thnt tho froight rato conhl not lo llgnrcd by a person without reference to distnnoo Kdiodnles nnd other forum kept on fllo Mr Meservo Mnto treasurer naked n number of questions which hml tho ap pearance of nil endeavor to Initio up tlio witness or induco questions fnvor nblo to tho dofondnnt Attorney Free interrupted him with a lllppunt roninrk nnti Meservo stnted that he nuked tho quoMions purely ns n nintter ollnforinn tion nnd wnntcd no slurs oust upon tho board lie stated thnt he kept n public ofllco nnd that tlio records over which lie presided wero open to public inspec tion His comparison wns to the ellect that if tho schedules or tho rnilrond company were accessible to tho com pany that should bo snlltciont us It wns in regard to his olllce Tho Ixmrd expressed n desire that tho homing should he hurried ulong us much time wns being consunted in re marks on this point They wero as sured that other points would ho brought out in duo time hut it was considered necessary that they should know all re luting to each complaint Other roads keep posted a tnrilT from which rates to nnd from any point can lie readily figured and havo it in a enn vns book which is open to inspection at all times and for any length of time An elTort was made to show that other depots wero more ronioto and that tho schedules would not bo destroyed owing to this fact Difforont porsons had gono to tho union depot to got rates and wero uiiublo to do so promptly and conveniently Mr Meservo thought that tho quick est nnd oasiost way to gut rntcs would bo to ask tho ngeut It wns admitted that this was tho usual method employed but that this was not in compliance with tho lettor nnd spirit of tho law Tho other rompluiuts weio pnssed over quickly until soctlon 8 wns reached when some interesting testimony and remarks woro brought out Mr John sons testimony wont to substantiate tho complaint mndo in this section On iuquiry from tho board ho stated thnt tho lino eudod at tho depot but that the tariff sheet considered llopo tho last station on tho road This is a switch in tho conutry noar tho asylum about two and one half miles northeast of the city Tho train docs not stop thero or unload freight usually but runs on into Norfolk to which there is no published rato The road has trackage rights to tho Junction Tho road will not carry freight from Omaha to Norfolk and Mr Johnson snronstieully romarkod that Hope was considered as a city but tho company didnt appear to kuow Norfolk Tho Uh nrticlo in the complaint was then taken up and Mr Johnson intro duced two lottors one written by Mr C G Sowers in which ho statod that his houso had booked an order for a dozen chairs to bo shipped to Norfolk by tho defendant Tho Omaha ugont refused to recoivo them for shipment and they wero sent by tho Elkhorn Mr White wnntcd to know if it was tho desire to pay freight via tho M it O a distance of 112 miles whon it could bo shipped in lilt miles Mr Johnson replied that thev refused to ship at any rato Another letter was in reply to an order sent by S Fuosler to Pnxtou Gallagher The ordor was to ship over tho M O or cancel tho ordor Tho letter stated that tho shipment had been refused by tho defendant and the order was cancelled Mr Whito said ho had recoived infor mation that tho company wns now re ceiving freight in Omaha for shipmeur Mr Johnson thought tho ordor must havo been vory recent Mr Johnson thou introduced as ovi deuce some freight bills received from shipments on the Oth instant In intro ducing this testimony ho said that four shipments of 1H pounds ench had been hauled to South Sioux City These were of liko class and were shipped uuder tho samo rate Tho shipments were mndo by the Lindholm company nud consisted of woveu wiro bed mat tresses One shipment was made to Florence auother to Hartington ono to Lincoln and the other to Norfolk The haul of 71 miles to Norfolk was made for -Hi cents thnt to 1 Turlington miles was 58 cents and to Florenco 1 15 miles wns 42 cents There wero no compet ing lines to these towns and in propor tion the rate to Norfolk should be about HO cents Mr Whito endeavored toquestionMr Johnson when Mr Free interrupted him in a rather boyish manner whispering to tho witnoss etc and Mr Whito re turned to Iub seat This called Attorney General Smyth to his feet with tho statement that the board wnuted this investigation con ducted in an ordeily and giiitlemnnly manner and ho for ono was ready to ad journ the meeting if a pioper degree of decorum was not preserved Ho didnt ivaut boy play and ho called on Mi Free as an attorney to know if he thought it propor to whisrer to a wit ness on the htnud He said ho was cer tain that the exhibition did not repre reseut the wishes of tho business men of Norfolk nud the statemeut was liber ally applauded Mr Free begged the pardon of tho board statlug that ho did not menu to give offence ami refrained from further iuterruptious Mr Whito then questioned the witness very miDutely aud wanted information us to whether or not the rates were not Just when considered from short haul distances and to meet competition both out of tho state and in Ho endeavored to show that tho rate to Florence was affected by tho shorter haul on tho oast of tho river and the rato to Hartington by the Short Lino haul Ho also sought to show Hint the other rntcs quoted were Justifiable Ho succeeded in bothering Mr John son sonio hut in tho main that gentle nmn held his ground well In reference to the Hartington rate ho said that the present rate was In voguo before tho Short Mno was built Mr Johnson stated that tho Norfolk business men would bo sntislled with tho treatment accorded other towns nnd cities siinilnrhy situated Norfolk is within 7r miles of tho river nud if it could havo the rates accorded Lincoln Fremont ami even Columbus It would ho satisfactory The desire wastomako this a distributing point aud it could not be done under the present rato The witness was intoruptod by Mr Smyth and Troasuror Meservo and ac knowledged in reply to some rather confusing questions that tho rato should perhaps be fixed at what would bo a reasonable charge for the service and not those fixed by competing lines in other portions of tho slnto Tho action of membors of tho board brought N A Hulnbolt to his foot nud ho in language both eloquent and force ful told them what ho considered their duty They wero olected as public servants and paid as such and their duty was not to come bore and ask for a com plaint nor for testimony Nor is it their duty to come hero for tho purposo of confusing boys by asking confusing questions Their ellort should ho to discover if theso nre wrongs and to rectify them Ho thought that the bonrd should seo to It that tho snmo charges should bo mndo by tho samo rnilroadsoufroutod by tho same con ditions Ho didnt want this investiga tion to end in a tarce as the previous one conducted by tho secretaries had done and which was very disgusting to him Ho wanted justice for Norfolk and only that Mr Meservo attomptod to intorrupt him but Mr Raiubolt held the floor to tho end of his lecture and when ho sat down was roundly applauded In referring to Section 12 Mr Johnson said that papers and mail from Omaha woro roeeived over tho M ei O lino two hours earlier tlinn over any othor routo and concluded that freight thus delivored would bo a great couvienco to mer chants He claimed thoy aro often put at u disadvnntago because such delivery is not mndo Freight wns hauled through Hope and Norfolk transferred to tho Oroighton branch nud hauled north but could not deliver here Was often dumped out on tho platform at tho Creighton depot Mr Matrau iutcrupted to stato that tho freight was not dumpod out on tho platform but wns received in tho Omaha ear aim sine iracKeu noro uu cross question ho adniittod that much of it was dumped on the platform In discussing section it in regard to an unlawful pooling combine 11 B Woller manager of the Chicago Lumber Co was called to tho stand Ho stnted thnt in conversation with Mr Junemau some time ago that gentloinau stated that in former times pools hnd existed whoreby tho road enrrying tho freight recoived 00 nud tho compotiug lino 10 per cout of tho proccods Ho nlso stated thnt in couveisution with Lyuiuu J Sholes division froight aud passenger ngeut of tho M O thnt gentlomnu had hoped that tho ttmo would come aud arraugoinents made whereby his road might haul freight from Omaha to Norfolk At this point tho board adjourned for supper and mot again at 7 10 when the tlrenious hnll was crowded with busi ness men aud others interested Mr Weller was again called to the stand to provo that the M Ss O Hue runs into Norfolk He statod thnt tho property on which his ynrd stood was rented of that company aud as thnt is located southeast of tho dopot tho con clusion was that tho lino ends in Nor folk and not at Hope siding Agent Junemau was on the stand and testified as to tho time of tho freight train between Omaha Finersou aud Norfolk His testimony further went to show that thero wero no regular freight shipments receivod from Omaha He statod however that hound received a keg of nails billed to John Friday that day but questioned in regard to the charges ho didnt kuow what they wero Mr Friday went nnd secured the bill which showed I2 cents charges He thought that was tho lint freight shipment he had received via the M it O In regard to the statement of Mr Weller Mr Junonian said that in a conversation with Mr Wilier sometime ago ho had explained that prior to the going into effect of the intcrtnto com merce law pools had existed Mr June man explained that at that time ho was railroading in Colorado nnd he had no reference to conditions in Nebriki of which he knew nothing and only kuow f the existence of pools through publio rumors As a railroad ngeut he never had Mich information olllcially The witness was asked by Mr John son as to what tho tariff rato was be tween South Sioux City nnd Ujlumbus or Albion He said that ho couldnt tell without procuring tariff sheets aud when he wpiit afpr Hifin Mr Ttmsnn THE XOK FOLK NEWS TIIUKSDAY FEBRUARY 15 lJOO stated that as ho had received them they wero f0 cents to Columbus a distnnco of 135 miles while tho rato to Norfolk wns la cents giving for tho haul from Norfolk to Columbus Ml miles 8 cents This seemed to impress tho bonrd more than any testimony yet given W II Dexter wns called nud stnted that 1 ax ton it Gallagher of Omaha hnd established a distributing warehouso here in 18811 nud ho took charge of it in 18HI Thoy did a largo and growing business until tho fall of 1885 when the firm withdrew from tho territoiy tho main reason given was on nocotint of a discriminating freight rnto They handled n territory east to West Point west to tho end of tlio lino tho Oroigh ton branch and toward Sioux City The houso hold its own in competing with Sioux City Fremont nnd other jobbers The bulk of thoir goods wero shlppod over the Union lnciflc Sinco then three different mon hud endeavored to establish distributing points but wero unable to do ho Ho recited the experi ence of James Hamilton in tho hide business who wns coinpolled to romovo to Sioux City ns ho could not ship from hero Ho thought tho rates wero cheaper now than they wero then nud if Norfolk wiib put on tho samo basis as Fremont Lincoln and Columbus could yet do business W II Blukoninn general agent of tho llauo Manufacturing company stnted his house had no chance to open u distributing point hero Had reason to helievo that with renBoimblo ratos his company would do so In a cross flro about freight rates Air Blnkemnn was somewhat disconcerted by A K Merchant Mr Woller aud Mr Johnson on ono sido nud Mr Merchant nnd Mr White on tho other hnd a lively discussion in regard to froight rato discrimination in its various phases whilo tho members of tho board occasionally interrogated tho speakers to learn what thoy knew of tho mutter This conversation iu clndod mnuy figures which tho reporter wns iiuablo to cntch but they all tended to show thnt Norfolk was discriminated against as a distributing point Tho stntomonts proved thnt n jobber attempt ing to handle business from Norfolk would bo out his freight from Norfolk to point of destination ns it could bo inoro cheaply shipped direct from Omaha Tho statomeut was elicited from Mr Johnson that all points ns favorably lo cnted ns Norfolk should receive liko treatment and ono of the railroad men nthed if Norfolk would bo benefited providing othor towns hnd liko facilities Mr Johnson thought it would Tho members of tho board soonied to havo arrived at a decision aud Treasurer Meservo mndo tho motion thnt an ordor bo made establishing tho rato of 85 cents a hundred between South Sioux City and Norfolk In seconding tho motion Attorney Goneral Smyth wished it understood thnt this was a tentative order and that tho railroad representatives would bo given an opportunity to show cause why this order should not go into effect and said that both sides to tho contro versy would be given an opportunity to nppcar Mr Johnson thought that such n rato would bo satisfactory nnd tho motion wns put to n vote and carried Another motion wns mndo that tho M O line bo ordored to accept Omaha freight des tined for Norfolk and the motion pre vailed unanimously On tho question of ordering a tnriff published nud posted between South Sioux City nnd Norfolk thero was a question of jurisdiction on tho part of tho board nnd tho nintter was taken under udvisemout tho attorney geuenil stating that he would look tho matter up The board then stood adjourned SuinmoiiK y IuulU iitlnn Ollio M Foxworthy Plnintiff vs Georgo Foxworthy Dofendnnt J To George Foxworthy non resident dofendnnt you aro hereby required to take notice that on the Ith day of Feb ruary 1100 tho plaiutiff filed her peti tion in tho district court of Madison county Nebraska against you setting forth that you havo been willfully nbsout from her for more than three yenrs last past without any fault or provocation on hor part That boiug of sufficient util ity to provide for support and niaiutaiii her you havo wantonly grossly and cruelly refused and neglected so to do Sho praysjthat she may bo divorced from you and be restored to herinaiden niimo of Ollio M Wadoaud for general equit able relief You aro required to nnswer said petition on or before the 10th day of March 1000 Dated February i 11100 Oiuk M Foxworthy By Barnes it Tyler Her Attorneys I lio Ilinlliml 1ointH In favor of the Nickel Plato road are safe nnd easy roadway fine trains luxurious equipment aud fast time Theso continued with n solid through I vestihuled sleeping and diuiue car J sorvico mako tho Nickel Plate road a desirable imito lietweeu Chicago Ft Wayne Cleveland Erie Buffalo New York Boston nnd nil points east The traveling publio already know that the rates via this road aro lower than other lines Cure And Trent men OfT lirSiek Dr Humphreys Specific manual on the treatment aud cure of the sick mailed free on request Adress Humph- rPT VllWlf Po 7pe Y lt FRIDAY FACTS Asa K Leonard is in Omahn K M Yeaton of Lyons wits in tho city yesterday II F Harnhnrt of Picrco isn business visitor in tho city today F O Dryer of Grand Island is n busi ness visitor In tho city W K Hoffman wont to Wakefiold this afternoon on business Kd Cropper and A O Cuplln wero over from Warnervlllo lust night J O Kohinson an attorney of Hart ington was in tho city over night Attorney Guy H Wilbur of Way no transacted business in Norfolk yester day Miss Emma Millor who clerks in Heeler Ilros store is laying off on tic count of sickness Henry Owen who returned from Sydney Tucsduy loft last evening for Chudron to look after other railroad contract woik Mr nnd Mrs S A Barnes leave to morrow for Ashland Oregon nud if they liko it thoy will niuko thnt pluco their homo in tho future C E Houso goes to tho Bogn school house this evening to givo u phouogruph ontortuininent under tho uuspices of Hor W II Futons mission V B Nethnwny called at Thk Nkw olllco this morning nnd entered a gon oral denial of tho statement that ho hud caused tho arrest of anyouo for gam bling Henry Sclnuode who returned from Ames Tuesday where ho has beeu work ing in tho sugar factory went to his homo in Grand Isluud yesterday accom panied by his wifo Dr II J Colo loft today for Morgan town West Virgina to ottond nreuniou of his family Ho expects to bo absent until the first of March and in the meantime his deutal office will bo closed The cold snnp of yesterday and tho day before thickened up tho ico to about 10 inches on tho Northfork Geo Stal cop intends to begin cutting again to morrow and will work above the creamery L L McKim who is now employed by the Omaha Bee is homo for a visit Ho has charge of tho circulation of that paper at towns along the Elkhorn from West Point to Neligh on tho M O as far as Emerson and along tho Croigh ton branch Fred Schwedo nnd Miss Martha Gaul wore united iu marringo yesterdny at high noon by Rov J P Mueller at Christ Lutheran church Immediately following tho ceremony they repaired to their home south of tho city where the event was celebrated They will at once go to keeping houso North Nebraska Eagle A misplaced comma got a Greely county Kan paper into a peck of trouble The Journal iu question recently published nud item in which the following sen tence occurred Two young men from Leoti wont with their girls to Tribune to nttend the teachers institute nnd as soon as they left tho girls got drunk Tho comma belonged after tho girls and the latter are making it hot for the editor Jay tho son of Mr and Mrs L J Speck died at tho homo of his parents in this city at 8 10 lost evening of ncute diabetes iu the 11th year of his age Ho hud been sick for a long timo hut not until Monday night did the disease assume a serious phase and then the end came all too soou Tho funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock from the house Rev W H Eaton of tho Baptist church conducting the services Chns Harding is arranging to go into the creamery business in Omaha He has loused a large cold storage buildiug to bo used in connection with tho new plant and is erecting a building for tho machinery At Omaha he will be in a better position to handle his product than here and will havo a larger terri tory iu western Iowa and eastern Ne braska to draw from His friends in this city will wish him unlimited suc cess in his new venture W II Butterfield of this place is backing up his faith in tho couutry with his money having lately invested in auother largo ranch of which ho al ready owned sevoral His latest acqui sition is what is known as tho Saulcr much comprising 800 acres adjoining tho town of Osmond iu Pierce county Of this tract 040 acres wero purchased from Conrad Wagner aud 100 aeies from Herman Sattler This is said to be ono of tho finest bodies of land in Pierce county and will make s valuable addition to Mr Bntterlieldh largo real estate interests in north Nebraska The amusement loving people of this city nre looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to tho coming engage ment of Otis Skinner Otis Skinner is ouo of the moit magnetic netort as well as ouo of tho greatest favorites now bo fore the public He will present tho comedy by Henry Arthur Jones entithd The Liars which has been praisul by the great critics of tho Londou and Auifricun newspapers Seats for this attraction which are on sale at Leonards are going rapidly and it is predicted that the Auditorium w 11 lie crowded on Monday evening F F Caruthura stute secretary of tpvrtl vnrV n fh Y M C i Stopped hero on his return from the west where ho organlzod three associations By tho request of thocominittoo ho came to Norfolk to look over tho work of tho Y M O L Ho expressed himsolf as vory much plenscd with tho progross mndo and stnted thnt ns soon tv tho longuo wns self supporting it will bo onmuized ns a Y M C A propor Whilo tho local organization is now classed ns an infant ho thinks it is a pretty hearty looking boy nnd nlmostof ndovolopniont sufllclont to entitle it to wear mens clothes Mrs Elizabeth Krantz died at tho homo of her son Fred D Krniitz two nnd n half milos southwest of tho city at 10 oclock this morning aged 7il years 1 month and 1 dny Monday evening tho lady wns stricken with paralysis of tho right sido nnd grndu ally grow worso until this morning when her soul wont to join thnt of her husbnnd who passed nwny on tho loth of August 1808 Mrs Krnutz hns beou a resident of this section about years having romoved hero with her family in Juno 1807 Tho funeral will bo held at Christ Lutheran church tomorrow at 2 oclock p ui tho procession leaving tho houso at 1 oclock Mrs Krantz leaves seven children to mourn her loss the sous being Fred and John of this city and tho daughters Mrs Minnie Gregor son of Oregon City Oregon Mrs Ellon Morry of Liberal Oregon Mrs Henry Fritz of Gordon Nohrnska Mrs Tillio Priest of Buttle Creek nnd Mrs Annie Mnllory of Norfolk Wayuo Republican Tho Philippine collection at Eplors has attracted a great deal of attention of lato It was sent bj Judge Norris who evidently has an eye for tho beautiful There aro beautiful droBS paterus of tho famous and delicate Pina cloth as sheer as chiffon and said to bo very durable beautiful handker chiefs of finest linou embroidered in iutricate designs by inmates of the couveuts thero an elegant crepe shawl heavily embroidered aud friuged and other beautiful pieces of work on Pina cloth Then there is a diminutive hut n facsimile of tho ones lived in by the nntives but above all aro tho samples of raro woods that are to be fouud iu nbun dance on theso islands and which will provo a source of great roveuuo to tho United States iu time to come Woods dark aud light that will take tho highest polish Iu everything in tho collection there is not the least sign of crudeness and the ueedle work is as fine as auy over exhibited iu the most civilized country The facilities of the Louisville Nashville railroad for handling tourists and travelers destined for all points in Florida Cuba Porto Rico Central America or for Nassau are unsurpassed Double daily lines of sleeping enrs are run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago and St Louis through Jacksonville to interior Florida points aud to Miami Tampa aud New Orleans tho ports of embarkation for the countries men tioned For folders etc write Geo B Horner D P A St Louis Mo A Peerless Trio Of solid through express trains daily via the Nickel Plnte road between Chicago Ft Wayne Cleveland Erie Buffalo Now York City Boston and intermediate points Service and equip ment among tho best rates lower than via other lines The shortest route be tween Chicago and Buffalo Uniformed colored porters atteud the wants of passengers in day coaches To He Irepnred For war is the surest way for this uatiou to maintain peace That is the opinion of the wisest statesmen It is equally true that to bo prepared for spring is tha best way to avoid the peculiar dangers of tho season This is a lesson multitudes aro learning aud at this time when the blood is sure to be loaded with impurities aud to bo weak aud sluggish the millions begin to take Hoods Sarsaparilhi which purifies enriches aud vitalizes the blood expels all disease germs creates a good appetite gives strength and euergy and puts tlio whole system in a healthy condition preventing pnoumonia fevers and other dangerous diseases which are liable to attack a weakened system 4 Strike For Your Altars and Your Fires1 Patriotism is always com mendable but in every breast there should be not only the desire to be a good citizen but to be strong able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life To do this pure blood is absolutely neces sary and Hood s Sarsapa rilla is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough ly It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages Humor When I need a blood puri fier I take Hcods Sarsaparilla It aired my humor and is excellent as a nerie tonic Josie Eaton Stafford Springs Ct 3lbccCi SwiAahatim llooUt ftlltmrr llrrUlithe noit Irritating md culjjratlil i i ImktwUlT JUxxli tumnurtlte SATURDAY SIFTINGS Dr J II Mackay left for Chicago today Miss Ruth Matrau went to Fromont today Mrs Fred llusch of Creighton wn shopping in tho city yesterday Matt Tiuley of Council Bluffs will spend Sunday with friends hero Airs H J Heck of Hoskins wns a city visitor yesterday afternoon A now baptismal fount has been pluoul in tho Christ Luthern church Odolia tho ndoptod daughter of Mr nud Mrs Anton Bueholz is vory sick Chas Springstubo of Kalamazoo this county is in tho city laying iu supplies Mrs II McHrido returned last even ing from a visit with friends in Plain view Martin OMenry and Elmer Biggs aro homo from Ames where thoy worked in tho sngnr factory while it ran F G Coryell is homo from a business trip to Chicago Whilo there ho was appointed genoral agent for tho Champ ion binder in this territory Mayor Horst of Madison has iBsued an order removing all slot mnchiues from Madison owing to tho fact thnt children and those who should uso the money for their families put it into slot machines Chas Iaucli of Bazilo Mills was iu tho city this morning with a car load of young cattle which ho wns tnking home to fatten On Tuesday ho went to Sioux City with a car of fat cnttlo which ho sold aud bought the young ones Tho long expected now switch board has been received at tho telephone olllco aud Suporiutondent Storrs of Omaha will bo bore this evening to put it iu Tho uew board will accommodato 270 wiros about IOC more thnu are iu uso uow No serious trouble is antici pated iu filling tho board Mrs O M Foxworthy has sold tho Bon Ton restaurant to Geo M Dudley who will take possession on tho 20th of the month Mrs Foxworthy will go to Fromont county Iowa to visit her mother for a time but expect to engage iu tho restaurant business or simlar occupation in tho near future Tho funeral of the late Mrs Krantz will be held tomorrow afternoon instoid of today as was erroneously stated yes terday Tho processiou will leave tl e house two and a half miles southwest of town at 1 oclock and the funeral will be held at Christ Lutheran church nt 2 oclock conducted by Rev J P Mueller Qunrterly meeting will be held at the M E church tomorrow Tho pastor will preach iu the morning and admin ister the sacrament of tho Lords supper Dr Sission presidiugcldor will preach and hold revival services in the evening There will be a lovo feast at 0 0 p m The revival meetings will continue duriug the week Dr Sission assistiug Tho remains of Arthur C Sims who died of fever in the Philippines arrived in Madison Thursday and will be buried tomorrow funeral services being held iu tho opera house ut 2 p ui The remains of Sergeant Arthur H Vickers nud Cor poral Walter M Riley are on tho way The parents of the three soldier boys have decided to bury nil three bodies in oue lot iu the Clausen cemetery and the people of Mndison will subscribe to a fund to erect a suitable monument over tho graves Ono kind of prosperity has struck this community withiu tho week which cannot be denied even by the most ardeut populist On Wednesday a boy came to the home of John Nichols on Thurnday thero was a new boy at tho homo of Emil Wachter living north of the Sugar factory j the samo dny tho eighth son came to the home of John Raaseh also living north of town A letter from St Louis announces the arrival of a son nt the home of Mr nud Mrs P F Collins Mrs Collins wns formerly known in Norfolk as Miss Hose Madseu The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist iae Discoverer of Swarap Root at Work in His Laboratory There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease pneumonia heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease If kidney trouble is allowed to ad vance the kidney poisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell 1 hen the richness of the blood the albumen -leaks out and the sufferer has Brlghts Disease the worst form of kidney trouble Dr Kilmers Swnmp Root the new dis covery is the true specific for kidney bladder and urinary troubles It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases after all other crs JJave failed At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes A sample bottle sent free by mail also a book telling about Swamp Root and its wonderful cures Address Dr Kilmer Co Binghamton N Y an mention this paper t V