a 19 if l V l t i t FRIDAY FACTS Mrs M Shousoy of Olarks Is in tho city Poto Barrett loft last ovoning on a trip wost M L Scott of Wnhoo was n city vis itor yostorday 0 S Htiyes tnndo a business trip to Pilgor this afternoon Judge BnrncB is homo from ii profes sional trip to Koarnoy W I Hight oxpocts to lenvo for Don vor on Monday for u mouths visit John R Hays returned last ovoning from a professional visit to Omaha Tho skating is said to bo lino and skating partios aro tho order of tho day Goo D ButtorfloldnndwifoofCroigh ton Bpout tho forenoon with relativos in tho city Suporiutondont RoynoldB of tho F E M V inado a business trip to Omaha yestorday Ohas Farr of Ohadron has oceoptod tho position of stenographer in tho law office of Mapos Hazon County Attorney Tylor haa rotnrned from Central City whoro ho was look ing after business interests Mrs Ezra Durland was obliged to roturn this morning to Omaha on ac count of tho serious illness of hor daughter Mrs Rutouber Mr and Mrs II G Corroll of Plain view who woro in tho city yostorday to attend tho fuuoral of Ezra T Durlaud returned homo this morning Rev G II Main who is now assisting in rovival meetings at Plainviow writes that ho expects to begin a series of meetings in tho church at this place next Sunday Will Iliyes of Salt Lake City who was hero several days visiting at tho homo of Col Hayes and J S McClary left yostorday for Fremont whero ho will inako a short visit beforo returning homo Bob Mullen picked up a purso on tho street Wednesday which contained 7500 A card inside had tho name of Mrs Dan Murphy to whom tho money was promptly returned and as a token of her thanks sho very generously re warded him with a five dollar bill Work on tho now Catholic church is progressing finely and if the woathor continues good a short time longerit will be finished beforo spring opens Tho roof timbers aro now being put in placo and the building will soon bo enclosed providing inclement weather does not interfere Tho ground hog if there is any in this country and if he came out today undoubtedly saw his shadow and it is hoped by many that this year tho old saying will hold good and that we will have six weeks of winter That amount of winter weather can easily bo endured as wo havent had that much during the entire season aud tho crop of ico will suffer unless tho hog does his duty thoroughly and conscientiously J W Gibson is establishing an en viable roputation as a breeder of fancy poultry He had an exhibit of 12 white Wyandotte fowls at Kansas City Mo during tho show of tho Kansas City Fanciers Poultry Pigeon and Pet Stock association which was held January 1 7th to 23nd and carried off some of tho best prizes offered in tho class represented by him Tho following were tho awards won by him On young pullets 1st and Sud premium first on cockrels first on cock third on hen nnd second premium in the American class sweep stakes Mr Gibson says there was an avorago of 8000 visitora a day in at tendance at tho show Tho Hadar items published in the Pierce Leader lost week contained tho following Hadar was suddonly stirred into activity Wednesday by tho appoarauco of a man aud two women at tho church which at presont is used for school purposes asking for Chester Hoclnnan Further inquiry on tho part of tho pastor developed tho fact that a kidnapping scheme was on hand This was promptly thwarted by tho pastor who demanded that they Bhow their au thority aud nono being shown tho pas tor went to the store and called for aid On his return ho found tho man with the boy in his possession at tho door ready to go out Mr Klugo confronted tho intruder and detained him until an officer was found and tho trio taken into custody and driven to Pierce by Arthur Conrad They were taken before the county judge and county attorney aud wore discharged on tho ground that tho boy was 11 years of ago and could ohooso his owugnurdiau Wuyno Domocrat Judgo Cones is quito a story teller and the other even ing while talking court matters said that when ho was younger iu tho law than now hu was counsel on a murder trial There aro a number of disquali fications for ii juror in a murder case and the judgo had carefully committed them to memory Whoa ho came to oxamino the jury he atked each iu turn if they wero in nuy way related to the defendant Whoa about half through with tho jury ho hoard a murmur of uncontrollable mirth among tho at torneys at his back but he wont right aloug with tho work iu hand When ho got to tho lost juror aud the latter had stated that he was iu no manner a blood connection of the prisoner the wholo court room becnino couvulsod with laughter It took tho judgo but a momont to dlscovor tho causo It was a jury of whlto moil ho was exam ining but tho prisouor at tho bar was a negro Tho judgo had simply boon ovor coalouB in his labors Plainviow Republican Did you ovor think or did you ovor go down to tho dopot whon thoro was n poultry car thoro and take a look through tho car aftor it waB loaded No Well wo did and found many things to iutorest us Wo first saw tho car aud pooping through tho iron gratings wo saw thousands of lions aud roosters Wo woro invited to step inside and upon opening tho door which led into tho coops propor wo saw chickens stored away in iron racks placod from tho lloor to tho top of tho car on both sides with a hallway between for tho attondant to food and water tho poultry Each ono of tho racks contained 150 clnckons aud tho wholo car was loaded with -1000 of lions roosters ducks and tnrkoys Thoro is a trough at ono oud of tho racks in which to water aud foed and tho man who goes along with tho car says it is no picnic to go to California with a car as it koops a man on tho go to soo that tho chickens aro proporly attonded to Thoro is usually a loss of 125 to 200 on a car load to California A oar of poultry moans an iuvostmont of 1000 CITY COUNCIL Triinmictlonn ut tlio HeKulitr Mooting Iiwt ICi ruing Tho regular mooting of tho city coun cil wns hold last ovoning whon thoro woro presont Mayor Simpson Council men Brummund Bucholz Degner Ileckmau Vielo aud Uhlo Absont Bullock nnd Dexter Minutes of January 1 wero road and approved Mr Goo II Bishop submitted a pro position to havo a four inch water main from Norfolk avenue to Prospect avenue on Eleventh street agreeing to connect fivo houses to tho line Mr Bishop also offered to loan tho city tho necessary funds at 5 per cent to put in the work Referred to tho committeo on public works On motion two hack licenses woro or- dored granted to D D Brunson for bal ance of this year and ono year in ad vance to April 80 HUM On motion a similar license on baggago wagon was granted to O A Richey from February 1 to April 80 1901 A favorable report on boilers at pump ing station from iusurauco company was read and placod on file Bond of II H Hoyt as special police was read and approved Report of police judgo for December 189 was reported back as correct Mr D Roes submitted a claim for rebato on water rental on account of mains freezing last winter by reason of having been uncovered in street grade Roferred to auditing committeo in con nection with other claims of similar nature Tho treasurers statement for January 1900 was read aud referred to nuditiug committeo Balances Gonoral fund Gi0i interest 282729 water SJ007 15 road 41988 sinking 210520 fire de partment 9S0 C3 Tho matter of repairs to city water pumps was referred to committee on public works to report at next meeting Tho following chaugo in tho commit tee on public works was made Brum mond was substituted iu placo of Bul lock Tho committeo as reorganized consists of Dexter chairman Bacholz and Brummond The matter of erecting a now hoso house in Third ward using the old bell towor in its construction was roferred to committo on firo and police A number of claims woro read and allowed of which no list has been fur nished for publication Dr Shopard of Omaha will bo at tho Paoific hotel Norfolk Friday aud Sat urday February 10 and 17 Tho doctor comes nt the request of his patients in this vicinity No charge for consulta tion Specialty catarrh and kindred diseases To Ho Prepared For war is tho surest way for this nation to maintain peace That is tho opinion of the wisest statesmen It is equally true that to bo prepared for spring is tho host way to avoid tho peculiar dangers of the season This is a lesson multitudes aro learning and at this time whon tho blood is Buro to bo loaded with impurities and to bo weak and sluggish the millions begin to take Hoods Sarsaparilla which purifies enriches and vitalizes tho blood oxpels all disease germs creates a good appetite gives strength aud energy aud puts tho whole system in a healthy condition preventing pneumonia fovors and other dangerous diseases whitm aro liable to attack a weakened system Tho Sioux City Tribune is a splendid newspaper aud is being constantly im proved The Tribuue has two wob perfecting presses and is in every respect a model modern live nowspaper The Tribuue not only receives tho Associated Press roports but it has a larger numbor of special correspondents than any other paper in its territory Tho Tribuuos market report can nl ways ha relied upon as being absolutely correct aud complete in every particular THE NORFOLK flEWS THURSDAY FKBRUAHY 8 fl00 SATURDAY SIFTINGS O R Ellor is down from Long Pino II E Gregory of Lincoln is visiting in tho city Mrs Murphy of Madisou was in Nor folk yestorday F J Halo was in Norfolk yostorday from Battle Crook Mrs Lowo of Stanton was a visitor in tho city yostorday Miss Hartley camo up from Madison to visit ovor Sunday Miss Anna Law is homo from Warnor villo to spoud Sunday Mr and Mrs llopo of Stanton woro city visitors yesterday Hormnu Sohwatko was a city visitor yostorday from Stanton Dr O A Molviui mado a professional visit to Piorco yostorday W II Johnsons condition of health is roportod much hotter Dr H T Holdon mado a professional trip to Wiusido yostorday Mary and Emil IIollus woro city vis itors yostorday from Piorco L O Mittelstndt Is sufforing witli a sovoro attack of rhonmatism W W Hughos of tho Y M O L was a Plerco visitor yostorday Mr and Mrs J G Troutman dopartod for Chicago on tho noon train Dowoy Rosoborough was in tho city from Tildou yostorday on business A son was born yostorday to Mr aud Mrs Goo Woatherholt of Hosklns A O Ohamborlain and wifo of Stan ton wero shopping in Norfolk yostorday W A Wigtou aud F Warrant havo roturuod from a business trip to Omaha Mr and Mrs Gilbort Durland ro tnrned yesterday to their homo in Plain viow G A Luiknrt camo homo last ovoning from a businoss visit to Omaha and Lincoln A mas querado ball is being nrranged for tho oveniug of tho I Ith St Valon tinos day Goo F Kudor and wifo of Hadar woro guest of tho Knights Templar last evening Al 1 Itillam drove down from Battlo Creok last night to ntteud tho party at Masonic hall Mesdamcs Will Elmore Geo Young nnd Dr S Persons wero in tho city from Stanton yestorday S T St John of Hastings is hero in tho interests of tho Tontiuo Beneficial insurance association Wm Sotzkorn who lives northwest of tho city lost six head of fiuo steers this week by black leg S W Green of Ewing a friend of H J Huston was in tho city last evening to attend tho K T ball and banquet Father Schooutgno visited Father Walsh of this city yesterday while ou routo from West Point to Constance whoro ho will tnko charge of tho Catho lic parish A feather pillow nnd chair on fire mado considerable smoko and something of a scare but did no considerable dam- ago at tho homo of G F McCormick on North Touth street last night Rev G H Main has rotnrned from Plainviow and will fill his pulpit as usual tomorrow morning and ovouing Special services will bo hold during tho week Dr Sisson prosiding older atsist ing Hon W E Reed and wifo of Madi sou nccompanied by Mrs Reeds sister Miss Aistrodo of Malvern Iowa who is visiting in Madison nttondod tho re ception and banquet of tho Knights Templar last evening Mr and Mrs J S Thomdack and Mr and Mrs S O Reese of Randolph visited Mr and Mrs A II Vielo of South Norfolk All returned to their homes today oxcopt Mrs Thomdack who will visit over Sunday Mr and Mrs Wm Gerocko of Stan ton attonded tho Knights Tomplar ban quet last ovoning Mr Gerocko was one of tho original Masons of Norfolk and no occasion of this kind would havo boon complete without him A new orchestra of fivo pioces has been organized with tho following in strumentation G Bonhart first violin Jos Pluhacek second violin G Heller clarionet W A Ahlman bass viol and G A Marqunrdt cornet Mr and Mrs Obed Rnasch living just north of tho brick yards wore sur prised last evening by a largo number of their friends the occasion being their first woddiug annivorsary Splondid refreshments wero served and tho guests enjoyed a ploasant time until an early hour this morning Spring is horo Tho hoys uro playing nubs aud at almost any timo and on nny vacant lot ono can hear such ex pressions ns knucklo down in the hole screw bony tight lagyolag vantnud siinilur expressions as unintelligible to ono not up to dato at tho gamo us Chiuoso Wanted Sovoral bright and honest persons toropreseut us as mauagors in this and clone counties Salary 900 a year and expenses Straight boua fido no more no less salary Position per manent Our references any bank in any town It is mainly office work con ducted at home References Enclosed self- nddrossed stamped envelope Tiik Dominion Cosuany Dept 8 Clucco MONDAY MENTION J M Davoy of Foitor was In tho city yostorday 0 E Daniolson camo In from Emer son this morning Ohas Whalon was a city visitor yea torday from Stanton Miss Wolfe of Battlo Crook was shop ping in the Sugar City Saturday Mr nnd Mrs A Woods f Madison woro Norfolk visitors Saturday W O Crnig and Misses Alien anil Maggie Jackson woio Sunday visitors in Norfolk Miss Nina Walker was homo from her school 12 miles south of tho oily over Sunday W B Might and Wm Clark dopiuted this morning for Denver Col to bo ab sent about a mouth During tho year 1891 thoro woro 11 19 cars of grain cnttlo and hogs Hhipped from Madison ovor tho Union PneUlu J D Sturgeon dopartod on tho noon train for Pratt Kansas to lto gone two or throe weeks on organ nnd piano busi noss Miss Dossa Lohnow who operates tho Wayno telophono exchange for tho No braska Tolophono company Bpont Suu day at hor homo in this city A company of young people woro skating on tho Elkhoru rivor yostorday and report tho Ico In very good condition for the sport PhysiciaiiB roport that considorablo sickness prevails iu Norfolk nt presont and thoy aro kept busy attouding to tho wants of patients W 11 Rish has tho contract to do tho plumbing on the fivo houses which uro to bo niovod into town from jueun City Placo by Geo II Bishop E II IScquii and family contemplate removing to California homo time soon provided thoy can inako a satisfactory disposition of their proporly T A Slmfor and John McDawoll two old residents of tho western part of Madison county havo sold their farms and will roniovo to Oregon J D Sturgoonhns added a lino of vehicles to his organ and piano businoss and has four samplo carriagos in his room in tho Koonigstoin block A L Wigton vico president of tho Royal Union Mutual Life insurance company ia expected in tho city tonight to look ovor tho opora houso situation Row W II Eaton of tho Baptist church wont to Battlo Crook today to dolivor his locturo That Boy uudor tho auBpiccs of tho Epworth League Rovival meetings will bo hold in tho M E church each night this wook Presiding Eldor Sisson assisting tho pastor Rov Sisson will proach this ovoning Last ovoning tho Y P S 0 E of tho Congrogrational church celebrated tho annivorsary of tho birth of tho socioty with special sorvicos W J Gow pre sided as loader W II Johnson is getting along ao woll that yestorday ho was up and dressed and if ho keeps on improvingho says that ho will leavo for Now Yorl to buy goods in a fow days Geo II Bishop of Now Haven Conn who has been hero looking aftor prop erty intorosts for soveral days departed this morning with his friend Mr Barnes for a trip to California C I1 Shaw camo homo Friday night with a broken anklo and will bo com pelled to tnko n vacation from his duties He slipped on tho ico and fell while running to catch n train at a town in Iowa Rov C D Goarhart pastor of tho Congregational church at Piorco has touderod his resignation to accept a call to Willow Lakes S D where ho con templates removing tho first of noxt month C H Johnsons store at Plainviow was entered by burglars Saturday night aud 1000 worth of clothing was takon Officers aro working on n cluo which they think will load to tho capture of tho thieves Skating on tho Northfork is tho best it has been for years and many are im proving tho opportunity of enjoying tho sport regardless of tho treacherous character of the rivor Tho annual casualty is anticipated by many Tho Methodists nt Noligh have dedi cated a greatly improvod church odifico tho work on which cost 2450 Presid ing Elder Gorst preached tho dedicntory sermon and was assisted by tho pastor Rov Romingor of Noligh nnd Rov Shick of Piorco The two daughters of Mr aud Mrs O F Shaw gave an interesting musical program at their homo last Saturday evening iu tho presence of a company of neighbors and friends superintended by their teacher Mrs Cora A Bools Among tho dead bodies of soldiers who died at Manila aud wore brought to San Francisco Friday and Saturday on tho transports Ohio and Indiana was that of Corporal Walter M Riloy and Sergeant Arthur II Vickors both of Madison who served with company F Tho Senior class of tho high school has definitely decided to publish another Milostouo this yonr Tho Milestono is the annual Souior class publication tho first issue being the product of tho class of 89 eleven years ago Sinco that time there have Impii a number of iinn MLS V ii Td tifzy i u r v utr l s jwM tTL - X T V X kT1 I -v 7 n MM K IVORY SOAP IASI I 5 In fifteen mimiles wilh only a cake of Ivory Soup and water you oan make a letter cleansing paste than yon can buy Ivory Soap Paste will take spots fiom clothing I ml will clean cirpets iujts IfM gloves slippers patent enamel msset leather anil canvas shoes leather belts painted wood work and furniture The special value of Ivory Soap in this fonn aiises from the fact that it can Iv used with a damp sponjje or cloth to cleanse many articles that cannot be washed because they will not stand the fiee applica tion of water WNrCIIONS lOt MAKINn -To mm filnt of liolllnrr witer ml I onr nnl nm liilf miner nnc iiiMtlrr nf Hie small slamkc of limy Sciipc ill Into sIiivIiiks hill live uiliiilii iiIIit the snii l HinrmiKlily illwiliiM Nmmvu liimi tln luiiti I mnl In niiriili iit ilMios nut tin It wilt knpili In in nlr tlilil class fir nnpviiiiiHi ifiiiiinv H pitiimrii J nMnif t n niNrtrmAti sod but I ho Milestones thai havo boon published havo proved extremely attrac tive and popular A eomploto lllo would be tin interesting index of tho history of tho school Tho Black Cat club met with Miss Anna Soyiuour Saturday night and elect od tho following ollicers Mao Durland president Nullio Morrow vico president Lnum Durland secre tary Edith Morrow treasurer Tlieio uro but fivo inoinbors of tho club J F Sproohor on his way down town yostorday afternoon discovered ti child about J years of ago on the Union Iacilic track between Norfolk and Madison avenues Tho littlo ono was crying and wanted mamma Mr Sproohor acted as its sponsor for about an hour whon its homo wits found to bo with tho Krcigor fomily on Braasch avouuo Tho family occupying ono of tho Bish op housoH noar tho sugar factory will vacato Woduosday and work of moving tho building to tho city will bo com menced as soon thoroaf tor as tho woathor pormits Throo of tho houhos will be located on lots just north of tho old Schwonk placo on Elovonth street aud tho other two will bo niovod onto tho fiiimo street on lots oast of Col Cottons rosidouco F M Hoyor has sold his photograph gallery to C P Minimal Mr 1 1 oyer re tains tho photo onlarging and art por tion of tho business and will probably remain horo sovoral months closing up that work Mr Michael has boon a resilient of Norfolk lor years and has devoted a largo portion of his time to tho photograph art his specialty having beon interior and oxtorior viows of busi ness houses and residences A real estate deal of considerable magnitude was concluded today through tho agency of Ransom Clements tho property transferred boing tho vacant lot on tho corner of Fourth and Main stroots and its new owner 1b Geo II Bishop of Now Haven Conn who purchased it from S P Mikesell of Pouca Considorntion jfSfiOO Mr Bishop is talking of building onjit this spring and if ho does so ho will put up a threo story business block Piorco Call Marshal Goll recoived a telophono this nftornoou from Sheriff Losoy to look out for two young mou wantod iu Madison county for stcaliug wheat who had vamoosed Rocoiving description and names Marshal Gofl started out to soo if anyono answered to same aud insido of fiftoou minutes lo cated thorn in Poters saloon playing pool Thoy woro immediately arrested and lodged in jail waiting tho arrival of tho sheriff who is oxpoctod from Madi son in tho morning Tho young follows gave tho names of Simpkius and Klutz For tho benefit of those bad boys who dont kuow that thoro is any protection for birds wo quote tho following chaptor XI of tho crimunl code of Nebraska It shall bo unlawful for any porsou in tho stato of Nebraska kuowingly or in tontiounlly to kill injure or harm ox copt upon the lauds owned by such person any robin lark thrush bluo king king bird sparrow wren jay swallow turtle dovo oriole woodpecker yellowhammer cuckoo yellow bird bobolink or other bird or birds of like nature that promote ngriculturo nnd horticulture by feeding ou noxious worms and insects or that nro attractive in appearance or cheerful in song Any persons violating nny of tho provisions of this section shall bo fined not less than throe nor mora than ton dollars for each bird killed injured or harmed It is anuonucod that Mr F Wiotzer manager of tho sugar factory at this placo will not rsumo his position horo for tho reason that ho has been assigned tho mnuugomeut of tho factory being 1 built hy Hid American Beel Sugar com puny at Rooky Ford Colorado This iiowh is received with genuine rogiot by tho many friends of both Mr and Mr Wiotorui this city Mrs Wititurwlio iH now in Grand Island writes that sho will leturii in the cotirso or the noxt two weeks to arrange for tho shipment of thoir hmihnholil goodH Who succeeds Mr Wiotzer as nwinagor of I ho Norfolk factory has not yet been announced Inllitt IUl List of loiters remaining uncalled for at tint poslofllco February f 1900 If not called for in todays will bo sent to tho dead letter office Mrs II II Bates Harry Brown Goo N I rancher Mrs L Dovoro Hon Dixon D A Grinvis O E Griffith Alico Knight Willis Martin F E Miller Agustus OGrady W II Robin son Christina Johusou W N Wino brenor Partios calling for any of tho abovo please say advertised P F SlttKUIIKIt P M Wanticd man or woman to travol for largo house salary 05 monthly and expenses with incroaso position permanent enclose self-addressed stamped onvolopo Manaukk liO Caxtou bldg Chicago Wantki Honest man or woman ot travol for largo house salary 05 monthly and expenses with incroaso position permanent encloso self-addressed stamped envelope Manaukr iOCaxton bldg Chicago lis Baby i TooThin I If so there must be some f trouble with its food Well f babies are plump only the J I sick are thin Are you sure I I the food is all right Chil 1 j dren cant help but grow I they must grow if their food i I nourishes them Perhaps a mistake was made in the I past and as a result the I 7 rtfc4ln Iff tiliilfitnAl If iUni I is so dont give the baby I I a lot or medicine just use j your every day common 5 sense and help nature a little and the way to do j I it is to add half a teaspoon- I J ful of j I SCOTTS I i 1 t EMULSION 1 I to the babys food three or f four times a day The gain J will begin the very first day j you give it It seems to J correct the digestion and gets the baby started rights again If the baby is nurs 1 ing but does not thrive then the mother should take the emulsion It will have a good effect both upon the mother and child Twenty five years proves this fact oc ini j 00 all druggists 5i nrr nnuve c v v i J