The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 08, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Vv- A
other young lady her sister who must nUo be
Buppnou wmi a wlilto dross tho material of
which however had hotter bo of crape
All these things must bo horo by Wodnosday
evening my own best dross included On But
urdoy ovening you may look for my return I
Mhall bring tho latter young lady with mo so
your present loneliness will bo made up to you
by nn ugreoablo guest Faithfully yours
Tho second letter was a longer and
moro important ono It was directed to
tho president of tho company which had
proposed to send Mr Ostrander to South
America In it I related enough of tho
circumstances which had kopt Mr
Ostrander in X to interest him in tho
young couplo personally and then I
told him that if ho would forgive Mr
Ostrander this delay and allow him to
bail with his young brido by tho next
steamer I myself would undertake to
advanco whatever sums might havo
baeu endangered by this delay
I did not know then that Mr Gryco
had already made this matter good with
this samo gentleman
Tho next morning wo all tool a walk
in tho lauo I say nothing about tho
night If I did not chooso to sleop or if
I had auy causo not to feol quito as ole
vatcd as tho young peoplo about mo
thero is surely no reason why I should
dwell upon it with you or oven apolo
gize for u weakness that is I hope but
tho exception setting off my customary
Now a walk iu this lano was an
ovent To fed at liberty to stroll among
its shadowB without fear to know thut
tho danger had been so located that wo
all felt freo to iulialu tho autumn air
and to enjoy tho beauties of tho placo
without a- thought of lurking troublo in
its sweetest nooks and most attractive
coverts gavo to this short half hour a
distinctive delight aptly expressed by
Loreen when sho said
I nover know tho placo was so beau
tiful Why I think I can bo happy
hem now At which Lucotta grow
pensivo till I roused her by baying
So much for a constitutional girls
Now wo must to work This house as
vou beo it now has to bo ureuared for a
- jrv
was a confession for mo to make with
out which I could not faco Mr Gryco
with all that unwavering composure
which our peculiar relations beenied to
Tho explanations camo firt They
wero volunteered by Mr Gryco whom
I met in tho course of tho morning at
Mother Junes cottage Sho had been
perfectly happy all night sleeping with
tho coin in her hand and waking to
again devour it with her greedy but
loving eyes As wo wcro looking at her
and Mr Gryco directing with his hand
tho movements of tho men who had
como to smooth down her garden and
mako it preseutablo again tho detective
I supposo you havo been wondering
how this old woman came to havo thoso
mementos of tho crimes which took
placo up thero Woll wo havo figured
it out thus Tho trinket from tho ped
dlers pack sho probably stolo from that
pack beforo it was found by tho villagers
and given up to tho proper authorities
Tho other tho ring has a different his
tory and tho finding of it in Mother
Junos possession can only bo explained
by a series of causes so bizarre that
thoy must over rank as among tho most
remarkablo that havo ever adorned tho
annals of bur polico register Should I
givo it out as a puzzle you could nover
answer it How could a ring which was
on tho finger of Mr fivo minutes
beforo ho vanished from tho light of tho
sun forever pass from tho mouth of
thut old well into Mother Janes hand
a half milo away without compromis
ing Mr Trohm in tho oyes of mortal
man or oven Mother Jano who was as
innocent of wrong in this as wo aro
You cannot toll You might quoto Scrip
turo and say A bird of tho air carried
it But Miss Butterworth you would
nover beliovo tho truth of your owu
words and yet that was tho very way
it was done a bird of tho air carried
it In thoso days it is threo months
ago now Mother Jano kopt two tamo
pigeons Thoy slept on hor houso top
thoy ato from her hand and thoy flew
sometimes us far away as Mr Trolnns
garden Ono day n young man equipped
for traveling paused for a glass of wa
ter at tho famous woll thero whilo
theso pigeons wero picking up corn
which Mr Trohm hud scattered for
thorn for his tastes aro confined to tho
cultivation of fruits and flowers but
extend to dumb animals to whom ho
is uniformly kind Tho young man wore
a ring and boing nervous was fiddling
with it as ho talked to tho pleasant old
gentleman who was lowering tho bucket
for him As ho fiddled with it tho
earth fell from under him and as tho
daylight vanished abovo him tho ring
flow out of his up thrown hand and lay
tho only token of his now blottod out
oxistenco upon tho emerald sward ho
had but a moment before pressed with
his unsuspicious feet Itburnod this
ruby burned liko a drop of blood in
tho grass when thut domon camo again
to his senses and boing a telltale evi
dence of crimo to him who had allowed
nothing to over speak against him of
thebo matters ho stared at it as at a
deadly thing directed against himself
and to ho got rid of at onco and by
means which by no possibility could
recoil back upon himself as its author
Tho pigeons stalking near offered to
his abnormally acute understanding tho
only solution which would leave him
absolutely devoid of fear Ho might
havo bwuug open tho lid of tho woll
onco luoro uud flung it after its owuer
but this meant an aftermath of expe
rience from which oven ho shrunk who
nrnvir FDimnF r v v
Airmorc c -me Leavenworth cat
DtHtND acvtb pooe Mrun next ccoa
Tho cnuno of LucotUis joy wns soon
oxpliiincri Mr Ostniiulcr hiul not full
mi si victim to Mr Trolnns iiuuiin but
wis in X tilivo iiud well Tlmt Mr
Gryco know thin t tho timo of Hhowing
hor tho tolMjrnm wis apparent to niu
mid probiibly oiisjieotud by hor but no
words wcro ovor oxclitingud on tho sub
ject pobsibly because sho was soon
niado too luijipyMy her lovers oxpluna
tion to regret anything which had led
up to this satisfying hour
Ho so it scums had found it impos
sible to luuvo Lucotta Upon issuing
from Lost Mans lane ho had met Mr
Gryco and learned enough from him of
tho doubtful position in which tho
Kuollys stood to mnko his stay seem
imporativo oven at tho risk of losing
tho position upon which all tho hopes
of his futuro advancement deponded
Ho had theroforo staid but quietly
and to a degree in hiding placo having
boon fouud for him by Air Gryco in a
remoto cottago whoro his presence- at
tracted 110 attention and awoko 110 com
ment That Mr Gryco had any ulteri
or motive- in this regarding him as a
possiblo witness whoso testimony mighi
bo of valuo I will not oven suggost
Mr Gryco noror neglects it but Mr
Air Gryco understands his business and
Gryco has a heart too and that heart
has a way of working ovcu amid his
most urgent affairs in a manner to bring
light out of darkness as woll for tho
happinoss of thoso concerned as for tho
elucidation of tho mystery ho has un
dertaken to clear
Tho hour wo all spent together lato
that night in tho old house was unliko
any hour which that placo has seen for
years Mr Ostrander Lucctta Loreen
William Mr Gryco and myself all
wcro there and as an especial graco
Saracen was allowed to enter that thero
might not bo a cloud upon a single face
thero assembled Though it is a small
matter 1 will add that this dog per
sisted in lying down by my side not
yielding even to tho wiles of his master
whoso aimiKomeut over this fact kept
him good natured to tho last ndiou
Thero wcro too few candles in tho
houso to mako it bright but Lucottas
unearthly beauty tho peaco in Loreeus
Bof t oyes mado lis forgot tho sombernesa
of our surroundings and tho meagernos a
of tho entertainment Hannah attempted
to offor us Ifc was tho promiso of com
ing joy and when our two guests du
parted I bado good night to tho girls
in that grim upper hall it was with
feelings which found their best expres
sion in tho two lottors I hastened to
write as soon as I gained tho refugo of
my own apartment I will admit you
sufficiently into my coulidenco to lot
you read thoso letters Tho first of them
read thus
Deau Omve To mnko others hnppy is thn
best wny to forgot ourelvos A suddun wed
ding is to tdlso plncu in this liouo Order at
onco for 1110 from tho shops you know mo to
bo in tho hnblt of patronizing u wedding gown
of dainty whito titffotn ri did tills nottojo
cnll too painfully to hcrhelf tho wedding dress
I helped hor buy and which was as you may
rcmonibor of cream white satin with chiffon
trimmings and a wedding yoII of tulle Add
to this ii drchs Miltnlilo for ocean travel and a
half dozen costumes adapted to a southern cli
mate Lot everything bo suitablo for a delicate
but spirited girl who hos been trouble but
who is going to bo happy now if n little atten
tion and money can mn Ice her bo Do not spare
expense yet Bliow no extravagance for bhe is
a Bliy bird easily frightened Tho mranuro
inonts you will And lnclood also thoso of an
wedding William your business will
bo to boo hat these grounds are put iu
as good order as can bo done in three
days 1 will bear the expense and Lo
But William had a word to say for
Miss Butterworth said ho youro
a right good hort of woman as Saracen
has found out and wo too in thoso last
few plaguy days of our troublo here
But Im not such a bad lot either and
if I do like my own way which may
not bo other peoplos way and if I am
soinotimes short with tho girls for somo
of thoir d d nonsense I havo a little
decency about me too and I say I will
ilx thoso grounds and out of my own
nionoy too Now that niuo tonths of our
inconio does not havo to go abroad well
havo chink enough to lot us go respect
able ouco more in a placo whoro ono
liorso if bos good enough will givo a
fellow n standing and mako him tho
envy of oven thoho who for somo other
pesky reasons may think thenibolvcs
called upon to hoot him I dont bo
grudgo tho old placo a fow dollars es
pecially as I mean to live and dio in it
bo look out you tlireo women folks and
work lively as you can on tho iusido of
tho old rookory or tho slickucss of the
outside will put you to open shame
and that would nover please Loreen
nor as I tako it Miss Butterworth
It was a ehallougo wo wero glad to
accept especially as from tho number
of persons wo now saw como Hooking
into tho lano it was very apparent that
wo should experience no further tliffl
culty in obtaining any help wo might
need to carry out our undertakings
Mcautimo my thoughts wero not alto
gcther concentrated oven upon thoso
pleasing plans for Lucottas bonofit
Thero wero certain points yet to bo mado
clear in tho matter whoso termination
still lay heavy on my heart and thero
delighted in the thought that tho vic
tims ho saw vanish before IiIh eyes wont
like something wiped out by a sweep of
the hand To sou or hear them again
would Wi to this notion Ho preferred
the subtler way and to tako advautngo
of old Mother Janos eliaruoteriHticH so
ho caught ono of the pigeons ho has
always been ablo to lure birds into his
hands and tying tho ring around the
neck of tho bird with a blado of grass
plucked up from tho highway ho let it
fly and so was rid of the bauble which
to Mother Janes eyes of course was a
direct gift from tho heavens through
which the bird had flown beforo light
ing on her doorstop
Wonderful I exclaimed almost
overwhelmed witli humiliation but
preserving a brave front What inven
tion and what audacity the audacity
of a man totally irresponsible for his
deeds was it not I asked There is
no doubt is thore about his being an
absolute maniac
No madam What a relief I felt
at that word I Since we entrapped him
yesterday and lie found himself fully
discovered ho has lost all grip upon
himself and filled tho room we put him
in with tho unmistakable ravings vi a
madman It was through those llcarnod
the facts about the ring and tho pigeon
I drew a deep brouth Wo wore stand
ing in the sight of several men uud
thoir proHcnco thero seoincd intolerable
Unconsciously 1 began to walk away
Unconsciously Mr Gryco followed mo
At tho end of several paces wo both
stopped We were no longer visible to
tho crowd and 1 felt I could speak the
words I had been burning to say over
since I saw tho nature of Air Trohm ox
Mr Gryco said I flushing scar
let which I hero solemnly declare is
something which has not happened to
mo beforo in years and if I can help it
shall uuvor happen to me again I am
interested in this which you say bo
causo ychtorday horo in tho open road
Mr Trohm proposed to mo and
You did not accept it
No What do you think I am mado
of Mr Gryco I did not uccopt him
but I made tho refusal a gentlo one
and this is not easy work Mr
Gryco I interrupted myself to say
with suitable grimness tho samo
thing took placo between mo and Dea
con Spear und to him I gavo a rosponsu
such as I thought his presumption war
ranted Tho discrimination does not
arguo well for my acumen Mr Gryco
You see I want no credit that I do not
deserve Perhaps you cannot understand
that but it is a part of my nature
Madam said ho and I must own 1
thought his conduct perfect for the
nonce had I not been as completely
decoived as yourself I might find words
of criticism for this possibly unprofes
sional partiality But when an old hand
liko nivholf can listen to tho insinua
tions of a maniac and repose as I must
say I did repose moro or lebs confidence
in tho statements ho choso to mako mo
and which wero truo enough as regard
ed plain fact but wickedly falso and
preposterously wrong as regards thoir
suggestion I can havo no words of
blaino for a woman who whatever her
understanding and whatover hor expe
rience necessarily has seen less of hu
man naturo and its incalculable sur
prises As to tho moro delicato matter
you havo been good enough to confide to
mo madam I havo but ono remark to
make With such an oxamplo of wom
anhood suddenly brought to thoir notice
in such a wild as this how could you
expect them sane or insauo to do other
wise than thoy did I know many a
worthy man who would liko to follow
thoir oxamplo And with a bow that
left mo speechless Mr Gryco laid his
hand on his heart and softly withdraw
Tin end
A Government DepnMtory
Tho Davenport Iowa Democrat of
Jununry 29 contains tho following
which will prove of interest hero wheie
C A Mast is well known and lias many
friends This mornings mail brought
to tho First National bank a letter that
gavo a gcod deal of gratification to
Cashier Mast and the othor officials of
tho institution It was from Secretary
of the Treasury Gago and stated that
in accordance with tho authority vested
in him ho fchad designated tho First
Nationol as a depository of public
moneys of the United States To this
was added tho factthat tho bank had
been especially designated for tho re
ception safekeeping and disbursement
of funds advanced to officers of tho war
To bo designated a United States
depository means something to a bank
in n matorial wuy but means more on
account of tho prestige that such a mark
of confidence cannot help but curry
with it Davenport has had ono such
depository ovor since wur times when
the First Nationol was organized o
little ahead of any national bank iu
the couutry and became tho depository
of publio funds For some years tho
Citizeus National has been tho govern
ment depository here but tho increasing
volumeof disbursements hereou account
of tho expausion of tho government
iirsouul makes it advisable in tho opin
ion of Secretary Gngo to have two
depositoiies at this place So tho First
Natioual comes into its owu again
To Curo lu Orlpio III Two Days
Tuke Laxativo Bromo CJuiiiino Tablets
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to cure E W Grovos signature on
every box 2c
Tho courago of tho Boer women in
thoso trying times and the active part
they are playing in the toa real war
drama are not now Women have
ulways been tho power behind tho
throne which has urged man to face
death rather than tho coutempt of a
fair woman for a man who lacked cour
Senator Allens Measure in the
United States Senate
The MiMixtiie Irovldim for tile Appropria
tion of if 71010 to Count rtit t it Toil Olllce
mill Court limine III TIiIn It Tim Sen
iitur Mu pen In l l il Through Scum
Kroni IriilayH Dall
Senate tile No SiVW introduced by
Senator Allen for tho erection of u fed
mill building in the city of Norfolk has
been lead twice and rofcried to the com
mittee on publio buildings and grounds
Mr Allen hopes that the mcasuie will
become a law during this session of con
gress After it pisses the senate he has
promise of good help iu its promotion iu
the bouse Following is the full text of
the bill
Me it enacted by thosmintoiuul houso
of representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled
That tho secretary of the treasury be
uud ho ishmeby authorized and directed
to cause to bo erected at Norfolk in the
state of Nebraska on the site already
purchased therefor by the government
of the United States asiiitable building
including fireproof vaults heating and
ventilating apparatus elevators and
upprouohcH for the use and accomoda
tion of tho United States courts post
office land olllco and other government
olfiees iu tho city of Norfolk uud state of
Nebraska the cost of said building in
cluding said vaults heating and ventil
ating apparatus ulovators and ap
proaches coinpleto not to exceed tho
sum of sovoiity fivo thousand dollars
which said sum of seventy five thousand
dollars is hereby appropriated for that
purpose outofany nioneysIiirthoUnited
States treasury not othorwiso appropri
See J Thut so much of said appro
priation as may be neccsHary for the
preparation of sketch plans drawings
Hpooilloutious and detailed estimates for
the building by tho supervising archi
tect of tho treasury department shall bo
available immediately uud after the
said sketch plans and estimates for the
building shall have boon prepared by the
supervising architect und approved by
tho secretary of the treasury tho secre
tary of tho interior and tho postmaster
general tho balance of said appropria
tion shall bo available for the erection
and completion of tho building includ
ing fireproof vaults heating and ventil
ating apparatus elevators and ap
proaches Tho building shall bo unex
posed to nny danger front firo by an open
space of at least forty feet on each side
including streets and alloys
Tho Commercial club of Omaha has
organized a special department known
as tho Manufacturers Homo Patronage
Bureau that will endoavor to promote
the homo patronage idea iu Omaha and
Nebraska This is a good idea Home
patronage is tho mainstay of all business
and the Armor it can bo implanted into
the minds of purchasers tho hotter for
all concerntd It is safe to predict that
this organization of home manufacturers
will not recommend Greater America
expositions us an aid to their work
After reading all tho rojiorts of at
tempts at Bryans undoing tried by
liiombers of his own party just call to
mind if you can anything looking to
ward tho defeat of William McKiuloy
iu tho nominating convention Tho ef
fort will result in tho conviction that
whilo onos party iH thoroughly split up
by dissousiou doubts nnd fears tho
others is practically unanimous for his
lietore my
wife began using
Mothers Friend
she could hurdly
gct around I do
not think she
it now She has
used it for two
months and it is
a great help to
her She docs
her housework
without trouble
Hvj iiBBBilKiiilB
Mothers Friend
is an external liniment for expectant
mothers to use It gives them
strength to attend to their household
duties almost to the hour of confine
ment It is the one and only prepara
tion that overcomes morning sickness
and nervousness It is the only
remedy that relaxes and relieves the
strain It is the only remedy that
makes labor short and delivery easy
It is the only remedy that puts the
breasts in condition so that swelling
or rising is impossible Dont take
medicines internally They endangei
the lives of both mother and child
Mother Friend If told by druggUU for I
Send for our free Illustrated book
Tbe Bradflcld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
Beware of tho Doctors
Patchwork You Can
Cure Yourself at Home
mm f f JMUI IJI
Iiiim iin Hiiniiiv iiirittiikniM
mm iliin iiiimiik imiiv iiuii
iiioik HAdiiMi niiiF Mini inn
iirai iniiki r in Aincriru
Uhiie a wrltLiii liiiidt iilt i t tr uuntimU f hy tlm
lonnHKiid roiilltlorri ufulitrli if nny part KUiii otil mo
ripnlr 11 fn f of fliarRf Iiylt oim month nml will
r fniul jour inoiicy if you uro not imtTii tly willKflfil ooc
nrtlv ruria vli lo told ut 53550 01Uiit
at umi ikt nmAV
li aikUh iih uk ourin ilihuruhout um wrltu
the pulillshi r ut tlJit pnper or Mi tropollttm f
IUiril Hank or Corn Nut Hank of IjWuuj
r tcniibti Hit htuiiffl InnU Npw Vnrl or any f J
rullrtbd or t xpirhai cfunpntiy n Ihlco Vie L 7
bmr ft ralUlrr nrr f Ii OIMXIUO ocvupv entire I
Mieoftlio lariat huUitiau lUnUaUi hlwio tf
iiiii iMiipluy oiiirly eooo pcorlo in our own
tlitur WV hi 11 OHIUNh IT liCJMI and uni
I here la not the slighter doubt Hint thn
doctors do limn liiivni ilum fund In treating
CutiliigiiiiiM lllnod Inimiii many victims of
this liiiitlisuii would M much better
iilT todii if they hud never allowed litem
selves In be dosed on mercury mid potash Hut
otilv 1 riin iIich which the doctors ever givu for
IllllOil pMIMIII
I he duciors are wholly tumble to get rid or
turn vile poison nnd only nttunpt in heal up He mil ward nppeiiniiieo of the
the norm nnd erupt inn This hey 1 Iy driving Hie poison into the
system und endeavor to keep it shut iu with their constant doses of potash
and mercury The mouth uud throat ami other delicate purls then break out
intosorws und the light is continued iiidelliutely Hie drugs doing thosystcin
more tlainugo than the tlleiixi itself
Mr II h Myers 100 Mulberry St Newark N 1 ways
hundred dollars with the doctors when I reulied thai
they could do me no good 1 hint largo spots nil ovi r my
hi dy and these boon broke out Into running mwcs uud I
endured all the sulTering which thin vile disease pro
duces 1 decided to try S S S ns n lust resort and vvuit
soon greatly improved I followed closely your Direc
tions for Self Treiiliucnt und the huge splotches on my
chest begun to grow pnler uud smaller and before long
disappeared entirely I wus six ired perfectly uud my
skin bus been ns clear ns glus ever since I cured my
self ut home after tho doctors hud failed completely
It is valuable time thrown uvvuy to expect the doctors
to cure Oontngioiis lllood Poison for the disenso is
fiil i 1 ill uir u ni
I bud spent a
jwin iiiuii mini onuin -
nots in an entirely different wny from potash nnd mercury it forces thn
poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely Hence it cures tho
diHcase while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever
constantly undermining the constitution Our system of private home treat
ment plnces n cure within the reach of nil We give nil necessary medical ud
yice freo of charge nnd save tho patient the nibarrnisijent of publicity
Write for full information to Swift Specillc Jo Atlanta Jiv
I llllll IMllll 11 iih tun
vr a rcry vi nr un
lll hoiil
m jdii ni1 IIIUH
nRAtic nnnp cabihet burcick srwmn machine rfiriiicoiiij Mii1nh
il mi Vuii run ii in in Ii i r It Ml juiir iiriui ut iiIiL iliiml nml If fiiiiinia uw
lierrffll milrliirnxililIT n n M pri IltHil rijiui ninmriiinriiiuirrpiMriiic
lilali fioiiii mill lllh illhtllsl IUIIiuis Villi CVKMa iiJiB
iu ii in iiiii if special Oiler Price 1600
Jl IIT liM drill Illl VHIiBBiMUMaWVflB
utnl Mi Mil IliAiLHH Mfichlim t ItfiiH IJl iKiiiMilrtfiiiiltlinrroUttt wll
vwrontHfm rnrliMmniilrH OIVE IT THREE MONTHS TRIAL H
3 till r own Iioiim nml hii will re in in jour firitai nny ily ytm uin nul
MIIhIIim tWhrll illlTVrriit iimlm inil trtdrtof N win ltf Unr nl iflHO
f III no 1100 sfrJtm nml up nil full v iliwrllmil In mir free HmUk
lufhfiiMiilalogiMs ntUOfirtlilH HUH IlKSK UIIINKT 111 Illlllk U
the urttili mI iilnn rwr oiiem Iij imv liinmr
beware of iMiTATioNsr111
tlMiineiilvilltTlntf ronrMnr limit r wiiliMiMiiiliiifs with t minimi
lurrinrittk mllt mmi rrlftnl in l iurmi mi if urn who mi rrii tiile mnl Mhn irt n
7l m rhlftj i I ft 1
tin fin j
I fcttl ILJVVWtftfl
fSal Eft - a
tH l NftMStfHr Ynwii JS
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hcw imp iiiiiMriiiinii fiinwH iiim
i ttttt ILLzirWmlirTl rlnlliil lniiililliiiilliKlrilll Hluhl U Imi iihihI nn n rrnlrr laml
5 Si I35IWJ TyWWJIW ir ill Hi tlm iillirrnii ll Willi full litiKlh liilli nml In nil 111 plni i
3 -WW p B PJHS IfM1 mwlliu 4 rir lrrr III I IMIJ kt Irlnn frmi rnrviil iulll lllil Illl
a iTiii K M 50lHvI lliilfli IUii m tiii lfl iliiim riiiilln hM iii four
t IlvlJ f Eti SI Kill inMi rd III mill- IlimlniMil Hi Ii nil r t ontl Hnral lili llltlilrm
2 21 III 1 VI tWJI lii ml iHileii liiiiriiiiilliiiifn il Hi ir liiiwiiljiiir vllimlliiK inn
F ll f fl itf7iM ImiIiMu wliili i iiiljiiililile I rlti M lutt ni t iu4fiii lili rritor lmiiii llHi
rSliwi l Ei N IitsiI Ili 1 Miljiiiiiilii iiii HKiiiifiiiil Imitfivi il pinittl i iirrlir luili iitiiiiiililmr
VVTI I Cji M f tril ll lll Mil fHKlintil Itrail I Iiniilnmi 1 ilrriirall il Mill oiltaitif tilril III Inmilirut
SliW1 nltUllrlimni il CU AR ANTEED I llnlilrl rumlii iniml durable ami iiri l
em i l V Wil7ff S I niatlf I rj Iimwii allarliiant la fuirllii1 mill Ill l ren In
wiVIJWWaafctrlsMe Hlrurtloii Honk li llnjurl linwiiiiymiui miimi Itiml iln 1 lllirr i lnlii nrcuiv
A tVtfSlifgSilSil 5J Uml I liUHy wml ami
fRiinn nml llun If Hint
ut Hilt Hit nut nml tsuiiJ In u willi tf I IMI and hi hII joh IhU MW
IJI1IMHI IAHMIIl Mtl 01114 liy fillil II II nuljtrl Ut ri ruin
lion Vim ciui ckitiMlm II nl 3 our ncurrt Iri liclil itrptit mid II
j mi find II nuilly um i 1 llr C1 oi ju rtcr
ami far lifllrr lluin ortctth Kiltirllkid tj tllirrn M tnorr motif in ihr frt lKhl
kKf nl OUR PRICE S3QQO lr llf IIKMlrill it lM mil
rrflKhlrhirvfi THE PARLOR CEM liiinn uf tlir mutt III llllll K
AMI MH UST HINI II liitlriineiilH rrwIi Irom till llln tint on
hlii ii vlikli NcnriiMil itlrcil fn m u uiulurnh jniicnn frm i
ilii Id fa iiT ilt hi aiitirul iipMaiHiiti Alutln rroui hiiIM ipiurlcr
riu ail miL ji u I i ti t in ill al a aaal nerfiirkl L all Ii full iiftnrl ImkI i t
l raullful iiiartjutlrj drklKn ii U mid munj iilirr hniUnuir drriirin H
mid nrimtnfuli inahlnic ll llf Ml IU I nilir l ll l l it lllll
i ibi cct IiIkM 13 lncliiM iutK - liirliiH wilnanl wi It Iih XVj
iMtUlulH out ill iih iitufHt II Hlox ns fMivsH IllaptaxKi 1rlurlp
IhilrUiit Mrlfxllk flrilf rfMnm laCuntiT IrrliV Itiiiiilrr
DIlnkon lurlii jml ot Jliinimi1 1 Ur tut Vmlrr I Tunr Hrrll
I lrftiid Iritfcn IHmHI 4 Hi U f lrflimlrl liinfil llmoiialurj ll
Qlatlly lrriU 1 S I f 3 J Iurr hnrrl nrliidla Ht nUt Ihttutil
fikrnilnl llrilllint iWrilt UrnW I hi t ifi Itlrb Wrllnw H nuuUi
ItUpaiin Kpnia hrt nr Ili ammr nun nMuaiuua rrniriui
if l TME PARLOR CLIV1 iictlon cniitiUiif tho
Olftralfrt cMrll wlildi urn only ufcil Iu llmlilli
ihl null itiHtriliniliU Iltliil Willi HmuiiuuoiI CuiIi r anl
Yl llutnuia alHO ImHI holfu fullf U itlllTIi i lc hellows
of tint lct nililxTcloth S pIv hillowH Kin h and IlinL
lifitlurlii vuIvik THE PALLOR GEM iHrunilluil
with it 10x14 liuwlcil pinto rrcnrli mirror nkLi I pUlnl
I ciliil fniincK ami viry nioilern Improvement nr
rurnUh ttr ft haudtbtae organ atiMl aoj htm uiya loalruf
lion hiMik MiMLliril
liiarr rminlm Ihla rmiMintn Hultli
Hunt Wilir iilin ii imt TlU HI fill Ill tn
v ii mn riivlnu Ai1111 In illiu iiiy MHir lilulil nuvm tln IB SO
WK 111 111 1 llN YOLK tli L iriillill llllll II Inn Dim ii IllilHIm iiiii it y Jim mil nut niIIbIIihI Ulllll 11 II II IY
DOllT QLIiAV SiMirn A o nn iliiirmiirlila I illi ir
Address GEARS ROEBUCK k CO Inc Chicago 111
jliWtiwtijHKaBBWr 3 m VSiHUtf LVIB
organ HwJiZAcSJk Cvoi JIIWw l
IU04 lUrHiid opiKtfso every ihln In muilcallnntnimcntnat lowest wioetAle inirm Write for freo sped
ortfn piano kil mtirlcAl friatnunent cktaluue AUUrettK IUluci k Co ur Utunvuxhl rcllle tdltor J
QEARS POEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Desptalneand Wayman SU CHICAGO ILL
Free Reclining IChair Cars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
UiiuxciHih time iiml nccuiuiiindHtions
to the
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For moro complcto information descriptive
pmuplilutb etc inlclreue
AG F and P A TPA
SoDthcait Cor llth and DomilanSti
i li - jnri
M k m li ls bv HI YaL hifl
IL IILU fmmm nulln
ai ri in hw iiuii ut iijii a
Je iirlm ilntrtrtil ty otlinrm anil W JS
nn6aiiTrr Tn lir vntl DrKrTIV kiv mW mmT
aim ilit r yuu vviali iiurllic lrirblriiaa oruur l5 Krrr
Vcrk llirrallilr tlaallr Irua llluttratlil ulxite tut till
il mil awl m liil Ulna lift IHU hrKIUL lilt Knarail
Mil your Hrlalil 1rlaH Aft liuwlimi nu Iium Ihwii
jilur il wlnllitr riiltuie In Impem vtiiull ulcmtato
uuilxir liii lii ftinunil tlic Imjy mi a Hue wltli tlia
iiituriaiiy liillit r riitiiiu l on rlRlit or leltaMo
ml will HuJ in jnu with t tit- unilcr
lhiirlli If II la nul a rfrrl AI aail rajaal lo Iruaara laal
rlall al I lirre llun uur prli uuian rc tuin It and WO
aIII roturn your nionoy
flruM Illlhlllillir till Nrai flllllU Ut lru 00 7 C
ltrun alaml aay rar abd whlrli aril fur will I u
Ut tti lat ml out nml m in t4i um anil KI
mi hid Mini ii iiuii iii mrr
ACMEuoiitb rtAiuun mm hi i
frvluhl V I Mihjiit to fkuiii
mi I Inn kiiii ii rij thiiiIiii If il fill r
rnMiiifUiHituiuiirftiuiidiMTiiviik Efl CTD
puiiiiui in y ir tiiA ij iiiiirviiiiii r
uutl iiiil ii nmIi thut riluilnt KJ
rlrr 773 l ur Kg
675 uin in U lit r tin rut Tin P7
fiiipphik Me Wht l ltti itiul tut
frtiht will utfmtr 7V inr Iaphrou
in I If aii yuarioUt HfiHrrj
inr 4i at rur
ftria l rr ur
traHllil VI1I
lllt li llfl tllllll
wiit lkii - lii lir uaiiiK nil vn itliti furnUlicJ
Hraantieaill welL liriO lb llii hlraraa llraaabllulac IvUr
rUKoriu UKiii lmlii a rr tlnic on nilJurUlile clilll
U urliiira Ima lH nuu i UhI plioln murt atlialtUi
ucoumti aim liiruulrj -lo timde inuuiitt il on four
lurH tlu are nlivly ivulutdl anil uitiaiueiiti il
unit iM autUuMy tliroUKltout Kt r farmer
will Mir twin- llu rout hiiiu on liv eiihliii7 tlm
Kntlii lie wul buy lUUill IT HMi bt rore tlia
iirbi 1 ul unctit CHt iliiKun of avMle ttiv for thn U
inn AiUiwa Sears Roebuck Co Inc ChicagollL
IN an Kwtuck a In tn ibunucil rrllatilt Lililur
Clcuui nul Uautlllta tho hlr
1rouiolLj luxuiiaot KTuwth
Never IrUU to lleatoro amy
uuir au juuuiiui yviur
Cunra acalp diarM k hair taUlig
UcamHI Ull DruntUU