l The Hofolk Hems lust think litnv imitli mntr riiil for future stories mill nnvoN is lylntf nnuwl tlui caiujia ind on tin Imltlo IIoUIh in South Africa nml tin Plitllpnlnus Olio liuiitlivil ywir K it root tdilit crntsoanli to Willi lot lers any ilMuiin uiiilor forty mills anil cimiIh twh foi any iltolnnVo lift wwn 00 anil oo hiIIoh The Nnliniskiinluto fair is to ho lnhl in Miifoln ftiptctmlmr i to S anil many nm now woinloriiiK what tin- Omaha follows iitvKoiitrt to tin thin fall in an mi iMVott to at It not thocrowil Irosiilonl MiKinloyH imposition to Kivo lorlo Hieo fron traiio with tlio ITiiltoil Stalls is inwtiiiK with llorco op position from tlio inti rcsts of tho renin try Tlum ittuM ho soiniithiiiK thiitltilly wroiiKwith tho riar milk tun of tlio eountry Wo hiivu not yot utm a liriiml nainiMl tioni Paul or Ikier Do thoy rcalizo tho urauil opnortunily tliiy tiro The WiStinnhoiiso coiupiiny has con traptod with Hiifsiu to nttiip nil tlio railroads of that country with air hrukcH hoforo l0i Ovtir liMOOO oars and a lairno mnuhnr of tiiiimH am to ho sup ttliotl A re Nows roront ourtoon in tho Omuhii Diiiy is very micKtwtivt limn ram and hiH Kuitural iiot limhort aro re pro sontod with records of thoir ninny vic tories and HiikHhIi dofcats strewn about whilo in thoir hands thoy hold telegrams of sympathy from American friends Tho sly winks and smiles on thoir faces may easily ho imagined Tim state and national campiiKii is likely to osiulap tlio roar end of tho sprint municipal campaigns in No hraskn and tho pot is likely to ho kopt at tho boiling point from now until Novem ber As Mail 1 latum will probably furnish the fuel to keop tho ires going nil over tho country no ono need caro particularly as ho can stand it Tho tlvo groat American editors whoso nioiiiory is to bo iniinortaliod by having their busts placed in tho publishers building at the Paris exposition havo been decided upon Thoy aro lleiijamii Vrtiuklin Horace Greeley George Ohilds Charles A Dana and losoph Metlill There aro others whoso claim scorns to bo equally as good as any of theso to this high honor Investigation of the fatal wound in tho body of Win ioobol is proof that the bullet that caused it could not havo Iwim fired from a third story window or from any elevation unless it struck him after ho had fallen The bullet entered tho right side of tho victim perforated the lower lobe of his right lung and passed out under his loft shoulder blade That there are more things in tlio air water and earth than anyone has dreamed of receives fresh continuation overy day and it is not at all surprising that a gold ledge assaying lt a ton has recently been discovered four miles from tho center of the city of Los Angeles Cal where it has been supposed time every foot of toiritory had been pros pected Tho Madison Star is now printed from now typo and has been otherwise im proved in editorial and mechanical make up Since Brother Donovan becaino vico president of the Nebraska Press association he has elevated the stylo of his paper to correspond with tlio dignity of his position Tiik Nitws is pleased to note tho ovidouces of prosperity that aro apparent in the Star Tho Omaha city campaign was for mally oponed Saturday afternoon by tho democrats putting a full city ticket in tho field W S Iopplotou demo crat was nominated for mayor and tho result of tho convention was r ndorsed by the populists and silver republicans Thero are 10 democrats on tho tiekot twopopulistsand two silver republicans Tho war center may now bo said to have been officially transferred to Omaha aud tho various parties and factions whilo thoy may not bo after blood waut the uoxt thing to it votes Mr Hardy our consul ironornl in Mex ioo gives tho valuable information that 1 laud suitable to the raising of the rubber tree cau bo procured in Mexico for any whoro from 1 00 to 1500 per acre that trees may be tapped in from five to flftoou years after planting Under favorable conditions a tree will yield an average of one to two pounds of rubber whioh is worth 07 ceuts in American money It would soeni as thoimh the present and coustautly increasing do inaud for rubber would make a rubber plantation very valuable property Governor Taylor of Kentucky has officially refused to sign the democratic agreeuient aud has issued a prochuna tiou reconvening the legislature in Louisville today Ho has also issued au order directing the militia to disperse Mr Taylor arrived at these decisions after hnviug consulted with many of tho influential republicans of the state Woile it is to be regretted that a peace able agreement bus not beeu attaiued ju Keutucky Cioveruor Taylor is talnly to ho congratulated for not Mgn lug the humiliating agreement looking to his unseat lug and disgrace I Mr Sewall who was little short of nn angel in I Slid has fallen nlinost to tho bottom of tho bottomless lilt in tho es timation of the Itryanltvs How a man who had fought tho llrst battle side by side with tho redoubtable colonel could so far forgot himself an to speak out and toll his honest convictions in meeting is beyond thoir comprehension and thoy asset t that ho will not again have tho empty though expensive glory of serv ing as ono of the tails of HryutiV kito Thoy accuse him of betraying his prin ciples when in fact ho but makes the candid acknowledgment that hlsdesltes havo been attained Tho decision of tho state board of traiiRportation may bo considered a de cided victory for tho shipping interests of thisoity To no one dons tlio credit of bringing about this result belong to such an extent as to tharles 11 Johnson who has given tho question of freight rates more study than anyone clso in this section with tho possible exception of railroad ollluials themselves Ho hiiw maintained for years that Norfolk was being discriminated against in the mut ter of freight rates and tho decision of tlio board would soeni to verify his claim While tlio reduction does not atlect all classes of shipments yet it will give Norfolk merchants a better rate and may prove tho entering wedge which will lead to something still bet ter in future Considering the small amount of foundation there is for tho claim it is no wonder that tho estooined Times-Tribune is pleased to publish tho letter from Hears lloohuck Co one of its advertising patrons TheT T should havo beon sharp enough to notice that the aforesaid letter was only a circu lar issued probably to every newspaper in tho state for the express purpose of obtaining a little free advertising for a certain make of sowing niachinu de signing to secure its insertion through tickling tho vanity of tlio editor by tol ling him that he publishes a paper representing at once the highest typo of local journalism Tin Niws has a letter from tho same inn roading exactly like the ono printed by the T T except the spoiling capitalization aud punctuation which aro correct from a literary and typographical standpoint f Taylor has any caso at all in tho Kentucky uboriiatorial contest it would seem that his acquiescence in the Louis ville agreoniont would bo a very im proper stop to bo taken by him Whilo it would bo virtually an unconditional surrender to tho onotny it would also bo serving notico on tho pooplo at largo that ho has been in tho wrong from the start and that his friends havo boon foolish in defending him Tho coucob sions mulo by tho democrats granting Taylor and his adherents immunity from prosecution aro not enough A peaceable settlement is to be desired but for either side to tho controversy to siirrondor their honor and brand thorn solves as liars is asking too much Tho repeal of tho loebel law which was rosponsiblo for all tho trouble would be a just concession on tho nirt of tho democrats and thoy might make further concessions without injuring thoir case Tho people will pass judgment on tlio ditllculty at tho polls at tho next election but tho decision of the caso as it now stands should rest with tho courts There were undoubtedly wrong stops taken by both sides but which was farthest from tho right has not been determined Mr Taylor should meet the democratic proposition with a counter agreement and thou if a nice mean could be reached it would bo an equitable way of settling tho difficulty An Illinois exchango finds that nearly overy fellow who is at prosont cursing trusts and combinations buys his goods from Montgomery Ward tfc Co or somo other largo dopartniont store firm These gigantic institutions are tho very embodiment of trusts and their entire business is received at tlio expense of the local rotailor who is being crushed by them Thero are largo nuiubors of tho same kind of pooplo in this country who stand off their grocer or dry goods man and spend thoir money with theso largo nrporations and thou howl about tho i usts throttling the lifo out of the uutry The Illinois editor says ho TIIR NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15 1900 happened to got a squint at tho addresses to which a consignment of goods was sent Two of the boxes wore for people who borrow his paper every night in tho weok and who cuss tho editor for not lamming tho life1 out of tho trusts aud combines which thoy claim aro squeez i lg to deah tho poor aud smull competi t rsOuo of theso boxes was for n niau who brought his eggs to tho local grocer the other day aud wept because the price was not bettor and wuntod the cash for them that ho might pay for a O O I package of groceries from ono of these biuOhicago trusts Auother package was for a man wo havo heard niauy a time boratiug the rich for uot building or couductiug some enterprise that would givo work to Taylorvillo wotkiug uiou Talk about trusts aud combines aud institutions that destroy local outer prises I Thero are none iu tho country equal to those big houses that ask for aud receive tho cash Consistency is to be desired but it is au attribute seldom discovered iu people of this clas a mm AWD1KNCK Otis Skinner and His Excellent Company MADE A GREAT HIT LAST NIGHT Tim llnrM Attraction of It Klml ttver llvmi In Tliln City- TlioroiiKlilv JMitni ImiIIImii Tlroihoiit Mr Skinner 1 1 in ills Norfolk on llo Ni Auditorium Inm TiiHsilnyn Unlit Opinions tlitler as to which wns tho more pleasing attraction Otis Skinners presentation of Tho Liars at tho Auditorium lust evening or Walker Whitesides llatnlet as given at tho opening of the house ICithcr ono or tho other was tho llnoht theatrical per formance over soon in Norfolk and yet there is scarcely room for comparison for tho reason that the character tif tho two plays and tho roles taken by tho stars aro so very diUerent lint li aro high class both tho best of their kind that havo over been presented hero and yet to tho average audience thoro is probably no question but that Otis Skinner would prove far tho more pleas ing His noting is so natural and life like ho is such n good naturedyetsoiiHi bio fripnd that the people like him on first appoaranco and feel that thoy wish they might know hiin personally ns they cannot believo that tho gonial traits of character shown upon tho stago are all acting Miss Nanette Oomstock as tho leading lady divided honors with Mr Skinner in tho estimation of tho audience being at oucojprotty vivacious and capricious It has been truthfully said that there are no sticks in Otis Skinners company every ono boing especially fitted to tho part represented Tho play was given hero lust night with a car of special scenery and with tho most careful attention to ininuto details tho saino as it would have boon given iu ti metropolitan opera house Tho dressos worn by tho ladies aro de scribed as tho swollest creations that havo beon devised from London and Parisian niodeh this season Thero was n fairly trood sized andionco present and yet considering tho excel lence of the company and tho play it must bo admitted that thero woro moro vacant seats than thoro should havo beon for tho person who failed to at tend certainly inado a mistake It was such an attraction as many Norfolk peoplu havo been in tho habit of going to Omaha or Sioux City to seo and paying high prices for tho privilego after they get thoro The house was a littlo chilly during tho first act but whou it did got warmed up tho applauso was spontane ous nud abundant Tho management of tho Auditorium is to bo congratulated upou so Miring such a couipauy us this indicating that the intentiou is to pro vide strictly first clas3 attractions so long as pooplo show appreciation by thoir patronage Following is an outliuo of tho story told by The Liars Lady Jessica Nanotto Oomstock is married to a middlo aged niau Gilbert Nopeau 10 A Hborlo She is followed nbout by lCd ward Falkuor Frank L Sylvester a young African explorer a sort of social lion who is much in love with hor Lady Jessica has plenty of opportunity of contrasting tho warmth of Falkners attentions with tlio seeming indifference and neglect of her husbaud Her friends are interested in protectiug her from any scandal that may ensue nud an important faotor in this respect is Sir Christopher Deering Otis Skinner Lady Jessica tolls Knlkuer that sho is to visit her aunt in tho suburbs of Loudon As she has frequently sho Fays mistaken tho path sho may find herself at tho Star Garter hotol at Shopperford Of courso she dots find horsolf there and by a coincidonco Fullmer is thero too Tho complications are heightened by tho in opportune arrival of several of her friends Immediately espousing the cause of decorum withSirOhristophers influence thoy provont Lady Jessicas diuiug with her admirer nud induce her to return homo Iu tho uieautinio Gil bert Nepoan has beon notified by his brother that things nre not quito as thoy should bo nud ho arrives iu haste on the scene Ho gathers enough ovidouco to roulizo that Lady Jessica had boou to the Star Garter aud that a dinner had beon ordered for her Complica tions ensno dramatio nud amusing by turns but thoy nro cloverly adjusted through tho ministrations of Sir Chris topher who has quite au interesting lovo atlair of his own ou baud At the close of the ontortuiuniont Mr Skiunor was called boforo tho curtain aud aftor thanking tho audience for the close attontiou givou to tho play ho congratulated Norfolk upon securing a beautiful new opera houso assuring tho people that thoy have a gem und advis iug them to accord it the liberal patron age whioh it deserves Coming Attraction The Auditorium mauagomout has a uice list of attractions billed for tho next two mouths The first to occupy tho boards will be tho Coontowu Four Hundred on Friday night of this week Ou Fobruary 20 tho Sanford Dodge company will appear in Richelieu The Ladies guild of Trinity church will occupy tho houso on tho 2id with tho Husking Bee On February 20 27 nud 23 the Huebuor Stock company will play to populur prices to be lowed on March I by Hurnoy Ferguson in McCarthys Mishaps The next at traction booked is tho Spatldon Pulgo company for tho week boginning March SO which will play repertolro at popular prices Then on April 1 will como Sol Smith Russell in tho Poor Relation Othor attractions may yot bo booked for next month Thus it will bo seen that the class of attractions that tho nianiigo inont of tho now Auditorium is socuring will cotnpuro favorably with tho general run of those booked iu tho larger city houses Hen I Khiiini J million The following transfers of roal estate aro reported by Chester A Fullor man agor of tho Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Cora K Karugo and husband to Carl Pinno wd lot 5 block 82 northwest addition to Madi son Nebraska 10 R Fogg and wife to Fritz Kinirath special wd wj of tnvi Loander Sainnolson and wife and others to Fritz Kainrnth wile of nwi 7 2 1 -S Sarah A Church to Caroline Lund wd lot fi and w 0 feet fiontbydoop of lot 5 block l i Rattle Crock 1000 00 Anson II IJigelow and wifo to II Rorgor wd lots o and I block 7 Madison II Rorgcr and wifo to J O Reeves wd lots f and 1 block 7 Madison Fremont Browing Co toOra A Russoy wd stj of sojf If -21-2 P V Lewis to Ruth Alyca wd lots I 2 t and I block 5 Lewis addition to Meadow Grove Mat bias Ilendrickson to Isaac llalvorson wd lot i block 10 R R ndditiou to Nowinau Grovo William G Andrews and wifo to Mattie G 13enl wd setf M U t fiOO 00 sot to t0 oo 1012 X 1100 00 1000 00 100 00 1200 00 i2H 00 Owen Currabino and wifo to Docia Wiltso wd lot 1 block I Norfolk 100 00 Fidelity Securities Co to Alfred Dovor wd wJj of swj j 22 1 William Soitlerd and wifo to Obed Raasoh qcd e1 of so1 of no1 20 24 1 800 00 1 00 United States of America to Martin Muchmueller wd ue1 of se 20 21 1 Tabios Fauucn audj wifo to Kuril II Scanner wd lot 10 West Side park addition to Mudisou Nebraska rl0 00 Frank T Grnhain to Nebraska c Real lOstato Corp wd n1 of no so1 of ne1 and ne1 of se -I 24 2 2000 00 J H Mackay aud wife to James 13 Murray tied ue4 35-2-4 0 00 Wanthd llincst man or woman ot travel for largo houso salary 05 monthly and exponses with increase position permanent encloso self-addressed stampod envelope Manaouk i0Uaxtou bldg Chicago you cam Podge Tlici Did you ever try to dodge the rain drops Did not succeed very well did you Its just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption You cant do it They are about us on every hand and we arc con stantly taking them into our lungs Then why dont we all have this disease Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold in a strong throat and lungs Its when these are weak that the germs master The body must be well supplied with fat The danger comes when the blood is poor and the body is thin If your cough docs not yield and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore you should not delay another day Take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos phites at once It will heal the infiamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as well The digestion becomes stronger the appetite better and the weight increases The whole body be comes well fortified and the erms of consumption cannot rain a foothold Its this nourishing sustain ing and strengthening power f SCOTTS EMULSION that tas made it of such value in ill wasting and exhausting liseases 50c and Jico ll druggUts SCOTT UOWNE ChcmUts New York flJmMMflMm III ZZi i - iH S V jjtT -- - Of SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and then I have it now It is cmeer I can sec your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabulr T AKTKJ - A crso nf hnd hi nlth that rcl l will not henpflt They banish pain ami proIonB Ufa V OiioulWHivllor Nolo tlio word N Son the iackiignnd accrpt no ulMtltuU bo had ut druK More aamnlri and ono thou 10 for wiita or twrlvi packrH for 1H cent may any Tjn J rt i i ili wl I bu mulled to any uddrc8 for 5 ceuts forwarded to ho Ulnaus Chemical Co ho 10 SurueoBt Now Yurlt F SEND US ONE DOLLAR oUrl 3850 yifsi VVwIa wonder JmS miki mmffifm fell laWM KUftliEta5iSa5H v Kawa mmmmmMm V ririrtSMi j Hilt ftfcvw t 1 if 111 iMf ffli I iirftii LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUIS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM CHICAGO EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING InrHinally conducl rd Hunt tliiouidi to loa AiikiiIib and San Krnnclfcco via Now Orlrniih in connection witlillioSoiitlimn Ia cillc Ion villi thiciiKo on tlio CnntralV fiiht Now Urloanx Sim rial connection nli o mailn liv tliin train will daily traiiiB out of Now Orlcaiih for tlio Iaciflu Coabl Tho liiniliMl from Cliicnun morj ovdii iuK roimcrlb on Mondays and JlmrMlavri at NowOrlmuit tuflnr Dccoinbcr 1 isicj with tho SUNSET LIMITED of tho Southern Piicillc kIvIiik biucial throiiRli burici to Sin Krancitco A Double daily ih maintained out of St Iulllri via tllll Illliioin Central und connect nit linus to Niihlnillotliattaiioo kh and Atlanta tliro tleeoinu car to Jack- hoiiMllo Florida beiim carried on tliu DIXIE FLYER loaiiiKSt Louie nvorj nvuulim Tliib train nt well lib tho Day Uxpruh lomiiiK St Liiuib in tho moriiiiiK aro Ixith Miliil traiiib to Nai lnillo Iiit Jim tlironi li coaclma and nloopinc earn run iiIiik tlironli Martin Tmiii and tlio A- St L Ily Connoctioii via this lino for ull princi pal iNilutii in tlioSoutlioiibtiiiicli aBCIiarloston WilniinKlon Aikiti and Suvunuali and for all iuimb in i wiifiii TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from CliicaK to Memphis uud Now Or louu HOMKSKKKKKS KXtUItSIONS to corlain pointb in tlio Soutli on tlio liner of tlio Illinois Iontral and V A M V railroadb will bo tun ou tlio llrbt aud third Tuobdu ofoacli uioiitli dur iui tlio w inter bonbon Full imrticuliirBCoiupniliiK all of the alxivo can bo had of iiKtmtaof tho lllinoU Central or bj uddrobsini II Iltiiiruii tl 1 A Cliicuuo nTTius An OUT tMSKYO TO IS 1TH UNK 1011 tit ESiJoVair SPECIAL HIGH GRADE dffitafii ASMMUIil AW at C X J3 MmA Wfimzw mim 11 mf1 EITRA HEAVY 3850 STOCK SADDLE by ire I slit V O II nulijcil Iu cxumlmitlmi YMI fiAN EXAMINE IT atyouniparetrrellit lt r ulll IivrlvvIy ruitUtm trj eurtlj rcprciiiUi An Extra Fine High CradoSaddlo nml the cinittl or saddle sold everywhere at frmn U U It H00iJU pay U10 freight meiit Klytf IJVH t iuu ueptiMif or uiiu JiuKtu irst Li4 11 fii ii rirfH glyrtThls Saddle is made on a ISJSor - iu incn uonuino i uuuamu or Nolson Heavy Steol Fork cAitrFUiiY nriicTii kawiiiim o ikii 1ltii bound or roll cantle steel leitliercoveiedtiniipi or 2 tnth oxbow brus bound asdeslied Hill fceutl buunj rantle unless olhrrnhp ordered TREE IS MADE EXTRA STRONG SKSffi1 lined 3 Inch wldelacustlrnip leathers lX Inch tlesitrjis extra loniton near side Inch to bucklo on olTsliic hcay cotton twisted Mexican 5 Inch front clncli heavy cotton c i bcltlne llauk cinch connecting strap Loop beat teat and i Jockey all one piece ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAMPING a3 illust atcd Itbt ol Saddle itliniit tf pounds packed for shipment 15 puundj tltLil111 IS OMY AIULT 21IMI iuu tu II sooIhiiks WRITE FOR FREEVEHICLE HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE showing a lull line ol uowDoyana Hanciwr Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc CHICAGO ILL Sfirt Hucbuck it Co are thoroughly reliable Editor SjOSKXXX J W a OUR BEST H FRIENDS St r T3 Illinois Gentral fi fi ANNOUNCEMENT WITSJ TEOR FOR TOURISTS Jho Illliioih initial ilcfircs to call nttcntiim to tint liiinxrillcil fLTviPO tlmt id olTortil by il linen to tlio Eontli for tlio miimiii of 1MCJ KKM G ALIFORNI VIA NEW ORLEANS are the long time users of Smith Premiers The more hard work turned out the more apparent is Smith Premier durability Repair bills reduced to a minimum Smith Premier capacity for good work all the time is uncqualed Catalogue Free Ask for it V The Smith Premier Typewriter Co PNLY S276 SEND NO MONEY CiilIliTi an uut uud nit to iid state J our Hrilil Rml lirilil hU o Hum ucr of incheti around lol at liust iu nrrh aim wu Mill htllil thlu BEAUTIFUL FURTRIMVED SFAVFB CtOIH CAPE I iu li eii s it liiitJpct to cTiunliiHtlon You cat examine and tr It on iw uur jicuriM express ot Ilceand If found pfrfitily alltfurlorj naill mt rrroirn aia lliciuihl nundrrful tklur u tier ti or lirard of pay tho exprebrt airent mir MHflul oirerprli eS275 ml riprfk rlnrKr Imprest uliurKus will aeiairu V to Co centH for eath 1000 miles THIS CAPE IS LA TEST STYLE FOR FALL and WINTER muda from ull turn flnr Boil lifair all hihiI llarLorlilue ifcimiIiip lEurllou lieu vcrelotli 57 Inches lonir very full hdbi13 1icIi uiier chimi extra full IriwrcipeamlUrirfmiraciillir fully trli ed with blirt Hilllc rl run upper cape trimmed withthiee row and collar with two rows of Bat mnhilr bmlili eluth Imtton ornomentt TliU rip li tWullurnjadMlirou lout and emial to enpea that Kill at more than iloulile the prlee Wrlif for tr t loil ChIIoko SEARS ROEBUCK A CO CHICAGO der ItDctutk h ut horouihlj reliable ialllur 975 BOX RAINCOAT IlOOl MALKIVIOMI rr9OZt D SENDN0M0HCY tbh i ad out Ittt jour ttrlylil mil Mrljfl i kltle iiuubrrof loriit aruuod hnd at Ijrtntt ULt w mrr inI uodrrronrlur 0iuutJrrruiuiiil U V Will bCIld OU t blrClM t bvuzpi u kulijiri iu vtimluatldu uniliK ami ti It oiiil uiirneuort exjirOM ollUO anil If fuund rtarliv at rfjirftrniril rd Ifcr iuui Mondrrful value jju rtrr tow r tit nrJ of ntl riuil fu an rual jmi ran bu fur 4 mi wi iuu viptvsitfLnt OIK ElUULUrJIH IKllt 275 uud rxnrei rliarireu llIIhMA U latent 1W ttJe rafy flttiiiKi inudo lruiu tr tj wUrnif Uo eolor roulnr IatUlsirrt Clflhi lull lengtli double brvuted urerelvfttrullnr fanc luia lining wutirproof tttiwedhcuiutf buitable for both Itila or Oirrrwat and guaraatrtuj JltKATtbT VAlIK rirr offrrrd by ua or any other tmuRe rorFrre Cloth rianplr vi weiia jiacKimuantn up 10 raw and Hutta aud Over coats at from tf 00 to lift uo write for FKIK KiMIIJiitOOk Na UDKC idJr 8EAR8 ROEBUCK Co Inc CHICAGO Start bet buck A C art UuroutfU rtlltblt CdJtr TREES AND PLANTS A full line nf Best Varlctle at Hard Times Prices Small fruit in lurgo supply Millions of Htrawberrr plants very thrifty and well rooted Hot the nESTuear home and savo freiht or enre Bend for prico list to North Bend Nurseries North Ucnd CjJue County Neh fi at M n i 01