The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The fiorfolk fSiecas
W N HUflK PiibllHlmr
lXnlillclintl IM7
Ktorr tiny ornil Ktititlii rnrrlnr cr
wool UcontK lty mnll imrnnr SUM
IXnlillnlinil lSl
Kvory Tliunilinlly mull inr onr 1 VI
I Htntnrnil n tlio lwtolllpo nt Norfolk Nol n
pccoiitl cIiim nmltnr
Tnlniilimin No 221
Vhnt sewn short outs toddies usually
oiid in povoity while one who has stillW
ciout grit to stand llrinly on principle
and Uro id upon thrift mill li Itnnto
IniKlnesi methods to ciirry liiiu to the
goal of fori uno usually aiiives them
A trio of Italians attempted to wink
tho gold liricli falio on n Catholic priest
at Sm HiriiardlnoCJiilifornia lust week
This Is evidence of tho fact time some
rogues woud not hivdtiito lo bunco St
lotor lilmsolf should thoy linvo an op
Thodcmslty of thn provorlilal lioudon
fog Ih trnnspmmt in comparison to
tho cloud of gloom which hangs over
tho grout olty and will not lift until
news of victories of koiiiu niugnitudo
uro received from tho vast armies now
involved in South Africa
Tho South Afrioiiu war in not having
nu injurious effect ho far on American
trado with that country but rither IoiiiIh
to increase its voluino though its char
noter owing to changed conditions
there in not ho much for mining and
farming machinery but more for food
products of all kinds
Thoro lias itovor before been so good
on opportunity for soldiers from tho
rank mid Hie to obtain commissions as
during tho past twelve mouths and this
condition is likely to continue for some
time as it will not bo possible for West
Point to graduate enough men to 1111 tho
vacant positions of hocoud liuutcnaiits
The nuvy also needs more men v
It begins to look as though tho disposi
tion of tho democrats to modify their
nuti expansion views and keep quiet on
tho silvor question would leive thorn in
the position of tho stroot arab who had
nskod another for the core of his upplo
mid had been informed that there aint
goin to be no core Evidently theio
aiut goin to bo no is9uo upon which
domocrats can unitedly agree
At n mooting of tho republican state
central committee held iu Lincoln last
ovouing it was decided te call tho stato
convention at Lincoln on May a at 3
oclock p iu Only ono convention will
10 held whon delegatesto tho national
convention will bo oloctod and caudi
datesfor state ofllocs will bo nominated
This will give a long campaign which
it is bolieved will make a winning fight
for tho republicans iu the state
Tho popular patriotic pooin which
Kipling wroto in tho benefit of tho
private soldiers of tho English army
calling on tho people to support their
families while they were lighting for
tho tlag brought him over a thousand
dollars from tho papers that published
it This ho promptly turned ovor as a
beginning of tho fund for whioh ho
plead Tho peoplo speedily followed
his example aud t lie fund has already
passed tho hundred thousand nnuk
Thoro is no more tolling proof of tho
truth of tho old Bayihg that a rolling
Etouo gathors no moss tluiu tlio condi
tion iu which by fur tho majority of tho
gold seekers return from the Klondike
region For every ono who makes a
fortune aud returns with life and health
thero aro a shockingly largo number
who loso what they had and return dis
heartened and physical wrecks The
risk is too great Tho really courageous
man is tho one who resists the tompU
tiou to go
Brigham H Roberts has undoubtedly
distressed himself and nil of his faith
eudoivoriug to outor the halls of con
gress and introduce Iiib wife triumvirato
to Washington society Ho sought
refuge from his persecutors by rot urn
ing to his home iu Utah but had
scarcely sot foot on his homo soil than
ho was arrested for tho crime of polyg
amy Ho pleaded not guilty and vus
released on 100 bond to appear and
answer to tho charge This may the
beginning of tho end if not of Mor
monism at least of polygamy in Utah
President J J Hill of tho Great
Northern railway proposes to build as
many ships to carry on trade with tho
orieut us thoro is a demand for Ho
considers the docks at Seattle are large
enouch to accommodate all the
shipping for tho present but othor
harbora will eventually bo used A
market for grain iu tho far east will
give farmors hotter prices and the prod
uct of our westorn mines will also lo
como of largely increased value Mr
Hill intends to have St steamships of
enormous carrying capacity engage I in
this service They will not ha built
for speed but for extensive transporta
A Heal Mutate Jlonm
Nebraska peoplo who have been
anticipating ronnwod actvity in the rei 1
estate markets of tho wctt this coming
season are not alone in tho balief aud
whilo a boom is not desired a renewed
activity will certainly bo npprooiiitnl
Tho following Interview was had by a
World II orald reporter Tuesday
Ho yon know said John I
Matthews of Mlnnenpnllls who was it
tho A Hard last night that it Ih my
opinion that tho west will nxjKjrinnro a
great teal estate boom inside of two
These real estate booms como about
every 10 years Tho litht onowas in
18110 and while another one was duo a
couplo of years ago it was liletrckod by
tho Spanish American war Now thero
appears to bo nothing iu tho way and if
it is not folt before the end of tho
present year I loso my guess
Iu Minneapolis property is advanc
ing right along and dealers toll mo that
thoy have had inoro calls for property
within the past I0 days than during tho
sumo peiiod si noo IStl
Take Nohioska for Instanoo I nm
just iu fioin tho wostorn part of tho Btato
and in all tho towns that I visited
nearly lfi I found considerable activity
iu real estato Business and residence
proporty scorns to bo changing hands
aud all of the dealers aro beginning to
feel quite bullish
West of Nebraska tho rnllroads aro
pushiug into tho inteiior and along their
now lines towns aro springing up Each
town gives promise of being a city aud
of course eich is boomed by some
syndicate This is ono of tho thi ugs
that starts tho booms
Mtmlii ii Kiimllr Ariiiiiil of Wllilicmrt
OIIIot mid Iumi UUiiiiinr
Vieroui IVb 8 Word has been re
coived by the depnliniiit of Indian af
fairs and by the police authorities of
fresh trouilo among tho Indians of
Upper Liitrd Seven members of a
Seotch lnd in family named MoTavisli
in o slid to hive lit en murdered There
was an epideiuii of scurvy last fall and
the story wis Muled among the Indi
ans thai the Mclavishes had caused it
by w licratl A council was held
the McTivishes condemned and a night
attack planned for thoir doilruelii
Setting tire to tho MoTuvislt home tho
savages shot their victims as thoy at
tempted to escape the lames only ono
of the family of eight succeeding in
reaching the shelter of tho forest and
ultimately the Gasca Trading companys
store at Laketowu
Constable Stowaii with two men
stinted out at once undor tho guidance
of the solo survivor of tho hapless fam
ily to arrest tho murderers and the
men have not yet roturiipd Commis
sioner Porter of Telegraph creek has
sent an effective posse to take energetic
action in the case
Kl oriii Cumin Cutmliloriililn SuOiiilnu to
Stock No Muxlco Hnril lilt
Duxvint Feb 8 A blizzard has boon
raging over Colorado and adjoining
states It is especially sevoro in New
Mexico whero the morcury is near
zero and already about six inches of
snow have fallen Dispatches from
Now Mexico show that the storm is tho
worst every exporionoed at Springer
where there was a drop of 25 degrees in
as many minutes Lamar and Trin
idad Colo report zero weather and tho
sudden change from almost summer
weather which has prevailed for tho
last two months causes considerable
suffering to stock It is not expected
that results will be serious however
Railways tiro being interfered with to
some extent
Sit Ittll IiikIiii Collliln III H Tug Willi
Iitill KtlllU
Ciiioacio Fob 8 Iu a fog yesterday
two switch engines on tho Wisconsin
Central railroad collided at Franklin
pirlc two men being killod a third sus
taining what is thought aro fatal injur
ies and n fourth severe injuries Tho
John- IIoiwijji switchman
Miciiii Lv ii hwltehnmn
Tho injured
Archie iriuith left leg seveied near hip
Michael Dolau in cliargu of one of the
engine- fracture of left leg
IlrUti Oil rillplno leiuU hiiiI liitit nuli
toVuiill Aiiipi I in n lielli r
Maniix Feb 8 Tho insurgents
have been driven out of Ijcaspi on Al
Lay bay proviuco of Albay
The rebels of Tayabas proviuco were
convoying soino 1100 Spanish prisoners
to Libinanau and on arriving thoro tho
prisoners exhausted ami starved re
volted and dispelled the guards with
stones and clubs Thoy also captured a
i w ritlos and barricaded themselves at
Imianan whero thoy uro awaiting tho
arrival of American troops
llilllilliiiiiitloii liitllilmen Will Iuili
nllv Hi Tlfil Up lj llomlii
ClIKAdO lVll 8 Ono thousand men
have joined the ranks of the striking
workmen here since Tuesday It is es
timated that ilOOO members of tho build
ing council in protest against tho now
rules of thu
Huilding Contractors coun
cil are now out and labor leaders de
clare that by Monday tho entire mem
bership of the Untitling Trades council
numbering 45000 will bo out and build
iug operations in Chicago cotitiolled by
coiitractois tied up
Slim I Hoi ii llrrithu iit I OMIcit
Kansas City Fob 8 Tho Central
Short Horn Hreeders association in
annual convention hero with JOO mem
bers present elected the following of
ficers President S F Lookridgo
Greencastle Intl lirt vice president
H 0 Duncan Oaboino Mo second
vice prcsidont S O llanna Howard
Kan secretary George Hollows Mary
villo Moj treasurer D Smith
SpriugQeld Ills
Jl lj
lie ItiKMfNlM n SfrliM iiv Itcnotoo
nhliiin IVr lip uV HIiii
Icritllo InHy YVIcli Dlmloriiln Kv
rrriiluirr Air ICxpeolril u Ailopl
Wllliotil Million IQlltf tllMlt
Wahiiimitom 1 0
Tu tho Kdlliir
IMirsooaiit tu a call Isnoocd hi order
tiv mlself thu Merlin patilotH hoo hev
tho welfaie nv the Dlnilcrntlu parly
close tu their linrln hev nsHomblcd at
these liidiiiii iters ami hov decldod tu
comnieiice the noo yeer hi ndoptln hiiiii
roots and ivguliiHhuiin for our guid
ance anil tu map out mini plans In
gcneial wlch all good Dlmlcrnts ovcry
whnre air expected tu adopt without
further orders I huv put pin In the
form uv rcsolooshuuH wlch kin ho
adopted Giiuywhnro without IIrciis
hIiuii or uudoo cxcllcmetit and It will
save other Dlmlcratlc orgnnlzaHhunn
tho rubble uv rltlu cm Thu ulr main
ly oz fullers
Itesolved hi tho blmlcrats uv put In
the name uv tho place or club here
hoo air thin day or iilte assembled
Thet It iz tho fimt dooty uv every Dlm
Icrat tu win the prcsldenshnl battle uv
Itesolved Thet we nlnt goln tu bo tu
do rn particular how wc du II
Itesolved Thet William J Hrynn lz
our fust choice e our cnndldutu for
president onless we conclood tn sub
stltoot sumbuddy else Should thet be
the case then Hiimhiiddy else iz our
fust choice a nil alwazo hez bin
Itesolved Thet wc nlr in favur uv
the onllmlted coinage uv silver without
watoln for the consent uv furrln nn
hIiuiis or Mark llanna onless upon
more nintoor lellbonisliun wo conclood
thet the whole subjec 1 tu led tu han
dle with safety
Itesolved Thet we demand free di
ver a good deal freer than it iz tu the
most uv us
Resolved Thet we dont care nothln
about the free silver qiiostyun eiiny
how and thet it aint wuth wile tu
menshun It
P S Adopt wichevor uv the three
preccdin rcsoloosliuns will cum necrest
tu the bullseye
Thet the Ropublikln sistcni
uv limince hez iutlicktcd tu mutch biz
ness prosperity outu the kountry nnd
the Dlmlcratic party Iz In a langulshln
condlshun and dyln uv drl rot In cou
Hciiucnce tharcof
Resolved Tbet greater care shood be
taken In uiiinlpulatln clccshun returns
aud wo hereby pint tu tho faloyuro tu
land Mr Gobble govener uv Ken
tucky ez a most glarin instance uv
Dlmlcratlc blunderin
Resolved Thet ez white men air fast
dlsappcerln from the ranks uv tho Dlm
lcratlc luberiu populushun it Iz the
dooty uv Dlmlcratlc clccshun ofllcera
cverywhnro tu throw out enuff nigger
votes tu offset the defecshun
Resolved Thet tho Fllllpeen rcvoloo
shun haint panned out well enuff tu
warrant the Dimjcratlc party iu up
holdlu It puny longer onless Agulnaldoo
aud uther Fllllpeen Dlmlcrnts kin make
a better sbowln The shootln uv Gen
eral Lawton and Kernel Logan hez cre
ated a prcjoodlce agin the whole outfit
wlch Iz bolu used agin us
Resolved Thet the raisin uv wurU
luiiions wages cverywhnro and stlddy
employ moiit Iz a Republikln trick aud
wo oiiiiiialllldely denounce it ez bein
done on purpus tu hint the Dimicratic
Resolved Thet wo klnnol find big
wards enuff tn express our Indlgna
shun agin the monstrous RcpiibliUin
trusts thet nlr hovorln over all uv us
like so tiienny viiltiues reddy tu tear
our Insldes out wen we hov tu buy
eiinytlilng at the stores
Resolved Thet the foregoin resoloo
shun dont appll tu trusts organized hi
Dlmlcratlc stockholders
These resolooshuns nlr merely sug
gestions desired tu help git our people
Interested Tha kin be cut short or
lengthened out tu soot the time ii ml
place Tluiro aint nothln Iron clad
about em but tha contain enuff for the
aveiage Dlinlcnit tu kno and tu ulTord
him enciurlginent In provlus cam
panes we hov lied tu mutiny uv our
voters pullln In opposite dlrecslnms
Sum woie for ono thing nnd sum for
auuther Sum wanted the Hie made
on silver and sum on gold a few on
both and sum on neether Whut wo
want Iz tu get tugcther it dont mat
ter whut the Issoo iz All we want tu
kno Iz thet we hov so ineiiny men lion
will vote ez tha air told tu and hi
hevln sich resolooshuns ez I hev draft
ed wc kin git tlioir idcos ruiiulu in one
lirccsliuu Thou hi lievlu the nashiinal
coiivenshun tlxod ez we want it ami
In accordance with the idcos we hev
nlreddy put out cz feelers wo ort tu be
able tu go lulu the next cnmpaue on a
platform thet wont cause so mutch
Ulckin As 1 hev nlreddy sed it wont
make mutch difference wlntt Idee wo
leod off with If we klu only agree tu
support It I hov suggested iu a nice
way thet copies uv these resolooshuns
or blinilnr ones be posted up In bar
rooms and uther places uv public re
sort whare Dlinlcrats will be slioor tu
see em In thet way tha will serve oz
a call tu dooty and be a daily reminder
thet harinuny iz necessary tu Dimi
cratic success I hope tha will not be
like the ordinary Noo Veers resoloo
shuns won we ngico tu stop drlnkln
wlskoy nnd cussin and cut up firewood
for the wluimln Sich good iutcushuiis
dont generally Inst inorcn ten days
and aj e usually scut out with a mental
roservashuu Our promises tu each
uther must be kep this yeer It moons
Piiiiu Applejack Farm wlch iz next tu
iroor Clevelands in the stalt uv Noo
San Francisco will bo tho scone of the
Corhott Toffrlos light
John Taylor tho basoball pitcher
dld Wednesday at Now Hrighton of
brlghts dlsenso ngod 28
United States Consul Skinnor at Mar
seilles reports to tho stuto department
that there is a coal famiuo iu Franco
Tho steamship Empress of China
f i oin tho Orieut reports little diminu
tion of tho plaguo iu northern Japan
President anil Mrs McKinloy gave a
dinner Wednesday night at tho White
house to tho members of the supiemo
Joo Richardson a dospcrado was shot
and instantly killed on tho streets of
Pendleton Ind Wednesday by Mar
filial Cook
Lin Atkins a notorious territory out
law and five other prisoners oscapod
from the federal jail at Pauls Valley
Tho California legislature in joint
session Wednesday ratified tho election
of Thomas R Paid to the United States
BOimto to succeed Stephen M White
Escaped Spanish prisoners roport thoy
saw Lieutenant Stockloy a prisoner in
tho hands of thu insurgents Jan 28
near Autimmian southeastern Luzon
Wiley hall ono ofJndlanas univer
sity buildings containing tho otiomical
laboratory and other departments
burned Wodnosday Tho loss is 55000
Oharlos Francois Folu an armloss
artist is dead at Brussels iu his 70th
year Ho painted with his feot and
copied hundreds of tho best master
pieces Ho always shaved himself
linen rmnii Murilor Trlnl IloRiin
Dks Moinks Feb 8 T D Hagor
uiau a prominent liquor dealer was
placed on trial in tho district court
charged with tho murder of Frank
Moody Tho caso promises to oonsumo
a great deal of time and will not go to
tho jury boforo tho latter part of tho
Cfiiililtil fjirlml Her Teclli In Sleep
An eminent professor of psychology
at Harvard was deeply Interested In
tho case of an epileptic woman Talk
ing with her husband he sought out
premonitions nnd symptoms And he
asked this question Did you ever no
tice that jour wife ground her teeth
at night
To which the bereaved husband re
plied She never slept In thclii
hoston Journal
Alisiiril on Hit- Fnrc of II
Ilardacre Wall Maria these city
folks do things outrageously
Mis Ilardacre What Is It now III
Mr Ilardacre Wall jest look whats
painted on that pail up thar Use For
Fire Only Now who in all creation
could build a fire in a pail Chicago
100 U wind 100
Tho readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that thero is at least
ono dreaded disease that science has
been able to euro in nil its stages and
that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is
the only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity Catarrh being
a constitutional disease requires a
constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh
Cure is taken internally noting directly
upon the blood and mucus surfaces of
the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disense and giving
the patient strength by building up
tbo constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work Tho proprietors have
bo much faith in its curative powors
that they offer one hundred dollars for
any case that they fail to cure Send
for list of testimonials
Address F T CiiKsm Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists 75c
Halls family pills aro tho best
IHtliiiittn of KxpeiiseH
Tho county commissioners of Madison
county Nebraska at their regular meet
ing in January 1100 made the follow
ing estimate of expenses for the ensuing
County Institute fund 125 00
Commissioners pay and mile-
ago 21500 00
County clerk salary as clerk of
board HOO 00
County superintendent salary 1100 00
County road fund 7500 00
Caro of paupers 2000 00
Bounty on wild animals 800 00
County printing 800 00
Fuel postage and express 1100 00
Jailers fees 1000 00
Books stationery and supplies 1800 00
Janitors salary and assistants
to county ofllcors 2f00 00
County nttoruey Falary 050 00
County Bridge fund 0000 00
Election expenses 2100 00
District court aud jurors 75C0 CO
Assessors pay and mileage 11500 00
lnsano fund 850 00
Poor farm oxponsos 1 000 00
Aid to Agricultural society 700 CO
High school tuition fees COO 00
Furniture and repairs on court
house and jail 500 00
Iutorest on court house bonds
between Madison and Union
precincts 400 00
Sinking fund for mino 100 00
Battle Creek village jail bond
aud interest 150 00
Philip IVauch
Couuty Clerk
Adversity flatteroth no man but
tho pains of dyspepsia turn his atten
tion to Hoods Sarsaparilla and iu its
use he finds a cure
cfic ucdc
Tells tho story When your head
nhna a fid xll ttu till If it lb rvtllht I
jiateJ tintJ out of tune with your I
t siouiucu sour mm no appeiue jusi i
1 1 uuy u pucKagc oi
Hoods Pills
And ttiko a dose from 1 to 4 pills
You will be surprised at how easily
Ithev will do their work cure jour I
I headache and biliousness rouse thu i
f liver and make you feel happy acaln 4
4 25 cents Sold by all medicine dealers 4
All Kinds of Hard and Soft Coal Thoroughly Bright
nnd Clean nt
All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal
Your Palronngo Respectfully Solicited PHONE 54
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
W j u
- 5
j Oi
U o
Fremont Ziihorn Mo Valley
Orntihn Pannonffcr 8OTam
v va KxprosB 1210 pm
cngo Kxprcfls 7Up in
On rUB8i ngor 1210 pm
ninck JIIUr rJxpross 740pm
VordlRrii InBBOiiRor 12IOp m
Vonllirro Accoinmodatloa UOOam
Illack HIIIb Express 1220 p in
Vonllro lassoiiRor flUKum
Vordicro Acoomuiodntion 720pm
Tlio MiIciiki nnd Hlnck Hills Express nrrlvos
nnd departs from Junction depot Tho Omahii
nnd Yunligre trains nrrivo ami depart from city
depot II O SlATHAU Agont
Union Pacific
Columbus Accnmmnilntlon 1l p m
Omnlin Dcnvurnnd Pacific CotiBt 11 t0n m
nohtii Ainini
Cojunibns Ace mmoilatlon 1030pm
Oiimliii lciiir nnd Cuclllc const lKpm
Uonnocts nt Norfolk with V E A M V going
woBt unci north nnd with tlio C Bt P M U O
for points not th nnd riant
V W Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City nnd Omnlia PnBsongor illnm
Sioux CltyPiitsscngor 100pm
Sionx City Passenger 103ram
Biocx City and Omalin Passenger 7 30 p m
Connects nt Norfolk with P E M V going
west and north and with tho U P for points
south F W Jdneman Agent
Da ly excoptJSunday
via the
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone riS
North Western
F E W V R R is the best to anc
from the
North Nebraska
Fine Watch
Spenoetf OVoltnon
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Noatly Done
Contractoi and Builder
I 7 Fourth Street
Paints end 01a 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Hoffolk Horseshoep
All Wobk Guaranteed
Cor 4th St and BrrniBcb Ave
Daily News Job Department
Splendid Train Service
Two trains daily to aud from Denver nud Colnrulo pointR
Two trains daily to and from San Francisco mid California points
Two trains daily to and from Salt Lake City and Urah points
One train daily to nnd from Portland and North Pacific Coast points with
direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle
Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking
and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars Chair Cars
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of the
territory traversed callon yonr nearest agent or address
General Passenger and Ticket Agent Omaha Neh
Oil and Gasoline
If you aro going to the
Pacific Coast
dont complete arrangPinrntR until you
nav b hoi uren uiiormaiion rcgnraiug the
personally conducted fxcureioiio
vi v
t Iu TviysiJlBr
These excursions loavo Omaha every
Friday In elegantly upholstered Ordi
nary Sleeping Cars illuniiuated by
Pintseh Liht heated by steam
Baggage checked through to destina
Prompt and batisfnetory service
Many hfiirs qnlrkcr lime lima
on oilier line
For timo tables folders illustrated
books pamphlets deocraptivo of the ter
ntory traversed call on