The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 15, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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i I
Thef iottfolklNkuas
W N UUaH Iubllrtlinr
KMablUlio1 t SS71
Kvcrr iln nxcoiit Suiitli Itf rnrrlnr inr
wook IS cotil Hy mull por jnnr JalOi
KMnMlnliPil HHI
Ktory Tlmnnlny Jlly y r M o
Kiitnrnil nt lm rootolllod nt Norfolk Nob n
I pro ml clam mnttnr
Tnloilionrt No22
Tholcont Moorohiud Minn is W
iucliPR in tltlokneiw wlillo nt Sioux Oily
it Ir 1 1 inches At Norfolk it ih Iwh
thnn 10 whirli hiilloiittvt tlmt Nohrnskn
is n long wny frm in tho nlon
of mncro wintor wnuthnr
A Yankton S I boy drank n pint
of whtokoy thu otluir ilny in onior to not
an empty bottlu to noil Thats tin
way fiomo moil do liusiuow HohWos
spoiling ill cpntH worth of lljiuor thin
lad lost his lift all for u il cout bottlo
If ho had Uvud ho would undoubtedly
huvo boon a howling pop and ousmIiik
tho corporations thu rioh man nnd tho
Kovornmont becausn ho couldnt do
bUBincss on that linn
Tho dairy biihiniWH in connoction
with farmliiKi has boon thu mnkiiiK of
Homo of tho status furthur oast and in it
lies thuir jirontost souroo of wealth
Only of rteont years havo tho fannurs
in Nobraska beon Riving at tout ion to
this important branch of tho industry
Early attempts along thuliuowcromado
by thoso iuoxpurioncud and tho result
was so disastrous as to bo discouraging
It is now placed on a businoss basis by
men of oxpuriouco and is proving of
great profit both to tho farmers and
oreamury men and tho result when it is
firmly established can scarcoly bo com
puted Tho following jiR tho oxporlonco
of ono farmer as rocordod in tho Hluir
Pilot nnd it is only ono of many J
Ii CJossurd who reeuntly moved from
tho farm to outer busiuuss in Herman
gives tho following figures showing tho
profits of dairy business Night cows
ownod by Mr Gossard producod in niuo
months 880 pounds of milk Of this
JjrJIS was skim milk aud brought liJ
I I82 was butter fat and brought 111
making a total of JII or an nvorago of
u trillo loss than 3700 pur cow While
this is not all profit stilllt is good proof
that dairying in Nobraska is a proiltnblo
Tho Anil Trust Conloienec
As a sido issuo to tho popocratio causo
tho anti trust conforonco rocontly in
sossion nt Chicago is supposed tj bo a
mnguifloont succchs Thoso pre olootion
nnd proconvoutiou conforonces aro an
old dodgo with tho Altgold Donolly aud
Williams class and it must bo admitted
that thoy havo beon more or loss success
ful in attaining results but tho sohonnS
is becoming somewhat frayed about tho
edges and will not much longer answer
tho purpose Thoy mot for the avowed
purpopo of providing ways and moans
for successfully combating tho corpora
tions but tho eouferenco will undoubt
edly result in turning over this slight
detail to Mr Bryan and his co laborers
All that is now necessary is to resolute
against them against the administra
tion and its policies and declare that
we are tho only friends of tho dear
Buffering people If anything wore
needed to show that tho confereuco was
boing cut out to load into tho popooratio
band wngon but n short quotation from
tho resolution denouncing tho poudiug
curronoy bill is uocossary These say
that it places it in the power of tho
monoy londing class to contract tho
currency at will and to possess them
solves of tho property of tho people nt
pleasure aud in short outhrono tho
znonoy oligarchy establish neontinontrl
bauk trust enslave tho pooplo aud de
stroy tho ropublio to tho oud that free
government may perish from tho oarth
Thoro it is again with tho old ear
marks tho same old label on tho nocl
tho woll known trado mark that old
roliablo calamity wail of something
serious that may happon tho samo old
bugnboo that was dangled before tho
oyos of tho pCoplo in ISJIi and which
it must bo acknowledged amused them
greatly This one subject affords a
text for calamity wailors for at least au
other year ami will bo playod upon with
many ami astounding variations Tho
end of the govorumout is at baudpre
paroyo tho way of democracy
Tho assertion of tho leaders that tho
conference is non partisan is of no avail
to a man with half souse whou ho pe
ruses tho above resolution Tho state
meat that men of all parties are opposed
to trusts is true but aot all of them are
lockiug to the non partisan conference
for relief
The conference issues a very smooth
address in which tho abolishment of
legalized privileges is tho prominent
feature This may perhaps bo tho
proper remedy aud it may bo presumed
from a perusal of tho proceedings that
it can easily aud quickly bo accomplished
with justice to all but somehow there
will be a doubt in tho minds of many
that the question is so easily handled
The people now expect to see a great
effort made in orgauiiug against the
trusts until the imo of meeting of the
popocratio conventions when tho egg
laid by the conference hen will be slyly
gathered auder tho wing of the popo
cratio mother Iu the meantime it is
expected that the anti trust republi
cans will bloptn and blossom as the
free silver republicans did of yore
that ia if the popocrats can bring it
Former Consul at Pretoria
Gives Reasons for Return
Dill Not Know Ho n Hiinrmlnil hj
llitjrn Hon Ilitll lln Ciimn llmiir Aincr
lenti Olllcliil Mnll Opmmil noil Itnnil by
llrllluli Vniir
Wahiiimiton Feb 15 Tho follow
ing signed statement was given nut by
Glinrlort K Mjicrum former Utillod
States consul at Pretoria
The situation in Pretoria yas such
first as an olllolui I could not remain
there whiio my government at homo
was apparency iu tho dark as to the ox
act conditions in South Africa Sec
ondly as a man and a citizen of thu
United States I could not remain in
Pretoria sacrificing my own Holf re
spect and tho people of Prototla while
tho government at homo continued to
leave mu in tho position of a British
consul and not nu American consul I
want to sny right hero that there was
not ono single request made of mo
through thu department of state look
ing to thu caro of Hritish interests in
Pretoria which I did not fulfill and re
port upon according to my orders On
tho other hand American interests in
South Africa wero in that condition
which demanded that tho department
of state should bo cognizant of thoni
1 issued tho statomout issued from tho
state dupurtuiunt that Americans must
remain neutral Iu the face of this
Amuricaiis uro constantly going to the
front and taking up arms in tho inter
ests of tho Hours I could not holp but
know that many of these wero citizens
of tho United Slates I also know that
many of them in utter despair at tho
apparont attitude of our own govern
ment wero taking tho oath of allegiance
to the Transvaal govorumout When
affairs had reached that stuto when
Vice Consul Van Anioriug closed up his
businoss took the oath of allegiance to
tho Transvaal and wont to tho front as
a burgher I thought the time had come
to make u report of the affair
Oninliil Mull Opiiiml by ill II Mi Connor
It was over four weeks nftor tho
opening of the war boforo I received a
siuglo dispatch or a porsonal letter from
the government Tho mail for tho
Transvaal had all been stopped at Oape
Town by order of tho high commis
sioner Whou this mail was finally
forwarded to mo after Colonel Stowe
tho consul general at Oape Town had
scoured its release Iliad the humiliation
as tho representative of tho American
government of sitting in my ofllco iu
Pretoria and looking upon envolopos
bearing tho ofllclal seal of tho American
govorumout oponed and ofllcially sealed
with a stiokor notifying mo that tho
oouteufs had boon read by tho censor at
Durban I looked up international law
but failed to find anywhero that ono
military power can uso its discretion as
to forwarding tho oillcial dispatches of
a neutral government to its representa
tive iu a besieged couutry
Aftk I ciiv oT Abionco
The misrepresentations which had
beon going on boforo tho war aud after
it opened woro of such a serious naturo
and would requiro such dotailod ex
planation that on Nov 0 I lllod a cable
to tho dopartniont stating that I wishod
leave of absence iu order to visit the
United States I sot forth in this cablo
that my vice consul had enlisted iu tho
Boor army that Mr Attorbury an
American whom I had known very fa
vorably for moro than a year could tako
charge of tho nflleo until my roturn In
reply to this dispatch I rcoeivod from
tho department a reply advising mo that
my presonco at Pretoria was important
to public intorost Nov 1 1 I again
wired the department stating that I
could not leave without permission
that I would forfeit my post if tho
reasons which I would niako to tho
department did not provo satisfactory
To this I received a reply which was a
reiteration of tho reply to my first cablo
Upon receipt of this reply I immedi
ately wroto to tho dopartniont accept
ing tho refusal to grant mvabsonce and
stating that I would abido by tho de
cision of tho dopartniont and attempt to
convoy an intelligence for the depart
ments guidance of tho conditions thero
in mail dispatches On Dec 1 I re
ceived a reply from the department to
my cablegram of tho llth It read as
You may coino homo Put Attor
bury temporarily iu charge
llolll Taknt Churiit
A few days later I received a tolegram
from Mr Hollis consul at Dclagoa Bay
stating that ho had been instructed to
Iouio to Pretoria to tako charge of my
ii ico during my uusoiico and until a
iMin should arrive from Washington- I
hut Pretoria Deo 15 and arrived iu
Washington Feb 5 and reported to As
sistant Secretary Hill of the state do
partmoiit who ofllciully informed me
that Secretary Hays son had beon ap
pointed in my placo and that he was on
his way to Pretoria
I appreciated tho soriousness of the
conditions iu South Africa to the extent
that on my way to Washiugtou believ
ing that I was still tho consul in Pre
toria I refused to mako any statement
that would iu auy way iuvolvo tho de
partment or ombarrass it My one ob
ject was to lay tho information boforo
the department us to thu truo state of
affairs iu South Africa If tho dopart
niont thought theso facts wero of a
value sufficient to warrant the expense
of tho trip I had taken I oxpeotod to be
remunerated and return to Pretoria
leaving tho department to act as it saw
lit ou tho facts which I laid before it
Instead of this I fiud Secretary Hay
whether acting upon tho reports in the
newspapers or upon advice from tho
uisli government or bomo pther mo
ivn 1 do not know saw lit not to wait
umd 1 could present my reasons iu per--1
xuJ lui been a silout or couniviug
partner to discrediting reports of mj
oillcial nets I oomo homo to find an
attempt has been made to tear down
my personal roputatiou I wish to state
right hero that whon I accepted my
post as consul I know nothing of any
secret alliance botwoeu America nnd
Great Britain and that 1 had seen
nothing iu tho regulations whioh mado
tho consul of tho American ropublio
subject to tho whims and cnprloes of an
JSnglish military censor I camo to
America with a tuotlvo of which I am
not ashamed
Mllllury lovnriiur of llnvnnn Inlnrvlnirml
mi Inbnii A On I in
Nkw Yoiuc Feb Ifi In tho courso of
an Interview Ooneral Ludlow military
governor of Havana who arrived from
Cuba last night said
After tho municipal olections which
are set for May have been hold nnd tho
now elective districts have boon organ
ized I think it quite possible that tho
expense of maintaining United States
troops in tho island can bo materially
As to tho probable duration of Amer
ican ocqupation of Cuba General Lud
low said I do not think that at this
time anyone boliovos tho population of
this island with its entire iuoxporieuco
aud a formidable percentage of illiter
acy to bu capable off hand of maintain
ing a stable aud responsible govern
ment All I bellovo assent to the jires
out necessity for the continunnco of tho
American occupation but thoy wnnt
this whilu it shall continue to bo funda
mentally a military control and not u
civil control
In Havana it isrecognized that soma
time several years will be neoded to or
ganize a complete insular government
and I have heard flvo years spokon of ns
a reasonable period for this purpose It
all depends upon the Cubans thonisolves
and upon the aptitudo and conscien
tiousness tlioy snail exiilint m tlio tin
tried and perilous field of political ad
Irnllitilimry JIouIhk at Cluy Center
Draw ii lniRO Ormvil
Ciay Okntik Nob Feb 15 Theo
dore Clark of Harvard who is charged
jointly with Virot Hawkins with nn at
tempt to hold up ami kill two men ou
the road near Harvard tho night of Fob
i had his preliminary trial hero yester
day boforo County Tudgo Palmer aud
was bound over to appear in tho district
court in tho amount of S00 Clark
failed to give bond and was committod
to tho county jail Tho courtroom was
crowded with farmers from all around
Considerable excitement exists espe
cially since Hawkins was killed in try
ing to osciipo from tho sheriff
UliniiRn of Vonuo Irnntoil
Kkaunky Neb Fob 15 Judgo
Homer Sullivan refused application for
continunnco but granted a chaugo of
vonuo for Frank L Diusmoro tho al
leged mnrdorer of Mrs Dinsmoro and
Fred Luuu from Buffalo to Dawson
oouuty ou tho grounds that tho proju
dico against him in this comity is of
such a naturo that ho could not get a
fair trial Court convones in Dawson
county March 5
WVII Known Hiillroiiil Man Din
Lixcoiv Feb 15 Richard P Miller
general freight agent of tho Missouri Pa
cillc railroad at Lincoln was taken sick
with apoplexy at tho Missouri Pacific
headquarters shortly after noou and
died flvo minutes later Ho was 00
years old and woll known to all western
railroad men
Serromry Wilson Dl iiIps Kinnnra
Drs Moixus Feb 15 Secretary of
Agriculture James Wilson who is in
the city on his wny to Washington yes
terday denied tho rumors that on ac
count of ill health ho may retire from
the cabinet Ho said ho was in ex
cellent health and had at no timo
thought of retiring
Hrrlclium Injunction rili il
FitAXKKoivr Ky Feb 15 Tho in
junction suit of Beckham against Tay
lor by which Democrats sue to oust
Taylor from possession of the governor
ship was filed yesterday
Tri ndnir IiiKOiniiln
So ninny people suffer from insomnia
nowadays tlmt It Is a wonder lliey do
not adopt the time honored custom of
French kings and Indeed of our an
cestors generally the en cas by the
bedside the menl of fruit or bread and
cold chicken put ready In case of
wakefulness Many a merry little meal
might bo eaten In the middle of the
night when thoughts crowd on the
mind and caro sits heavy It Is the
wakeful digestion that claims Its due
and clamors to be fed Our forefa
thers wero wise and many a hunter
after old furniture knows the quaint
little cupboard with a grated door
which served for tho night meal and Is
now sometimes labeled u cheese cup
board A bedside book Is of no use
when tho pangs of hunger inaUe for
mastery but with u book and a
snack one can contrive to pass
some pleasant hours even when sleep
does not touch ones eyelids and the
sweet boon of uncoiisclousuess evades
ones grasp New York Times
lllriln pU
The nests of the little swift a kind
of swallow gathered nlopg the rocky
cliffs with so much diiliculty and yet
In such quantities on account of the
rhinose demand are formed of a
salivary secretion which soon becomes
tlrm ou exposure to the air It is a
glutinous white substance with little
red dots They are clean the uests
being taken as soon as completed The
little swift being repeutedly robbed Is
at last compelled to eke out Its waning
supply of secretion with little sticks
and grass and is thus enabled to lay
Its eggs aud hatch its young as only
nests free from foreign material are
merchantable A Sketch of the Phil
ippines lu Self Culture
Itll Hip Sinn Not llic Jo Therp Ar
In KvcrrthlnK
Wo are forever going to begin work
In earnest tomorrow said Mr Stay
bolt and Wo nro nover Bntlslled with
the Job weve got nnd wo perforin the
labor Involved In It In only a half heart
ed manner but wo nro going to work
Iu dead earnest when wo got a Job to
suit us
Tho fact Is that tomorrow when wo
gel to It will be to us as today Is to us
now we shant feel any more llko
work And Unit other Job when we
come In actual contact with It and see
It doso at bund wont suit us nny bet
ter than the ono weve got now does
Thu truth Is that wo nro dnwdlers
nnd shy of work nnd trying to get
nloug Just as easy hh we can Wu hate
to pitch in and go nt tilings
The llmu for us to work Is now not
tomorrow and the Job for us to collar
Is the ono wovo got Itounil that up In
ntylc do tho work completely nnd thor
oughly and youll be astonished to find
how youll bring It out nnd what
chances there are Iu It And every
body that knows about your work or
Is Iu any way concerned or iitTccted by
It ns It Is done woll or 111 will be de
lighted to see It well done everybody
likes to see a Job whntover It Is well
done nnd pleased with the doer and
theres money In It every time
It Isnt tho Job that makes success
Its the man nnd dont you forget lt
Now York Sun
An lOxclthiK Ailvendiro
I bad an exciting adventure while I
was engaged In superintending the
laying down or water pipes In Queens
laud After work was done for the
day I went up the surveyed courso for
the pipes to see that it had been clear
ed for the digging oT trenches next
day The pipes huge Iron tubes two
feet In diameter lay scattered about
1 was nloue but suddenly I heard n
tremendous roar and looking up saw
a great herd of cattle stampeding down
upon me no fore I could get out of
their way they would be upon mo so
I crawled info ono of the pipes
On came tho thunder of thousands
of hoofs and then u mass of roaring
maddened cattle swept past my place
of refuge Scores of them stumbled
over the pipe in which I lay aud those
which fell were trampled to death
When the herd had passed 1 crept
out and found seven dead cattle about
the pipe Stray Stories
TcxitV Old Name
Probably tho feet Is not generally
known that Texas was at ono time
and for many years callad the New
Philippines Tho first settlement lu
what Is now Texas was made by
French emigrants In lCSo During the
next US years thero was an Intermit
tent struggle between the French nnd
Spanish for supremacy resulting lu
favor of tho latter and In 1814 the
name of tho New Philippines was
given to the country This was Its ofll
clal name in Spuuish records for many
yours nnd until the name of Texas
from a tribe of Indians gradually
came In vogue Indianapolis Journal
A lloimcliold Hint
Dont throw away tho trimmings
from your new tablecloths Those
long linen threads you will need when
your tablecloth begins to break a little
With them you can prolong Its span of
life many days Also try In Ironing
your tablecloths to have them folded
In different ways to vary the creases
bo that the wear will not come always
In the same place
A Go oil E culnnntlon
Papa I know what makes some
people laugh In their sleeves said lit
tle narry
Well my son what makes them-
asked the father
Cause thats where their funny
bone is was the reply Troy Times
Anaesthetics were Known In the days
of Homer and the Chinese 11000 years
ago had a preparation of hemp known
ns una yo to deaden pain something
similar to our modern cocaine
The paupers In Japan number fewer
thnn 10000 out of n population of 38
000000 In tlmt country It Is consider
ed a disgrace to be nn Idler
Ill00 Kmntril 100
Tho renders of this paper will bo
pleased to learn that thoro is nt least
one dreaded disease that soieuco has
been nblo to euro in nil its stnges nnd
that is Catarrh Halls CatnTrh Cnre is
the only jxjsitive euro now known to
tho medical fraternity Catarrh boing
a constitutional disease requires a
constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally noting directly
upon tho blood nnd mucus surfaces of
the systom thereby destroying tho
foundation of tho disease and giving
tho patient strength by building up
the constitution aud assisting nature iu
doing its work Tho proprietors have
so much faith in its curative owors
that they offer ono hundred dollars for
any case that they fail to cure Send
for list of testimonials
Address F J OiiKsrv Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists 75o
Halls family pills aro the best
House r tho tor I pld liver aim cure
biliousness sick I headache jaundice
nausea Indluesf tion etc They are In
valuable to prevent a cold or break up n
fever Mild gentle certain they are worthy
your rontldenre Purely vegetable they
can be taken by children or dellcato women
Price 25c at ull medii Iue dealers or by mall
of C I Boon A Co liowcll Mass
All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright
and Clean at
All Coal Screened
Your Patronage Respectfully Solicited
c LU t
Fremont Clkhorn Mo Valley
Oinahn Passenger
o ca Exproos
h r
cngo KxprpDs
On pus8tngor
F E K V R H is the best to ano
from the
North Nebraska
Choice Smithing Coal
7 m
1240 pm
Black liilla rjxprors 710 pm
VordlRro PneeonRor 1240p in
Vorilifiro Accommodation 900 am
ninck Mills Kxprrss 12V0p m
Vordiro PaesonRor tt0ium
Venligro Accommodation 720pm
Tho Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junotion dopot Tho Omaha
and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city
depot U U Matbau Agont
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation fi30 p m
Omaha Dcnvorand Pacific Coast 1100 a m
Columbus Ace ramodation 1030 pm
Omaha fronver and Pacific coast 900pm
Connocts nt Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with tho C St P M O
for points north and oast
F W Jcnxman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger t 30 a m
Sioux HtyPasscnger 100pm
Sionx City PaBsengor 1085 am
Biocx City and Oman Passenger 730 pm
Connects at Norfolk with F E M Y going
west and north aud with tho V P for points
soiitn w juneman Agent
Daly oxcoptlSunday
c s
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
CRAVEN ricCOY Proprietors
FirstClass Work Guaranteed
Prompt delivery Work called for and returned
Your patronage solicited
Telephone 83 Norfolk Nebr
Railroad and Business Directory
Fine Watch
Spenoep Ovelman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 7 Fourth Street
Paints and fla 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoe
All Wobk Qcabantecd
Cor 4th St and Braasch Ave
Daily News Job Department
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Sale and -
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Braasch Avenue
nnd Tnlrd St
For Plumbing Steam Fitting Pumps
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work in this Una ca
Batlafaotion Qaaranteel
Pint door eontb of Daily New offloo
The Overland Limited
rw w a i i i v
To the Pacific Coast
n J 17 Hours to Sm riiiucieco
J S Hourb to lortlanU
Double Drawing Itoom Pulaco Bleopore
lluffot Smoking ami Library Card with
Hurbur Shop ami lloiisunt KoaiUnt Iioo nt
Dining Curs Meals a la Carte
PlnUcli Light Steam Heat
For timo tallies folilure Mliiotratoil 1mLh
pamphloU iloecripttto of tho torritory truv
orscil call ou