Mil r r r TheHofolkrleuis If tlio lUHWi nnny in Houtli Afrlrn dont got smiHlictt on tlio lMf tlmy in Homo olinnpoa or KotliK U Iho boiling of tho politliiU pot Iiiih win soimnvliut ntiiriltil by tins spoil of wcnMior but It willlm sivlliiK inoiirneot UiiHyoiirloiiKlmforothi umiiU tlmo of ninthly tho Hi- MMin ronMin liiM lniin illm ovnicil for tho rurly ronvimtloiiri Mark lluuim inli iitls to kill Hrynn oil- by nxpoMum to virly snrltiR wont linr in hitm iir pint form BlHiHhis mill by worklim lilm ovor tlnio lust two youii Tlmrmliy tbo luttlishlp Muliio wiw sunk In Hiiviinii burbor Mnny ovontH buvo Impponud hIiiih tlmtilulo whlih loud ouu to tbo bollof Unit tlio ovontwiis duly d up liropiiiitoly riiiiniiiborod Onlbiirtson of thu Ira olo Km Hiiyn Violation of tbo law of tint urn do not nlwnys sliorton llfo Many uion liuvo livwl to bo ovor nighty ytiirH old yot liavo obowoil tobmuo hiiioUimI drank mid voted tbo doinociatio tiokot nil UinlrliviS Uopoits from vmious puts of tbo country uro to tbo olVort tbal St Vulon linos day was tbo IiIawhI on lvcottl for tbo nutiibii and valiio of tondor missives Mint througli tbo Unolo Hiuuh mail IjOvo undoutidly prospers witb iniprovud business conditions A nemo nt 1viiiihii Oily Ilo ban boon wntoiuwl to 10 yearn iiiiDiirtoninont for Hiiatoliinu a wliito womanri pookot book This is a Kovoro puniHlunont and proba bly dosnrved Tim only question in would a wbito person of hoiuo staudiiiK and intollinenco liuvo locolvod a liko Mjntonoo from tbo same court Mr Hryiins stiitoitumt Unit bis sup porters in tbo oast aio constantly in 1111 inborn will bavo to bo takon witb sotno doureo of allowauen in view of tbo foot Unit bo ho frciiiiuntly iiiinlo similar assertions during tbo oiuiipnlKU of ISlHI noun of wliioli tbo returns wont to provo 15dfar Howard of tho Papillion Times tfivos tbo wbolo snap away when in criticising n certain article bo says tl o sentiment is undemocratic unpopo emtio and therefore unconstitutional Moro than ono repubbeaii policy has boon booted at by tbo popocratio press not particularly Uuiuko it was uncoil fititutioiinl but bueaiiMi it was undein jocratio and unpopooratio Tho connnittoe on public buildings and grounds of Urn house of representa tives has before it some 200 public build ing bills and Congressman Mercer tbo uhturmau is under tremendous pressure from those iuteiosted It is perhaps unnecessary to siy that the only really important bill before tho connnittee and tho ouo which should bo tlrst considered is that providing for tho government building in Norfolk All others aro of minor consideration It is the general opinion that tho sup posed rotreat of tbo Hoor army from Kiniberly will yet ond in some disaster to tbo llritish forcon under Jenoral Kelly Kenny It is one of their stand urd tricks to retire in appearant fear from a British advance and when they get tho Knglishariny where thoy want them turn tho tables in a decisive man ner Those who bavo studied tbo war will bo much disappointed if tho usual luetics are not pursued in this instance Tho opposition is pleased to term every republican sheet wbother it bo a city daily or a cross roads weekly as an administration organ An unwitting complimoutiu ended torn cruel slam It is an honor to any paper to bo tho mouthpiece of the administration but for tho administration to father all tho varied and sometimes wonderfully ongi iinl thoughts of the editors of tho land is unjust as it would tuko all its time and would exhaust several thought Kcrminntors Tbo Omaha municipal campaign is now on and it promises to bo a lively ouo Frank K Moores tho prosout mayor heads the ropublicau ticket -while tho fusionists bavo placed in nomination S lopploton Tbo I chief issue of tho campaign seems to bo for and against municipal ownership of water and lighting facilities Tbo World Herald bus already started out on n campaign of personal abuse nnd mud slinging will probably bo a leading feature Tho report of tho misfortunes of Prank G Siniiuous postmaster at Seward comes us a shock to tho newspaper men of tbo state nuioug whom ho U well aud favorably known It would bo very dillioult to makd his friends believe that Frank Simmons is dishonest or that be iutonded to defraud tbo govern ment Ha is uo doubt tho victim of unfortunate circumstances andjwo feud more liko sympathizing with than con demning him It is to be hopod that ho may be oblo to settle up his troubles satisfactorily The Plain view Republican of last week proposes a ticket to bo nominated at tho etate convention iu Lincoln May 3 composed entirely of newspaper moil Among tho proposed candidates is tbo editor of this paper for state treasurer After viewing tbo wrook of many prom ising nion who bavo handled funds other than their own It Is perhaps un necessary to say tbal tbo otlor of such a position ovinias a Joko arises no ambi tion in tbo breast of tbo wrltorjto want to boslnto treasurer Uo foolsjas though bo could not spare the time to keep doe Hartley eompniiy for a fow yonrs Tbo republican convention of An telope county has boon culled to moot at Nollgb on Saturday April JH to oleot delegates to tbo state congressional senatorial and judicial conventions also to nominate candidates forjineinbers of tbo legislature and county nttomoy The Antelope republicans appear to bavo taken the ouo from tho stato com uiitteo and iiitoud doing tho business all up t ono sitting Tho entire plan of the campaign scorns to bo for a long ono with all tho primary businoss llu ished soon lifter the grass commences to shoot Time alono will toll wbothor tho policy should bo commended or con demned Tho Inst ruction today being given In tho public schools is at great varianco with tho old popular idea that touching reailiu ritiu and rlthmetio is ample and Rtilllcient Tho public schools are getting on tho board basis that the child should bo taught those things which will bo most useful to him in his lifes work Dr Kvorott Halos suggestion that pet aninialH should bo kept in public schools is not a decided inovntion nor is it without its points to recommend Tho children would bavo a practical study of natural history before I lioin thoy would learn bow to care for thoin and above all thoy would bo taught kindness to dumb brutes a trait that not all aro taught at homo It is apparently impossible for tho popocrats to obtain campaign material or argument without resorting to dolo ful prognostications for the future the present is seldom considered Senator Jones of Nevada in his dobato ou tho pending currency measure inado tho asseition that at soino subsequent date tho i 11000000 in greenbacks would bo retired us would also tho treasury notes besides doing away with silver It is awful easy to make such statements and Mr lonos could just as well have stated that gold would bo retired and diamonds ouiploycd as a circulating medium There is no calamity which it is impossible for men like Jones to predict Again that sting of ingratitude two doniooratio souators voted for that nortoriously infamous monsure tho currency bill wlroli fixes tho bated gold standard ou tho down troddou enslaved people many of whom do not make abovo l000 per year How can men be so ungrateful to that party which elected them that party that promisos everything but noconiplihos nothing the party of Ulay Jackson Tofforson Webster Lincoln and evory other prominent American statesmen dem ocracy Surely nil tbo people but a select few aro crazy inconipotoiit and unfit to draw the breath of lifo Their number is constantly decreasing and tbo tattered rag of popocraoy is on its last Spion kop Popocratio campaign lies aro boing knocked in tho head early in tho cam paign Tho reitorated assertion of tho fusiouistB that thoro is a socret alliance between this government and Great Britain received its quiotus in the house of lords rocontly when Lord Hosebory ONproinior and ouo presumed to know whereof ho speaks said Last De cember tho government made urgent overtures to two great powors Germany and tho United States for an alliance but those overtures were not roeoived with such cordiality as to oncourngo tho government to pursue And this nt a time too whou Kiigliunl would bo only to proud and happy to proclaim or hint at such an allianeo wore it supported by any grounds wbatsoovor Tho secret alliance must bo so secret that not oven the leading oilieiuls of the two govern niouts have knowledge of its existouco Tin Nrws wlshos to oinphasize evon iv ho oxpenso of reiteration tho valuo an necessity of that kind of local pitnotisni whioh considers Norfolk tho inaiii hub of tho universo It really is to thoso who live bore While we should be proud to ba Ainoricuns mix ions to bo good citireus of tho great republic while wo are indeod fortunato to have our lot cast iu such a ningnifl cent commonwealth as Nebrasku it remain onco and forever true that this town and its dovolopmont is what concerns us most Hero is where wo live Hero tho prosperity of our neigh bor affects us houco we nro bound as a matter of solf interest to promote his success Hero tho public health makes a difference with our own therefore it is of vital mterest to us that everything which insures it should be encouraged Let us bo nlivo to tho interests of Nor folk and eaoh one do nil iu his power to make it clean prosperous true and keep it so It is a matter of history that during a Fourth of July celebration at North humptou Mass iu lb04 an of that time responded to the THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 22 1900 toast Louisiana tho prlco millions tbo possession a curso Tho area of Louisiana at that lino included what aro now tbo staton of Louisiana Arkan sas Missouri Kansas Nebraska North and South Dakota Minnesota Iowa Montana Indian torritory and Okla homa and half of Oolorado and Wyom ing Tho antls of Nebraska would bo swift to rebuke tbo sentiment that tbo state is n corse to tbo government as would thoso of any other stato out out of the Louisiana purchase wore it ex pressed today and tbo wonderful prico paid at that time would not now pur chase tho lonl or personal property of any state in tbo buucli The antls in IKOt made a grand mistake us time bus proven and it is only a matter of time when the antls of 1100 will bo in the sumo ridiculous poistlou in fact oven now tbo protests against oxpanslon aro being toned down in a romarkablo de gree St Louis Mo is planning for an ex position or worlds fair in 110 to com momorato tbo Louisiana purebnso which will bo tho 100th year siuco that purohnso was nmdo Tho promoters contomplato an oxpondituroof 15000 000 in preparing for tho fair This amount is just 11000000 moro than was paid by tbo Unitod States in 18011 for tho country then known as Louisiana Could tho statesinon who onginoorod that doal soo tho wealth in property both personal ami real now contained in that torritory thoy would undoubt edly bo greatly surprised and could the little Americans of that day bohold a hundredth part of its resourcos and dovolopniont thoy would bo justillod in believing thoy were tho voriost fools in opposing a moasuro that incroiisod tho goveruinonts wealth and power about ono half The antl oxpunsionists of tho present day should bo warnod by this and not oppose a niovomont that may mean billions of dollars to tho country No ono oxpocts that Ouba Porto Rico Hawaii tho Philippines and othor torri tory undor consideration if uunoxod to tho United States will provo us valuable us tho Louisiana purchase but tho most obtuso individual cannot fail to realizo that thoy will bo valuablo acqui sitions and that thoy aro capablo of a wonderful dovolopmont Consldored from a purely mercenary standpoint tbo acquisition of Louisiana was a pieco of financiering soldom or never equalled in tho history of tho govornmont Con sidered from the sumo fataudpoiut tho possessions recoutly coming under United States control may not attain tho same rank as tho Louisiana pur chase but it is not doubted by thoso who have given it study that thoy will some day bo valuablo to tho nation under whoso control thoy como Ac cording to the census of 1800 the Louisi ana purchase for which tho paltry sum of 12000000 was paid in 1801 was given the assessed valuation of 11702 175S Of Missouri alono where the fair is to bo bold tho valuation of real aud personal proporty Awas placed at fJaoWWOI i Jeneroiis Tho Conservative ol Nebraska City contains an account of ouo young man who heeded Horace Greeloys advico and went west aud has profited very much by tho movo In IS Tho Con servative with absolute faith in his ability aud honesty gave a young man a gonoral lotter of commendation Tho youth was just starting for Pikes Peak to soarch for wealth and reputation Ho was palo faced bright attractive but almost effeminato in physique Ho whacked his oxen through to Cherry Crook bowover nnd fattened and strengthened on his coarso camp food and his out-of-doors sleep iu tbo pure air of tho plains In a recent paragraph wo seo that tho youth of 1859 has becomo a man who in 1809 presonts ono of his em ployes a hundred thousand another soventy flvo thousand dollars as a token of his estoom Tho name of tho youth whom Tho Conservative endorsed in IS and who is scattering cash that way in lb is David H Moilatt Ho banks a little in Denver lrit a Political Matter A local paper reprints tho following telegram from Omaha to tho Chicago Record Railroad otlicials ore betraying some alarm at the prospective visit of tho in terstate eominorco commission Private advices have been received that the commission will soon sit at Norfolk this stato to consider a series of complaints of long standing niado by tho Norfolk board of trado Tho morohants of that town for years sought to build up a job bing business but found it impossible to do so under existing tariff schedules which impoo a local rato west of tho rivor so high that the Norfolk jobbers cannot compoto with jobbing houses on the river Tho railroad ollloiuls who had a baud in making these arbitrary tariffs nro somewhat nervous Tho ac tion of tho board is takon at tho behest of tho nmuagors and press of tho fusion or populist party and it is also alleged that tho visit of tho interstate commerce commission can bo traced to tho popu list paty If the local paper which reprinted this telegram desires to endorse the statement that it is a political matter it has that privilego and will bo expected to stand upon the position even though the recent order of tho popocratio state board of transportation bo not enforced It is a very broad claim to make that it is a political matter whou the fact is that the commission comes in responso to charges filed last July by Chas II Johnsou who it is true is not a Hoan yot among thoso who aro londlng him asfllstanco in tho freight rate tight aro to bo found many republicans It shows docidodly poor judgomont for a paper or individual to ondoavor to snatch tho glory from tho coilln of a doad lioro for the purposo of making tho ohoupost kind of political capital it is desecration of tho worst sort and tho surviving nioinbors of tbo family rocolvo poor consolation from such sentiment Tho man who did so during tho civil war was promptly and nppropriatoly termed copporhoud which was a mild term for traitor All honor to tho bravo ladfl whoso patriotism prompted thorn to volunteer at thoir countrys holiest to tight hor battlos and If nood bo to surrendor thoir lives in hor cause May their glory novor fudo and may tho country thoy served not grow loss through tho ranting bickerings of a sonllo partisan Tho young men who wont to tho Pliilipplnos following Deweys victory nnd who bavo gone siuco enlisted of thoir own froo will and fought as only good Amorican Boldicrs know how to light No young mon of this day and ago are hold in highor esteem than thoso volautoers and to tho memory of the boys who lost their livos wo all tako oil our hats and drop a silent tear without questioning thoir motives or tho justico of tho cause they represented Whether tho Philippines aro worth ono drop of blood is not tho question but it is a quostion of servico to a pcoplo who would bavo sacrlliced tons of lives in internal strife to whoro ono was sacrificed in an effort to provont it Not all thought that tbo cuuso of tho North against the South was just but all now accord to the horoos of that day thoir just honor All honor to the patriots who bavo fought and thoso who will continued to fight for their country Iho notion of tho populists at Lincoln is evidence that thoy boliovo tho time is at baud to re assert their independence of tho corrupt and hated old parties nnd make an effort to rebuild their organization There is no surprise that thoy should como to their senses from a populist standpoint The only wonder is that thoy bavo so long submitted to doniocratic domina tion at a sacrifice of priuciplo for tho fow sops in the shaps of promises of oflico thrown to them from tho demo cratic tablo It is tho general belief that if thoy had stayed in tho middle of tbo road tho populist party would by this time have been as strong or stronger thnn their democratic allies Thoro are thousands of conscientious populists throughout the country who have been voting tho republican ticket rather than unite with the fusion gang and an independent organization would induce their return to first principles F A Harrison tho woll kuown Washington correspondent has other thoughts concerning newspaper men than merely furnishing excellent matter for their columns Ho has recently sent his friouds some seeds from a honey locust treo which grows at Mount Vernon overhanging tho old family tomb of tho Wnshingtons thinking that perhaps tho editors of the Treo Plant ers state would take somo interest in growing trees from seeds boruo by a treo of such historical interest Ho is not in tho relic or seed business but his desire to furnish his friouds something of an interesting nature led him to mako tho collection Ho laughs best who laughs last If you tako Hoods Sorsaparilla you may laugh first last and all the time for it will make you well 9f A genuino Weto Silver Steel String for youi Violin Mandolin Guitar or Banjo will be sent nnsolutely free to any address on receipt of a cent postage stamp for return postage GREAT REDUCTION IN MANDOLINS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Ourrtandollns arc guaranteed to bo absolutely true In tho Scales ported workmanship and correct adjustment oj btrlnfts Our 195 WalQ Mandolin reduced from M00 Is Wnlnut nnd Maple 1 1 ribs neatly llnlshed lulald soundliole rosewood tinker board im dtion dots American patent head I Ui I ulth every JMnndollnan extra but ot Strings and u valuablo Sell lnstructur Our 345 Walo Mandolin reduced from 00 Is Oal and Mujile I3rlbs funcy Inlaid soundliole celluloid bound edee rboii trimmintrsiiosltton dots American pat ent bead and lino llnlbh Our 495 Walo Mandolin reduced from 700 is solid Kofcwood 13 ribs highly tlnlahededijcs Inlaid with fancy colored wood purtllng bound with celluloid o bo 11 1 zed lluKorboiird earl position dots mahogany nech best American patent head Send for Walos Catalogue ol All Huslcal In struments and lurnlhlni Tutest Hand Orchestra and Piano JMusicCataloueson appllcatloa rineWepalrlnuaSpeclulty Watch for Our Next llargatn A T WALO MUSIC HOUSE No 9 S Broadway SI Louis Mo AJ if SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and then I have it now It is queer I can sec your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule T ANTKD - A eftoe of bid health that 8 will not benefit V i Noto tliononl KM A N H nil the packngo nnd Illinois Central R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSTTEIR TOTJBISTS Tho Illitmiri C0ntr1l desires to cull attention to tho nnoxcolloil tonico thnt is 0II0101I by its lines to tlio south for tho seison nfivj KKX G A LI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS sow Urleniih Sim cinl connection also inutlo b tliih trnin with ilnll trniiib out of Now Orlenns for tlio 1ncillc Coibt Tho Llinitod from Cliiciien otory iiiK coiinictb on Monilajs anil lliiuvilnyB at Now Orlnnio after Docombor IK lrl with tho SUNSET LIMITED of tlio Southern Iuciflc Khing epecial throiiKli orvico to Sin FruiicUcn CLORID I NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA Doublo daily ton ico U IMllilltllilllMl out of St Iouib in tlio llllnolb Central mid counectiiii lineb to NiibhWIIol Sinttiinoo nn mid Atlanta thro blooniiii cur to boutlllo Iloridu buliiKcnirlod on tho DIXIE FLYER lonvint St Ioiil ovory neniii Tula triiu as w oil ns tho Day KxpniM leininK St Iouib in tlio nioruliiK uro ImiiIi solid trmib to Niibhtillo huwiu throiiuli coaciies nun sioepmn cms run ninit llmiHKh Muiliu Teiiii uud tho N C X St U It Connection 111 this lino for nil iirmei oul points In thu Sotitheiibt Mich at Cliurli ton WilinliiKlou Aiklu uud Suvuiiiiiili mid for till points in Florida TWO SOIIO FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from CIiIciko to Memphis mil New Or leans HOMrsrKKrHh ICUKSI0NS to cerium iKiiiits in tho South 011 tho lines of thu Illinois Central and Y A M V railroads will Ih run 011 tluillret and third Tuesday of each mouth dur ing the winter season Tull particulars coucornini all of tlio iiIkivo Iu had of uuents of tho Illinois Out nil ur I y uddressiui A 11 Huusun CI l A hicjwo d and wo will send you our Thpr linnlAh ntn nd prolans Ufa acevpt no ulntltuM iyil AWa 10 forSoeiiUor twelve paekctn for 4SccnKmay be Imd lit bii druf iiUire Trn imples nnd one thou JmuI uVtimonlnli 111 bo mulled to iut oddra for 5 csuts forwanUd to th Illpans Chemical Co No 10 Spruco St New York OUR BEST FRIENDS are the long time users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all toe time is unequaled Catalogue Free Ask for it The Smith Premier Typewriter Co SEND US ONE DOLLAR mmm 3850 fMtlWONDER Mm ill Mil IPn Ml fkJ gy ITT THIS AB OLTAMIhkSD 10 IS TI1TII 0K DOLLAK SPECIAL HIGH GRADE REAVt 3850 STOCK SADDLE by Irelghl O O l mibjcct to vxumlnutlun YOU CAN EXAMINE TtournearetfrelKlit rf alll r rlllllll pcrleetly nutMuctorj cuttly n rcpreccnUil An Extra Fino High Crado Saddle and the equal of saddle sold eery whoro nt frmn 4Xi OUR PRICE 3850 ii the 100 de poult or iit50 and fiUnlit elm rues This Saddle is made on a 15 or 16 inch Conulno Ladosma or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork cAurFiniv sriECTEn kvwiiiiik covritrit TlllU bound or loll eantle steel leather covered Mlrrupi or Much oxuow uruss uounu as aesiruu 11111 tcaa uoua4 rutlr uolfii ollirrnlc ordered TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG fH 1 tof - JL alai Jill WsV XkfM IW irli 81 wsttwr Iw1 fir Skirts so Inchlona extra heay wool iinwl ilnrli iilililitcitHtlriun leathers 13Mnch tletftmlu extra lon on near Bldo 2 Inch to buckle on offside heavy cotton tttitcd Mexican 6 lnch front cinch heavy cotton beltlnp Hank cinch connecting Btrap Loop teat Beat aud Jockey all one plcco ELECANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as Illustrated m eight nt Midille uliuiit 3 pounds packed for shipment 45 pounda mill Ill IS OMV AIS01T ClOOrOKrUIII OOVIIO WRITE FOR FREEVEHICLE HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol Cowboy and Rancher Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address SEARS ROEBUCK GO Inc CHICAGO ILL Siirit ItotbutL h Co mre ttiorougti reliable KiUtoft A Port on illy conduct ed Itiuih tirotnli to 1 06 Aiwles nnd Sun Kruncitco via Now Orlomitf in connect ion with thiiSoutliorn Ill cillc lonviiiK ClilciiKo on the Contrals futt 275 BOX RAlfi8 GOAT Aiiruim jouo i rii vri 1C iuoi ii iikiMusii ii iiij - l and geud to uh Bjour lirlijbl nuil wilhl t nuniltrrof luetic amund hod nl brf Sbl tLru trr -1 unarrri icio up underarm una t 111 ueml j ou thiiicoat by oxpi OII ulijrrl Iu eiauiluaUiiQ Kx amine and try It ou nt jourucaru t ipre s olllce and If fuuud nrilj f rrjirrt Diru anu lor mini trouutrfui value jou rrr fcuw or kvard or and rriual I an rual iuu can Ituf rnr VOO pa Ihe tixtrc3uirent OIK IUUI Iltllll IKltl S27b and Mire liurtres lllh 51 AiiMOHl3 latest IW utile euKv ntthiL mudo from litaj walrriiroor tan colur grnulnr DaUlorrt tloilii full Uncth double lmnaUd ftrelet collar fancy plaid llnliitf watirprnuf hOMCdfeam hullablefor bnth llaln ur Orrruat and guaraulrrd JIllAltbT tilth rr ulTerfd by u or ail other hnuiti For rrwllolu Sample of Mens Macklntonluii up to dw anil JIailo ti Meaure Sulla and onats at from M m to 10 00 write for HOK HtniIKIIOOkNo OOKOiddrra SEARS ROEBUCK Co Inc CHICAGO bear Uoebuck ft to art Uuiroof hi rtllable haitor 9 8f AUT ONLY 275 GENDNOMONEY cutthn uu uut ami bnu 10 ui btuU jour wiUlit ut liclyhi aUu nuui lKTtf inchei uioilnJ loUj atlitut ud nffk uml wt will eiii thm Vr Jt run sulil VafJtJw ou can c 1 WSn at mmi jfrEffr e BnaaaauBKfaanaSnrVPr r a i I tM A t j UR TRIMMSO BEAVtH tl to exuinbiatbii iniiiu anil tr It on ntareet exnresii nx anil If lolinil prrffdlj aciurj riacuy at rrp rr Dled and tliraiutt Muudrrful lalus yuu fur iinnr lirafdiir pay the eiirru ULent our siki iu anrrprltt 3273 aud rkrrt rlurpe 1 iurs dial tea will aerui 10 t vi lenn lul eaeli lW inlloi THIS CAPE 10 LA TEST STYLE FOR FALLonU VINTER inuli from all silra fLe aud tray all wnul lihrturlitua tniii iriviif itu tcreliillil7 Inches Iciiik rery tullaweop Id lmb upper cape- stra full I pprr raps and laryr aturiu rulUr btautl fully trhlliued llll blatl liable ral fur upper eupa trimined nith thriu ro and collar with tiwruij nn aiabalr liraldi vlulh buttun ornament iMa cape U flprtallur made Ibruuchuut and equal tn capes thut Mllac uuiro than dillllile the prli e M rile fur free I lull I atalonup SEARS ROEBUCK CO CHICAGO 1 Scar Uucliuct to art tnoruuf hi rcllctilt lallur J TREES AND PLANTS WMS of Best Varletlei ut Hard Times Prices Small fruit ill lnruo supply WiUlou of Htmwhorry plants very thrifty uud well rooted iottha n3rprcelistol 8aV fr0is11 or North Bend Nurseries North Uend V 3iJBr County Ne h 1 1 I