The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 08, 1900, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News
Concerted Advanc Upon the
Boers All Along the Line
lloiiorlod to llnve Itogun tho March
on liloeinlbiitcin
Alleged to IlnTn Tnkeu One fl 111 ntnl to
Have ltetiliil n Collator Atlnck ly tli
Itoom AiHhiico to LiiUyiutltli Checked
by Oelrriuliifiil Iteilatnuae
London- Fob 8 Tho British col
timns nro putting themselves in motion
in nil parts of tho South African wnr
Holds A combined attack on tho Uoors
appears to bo in progress General
Buller has gained a footing on thu
plateau north of tho Tugola after two
days hard fighting On tho far western
border Lord Mcthuon has begun u turn
ing movement against tho Boor right
whilo Gouoral McDonald threatens tho
Boer flank thus relieving the pressure
on Lord Mothuens front
Lord Roberts who nccording to nn
iuformant in closo touch with the war
office is in tho middlo of tho theater of
war has begun tho march on Blooinfon
tein Tho Boers lmvo takon the initia
major OENnnAT
ls j iYTTin yx
agaiupfc Uenuiui Gatacre attacking-
two of his positions at Sterkstroom
It really looks as though tho general
forward movement so long talked of
was in progress General Bullers
third attempt at relieving Ladysmith
nbsorbs attention Tolegrams of from
100 and 200 words from a dozen corre
bpoudents have been passed by the
censor who has apparently rodated
messages written Monday or Tuesday
to Wednesday atG p m From theo it
is clear that General Bullor up to Tues
day evening had taken one hill had re
pulsed a Boer counter attack and was
holding tho position against an enfilad
ing fire from Spioukop and Doormkloof
His lobses as mentioned by one corre
spondent are 250
Tho only telegrams from Boer sources
nssert that one of General Bullers at
tempt to seizo tho fords failed but they
admit that he has lodged forces on ouo
Light on General Bullers operations
ceases hero tho war oflico not contrib
uting any information
Account of Uullers Ojwriitlniin
London Feb 8 Tho Standard has
tho following from Spearmans camp
dated Fob 7 Tho force uudor Gen
ernl Buller is again advancing to tho
relief of Ladysmith nud after two days
of sovero fighting it may fairly bo said
to have a fairly good first stop on tho
road Tho movement was begun early
Monday morning via Potgieters drift
Tho Eleventh brigade forming a part
of tho Fifth division under General
Warren mado a feint attack on the
kopjos immediately on our trout The
assault was delivered at tho outset
under cover of naval guus on Mount
Alico and subsequently under that of
field batteries
The infantry advanced steadily to
ward tho Boer intrenched position at
Brakfontein and kept tho enemy busily
employed While this diversion was be
ing made tho remainder ot tho infan
try told off for tho attack which had
been bivouacked Sunday night under
Mount Alico moved along at tho foot of
Kwartskop in tho direction of our right
A pontoon bridgo was thrown across
tho Tugola by tho onginoers under tho
fire of tho enemy
Tho first battalion to snovo across in
tho foionoon was tho Duihani light in
fantry of General Lyttlotons brigade
They advanced against VaalkranU
wliich lies on tho most direct road to
Ladysmith and after two hours splen
did work thoy got within charging dis
tance of tho Boers
Tho first of tho kopjes was carried
by them at the point ot tho bayonet by
tho utmost gallantry Almost simulta
neously tho Riflo brigado cleared tho
iccond kopjo and aftor moviug across
tho long rulgo thoy bivouacked on tho
Tho feint attack at Potgieters hav
ing served its purpose in preventing tho
concentration of tho enoniy at tho crit
ical point tho Elevonth brigado foil
kick to the river In tho course of tho
operation both tho infantry and tho ar
tillery had been subjected to a sovero
bhell fire
Tuesday at 4 p in tho enemy en
couraged doubtless by thoir suceoss at
Spioukop endeavored to recapture the
position tnlcen by us at Vnalkrantz Thoy
were beatou back however with loss
Tho work accomplished so far has
been magnificently dono Tho shell and
Maxim Uro ioured in by tho Boors has
been very seveio but our losses com
paratively speaking have been light
The Durham light infantry took a few
prisoners in tho course of their charge
Tho ci o uy tis usual fought with tho
utmost stubbornness Tho Biitish
maneuvering and accuracy of aim on
the part of tho British artillery during
tho lighting on Monday wero beyond
praise There is not tho slightest like
lihood that tho Boers will succeed in
dislodging us from tho positionsj wo
have gained and tho prospects of tho ie
lief of Ladysmith uro decidedly hope
lllvnr IIiIiIkoI Imlcr Fire
ScrutMANs Gamp Feb 7 General
Buller commenced tho advance for tho
icliif of Ladysmith Monday Tho naval
guns opened at 7 in tho morning and n
feint attack was made in front or our
position Three battalions advanced to
ward tho Brakfontein with six bat
teries At 11 the Boers opened with ar
tillery fito and sent soverul shells among
tho British infantry who rotired an
hour Liter Meanwhile a vigorous at
tack was mado on tho extreme right
whoie tho engineers expeditiously con
structed a pontoon Several pieces of
cannon hidden among tho trees on
Zwurtkop bombarded heavily Tho
Biitish infantry advanced and tho
Boers wero entirely surprised At 4
oclock a high hill a continuation of tho
Brakfontein was taken Tho opera
tions were excellently planned Tho
namo of tho hill taken is Krantzkloof
Tho bombardment of the Boer position
was resumed Tuesday morning Tho
Boers worked a disappearing cannon
from tho high Doormkloof range on tho
light of tho captured hill but the Brit
ish shells exploded its mugazino and tho
gun was put out of action until late in
tho day Musketry tiro was intermit
tent uulil tho afternoon when tho Boors
made a determined effort to retake tho
hill Reinforcements rushed up cheer
ing the Boers wero repulsed and tho
British advanced along tho ridgo
IIunv rililliij lliimlity mill TncIny
London Feb 8 Tho Daily Tele
graphs coiiespondont at Spearmans
camp in a dispatch dated Monday
night says Under tho personal di
lection of General Buller tho attack on
tho Boor positions was begun this morn
ing by nearlv the whole of our batter
ies 72 guns shelling tho ridges where
tho enemy have their trenches and re
doubts on tho Brakfontoiu and the low
crest facing Potgieters drift Tho
enemy suffered severoly Several hills
wero smoking liko volcanoes from tho
effects of tho bombardment which set
on fire their stores and glass
Whilo the third pontoon bridgo was
being constructed uudor liro tho Elev
enth brigado now under tho command
of Colonel Wynno made u demonstra
tion against tho Brakfontein ridge
marching across tho meadows with tho
support of seven batteries of artillery
At 11 oclock tho enemy oponed a
heavy cannonudo of shrapnel common
shells nud pompon shells chiefly from
Spioukop This was accompanied by a
rattling musketry firo Our gunners
behaved admirably aud weio as cool as
if unon parade
The demonstration having gained its
effect tho real attack upon the Boer left
was delivered at 4 oclock Tho Dur
ham light infantry carried Vaalkrantz
the key of the lower ridges while Gen
eral Hildyards brigado assailed tho
higher ridges Tho general and his
troops are bivouacking upon tho field of
battle In the languago of boudoir
bulletins mother nnd child aro doing
well Our losses aro trifling
Ill It lull liptlllH li Kopje
Borrc Hkai Laaoeii Ladysmith
Fob J Further reports of Mondays
fighting nt tho Upper Tugela rivor show
that the British lost heavily at Pont
drift but took an important position on
n small kopjo on tho Molen drift side
Four Boers wero killed Tho British
loss is unknown Thoy aro still m pos
session of tho kopjo and tho big guns
havo ceased firing
Itllltxix Allium In Cliprkeil
London Feb 8 A special dispatch
from Spearmans camp dated Wednes
day Fob 7
Our further advance is at tho mo
ment prevented as tho Boers enfilade
us from their positions on Spioukop and
Doormklof Our casualties although
estimated at 250 aro trifling consider
ing tho great importance of tho move
ment just concluded
War AkhIiikI Sriilpiir
Dks IIoivks Fob 8 Tho principal
question for discussion at tho annual
convention of tho Iowa Marblo and
Granite Dealers association which
opened in this city todny is how tho
marblo and granito dealers of tho stato
may secure protection against tho itin
erant canvassers who aro abroad in tho
laud Tho dealers will not ask for
legislation but thoy hopo to so thor
oughly perfect their organisation that
tho day of the marblo scalpers in tho
stato will boon bo relegated to tho past
Klt hurilmn Geti Ninety nine Yiura
West Plains Mo Fob 8 Tho jury
iu the caso of tho btuto vs Ben Rich
ardson charged with tho murder of
Jailer Alf Henry at the jail hero last
month found tho prisoner guilty of
murder iu thu second degreo and fixed
his punishment at 01 years 111 tho peni
tentiary Twenty hours wero con
sumed in reaching an agieumeut
ix Kciitiiy
Louisville Agreement
Not Suit Him
of I lii Nmy
rrlrniN nf II u Kiiihu Uy ti k
1 1 1 tit to Ui iiiiiln Ill in
Hold it niidirtiuii In Kmiikluil lint
No Aitlmi I Tami on tint AcrriMiiiMil
FuwuTOiir Feb 8 So far as the si
nation in the controveisy over tho gov
ernorship of Kentucky is concerned
there is practically no change Gov
ernor Taylor has not yet affixed his sig
nature to the Louisville agreement al
though tho general opinion is that ho
will ultimately do so Governor Tay
lor himself refused absolutely to make
any statement in regard to his probable
action in tho matter aud declined to
receive any cnllois except his legal ad
The repeal of tho Goebel law is tho
ono thing most strongly desired by
Governor Taylor and as tho languago
of tho Louisville agreement is consid
ered by him altogether too vague as re
gards this matter it is considered
bio that changes may bo mado in tho
way of making tho clause more specific
before Governor Taylor ulllxcs his sig
nature to tho agreement
Another cause of Governor Taylors
delay is said to bo tho cry of victory
and surrender sont up by tho Demo
units Tho ugroomont as presented to
Governor Taylor is understood to be
somewhat different from tho published
abstracts in that tho clause regarding
tho election law and ono or two other
matters is much more specific than it is
generally understood to be though still
not strong enough to suit him For
this reason tho rank and lilo of tho Re
publican party ill tho stato apparently
boliovo there is somo foundation for tho
clnims set up by tho Democrats and
scores of tolegrams havo poured in on
Governor Taylor in tho past fow days
urging him not to sign tho agreoniont
but to maintain his present position and
await further developments
A conferenco held in tho ofUco of
Governor Taylor ended at midnight
without any action being taken on tho
ngreoment The agreement was dis
cussed lully Thoso at tho conferenco
who signed it at Louisvillo spoke favor
ably concerning it all of thorn declar
ing that it was a fair and equitable set
tlement of tho existing tioubles and
one that in no way implied a surrender
on tho part of tho Republicans Gov
ernor Taylor showed to the other gen
tlemen in tho meeting a great number
of telegrams ho had received from all
parts of tho state urging him not to
give up and many of them censuring
him for accepting tho terms of tho
ngreoment It was plain from these
ho claimed that n great feeling had
been aroused in tho stato by tho asser
tion that tho agreement was a Repub
lican surrender It does not now seem
probable that final action will bo taken
on tho agreement before tho end of the
Funorul Scrrircn Ht Frankfort
Frankfort Fob 8 The funeral
services of tho lato Governor Goebel
will comnienco at noon today in tho
parlors of tho Capital hotel The ser
vices proper will bo preceded by u short
procession m tho streots of tho town
In NciirliiK
the Kinl
Tnitui IIautk Feb 8 Colonel Rich
ard W Thompson is on his deathbed
at the ago of 01 Colonel Thompson
has been in failing health for several
years owing to a general collapse of hi
nervous system and with each acuto
attack his lecuperitive powers wero no
ticed as failing Within recent weeks
ho would sleep almost continuously for
two or three days to bo followed with
periods of wakefulness for almost an
equal length of time
Tho physician said that ho expected
death somo tinio today
Colonel Thompsons friends and phy
sicians think that he might havo lived
longor had it not been for excessive
Irnat Diiiiiiik to ItnililiiiK lmrve anil
Shipping nt Viinroiit r
Vancoivkii Feb 8 A hurricane
raged hero last night causing property
damage all over tho city Tho wind
which became almost u cyelono at
tained a velocity of 55 miles an hour
Along tho water front tho waves broke
over tho wharves and bridges sweeping
away boat houses wrecking boats and
sweeping two Mourn launches against a
pier battering tho craft into total
wrecks Three btone ladou scows went
ndrift and wero wrecked
Trees wero torn up by tho rooto flag
stalls and chimneys fell and a cottage
nn tho Westminster road w us crushed
liko an eggshell by a gigantic treu which
was blown down and fell on tho roof
Tho damago to residences factories
wharves and shipping will aggregate
many thousands of dollars
Sniur 1 in tor SluitH Diihii
Fkkmust Nob Fob 8 The sugar
factory at Ames expects to closo down
today on its firt seasons run tho beets
having been disposed of sooner than
was anticipated Tho machinery has
worked to their perfect satisfaction
and tho company expecta to handle 000
touo of boots u day next year
The man who suggests a compromise
haB usually been whipped Uouobotb
Sunday Herald
Mrliiiritiiiti CoiitrnilUln StnlciiiriiU Mini
li IVttlcrrtt
Vsiiimitov Feb 8 -A lively tilt
between Dopew N Y and leltlgtew
S 1 was the featuie in the ooily pin
ceedings in tho senate yesteiday Do
new u ad a letter fiom Piosidont Hchur
iiiuti of the Ihlllppiiie coinmisslon Molly
Cotitiiidieting statements made by Petti
gicw in u speech bcwial days ago and
then commented caustically upon he
methods of the South Dakota senator in
inliiiducliig the evidence of such men
us Ptcslliiii Schuriuau and Atlmiia
Dewey tluouh tho statements it Agul
nalilo Potligiew replied Mint ply Hay
ing It is well known that this gov
ernment through tho 1liltippiuo com
mission offered money for the lilies of
the insurgents hut no a tiles woio turned
in except a fow that had noon captuted
and given to friendly Filipinos by
Aineiican olllcers in order that they
might bo turned in so as to gel tho pi ice
ollered for them It is initio as well
known that the Sehurinan commission
uffitcd Aguinaldo what amounted to
f 000 u year if he would lay down his
I charge Mr Pettigrew continued
that the facts of thisquestlon ate being
withhold mid what infoi niatiou is sent
to us is Lurblcd and 1 charge that wo
attacked an ally and made a compact
wllh slavery
Discussion of the financial bill was
then resumed speeches being made by
Turner Wash Bale Tenn and Allen
Nob all in opposition to tho pending
UoimoR Ill- Diplomat lu lltll
Wakiiisotos Feb 8 The house fin
ished the diplomatic and consular ap
propriation bill jestorday passing il
substantially us it eaiiio from the com
Thero was somo desultory dis
cussion of tho Philippine question and
tho war in South Africa the principal
featuro being the speech of Mr Shuf
roth in favor of mediation in tho
war under tho piovisions ot
tho lliiguo tieaty Tho diplomatic bill
as passed canios 7 IU108
roniiitiitctn vim it or tiiu Toiiiniiiin or
WIIihiuhck lor til Ilointliitloii
Waiiinhiov Feb 8 Walter M
Bickford Was practically tho only wit
ness befoio the senate committee on
elftions yesterday in theCluk investi
gation llo was ono of Senator Clai Ics
special friends in tho last Montana sen
atorial campaign Bickford contra
dicted much of the testimony of Sneaker
Stiff Senator Meyers Repiesentative
Sullivan Dr Ector Mr Cowen and
others He however admitted tender
ing to Dr Ector 7000 with which to
lift thu indebtedness of Representative
Woods of Rovolli county saying that ho
had not intended that Mr Woods
should know of his doing this and that
his only purpose was to control tho debt
so that tho Daly people could not get
hold of it and thus force Wood into vot
ing contrary to his inclination Ho re
ceived tho money from Senator Clarks
son and when it was not accepted for
Wood by Ector ho had returned it to
Chirk Clark had paid him 2500 as
counsel fees
For nn Arrli of Xril Inutility
Washington Feb 8 Tho secretary
of war to whom the military committee
of the house referred tlio bill of General
Grosvenor providing for tho erection of
a memorial arch upon tho battlefield
about Chattanooga to be known as tho
Arch of Nationality has returned the
sumo to the conimitteo with a report
thereon from the Chickainaugu and
Chattanooga national military park com
mission Tho report sets forth in detail
the direct interest of each state north
and south and of the veterans of each
of tho armies engaged iu tho battles
about Chattanooga and also tho later
interest aroused by tho assembling thero
of a national army to participate in tho
war with Spain
Tlit ii She Ciillcil II 1 111 Pot NuiitCH
Im afraid we must bo divorced my
lear said Mr Newly wed to his youtnj
wife The doctor says have rheu
matic tendencies end must give up all
sweet things Harpers Huzur
Tho International Association of
Musicians was formed iu Cleveland
Wednesday with S L Pierco of St
Louis n president A membership of
5000 is claimed
William II Stiles 70 years of age
was arrested at South Bond Ind Wed
nesday charged with embohiig 10000
f 1 0111 the estate of the lito Samuel Hal
stead of New Yoik
The residences of A G Huoy and R
T Greenwood on Coronado Beach
Cal wero burned Wednesday Tlio in
fant child of Mrs Greenwood perished
and Mrs Greenwood was fatally burned
Adolph E Rothschild who had a
ban in Naples in tho time of the Nea
politan monarchy died in Paris Wed
nesday Ho had always retained inti
mate iolatioiis with the royal laniily of
Bill Cook who was sentenced iu
lbtKi to 15 yiirs impusoiiment iu the
Albany penitentiary diod thero Wed
nesday lrom consumption Ho was
ouco one of tlio most noted desperadoes
ot the Indian Territory
Dr William Steinitz the famous
chihs player was taken from his homo
to the insane pivilhnu of Bellevuo hos
pital New York Wednesday Ho is Ik
years old and was confined 111 an asy
lum 111 Moscow 111 1807
Repiesentative McClellin of New
York intioduced a bill in the house
Wednesday lor thu acquirement of tlio
Erie canal bv tho United Suites govern
ment and ito enlargement to a capacity
sufficient for tlui largest vessels of vur
ut u cost ut exceeding I75O0JO00
State Board Rescinds Us Order
Matlc In 1897
Hjallllt of tUlonil IMlillUi1 nil I III StiMk
In Slirliil Mini s 1 1 elm Irx Son Il o
pimi ill nl Ion Im mil on it tin mill
lrlii IV r mil on lto
LtscnlV Fob 8 The stale board of
ttauspoilutioii yesteiday icM indetl its
older of a week ago compelling the
ninintonunio of cat load rales on live
stock nud in lieu of the acceptance of
the 100 pound rate adopted an order ie
hieing the tale on hogs 5 per cent anil
on cattle 10 percent The board today
will make UiIh action operative and be
gin an investigation of niilroail Height
rales with a view to oulorlng fuilher
reductions if found to be justified
At the hint of a icduction in tho ex
isting live stock lutes W It Kelly of
the Union Pacific unset led that the rail
roads had been summoned to show
cause why tlio older of 18117 should not
be enforced and Unit under this sum
mons thoy should not bo made to com
bat a proposition to reduce rates
Attorney General Smyth ussci ted thai
tho older of the board had been ills
obeyed and that the Inn den was on the
railroads to show why it should not be
After Rovenil hours had been spent
discussing the question Tieasurer Mes
ervo introduced the lcsolulion instruct
ing the secietiiries to 01 dor a 1 eduction
in cattle and swine rates The roll call
showed the following result 1 ea
MoMirvo Wolfe Cornell nay Potter
Miimtn Mix
Watkuuio Neb Kob 8 At noon
yesterday Thomas Barton fatally shot
his father-in-law Mr Hively Baitou
and his brother-in-law Dave Hively
were fighting in tho street Barton
pulled his revolver and filed at Dave
but just at that instant the elder Hive
ly stepped between them and icceived
din linllnl nt tlin side of the nose It is
said that tlio quarrel between him and
Dave Hively was due to the charge thai
Baitou had been beating his wile form
ci ly Emma Hively
Oiniilm In Sim in uiit
Oviaiia Fob 8 Omaha is bhzaid
swept The storm descended late yes
tuiduy afternoon niul steadily inci cased
in volume and velocity thioiighoiit the
greater pari of tho night The snow
was 10 blinding that vision was ob
scured except at very sboil range
Streetcar tialllo was senously handi
capped Tho storm is repotted general
from vanous points in tho stato and
along tlie various loads east and west
running into Omaha
KoiMiliitlon liil rotlni ml In lottii
ill o to TI111I Kiln t
Dis Moists Feb 8 It is ptobablo
the Iowa legislature will adjourn the
first day of March Byeis of Shelby
yesterday introduced 11 concurrent reso
lution 111 tho houso providing that tho
president of tho senate and tlio speaker
of tho houso declare their respective
bodies adjoin ned sine die Thursday
March 1 at noon Thero is 11 strong
movement on foot to adjourn the house
at that time although somo believe it
will be impossible Conservative men
declare that if tho legislature considers
all bills ponding before that body it will
be iu session at least until the middle of
lnliil iilHslon Iti t ttriin liiniiitr anil
frillil nl Doiiiiiiii Station
DiiiiQiJK la Feb 8 A head ond
collision between a passenger train
going north and a freight train occurred
yesterday on tho Calmar division of tho
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul at
Douuau station Fireman Humble of
tho passenger train was killed Engi
neer Schaoller of tho passenger was
badly scalded S C Wyniaii of Wan
coma had a leg crushed aud it is thought
it must be ninnutated Seveial others
suffered in Junes but none seriously
Both engines and several cars wero
wrecked Tho mishap was owing to
dense fog
riuiK li Choir on n Stiikn
Cjdau RMiDs la Feb This city
is tlie scene ot a novel strike tho mag
nificent vestry choir ol Grace church
under Professor Hall having quit bo
cause tho rector Rev Dr Thomas E
Greene lato candidate lor bishopric of
Iowa publicly cuticiMiig tho singers
Sunday morning The choir and organ
ist say the rector was angry becauso 11
Miprnuo tin tied ub ait iu the stall uud
faced the audience
Lisooia Fob b Tlio Republican
stato central committee at a meeting
last night docided 011 May 2 at Lincoln
as tho time and plico for holding the
state convention tor the selection of na
tional delegates and nomination of a
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for tho Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
First dour West of Poet Office
Attorneys at Inv
Hraasch Avenue
and TnirU St
J II lUrrif
I M DTlw
Our Shop is the Neatest
iu the City
At Ilerio I tin Mntiilii
Musi Mock Ninfoili Nob
riijslclan and Siirgenn
Olllin IllihP Niilionnl Until
Iiilnplinnii llll
Hm 11 i 1 11 1 1 him mill lliclilcni 11 Main
t lllllllllOIIII II
Mini lllli St
Jlllon DvnrOltlimiii Nntl llnnk ItnnMnnnn oub
block tinrlli of Coiurrnitntlonal ohnroti
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up itMra In Cotton nloek onr llnnmt ttornl
Klrit oUm work KUnrniitooil
AtlornoK at Law
Itoonu 10 II mill U Mutt lllnok
Norfolk - Nobrwikiv
Undertakers and Knilmltnoni
HDPtlontlllk Norfolk Ata
Norfolk Nobraska
Attorney nl Law
Uooins 1 and 2 Robertson Wlgton
Block Norfolk
W 0 Halls Barber Sliop
main til 1 111 iti noon iaht ok iouktii
Sale and-
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought and Sold
Will furnish music for dances and par
ties Prices roiisouahlo
Everybody wants the best of
moats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Are essential to health J
handles only pure groceries
free from adulteration and
sells them at
You get what you payj for
at Uhles