A li hi I 4 I h t t r t Commencing Today We will Out Prices on All Heavy Winter Weight Warm Lined Slippers and Shoes to close Davenport Bros Norfolk Nebraska SIMPSONS CORNER Offico Hardrs Coal Offlco Fire insurance Farm and City Loans and Ileal Estate Coino and soo mo J E SIMPSON Tho AVcilthor Conditions of tho woathor as recorded for tho 24 hoars ending at 8 a in to day Maximum temperature 12 Minimum temperature 2 Average 7 Snowfall inches 00 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for mouth 12 Earomoter 2050 Forecast for Nebraska Fair tonight nud Friday Slightly warmer tonight THURSDAY TIDINGS Collectors are out in force Tomorrow is ground hog day Rev Win Hoelzol is sick with tho grip Ludwig Koeuigsteiu is under tho weather Mrs Chas Fix is still seriously ill at her homo in Edgewater Park Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs Mark Purviance living over the Daven port livery died last night The weather today is again most agreeable to everybody unless it is the coalmen and icemen and they must put up with it 11 F Bruco who lives northeast of the city lost one of his valuable cows Monday night from some unknown cause or disease Schenzel Appol have their new meat market in the Widaniau building about ready for business and oxpoot to open up tomorrow W H Johnson is reported materially improved this morning and it is now hoped that tho crisis has passed aud that ho will soon bo entirely out of danger J M Machmuller living a mile west of the city sold all his stock at auction Tuesday Tho sale was attended by a largo crowd in spite of tho cold aud overytning oueroa nrougnt gooa prices Merchants report that business during the past fow days has been of a character that closely resembles winter trade A few of thorn would bo highly pleased with a snowfall of about a foot in depth W B Hight has sold his residence property in Edgewater Park and may conclude to remove to Donver For tho present his family will remain hero whilo ho goes out to look tho country over A large uumbrr of friends assisted August Hollerman in celebrating his birthday last evening at his homo on Sixth street and Park avenue Refresh ments were sorved and all enjoyed a very happy time Fremont Tribune Tho yonug man of Samoa when in love Iuib tho name of his sweotheart tattooed upon his foro arm In Fremont they are apt to wear an imprint of the girls father subse quoutly or thereabouts It is announced that tho state board of transportation will reopen tho caso brought by Ohas H Johnson asking for tho correction of alleged discrimination in freight rates aud that a hearing will bo hold in this city on February 0 Yesterday was tho 14th birthday of Misa Louiso lies au event which was celebrated by a number of her young friends execntiug a surprise upon her nt her home last evoniug A royal good timo was enjoyed by those present Tho Nebraska Telephone company is a flourishing institution There are seven different gangs of linemen and other worlcers uow employed in tho 6tato and it is stated that the company is more thau six mouths behind witli its work A lurgo number of friends assisted Miss Mublo Ellis in celebrating her 18th birthday at the home of her sister Mrs S K Brackett Tuesday eveuiug It proved an onjoyablo event and one long to bo remembered by those who woro prcsont Rev G L Halo evangelist and J M Hunt Blngor who recontiy oiosou n successful sorios of rovival niqotings in tho Baptist church at Battlo Creek aro expoctod horo in a fow wooks to conduct a sorios of mootings In tho iutorcst of tho Baptist church Dr A Hodgotts formorly of this city recontiy closed n successful four weoks sorios of rovival sorvlcos in Trinity church at Grand Island Ho conducted tho mootings aud was ossistod only by minlHtorn of neighboring towns Bishop II W Wnrrou is expected to visit his church on Sunday February 1 1 A special to yesterdays Omaha Boo from Wiusido dated tho 0th says A young child of J E Hayes mauagor of tho Amoricau Grain companys olovator backed against a hot coal stove yester day and was probably fatally burned Tho child ran across tho room all ailamo nnd would hnvo gono upstairs if it could have oponod tho door leading into tho hall Mr Hayos caught tho child and burnod two quilts in smothoriug tho flainos After tho woddlng of Mr Paul Karo and Miss Hattio Sommlor nt Christ Luthoran church yostcrday aftoruoou tho wedding party procoodod to tho homo of tho brides parents Mr nud Mrs Henry Semmlor on North Tenth stroot whoro an ologant dinner had boon pre pared and to which atnplo justice was done Tho Italian orchostra furuishod muBic during tho evoniug whioh was interrupted by tho discordant sounds produced by another charivari party which camo to pay thoir rospoots to tho newly woddod couplo Mr and Mrs Karo aro both well known young peoplo of tho city Mr Karo having lived here about 12 years whilo tho bride was born here Thoy will go to housekeeping at onco in the homo of Aug Karo who with his wife intend to make n thrco mouths visit to California Geo Schwenk tho icomau cut his first crop of ice about holiday timo Since then tho warm weather melted that which had formed and his artificial pond was cleared of all tho congealed aqua and tho pond was refilled with water from tho wells Tho recent cold snap has formed another crop of ico which is now being cut and put up In doing this a queer freak of nature has been noted aud wero it not that Mr Schwenks word is considered good under all circumstances not even ex cepting a fish story tho statement might bo received with incredulity Tho story is to the effect that tho presont ico for mation is plainly marked to conform with that which was cut during the holidays There aro tho same number of pieces of tho same size and in tho same position as laid out in tho work done during tho early part of tho season Tho cause of tho phenomenon is given up by Tm News and roferred to the scien tists or other persons who have studied such uuusual actions of naturo Mr Schwouk says tho same thing has hap pened before but ho was fearful that tho peoplo would think ho had been see ing ghosts and so said nothing until his story could bo substautaited by a repeti tion of tho strange performance We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Savings association T E Tolophouo No 112 will ring up THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 1900 Building and Ouiouve Sec ir Vour Watch Stop Go to Fritz Hoehne in Koenigsteins drug store IIo is tho best and cheapest watchmaker and jowelor in town All work warranted Ohoico celery at Glissmans Suidors catsups at Boxs Dr F Verges residouco and office Wantkd Trustworthy persons to tako orders for War in South Africa and tho Dark Continent from Savagery to Civilization by William Harding tho famous traveler cable editor and author Press says wonderfully com plete graphic descriptions bril liantly written sumptuously illus trated demand remarkable salos unprecedented prices low Wo shall distribute 100000 in gold among our salespeople bo first dont miss this chance also highest commissions books on K days credit freight and duty paid sample caso free Address The Dominion Company Dept V Chicago Farm and city loan The Duiiland Thust Go Farm land nnd city property for sale by G R Seller Fresh oysters in uuy Ton stylo at tho Bon Man with few hundred dollars capital can make arrangements for solo control in tho wodt of an invention in fuel There is 10000 to bo inado out of it Address O G W P O box 541 Nor folk Nebraska Buy all your groceries of Box and get the best Mow Blent Market We will open a butcher shop in the Widaniau building two doors east of tho Asmus building about February 1st We hope to deserve a sharo of tho patronage of Norfolkjpeoplo nnd respect fully solicit tho sauio SCHKNZKL AllEL Wanted Good girl for general houso work Wages 350 a weok Mrs Dr Fraxic Salter NO OXNARD FACTORY Hoot Sunr Couimiiy A V III Not KntiihlUli Ilitnt Tliln Yciir Tho Sioux City Journal of yesterday morning contained tho following Tho Amoricnn Boot Sugar company which it was hoped would establish an lm monno boot sugar factory in Sioux City has changed its plana in this regard and will not build tho plant this yoar per haps It uovor will build it Henry T Oxnard of Oxnard Gal president of this powerful boot sugar organization has wrltton n lottor to John O Grousel chairman of tho manufacturers com mittooof tho Sioux City Roal Estato board who has boon conducting tho negotiations on tho part of tho city His communication was as follows Amorlcan Boot Sugar Company Nassau Stroot Now Yoik Jan 27 1100 J O Grousel Esq Sioux Gity Io Doar Sir Wo will not locate a factory in Iowa this yoar Should soutimout in favor of expansion die out I shall bo very glad to tako up tho sub joct anothor year Unless our sugar interests uro to bo protootod wo will not dovelop any furthor Yours very truly llRNUY T OXNAUl Until tho recoipt of this lottor tho real OBtato board beliovod tho negotia tions with tho sugar company woro progressing finoly and that tho prospoot of tho factory boiug complotod boforo noxt fall was oxcollont Mr Oxnard has boon evincing much interest in tho propositions of tho real estate board to soo that tho city would glvo his company handsomo troatmout and tako caro of it as have boon othor largo companion which located institutions in Sioux City Mr Grousel said ho was uncertain what would bo tho boards noxt movo upon Mr Oxnard There is ono thing certain said Mr Grousel wo do not intond to lot up on him Wo boliovo that Sioux Gity is ono of tho most desi rable locations in tho world for u boot sugar factory and there is small doubt that Mr Oxnard full recognizes this If ho will not recede from his prcsont position I think wo should koop in touch with him until tho growth of his busi ness compels expansion ot tho Amoricau Boot Sugar company Baltimoro oysters in bulk at Gliss mans Two good front rooms over tho Palaco of Sweets for rent and also a carpenter or paint shop Enquiro at Palaco of Swocts Short order meals at tho Bon Ton Spare ribs Glissmans Houses for sale aud pork touterloiu at Sturgeon is tho piano man T E Odiorne See Ohristophs flue porfume Rose Bud cream for chapped hands nud face at Ohristophs Board by day or week at tho Bon Ton Wo have a quantity of ogg sizo hard coal which wo wish to movo at onco If you can use any of this sizo coal phono No 52 Edwards Bradford Lumber company Sliito Iluiirit of TrHnHjiortutlon The following lottor received by Chas II Johnson this morning explnius it self Lincoln Jan 81 100 Mr C II Johnson Norfolk Nebraska Dear Sir At a meeting of tho State Board of Transportation yesterday the following resolution was ndopted Moved and carried that Mr Charles II Johnson aud tho citizens of Norfolk generally bo notified that tho Stato Board of Transportation and secretaries will hear any complaint which h or they dosiro to make against tho railroad companies doing business in this stato at Norfolk on the Oth day of February 1900 commencing at 2 oclock p m That this hearing will bo under Section 17 of Tho Act Governing tho Stato Board of Transportation and that Mr Johnson bo requested to notify tho board at his earliest convenience whether or not he will bo ready to proceed at that time with tho hearing You will please muko preparation for tho fame and notify tho parties whom you dosiro or are interested to bo pres ent at the hearing Yours very truly Stati Board of Transportation By Secretary J W Edgerton Geo B druggist Ghristoph proscription For Sale G0O houso and lot west side C B Burrows Hardings creamery butter bluo seal 2o cents at Glissmans PERSONAL L L MoKim is in Omaha on busi ness J K Parker of Madison is a city visitor today Ed Madson wont to Mihsouri Valley this morning A Haley was a Creighton visitor in town yestorday V G Huobnor of Pierce was a city visitor yesterday Ernest and Agues Raasch are visiting friends in Osmond O S Hayes went to Potorsburg this morning on business J D Sturgeon wont to Oreighton this morning ou business W E Hndley of Westfiold is transact ing business in tho city today Mr and Mrs Dell Barnes contem plate removing to Oregon in tho near future O E Doughty departed this noon on a buBiuoss trip along tho M O rail way lino Alviu Low is enjoying a visit from his daughter who arrived last ovoning from Kansas F Barclay a plnmbor of Bontriro Is I horo repairing tho plpos In tho Lincoln school building W M Bettor of Omaha freight solicitor of tho F E M V railway is horo on business II A OliapiHll oamo homo thin noon from a trip west in tho Interests of tho Sugar City Ooroal Mills Chas lauoli who has boon visiting friends hero for a week loft this morn ing for his homo in Bazlln Mills Miss Alice Conloy who recently re turned from Alliance left this morning for Fremont to attend tho normal school Max Lonzor who is manager of a lumber yard nt Nollgli camo down yes torday to attend tho Karo Semmlor tho l wedding Mr and Mrs J i Troutnmu aro homo from Sioux Gity and will leavo Saturday for Chicago whoro Mr Trout man will undergo an operation Rov W R McKiin camo over from Hartiugton last ovoning On account of ill hoalth ho has boon granted a vacation of soveral months tho grcator portion of which timo ho will spend with his mother hero Bud Powors son of Judgo Powors of this city who has boon in Omaha dur ing tho post fow yoars has been pro moted to tho position of traveling auditor for tho Swift Packing company His territory will includo tho states of Nebraska Colorado Idaho North aud South Dakota Iowa nud Kansas Box can suit you on colToo Fresh Fish at Glissmans Ileal Intnto TriumtorH Tho following transfers of roal estate aro roportod by Ohostor A Fullor man ngor of tho Madison county abstract oflico at Norfolk Herman Hogrefo and wifo to Frod Sohreogor wd part of 11- 2J 2 1000 00 Frod Laubsohaud wifo to Chas Rudat wd lot 2 block 2 Much mullors addition to Norfolk 000 00 Ferdinand Utecht and wifo to Emilio Rohrko wd lot 2 block 2 Maohmiillcrs addition to Norfolk Stato of Nebraska to Carl Otto deod nw1 of so- and s1 of BOjf 85-31-2 Francis M Poland nnd wifo to A W Glonn wd wjj of no1 19-21-1 of nwK 20-21-1 I Sarah E Eldor to Tho Durlind Trust Go qcd lots 8 nud I blook 1 Bear and MathowsoiiK addition to Norfolk 4fc H n e b A HARDY always keeps in stock all the best grades of inoo oo 8S0 rr 500 oo Frank Davis and wifo to It E Long wd w of lot 19 Wards suburban lots to Norfolk 800 00 James W Kidder jr nnd wifo to Lewis M Broodier wdwji 00 I 00 Boarders wanted at -100 Fifth streot DrFrauk Salter Disoasos of children IMIiiKiln or I2imiHH Tho county commissioners of Madison county Nobnuskn at thoir regular meet ing in January 1900 mado tho follow ing ehtimato of expenses for tho ensuing year County Instituto fund 12ri 00 Commissioners pay and mile age 2KX 00 County clerk salary as clerk of board fSOO 00 County superintendent salary 1100 00 County road fund 750 X Oaro of paupers 2000 00 Bounty on wild animals 800 00 County printing 800 00 Fuel postage and express 1800 00 Jailors fees 1 000 00 Books stationery and supplies lb0 00 Janitors salary nud assistants to county ofllcers 2500 00 County attorney salary 050 00 County Bridge fund 9000 00 Election expenses 2100 00 District court and jurors 7500 00 Assessors pay and milengo 8500 00 IiiBano fund 850 00 Poor farm expenses 1 000 00 Aid to Agricultural society 700 00 High school tuition foes 500 00 Furniture and repairs on court houso nnd jail 500 00 Interest ou court houso bonds between Madison and Union precincts 400 00 Sinking fund for same 100 00 Battle Greok village jail bond and interest 150 00 PlIILIl Raucii County Clerk 0 HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal screened and delivered promptly Satisfaction guar anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 35 Uptown 0fflce4th St L DO YOU SMOKE If so try the PalaceCigar Stores lciuliiiK 5 cont CiKurti - Capadura SaborosaBroadleaf If ou wniilu iMttorcitrnr wo lime tho boot 10 cuiiturtt in tho city J L DANIEL Proprietor I HAVE- Several Farms for Rent or for Sale on Crop Payments AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST I also want to buy a good farm or some good land MONEY TO LOAN on Good Farms A J DURLAND A PLAIN TALE TRUTHFULLY TOLD We Must Have Room As I intend to put my Two Stores into ONE and In order to make room am ollerlng OUT PRICKS on everything All Jackets i will bo sold at Actual Factory Cost All Wintor Goods nt pricos wo cannot roplaco them now It will pay you big to come and see Hoinombor Gut Prices on Everything THE DRY GOODS PLACE BABIES CRY FOR Have Vou Tried Them AwiisrjD F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb H C TRUMAN WALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roll up Window Shades Room Moulding Paints Oils Glass 04 n 4tiKst Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices k lSlSSSSSSVSK J WHEATLING AND URGAl MADE FROM BON TOPI FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS NORFOLK STEAM LAUNDRY CRAVEN HcCOY Proprietors FirstClass Work Guaranteed Prompt delivery Work called for and returned Your patronage solicited Telephone 83 Norfolk Nebr C W BRAASCH DEALER IN lea I i m W I col 1 uvjij m GKeAiisr Exclusive agent ior the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 01 Norfolk National N A BA1NBOLT 1 Proaideut 1 ALKX W H K W LKXANOKIt HKAH Vica PresIdeDl Bank iiuijuuLi uaemer ZUTZ AiaUUut Caslilur OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIEHOTOBS A BKUl K P IIANLON FJ HALK W H BCOUPLZ WM ZUT NA BAINBOLT JOUN B flAYS V YKBQKa B B COTTON