iw If V i i t I Economical Shoes nro nover cheap shoes Shoes Hko Pingroo Smiths mens J womens and childrens nml Drow Sojby Shoo Gos lndios slices nro truly ecouomicnl j becnuso thoy I Will Outwear two pairs of chenp shoos nuil aro not high priced at that If you hnvo riovor tried them wo would advise you to do so Davenport Bros NORFOLK NEBR j SIMPSONS CORNER Offico Hanlys Coal Otllco Tiro insurance Farm and City Loans and Ileal Esttvto Como and sco mo J E SIMPSON ARE 2 Maybe your glasses are f JUST EIGHT Mnybo y not X our frame is slightly bent which spoils X tho good work your optician has done for you It may bo that and it may not If your glasses are X not Just Bight you are better without thorn When you are our way drop in and talk it over X It costs you nothing I C F W MARQUARDT X OPTICIAN t NORFOLK - NEBRASKA i Tho AVeutlijr Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature l Minimum temperature i Averago 3 Snowfall inches 1 50 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 00 Earometer 29 18 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight and probably Friday Rising temper ature Friday afternoon or night THURSDAY TIDINGS Norfolk lodge No 45 I O O F will meet tonight in regular session Visit ing members are invited to be present Jay the young son of Mr and Mrs L J Speck is very seriously ill and it is feared that his death is only a matter of some bonis Tho social at tho Congregational church to be given by tho Y P S O E will be held this evening regardless of the weather conditions The state board of transportation with its secretaries are expected to arrive in Norfolk this evening to listen to com plaints concerning freight rotes Tho hearing will bo hold tomorrow moruiug Complaint was filed in tho police court yeEterday by Mr Nethaway who runs a feed store on East Main street against a mau named Cramer for gambling Tho heariug of testimony has been set for Saturday Next Wednesday is St Vulontines day and several entertainments havo been planned for the occasion prom inent among them being the masquerade ball in Marquardts hall under tho man agemeut of Oscar Hitchey Tho recoptiou that was to havo been given Rev aud Mrs J G S Woills by tho Ladies guild of Trinity church at tho home of Dr and Mrs Holdon this evening has been postponed uutil further notice on account of tho weather W B Brownoof West Point came up to interview tho Y M O L in regard to presenting under their auspices ho opera Pinafore which was recently pre- sentod at West Point by people of that city under his direction aud assistance Tho organization didut accept his proposition Tho ladies of the Methodist church at Fromout took tho first stop toward a welcome reform last Sunday morning v when they removed their hats during tho sorvu o Tho roform was takou up by tho Lndios Aid society and is ono which has be on agitated in many parts of tho country Geo Stalcop who is cutting ico on tho Bocho slough says that on Tuesday tho hist day ho hauled ico tho wind creatod groat havoo with his business When tlio loads started tho ico would bo sovon iuchcfl thick but by tho timo thoy reached town it had molted to throo inches in thickness But Tuesday was a warm apringliko day It is imagined that Mr Stalcop is oxperionclng no trouble of that character today Mrs M C Walker entertained a party of Heights ladies last evening in honor of tho 80th birthday of her mother Mrs II II Simon A very pleasant evening was spent by nil present and nico re freshments weroservod thocoffoo bolng poured from an earthen coffoo pot which Mrs Simon owned when married GO years ago She was tho rocipiont of some boautifnl aud raro llowors ns woll as best wishes for continued health aud happinoss Dolimd S D Timos lloiord A Prosho county farmer while coming down from tho ranges tho other day had a break down and requiring a wrench to ropair tho damage wont to a house in tho neighborhood to scenro it Tho rcsldout proved to bo a Norwegian and understood English but vaguely Tho man askod him if ho had a monkey wrench No ho responded a ban no monkn ranch lut da bau slieop ranch over dot hill Tho following appeared in tho Boos Washington dispatches yesterday Congressman- Mercer is in receipt of a letter from tho Treasury dopartmont stating that tho Bbiir public building can bo constructed within tho nmount appropriated 111000 but to mako it absolutely fireproof 11000 additional will bo required In regard to Hastings and Norfolk tho communication shows that tho sites havo been purchased tho former costing 8 COS including ex penses of inspector and tho latter cost tug 1810 including expenses Tho Treasury department recommends that in view of tho increased cost of building materials 120000 bo appropriated for tho Hastings and Norfolk publio build ings to insure fireproof structures Twenty fivo years ago yesterday Rov aud Mrs Flotchor E Sisson were mnr ried They were keeping that fact all to themselves so thoy thought but not so in fact Mr Sissiou is assisting with tho special meetings being held at the M 13 church this week and after the services lost evening about 20 of tho fnonds of the couple followed him home and arrived thero nearly as soon as he did The friends did not make a long stay however but just long enough to wish Mr and Mrs Sisson many happy returns of tho day and leave them a handsome silver desert set as a remembrance of the occasion When tho friends departed they were invited by Mr Sisson to como again on the fiftieth anniversary of thoir wed ding and as often in tho meantime as is couveiuont Just beforo dark last ovouing a hang ing lamp in tho parlor at Mrs Pilgers homo without warning fell to tho iloor with a loud crash taking with it a large section of tho plastering on the ceiling The lamp was broken into many piecs and tho oil was scattered in all direc tions over the carpet Miss Wisdom was teaching her class in shorthand in tho room at tho timo of tho accident nud this lady was struck on tho head and quite badly cut by tho falling lamp while Miss Barrett in tho scramble to get out of tho way throw her baud upon a hot stove and was severely burned It is fortunate that the accident did not happen an hour later when tho lamp would havo been lighted and nothing could havo pre vented a serious conflagration Wanted Good girl for gonoral house work Wages 550 a week Mrs Dr Fiiank Salter Farm and city loans Tub Duuland Trust Co Wasted Room aud board for wif i of traveling man Quiet homo liko place desired References exchanged Box IW7 Norfolk Opening Announcement Having opened a tailor shop in the room just west of tho Rouio Miller building on Norfolk aveuuo I am now prepared to do a general tailoring busi ness Now goods are on tho way First class work and a perfoot fit guar anteed with the most reasonable prices A call from my friends and those desir iug work in my line is invited P J Fueslkk K i A M V Cheap jxctirHloi8 On February l 18 and 10 to Lincoln Neb nt one faro for tho round trip account meetiug of tho National Cream ery Butter Makors convention good returning until February 28 February 20 is tho date for tho next cheap excursion to Hot Springs S D 1485 for tho round trip good returniug ilO days from date of sale Creamery butter at the Palaco Meat Market At tho First Congregational church parlors Thursday eveuiug the Y P S O E will give a Midwinter Excur siou through whirh a trip can bo taken free of cost No doubt many will avail themselves of the opportunity THE NOKFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8 1900 NEARLY A BLIZZARD 1 1 ml nil tlio FcHturcn Kxropt Thorn him Not Kuniigli Snow Tho weathor introduced by Old Boreas last night was tho nearest approach to a blizzard this section of tho country has oxporioncod during tho wintor Tho wind fairly howled and crackod about tho corners causing tho most substan tial buildings to tromblo to their very foundations Enough snow accompa nied tho wind to mako sonio very ro Bpoctablo drifts about tho streets and country Sinco tho wind commoncod to blow from tho northwest tho tonipor nturo has taken a very groat tumble and tho ico mon aro no longor besot by fears concorning thoir crop Tho roal men too nro quite happy thoir only cause for disappointment boing tho difficulty in making necessary deliveries owing to tho snow bauks Tho severe weather affected tho oper ation of trains on tho railroads entoring Norfolk Tho Sioux City train on tho O St P M O duo horo at 10 l was threo hours late which hold tho U P tho Kiimo length of timo going out nt 2 instoad of 11 Tho train from tho oast on tho F E M Vduo hero at 1205 did not got in until about it oclock Tho train from tho west on tho Elkhorn was noarly on timo Tho U P freight from tho south was moro thau three hours Into Wo mako loans on real estate at lowest ratos Elkhorn Building and Savings nssociatiou T E OuioUNn Sec Houses for Bale T E Odiornk Choice veal at tho Palaco Meat Murkot Tolophono No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residonco and office Snidcrs catsups at Box s PERSONAL Frank Worehoad was up from Stanton yesterday F C Davis of Madison had business in tho city Mrs Edon of Verdigro is visiting Norfolk friends Henry Slitt of Silver Crook sojourned in tho city last night Mayor J 15 Simpson returned from a business trip to Orchard today E Crook of Meadow Grovo was a city visitoryesterdny atteruoon Commissioner Wintor wont to Tildon last evening to inspect a county bridge Morris Mayer came in off tho road last evening aud will remain with his family some months Mrs Robt Ruohlow who has boon visiting Norfolk friends returned to her homo in Pierce yesterday Chief of Police Widaman is attending to business at Petersburg and Olllcer Kane is looking after his duties Mrs W B Vail and daughter Flossie went to Rock Rapids Iowa yesterday for a two weeks visit with relatives and friends Ex Commissioner A C JohnBon who is now living on a farm near Meadow Grove was a city visitor yesterday afternoon Dr J S Anderson state veterinarian of Seward was in tho city Tuesday in consultation with Dr McKini concern ing some horses Mr D Phelan of Cherokee Iowa ono of tho supervisors of that county is stop ping at tho Oxnard having como to get to get information in regard to beet cul ture aud growing Thoy aro talking of starting a beet sugar factory at Cherokee Cranes fine stationery Book Store Mrs TuincR McDonulil The remains of Mrs James McDonald who passed away yesterday were taken on tho early train this morning to Pendor where thoy will bo laid to robt today Beforo leaving tho house 25 or J0 members of the W O W nud K P lodges to both of which Mr McDonald belongs gathered After a prayer by Rov G H Main tho remains and sor rowing relatives wero escorted to tho train Telegrams wero sent tho lodges at Pender to meet tho party upon nr rival at that placo under whoso aus pices tho funoral will bo hold today Mrs McDonald mother of James and Miss Brunspn and Mr Brunsou sister and brother of tho deceased accom panied tho husband to Ponder with tho remains At a special meeting of Valloy camp No 100 W O W hold last ovouing tho following resolutions of condolonce wore adopted Whereas In tho sovereign providence ot tho Almighty tlio esteemed wife of our Brothor James MoDonald has beon called to her oterunl rest while still in the morning of life nud a heart broken husbaud aud a motherless babe aro dis consolate tonight Hesolvert That Valley caniD Wood- men of the World hereby extends to tho bereaved husbaud aud friends our assur ance of sympathy and sorrow Words are impotent and sorrow vain but wo commend to tho hearts that nro sad to night th memory of all that was beau- tirui auauoDioin tlio lire of the departed loved ono Resolved That a copy of those rosolu tions be spread upou tho records of our camp published and presented to the nereavea luimiy Geo M STAPKNirousr Geo M Dudley Consul Com Clerk The eugagemeut of The Liars at tho Auditorium Mouday evening next promises to be a successful one for the demand for fpjiN ha Rlrndvhopti li f There appears to bo a good deal of mill osity on tho part of tho thoatregoors to soo this comedy of which so much is promised Tho production will bo niado uidor tho direction of Mr Joseph Huok ley who promises tlio satuo as used at tho Empire thoatro Now York whore tho comedy played to an extended on gagomont for four months Mr Skin ner will bo scon in tho loading rolo sup ported by Miss Nanette Oomstock Seats on sale nt Leonard h DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Just opened 1 loin sweet dill and sour pickles Palace Meat Market Box can suit you on colToo H lour Willed Nlnn Goto Fritz Hoohno in ICoonigstcins drug store lie is tho host and cheapest watchmaker and jeweler in town All work warranted A RECORD BREAKER IIuMiifhk nt tlio lontolllio lor liiniuirT eerileil Unit of Any Month Post master Spreoher reports that the postofllco business during thu mouth of January was a record breaker receipts from tho sale of stamps onvelopes postal cards and box rents being in ox oosb of those of any other month since tho oillco wns established January wns in fact a roinarkablo business month in all respects It is usually expected that business in Janu ary will drop oil to almost nothing but this January was an exception to tho rule aud business in all lines hold up surprisingly and wns probably a record breaker as Januarys go in many lines Tho reuoipts at tho postofllco for tho month wero 112 II the next largest month was October I8IIS when tho total amount of business was 1 001 SO an excess in favor of January 1 100 of 01 00 This was exclusive of tho money order business In this department thoio wero 517 domestic and fnunntot national orders issued amounting to 20S 12 Tho fees on thosamo wero 2 1 Spec ial war tax collected Thero weio paid from tho office 201 domestic and threo foreign orders amounting to i twins Tho business in tho monoy order de partment was not a record breaker and is soparato and not counted with tho regular postofllco business Wo havo a quantity of egg size hard coal which wo wish to move at onco If you can uso any of this size coal phono No 52 Edwards Bradford Lumbor company Sturgoou is tho piano man Keul tSninto Trillin lorn The following transfers of real estate aro reported by Chester A Fuller mau agor of the Madison county abstract office at Norfolk Androw J Heath and wife to Mrs Nettio Adair wd lot 8 block TO northwest addition to Madison 100 00 Farm land and city property for salo by G It Soiler Wiirnervlllo II P Bird is on tho sick list Homer Tnnnohill is reported conva lescing aftor his recent illness Wm Kuudson has disposed of his stock of goods and started Friday for Geraldino Mo overland Louis Brown and wife came up from Watson Mo Thursday and aro guests at tho homo of Fred Terry Mrs Edwin Booth and children wont to Beatrice last week which placo thoy will mako thoir futuro homo Harry Becker started for Haukiuson North Dakota Saturday whero ho ex pects to farm tho comiug season Phono 45 calls up tho Palaco Moat Market Two good front rooms over tho Palaco of Sweets for ront and also a carpenter or paint shop Enquire at Palaco of Sweets n e u HARDY always keeps in stock nil tho best grades of 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L DO YOU SMOKE If so try tho Palace Cigar Stores Loading 5 cunt ikins - Capadura SaboroBa Broadleaf If in wnnt ii hotterciKiir o liuto tho liot 10 centum in tlio -it J L DANIEL Proprietor Fpr Plumbing Stem Fitting Puipt Tmks Wind Mills And all repair work in tlili line ca W H RISH Batltfaction Qaaruteod Kl Hrnr ontl rf Hull N Wmi I HAVE- Several Farms for Rent or for Sale on Crop Payments AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST I also want to buy a good farm or some good land MONEY TO LOAN on Good Farms A J DURLAND I X H C TRUMAN WALL PAPER Prom ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils Glass1 04 N 4ost Brushes Etc Etc Painting 1 Paper Hanging and Decorative Work nt Pair Price FEBRUARY 2 1900 25c 29c JUST CAME IN Fine Line of New Golf Caps 35c INSKEEPS MILLINERY 2 1COAL1 w I t Exclusive acnt lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all Bizea TELEPHONE 01 BABIES I 49c J X NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 O A LUIKAHT PitKWiiNT CHAB 8 HIUIXIE Vim InmiBNT Norfolk Nobr W H JOHNSON Cahiiikb V It IMIAABCII Ahht The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny anil noil nxclinimn on this country nml all piirtA of Kurooo Farm Lonna Directors Cam Ahmuh V II Joiinhon hah S Huibok C W Huaahcii O HWANK 1 A tiUIKAHT T K MKMMINOKB L SlHHIONB C W BRAASCH DEALER IN i FOR WHEATLING CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS Norfolk N A BAINHOLT President ALKXANDKli HKAIt Vice President W II IIUCIIOLZ Cashier E WZUTZ Assistant Cashier National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IK NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and SqIIh Exchange Interest Paid on Timo Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage HuBlnesa Transaoted PIBSOTOBS A BE 111 P P IUNLON F J IIALK W II BUCHOIZ WM ZDTX NA HAINBOLT JOHN II UAYS V VEBQEB BBCOTTON