The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, February 01, 1900, Image 1

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Oath of Office Administered by
Judge Hazclrigg
Fit Vln IJxot Hllvti Iminoillnloly Imtitu
urKB Ailjtltniit IciHliil
1I1L vn
for lion1 m AinmliilhiB iunornl
1sot sKroitT Fob 1 Tho condition
into rtnor Qoobol oirly this morning
11 s tor than nt nny tiinu during tho
ii IIo was asleep mid no
ltlnptonis had appeared
H1 Koin Feb 1 William Goobol
wlstMic ly boforu oclock List night
8Wonu s governor of Kentucky and
TO Cokbam a fow minutes latur
took tlwf V- J it governor
Tim oa l t0 both
men by cJfiiut Tttiftieo nir u jo of tho
court of nppeals Thovl o mako
Goobol governor was soun lou curly
in tho afternoon A st was pi o
pared saying that tho J hich had
pi opired tho contests inor and
lieutenant governor had avoided in favor
of Goobol and Beckham that the boards
intended to icpoit thoir iludings to tho
legislature but that I hoy had boon pic
vented irom doing so by tho action of
Governor Taylor in declaiiug tho legis
lating adjourned Tho statement thou
goes on to say that tho nioiubois of tho
legislature wcro driven fiom place to
place by tho militia and threatened with
arrest whenever they attempted to hold
a meeting It was then deulaiod tho
belief of all tho signers of the statement
that Goebol and Beckham wero tho
legally elected governor and lieutenant
governor and each man as ho signed
tho piper announced that ho voted for
tho adoption of tho majority report of
tho contest boards which declared
Goebol and Beckham to bo tho men
rightfully entitled to tho oflico
It was slow work obtaining tho signa
tures of tho members of tho house and
senato and although tho woik was in
progress all afternoon it was not until
evening that tho necessary number of
signatures had been obtained As soon
as tho List man actually needed had af
fixed his signature to tho statement
woid was sent to tho lesidonco of Chief
Justice Ilazolngg of tho court of ap
peals He camo at onco to tho Gipitol
hotel passed dhectly up stairs to tho
room of Mr Goebol and administered
tho oath of oflico Mr Goobol was
propped up with pillows and was able
to raise his hand only with tho greatest
difliculty as ho listened to the words of
Judge Ilaehigg Whon tho oath had
been given Mr Goebol sink back ex
hausted the effoit having been almost
too much for lm stieugth
Mr Goebol as soon as ho was as
sured that ho was legally governor of
Kentucky took prompt action logard
ing tho military arrangement ot the
herviirs Two order weio quickly pie
pared for his signatuio tho first of
which discharged Adjutant General
Daniel Collier from oflico and appoints
General John B Castlomau of Louis
ville as his successor The second wis
directed to tho commandors of tho mi
litia now stationed in this city direct
ing them to return to their homes
Word was at ones telegraphed to Gon
ernl Castlomau of his appointment and
ho is expected m tho city today Thero
is a possibility of troublo in tho matter
of control of tho stato troops Tho
regiments of tho guard havo lately beon
reorganized and are for tho most pirt
nmdo up of Republicans and porsonal
followers of Taylor
It was announced by mombors of tho
niilitia last night that ot tho soldiers
now under arms hero about JJOO would
oboy tho oiders of Governor Goobol It is
not expected that they will attack their
comrades but thoy will refuso to oboy
tho orders of Governor Taylor and take
their chances of a court martial
IUinlHun Mail It All Tlwlr Own Wny
Fur Aulillo
FiiAMCronT Fob lNovcr was thero
a more complicated political situation
than that which confronts tho politi
cians of Kontucky aud never was thero
ono of which it boomed so difficult to
form an nccurato guess at tho outcome
Tho Republican party which two
days ago was vainly striving to hold its
members in their seats upon tho floor
of flio house and which seomed almost
powerless is now in tho saddlo strong
and vigorous and carrying things with
a high hand
No matter which waytho Democrats
turned thoy wero confronted by tho
Kimo piospcct a lino of bluo edged with
steel and it was fully understood by
both parties that tho lino and tho stool
wero thorn for business pnrposos only
Thero was no bltitr no lalso alarm
about it
All day through tho strcots of Friuk
fort soldiers marched and counter
inarched Drills in tho streot wero fre
quently hold in oider that tho men
might bo warmed by oxorciso after thoy
had remained in tho biting wind
Around tho pemtontiary was a lino of
troops m trout of tho opera house was
n guard three comp inies stood at icit
in tho open space in front of tho Capitol
hotel sentries patrolled ovoiy sulo of
tho building in which ox Governor Brad
ley lesules and a detachment of infan
try held tho comt houso against tho
possible coining of tho moinbeta of tho
Tho Republicans laid their plans well
nnil secietly Thoy earned them
through vigorously and triumphantly
Tho pioclamation declaring that a state
of insurrection existed in tho state aud
warrants tor ttio anost ot every Demo
cratio member of tho legislaturo weio
prep n ed Tuesday night It was tho
intention of Governor Taylor and his
advisors that no meeting of tho legisla
turo should bo hold even though it
piovod necessary to anest and detain in
custody nil those who persisted in hold
ing meetings Onro adopted tho policy
was carried out to tho letter Compelled
torotiio fiom tho capitol building thoy
wont to tho opera houso Hold back
from the opera house thoy went to tho
comt house piovonted fiom entering
tho court house thoy went to tho Cap
itol hotel only to bo told- tint any
meeting thoy might attempt to Uold in
that building would bo suppressed all
found taking pait in it would bo ur
lested and the hotel itsolf soiod by tho
soldiois It was a hopoloss game Tho
Deniooiats had no ohanco to win and
thoygao it up loiter in tho day
officers onteiod tho hotel and told tho
Doinoctuts that no conferences must bo
held and thoy attempted to hold none
Thoio is much doubt among the mum
berH of tho legislaturo as to whothor
thoy will go to London at all Somo of
tho Republicans loft Fiankfort during
tho day declaring thit thoy wero going
diiect to Ignition but no Democrat so
dioluod himself The woids London
Limcl county aio not woids that
please Doinoei at le oars In fact many
of them decluod that their lives would
not bo safe after thoy leached the town
Tho county is one of tho greatest Repub
lican stiongholds in tho stato
Adjutant General Collier declared
yesteiday that if thoy did notattoudtho
legislative meeting which is called to
moot at Loudon on Fob ho would ar
rest them individually piovided ho le
eched the uecessiry oiders from Gover
nor Taylor and convoy thorn to London
Tho Doinociats havo not said they
would not go to Loudon but their legal
advisers havo counseled thorn that Gov
ernor Taylor had no light to adjourn
tho legislature fiom Frankfort
All yesterday tho shadow of tho death
of Mr Goebol hung over tho Capital
hotel His strength began to fail him
Lite in tho morning tho bustle and ex
citement of tho morning which despito
all piccautious pouetiUod into his quiet
room had a most serious effect upon
him At noon it was dccLucd that he
could live but a shoit timo and at 1
oclock it was said that death was upon
him Tho halls and stairways woio
filled with peoplo who sat in silenco
expecting to hear at any moment that
tho end hail come Tho afternoon wore
away however and as ovoning diow
on ho seemed to gain now stieugth
and appealed distinctly better Ho
was never tor a moment unconscious
ind never did his courago abate for an
m hiiii He cslled for a clergyman
dining tho afternoon and Rev P V
Taliaferro and Prison Chaplain Wallace
weio twice with him
Joint Scilu Ctiiiimlttoo Uniililo til Kiuuli
mi Aglltllllllt
Ixdiavapolis Fob 1 It is not at all
impiobablo that tho coal industry in tho
states of Ohio Indiana Illinois nnd
Pennsylvania known as tho competi
tive field will bo shut down and tho
70000 mineis in tho district called out
on a geuoral strike within tho next ISO
This condition is brought about by
inability to reach an agreement by tho
joint scale committee That body closed
its deliberations last night without an
agreement and a strike of gigantic pro
portions is tho probable result
Tho chargo was mado on tho floor of
tho comnntteo room that tho Indiana
operators had deliberately conio into
tho convention with tho purposo of
breaking up th o intorstato movement
and whether or not this is truo thoir ac
tion has certainly mado tho reaching of
an agreement a romoto possibility
jliiieuil in Outlaw 1rliicn
Drs Moines Fob 1 Funeral services
over tho remains of Charles Pnnco tho
noted outlaw who was shot at Quincy
Ills Monday wero hold yesterday aft
ernoon at tho Priuco homo on East
Ninth streot Tho funeral was strictly
private Tho remains wcro deposited
in tho vault at Woodland comotory
Tho Central Massachusetts railroad
has on joined tho salo of tho Fitchburg
road to tho Boston and Mnino
Governor Lind of Minnesota threatons
tho Minneapolis and St Louis with
prosecution for dofying tho stato laws
Tho Marquis of Queonsberry who
was born July 20 1814 and succeeded
to tho titlo in 1850 is dead in London
Miss Mary Ann Iroland sister of
ArchbiJiop John Iroland died at St
Josephs hospital St Paul Wednesday
aged 08
A pioposition is being considered to
quarter thomemborsof tho Grand Army
m school houses dining tho coming en
canipinont at Chicago
Firo at Ada Minn whioh stnitedin
Bangs storo on tho west sulo Wednes
day o oning burned 10 buildings in
volving a loss estimated at 7ir000
Great Northern ngents havo about fiOO
inon in Chicago ready to tako the places
ot stnkers Applicants who mo mom
bors of tho brotherhood aro rojectod
Josoph Furnace who assaultod Jon
oral A W Greoly chief signal officer
at Washington several weeks ago was
Wednesday fined 100 with tho alter
native of serving six mouths in jail
Tho Chicago sanitary district board
sees a possibility of tho socrotary ot war
closing tho new great canal bocauso it
has increased tho current of tho Clu
cago river so as to interfere with ship
Secretary Dick of tho Ropubhcai na
tional commit too is preparing to mail
circular letters to tho chairmen of stato
committi es informing then that it is
deemed butter that all tho presidential
electors this year should bo nominated
by statu conventions
Hero of Khartoum lias Started
For Natal
Umlrntooil ii SiipiiMiin Kllurl In lliii i
Hon llniH lit Impntiilliitt IJtliimli
Tlmt tho fnliil Cuiimll IUI ul
itup win ttiiuiii run riiciiuiinii
London Feb 1 II is luniored thai
Gonoial Kitchener loft Capo Town fur
Natal yostoulay It is understood a su
premo ellort by Bullors tioops to piei oo
the Boor linos is impending
IjOndon Feb 1 The supplemental
lists of casualties fill two columns in
nonpuoil typo in tho morning papeis
making IifoOiopoilod thus far for Gou
oral Bailors operations north of tho Tu
gela Tho Daily Oliioniclo estimates
that tho total exceeds J000
The 10 per cent loss at Hpionkop is
greater than any Biitish force ocr sul
feiod except possibly at Albuora Spam
in 1811
The admiralty has warned all half
pay naval otllcers to hold theinsolvos in
readiness for sol vice This with tho
Norfolk Weekly News
fact that able seamen not thoioughly
experienced havo beon withdrawn horn
iho channel squadron is taken to null
cato tho early niobiliitioii of tho n
seivo fioet
At a meeting of the uimy and navy
membois of the houso ot commons yes
tcrday a losolution expressing absoluto
confidence in whatever tho government
thought necessary commanded only
two votes lnbtenl of this a losolution
was adoptod calling for the lininodiate
formation ol a homo doionso column
Lord Salisbury has called another cab
mot council which will moot Fiuliy or
Saturday to consider the situation
Public spnits me at veiy low ebb
The correspondent of Tho Tunes at
Loureiuo Marquo says In formation
has been lcceived heio iiom tho Tims
vjial saying that the war dopiitineut
convinced that it would bo useless to
storm Ladysimth and that the bombard
ment will continue niefiectivo has de
cided on a ch mgo ot tactics Hugo
quantities ot timber and sandbags anil
huudieds of Kaffirs havo been hunt fiom
Johannesburg and Pretoria for tho pur
pose of damming Kilp river somo miles
below Ladysmith tho idea being to
flood the town and to dnvo tho soldiers
and inhabitants out of the bomb pr6of
caves so as to ox oso them to shell the
Story of Sploukop DUiixtur
London Fob 1 Accounts of the
battlo of Spionkop continuo to filter in
All testify as to tho terrific Boer ho
Sovcial estimate that tho total losses of
General Bullors turning movoment will
amount approximately to 1500 When
reinforcements wero received tho troops
woro much cramped on the top of Spion
kop and engineeis had been ordered up
to strengthen tho intionchmcnts Col
onel Thornycroft was not awaro of this
when ho ordered tho retirement and ho
actually mot tho artillery coming
up General Woodgato was wounded
about 2 oclock in tho afternoon Lvon
then he protested ho was all right and
had to bo hold down on tho stretcher
It is reported that tho Boor commander
at first insisted on tho release of somo
Boer prisoners before ho would permit
tho English to collect their wounded
A curious inonlont is related of tho
fighting on Jan 21 Ono of tho Lin
casters whilo firing from a prouo po
sition hal his head taken clran oil by a
shell To tho amaomout of his com
rades tho headless trunk quiotly roso
stood upright a fow seconds aud then
Txine Dfltnln mi Jiii hiim SimmtIi
London- Fob 1 Thero was an uttor
lack of interest in yesterdays ilebato in
tho houso of commons At no time was
the houso well lib d Tho speeches
wero academic traveled in deep worn
ruts and did not touch upon tho future
in which alono tho public is much inter
ested Tho only sign of an eruption
during tho whole session was whon Sir
Robert Threslno Rod attacked the
South African committor drawing foitli
cries from the lush mombors to pub
lish tho Hawkesloy letters Balfour
replying to tho suggestions of Sir John
Konnaway Conservative said ho io
gretted that it would bo contrary to
precedent to curtail tho debate as tho
amendment was a vote of censure upon
which tho futo of tho government de
Tu rriiiuo lliU Siuiui kaIii
Sioux Onv Feb 1 General Ilau
cook post Grand Army of tho Ropubho
of Sioux City will again pioposo tho
name of Colonel Madison B Davis of
Sioux City for department commander
in Iowa Twice has Colonel Davis boon
dofoatod for tho oflico but his friends
aro determined that ho make tho race
again this year
lauMittlitii Itnliitltii In t ltd Mlllllii la In
ilrt ill 1 MiiIiii4
Drs Mimsin lVb I -Bills healing on
national givud legislation camo into Iho
lowei houso of tho legtslatmo Wodnes
day Tho most impiulaut is that cluing
lug the pic cut law governing the guaid
organization Tho pioposid mensmc
which has boon diawu up by Adjutant
General Byots and appiovod by tho
military inembeis of the logis
latino is in lino with tho gov
oinors leoommnuilatious except as
to tho ulllcu ol colonel which tho gov
oi not thought should lie loft ieini and
filled by logiilnr army otllcers whon oo
casioiuloniiiuded The bill continues
tho elect ion of colonel as foimeilv It
does away with brigade oiganiatioiiH
which am acknowledged to bo top
heavy divisions in tho guaid Tho sal
my of adjutant gonoial was raised fiom
flMH to ifviOOO and a bill intioducoil to
appiopnato J7ri0K for an atsoiial
llinckle of Waj no liitioduced a bill
in the houso for woman sulliago
In tho senate Senator Blaiiohaid m
tioilucod a losolution for a joint convcii
Hon to bo hold on Fiiduy foi tho pio
poso of electing a stato pi inter anil
binder This piocipitatod a light on
tho tloor and tho matter wont over
Klnillii ul ii Willi Ii unit ItinniU IiiIii ul
I mil Iliniitiir
Sidnpv Nob Fob 1 Tho rate ot
Knnl Piossloi the young man who has
been missing since last Jauuaiy and
whoso disappeaianco oieatod so much
excitement in tho oast is no longer a
niystoiy A silver watch case found
near the scene ol tho Sunol tram wicek
shows tho name of Piesslor ongiavod on
the inside of the case while on tho out
side is the nuino Ilumotto Donnouso
That Piossler was a victim of tho Sunol
wreck is now plainly evident by this
silent testimony Tho dialled body
now lies bmied in tho Sidney comet eiy
awaiting woid from tho l datives who
reside at Brooklyn
mult Mllm Willi Im M ll Il iil
0Iiaii Nob Fob 1 List Sat
urday while Fiank Richmond n fanner
wasdiiving homo from Biule his team
became inghtciicd and ran away
thinuiug linn out on the fioou giound
He struck on his head tendering him
unconscious and ho did not legain his
souses until d lylight Sunday The
night was the coldest of the winter
degieos below iro His toot weio
froun and ho wiih unable to walk but
managed to crawl on his hands and
knees tluee qtiaiteis of a mile to a
school house Ho then started tociawl
to his homo throe nnlos away and had
mado half the distance when ho was
dioovurid by tho neighbors and talo n
homo Tho attending physician reports
both foot frozen to the ankles
ItUMItllll I Itlll 111 SIllllX ll
Sioux Ciiy Fob 1 A ompso in a
box marked books was lound in tho
United States cxpicsH office yesteiday
The body was received on Jan 1 fiom
Baltimore addiessed to J S Biadfoid
but the expiess officials failed to find
him Tho dead man appeals to boa
Get mau Ttt to 50 years old The only
garment on the hotly was a shut
There was a liightful wound on the
back of tho head apparently mado by a
blow from a blunt instrument Tho
dead man is bald but woro a stubby
beaidaud moustache Tho face is so
distoi ted that iccognition will bo diffi
J ill- Drilling In Fiitm of Ilitlii7i
HrxKSA Mon Feb 1 Tho jury in
tho United States district court yester
day returned a verdict in favor of F
Augustus Hoiiio in tho bint brought
against him by 15 Rollins Morso trus
tee for tho recovery ol 150000 damages
for tho extraction of oro fiom beneath
tho surface of tho Michael Davitt claim
in Butto
Piesidout and Mrs McKinloy gave a
reception at tho white houso Wednes
day night in honor of congress
Tho battleship Iowa returned to San
Diego Wednesday from Magdalona bay
wliero sho has been on target practice
Dr W W Kddy a prominont Pres
byterian missionary and Oriental
scholar died at Beirut Syria Monday
Tho houso election committee decided
tho Wise Young contested election caso
fcr tho Second Virginia district in fa
vor of tho contestant Wiso
In tho fifth round of what was to have
boon a 25 round battlo boforo tho Gen
esee Athletic club WoMnesday Gus
Ruhhn knocked out Gus Finingan of
A big ice gorge has formed at Joliot
in the drainage canal As a result of
the gorge the banks of tho anal aro
ovei flowing for tho distance ot more
than a only
The house conunittoo on public lands
Wednunday acted favojibly on tho bill
known as tho fuse homes bill It al
lows tho free entry upon laud acquired
liom Indian tribes
A Shanghai dispatch says Kmporor
Hwangsu continues to issue edicts m
his own naino Nanking and Wu
Chang officials consider that his imme
diate lltircmuit is probable
Tho Cuban census niiporvisors have
completed tho preliminary enumeration
of tho pop tiou ot Cuba and tho re
oiilts weio handed to Socrotary Root
Wednesday Tho population ot tho en
tire inland is lATblO
Information has been lecoived that
Fied Buohtold ol Abcidoon S D has
been sentenced to thico years imprison
ment by the Russian authontios tor in
citing young men subject to military
duty to remove fiom tho empire
Albert Kunberloy Fulton died at Bal
timore Wednesday of erysipelas aged
II Ho served three yeaib on Admiral
Fiuragiub flagship the Hartford and
took part ni all tho kittles in which that
vessel was engaged during the first
three ycurn of the conflict
Acrimonious lit hate- on the
Philippine Question
SlMIIll III SHU llIM IlKllltlllll i till
SiiiiIIi IIiiKhIii sihiiiIhi tm siippm
Milium IimiIiiiiiiIk
Itiph Chi I Itiit Itiiluilr
VsNlliN Pell I ill tlltl
somite indium lh calm and digttillcil
liuist csloiilay into pissinuiito uttor
uiiees and bitter hm i iiniualioiiH Sena
tois hot loil donuticlahou at one iinothei
until the oudltoiN quhcml uithoxcito
llicdchilo glow mil of u pints of
tho Philippine question and no si one
has boon witnessed since discussion ol
the war insolations in tho lust cougiess
which in sensational loaluios coiupiu d
with that of xesteidav Senntoi lotti
glow who has pits ipilali d neatly alt
ol Iho debate upon the Philippine ques
lion timing Iho present session sought
to lme lead a icsilution omboil iug a
doiiiiucnl wiittcn by Kiuilio Agiiinalilo
upon Iho Filipino liismiei lion and con
I lining Ins oislon nl iho alleged loeog
nili in ol I lie Filipino by Ad
miral Di woy
Lodge prod sled against pi oiling the
doeiiuieiil in any loiui and load a lcttci
I I out Admiral I lew ev in which that
poilion of giitualilos statement iclat
iug In tho iiilmiiil was loiioiiucoil as a
tissue ol InKiliooils anil siting Unit
hohndiiowt sululcd the Filipino Hag
nor pt unused the Filipinos independent o
in any way whalevei
Seiintois on the Hoot listened with
eager attention and many gallni y spec
tutors leaned fm nei the tailings in
their ilesuo nol to miss a soiitouoo
Lodge said ho pteleiied incepting
Deweys woid to that ol Agiiinalilo anil
was satisfied the Ameiicau people would
In a pissionale icply Pelligiow do
LiiodlliatAduiiiil Dewey bad iciog
nied the Filipino lopnlilioand illhotigli
alloiilid mi oppoitiiuily hole to deny
Agmntildos slali incuts had not done
so In an instant hall a docu si unlets
wot con then loot llawley di iiotniicil
Pettigit w s aclioti as liotison In lipul
succession Si mitoi Pclligti w was made
the tingct ol Senators Kpooiici Iliwlcy
Sowdl and iilliugd S well di elated
that under the cncitnistaiiu s he con
sideied Pettigiew n traitor to his coun
try aud his coiiilii I as moustious
Pettigtvw spoko hi lolly in nply to
Iho ai ens itions against him I wont
attorn ii to make reply to iln pia sou
attacks upon myself he said or to
the chin ges nitile against inn ol being a
traitor I yield to no in in in my dovo
tion Io the eoiintiy or the II ig No one
is more jealous ot the i ountiys honor
but 1 havo my own opinion as to how
its honor may best bo sustained
Ho pioceeded to say that ho did not be
lli e it could be sustained by levoisiug
the time honoied policy that govern
ments derive their just powois from
tho consent of the governed to accept
iug the picscnt aduimistiatious usurp
atory policy Ho ioforted feelingly to
tho death oi W of the South Dakota
volunteers m the Philippines and de
clared that thoy as well as Genonil
iwtoi might still be alive it thoy had
not obeyed tho ptesideut after tho peace
treaty was signed II Aguinaldos re
quest for a tiueo had boon assented to
their lives might have been saved and
the men lestored to their families in
stead of their bones being left to
moulder in tho soil of Luon as had
boon tho case under tho presont policy
of aggtession
That tho feeling was at a pitch sel
doin noted in tho sonato was evidenced
by tho pale faces of the mon who spoko
Jones Ark and Teller Colo en
deavored to stem the tide of protest by
conciliatory specchos
At tho conclusion of tho scone which
will remain memorable in tho sonato an
nals the finance bill was taken up and
discussed by Messrs Berry and Teller
Iroii nilliii I Hi lloutft
WASiiiNorov Feb 1 Under tho lat
itude allowed in general dobato npon
appropriation bills the Indian bill m
the house yesterday was made tho occa
sion of a discussion of a wide range of
public- questions Our policy in tho
Philippine islands tho government of
Poito llico the leasing of tho and lands
and election methods in the south wero
in turn brought into tho arena The
most interesting dobato oocurrod over
tho latter subject
itrjnn inula Nkm IiiuIiiihI
PoitnAND Me Feb 1 William J
Bryan was tho guest of tho Democratic
club last night at a banquet in the city
hall Mr Biym with Congressman
Lent and Governor Altgold lett Boston
yesterday morning each speaking at a
tutsh inteting in tho city hall at Law
101109111110011 Mr Bryan appeared on
the rear pluttorm of the car at Haver
hill for a shoit speech At Dover N
H wheio a largo crowd had gathered
there wms a little handshaking Pmt
lmd was reached at 5 oclock After a
shoit rest Mr Bryan was tendered 11
ret option 111 the council chamber of the
city hall
Wrii K on lliii irl
Kknt O Feb 1 Ftvo men were
lujuied in 11 wreck on the Kno tlueo
miles east of bote last night The
wiock was cniiM d by a mistake in tho
signals which allowed a tram to inn
thiough a derailed switch Fireman
Johnson of Fieosbitrg was pinned be
tweeu tho cab and boiler two hours bo
foro ho could be released Both logs
weio crushed and bcalded
u 1 M IlTvlnr
AttornejH nl lny
AI Ilutiii Itirv Miitiilnj
Masl Mock Norfolk Neb
rhislelan and Surgeon
1 mil i i niiiiH NiiiiiMini Hani iiniiiiinu
Ililiiilumi tin
Snnil 11 1 linn mill Kinliliiii H Mniii nml Ittli si
Tiliiiliiitiii i
Norfolk Nebraska
Olllrn OTiit Cltlrunt Nntl llnnk Umililnnon iiiib
liloflk north nt tiiiwrnHntliiiinl oliurnli
Norfolk Nobronkn
FiiHlilonahlo Dressmaker
Up tlnlm In i Cotton nlonk otnr llntuni turn
Klrit cIhbo work irnnrniitond
Attorneys nl Law
Uoiiiil IU II m 12 Mnrl lllimk
Norfolk - - - Nobrankn
UnilerlakerH and Kinhalniers
Hunt ioiiB lllk Norfolk Ath
Norfolk - Nebraska
Attornoj at Law
Itooms 1 and 2 Uobertson Wlgton
Block Norfolk
MliN l W NT A 001
W 0 Hairs Barber Shop
For Piuiiiblng Slesm flifln Piir
Tanks Wind Mills
Am nil rLimir work in thin linn en
e u u n b u a v7 a a a
Hntlbfnrtion innrantniiil
Kirnt iloor noutli of Dnllj Nt w olilcn
m Mpik
Evorybodv wantH the best of
moats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Our Shop Is the Neatest
in tbe City
Are essential to health r
handles only pure Kroorics
froo from adulteration and
sells them at
You get y hat you pay for
Sale and-
Boarding Barn
Horses Bought ai
Uraasch Avenue
una Tnlrd St