N IV v 2M Kxporlmiro In I ho ll it Tcnolntr Wo must ho willing to lourn from tho oxporionco of othor pooplo Every toH timoniul in favor of Hoods Sivrsupnrilliv is tho voice of oxporionco to you and it is your duly if your blood is impuro mid your health failing to tnko thin inodioitio You havo ovory reason to oxpeot that it will do for you what it has douo for othors It is tho host medi cine monoy can buy Hoods pills euro - gostiou stole hoiuluoho indi Stood Dmttli on 13 IJ Mumlay a lawyer of Henrietta Tax onco foolod a grave digger Ho says My brother was very low with malarial fovor and jaiuidico I por suadod him to try Elootrio Hittors and ho was soon much hotter but continued their aso until ho was wholly cured I m suro Electric Hittors saved his life This romedy oxpols malaria kills dis ease germs and purifies the hlood aids digostion regulates liver kidnoy trouhlos foumlo complaints gives per fect hoalth Only BOo at Kiosau Drug Co drug store A Nllit ofTarror Awful anxiety was lolt for tho widow of tho bravo Genoral lluruhain of Machias Mo when tho doctors said sho would tliu boforo morning writes Mrs S II Lincoln who attended hor that fearful night but sho bagged for Dr Kings New Discovery whioh hnd more thau once snvort her life and cured hor of consumption After taking Bho slopt all night Furthor use outirely cured hor This marvellous modicino is guaranteed to euro all throat chest and lung diseases Only f0o and 100 Trial bottols freo at Kiesau Drng Co drug storo Tire Nkws 300 aopartmout is com pleto in ovory partioular Men cau bo curod privately aud posi tively at homo of all weakness aud dis ease Write for now froo book Dr J N Hathaway 22 Commercial Block Sioux City la This is too much John I wont stand it any longor Tomorrow I leave for my inothors unloss you got mo moro Ttocky Mountain Tea Sousiblo woman 15 cents Ask your druggist Dont Tobacco Spit and ttuicke Your IITe Awjr To quit tobacco easily ami forever tig mac netlc full of life nerve and vigor tako the that makes weal men strong All druggists lOa or fl Curo guaran teed IlooUlct mid samplo freo Address Ptcrllng KomoJy Co CUIcoco cr Now York To Cure Conitlputlon Forovtr Tulte CiMarels Ciiudv Cathartic lUo orlfio If C C C full to cure druggists refund money OASTORIA Be the 1 ha Kind You Havo Always Bought Ugnatnre of CAM2 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears he Signature 0 I Ask your Druggist fCg for a generous MO CENT TRIAL SIZE Elys Cream Dalm contains no cocaine mercury nor ony other injurious dm It is ijulckly Absorbed 1 Gives Hellef at once Jl opens and cleaubcn tno Nasal Iaaeagvs Allava Inflammation CATARRH Bs3 COLD N HEAD luaU and lrotccta the Membrane ltretorcn the Keiikea of Tate and tjmcll Full Size 6U Trial iiUelOc at lrusgUt ta or by laall lU UHUTliKKb LIKE A FLASH of llhtiiing stulihit niitl stnrtliiu illicnse strikes down ninny n twin Yet there have been winnings Uxti warnings tin heeded Food lias lain like a heavy weight in the Momacii niter eating Tlu ie have heen belolilngs hitter risings in the month nervousness sleeplessness and growing initahility Instead of llsleniiig to these warn iiiLs recont sc liii heen had to some of the netvc ninnhing tuilinUvcs that eover hut never cure disease Many wrioiis diseases hogin in a diseased condition r the stimiach and oignns of digestion and nutrition The stomach is leally the vital center of nhymciil life It furnishes the hlood which nourishes the whole Ixxly in brain as well nshiawn When the stomach is weak it is not comd to the work of sunnlving the blood upon which deends the strength and vigor or the body Without this essential blood supply the Ixxly weakens In all its organs 1 he condition of the body when the blood stream runs low is the same as that ol tin mill wnen nie nun Miriim urns mw im iv not enough jniwer to do the work The heal I feels the lnck of jxiwei the biain feels it so do the lungs nerves liver and all the vital organs li Pierces Golden Medical Discoveiy cures the weak stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition ineieascs the activity of the blood making jjlands ami poms a tide of pure blood along the arteries and veins which nourishes every organ into stiength It is the gicat stomach strengthening neive nouiishing lung healing muscle making leiuedy of the age It contains no alcohol and is fiee from opium cocaine and all other narcotics Doctors Disagree About en years nun I Iickhm to have Double with tny stomach wtiles Mi Win Connolly of ms Walnut Stteet Iomili Oliio It Kot so bad tlmt I Itud to lay oil quite often two and three days In a week I have been Healed by the host doctors in this city but not no help Some said I had cancer of the stomach olheis eatauh otheis dyspepsia Then I wrote to you for advice You advised the use of your Oolden Mcdtcil Discovery and Pleasant relicts These medicines I have taken as directed I commenced to set better from the start and have not lost a day this smtmiet on account of my stomach I feel tip top and better than I have fot ten years Keep tho bowels healthy by using Dr Plcrcos Pleasant Pel lots They dont gripe They aro easy to take and suro to euro makea tou ttroukr inneaiinner UUUI Whutlo tho Ulilltlron Drink Dont glvo thorn ton or coiloo Havo you tried tlio now toou drinic cuiiou Grain 0 It is tloliuioua nud nourisliing ami takes tho placo of cofToo Tho uioro Oraln 0 you give tho children tho moro health you distrihuto through their sys toins Clrain O is made of puro grains and whou properly proparod tastes liko tho ohoioo grades of coiloo but costs about i as much All grocers soil it 15 oonts and 25 cents Working Night mill Day Tho busiest aud mightiost little thing that ovor was mado is Dr Kings Now Lifo pills Those pills ohuugo weakuoss into strength listlossnoss into onorgy brain fag into mental power Theyre wonderful in building up tho health Only Mo por box Sold by Kiesau Drug Co drug Btoro TIiIn Is Your Opportunity On receipt of ten conts cash or stamps a gouorotiH samplo will bo mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fovor Cure ElyB Cream Malm sufficient to demon fctrato tho great merits of tho remedy ELY MtOTIIEltS CG Warren St New York City Itov John lipid Jr of Great Falls Mont recommended Elys Cream Balm to mo I can omplmsio his ntatcmont Itisaposi tivo euro for catarrh if usod as directed ltov Francis W Joolo Iustor Central lres Church Helena Mout Elys Croam Halm is tho acknowledged curo for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious dru Irico CO cents How Are Your Klduey f Dr Ilobtis Hiiniku8 Illli euro nil kidney Ills Sam- liiuiruu auti sn rung nuiiieuy ioiuicuKOur l Ho plays well that wins Hoods Sarsaparilla wins tb victory ovor disoaso bocanso it possoss genuine ourativo power Ednrnto Your llawels With Cuscnrots Cnndy Cathartic curo constipation forover i0c25c If C CC fall druggists refund money A frightful IMuudor Will often causo a horriblo burn scald outorbruiso Uucklous Arnica salvo will kill the pain and promptly hoal it Cures fovor sores ulcors boils corns all skiu oruptions Best pilo cure on earth Only 25cts a box Curo guaranteed Sold by Kiosau Drug Co drug storo Denuty la lllood Deep Clean blood means a clean skin No beauty without it Cuscarets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from tho body Ucgin to day to banish pimples boils blotches blackheads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarcts beauty for ten cents All drug gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c 50c O Bean the Signature of SToniA Itrrlt with tou whtthrr ynu ronllnue tbru ovrfiiiiUK unsitu iibuii n U- uii rvniuTv iuo ursiru lor louaeco wi ouiurTouuiireieiieiinicu liuo iuriuca iud uiuuu 1 lorn iinv iuauu T I 1 BL rwHiikvr k vSk lin CANDY CATHARTIC THE NOIUOLK MEWS THUKSDAY FEBRUARY 1 1000 Iho Kind You Hatf Always Bought Ctjfrjie v ra 1 - i jwj WM 4 a PI B P WA IIU1CI rm oflJK LI ivAV Id 400000 tsearurrLt liuy rci lIAtrroiu r nwn drutrtriftt whu will Tourli for 111 Tftk II r Ith ntJfmlT nemlitcntlr tine z 1 uiuallT cures S boies Z U uaritntertl locnri or we rrfund mnnr 8U1IU1 Ufiarda rlt trl Mtw Tr Biliousness Ilinvo uioil yuur vuluublc IIIVIS and Had tlicm perfect Couldnt do without them I liavo used tliem fortoino tlmo tor indigestion and biliousness and am now com plotoly cured Hecoiumend them to every one Onco tried you will novor bo without them In tuo lamlly Kuw A MMix Albany N Y tnadi UMM mtoirfto ricmsant Palatable Potent Taste Good IK Oood Never Slceu Weaken or Qrlpe 10c2ic Wc CURE CONSTIPATION fitrrlUf UrMfd Coapimy ttlrta Hoatrrtl ffw York Stt linTnRlf Sold and iniarantpcd tr SHORT NEWS STORIES Stephen rrnttcn Itrvrnttr A llrnltlir Irlnor taiiien WliltetimU llll Joke When Stephen Cmno wab n Mndont nt KyrnctiHu ooIIcko ho some way won tho wnith of 11 ccrtiiln profoHHor who wiih liiKtiiiinciiliil In hiivlug him expel led f intii tho liiHtltufl f Theroufter Cmno IherlHhed 11 heuntifiil hut red for HiIh profoHHor Iho Jriik wnr hroho out Crnno wiih wont to cover It for 11 newnpii per One day ho found hluiMolf wiih 11 compiinlou between tho two linen Ho could ko In neither direction Willi his friend ho lingered In tho IiIIIh They lay under ft tree 0110 nlht nud JiihI iih they wero uboiit to roll ovor to Hleup tho Hound of bienltliiK twIH fell upon their euiR ltolh men loiiked whoiico ciiine tho Hound Out Into tho moon llitht Htoppod 11 ninn IIu wiih CrnnoH old profoHHor Tho corroHiioiidont cull cil him nud ho Joined tho two men Ho hnd como to tho country to study tho nrchiicoloKlciil roumtiiH ntid hud loHt IiIh wnv In tho IiIIIh IIu had been wnutlcrliiK iirotind for three dnVH ent Iiir benleH Crntic who hnow tho country well from three months loiter Ihk there tool tho old ninn tindor IiIh wIiik and shared IiIh out It with him tlnnlly Beolng him wol within tho Creole llneH II tiHcd to tell mo I would end my dny in states prison snld Crnno In telling the story nnd my assistance to him there In the hills was the sweet est revenge a man over secured Out of that Incident Crane wrote his novel called Active Service Detroit Freo Press A HenHliy Prince Many stories aro current about the Prince of Wales recent visit to Mnrlen lnd whore he was most democratic It is said that a Polish Jew sitting on 1 PIDNT XTKD WATKB CUnK a park bench next to tho prince not knowing his Identity began to question him about what ho paid for his rooms doctors etc ending with digging his royal highness in the ribs nud tolling him he looked too healthy to need the wuter cure lumen Wlittcnmli Itlloyn Joke J Whltcomh Ulley did his llrst lit erary work In tho early seventies for tho Indianapolis Journal under an as sumed name Tho llrst pay he ever re ceived for a poem was a suit of clothes from the late George Harding of the Indianapolis Herald About 1S70 Uiley went east and was welcomed by Holmes Whittlor and Longfellow The New England newspapers made much of his visit and when ho returned he was a hero I can remember said nn old Jour nal man the other day when Ulley with his smooth boyish face slender figure clad iu sacerdotal garb used to come to the olllco aud sit on my desk and dash off nonsense verses in tho same copperplate microscopic handwriting that he uses today Elijah Halford now a paymaster with the rank of major in the United States ar my and President Harrisons nrlvnto secrotary was the editor and It used to he IUleya chief delight to submit some of hlB most meaningless jingles to Halford for tho editorial page The major who never had tho slightest sense of humor spent many a weary hour trying to comprehend them Youd better draw a diagram to go with this he would say Then a shout of laughter from the boys would show him that thero was a Joke loose some where nnd he would retire luto his of fice to avoid It What ne Wnnted to Be Lord Charles Beresford as a boy wns tho despair of both his parents and teachers On his thirteenth birthday his father gave him his choice whether he would enter the army or the navy or tnko up orders Well he concluded what Is It to be my lad 7 Tho navy my lord And why the navy boy Cause Id like to bo an admiral like Nelson lslmw like Nelson Why Nelson Cause I want to Hut even If you wero to join the lavy why do you think you will ever become an admiral Charlie Cause I mean to was the blunt reply He had his wish and entered the navy Colliers Weekly Kltchenera Compliment to the Queen Lord Kitchener of Khartum Is a Mralghtforward soldier but he does not scorn the art of turning a compli ment gracefully It has long been said of him thnt he Is proof against all feminine charms nud when he waited upon her majesty nt Windsor tho juepn wns curious enough to put a pointed question Is It title my lord she asked that you have never yet cared for women Yes your majesty replied the sir dar quite true with one exception Ah said the queen and who Is bho The sirdar bowed Your majesty tald he Youths Companion A lltrrnry Nntr The denizens of the forest were or ganizing u literary club We must make the porcupine presi dent said Mrer Wolf Ills stylo Is full of good points Permit me remnrked Itror Knbhlt to recommend a reptllo friend of mine Ho can put up a rattling tall Catholic Standard and Times The Fence Will Slny Two Atchison men decided recently that their property would look better with no dividing fence between and took It down It was down a week when both women agreed to make their husbands put up tho fence again They hnd had 110 trouble but a talk In tho back yard without a fence to lean jii was liko meat without salt Tho fence Is up to stay Atchison ttlobe WHEAT QUhJ BUT HRM Znrii Wenthnr rtnil Imtirotml Kxporl Do tiiiinil tlm MlrmiKthonliiK Inlliiniirim On tiuoo Jan 111 Tim zero weather nud n reportml butter nxnirt iniUlry wero thu main factum In n quiet wheat mnrlcot today Mny cIiisIuk Wiio over yesterday Corn oloied nnd ontn a hIiikIo lower Provision nt tho close wore iJjTJjO improved Closing prints WllRAT Mnr Wiiilai July VSJo CoHN Jnn IWJmJ -May iffbMito Oath Jim ajo Mny 21c PoliK Jiin IWiilil Mny ll07 LAUD Inn 1577 Mny WflO Cnsh limitation No rod whont HVilftOJo No HprltiK whont lWJJJ07Jio No - corn Ulc No 2ontH JIl Clileni o Ilvo Stock ClllOAno Tan HI Cnttlo ltoeelptR 15600 pood to choice nntivo nteera sternly others weak Kood to rhoico thb 0dK poor to Me dium 14 005500 iiiixisl monitors 3SS38i selectMlfeisler4J0iitfHi itooil to cholcocowB ll4041O helfet H JirJVit50U cnimorM WAVt U85 bulls JJ6Ott440 calves 460sC8ffii fed Toxns heoves J400pJO Hors Heeelpts Jtl U00Mhndi hlKhnr top 1485 koihI clenranco mixed nnd butchers J4f5480 Rood to choice heavy 47XiC485 nmklx honvy 4555ti4d5 llKht t4rA47UJs hulk of Bales J47lXg475 Sheep HooelptH JOOOO Htcady to shndii lower top lnmbs 1700 nntivo wethers t4C05U lambs 5000700 western wothera 475S525 woitern lambs 00700 Kiiniiu City Ilvo Stook Kansas Citv Jnn 31 Onttlo Rnoolpts JJOO nntivo dressed Htoern slow to lOo lowor butchers Htookand feudini cattle stendy Tox nns nctlvellrm heavy native steors4KX35U lightweights l00oJ0 stoekers and feeders 37550 butchers cows nnd heifers II 10 4B5cnnncrs fMI5310 fed westerns 41O0 605 wiwtern fisKlers 3555J0 Texans J305 Gl40 Hogs Hocelptw 10700 nctivo stendy to shade stronger heavy 4009470 mixed 455405 light 43Vg465 pigs J380425 Hhoep Iteceipts lWJO supply mostly of in ferior quality which sold rendlly at Arm prices lambs J57rXjHla5 weathers t3005f0 muttons 4uV450U stookurs und feeders JU60 450 culls J 50a350 South Oiuulia Ilvo Stock Sodtii Omaha Jan 81 Cnttlo Receipts 2800 htendy native beef steers 42i580 western steers J400l80Toxas steers 86o 435 cows and heifers 31ViJ440 dinners J0J Hi 00 stookers nnd feeders 3005 25 cnlves W60725 bulls stngs etc 27ft410 Hogs Uecelpts 49J0 slinilo to 6c higher heavy 455i4 07 mixed 4554fi7J4 light 440 4 57K Pigs 41KXS455 bulk of sales 45Va 457 bhoep Uuceipts 4700 slow to 10c lower yearlings 490535 western muttons f 1iVB4Sj Btock sheep t3J0i440 lambs 5U0 0050 Cures dizzy spells tired feoling stomach kidnoy nnd livor troubles Keeps you well all tho year Kocky Mountain Tea taken this mouth 115 cents Ask your druggist Seo young mnidon that thou takest tho genuine Rocky Mountain Tea mado by the Madison Medicine Co if thou likest thy fair face 155 cents Ask your druggist Wi HE CURES Tho Greatest Specialist or tho Tlmo Uives Kvcry Cuno His Personal Attention n Most doctors liaro n certain number uocior of block remedies wblcli lliey use In Hathaway S U cukos wlilcli peemnt nil tinllar Method Tills is not Dr Hallinwnys metUod rerycaHo wuu nun is moiiiciirciuuy Iff K Wily uiuenoueu ana mo exact popltlon of the dlseunedcon dltlon dntermlned Time overycano lstreateil pepir utuly and medicines are id mtnlHtered nlilcb nre ftioclnuy prepnreu under lir llutliauayH iicrnonnl BuiiorviBioniorenciicase Notwoneniiloironirocted liynpartlculardlseaeolntlie ramu milliner contemicnt ly no two people pliould ho treated In thu sniuu way even for snmo complaint Ur Uatlmnuy IsnepeclHl 1st in tliobcst sonpeof thu word lie traits ppuclul ills napes In n pdocIuI munner of othlaown a syntem studlod out years uko while In - college and hospital practice und Ira tvory uusu proToii and oularKed upon com tantly Snoolallv during tho twenut years lr twenty years of thu most extonslvo TrOtOU pructico enjoyed by any ppnclullet In ttilscountry Dr Hatuawnra great nnd ecus Is due to this Individual system nt treatment Enlil In Plte ot hundrods of requests cuiumu yiwrly from doctors Inalt parts of the T roatmoni nrld asking for tho privilege of uglngDrIIatbawaysiuothodnf treaUuuntlio lielloves It lxerU allow nono buHldo hlmsiilf thu knowlediro of Ills remedies us ho istoonell aware ot chlul smcu may do uuira u uiouusKiunii imimuni Blood and Skin Diseases BTPtom never mini how norfyc Ur Hatliawaya truutmont for blood diseases In nliatorer stage cures all forms of ulcers sorop llntrhnfl ntmnlps etcand not onlv rosbirus the skin Htid sculp to their natural condition butso purines the bl04l thai tho dlseusols permanently and com pletely driven trora the system and all this without udmlnlsterlug polsouous or dangeroiw druirs His treatment of Varlcorelo VarlOOGOlO and and Stricture is a method nxclu Strloturo slyelyhls own and In 0 per rent 0j on cas re8uta inaperfoct and permanent cure No oieratlonla rpipilred and no pain or Inconvenience are experienced by the patient 1 he expense of this treatment Is much lei s thunthatof any operutlou or hospital nr Instltuto treatment and Is txith safe and pure restoring tho orgaus to u condition of perfect normal henllh mj IrllHthaHayhaslUktprepiredanew Kidney tost auostion blank fnr hope h ho have Diseases f ulls0St Kidney trouhlnand uiaousua ttl8Iaiilc ho will gladly sntid freo to ovoryono vtuo sends him his name anil nddreps New BOOK book ThodHniaidforIr Munllnoss Vigor Hatlmwiusnew Ilenltli lm FREE ttTii1f Lmuste1 ha first edition of J ino000but for a limited time it copy of this boot will bo i ent free to anyone who muds his Pnniin uuiue and address to Dr lluthnwiiy consultation Dr lluthanuy makes no chiiriro FREE fnrconsultallonniiiladvlcuat either his olllco or by mull yi J NEWTON HATHAWAY M D 0 Dr llutliaway t Co SSCoiuiiiurclul lilook Sioux City Iiiu m wmermEziz u P 7 HI j a Tlio Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has been in uho for over 30 years has borno tho sifjnaturo of cs m THE ntul has heen mado under his 77y 80m supervision sinco its infaney wCCi66 Allnwiin nun tn dneelvA nll ill llllsl All Countcrfoits Imitations and Substitutes aro hut Unit triilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment- What is CASTOR A Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic Kubstnncc Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverlshncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation nnd Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of zi4Uc The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years AFTER USING TMC CCNTAUn COMPANY TT MUHRY BTBCCT NEW YORK CITY wmmmmmmmmmmammmmm HEALTH AND VITALITY -- m - m mm J8TElENruatXIV El XXXjXS Tho crcat remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho generative nrr finc nf ftllliprBftT atli h fia Mpi rmie PpnotMlInn PnlllnnnM T nn TnHinn Impotuncy Nlnhtly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry ezcesslvo use ef rl o nnn nut frtm Inli I nli Inml n 1r mrtm 1 T uritt Ul JVUltlU U twTWlUl U YVlilUil ILdU tU VUU3Uli41klUU UUU 1UUU1LV - v - t O boxes for 5UO North Western LINE p E ffl V R R is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Mrs HHHull WILLOlV Faial Treatment Manicaring and Sbanpo Will gladly call t yonrhornea anddoanyotthl work Ordert taken for una hair Bwltohei Peifect match guaranteed Iioaideuco on Fircl street Jnnctlou Orders may ba left at tin Janetinn DrngHtorn Telephone r O Bewitie Signature of ntn 5 order wo Kiiarnntco to euro or rcfuntl tho money Sold at 100 por box juicitiuxxS ciiUiTUCAIi CO Clovolaud Oliio For Sale at KEONIGSTEINS PHARMACY Railroad and Business Directory en o 30 u L E ffiQ to - ta cc hi UJX M co sco cc J 0 g c a I o u R R TIME TASLE Fremont ZUchorn Mo Valley EAST Omaha PaBeonRor v Expruee h r cubo KxpresB On nbf tngor WD JlErVRT 605am 1240pm abiiivi 7p m 1240 pm UKrABT Ulnck IHIIb rJxproPH 740pm Verdisro PimsoiiKor 1210 p m VordiKro Accommodation t00m WEST AHBIVE Illnck Hills ExprcsB 1220 p m Vordiro PaseoiiRur tt05um VnrdiRro AccommodBtion 720pm Tlio Chicago nnd Dlack Hills ExpropH nrrivos and departs from Junction depot Tlio Omaha nud Vordiyre trains arrive and depart from city depot H U Matbau Ahont Union Pacific SOUTH oliimbuB Accommodation Omnliu Denver and Pacillc Coast NORTH Columnim Ace mmodntion Omulin keiivnrnnd Pacillc connt DEPAItT H30pm 1100am ABRIVE 1030pm w p ra Connects at Norfolk with F E fc M V Koin weBt and north and with tho O tit P M O for points north and east F W Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAST DKPABT Sioux City and Omaha Passenger tl 30 am Sionx ntyPaBSongor 100 pm VHT ABBIVB Sioux City PnBBengcr 1089 am Biocx City and OmalM PaBBsngor 730 pm ConnectB at Norfolk with F E fc M V going west nnd north and with tho U P for points foiith F W Juneman Agent Ualy except Sunday C S HAYES -- Fine Watch Repairing Spencer Ouolman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 7 Fourth Street HCTRUMAN Paints and Ola 1 Paper House and Sign Painter IJISPEPS tfllibllJERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue JW EDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoer All Wobk Guabanteed Cor 4th St nnd Draasch Ave 8TOHIA Th8 Kind You Have Always Bought Mfoe rhotofraph ironuid REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY l t mm B c JBB V awvK jrjrm ss Made a Well Man 1 JI IVIC nTiTvnBixtf produces tho above results ln30 days It acU powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall Young men will regain their lost mumood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and family restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects ot self -abuse or oicesaand indiscretion which unfits one for study business or marriage II not only cures by starting at tho neat of disease but Is a great nerve tonlo and blood bnllder bring ing back the pink glow to Palo cherks and ro etorlng tho Are of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption InBlst on having KEVIVO no other It can bo carriod in vest pocket Ily mail 8100 per package or six for S5O0 with a posi tive written guarantee to rare or refund theralncy Circularise Address Royal Aledicine Co cPcAaoTxal F rljaloMn Norfolk hy Qoo BChrlsto wm T iiti -ii Vtmm rVrVrtr f m TOylPPyPIftrrrr of IU puKes rn ireuiingultullnionta tmtm common to tho human family Writo us all uuoui vour case ymmmBmmmmaBBBBBBB Rov D C Honson Pustor M E Church Wnunotn Neb writes yearti of uonstlpatiuu una Btomacii tusorjier ur jvuya Jionovutor mis romovua tlio consiipuiion mm tuauu my etuiimuu minus iuw l uuuiu uui iiuur u wuicn tick with it closo to my viyht ear und but it very short distaueo from my left one I can now hear ono quite a diBtanco from my right ear and a long distance from my left ono and the thick heavy feeling between ilj eyes to my Dr Kays Renovator V m o i loyTis gone Dr Kays Catarrh Curo did it It is tho best thing I over tried unHiACDCC A nvirC7 finil nnnil frnn Tr Knvs llotnn Trfuitmnnt nn iHtiuirtitml nir - -------- - say uro just u cood If druggists tio not nave our reineuics uon iuko uny nuubuiuiuo wiey for thuy havo No Equal They cau bo had prepaid by return mail liv enclosing ipI Ur Kuyi Ittuovutcr i5 cts nnd Jla or WU0 worth for J5U Catarrh Curo B0 cts Addrcta Dr 11 J Kay mcuicui uo tiuraioga mprings h y ttttt UttC mtsmmmimmmmTm iir y