
plete but tho victim enjoyed It as muoh
as anyone present
Tho W O W dance at the Marquardt
hall last evonlug was attended by be
tweou 50 and 00 couples who had a
very enjoyable time The hall was
appropriately decorated for tho occasion
and inspiring musio was furnished by
tho W O W orchestra Suppor was
scrvod at tho Bon Ton rostaurant
Tho crayou posters advertising tho
Husking Boo to bo givon at tho Audi
torium this eveuiug which have at
tracted so much attention on tho streots
during the past fow days aro the work
of Miss Key and Miss Qraco Spoar
Tho young ladies lmvo demonstrated
that they aro artists of uo small ability
Protection lodge No 101 D of II
will outertaiu the members of Norfolk
lodge No 07 A OU W thlseveuliig
with a litorary and musical program
and suppor Tho former will be held in
Odd Fellows hull aud the supper will
bo served iu G A It hall All mem
bers of the A O U W nud their fam
ilies aro invited
Au oxchango says that tho merchants
who want newspaper men to roast
grocery peddlors ohenp John stores and
put out medicine shows would make
publishers foel more like doing so if
they would quit using baking powder
letter heads wholesale gargling oil
envelopes and axle grease statements
and patronize home printing ollices
Tho Union Pacific freight which loft
this place for tho south last evening was
one of the longest if not tho longest train
th ovor pulled out of tho city It was
composed of JO freight cars and way
car and was drawn by two engines
Twenty four of tho cars canio iu on the
train from Sioux City aud tho remain
der wero added here It was a groat
load of miscellaneous merchandise
Miss 1511a Moldonhauor celebrates
Washingtons birthday as her own
Yesterday sho was 21 years old and in
commemoration of that oveut a largo
party of her youug friends gathered at
the home of her father W A Molden
hauer last eveuiug giving her a sur
prise aud a happy tiuio Her mother
wno was a party to tue secret uad pre
pared delioious refreshments which
were enjoyed by all present at the
proper time
Tho North Nebraska teachers associ
ation will meet iu Wayne Maroh 28 30
The committee D O OConnor J S
Hancock Lucy S Williams M It
Suodgrass aud 0 W Crum has issued
circulars urging all teachers of the terri
tory to make it a point to be present
They also remind the school boards that
they cau well afford to provide for the
attendance of teaohers employed by
thorn Alargo enthusiastic and im
portant mooting Is expected An educa
tional council will bo organized mid the
endeavor will bo to form tho teachers In
a compact working forco for tho accom
plishment of good to themselves and
school patrons
The OhUio Valloy California Cham
pion of the Kith states that tho Moth
odist ohurohiS of Los Angolos lmvo
taken tho luitiiitivo iu a movement to
set apart a day at an oarly date when
all tho ohurohes will unite in prayer for
rain It Is stated that lust year the
churches united iu prayer nud a gener
ous shower fell within 18 hours Spoak
lug of crop conditions the Chnmplnn
says Tho upland barloy hereabouts
is in a critical condition for lack of rain
some of it already perhaps past saving
Many hundreds of acres will bo in an
other ten diiyR if no rain comes Ou tho
othor hnnd howovor tho barley is yet
looking very woll and will pull through
considerable more drought
Mr F Wiotzor loft today for Rocky
Ford Col whoro ho goes to tako tho
mauagomont of the now sugar factory
being orectod by tho American Beet
Sugar company Mrs Wiotzor will
remain iu tho city until Sunday noon
whon sho will accompany her father td
Grand Islaud whoro sho will spend
sovoral mouths visiting hor parents
whilo awaiting the completion of tho
now house lu Rocky Ford Mr and
Mrs Wiotzor have hosts of friouds in
Norfolk who aro slucoroly sorry that
duty calls thorn to another placo yet
their rogrot is touiperod by tho knowl
odgo that removal comes as tho result of
a promotion and that iu taking tho
manngemout of tho now factory Mr
Wiotzer assumes grcator responsibilities
with a corresponding increase of salary
Tho tiuio is uear at baud for pilmary
elections to bo called for tho opening of
the municipal nud other campaigns
Tho inquiry will soon bo mado as to
who aro tho committeemen from the
various wards and to forostall such
iuquiry tho members havo been looked
up in the files of Tire News Tho re
publican city committee is composed
as follows First ward Goo II Spear
Johu Docker Hank Roaks Second
ward J W Raueom C J Stockwell
W L Keru Third ward F E Hardy
Goo Davenport M 0 Hazou Fourth
ward O J Chapman J K Hutcheaou
J H Thompson Tho democratic city
committeo is as follows First word
II W Wiuter Second ward A Deg
uer Third ward D T Koenigstein
Fourth ward Fred Koerber D J
Koenigstein is chairman of the com
mitter aud A Deguer secretary
The Cardinal Ioluts
In favor of the Nlckol Plato road are
safe aud easy roadway Quo trains
luxurious equipment aud fast time
These combined with a solid through
vostibuled slooplng and dining car
sorvico make tho Nickel Plate road a
desirable route between Chicago Ft
Wayne Cleveland Erie Buffalo Now
York Boston and all points east The
traveliug public already know that the
rates via this road ore lower than other
To Cure Lit Grippe lu Two Days
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refuud the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature on
overy box 2c
Wanted Several bright and honest
persons toroprosout us as managers iu
this and close couuties Salary 900 a
year aud expenses Straight bona fide
no more uo less salary Position per
maneut Our references auy bank iu
any towu It is mainly office work con
ducted at home References Enclosed
self- addressed stamped euvelopo The
Dominion Company Dept 3 Chicago
Be Careful
No woman can be too careful of
her condition during the period be
fore her little ones are born Neglect
or improper treatment then endan
gers her life and that of the child It
lies with -her whether she shall suffer
unnecessarily or whether the ordeal
shall be made comparatively easy
She had better do nothing than do
something wrong
is the one and the only preparation
that is safe to use It is a liniment
that penetrates from the outside
External applications are eternally
right Internal medicines are radi
cally wrong They are more than
humbugs they endanger life
Mother s Friend helps the muscles
to relax and expand naturally re
lieves morning sickness removes
the cause of nervousness and head
ache prevents hard and rising
breasts shortens labor and lessens
the pains and helps the patient to
rapid recovery
From a letter by a Shreveport La
woman I have been using your
wonderful remedy Mothers Friend
for the last two months and find it
just as recommended
DnijtgllU cell It at SI per bottle
Sand for our tree Illustrated book
BefroBby U Uoru
I II Soabury is in tho city from
Mis Turner of Piorco Isvlsltltig with
Miss Bachelor
II K Owen Is home from a business
trip to Omaha
Ohas Lump of Lindsay was ajjity
visitor yesterday
E M Abbott was iu the cityJIyostcr
day from Lincoln
Frank Johnson catno ovor from Cole
ridge to spend Sunday
Judgo Conos was lu tho olty today
onrouto to Council Bluffs
Mr and Mrs J K Story of Pieico
wero in the city yesterday
District court will couvono at Pie co
on Monday Judgo Graves will preside
Dr 1 labor assistant in Dr Scoggins
dontol olllco wdpt to Wayno this morn
Miss Bortha Sohoufoldt wont to
Croightou this morning for a wooks
O S Hayes went to Pilger today on
business conuectod with his musio
W II Itish has boen confined to tho
houso sovoral days with au attack of
the grip
Misses Holou aud Ida Millultz of
Plaiuview are guests at the home of
Clias Blorsdorf
Mrs Ohas Kretzor Is expocted homo
tonight from a visit with relatives at
Portland Oregon
E A Bullock Is expocted home from
Sioux City this ovoniug to spoud Sun
day with his family
Ono of Dallas Bransons bus horses
dropped dead while boing driven aloug
Main street this morning
At Newmau Grovo tho village mar
shal sets hobos to work at diggiug holes
for tho polos of tho now arc lights
Dr O A McKim was called to Win
sldo today to examine somo cattlo that
have beeu dying in largo numbers
Rev Edith Hill Booker arrived today
at noon aud will preach at the Baptist
church tomorrow morning aud ovoniug
Miss Martha Klentz departed today for
Des Moiues Iowa whero she will take
a position iu a millinery establishment
Tlio housohold ecouomio department
of the Womans club will meet with Mrs
Ed Seymour on Monday afternoon at
2 U0
E P Weathreby is confined to his
homo He slipped a few days ago and
sustained an injury to his side which is
quite sore p
Mr and Mrs Dan Murphy aro here
Mr Murphy is not well and has a
weeks lay off They still call Norfolk
their home
Judge aud Mrs Powers went to Lin
coln at noon to spend Sunday with their
sou Carroll who Is a student at the
Mrs J M Cherry of Wayne who has
been visiting at the homes of W J and
C 0 Gow left for Stantou at noou to
visit friends
Miss Florence Gay lord was 12 years
of ago yesterday aud after sohool 12 of
her little schoolmates called at her home
ou Philip avenue aud surprised her
The occasion proved very eujoyable and
those participating were highly enter
tained Refreshments wero served
during the afternoon
I H Wood will address a union
meeting under the auspices of the Anti
Saloon league at tho M E church to
morrow oveulng Mr Wood Is a
speaker of wide reputation and acknowl
edged ability In oratorical power he
won first honors in his state and cap
tured a prize iu a national oratorical con
test held in Chicago All are Invited to
attend the meeting Mr Wood will
also speak Monday evening at some place
not yet decided upon
W H Widaman has received a letter
from his old comrade D A Dorsey of
Kearney who desires to make a date
for delivering his lecture in Norfolk
aud it is probable that the peoplo of this
city many have an opportunity of hear
ing him at au early date The subject
of his address is Audrews tho Spy
aud is said to bo the most thrilling story
of adventure of the civil war Tho
recital concerns the Audrews raiders or
engine thiovos who captured a train on
the railroad between Chattanooga
Teuu aud Atlauta Ga aud mado a
dash through the enemys lines to tho
sontli lor the purpose or destroying a
bridge Ou the south trip they got
along uicoly Railroad operations wero
not as perfect then as now aud the mero
auouncomeut of Androws that they
wero ruuing a special gavo them the use
of the road The return trip was uot as
easy after they had accomplished their
purpose They cut the telegraph lines
to keep from being side tracked or other
wise headed off but at tralnlond of
confederates gave them chose aud they
were finally captured Many of those
taking part were hung as spies Andrews
among them Somo mado their escape
but passed through some most thrilling
events Mr Dorsey was one who
escaped Mr Widaman came uear
being a party to the raid The govern
ment presented medals to those who
survived aud a maguitlcent monument
commemorating the eveut has been
erected at the Ohickamauga national
park to the memory of those who lost
their lives
Have You
You may have heard
and have a vague notion
that it is cod liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures It is cod liver oil the
purest and the best in the
world but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it Nearly all
children like it and ask for
looks like cream
ihes the wasted
baby child
it nour
body of
or adult
w better than cream or an
1 other food in existence
S S S is a Great Blessing to
New Blood and Life
bears about the same
tion to other emulsions that
j cream docs to milk If you
have had any experience
with other so called just as
a juuu Micuaiauuitt yuu
win una mat this is a ract
The hypophophitcs that arc
combined with the cod liver oil
give additional value to it because
they tone up the nervous system
and impart strength to the whole
to arJSio jI JruBlit
SCOTT UOWN1 Ohemits New York
Ago doci not necessarily mean
feebleness and 111 health aud
neatly all of tho sickness nmoug
UlU rBOpIBi II blVcS l16iD people aro very susceptible to illness
mil it is wuouy unnecessary uy Keep
ing their blood pure thoy can fortify themselves
so us to escapo three fourths of tho aitnionts
from which they suffer so generally S S S is
tho remedy which will keep their systoms young by purifying tho blood
thoroughly removing nil waste accumulations and impart
ing now strength and life to tho wholo body It increased
tho nppetito builds up tho energies and sends new life
giving blood throughout the entire Bystcni
Mrs Sarah Pike 477 Broadway South Boston writes
I am seventy years old and had not enjoyed good health
for twenty years I was sick iu different ways and in
addition hau Eczema terribly on ono of my legs The
doctor said that on account of my age I would never bo
well again I took a dozen Iwttlos of S S S aud it cured me
completely nnd I am happy to say that
I feel as well as I evor did in my life
Mr J W Loving of Colquitt Ga says For eight
een yoars I suffered tortures from a ilory eruption on
my skin I tried almost every known remedy but they
failed ono by ono and I was told that my age which is
sixty six was against me and that I could never hopo
to bo well again I finally took S S S and it cleansed
my blood thoroughly and now I am in perfect health
in tho only remedy which can build up and strengthen
old peoplo because it is tho only one which is guaranteed
ireo from potasii mercury arsenic ami omer uaiuugmi
minerals It is mado from roots and herbs and has no chemicals whatever
in it S S S cures tho worst cases of Scrofula Cancer Eczema Rheumatism
Tetter Open Sores Chronic Ulcers Boils or any other disease of the blood
Books on these diseases will bo sout free by Swift Specific Co Atlauta Qa
Wanted Honest man or woman ot
travel for largo house salary G5
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent enclose self-addressed
stamped euvolopo Manager
830 Caxton bldg Chicago
Legal Notice
J L Kaufman and Kaufman
wile ot I Li Kaufman first name un
known non resident defendants will
take notice that ou the 29th day of Jan
uary 1100 plaintiff herein filed its pe
tition in the district court of Madison
county Nebraska against said defend
ants the object and prayer of which are
to havo declared null and void a certain
deed given by one Adolph Kochman
aud Sarah Kochman his wife to the
defendant J L Kaufman dated March
2 1806 and recorded in the office of the
clerk of said county Maroh 5 1890 in
book 2G page 345 of deeds for the fol
lowing described real estate to -wit The
north one fourth of lots one land two
2in block eleven 1 1 bf Haases suburb
an lots to the town of Norfolkin Madison
county Nebraska except the west fifty
50 feet of same and further except a
strip ten 10 feet wide on the south
side of said premises said premises be
ing 82 by 180 feet and to quiet and con
firm plaintiffs title thereto
You are required to auswer said peti
tion ou or before the 12th day of March
Dated January 30 1900
Spitz Landauer Comp ny
By Mapes Hazen Plaintiff
Their Attorneys
Cleuurt anil bwitlfiel the lull
Promote ft luxuriant cronth
Never Falls to llcstoro Qray
uair to us xouiaiui ioior
Curci cap di riKi u hair Ulltag
fOcandlUX DrujruliU
Charles Owen is on the sick list today
Burt Mapes goes to Madison today on
legal business
O H Wanner spent Sunday with
friends iu Stantou
M C Hazen went to Pierco this after
noon to attend court
C S Hayes goes to Tilden this even
ing to deliver a piano
W 0 Leonard clerk in Kiesaus drug
store is on the sick list
Miss Ella Braasch is here from Bloom
field on her way to Omaha
Howard Seabury of Plainview spent
Sunday in Norfolk as usual
Mrs Geo L lies entertained Mr and
Mrs Wietzer at dinuer Saturday even
Martin Slawters child has been very
sick with pneumonia but is now im
0 J Ohappell of Pierce who travels
for the Sugar City Cereal Mills is in the
city today
A W Richardson of Alden Iowa is
visiting at the home of his brother in
law E J Rix
Burr Taft and T O Van Horn go to
South Omaha tonight each with a car
load of sheep
Henry Owen goes to Sidney this
state tomorrow to look after his rail
road contract
Miss Eva Moorman cousiu ot Mrs
Weller and Miss Mason of Pierce are
guests at the Weller home
Miss Milliutz went to her home in
Plaiuview today after a pleasant visit
with the family of Ohas Biersdorf
Henry Simmons a prominent cattle
man of Chadron Sundayed iu Norfolk
and went to Omaha this morning ou the
early traiu
Guy Alexander is home from Sioux
City Mrs Alexander will leave Wed
nesday morning as her father R Waite
is very low
Judge Graves of Pender passed
through the city today ou his way to
Pierce where he presides over a term of
district court this week
It is announced that tho Ladies Guild
of Trinity church netted 7175 from
the Husking Bee entertainment given
Friday evening
Miss Thompson who managed tho
production of the Husking Beo at tho
Auditorium Friday evoning has gone to
York whero she will direot the same
play for a local company
Chris H Madseu who has just suc
cessfully finished his first years work
with the 0 M Henderson Shoe Co is
now in Chicago aud will bo home this
week for a fow days rest
The reception for Rev Mr Weills
and family will be held at the residenco
of Dr H T Holdeu this evening Tho
same iuvitntions nud arrangements
hold good as wero mado for tho
There was a good attendance nt tho
meeting of tho Anti Snloon leaguo held
iu the M E bhuroh last evening Tho
meetlug was addressed by Rev I H
Wood of Kearney who gave an interest
ing talk along the line of tomperauco
and good government
Mr Wietzor did uot get away Friday
as announced nut waited until yester
day when he accompauied Mrs Wietzer
to Grand Island He goes at once to
Rooky Ford Col but Mrs Wietzer will
romain in Grand Island until their new
houso is completed at their new location
Mr and Mrs W M Robertson at
tended the funeral of Corporal Walter
L Rellly at Madison yesterday He
was a member of company F Fust Ne
braska regiment aud his death occurred
near Manila He was nearly 20 years