The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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II V Uiunhtut of llurco In ii city
-visitor toduy
K Halo or Hut Mo Crook wim u oily
visitor yoMoiduy
J O Sproohor of Srhuylor was a city
visitor yostonUy
1 V Hundiik 1iii roturnod from his
btisinoss tilntoOiunhii
S T St lohn of Hasting hud ls
noKsin Norfolk today
Krcd AltsUdt of Madison wim in
town yoMordny aftoiiioon
Dr Mo Kim was ovllod to 1loroo yos
lorday on profossional buMuom
Mrs Kitohoy of tho liosjillat for tlio
inmino n turned this noon fiom u visit
to Wavno
Dr K S Hlulr and IM Hoy11 r
Wuyno ttansaotod litiHiiiiws in thucitv
Maitln Wolsh jr of Tildeii visited
i to iitiur nt tlm liosnlul for tlio In-
Tho WodnoMlay oluh will moot with
Mrs 0 11 Il jnolds tomorrow uftur
noon at a oolooU
1 Ij Uvnoarsnn of Madison sooro
Jury or tho Madison county ujiriuuUurnl
hooioty was a city visitor yostorday
V Ilifton Kddy who is in tho
employ of tho American Hoot Kupir
Co has roturnod from n ploasuro Hip
to Omaha
Jurry Ourrollon roprcHontliiK tho
Dnrphoy Fluid company of Grand
ItiuiiiN Mich was in tho oily today in
tho intorostHolhis firm
Invitations havo boon issued to the
wedding or Miss KruiuoH daughter ot
Mrs Harriot K Warrick to Mr Joseph
Addison Shoomakor on Kobrutiry 1 1 at
H oclock
lloo H Hishopof Now Haven Conn
eiuno down from liorco yostorday
where ho had boon visiting his brother
Whon ho llnishos looking ivftor business
intorosts hero ho will oon to California
Cnptnln Augusta Krnor of tho Salva
tion Army doparted this morning for
Ie Moines Iowa whoro sho will outer
upon a now Hold of labors Another
captain will probably bo aslned to this
point soon
Announcements of tho coming inar
rlngo of Mr V 1C Fulton and Miss
Winnio Gibson have been issued The
ceremony will tnko place at tho homo
or tho bridos mint Miss Harriot Wood
Tuesday evening February ti
1 II Kroner who was formerly a
resident or this city is nrraiifiiif to
move back hero from Den Moines I own
whoro ho has been living tho past two
years At present liu is looking for a
house which is n scarco artiulo
At tho First Congregational ohnroh
parlors Thursday evening tho Y P S
C K will given Midwinter Excur
sion through tho medium of which
n trip can bd taken free of cost No
doubt many will avail themselves of
tlio opportunity
Reports from W II Johnson this
nioruing aro that bo is yet vory low but
that there is still hope of his recovery
Ho has suffered torriblo pain during tho
pnst few days and it has been necessary
to keep him under tho intluence of
opiates much of tho time Mr Johnson
has hosts of friends who wisli for his
spoedy return to health
Tho social which was to havo been
given by Norfolk lodge No 117 A O U
W last Saturday ovoniugbut was post
poned will bo given this ovouing at
Odd Follows hull Extensive arrange
ments have been inado for tho event
mid an oujoynblo timo is anticipated
All Workniou and their families aro
i I
vitetl to participate in tho festivities
Emil Lueck wns in tho city yesterday
from Stanton
W A Stovens of Stauton was a city
-visitor yesterday
Born to Mr and Mrs Frank Beels
at 8 oclock last evening a daughter
NV P OBrien of Atkinson transacted
business in Norfolk yesterday afternoon
Audrew Lundquist has sold his houso
west of Dr Verges nt tho corner of
Twelfth stioet and Verges nvenuo to
JVlra IUrtrmui
Miss Bouder hns arrived from Fre
mont and taken possession of tho
millinery storo recently purchased from
Sharpless Sisters
Miss Lillie Vuught ontertaiued a
number of little friends yesterday after
noon nt tho homo of her parents on
South Third street
Vf II Johusous condition remains
about tho same and he is still suffering
much piin at times Ho had another
bad spell last night
Tho Y P S C K social which
to have been given at the parlors of the
First Congregational churh tomorrow
evening has been indefinitely postponed
Ico cutting wns begun by several of
the dealers this morning Although
only about seven inches thick the ice is
is as solid as a rock aud as clear as a
D F Sidler is excavating for a c liar
ou tho lot recently purchased of the La
Fargo estato on South Ninth street and
expects to build u four room cot t ago us
hoou as tho weather permits
Mrs Albart Braasch who was visit
friends has returned to her homo In
Iowa Sho was acconipalned homo by
Miss Halt lo Hraasoh Henry Hurd and
Julius Winter sr
Miming lodge No 0 K of P had
a ory interesting mooting last ovoiiing
and two candidates wore Initiated into
tho first rank Another interesting
mooting is being planned for tho next
regular mooting when several grand
olllcors aro oxjoclod to bo present
TlinosTiiliiine 10 C 11 Johnson
has riooivod a dispatch from tho Inter
state llallwny Commissioners that they
will come to Norfolk for tho purpose of
investigating Iho railway freight tatos
of which so much complaint has boon
niiido Mr Johnson who has labored
so faithfully anil persistently in this
matter t xprosMs a strong hope that Nor
folk is now to bo relieved of the discrim
inations so long practiced against tho
ImaincM intoKsts of tho city
Win Donnir sr was again beroro
tho johco Judge this morning on tho
charge or being drunk whom ho
locoived a lino which with the costs
amounted to 111 10 Mr Donnor is an
old ollondor ill this pnrlioulur respect
having boon in tho police court
many limes beroro His family mid
liiends havo given notice to all liquor
dealers in town not to sell to him but
in spito of this fnot ho seems to obtain
tho necessary requisite logo on a sproo
periodically Olllcors aro now invisti
gating tlio case and if it can bo found
who has sold him liquor prosecutions
will rollow
Tho organization of tlio Norfolk club
was completed last evening by tho ndop
tion of a constitution and by laws and
the election of the following named as a
board of diioctors 1 Westervolt
George Divonport sr W M Robert
son H O Matrait W 11 Widantaii
II A Pasewalk and W II Bucholz
Tho directors elected olllcors as follows
1 G Westervolt president W M Rob
ertson vice president W II Ducholz
treasurer Messrs Uavenport Widaman
and Pasewalk executive committee
Tho club starts out with an enrollment
of about 111 members each of whom is
requested to pay to tho troasurer the
sum of initiation fee which will
const ituto a fund to pay rout of room
and other necossary exponses
This afternoon at oclock is tho time
set when Paul Knro and Miss llattio
Semmlor aro to join hearts and hands in
the holy bonds of wedlock Tho cere
mony takes place at Christ Lutheran
church Rev J P Mueller olliciating
aftor which tho event will bo joyously
celebrated at the homo of tho bridos
parents Tho grooinsmon aro Messrs
Max Leircr Carl ICrotchinor of Sioux
City and Fred Cashin and tho brides
maids the Misses liiio Sumniler
Otelia Pilgor and Gertrude Austin
Friends of tho contracting parties or
ganized a charivari expedition lust
evening and repaired to tho bridos
homo whoro they endeavored to illus
trato thus early in the proceeding what
might perhaps bo expected later It is
hoped however that no such clamor
and turmoil as then provailed will mar
t to wedded bliss or tho couple
For tho first timo this winter tho
temperature averaged below zero Tor tho
a I hours ending at S oclock this morn
ing It is true that for a while yester
day the thermometer marked above
but IU bolow this morning made an aver
age of J bolow for the whole time A
sharp north wind did not tend to make
tho temperature any easier upon human
ity Tho indications now aro that tlio
cold snap is about over and that by to
morrow tins section will again bo en
joying the predominating mild weather
of the winter While people think tho
presont severe cold is hard to bear it
might bo well to comparo it to a year
ago On tho morning of tho SlOth of
January 18111 tho mercury was down to
21 degrees below zero nnd a similar
temperature prevailed for live days It
is truo that it is cold now but every per
son has reason to feel thankful that it is
nothing compared to a year ago Last
winter was ouo of tho coldest on record
in Nebraska while this winter is ouo of
tho mildest
Tho social given by tho meinborfl of
Norfolk lodge No 17 A O U W at
Odd Follows hall last ovoniug was
largely attended and proved a vory on-
joyablo occasion Tho entertainment
was opened with a series of steroopticon
views thrown upon tho screen by J M
Covert illustrating somo of tho stirring
scenes of the late war with Spain This
was followed by a short literary and
musical program and thou camo re
iug her pirents M and Mrs Julius uitics uud tho social last ovtuiug was a
Wichert and other relatives and demoustation of that faC
Broad Acres Yet Watting to be
Tilled by Farmers
Aitilrci of 1 1 mi 1 It Iliuliiiiiiui lli llt titi il
llnltn tlm Twtily nlulitli Alumni Se
nlnti of Ilin Niilmmliii Iii h Anniirliitliiii
llilil ut llniiiln lititiiui3 11 anil Jfi
Wo want more people- a largo popula
tion in Nebraska How aro wo to so
cure them This is my subject
To organize a formidable society
either by or through a public spirited
sentiment or by legislation is im
probable if not wholly impossible To
elVoct a like result ourselves is within
our reach
An immigration sociity organized on
public sentiment alone would probably
elVorvesco itssonliinent in a few speeches
or newspaper interviews and then dio
One organized by state legislation
would attract a few olllco Hookers and
politicians to 1111 the pay positions who
would use it as a moans to political or
linancial profit to themselves until tho
people would see Its aims thwnrted and
stop tho appropriations and thus it
would reach an inglorious end and yet
hero is a great Held almost limitless
opportunities and fascinating induce
ments to immigration
1 probably do not love Nebraska more
than any other citizen but I lovo it well
oiough to want to show its real merits
to tlio outside world or neighboring
states and thus draw from their over
crowded communities and higher priced
lands to our sparsely settled communi
ties and cheaper land
1 havo a follow feeling too for thoso
who havo struggled and aro struggling
along on a farm to got ahead and I
think wo may help others and at the
same timo help ourselves and all of us
help Nebraska
Whon I worked on tho farm in Penn
sylvania and Ohio wo hod to gather up
and dispose of a crop of surface stones
boforo planting a crop of grain Thou
plow nround the stumps nnd stones and
on sido hills Thou wo hoed corn and
cut tho weeds with tho hoo also till tho
tonder corn became tho stalwart self
supporting stalk tho dominant plant
ami so left it in its independence
It is different now nnd in Nebraska
with its prairio no stumps nor stones
nor roots and where tho farmer rides
during his work as well as to it plows
up tho weeds instead of using a hoo
It is in sonding this messago with
other advantages abroad that I am
Twonty years ago thero were but 1000
miles of railroads in tho state nnd ouly
loOOIX people Tho demand for com
was small comparatively tho market
remote and oxponsivo to roach Now
we havo fioOO miles of railroad and
markets near everybodys door and tho
great cattle ranges havo found profit in
establishing feeding farms where
much of tho homo corn is being con
sumed throughout tho state Tho pop
ulation of tho stato has grown to one
and ouo qunrter millions but ovon this
on our 70000 squaro miles means only
soven persons to tho square niilo
Tho instinct of tho buffalo in choosing
Nobraska and Kansas as its principal
rango uotorminou tlio tact tunc our
grasses aro tho most nutritious grown
If good for buffalo thoy were good for
other stocks and so Western Nebraska
lands aro known to bo as good if not
tho vory best for Hinall herds of cittlo
sheep and hogs iu tho west In fact
tho stock oulturo and shipping in this
stato startles one with its magnitude
I am iudobtod to tho labor bureau of tho
stato for tho following figures of ship
monts of stock in Nebraska during 18
ltll statistics not yet available
No Head Viiluo
tho stuto It may bo assumed it is very
huge as it is suroly very profitable
Thero aro many millions of ncres of
cheap range land in tho western part of
tho stato especially adapted to this in-
freshments of which there was au dustry and thoy
abundance although tho Workmen had bought up and
nttlo Ml3l 3023103113
IIokb 23333 32131752 2S
llornH mill mulu8 2ISS3 7l53 81
Sheep 1193250 73I021 73
Total 4417997 70459116 95
Ouo important industry I was uuablo
to get statistics upon and tho samo ia
loft for you gentlemen to gather com
pare aud distribute It is vory largo
and of paramount importance that is
tho amount or number of head of stock
of tho various kinds being fed throughout
aro being taken or
occupied for these
been complimented with an attendance smaller herds of from 600 to 5000 head
nearly twice as largo as had been ex- i of cattle or four times that number of
pecttd Tlio A U U W was founded sheep No industry is moro profitable
vhmoro than ill years ago nnd is today tho inoro ale nor more pleasant and in-
oldest fraternal beneficiary society in
existence It has a record which can be
pointed to by but few associations or
ganized for a similar purpose and that
u tint it has never yet failed to pay a
death los where tho proofs wore regu
larly furnished Kach state is governed
by a separate jurisdiction and member
ship iu Nebraska is InMiig carried at a
cheap r rate than in any other order
Last year tho cost of carrying ifiOOO
protection was 1 iu assessments
while tho year before only leu assess
ments weie levied Besides ith beneficial
features it is ouo of tho best of
dependent than this To bo proprietor
of a thrifty well managed ranch
though small with ample protection
for stock and feed for any emergency
near at hand is an achievement worthy
any mans ambition
Nor is this a temporary profit or busi
ness It is a well known fact that our
meat products aro dicreasiug our herds
are thinning down whilo the demand is
coiistautly increasing This increase iu
deuaiul is both domestic and foreign
As a consequence the price of meats has
rseu sq as to make it a luxury now not
available to all Especially is this tho
case iu the east So it is manifest this
iudstrv tson to e toicr nod tho
promiso or profit is Huro Our popula
tion is rapidly Increasing tho foreign
demand is increasing on us especially
and yot our stock product Is decreasing
Tho crop growing exporienco in tho
eastern part of tho stato has doiuoust rated
the superiority of tho oii and climnto
for general farming Nebraska today
stands near tho head of tho class of rich
agricultural slates although nearly tho
youngest It stands I think third in
the com production of tho United States
and is adapted to tho other cereals as
well us to grasses It is first 1 boliove
iu adaptation of soil for sugar beet
culture and second only in production
Its cliinato is good and healthy Its
frugal and industrious farinurs aro grow
ing wealthy and yet a largo portion of
tho state is practically unoccupied and
Within n few years onrgrain products
have round foreign markets and higher
rather tlion lower prices will obtain
Twenty years ago Nobraska com wns
used as fuel hero at homo and wisely
so partly bocauso it was cheap and
partly because markets wore inaccessible
for want of transportation facilites It
will not ho fo usod any more Then
comparatively but little com was being
exported from this country Nosv about
10 per cent of tho crop of tho
United Stntes is being exported and
honco tho higher price tho growing
valuo of this cereal Hero aro some
figures furnished mo by tlio department
of agriculture at Washington I quote
tho language of the letter from tho
agricultural department
Tho remarkable growth of our export
trade corn wheat and wheat flour is
shown by tho following statements of
the average annual shipmonts for tho
several ton year periods since 1S50 and
for tho nine year period 1801 to 18
Year Kmlutl Corn Whout W Flour
Imiiu 30 Hut holf DiihIicIp Darrein
ISTiI ISCO 513O30U S52Vm2 2SV277H
IM11 1S70 10OtiI10S 220I1C00 3121927
1S71 KM 53611170 Gt7135M 39CO5W
KSt lSSiO 572 G057 W 1115 ilC0 l532
lMIMMill 100 557391 102130391 15370320
This latter covers a period of nine
years and iucludesour three years of very
poor crops nil over tho west with higher
homo prices Tho abovo figures give
tho averngesfor ten year periods In
fact our export of corn for 1 M8 wns
20S7M bushels whereas thenverage
abovo given shows only 100000000
Nebraska is producing nbout 10 per cent
of tho entire corn crop of the United
States From nil thoso figures it is
apparent our cereal products aro reach
ing tho foreign markets of tho world iu
competition with Argentine Australia
India and Siberia
Another product ot importance is
sugar beets Not many years ago we
tho preatcst sugar consuming country
in tho world had ouly of our own
raising tho enno sugar raised in the
extreme southern states importing all
our beet sugar from Germany aud
Franco Experiments demonstrated
tho adaptability of our own soil and
Nebraska soil wns found best adapted to
tho sugar beet culture in tho United
States wo no havo threo largo beet
sugar factories iu Nebraska one only
recently completed nud set in motion
Tho product of tho two which havo
boon runuiug for somo few years
nuiouuted to over 20000000 pounds of
beet sugar annually Tho largest of tho
two which havo been running is located
at Norfolk has been twice enlarged
and improved since first constructed
nud now consumes whon running 000
tons of beets per day
Tho now ono just opened is located at
Ames nnd bus u enpacity of 1000 tons
per day Tho threo factories aro capable
of reducing near 2000 tons of beets per
day or tho product of say 1C0 acres of
land por day
Thus far it nppears tho soil in tho
uorthorn part of tho state is best adapted
to this product
Another industry in tho infancy of
development is tho dairy business ono
of tho most profltablo as well as pleasant
lubors iucideut to tho farm Hero again
wo refer to tho richness of our nutri
tious grasses which make richer butter
and cheesothau is to bo found elsewhere
Still another infant out successful iu
dustry is tho culture of the Augorn
gnat a herd of something like 20C0 is
I am advised yielding good returns to
its owner in Holt couuty this state
I simply throw out theso itoms aud
figures as a hint ut what may bo found
by searching for advautnges to whidi
wo invito immigration
Tho first sottlers in this stato sought
tho valleys and low lands having been
taught in their geography that tlm
section of the country was all a desert
Tho later comers choso tho higher rol
ling lauds and today wo know that
Nobraka valleys and rolling prairies aro
all rich aud yielding good returns
What wo now want is to give the
residents of foreign states the results of
tho largo experience which othors havo
worked out aud let them choose their
location nud callig
We want to incrense our population
and that will help to decrease each onon
taxes It ti kes about f 1250000 to meet
the yearly ntcessary expenses of govern
ment about Si pr head of population
If wo can increase this population to
1500 000 it will reduce tho por enpita
taxes 20 per cent If wo can increate
it to 2000000 it will reduce tho tax ppr
capita in proportion So it is to tlio
interest of property holders to iucreaso
tho population Wo wuut to iucreaso
it for the general benefit of tho state
That its great resources may bo dovol
oped that tho railway Invest motitH
which havo lent such impetus to thn
settlement and enriching of tlio stato
mny bo suitably compoiisatod that tho
largo trade interests may bo enhanced
that tho intelligent newspaper tho
great purvoyor of thought tho stimulus
to upright citizenship nnd the scourge
to tho disreputable mny grow in power
and earnestness nnd ulways for good
Iu short that thrift and beneficial re
sults may follow all our efforts to
strong bed aud build up a groat and
good stato
The mission of tho nowspaper is
First To make money tor its owner
Second To publish tho news
To effect tho former tho latter is nec
essary If tho paper audits owner do
not keep pace with tho events of tho
day nnd publish thorn thty will not
got tho patronngo and so it will fail of
its purpose Tho news published onght
to bo reliable and so establish a reput
able standing for tho paper increasing
its valuo from weik to week and it will
thus enlarge its iniluenco ns well
The town in nn agricultural stato or
community is dependent for its thrift
on tho thrift and success nnd tho pop
ulation of tho farming community and
while tho newspaper draws most of its
advertising income from the town tho
rebuilt and tho artisan yot tho
number and thrift of theso town folks
depends on the furiner and also their
ability to pay for advertising and to
view it as wo may wo come back in
evitably to tho ugricultrist for our thrift
our incomes
Tho more farmers wo havo nnd tho
thriftier they aro the better tho nows
paper field tho larger its constituency
its business tho larger becomes tho ad
vertising patronage
Now my editorial friends every ono
of you I am snro will boar me out in
sayiug that for reading matter thnt
which bears on personal history or bi
ographical skotch is most carefully read
nud so it seoms clear to me that each ed
itor should study tho farming interests
iu his community nud determine that
for fifty two weeks ho will in each issue
of his paper publish tho statistical result
with n personal sketch of at least one
farmers efforts who he was where
from whou he camo to the state his
worldly belongings when he came to No
braska where ho located cost of laud
and improvements how he fanned or
bred stock how he progressed and suc
ceeded and how lie stands huaucially
today with such personal mention as
to characteristics as tho subject is will
ing sohuld be douo
I know some may object at first to givo
this information under the impression
tho valuation may effect their taxation
but there is really uo cause for such ap
prehension Nevertheless to assure
such objector you can withhold his uauio
in tho incouur simply citiug the case
iu nil its relations but omitting to iden
tify in publication
My prediction is thnt boforo the year
expires these persons having seen re
sults witli others and neighbors will be
glad to havo identification in tho Roll
of Honor which it really is
In every community there nre somo
persons who will soud papers to n former
homo in a foreign stato There aro over
000 newspapers in tho stato at least 500
weekly country newspapers in tho niuety
odd counties in this stato nud so if the
abovo suggestion is followed it means
thnt at least oOO aud probably five times
that number papers will each week go
out of the stato and be scattered abroad
over tho country This ropeated each
week will tell of at least 25000 thrifty
farmers iu the various counties in No
braska in ono year aud their personal
history Theso papors will como to my
olllco or to some other gorerul pas
souger ngont Wo will collate and com
biuo theso instances aud publish them
in our statistical folders 5000 or 10000
or 20000 per mouth and will distribute
thoni through our agencies all over the
country nnd it is clear that iu this per
sistent way Nebraska will get into tho
very air ull over the western states und
tho tide of immigration will turu to ns
Five hundred editors with a few gen
eral passenger agents of railroads work
iug iu a single purpose to u central aim
with their hearts brains and bands iu
tho effort will undoubtedly bring results
Five huudred papers will iu fifty two
weeks havo given news of an army of
good men who plowed aud sowed to somo
pnrposo und it is quite safe to say that
tho experience of this nriny of say 25000
nion will reach and bo road by at least
100000 other nion who will bo interested
iu just this information
1 tiust wo may all meet ono year from
now and by comparing our then infor
mation of results bo ready to resolve to
continue tho snuie methods for nuother
year of fifty two weeks
Necessity is the
Mother of Invention
Ilnrlilii Wct liulft nml Cen nil Ainrrlrn
The facilities of tho Louisville ifc
Nushvillo railroad for handling tourists
and tiavolers destined for nil points in
Florida Cuba Poito Rico Central
America or for Nassau aro unsurpassed
Double daiy lines of sleeping cars aro
run finin Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
and Si Louis through Jacksonville to
interior Flotilla point and to Miami
Tampa und Now Orleans tho ports of
embaikatloii for tho countries men
tioned For f older etc write Geo B
Horner O P A St Lmis Mo
was the necessity for an
honest reliable blood purifier
and tonic that brought into
existence Hoods
Rosy ChcccL - iiw good
health and rosy cheeks thanks to Hoods
Sarsaparilla It bilds ve up and
iaves doctor bills Mary A Burke
Kist Clair St Itdiapcls Lid
3lOO6 SahAafmtiti
Waxtii 11 most man or woman ot
travel for largo houso salary 15
monthly and expenses with iucrenso
position priinuneiit enclose
stumped envelope MNoiu
IIIO Caxtou bldg Chicago
Tii turti Cnlil In Dim Day
Take Laxative Hiomo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fail
to cure II W Groves signature on
nvery box 25c
The Variety storo is selling out with
all goods inaiked with plain figures at
cut piicos to closo out quick
Wantii Quiet respectable homo
like place to room and bnnid in private
family by truvoling man and wife Fob
urnry 1st Best of references Address
lock box 7 City with ttnns
hpr onii Kcrotlomto every rutm rltar lknutiful
lithoiriuiliiil tilntcs ami I uMMIni nncwnl
Utist ttttlc ixquisUk nnd ttrlitiy up tu tlntr ilcMkua
in tit
riv UB lirn mm
m iltil rfv
Dressmaking funcy work linutiehoUl tnntu
hort RtoiH1 cm topic eti Eutmcrihe IoiJaj
Ouly 0t y curly agents w anted fitud fur term
rvi wj
Tor lartlcs mKirj plrla nnd llttlo children That cer
tain tlihchMctUet nut hitnlnt it ti ttuMipn rnuv
other piUUrna Unvenu equal fur ttlu iuit pel ft it tit
Eilv nut together Only 10 and 15 centH eneh non
hlisher Sold Iu nearly eryctty nnd town urliy mall
AiU for them Absolutely icry Intcst ttjlet
UtC tfot llth Sir l Jien Tori Cltj ti T
Dr Humphreys
Specif cure by acting directly upon
tho disease without Cciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system
1 Fpvrri Congestions Inflammations
a Wornm Worm Fever Worm Colic
a Tee t Ii I n c Colic Crying Wakefulness
1 Dinrrhcn of Children or Adults
7 Coiiclm Colds Ilronchltls
8 Veurnlcln Toothache I accaclio
Ileodaclii Sick Headache Vertigo
10 DvsiKPKiaIndlgcstlonWcakStomachaS
11 SupprcMidl orliilnftil 1eriodn S3
1 a WIiIiph Too Profuso Periods as
13 roup IaryiialtlH Hoarseness aS
1 1 Salt Ilheum Erysipelas Eruptions a5
15 HlieiiiiintUiii Ithcumntlc Pains as
10 Mnlnrlii Chills Fover nnd Ague aS
19 Cntnrrh Influenza Cold In thu Head a5
20 Whooplnc toueli 2S
i7 Kldncv HUiaMCH 25
a8 crvou Debility 100
30 rrlnnry Weakness Wetting Bed 25
77 Grip Hay Fever - 25
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