The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 08, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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Thcj4oitfolk JSietas
Kimtuoky ii rntUlotl tti n front pow
whon ltcomcH to polltiVni ovnUcmonl
Tho Fremont Trllmnn miyn Tioiiom
ocrnts will not unrooeil mnlriiiK tho
public bollovo Kviitnotcy troubiii 1h Tuy
lor nimlo
Tub Kivm will nrimmt it nlco oliromo
o tho jicrson who will Hint correctly
niiBWor thotimntioii Who Ih iruvimnr
It 1m cut ront ly roportiHi that thoy pin
poso to prism n lnw In Kentucky whioh
will mnko it illoKiil for man to carry
morn than ono nun
Cannot you notico a Hort of llatnosH or
halMirartodnnHH in tlio WorhMlwaldH
praiao of Mr Hryan hIiico tho hIIiik of
iiiKratitndo took olluct
Many nud HorlouM olmrKiA liavo boon
brought against Mark of Montana but
no ono has yet acouHod him of not pay
ing tho Montana logifdatorH all thoy woro
Sonator lottigrow Ih tho mar attrac
tion in cougroriH thin hohhIoii Tlio
rccortlH of litohfork Tillman nod Mood
to tho Uridlo Walto aro ooiuplotoly over
Tho mast or mind dlrooting tlio Hoor
onmpaigu in South Africa linn boon ac
credit ud to an Auioricau a loriiinu and
n Frenchman hut after all ia not tho
Boor dutolimau eutillod to tho credit
Tlio AV ay no Herald has decided to
ohargo for cards of thaiiks and resolu
tions nr any othor notioLH where thoso
intercBted receive rorompoiiHO thorofroin
Tho list of this clans ol publications is
increasing very rapidly
Tho outlook for Mr Hryan in Now
York is far fiom admiring Tho tlonio
crats who believe in tho Obicngo plat
form aro uhunoring for recognition and
Ir Hryan lias been trying to eonvinco
Tanunany that the Chicago platform is
ji back number
Senator Allen is talcing no part in tlio
Philippine debate Ho would not be
permitted by his colloaguos to go back
on tho rocoid in support of tho govern
ment made by him last winter and ho
would speedily bo unclassod as a consist
democrat hhould ho his
taiu that record
Tlio banks of Nobraska havo on do
posit Jr0r5771 fiO and this is all owned
by individuals according to lato otlloial
tiitoiuonts Figured ou tho basis of
population this moans that if tho money
was divided among tho inhabitants oach
man woman aud child would havo r0
in cash If this is calamity it would bo
interesting to know tho oxuot definition
of prosperity
W 1 Hry ans reporter Btatos in glow
ing tortus how the women in a Holyoko
Mass church crowdfd about him Sun
day Mr Hryan his established a ro
maikablo reputation as a ladies man
but it can hardly bo said that this as
sures his election to tho presidency
Tho ladies may be smnrt campaigners
but it cannot be said that thoir votes
amount to a tinkers doggone
Tho death of Win Goebol of Ken
tucky which occurred in his ioouih at
tho Capital hotol Ijouihvillo at i 11 Sat
urday ovening is niourued by overy
good citizen of tho United States who
hopes that tho assassin by whom the
fatal shot was tired last Tuesday may
meet with retribution swift and certain
Tho tinio is horo when a powerful civil
izing intlueuco should be felt in Ken
Tho story comes from Wisconsin but
n Filmland tanner who had boon hick
for a short time returned to his woik
recently and aftor being at work about
an hour his t kiu turned as black as a
uogros Uo tried to wasli tho color oil
but was n uable to do so aud at hist re
ports ho had not yot reguiued his origi
mil fair complexion Tlio story may bo
truo it may not be safo to call a person
a liar even at this distanee but in this
particular instance tho writer is iuolined
to drop tho hint that lie is like tlio man
from Missouri who had to bo shown
It is apparently a very delicato mattei
for tho poporrat io thunder makers to
produce anything that will recoivo uni
versal commendation and approval from
their follower In the democrat ie state
dfYirgiuiu the legislature rocontly 10
fused to pass a pro Hour resolution on
tho ground that wo are too closely lion ml
up with England commercially socially
and racially to take sides ugaiust her at
thisciisis They might havo added
that considering thn present standing of
tho belligerents such a movo would bo
woiso than foolish as the Boers aro
abundantly caring for their own in
terests regardless of resolutions
Ks Souator Potior of K msas makes
the caudid acknowledgment that the
brains of tho country are in tho repul li
can party Mr Poffer his so often
boon up against republican braius
during his term in the senate that his
statement may be taken as authorita
tive born of experience He is not
tho ouly populist who has lately been
forced to decide between democratic
deumgogism and republican business
methods Tho rx soimtor fin t her sayR
1 am not asking to bo taken into tho
republican party I simply waut to ho
takon as a citizen of tho United States
There is more joy in tho republican
party over ono popoorat who repontoth
than over tho nluty and niuo who know
on which sido their bread Ih buttered
All parties must recognlzo that Senator
Allen is a power in tho United States
senate and what is mora like a provi
dent father he always lookH after the
wolfaro of his own people In this fact
wo have hcrotoforo found cause for com
plaint when those ho was looking after
were all members of IiIh own law ollluo
in Madison but now that ho has applied
the same methods to Norfolk in tho in
troduction of a hill for a public building
in this city it does not seom at all a bad
trait Hy his recent action ho has
placed the citizens of Norfolk under ob
ligations to him and if ho miccoodfl in
getting tho measure through both houses
as ho now anticipates ho will havo
plnced liiniRolf in suoh n position with
our peoplo that nothing can dlstuib tho
hold that he will havo upon them
Nebraska is now one of tho best Btatos
in the Union but fow people outside of
tho commonwealth realizo tho liumonHO
chance for development yet open
When thoso havo reached tho t tngo of
development that has boon attained in
the states farther east Nebraska will
unquestionably occupy a front place in
tho rank of agrioultrual states of tho
country Tlio soil olimatio conditions
uud overy othor natural foaturo warrant
this belief Nebraska has suffered
considerably from what might bo termed
tho scandal gossip in tho east and tho
peoplo havo been induced to look upon
her us a muss of sand piles with
droutliB blizzards cyclones lawless
bands of Indians and cow boys and
oilier acconipaitinionts to render lifo
burdensome Her true standing is but
just being diseovored and witli this
knowledgo hor wealth will increase
her natural resources ho developed and
the population will grow Those who
aro onily in realizing tho stntos advan
tages aud improving them will bo the
ones benefited
Judging from his nctious and dobato
in tho halls of congress Sonator Petti
grow of South Dakota is constituted like
pooplo mot in ovoryday lifo who can
best and most easily bo defeated through
silonco Tho moro you arguo with aud
abuso Biioh individuals tho hotter thoy
like it Thoy know that whou thoy can
induce someone to talk buck at them
thoy aro attracting soino attention and if
thoir remarks cau induce anger and pas
sionato replies from thoir opponents thoy
aro highly pleased aud entertained No
man on tho floor of cougross this soBsion
has received moro attention from his
follow lucmbora and tho press of the
country than Pottigrow and ho un
doubtedly glories in tho renown ho has
attainod and tho moans through which
ho has attainod it Woro it possiblo to
ignoro his remarks and actions there is
no question but that ho would be u sadly
disappointed man and feel very lone
soino His long suit booms to bo to
angor the opposition and whilo thoy
can hardly bo blamed for retorting ho
would certainly fuel very much ugriovod
did thoy not do so
It is an old saying that like cures
like and a physician is often justified
in administering poison as an autidoto
for poison or to cure disease Thoso
facts might bo used with oHoot in the
inattor of disposing of tho trust problem
No trust is bo poworful that it can over
come or down an industry that has the
united support of tho pooplo unless per
chance it controls all Bources of raw
supply Mauy trusts havo boon com
pelled to suspend operations becauso of
opposition of suoh a character A co
operative institution is tho oxaot op
poMto of the trust whilo yot a form of
trust us tho word is commonly used
Tho trust popularly known as money
trust has a powerful autagouist in tho
labor trust composod of all onus of
labor uuious and sociotlos and whilo
one operates to a certain extent against
thu othor each is compelled to submit
iu a certain degreo to tho others vdic
tales This idea employed in other
lines could bo made a powerful factor
nil oue not easy to overcome A co
uerativo company for the manufacture
i nails sugar or uny other article con
trolled by tho trusts would prove a pow
erful otlact if rightly managed provid
ing it had tho united support of its pro
motors aud others opposed to trusts If
it woro possible to organize a trust of
produojrs it would bo the most inde
pendent uud powerf ul trust over dreamed
of aud could bo tho most oppressive
Tho patrons of tho paper mills could
effectually overcomo tho trust control
ling that output hy organizing au inde
pendent company Such a plan
would seom to be feasible and would
probably havo more etlect and brlug a
quicker result than auy law which might
bo passed What is good for tho goose
is good for tho guilder and what is
good for tho trusts might successfully
bo employed to combat their influence
ThbNkws looks for tho tinio to come
when the trust question will bo eirectu
ally settled in this way All trusts de
pend on the support of tho people for
their existence aud tho moment this
support is removed the trust would bo
compelled to suspeud operations
Damascus Commandcry No 20
K T Entertains
Kvmilhgit Ilonmires Conalat of DiturliiR
Curd mill Otlirtr Ilrniiirnii A Chulrn
Collation of VliindHorrd Kooin Trvd
My DnroriitiMl
Tlio reception and banquet given las4
evening at their asylum by Damascus
conimantlory No 0 Knights Templar
was boyond question tho society event
of tho season Tlio membership of this
order not only includes tho claHH of peo
ple who well know how to arrange for
and conduct a function of this character
but they aro woll equipped with nil
facilities uecossary aud whou tho in
vitations woro lBBtiod thoso who rocoived
them know full woll that a grand good
tinio was in prospect and all who could
promptly made arrangements to nttond
It was thoroforo no surprlso that whon
tho hour arrived tho commodious apart
ments of tho lodgo woro woll Qllod with
guoBts of whom many woro from neigh
boring towns
Tho rooms under control of tho order
wero artistically drapod about tho walls
with national colors and docorations of
greou horo and thoro Borvod to fittingly
enhance tho effect Tho lodgo room
proper and the largo banquet hall
with the numorous small rooms
adjoining composed tho Bulto used for
the occasion
Haoh guost was mot at tho door
by membors of tho rccoption com
mittoo who oxtented grooting and
tomlerod tho freedom of tho arrange
ments The lady guests wero presented
with handsome roses and the gontloiuon
received carnntious as favors
When tho guests had arrived tho
knights attired in thoir handsomo
uniforms repaired to tho lodgo room
where thoy woro called to order by
Tosoph AUbory ominont comiuaiidor
who in a fitting speech wolcomed tho
guestfl of tho evening
Thoso who enjoy tho dance then
repaired to the banquet hall which had
boon cleared for tho ocension and to the
inspiring strains of tho Italian orohostra
participated in tho pleasures provided
by tho program which consisted of 11
SftThoso who did not dunco amused
thomsolvoB by social conversation and
card tablos woro arrangod for tho en
tertainment of all who desired that
Tho banquet was in tho meantime
spread in tho lodgo room and shortly
aftor 10 oclook all wero summond to
partako of a choice array of refresh
ments whioh had beon partially prepared
in tho handy littlo kitchou adjoining
Thoohoico viands of tho soason wero
served iu nbundauco and tho banquot
was a liiagiuficont success
Tho supper disposed of dancing and
othor pleasures wore resumed and con
tinued until lato
Tho entire atlair was woll planned
and ably conducted and if thoro wero
thoso presont who failed to enjoy them
selves it was cortaiuly not tho fault of
tho hosts
ltllll IHIMO TrilllHlllH
Tho following transfors of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fullor man-
agor of tho Madison county abstract
ofllco at Norfolk
Philip Haucli mid wife to Louis
C Davis wd lots S 0 and 7
block 8 Hiuchs nddition to
Madison 17i 00
Pioueor Town Sito Co to Peter
titling wd part of out lot r
It It addition to Newman
Grove 17r 00
Pioneer Town Sito Co to Peter
titling wd part of out lot 5
H R addition to Newman
Grove 7i 00
Gorman Evangelical Lutheran
St Tohannis congregation by
its trustees to Anna 13 Miller
part of block 11 Pioneer Town
Site Cos Jud addition to
Hattlo Creek 7r 00
Cora 13 Harvey aud husbaud to
Peter titling wd part of out
lot 5 H It addition to New
man Grovo UK 00
Georgo K WycotV aud wife to
F A Long wd 1104 1 1 2M fi000 00
Thomas M Oliu and wife to
Kvangolish Luthorischo Em
manuel tioinoindo wd a parcel
of land iiinwj otswji lit SI
1 100 00
Aunio Hrubaker and husband to
Catherine L Herrington wd
wl of so of lot 5 and o1 of
fK Of lot i block 10 111111603
suburban lots to Norfolk illl 00
Josoph Martin and wifo to Lil
lian D Garver wd uorj
1500 00
M C Hazcu administrator of
tho estate of Jane LaFurge
deceased to Dauiel F Sidler
administrators deed lot III
block 7 Koonigsteius Third
additiou to Norfolk 120 li
H 13 Wood and wifo to Chas
II Hosouberger and Thomas
D Roseuberger wd swj -
3 3 jjoo 00
L A Clayton and husband to
Fred Hrochler wd uw
f100 00
Walter O Real and wifo to
maiiPSutloy wdflofl 2Jfi000 00
Andrew Lnndquist and wifo to
Wilholmitia Ilartmaim wd lot
I block 8 Verges suburban
lots to Norfolk 500 00
John Oullon to John M Cook
wd wUj of nwj 10-23-1 1500 00
Moxlciin Hlfliil 1omIii h Would Illu tho
Manila Iroilucl Mtiut Out
WAsiiiNtiTON D 0 Fob ih Special
correspondence Ono question whioh
Interests Nebraska farmers as much as
any other is tlio prico of bindor twine
and tho writer has mado a thorough in
vestigation of tho Manila uotnpgcontro
vewy in ordor to throw soino light on
tho matter of pricoH Tho records bIiow
that up to tho Hist of last August tho
shipments from tho Philippines for tho
preceding 13 mouths had boon almost as
largo as ubuuI but that after that tinio
Aguinuldo mndo an olTort to stop all tho
hemp nommorco from tho ports so that
during tho succeeding four mouths
thoro was a ooiiBidorablo falling oh In
tho moantlmo tho dealers had raised tho
prices When tho war department is
sued directions to Otis to uso all hasto
in opeuing tho homp ports a uumhor
of dealers protested notably atnoug
thorn being a Chicago firm which does a
groat deal of buslnoBS in Nobrosku
Howovor the department went right
ahead and got tho commerce of the
ports started up again us quick as possi
blo In tho meantime it is learnod that
85 per cout of tho binding twiuo used by
tho farmers is mado from sisal grown in
Mexico and it is tho doalors iu this ar
ticle who havo succeeded iu booming
prices on a protauso of a shortugo of libra
from Manila Tlio officials horo havo
taken up tho matter in tho past fow
months to boo if ronowod shipuiouts
from Manila will not drivo tho prices
bicktoa roasonablo figure As tho
matter stands it is quito possiblo that
somo of thoso who havo oncouragod tho
insurgents to koop up tho warfare nro
largely interested in tho Mexican sisnl
For somo time Senator Allen has boon
anxious to score a point against tho ad
ministration on the Hoor question and
tho culmination was a resolution asking
if tho ropresontativo of tho Boor repub
lic had not boon refnsod recognition
hero Tho answer camo back that no
porson from tho Boor republic had over
bo8ii sent here and that in official cir
cles no such republic is known It
seems that England is enjoying a sort of
protectorate iu Africa on tho same plan
as Bryans Philippine idea and with
about tho same troublcsomeresults ob
his idea would bring
Dave Mercor has juBt been selected as
tho congressional committeeman from
Nebraska Ho has hold tho position
Bovoral terms
Congressman Burkott has learnod
that one of his constituents at Liucoln
was aftor his position Being asked
about it Bnrkett said his dutios here
aud the interests of his district prevented
him from bothoring with homo politics
tie boinvoa a republican congressman
ought to fco right on doing his duty al
lowing tho peoplo at homo to decide as
to his fitness for re election Tho Bur
kott idea is ono that no populist office
holder would think of adopting II
A very interesting event in tho theat
rical season will bo tho coming engage
ment of Otis Skinner in Tho Liars
Tho comedy is by Honry Arthur Tones
aud has made an unqualified hit for Mr
Skinner whonovor ho has presented it
this season Thoro aro fow actors as
finished iu their work or as painstaking
as Otis SkiMior He liis worked a long
time to attain tho position ho now holds
and it is cortaiuly a most euviablo ono
At tho Auditorium Monday ovoniug
Tlio World Herald casts its natural
modesty aside long ouongh to advise
Rev Sholdon in his endeavors to con
duct a christian daily to uso that paper
for a model Row Sheldon could
scarcely havo his motives more out
raged wero ho advised to pattern after
the Polico Gazetto It would require
tho imagination of a Munchausen or
Jules Veruo to picture Christ editing tho
World Horald
Mr Bryan i3 much too busy with his
own battle iu tho enemys country to
nfier his sorvices to either Aguiualdo or
Oom Paul
Ieul Notice
Kaufman and
wite of J L Kaufmau first name 1111
known non resident defendants will
take notico that on the SHhdiry of Jou
uury PlOO plaintiff herein filed its pe
tition in the district court of Muliton
couuty Nebraska against said defend
ants the object and prayer of whioh are
to have declared null and void a certaiu
deed given by ono Adolph Kochiunu
and Sarah Koehmau his wife to the
defendant J L Kaufman dated March
2 1890 aud recorded in the otlieo of the
clerk of said couuty March 5 lbHi iu
book 21 page JII5 of deeds for the fol
lowing described leal estate to wit Tho
north one fourth of lots ono lnnd two
t2in block eleven 1 1 of Haases suburb
an lots to tho town of Norfolk in Madison
county Nebraska except tho west fifty
50 feet of same and further oxcept a
btrip ten 1 10 fet wide on the touth
sdo of said promises said prouiios be
iug S3 by 18i feet and to quiet aud con
firm plaintiffs titlo thereto
You are required to answor said peti
tion ou or before tho 12th day of March
Dated January 10 1000
SlITZ Lanpauku Aj Comi xv
Ily Manes Hazeu Plaintiff
Their Attorneys
A blindness comes to mc now and then I have it
now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it
Ripans Tabula
T ANTm - A caio of biifl health that will not benefit They banish pain i and prolong Ufa
V One Rl i r llef Note tlio word KII AN Bon the packngo and accept noiubntltut Kl
IU for Scouts or tmlvp imckMnfor 9 conn may behndnt any drus stora Ten samples and pne thou
sand testimonial will bu luullod to any addrws for 5 cants forwarded to tha IUpans Cbamlaal Co Hat
W Buruceat Now York
SjdSOOR 3850
lrJSft WONDER Jgfflff
mm MmfMl
mm Mm0Mtm
I jMkSI IHJlWriT i i f i n
IBBii tRHl
WJ mil
Illinois Central R R
Tho Illinois Contra desires tn cnll attention
to tho unexcelled ton ire tlmt it ollereil liy Ita
lines to tlio feouth fur tlio fcouuou ii lbVJ 1500
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
IorHHinlly conduct
ed liuiih thronh to
103 AiiKelea mid Snu
Krnncihco t in Now
Orleans in connection
EVERY with tlioSoutlieni Ill
linnMiMf on tho Cniilnils fni t
MORNING Now Orlnnna Spo
rial connection iiImi mado l thin train with
dail trains out of Now Orleans for tho 1acillc
CoiihI Thu Limited from Chicago oorj even
ink connects ou Mondajs and Tlinrt daNS at
Now Orloaiit aftor Docoinlier IK lsyo with tlio
of thn Southern Pacific KiviiiK special through
sonieo to Stu 1ianclsco
Douhlo daily Berv
ico in maintained out
of ht louls ia tlio
lllienirt Central and
ronneclint liuob lo
OT I O II I O SahlnilleCliattanoo
O I L U U I O Atlanta thro
bloniiliiK car to Jack
OiniMo Florida IicIiik carried ou tho
lenim St Iouio M0 otoniiiir Thif train at
woll ut tlio Day KzprobH leain tit loulb in
tho nioriiluK ri txt It Milid trainc to Niibhtillo
liatiiu tluouKli coacher and IodiIhk earn run-
iiliiu iTiroiiKli iliirtin Tonn and tho N A ht
1 liy I oiiliociiou in nub lino ior mi
ptl ilnl 111 uio nouuioibihiicii u i oariei ioii
Wilmington IMii uud Savannah and for nil
ixiinto iu Florida
Diil from ChiciiKo to Memiihm and Now Or
HOMisirKiitS rAClltSIONS to certain
poinU Ul tho Soi th ou tlio line of the Illinois
Vntiil uud Y A M V railioadt will bo run ou
tho ilrbt and third TiiomIu of oach month dur
inu tho winter beason
Full iitrticulnrti concorninK all of tho uhoto
can Ixi liud of nKonUof thu IlliuoU Cent nil or
hj nd IresiiiK A II HuiibOti U I1 A ChiciiKo
arc the long time users of
Smith Premiers The mere
hard work turned out the
mere apparent is Smith
Premier durability Repair
bills r duccd to a minimum
Smith Fremier capacity for
good work all tne tinu ii
Catalogue Free
Afk tor it
Smith Premier
Typewriter Co
ONK 1011 Ul
anj o will FTHA
ij faun
by freight C O 1 itubjcvt to vxutnlnutlun
pcrUctly satlArnctory exactly ne represented
An Extra Fine Hich Grade Saddle
nndtlie equal of sadtllt sold overvwhore nt from
i3o to ikioo nun onioc sa en
uy thorrciKiituKent uuii iiiuu vuJU
r the islUOdvmiilt or UTtt and ijiibc
This Saddle Is made on a l5or
16 inch Genuine Ladesma or
rjcloon Heavy oteel Fork
cmikpuiiy 6LiKm uawiiiiu cokili
TlilAU bound or roll entitle uteel leatlicrcocrcilMlrrni3
or J lnch oxbow brats bound usdcalrid lill ccd lnuol
eantle uolrti otht rwLc on1nrr0
lined 3 lncliuldolacuntirmp Isatbers l lieli tlohtnpi
extra loni on nenr sido lmli to Imcklu on oirIJu hcriy
eotton twisted Moricnn fi lnrli Jrit clncb heavy cutton
heltfni llankrlnrb contcctlr at i Loon teat teat and
jockey all one piece
as Illustrated A elclit nl huddle iimiit HT nounUi
packed for shipment 43 pjiindj i 11111111 li OXLV AUUIT
100 KH KUll SUllllllrH
CATALOGUE showing n lull lino ol Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest prices ever quoted Address
IStsr Ilotbuck si Co sre tliorouglilj rrUslilc Editor
vaa aui
it nil bend to tit
vHiK X
our It tin lit iud nrtuht nte nnmkrar
luf ht arvtaJ hoi j at brrakt tLra of r
ft coder rott cloe Dp uxnttr arou unj
wo w HI cord j ou tliltf emi t by oxpi r
411 U fculijt ft to cumLuitloD Kx
amine njid tr It on at our nearest
fxpre solllcc and If found eiartlr
at rrrfiiralrd and tbt iniit wonderful
talu jou ttr iftw ur heard nT and
equal Iu any coat ju run bvj fur
niAL Or Hilt IKItK S275 aud
eirrerw charged
lllh 3IA1KITkh ih latest 1900
Id fnpy fit link muda tram hraiy
lerprouf an color gruulne Uaililotrt
ibt full Icnath double breASled
rcrchitfi liar fancy plaid lining
trnroor pcwptiipanifl nuitauie lor
li lUln r Ditrroit and fuaraoleed
11 1 AT UIIK rer offered by us ur
ointr noiiHf ror rreeirom Dimple
McnM MacklntoHhos up to tSw
1 Mado U MamreNulUAfid Over
HtBQt frnm CO totlUOO urltu for
1 ItlK SMIIKllOltK Su IHIKir1rlr
8ant Uoebucu L Cu are tboruunbli relULle kdltr
CLOTH CAPE to Sou byeiins
w iieiiujcv vu t xniniuaiion
Vou car examine and try It on
w juu utuiiBi vxiiress Ol
ail out and eend to ui ntuto
our weight ftod hclgul alf o num
ler of Incliu around tadr it lini
and nrrk and we will tend thla
lice and it found ptrfrnlr
tlrtlorj riatllr nr
rrM uiru ana Ibt toMf
woDdrrfol valae joa
ner mw Ward of
ly the eipreiw
Ktnt our aixilul
aoil nrt caartta
hiprvas clmru ea
will incragu iu to
tins for each
louo mllei THIS
from an eiira oat aad
lira all pool black or blut
Ul llultnl llau
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Bend for prico lUt to
North Bend Nurseries
North Deed Dilge County Neh