The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 15, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
fiirmnnce a llrllllnnt Military Feat
Oiicrntlom In HUmllng Uuit Storm
llrltlih Inni Arc Sinnll
London Fub 15 Tho British army
for tho first timo Binco tho war begau is
inside tho Boor frontier Lord Roberts
with nt least 40000 infantry 7000 cav
alry and 150 guns hns turned the Ma
gersjoatciy ljuos ljeforo wUioh tho Brit
ish forces have boon encamped for ten
weeks and with half of his corps ho is
already operating on Froo Stato terri
tory A battlo has not yet been fought
bnt large tactical advantages havo been
gained Tho relief of Kimborloy is
within measurable distauco and tho
way to Blootnfontein is appreciably
The dispatches of Lord Roberts sketch
three days work Tho forward move
ment began on Sunday whuu Colonel
Hannay set out with a brigado of
mounted infantry for Itamah on the
Riet eight miles from Jacobsdal one
of the Boer supply stations Oa Mon
day General French with tho cavalry
division seized tho crossing of the Riet
river at Dekils drift south of Jacobs
dal and 18 miles east of Honeynest
kloof He skirmished with tho Boers
and clearod tho way for 20000 infantry
who followed across On Tuesday with
his thrco cavalry brigades and tho
horse artillory General French rode to
the Moddcr river a distance of 25 miles
and took threo fords with high ground
boyond the river and fivo Boer camps
Ho had a fow casualties in brushes with
horse General Fronch has now used
himself on General Cronjos main lino
of communication with Bloomfonteiu
and 20000 infantry with 72 guns arc
being pushed up to support him tbf -
Lord Roberts dispatchos wired from
inside the Freo Stato and on tho Riet
river left him Wednesday morning
His advance had not been opposed by
the Boers in force Their patrols
melted away as tho British moved for
ward The Boer army is likely to bo
felt in a day or two and a battlo is con
frequently imminent As to what forces
General Cronje has now at his disposal
and as to whero he purposes making a
fctand against the iuvadors no ono hero
connected with tho war offlco knows
It is now realized that the incidents
at Rensbcrg havo been seen out of all
proportion Merely skeleton lines were
maintained there whilo troops were be
ing secretly and rapidly concentrated
on tho Modder river The facility with
which 30000 men havo already been
sent boyond tho rail terminus shows
that Lord Kitchener has been fully suc
cessful in organizing transport
Tho London morning papers take
rather sober views of the situation but
are greatly pleased and hopeful of what
is to come
Ixird Robert IteporU Ilrllliant Work by
IlrltUh Troops
London Feb 15 The war offlco has
Ihsned tho following message from Lord
Roberts received last ovening
Dkkiih Drift Feb 14 General
French left this point at 1180 yesterday
morning with three brigades of cavalry
horse artillery and mounted infantry
including several colonial contingents
in order to seize a crossing of tho Mod
der distant about 25 miles Ho reports
by dispatch dated 535 p in that ho
had forced a passage at Clip drift and
has occupied tho hills north of the
river capturing throe of tho enemys
laagers with their supplies whilo Gen
eral Gordon of the Fifteenth Hussars
with his brigado who had made a feint
at Rondeval drift four miles west has
peized it and asoconddrift between that
and Clip drift together with two moro
General Frenchs performance is
brilliant considering the excessive heat
and a blinding dust storm which raged
during the lattor part of tho day
Owing to tho rapidity of his move
ments General French mot with but
blight opposition and his losses were
small Lioutonant Johnson of tho In-
uibkillen Dragoons is tho only oflicer re
ported soverely woundpil
Tho Sixth division was last night on
tho north bank of tho Riet at Water
val drift and is moving to support tho
cavalry Tho Soventh division is hero
nnd will go on this afternoon
Four ofllcers and 53 men had to b
hent last ovening in tho returning
wagons to tho railway lino piotrated
by heat and exhaustion
Tot Hi ltrllUll CHHiiiilt IUI
London Feb 15 Tho total Briih
lasualty roturns up to today are Ofli
coib killed lfij wounded 3S0 missing
112 Men killed 1477 wounded 5050
missing 2781 other fatalities reported
C03 Grand total 10515
Bnoiv lllunkfU Nobruska
Omaha Feb 15 Tho snowstorm
which began Tuesday night is reported
as general throughout tho central and
i wt vrtions of Nebraska The
m mow in uccvptiiblo to tho farmers It
i I J Ik not heavy ciioukIi to do diuiuiKO or
I ijiintlo trufllo mill tho moistum will bo
itiitnunsoly boiiullcial to tho soil Sleigh
iiig is oxei Hunt mill the wcutliur ut most
iinins i lint mi vim n ulitln llin rlnil a
Lord Roberts at Last Enters liirln
the Enemys Country
Tor lie First Time Ilrilisli SlraloT
Hrings Sucioshful Keults
ConiinnulerliiClilef Torim Frenchs
llrltluli Cnmpoltrcl liv Ilrrrn Shelling to
ltd Ire to ItrnsliiiK
RrNSiiKitti Fob 13 Before dawn
Monday tho enemy opened an attaok on
Slingorhfontuin nssaulting with mus
ketry tho hills on tho northeast hold by
threo companies of the Worcesters un
lir Captain Hovel Tho artillery at
tack began at sunrise Tho Boers ap
proached in great numbers estimated
at seven to one Tho British uuder
cover restrained tho attack throughout
tho daw Meanwhile two big guns on
tho west opened on tho British at day
light and fired for half an hour when
a British howitzer silonced them with
lyddite tho British artillery tiring with
precision Then another Boor gun to
tho north opened on tho Royal Irish Fu
sileers but rather ineffectually as tho
British had good cover Tho Boers then
brought up a 10 pounder in order to
bombard tne camp from a hill to tho
north The attempt was plainly visible
as the gun could bo seen being drawn
up by 18 oxen With tho Boors sur
rounding the British in overwhelming
numbers and using artillery it became
ovident that it would bo imposhiblo to
retain Sliugersfoutcin which tho Brit
ish evacuated nnder cover of darkness
falling back upon Rensberg The Brit
ish casualties were lighter than might
have been expected in the circumstances
Board of Truitn Dulogiitns IMciIru Tlicm
oltH to Alit Itnfornn
Chicago Fob 15 Resolutions call
ing for a federal law to suppress bucket
shops and pledging themselves to aid
each other in various reforms were
adopted at tho meeting of the board of
trado delcgatos representing 13 cities
A standing committee composed of
tho presidents of tho New York pro
duce exchange Toledo produce ex
change St Louis Merchants exchange
Minneapolis chamber of commerco and
tho Chicago board of trado was ap
pointed to take up tho matter of secur
ing federal legislation to stamp out
buckut shops Tho delegates agreed to
do all in their power to discourage priv
ilege trading and voted their moral sup
port to St Louis and Chicago in main
taining their recent acts buppres jing
Miec -Tiling
Fronhot T Unplilly Huceillnf mill Daimige
lit Heine Knjmlrcil
Boston Feb 15 Tho flood in New
England is rapidly receding under the
influence of drying winds and freezing
temperature and in another 21 hours
most of the streams will have returned
to thoir normal stato All day the dam
age caused by an unusually heavy rain
fall was being repaired except at points
on tho largo rivers whero great masses
of debris or gorges of ice blocked the
natural channels Tho most serious
losses were probably at Moutpelier
where the Winooski river blocked by
ice entered tho city streets flooding
half tho business blooks and residences
Hold That Federal Court Has No Juris
diction In the Kentucky Content
Cincinnati Feb 15 Holding that
tho federal court had no jurisdiction m
tho contests in Kentuoky Judge Taft
refused to grant the application for in
junctions against tho Kentucky stato
board of oloctions and tho Democratic
contestants for state offices other than
governor and lieutenant governor
Troop Will Not He Withdrawn
Frankfort Fob 15 Governor Tay
lor sent a message to tho members of
tho committee appointed under tho
Crenshaw resolution to demand tho
withdrawal of tho troops from Frank
fort Tho reply stated that the troops
would not bo removed as their pres
ence is considered essential to the pres
ervation of Jifo and property Assur
ance was given however that the
members of tho legislature would not
bo molested in tho discharge of their
Witern Are Tterrdlng
Atiavta Fob 15 Advices aro to
tho effect that the waters aro receding
slowly Tho damage douo is supposed
to have been considerable Twenty live
bridges at an average valuo of 1000
each were carried away on streams
north of Columbus At West Point
tho water which was in tho main street
of tho town yestenlay has receded
Slnirkiy to rijrlit JIUliiirnoim
Nrw Yohk Feb 15 Tom Sharkey
took np Bob Fitsimmons challenge to
tho heavyweights Fitzsimmons was
informed of Sharkeys accoptanco and
said If Jellries does not como to
timo within a week 1 will make a match
with Sliarkey without dolay I am will
ng to make tho side bet 10000 tho
winner to take everything
Tho Ohio house Wednesday bv a vote
of 05 to 33 pa ed tho Saflin bill abol
ishing contract labor in the Ohio prisons
Jack OBrien of 1lnladulpliia was
knocked our by young IVtcr Jaeksou
colored in the 1 1th round at Sail Fran
cisco Wednesli
Tho somite committee on foreign re
lations has authorized a favorable re
port on tho bill to incorporate tho Amor
lean National Roil Cross
At tho request of Mrs Chickering
wife of tho late Representative Chicker
ing of New York there is to bo no con
gressioual funeral in connection with
the interment of the deceased congress
I IliX I V III r I l A l I 1 I VVVW9 HrzOMmHn
Amendment for International
Bimetallism Is Lost
Spirited Dcbiiln IJniltir the Tcn Mliiiitri
ltulr 1lnal Vot mi Aiiiiiidmiitn mid
Din lllll Will ll Tulirri hi the Semite
Tndin Hrlinte In I tin tlnimp
Washington Feb 15 Throughout
lt session yesterday tho senate had tho
liuaueial bill under dismission Until A
oclock the debate proceeded under the
10 minute rule and was spirited and in
teresting A test vote indicating ap
proximately tho majority on tho passage
of the bill was taken Chandler Rep
N H offered an amendment to author
ize the president to appoint commis
sioners to any international bimetallic
conference that might bo called unci it
was defeated by a veto of 45 to 25
Chandlers proposition out ot tho way
tho discussion proceeded on tho amend
ment brought in by the finance commit
tee providing that the provisions aro
not to bo intended to placo any obstacles
in the way of international bimetallism
Tho Democratic senators arraigned the
Republicans for reporting tho amend
ment declaring they were insincere nnd
that tho proposition was intended to
hoodwink tho peoplo and catch votes
No vote on the amendment was re
ported The final votes on tho amend
ments nnd tho bill will bo taken today
House Debute Cover Wide limine
Wahihnuion Feb 15 It was the
intention of tho Republican leaders of
tho house to call up tho lorto Rican
tarilf bill today but there was such a
demand for timo to discuss various ques
tions during tho general debate upon
tho legislative executive and judicial
appropriation bill that Mr Payno gave
notice that ho would allow tho Porto
Rican bill to go over until Monday The
debate upon tho legislative bill strayed
far from tho bill touching tho question
of government deposits in national
banks reckless expenditures for pen
sions and linally drifting into the ques
tion of election methods in Missouri
Bartholdt Mo raised tho latter ques
tion by attacking the Nesbitt law and
provoked a long reply from Benton
Mo who in turn aroused Mr Pearce
Mo Some very caustic things were
said on both sides
National Conference Cnmpletex ItsWoih
at Llili nio nnd Adjournx
CnifAOO Feb 15 Stormy scenes
characterized the bessionof tho national
anti trust conference preceding the final
adjournment last night Tho climax
came when delegate Joseph Parker a
middle-of-the-road Populist surprised
the conference with a resolution pledg
ing the delegates to vote for no party
that does not stand for government
ownership and the principle of direct
legislation Tho Democratic leaders
interpreted this as an attack on W J
Bryan and were on thoir feet in an in
stant to block tho move
Chairman Monnett was in doubt as to
what to do Disorder reigned for 10
minutes and then Chairman Monnett
used the gavol and temporarily ad
journed the convention
The convention was enlivened also by
an attack by Professor Bemis on Uni
versities whose endowments come from
trnst magnates Tho professors in
these institutions said tho ex professor
of political economy at Chicago univer
sity do their best but cannot over
come this handicap As a remedy ho
advocated tho establishment through
tho state legislature of chairs in state
universities devoted to tho study of the
trust question
A number of set speeches were heard
at tho morning and afternoon sessions
and the night session which wouud up
the three days conference heard as
many of the remaining speoches as could
bo read in the time that was left
Odd F llnwV Home lltirna
LniEKTY Mo Feb 15 Tho stato
Odd Follows Homo sitnated a mile
south of Liborty was destroyed by fire
that started from a torch which a
plumber was using to thaw ont a frozen
water pipo Tho building was con
structed of wood and burned quickly
Tho members of tho home 15 of thorn
aged men and women tho rest small
children were gotten out without be
ing injured Tho building was con
structed at a cost of 70000 and was
formerly the Winner hotel The build
ing and contents were insured for 30
Kjlo In ItHpnblli iiii Oiuiciiii
Wasiiinoton Fob 15 Tim Repub
lican caucus ot the somite authorized
its chairman Senator Allison to ap
point a committee to arrange tho order
ot business for tho remainder of the
session Senator Kylo of South Dakota
attended and participated in tho pro
ceedings of tho caucus for tho first timo
lli kitor Untight In by llouilliiililiir
Sr Lous Fob 15 Tho Fanners
elevator ono of tho largest grain ware
houses m tho west which lias bnii in
the hands of a receiver for some time
Was sold tor 175000 the bondholder-
buying it in It is thought tho bond
holders will urruigo to operate tho
elevator if they cannot sell it
rent Dauiago to Shipping
Pauls Feb 15 Great damage has
been done to shipping along tho French
coast Many flshiug smacks havo gono
ashore especially near Dunkirk Cher
bourg and Brest Near tho last named
port ten wreoks have occurred Several
fatalities are reported
-x x
IHtlnuitn ill KxponHeH
The county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska at their regular meet
ing in January li0 made the follow
ing estimate of expenses for the ensuing
County Instituto fund 125 00
Commissioners pay and mile
age 200 00
County clerk salary as clerk of
board 100 00
County superintendent salary 1100 00
County road fund 7500 00
Care of paupers 2000 00
Bounty on wild animals 800 00
County printing 800 00
Fuel postage and express 11100 00
Jailersfees 1000 00
Books stationery and supplies 1800 00
Janitors salary and assistants
to county ofllcers 2 00 00
County attorney Falary 050 00
County Bridge fund 0000 00
Election expenses 2 100 00
District court and jurors 7500 00
Assessors pay and mileage i500 00
Insane fund 8T0 00
Poor farm expenses 1 000 00
Aid to Agricultural socioty 700 00
High school tuition fees 500 00
Furniture and repairs on court
house and jail 500 X
Interest on court house bonds
between Madison nnd Union
precincts -100 00
Sinking fund for same 100 00
Battlo Creok village jail bond
and interest 150 00
Piiiui Haitii
County Clerk
S v-
mw i
sgo V
gARNES TYLER tf jpffft
Attorneys at Law
Norfolk Nebraska
At Iicirci Huty Monilnyt
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Still Well Assorted
These goods we must dispose of as quickly as possi
ble as we wish to have Only Fresh Goods in Stock this
Spring so they must go The prices are
Greatly Reduced
No goods burned or watersoaked Slightly smoked
This opportunity you cannot afford to pass
Your truly
it i
Are ossentiul to hetilth
bundles only pure groceries
free from udulierution unci
sells tbeni ut
Von get wbut you pay for
ut riiles
Will furnish musio for dances and par
ties Prices reasonable
Physician und Surgeon
OMicu ritireiiH Kiitimml Iluik JIuIIiIIuk
Tolrpliiinu 101
Smilturinni iiml Main 1111 lItli St
Tuldplionu J
Norfolk - - Nebraska
OffieBOTerCltUeni Natl Bank Heeldenoe oor
blook north ot Congregational churou
Fashionable Dressmaker
Op itaira In Cotton olook oyer Banmi itort
Flrit claai work guaranteed
Norfolk Nebrakn
Attorneys nt Law
Itoom 10 11 and U Matt Hlook
Norfolk Nebraska
Undertakers and Kmbaluiers
Belouelilk Norfolk Ave
Norfolk Nebraska
Attorney nt Lew
Rxnii 1 and 2 Robertsoti A JWlgton
Block Norfolk
W D Hans Barter Shop
Mrs H HHull
Facial Treatmtat Manicariog and Shampos
Will gladlj oall t jrour bomei and do any of thl
work Order taken for fine hair swltohea
Perfect match guaranteed Ueildenou on Flnl
Ktreet Junction Orderi may be left at the
JuDotlon Drug Htore Telephone to
Oil and Gasoline
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed tin all Wmlc
First dojr West of Post Office
IjllF Game
Everybody wants tbe best of
moats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Oar Shop U the Neateit