J 4 lk J Lo X H 1 TUESDAY TOPICS Miss Mario Uloy wont to MiuIIboh Sunday Mrs Q P Kudor of Hadnr was a city visitor today A K Oleson of Wisner was in Nor folk yoBtenlay Henry Dennimi is up from Omaha visiting friends Miss Kato Stafford mndo a trip to Omaha Saturday John Davenport returned to Sioux City this morning Mrs J Stolo of Madison was n Nor folk visitor yesterday Jus A Oliuo was n Norfolk visitor yesterday from Miudou Miss Ella Peed of Plniuviow is visit ing at the Nichols homo Ktlitor O P Moutross of Battle Creek was a city visitor yesterday P W Melcher of West Point had business in tho Sugar City today Miss Otolia Pilger returned yestordny from n visit to friends in Madison Fred Klontz sr who has been on tho sick list is now improving somewhat 4 Spencer ButtorCeld wont to Creightou today to visit at tho homo of his brother Kov S P Sharpless is homo from Holt county whore ho held services Sunday Miss Minnio Maas left today for St Joe Mo where she will outer a millin ery houso Mrs Dugan went to Battlo Creek last night to attend tho wedding of her sibtcr Miss Clark Rouses orchestra furnished tho music for a Knights of Pythias banquet and ball at Oakdalo Priday night Morning lodge No 20 K of P will moot tonight for work in tho Third rank and members are requested to be present Mr and Mrs Leon W Brown are here from Missouri Valley Iowa visit ing Mrs Browns parents Mr and Mrs E W Bates Mr and Mrs Lyman Thompson who have been visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs W A Buttorfield returned to Vermillion S D yesterday noon Aug Weich and wife are both very sick at their home north of the city Mr Welchs condition is very serh ub and it is thought that ho may not survive Mrs Nelson of Boyd county who has been visiting Mrs II Nelson of South Norfolk returned home last night Her husband was tho man who was recently shot by a county commissioner of thrt county who then shot himself While the Husking Bee company was rehearsing in Murqunrdts hall last evening tho lamp fell off the piano and fcasioned considerable excitement for a short time but did no particular dam age Prompt work of those present prevented a fire All day meeting at tho M E church tomorrow beginning with prayer meet ing at 9 in the morning biblo reading at 10 official meeting at 1 p m sermon at 2 p m parents meeting at 3 p m childrens meeting at 4 p m Epworth League at 5 p m Sunday school teachers meeting at 7 p m followed by revival services Ensign Burnard junior soldier staff secretary of the Salvation Army will be at the Salvation Army hall tonight and tomorrow night The meeting to morrow night will be of a musical nat ure with graphophoue selections It is anticipated that the meetings will be especially interesting and everyone who can should be present Geo M Dudley this morning took possession of tho Bon Ton restaurant succeeding Mrs O M Foxworthy Ho contemplates no radical changes at present except that tho restaurant will hereafter bo open day and night Mr Dudley is a pleasant young man with a largo circle of acquaintances and a com plete knowledge of the business He will undoubtedly enjoy au increasing patronage Tho firbt prairio schooner of the sea son sailed majestically into town this morning and anchored for a short time on a vacant lot in tho business part of town Tho storms had not dealt partic ularly leniontly with tho old boat and hho was somewhat weather worn A pair of dogs followed closely in her wako This is tho advance agent un doubtedly of a lnrgo number of like Taft that will bo in Beorch of a prom ised Eldorado duriug the approaching spring It is anticipated that tho niovo mtut toward tho west will bo largo and ninny will probably take the fcchoouor route The body of tho lato Clark Hoover passed through tho city last evening on tho way to Battlo Creek where fuueial borruos are being conducted this after noon A largo number ot Norfolk citi zens including a squad of 1 members of company L under Sergeant Liland Spauldiug have gone up to attend the fuueril Company P came over from Madison at noon mid took rigs for Battlo Creek shortly after 1 oclock so that the remains of tho bravo young man will bo givou military burial Tno deceased was killed in battle near Manila in 1818 and the esteem in which ho was held at home will today bo attested by tho citi zens of his home town Battle Grot k Pierce Call Elinor Sargent received a letter last week from W W Graham of Norwalk Ohio who will be remem bered as the projector of the Yankton and Norfolk railroad Mr Graham has not yet given up tho idoa of building the lino botwoon Yankton and Norfolk and informs Mr Sargout that ho expects to bo out horo again this spring when ho hopes to consumato tho project Elinor Fays that from associating with Messrr Graham and Meckliug last summer and fall ho fools suro of theso goutlomous sincerity in building tho lino nud is confident that ultimately tho ontorpriso will bo completed Mr Graham says tho road will bo built if it takes his shirtor words to that effect Thoroughbred slioitnorn cattlo nro taking tho lead in tho neighborhood of Tildon not only among thoso who make a specialty of raising and breeding cattlo for market but among thoheavlost patrons of tho creamery In this local ity says tho Tildon Citizen whou tho only requisite in n herd was weight and hardiness tho shorthorn was looked upon as a favorite but now that dairy ing has obtained a foothold and tho milk of tho herd has material valuo this same brood is considered by many as tho only desirable variety from tho faot that it combines more fully than any other brood tho chief characteristics of both dairy ami beof nuimnls It is realized that in tho possession of the shorthorn Durham ono has a constant heavy revenue producing cow oh n dairy animal and also ono which will comparo very favorably with tho choic est breed raised exclusively for tho beef market Tho Wayuo Republican heralds an approaching event in tho following languago Iu a little while a fellow will visit you and ask you all kinds of questions how many babies you have tho ago of yoursolf wife and nil tho children tho number of horses cows hogs and every other kind of personal property you possess Ho will ask how many acres of land you own or what your stock of merchandise is worth how much you are in debt whether you bavo any money nt interest and if so the amount In fact he is likely to bo tho most nosin fellow you have seen or heard tell of for about ten years but treat him civilly ho is paid to find out all about you and all your neighbors In fact it will bo well to kind of look around between now and Juno 1 and see ju6t how you stand in other words get your affairs in shape so that you can give Uncle Sams census eumerutors when they come to visit you intelligent answers to the questions they will pro pound Ieal Notice J L Kaufman and Kaufman who ot J Li Kautmau nist name un known non resident defendants will take notice that on the 2th day of Jan uary 100 plaintiff herein filed its pe tition in the district court of Madison county Nebraska against said defend ants tho object und prayer of which nre to nave declared null and void a certain deed given by one Adolph Kochmau and Sarah Kochman his wife to the defendant J L Kaufman dated March 2 1890 and recorded in tho oilice of tho clerk of said county March 5 1S1K5 in book 20 page J45 of deeds for tho fol lowing described real estate to wit Tho north ono fourth of lots ono land two 2iu block eleven 1 1 of Haases suburb an lots to tho town of Norfolkin Madison county Nebraska except the west fifty 50 feet of same and further except a strip ten 10 feet wide on the south side of said premises said promises be ing 82 by 180 feet and to quiet and con firm plaintiffs title thereto You aro required to nnswer said peti tion on or before tho 12th dny of March 1900 Dated January 10 1900 Spitz Landaukk Company By Mopes Hazeu Plaintiff Their Attorneys The facilities of tho Louisvillo Nashville railroad for handling tourists and travelers destined for all points in Florida Cuba Porto Rico Central America or for Nassau aro unsurpassed Doublo daily lines of sleeping enrs nre run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago and -St Louis through Jacksonville to interior Florida points and to Miami Tampa nud Now Orleans tho ports of embarkation for tho countries men tioned For folders etc write Goo B Horner D P A St Louis Mo Tho Sioux City Tribnno is a splendid newspaper and is boing constantly im proved The Tribune has two wob perfecting presses and is in every respect a model modern live newspaper The Tribune not only receives tho Associated Press reports but it has a larger plumber of special correspondents than any other paper in its territory Tho Tribunes market roport can nl ways bo relied upon as being absolutely correct and complete iu ovory particular To He Jrepurrd For war is tho snrost way for this nation to maintain peace That is tho opinion of tho wisest statesmen It is equully true that to bo prepared for spring is the host way to avoid tho peculiar clangors of tho season This is a lesson multitudes aro learning and at this timo when tho blood is suro to bo loaded with impurities and to bo weak and sluggish the millions begin to take Hoods Sarsaparilla which purifies enriches and vitalizes tho blood expels all disease germs creates a good appetite gives strength and energy and puts tho wholo system iu n healthy condition preventing pneumonia fevers and other dangerous diseases which are liable to attack a weakeued ByBteui The News jod department is com plete in every particular THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FBBttUARY 22 1900 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Miss Knoblo of Winsido was a city visitor yestorday William WaiiBor of Plniuviow Ib n visitor in tho city S H Grant of Kuioriok was in tho city on buBinoBS todny Miss Ella Barrott camo homo from n visit to Wisnor last night Mr and Mrs W A Sponcor of Pierco were in tho city yesterday O S Bridge mado tho round trip to Stanton yestorday on business L C Mittelstadt roturnod yestorday from a business visit to Wisnor Win Wintor undorwont an operation yestotdny nt Dr Kiesaus olllco Mr Osborno of tho Variety store wont to Battlo Crook todny on business Geo h Whithani roturnod yestorday from his professional trip to Atkinson C 12 House gnvo n fluo phonograph concert at Bega school house last night Oouncilmau Anton Bucholz is con fined to his homo with a sprninod auklo Mrs 11 A Tnwnoy and daughtor of Pierco woro shopping iu Norfolk yostcr day Frod Stroichor who has n position in Boxs grocery btoro wont to Omaha yestorday F II B els will leavo tonight for No llgh ONeill and othor westorn towns on piuno nud organ business Tho entertainment that was to have boon given by tho Young Mens Chris tian lenguo has boon postponed Renresontatlvo Ruckor of tho Adam SchatV Piano company of Chicago was transacting business in Norfolk yester day Chas Harding came in from Lincoln where ho has been attending tho Na tional Butter Makers convention this noon Mrs W R Stoiubnugh of Dodgo and Mrs W B Lovett ot Stanton who havo been visiting at tho homo of S R McFarlnnd returned to their respective towns today Tho Knights and Ladies of tho Macca bees aro arranging for a joint installa tion of officers next Tuesday evening The ceremony will bo followed by n banquet las McKlnsio of Albion was in town yesterday visiting his II E Hardy Ho was on his way homo from Stanton whero he went to attend his mothers funeral Tho postoflico will bo open tomorrow from 11 00 u m to 1 00 p in aud will open again iu tho evening at 7 i0 The balance of tho day it will bo closed iu observance ot Washingtons birthday P J Pueslers tailor shop has a new awning of hi3 own manufacture It has tho appearauco of strongtli fits nicely and Mr Fuesler could probably obtain considerable work in that lino if ho would consent to do it Louis Loot representing tho celebrated Hi Hi Bitters Co of Rock Island Illi nois spent tho day in this city aud suc cessfully introduced his goods with the trade Ho was ably assisted by B Aronson representing L P Lai son Fremont who nro Nebraska agents for Hi Hi Bitters Rovival meetings will begin at the Baptist church uext Sunday Rev Edith Hill Booker national evangelist of tho W C T U will assist in theso meetings Tho Baptist church is most fortunate in securing tho services of Rev Edith Hid Booker for their special meetings She is a woman of rare gifts in pulpit power aud earnest appeal to souls Mrs John Broeckor is quite sick at her homo on South Third streot in fact has been sick for two mouths past Sho underwent an operation about a year ago for tho removal of a cancer but tho disease has again made its appearance Mr Brookor is also confinod to his home with sickness The old couple is how ever receiving every care nud attention froui relatives and friends The Sauford Dodgo company was not greeted by a crowded houso nt tho Aud itorium lost uight aud tho performance was not heartily received Somo aro of tho opinion that tho Merchant of Venice is n little heavy for tho com pany but tho trouble mny havo been somewhat owing to tho size of tho nudiouce it being oxtromly difficult for actors to perform with ouihusiusm with so many vacant seats in sight At any rato the audience was unrosponslvo to tho efforts of tho actora composing tho cast or tho actors were uuresponsivo to tho tnstos aud demands of tho audience Mr Dodgo has felt that Norfolk was something of n hoodoo to him nud his idea was probably not dispelled last evening Tho special scenery and cos tumes employed by the compnuy woro appropriate aud good S E Brackett today disposed of his bicycle repair shop stock and fixtures west of tho Pacific block to Ahlmau brothers who nro now in posession Mr Brackott has been conducting it sinco it was purchased by him of Arthur Ellis about two years ago Mr Brackott expocts to start in n week or ton dnys iu company with Carl Ellis for a trip through Oregon aud Washington If they like tho country they may locate there if iiot they will probably return to Norfolk Mr Brackott has ulso dls posed of his household effects but his wife will remain here until he decides on n location Ahlmnn brothers who hnvo purchnsed tho bioyclo business nro woll known in Norfolk nnil nro thor oughly acquainted with tho details of tho business thoy havo assumed having bron engaged iu it hero as well ns nt other points They will undoubtedly rocoivo their share of tho patronage of people who rido bicycles Attention is called to a notice which appears elsewhere in this issue offering for sale the old Norfolk fair grounds lying one and n quarter miles oust of the city Mack iu the latter SOsthlsgiound was purchased and fitted up extensively for a largo agricultural fair display grounds with raco track connect ions Annual fairs were held hero for a miles of years with great sunjpss as fairs but a financial success inadequate to lift tho burden of mortgage incumbrance inci dent to tho puichuso nud llflingupof proporty for this purpose Liabilities ma tured complications increased nud the tionsury being unnblo to moot tho de mands tho sheriff stopped in nnd sold tho property Unwilling yet tonlmn don tho original enterprise several of tho parties who had hitherto bomo a heavy share of tho burden purchased tho proporty and have over since cnriied it waiting for tho timo when tho grow ing needs of tho community would again restore it to its original uso Now however a desiro to retire fiom tho partner ownership aud divide up tho individual interests leads to tho conclu sion that tho proporty must bo sold llonco tho advertisement as seen else where This is n lino opportunity for nn investment ns tho parties aro deter mined to sell nud tho proporty in the hands of tho right party would boconio ono of the most valuable pieces sur rounding tho city Wiirnnrvlllo Miss Mabel Warner of Columbus is the guebt of Mrs Prank Ranoy Ed Cromer is making preparations to go to Alaska iu the spring Fred Horst of Madison is horo in tho intorest of the Modern Woodmen Mrs O N Mooro of Piorco is horo visiting her brother O D Munson Roger Carborry is moving tho houso which ho bought of O J Lodgo onto his farm Mrs Prod Torry and children hnvo vibitod with relatives near Tildon tho past weok L Wolfo of Norfolk is drumming up recruits for the newly organized lodge of M B A Our farmers have been busy this weok attending public sales which havo been moro numerous than usual this season Iitfti r 114 List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoillco February 1 1100 Will Allberry Pearl Dixon Maggie llanse Kate Oakley Oloni Painter J O Weimer Ruby White Dave A Riley Knot culled for in todays will bo sent to tho dead letter office Parties calling for any of tho abovo please say advertised P P Simcmn P M Wanted Honest man or woman ot travel for largo houso salary 05 monthly nnd expenses with increase position pormnueut enclose self-addressed stumped envelope Manauik j0 Caxtou bldg Chicago Iteiil Kninlit TruiiHliirH The following transfers of real estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller man ager of tho Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Otto P Tuppcrt and wife to John Freythnler wd of lot 1 nnd ne of lot 2 block 10 Hnasob subuiban lots to Nor folk 2000 00 Henry E Owen aud David M Owen to Blanche P Owou wd lots 1 2 block i Haases suburban lots to Norfolk 1 000 00 Antionotto E Smith and others to Charles B Durland wd lot 1 and wju of lot 10 block 0 Koonigstoius 1st add to Norfolk 100 00 Joseph R Morris jr and wife to John A Morris wd all their right and titlo in lot 1 block 15 Battlo Creek Paul C Nohow to August Droecher wd lot ll Nenows add to Norfolk Fred J Bender nnd wife to William Oberhauser wd Low Young to Dora D Young wd undivided interest in out lot 0 Newman Grove described by motes and bounds 120 00 John Pilger to Mury 11 Rain bolt wd o 25 feot of lot 1 block 5 Norfolk John AYinter and wife to Thos G Bight wd iiJsj of no 111- 24 1 Ferdinand Thomas ami wife to Ferdinand Dollerscholl wd lot 0 block 2 PnsownuVs 1th add to Norfolk Nebraska Nellio M Showers and husband to Louis O Davis wd lot h i oo 170 CO ft00 00 4000 00 1000 00 500 00 block 8 Bauchs addition to Madison Nebraska 1100 00 Marcus O Woodruff aud wife to Annie L Carson wd 8W ai 2ll 2000 00 State of Nebraska to Frauk L Frink d s of 10 2M 22 10 00 I rTnl F cm XrirKLl ffl Sw 4 Shi S I I 1 lr rli AT Till TIIKATUl As he cue is given insl look into the mirror testifies to a fairness not gained with paints and powders but by the use of a soap free from harmful alkali and made of clean vegetable oils Such a soap is Ivory it is yy4X per cent pure COIYHIUMI Willi UT till IMOCtlll bAMIIil CO CINCIHNMI LOW DEATH RATE NorfolliV DxiiIIih DiirliiK 1 HIM Clt It u Hutu ol Sinon TiintliH Itir mil The undertakers of Norfolk havo re cently completed statements of vital statistics for the uso of tho surgeon general of the murine hospital service showing tho deaths and their causes in tho city during lb Theso toports show Hi deaths m au estimated popula tion of fi people a rato of seven to tho thousand or about seven tenths of ono por cent This is a rcinaiknhly low rate and while this section of Nebraska is not considered us a health resort tho per centage of deaths might properly en title it to cousideiatiou m that legatd Of these deaths tho laro majority were tho restdt of old ago As fur as deaths fiom contagious diseases is con cerned tho number is remiiknbly small Consumption is accorded tho highest number tlieio being fcur deaths liom Ibis cause while there were but two from diphtheria D at hs from consump tion aro alarmingly increasing all over tho country and it is conceded by many who have made it a study that it may probably be classed as a contagious dis ease Norfolks loss from this disease is very low compared with those lrom other parts of tins couutiy City Clerk Stitt who handled Un reports and forwarded them to the proper officer suggests that the rato hero can bo very successfully compaicd with that of Natal as there has not been a single Englishman dio here and the climate is therefore consideied much healthier for people of that nationality than Natal He suggesed however that should Englishnion conin in any number aud in uniform tho death rate might increase alarmingly ns thero aro Kopjes in tho vicinity which have attained notoriety in South Africa as unhealthy resorts Laying all joking aside however Norfolk citizens may bo extremely woll pleased with tho death rato record aud none need search further for less chances of death to the population than is presented hero ToCJurr Iu Grlijiu lnTuii Diijk Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets All druggistb refund tho money if it fails to euro E W Groves signature on every box 2oc In the District Court of Madison County in tho Stato of Nebraska Lewis H Painter i vs Mario E PaiuterJ Tho defendant Mnrio E Painter will tako notice that on the 22nd day of Feb ruary 1100 Lawis H Pamtor plain tiff horeinfiled his petition iu tho district court of Madison county Nebraska against you tho obj ct and prayer of which are for a divorco from tho bonds ot matrimony from you for tho reason that prior to tho first day of September 1807 you willfully deserted tho pluiu tifi and for moro than two years lust past you have been willfully absent from tho plaintiff without a reasonable or just cause You aro required to answer said poti tion on or before tho 2ud clay of April 11M0 You will uIfo tako imtico that on the 20th day of March 1100 between the hours of 10 n m ami 1 p in ut tho olllco of Pooto Solotnun Room Mil Rand MoNalley Building in the city of Chicago iu tho county of Cook nnd stntoof Illinois the plaintiff abovo named will take tho testimony of Ed Houkanip a witness iu this action to bo used ns evidence on tho trial of the abovo entitled eauso with authority to adjourn from dny to day until such donoiitiou shall havo been taken W M Attorney for tho Plaintiff Nolle Harriot Torrenco aud Albert W Torrence non resident defendants will take notice that on the 12th dny of No vember 1808 Perdinnud Verges plain tiff herein tiled his petition iu the 1 strict court ol Madison county Ne braska against lleimiin iercoko Small E tlercclce the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose u certain con tract executed by tho defendant Herman iercoko and the plaintill for the sale of following describe promises Situated in the said county fiom the plaintill to tho defendant Merman ieiecko vi Commencing at a point fifty five rods east and two rods north of the southwest corner of tho northeast qtiuiter of tho southwest quartern section twenty two m township twenty lour uoith ol range one west of tho sixth principal merid ian and measuring from thenco north fifteen tods thence west fifteen rods thenco uoith three rods tlicnco west nine rods thence north twelve rods thence ea t otm toil and twenty two links thoncc north nine tods and thir teen links thenco east five rods and twenty links thence south twenty eight degrees and night cast lout teen lotls and two links thence east seven teen tods nud nine and oim hall links to t lie right of way ol the Fremont Elk horn V Missouri Valley railroad thenco along said right ol way south fifteen degrees mi 1 fill v minutes ea t twenty eight to K and two linlts theno west lit teen lods and ten links to the place ol beginning containing four acies and Ibiity live ami one halt i quuiu rods moic or less winch properly was usid ns a buck yard lor the niuiiifuoturng of bik said r cmtract being dated March 20th IS I and pioviding that Uio said defendant Herman Ctrcckc should pay the plaintiff as purchase price therefor the sum ot 1000 OOiih f ISliiI20 00 lulv 1 ISI11I20 00 Oceemlei III 1811 SIM0 July 1 l0 oi0 December ill IS 401 0 July I S5 l 01000 December III lvll with lnteicst at tho rato of eight per cent annum from dale payable semi annually nud iu default thoieof said contract should bo null and void and plaintill would be entitled to the possession of said property that default has bei n made in payment of said sum of money and theio is now due upon said contract the sum of 2iil 1h with interest lrom this Into at tho rato of eight per cent periuiuuni for which sum with interest plaintill prays for a decree that the defendants bo required to pay miua or that said prem ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo On the 2I I day of April IK plain tiff filed a surppleinntnl petition substi tuting Harriet Torrenco and Albert W Torrenco ax n parties defendants instead of Victor K Torronci tho said Victor K Torrnnto having died and said parties being his only heirs nt law which facts at said time were unknown to plaintiff and havo sinco come to his knowledge tho said Victor K Torronoo having obtained a judgment against thodofencl aut Herman Gerecko of record in said court und still in force Yon arc required to nuswor said po t tion on or before tho 2nd dny of April 1000 Dated Pebrunrv 1 11KM Pkiidikasu Vimins Plaintill Wanted Honest man or womnn to travel for largo house salary 05 monthly and expenses with increaso position permanent euclo o stumped envelope Manacikk IWO Caxtou bldg Chicago Dr Humphreys Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disease without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system M cfiua riticEs I Viwrv Congestions Inflammations J 5 J Wornn Worm Fun Worm Colic iS 3 IVetlilnBCoIloCriliiKWaVctitlneaS 25 t lllurrliro of Children or Adulu v5 7 Couiiln Colds IJrouchltU J 5 8 rtiraUia Toothaclio Kaceache iS l HratlurlK blck Iltvadachu Vertigo V5 10 ieilaIudlgostou1VcAkStomnhJ5 1 1 Mupiiroicil or luluful Ierlod 43 IV Whltm Too lrof uso Periods VJ5 11 Croup Jiirintltlii Hoarseness vt3 1 1 Sail HIit iimKryiuolaa Eruptions 25 1 5 JllifiiiuutUiii lUuiumatlu Pains J 5 IC Mnlnrlu Clitlls Foer and Aguu MS 1 0 Coturrli lullueuzo Cold lu tho Head 23 MS J7 Kldnt IIUone MS JH Acrvom UeMlltv 100 30 lrliiarv WeukneM Wetting Hod Mi 97 Urlp Uy Fever MS Dr Humphrey Manual ot aU Disease at your PruggUU or UiUltxl Free bold by druggUU or Dent on receipt of ptioo Humpbrvyt Mod Co Cor WUUun Jota Bu Mew York