The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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O S Hayes wns n paswiigor for Miner
nt noon
1 It MnuniiiK of Wnyno 1b n Norfolk
-visitor toilny
K 1 Ourrln was in town ycstordoy
from Albion
oo N Heels nindoii busineRH trip to
Foster today
Uus Lodus of KdKOWiitor Turk is on
tho nick lint
U V Wolvorton is u city visitor to
dny from Pierce
Ohns Crockett was visitor yesterday
from Hloomfleltl
H C lluss of Piorco was n Norfolk
visitor yesterday
1 0 Phillips of ieiiou was a elty
visitor yesterday
Miss Miibol Austin of lloskins was in
Norfolk yesterday-
W Tallmt of Kullorton had IiiihI
ness In Norfolk yesterday
Mayor 1 K Simpson niado n businohs
trip to Orchard yesterday
lotor Fltoh shipped in n ear of cattle
from SUm City this morning
it Is said that throo inches of snow on
lho lovol fell at Plorco yesterday
V 1 Donnor is under tho weathor
nt his homo on North First stroot
F V Thonias mid 1 13 Scobor was
in town from Wnyno yostordny
MIbs Thntoh of Madison was shopping
in tho Sugar City yostordny
Mr mill Mrs Kd Mnrpliy woro pas
sourer for tho oast yostordny
Judgo J H Barnos wns n piiBSongor
lor liiuuoln on tho noon train
B V Thomosof tho Fair storo forco
loft for Sioux City yostordny to visit his
Miss LouIbo Koy of Columbus is visit
ing hor slstor Mrs Goo II Spear at tho
llonory Sohniodo of L
C Mlttolstiult cmno In from Amos this
Claim Agent Mitchell of tho F F
M V rnilroiul wivs in town yostordny
from Oniiilm
Dr P II Snltor moilo n professional
-visit to Omaha ycfaterday mid will re
turn tonight
Qoo Dnvonport cmuo ovor from
Randolph today to nttond tho Fulton
Gibson wedding
Trnlnmon report that about six inches
of snow fell in tho vicinity of i Emerson
during tho recent storm
Mr nnd Mrs Ghus Wood and Mn
Woods Bister huvo gono to Do Smith
S D to visit relntivos and friends a
low wcoka
Mr and Mrs Newninu of Stnuton
woro visiting Mrs Nowmnns pnreuts
Mr nnd Mrs W A Moldouhnuor of
this city yostordny
Prank Owon wns tho victim of u
buckiug biko yostordny nnd tho ncci
dout resulted in sovornl sprains bruisos
and scratches about his porsou
Burks grand fnko commonly known
as tho Uuolo Toms Cabin Troop
wont to Ilnrtiugton this morning to
try for another gulliblo audience
Owon brothers departed yesterday for
Sidney this stnto whoro they go to look
ovor their work now in progress for tho
JJ M railroad near thnt plnco
P K Pulton nud Miss Winuio Gib
son will bo united in niarrinuo this
evening at tho homo of tho bridos mint
Miss Harriot Wood on South Piftli
Miss Onrrio Hughes of Sioux City
spent Suuduy with hor brothor W W
Ungues of this city She wns enter
tained nt tho homo of Mr and Mrs H
Jj Suydor
Miss Lillian Luikart has resigned hor
position as bookkeeper nt tho hospital
for insane on account of hor health
The vacancy will bo filled by Miss Ora
Cm m of Croighton
Tho social of tho Christian Eudoavor
society of the Congregational church
which was recently postpouod will bo
given iu tho church parlors Thursdny
evening of this wook
A gnuio tournament has been started
nt the Y M C L rooms which will un
doubtedly result In much amuseniont
Entry to tuo gnnio is free whilo the
wiunors will bo awarded prizes
Tho Womans club met yestorday
afternoon with Mrs II O Mntrnn on
South Pourtli stroot Mrs J O Aid
vice president presided owing to tho
abseuco of Mrs A J Durlniid presi
Yestorday was the birthday of tMrs
W A Moldonhaucr and lust ovouing
ehe was assisted by a lnrge number of
friends in celebrating tho event A
very happy time was eujoyed aud choice
refreshments wero sorved
The Norfolk friends of Kimball 15 mips
will bo plensed to lenrn thnt ho has been
chosen as editor-in-chief of tbo uuuuul
publication of tho Nebraska state uni
versity to bo issued this spring Tho
publication is issued iu book form
Eev J 0 S Weills tho new rector
of Triuity churoh expects tho balance
of his family to arrive this evening from
Sing Sing N Y The Ladies guild
contemplate giving a reception to the
pastor end his family on Thursdny
evening at the home of Dr and Mrs II
T Holdeu
A company of 15 traveling men with
n dray load of boggngo loft ono of tho
Norfolk hotels for tho oast yostordny
morning Norfolk has nlwnyn boon n
populnr town niunng trnvoling men as
a plnco to spend Sunday nnd this is an
ovldonco thnt Its populnrlty is nof
It is mild thnt Mr nud Mrs 1 O
Morey formerly of this city will tnko
elinrgo of tho Tumor hotel nt Plorco tho
tlrst of March Mr nnd Mrs Moroy
huvo mndo tho boarding houso nnd hotel
business a study for lnuuy years mid tho
rumor houso will undoubtedly prosper
under their mniiiigomont
Tho following stnndinu committees
have been appointed to look after tho
work of tho Young Mens Christian
Longuo lonernl Sunday topics V
W Hughes W 11 lliidgo and II L
Snyder niomborshlp Onn Leo 10 A
Aumrinoitnd Guy Alexander ontcrtaln
uiiiit W W Hughes Hay Hayes nnd
John It Barnes jr
Tho brand of weuthor which has
prevailed today is any thing but agree
able The strong wind bus sent clouds
of dust ckurring tilling before it nnd
driving tho lino partlclos Into overy
nook and orovicc much to tho distress
of tho tidy storekeeper nnd housewife
It lias boon strictly a March day in
everything but fact
W H Doxter has purchased tho In
torost of 0 13 Doughty In tho Norfolk
Acotylono company and tho company
now consists of Mr Doxtor nnd 13 M
Norton Tho firm lina flttod up a room
ovor tho Norfolk Stoum lauudry whoro
innehlnos will bo mnnufacturod and
fitted up in tho future Thoy oxpoct to
do a largo amount of buslnoss with tho
now lighting mothod during tho coining
Piorco pnpors report unwonted activity
in tho matter of sottlomout in Mills nud
Willow Crook products uoar that city
A Plorco llrm hns recently purohasod
a000 acroB In thnt locality nud P V
Lowls of this county has bought a KiO
noro farm New residents are said to bo
moving in onoh wook and houses aro
startlug up liko mushrooms Tho set
tlors aro going lit it right ami will make
stock raising mid feeding tho principal
Tho Palrbury Gnotto gives tho
following account of a mistake mndo by
a contompnrnry tho moral bolng that
tho cnloudar should bo consulted in
roforouoo to at least a fow questions
About six mouths ngo tho Nows editor
advortisod his pnpor until tho ond of tho
uluoteonth century for 25 couts Several
rushed up and subscribed nud insisted
thnt tholr rocolpts road us tho ndvortlso
mout until tho end of tho nineteenth
coutury and as a cousequonce thoy aro
still outitled to nuothor years subscrip
tion making iu al about a year nud a
half for a quartor Of courso thoy woro
nil ropubllcnus No ono but a republi
can would thus tnko ndvnutago of u
gulloloss HI to 1 editor
Tho alleged Undo Toms Cabin troop
that hold tho boards or tried to nt tho
Auditorium last night wns tho tlrst dis
nppoiutment that has been accorded an
nudiouco iu tho now building Tho en
tire performance was vory bntn ono of
tho actors boiug drunk a number of
thorn sticks and tho balanco doubled
to death Ono or two of thoso partici
pating tried to give tho audionce their
moneys worth but woro uuablo to do
so owing to lack of support and thoso
who attoudod wore heartily glad whou
tho show was ovor Tho mnnngemeut
was as much disgusted as the peoplo
and will horeaf tor oxorciso more care as
to tho quality of attractious engaged
This compauy was misrepresented to
thom and thoy woro under tho Impres
sion that it was n worthy ono nnd thoir
disnppolutmont wns keou Horcnfter if
tho maungemeut happens to be taken in
by a similar fuko it is probnple that the
curtain will bo rang down on tho first
act nnd the peoplo refunded their monoy
Lack of experionco was probably re
sponsible iu some degree for tho fako
presented last uight but tho managor
promises that its liko will not occur
again Uucle Toms Cabin Is in
spite of its ago a magnificent produc
tion and it is a shame to havo such
companies travel around and butcher it
An exchango is of tho sensible opinion
that if tho democrats would suggest
policies for tho conduct of tho govern
ment instead of making it thoir priv
ilogo to flud fault aud condemn every
policy adopted by tho republicans thoir
following would bo larger and havo
somothiug to point out as an accomplish
ment It is a well recognized fact that
it is much easier to find fault aud ask
perploxiug questions than it is to attain
results or provide suitable answers It
is apparently tho purpose of democratic
statesmen both high and low to tnckio
tho eny side of all propositions
The Ciirilltutl 1olntH
1 a fuvor of the Nickel Plato load nro
safe nud easy roadway lino trains
luxurious equipment aud fast time
These combined with a solid through
vestibuled shaping and diuiug car
service mnko tho Nickel Plnte road a
desirable rouo between OhlcnKO Ft
Wavue Olovelnud Erie Buffalo
York Boston nud all noints east
uaveling public nlready know that tho
rates via this road nro lower than other
Cure Ami Treatment OCT licSlck
Dr Humphreys Speciiio mnuuul ou
tho treatment and cure of the sick
muiled free ou request Adress Humph
reys Medicine Co New York
J Van Stanton of Plorco la in town
J Kborly of Stanton is in town todny
on business
Tncob Salts of Mendow Grovo was a
city visitor yesterday
H B McPhorson was a city visitor
yostordny from Sohuylcr
Geo M Snydor of Hooper visited in
tho Sugar City yesterday
0 lonson of Croighton wns iibuslness
visitor iu tho city yostordny
1 Dnwnll of Brunswick is transact
ing business iu Norfolk today
eo Davenport jr returned to his
duties at Randolph this morning
Peter DulTy is enjoying n visit from
Ills btothor 1 H Duffy of Clinton 111
Mrs S P Kierstcad of Tildon is
ylslting with Norfolk relntivos nnd
W 13 Powers editor of tho Piorco
Loader wns in tho city on business this
Lute Siintns returned from tho Block
Hills iu time to nttond tho
Tho now cottngo being built by D P
Sidlor on South Ninth stroot is rapdly
npproaohiug completion
O S Evans of tho Times Tribune
who hns boon on the siok list is now
reported considerably bottor
A company of colored mnsicinns nro
In tho city entertaining thoso who tnko
delight iu thoir kind of music
Tho Blaok Cut club has nu enrollment
of six members instead of five as stated
in Tin Nrws a fow days sinco
Herman Prlbbonow who hns been
assisting in Leonards drug storo for a
fow days will go to Omaha tomorrow
Herman Millor who has been work
ing at tho Amos sugar factory retnruod
homo yesterday and wont to Hndar
after his fntnlly
Miss Tlllio Hutcheson of Mndison
who wns visiting Miss Lois Grant
Childs returned homo this moniiug
accouipauiod by Miss Childs
Tho Amos sugar factory closed its
first campaign Sunday morning after a
run of about four woeks during which
time nbont 10000 tons of boots wero cut
Editor Pont of tho Stanton Itogistor is
out gunning after a couplo of bird dogs
that slow a Plymouth Rook cock iu his
back yard a preseut from a Howells
Tho Elkhorn onglneors are now under
going a thorough examination ou nir at
Missouri Yalloy One oacli day goes
ovor to bo tosted on different points by
an export
T O Vau Horn returned last evening
from South Omaha whore ho had been
with a car of shoop which brought tho
highost prico paid in thnt market
Morning lodge No 20 K P had a
largo attoudauco at their regular meet
ing last night and a very successful
mooting was held There was some
rank work dono during tho ovening
Tho cold wavo forensted by the
wenthor buronu yostordny evening is
hero and brought with it fouio snow
At times during last night tho wind blow
a perfect gnlo Tho zero wenther hns
noi yet returned howover
Stanton Register Mndison county
takos tho bakery whou it comes to doing
work at odd times Mr Glbbs who
lives noar uattio ureok was putting up
hay about tho middle of January and
his neighbor Mr Burner was plowing
Will Leonard who formerly hold tho
position of attendant nt the Norfolk hos
pital for tho insauo but who wont to
Dob Moinos Iown last fall to attond the
Highland Park Pharmaceutical school
Is expected hero in a few days to tnko a
position in tho Kiosau drug store
Times Tribune Tho coutrnl commit
tee of tho populist party held a meeting
at Battle Creek yostesdny They do
nidod to hold thoir convention nt Battle
Crook ou tho 5th day of March 1000
More than half tho committee wore
present Norfolk sending twenty five of
tho uunibor
Dr J J Williams of Wayno visited
at the homo of his sister Mrs 0 G
Dolon ovor night Ho was on his way
homo from Cornlea whoro ho went to
6ee the children of his brothor 13 R
Williams who aro sick with scarlet
fover Ono of tho children died recoutly
of tho disease
A traiuor with a couplo of tho Bo
atrico blood hounds got as far as Fre
mont Monday oil his way to Plaiuview
to trace tho robbers who relieved John
sons 6toro of 1000 worth of clothing
While nt Fremont ho recolvod word
thnt tho hounds would bo of no avail
owing to a fall of snow and accordingly
ho took them back homo
Knox Tipplo who hii3 for a number
of years until quite recently been tho
obliging host of tho Pacific hotel has
secured nu option on tho Boyd hotel nt
Wayno unil will probnbly become its
proprietor in n short time Mr Tipplo
is a thorough business man and well
understands the management of a hotel
The people of Wayno and thoso rassing
through may bo nssured of courteous
aud gentlemanly treatment should he
accept the proposition
A young man in starch of the w here
withal to assist in the chnriviriat tho
Pulton Gibson wedding last night was
wandoring about tho Pacific hotel whon
ho was suddonly swallowed up by tho
cess pool of that hostelry Ills lusty
orloa for nssistnuco woro hcnnl by tho
girls of tho hotel nnd ho was promptly
roloasod from his prodicamont Tho
contonts of tho coss pool woro up to his
chest nud it may well bo realized that
his situntion wns niiythlug but mirth
provoking to him A wng hns it thnt
ho enjoyed a shiver without tho o all
by his lonesome
Tho following from tho Stanton Reg
ister probably refers to Mr Korth but
as tho numo givon is about as synony
mous to a dealer in niouumonts as it
could well bo unless porhnps it were
Marble it is published without altera
tion Carl Quartz a tombstono donler
of Norfolk had an exciting runaway ou
Tuesdny afternoon Ho wns just enter
ing tho outskirts of this city whon tho
local freight loft Stnnton and tho toam
becomo scared aud started back to Nor
folk They broko tho polo when turning
nnd whilo it was dangerous riding Mr
Quartz kopt in tho buggy nud tried to
ninnngo tho team For ovor nmilo tho
team kept nhoad of tho train but after
awhilo ho got partial control of them
nnd as soon as tho train passed tho
troublo was ovor Tho toam was
badly cut up by tbo broken buggy polo
Mrs Jiib A McDonnld diod this
morning nt tho fnmily rcsldouco on
Philip nvonuo of tubcrculoisis In tho
2lth yonr of hor ago Mrs McDonald
hns boen a patient yot sovero sufferer
from tho dread disoaso sinco the 15th of
last Jnuo nnd everything possible hns
been dono by hor devoted husband to
fctay its ravages bnt without avail and
tho summons came this morning that
tho soul should bo roloasod from its
earthly tabernacle Mr and Mr
McDonnld were united in mnrringo at
Ponder tho home of thoir pnrents on
May -1 1808 and sinco thnt timo made
Norfolk thoir homo Mr McDonald being
Mr PattersonB chief assistant in con
ducting the electric light plant A little
girl 11 months old is left motherless
by tho death of Mrs McDonald The
remains will bo taken to tho old homo
in Pendor tomorrow morning by tho
husband for interment where funeral
Borvicos will bo hold
At tho homo of Miss Wood last ovon
iug Itov S F Sharpless pronouueed
tho words which united for life Mr
Fredrick K Pulton aud Miss Winnie
Gibson Tho ceremony wns in tho
proseuco of about 30 invited guests and
was followed by an elaborate suppor
Tho houso had beeu prepared for tho
occasion by being haudsomoly decorated
with cut flowers aud potted plants and
it was m all respects a very pretty
wedding Both these young peoplo aro
well known in Norfolk tho groom hav
ing boen a resident hero about 14 years
nnd is now an employe of tho postofiico
whilo tho brido has made her home with
her aunt Miss Wood during the past
threo years The couplo received many
valuablo preEouts last evening accom
panied by tho best wishes of friends of
whom they have many in the city For
tho present thoy will remain witli Miss
Wood but in tho spring thoy will go to
housekeeping by themselves The
News offors hearty congratulations to
the happy couplo
Sixty TliouHiinil Jnpunexo Who Had Not
Learned Hon- to llutlie
Miss Kato V Johnson of Madison
Ind who has lived in Japau for 13
years talks in an interesting way of tho
little peoplo of that country who live
without chairs bedsteads knives forks
spoons or soap of tho women who paint
their teeth blnck nnd shave their eye
brows to indicato loyalty to their hus
bands of tho enrpenters whomnko long
benntiful shavings by drawing thoir
planes towards thom and who place tho
back door at tho front of tho houso and
of thoir books iu which tho profaco is
placed at tho end of tho book and foot
notes at tho head of the pago
Miss Johuson first wout to Aklta a
city of 00000 persons and found it a
city without soap Naoyo Salto a
youug Jnpaueso girl who came to live
iu her house had never bad a soap bath
iu her life She kicked and screamed
when her first bath was given her and
said they were trying to kill her A
cake of Ivory soap was sent Naoye
Saitos father with instructions to use it
on his porsou Ho came back tho next
day and asked for another cake Baying
he hnd used it all up
Boforo Miss Johnson loft Japau last
summer fho took Naoyo Saito who had
beon with her for 10 years back to her
uativo province nnd left hor to enrn her
own living While still in Tokio a fow
days boforo sailing for America Miss
Johnson received a letter from Naoyo
iu which sho said I forgot one tiling
very necessary to our comfort in this
place Will you plenso go to tho grocery
store and buy mo a dozen cakes of Ivory
Boap and send it to mo at onco Sho
sent a monoy order to puy for It and
tho soap wns tout
A Peerleks Trio
Of solid through express traius daily
via the Nickel Plato road between
Chicago Ft Wayno Cleveland Erie
Buffalo No v York City Boston nud
intermediate points Service and equip
ment amoug tho best rates lower than
via othor Hues The shortest route be
tweeu Chicago and Buffalo Uniformed
colored porters attend tho wants of
passengers in day coaches
An Instance of What Nebraska
Soil Will Do
Cmuo to till Statu Klcjitecn Yearn ngo nnd
In Congratulating lllmselr Hory Day
Upon llln looit ItiilRiiinnt In Deciding
to Mukn tlin Move
From Hatnrclnyn Dully
At tho recont mooting of tho Nobrnska
Press association a resolution was
adopted that tho nowspapers belonging
to tho association should publish as
often as convenient sketches of thoso
who enmo to tho stnto in nu enrly tiny
giving tho amount they owned iu
worldly goods whon thoy nrrived nnd
how thoy havo prospered sinco with tho
idea of demonstrating to tho world that
Nebraska is a desirablo place for tho
immigrant not only to obtaiu a compo
touco but to becomo rich The News
boliovos this is ono of tho most practical
resolutions over adopted by tho press
association and in pursnauco thereof
will publish a sorios of sketches of early
sottlors Bhowing what thoy havo accom
plished sinco thoy camo to Nebraska
Tho subject of tho first skotch is Mr
Ira G WoBtorvelt who camo to this
stato eighteen years ago To go back of
that time it may bo Btatod that Mr
Wostorvelt was born December 28 18i2
at Westcrvill Franklin county Ohio
where his boyhood was spent with his
parents Forty yoars ago this month ho
was marriod and nt thnt timo he was
possessed of nothing but a strong do
termination to win in the battle with
tho world Eight years lntor ho re
moved with his small family to Kanka
kee county Illinois whoro ho remained
for 15 years When he left for Illinois
he was admonished by his father-in-law
not to go to a country where crops wero
eaten up by chintz bugs and where he
was suro to starve himself and family
Notwithstanding this discouraging
prospect he concluded to take the
chauces and went At tho end of 15
years in that stato he had accumulated
about 0000 which he brought with
him to Nebraska in 1882
Ho came to Norfolk and invested
3800 of his capital in 280 acres of land
a mile cast of town for by that time
this section had beeu settled long
enough so that there was no great
amount of desirable government land
loft Horo Mr Westervelt wont to
work nud by applying practical methods
to farming and handling stock he
rapidly gained in wealth From time
to timo he sold pieces of the land and
threo years ago all but 20 acres and tho
buildings had been disposed of from
whioh he had realized 18700 Then he
traded tho 20 acres and buildings for
8G0 acres near Tildon which is worth
today 7500 He now has four farms
in this county comprising 1192 acres
besides 280 acres in Pierce county
Each of tho farms is well equipped with
buildings implements and stock He
has 250 head of beof cattle on his vari
ous farms which aro about ready for
tho market
Nor do these items comprise all tho
possessions of Mr Westervelt who is
somewhat modest in making statements
concerning himself A fair estimate of
his wealth today would probably be any
where from 50000 to 75000 ThiB
has all been accumulated as the result
of farming and stock raising combined
with the natural increase in tho price
of farm lands Ho is an enthusiastic
believer iu Nebraska and congratulates
himself every day ovor the wisdom of his
judgment In comiug horo whou ho did
Iu comparing Nebraska to Ohio be says
the soil there is a thick heavy clay
unresponsive to the toil of tho farmer
whilo here one has only to sow to reap
The soil of Illinois is more liko that of
this stato but it is so wet that it is
difficult to keop a crop from being
drowned out Mr Westervelt has
raised a family of uluo children all of
whom aro now grown up and married
and both ho and his wife aro still enjoy
ing good health At present thoy live
in one of his town houses having
retired from activo labor and with noth
ing to do except to watch his various
possessions grow in value but ho says
44 It is an IU Wind
ThatBloivs Nobody Good
That small ache or pain or
weakness is the ill wind
that directs your attention to
the necessity of purifying
your blood by taking Hoods
Sarsaparilla Then your
whole body receives good
for the purified blood goes
tingling to every organ It
is the great remedy for all
ages and both sexes
Dyspepsia Complicated with
liver and kidney trouble I suffered for
years from dyspepsia with severe pains
Hoods Sarsaparilla made me strong and
hearty J B Emertcn Auburn Me
3c0ti SdUafMiffa
lloodi Pills cure liver UlsiMiv iiPiilrjrUalliiB mid
uulr rstlisrllf to uke with Ifuudi tJrtiarTlli
that doing nothing is about tho hardost
work ho over undertook
This is bnt ono Jnstauco of mnny in
this immediate neighborhood whoro
tho rich pioduotlvo soil of Nebraska
has brought nfllucnco to tho farmer It
Is truo that Mr Westorvolt had consid
erable cnpital to stnrt with whou ho
enmo horo but tho result hns boon a
wonderful demonstration of what may
bo accomplished by careful nttoution to
bii8inosi Ho did not farm ns somo do
olso ho would probably havo lost what
ho invested Ho did everything well
cnrofully culivnted his Holds had good
sheds for his cattlo and whon the im
plements of tho farm woro not in uso
thoy woro housed from tho y eathcr
Noithor businoss nor farming can bo
carried on successfully iu a slipshod
manner Every detail must bt carefully
nttonded to nnd thon success is certain
What Mr Wostorvelt lias dono is
being dono by othors ovory day nud tho
stato still contains ninay acres of soil
which will mako lino homes nnd return
rich rewards for tho labor put upon
The News will nttompt soon to print
a skotch of tho success of a man who
camo horo iu an oarlier day long before
thiB country had a railroad aud who
walked from Omaha to what was then
the present site of Norfolk without a
dollar in his pocket aud who is todny
ono of tho richest men in tho county
Tho facilities of tho Louisville
Nnshville railroad for haudliug touriste
nnd travelers destined for nil points in
Florida Oubn Porto Rico Central
Amoricn or for Nassau arounsurpassod
Doublo daily Hues of sleeping cars are
run from Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
aud St Louis through Jacksonville to
iuterior Florida points and to Miami
Tampa and Now Orleans the ports of
embarkation for tho countries men
tioned For folders etc write Geo B
Horner D P A St Louis Mo
SuninionH by Publication
Ollie M Foxworthy
George Foxworthy
To George Foxworthy uou resident
dofendant you aro hereby required to
take notice that on the Jth day of Feb
ruary 1000 the plaintiff filed her
tion in tho district court of Madison
county Nebraska against you setting
forth thnt you have been willfully absent
from hor for more than three yenr3 last
past without any fault or provocation on
her part Thnt being of sufficient ubil
ity to provide for support nnd niniutaiu
her you havo wantonly grossly and
cruelly refused and neglected bo to do
Sho praysjthnt sho may bo divorced from
you and be restored to her maiden unmo
of Ollio M Wndo and for general equit
able relief You aro required to answer
said petition on or before tho lth day of
March 1000
Dated February 0 llOO
Ollie M Foxworthy
By Barnes Tyler
Her Attorneys
Wanted Quiet respectable home
like place to room and board in private
family by traveling man and wife Feb
urary 1st Best of references Address
lock box 307 City with terms
Dr Humphreys
Specifics cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without eCciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
1 FcTcm Congestion Inflammations 85
i Wormi Worm Fovor Worm Colic 25
3 Teething Colic Crying Wakefulness 25
1 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Cough Colds lironchltl 25
8 Neuralgia Toothacho Faccacho 25
9 Headache Sick Ileadacbo Vertigo 25
10 I yipcpala Indigos tlonWcakStomach25
11 Huppreaaed or Painful Period 25
12 White Too Prof uso Periods 25
13 roup LaryngllU Hoarseness 25
1 1 Walt nhcumEryslpclasEruptlons 25
15 IWicumatlam Rheumatic Pains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fovor and Ague 25
19 iatarrh Influenza Cold In tho Head 25
20 Whooplng Cough 25
27 Kldney Illaenae 25
28 Ncrvoua Debility 100
30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bed 25
77 Crip nay Fover 25
Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free
Kola by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys Mod Co Cor William John 8t
Now York
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind dis
courages and lessens ambition beauty vigor
slies You may have a Nt
sample bottle by mail
ana cneenuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys If the child urin
ates too often if the
urine scalds the flesh or if when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage it is yet afflicted with
bed wetting depend upon it the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same great remedy
The mild and the Immediate effect of
Swamp Root Is soon realized It i3 sold
by druggists in fifty
cent and one dollar
tree also pampniet Homo of sauip iioot
ing all about It Including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured In writing Dr Kilmer
ic Co Blnchamton IJ Y he stir inH
mention this paper