The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 25, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    IX 1
Northeast Nebraska the Best
Section of the State
YiituniiMr niliitlftln 1 Kill aOHM Hllll o
Aliitiitt DniililtMt slum IHUI tilth Mini
ArinK 1 Nriitly Unulilril iiiK
Vnliio nr IiuiIucIm Put- ni 7AII
A1 Ourliutil cf liin oily liiw com
pilinl u viilunlilo nitil iiilcrcstiiiK oiiciilnr
conlaiiiiiiK llfMirtH of iiiiiuHhoii lo
twwn I ho Notth lMiittoiinil South Plutto
count riea iff NolrnUn nuil wliioli also
hIiowh h wontlorftil Kiiin tit ho valuo of
Irt oduilM of both stotioiiH of tlio Htato
Ilio oompariHon fuvotri northeast No
braslta to n rotiiatlmblo oxtont Ho
hit roilucos tlio huIijim I iw follows
Thu followiiiK tabhm hIiowIiik tho
HUrilus iigrkiilmirnl proiluota nuirkototl
NOinn iiatii 1WM
opulation Census IHiH
Acres cultivated
Average valuo
1807 7n
H10 I2J
Corn It81t7i 00
Wheat ljt7H7l 25
Outs 8MIIH 00
live 111100 Of
Mixed Krain 180 IfO 00
irlt00l 25
Aoros cultivated 1 107 1
Mixed main
15 irloy
Horses and mules
Sugar beets
Acres cultivate
Mixed grain
1 fogs
1125100 00
l0it500 00
iitt200 oo
1100 oo
17200 00
17 1500 00
ill 100 00
iWSMW 00
1181000 00
825000 00
25l120 00
211200 00
1011800 00
10280 00
1 1500 00
inl2 010 00
NOitni piAi 11 1817
Vonulatiou Estimated I81IS
25110778 10
2S18 15 25
1001812 CI
271811 10
10221 10
128500 00
ii8vji 78
117510 21
11712225 00
11811710 00
Sheop 1012151 00
Horses and mules
Poultry livo
Poultry droSMUl
Sugar Meets
100170 00
1118110 00
20011 111
S278I 00
linoi 112
01100 00
y 1820 10
of product per aero
1m tho Bovoral years woro romplliil from
tho roportH of tho bureau of labor ami
liuluslrial HtatifitloH of Nobrafika for tho
yearn 1M1I 1HIKI ami 1H1I7 thoonlv yoni H
for which tho information was withered
amljnro Kiounod an followH
Tho North Platto rniuprlHon tho
territory contained in tho Second and
Third coiiKrosuloiinl ilIntrlotH of NtlmiH
Im and in all of that port Ion of tho Htato
lyiiiK north of tho Platto liver and east
of n lino i miles went of tho llHlh
parallel of IniiKitudo which is tho
west lino of Knox and Amlnlopo
counties ninniiiK duo south to tho
Kansas lino Area 11121 hipiaro utiles
Tho South Platto comprises tho
territory contained In tho Kirat mid
Poiuth coimrefisioual diflttiols and also
two counties in tho soiitheast coriior nf
tho lMftlt cotiKroHHional district of No
braslta and is all that portion of tho
state lyiiiK south of tho Platto rivor
nod cast of u lino IU miles wont of tho
HStli parallel of longitudo Aron 11
IS 1 sipiaro miles
Population Oonsiifl 1810 1001011
Acres oulivated fiIIOIH
Uorn 07 1 an 00
Wheat 1 1 10075 00
Oats I 108000 00
ityo iijsoo oo
Mixed Krain IHffilian 00
Cattle nHlKVJOO 00 Oattlo n7tJ80 00
Hoks tiioi2o oo
Sheop i8io oo
Horses and mules 117000 00
liny W1UU0 00 Hay
Hokh 10115280 00
Hheep irJX0 00
Horses and mules 172000 00
Worn- 078 180 10 Flour
Food 111700 00 Kood
Dairy products 00 00 Dairy piotlucts and poultry
Acres culivated
Mixed grain
Horros and mules
Sugar boots
1 npulut ion est imated 1 818
Acres oulivated
Mixed grain
Horses and mules
Poultry livo
Poultry dressed
Sugar beets
AvcriiKo valuo
1S7 503
210ll0 00
57010 00
811800 00
112 00
20500 00
22025 170 00
515 I08
1111700 00
llill000 00
821000 00
7050 00
15000 00
10000 00
1800 00
80010 00
7it7ioo oo
lbSOOOO 00
105200 00
52 1 100 00
557 I00 00
11810 00
01 I7ij 81
i12li 10
101 5SI 07
205i8 10
t2iois 00
iiioo 00
500200 82
1070 III 01
5518010 00
7101070 00
882001 00
211100 00
117022 00
II 200 A0
80tM 00
121 1857 SO
I2S0 00
tl208SI7 10
of product per acre
Tho following table of tho yield and valuo of crops for tho 18DS is com
piled from tho report of K V Fuma secretary of tho Nebraska State Moard of
Agriculture for 1818 and comprises tho counties of Mtirt Cedar Cuming
Douglas and Men ick tho only ones roported on in that section for tho North
Plat to and lvo counties of equal area and about tho samo longitude Clay Jef
ferson Polk Pawaeo and Seward for tho South Platto
Acres cultivated
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Broom corn
Sugar beets
liit7it X
i2ooo X
iisnut 00
111151 00
80028 00
001 SS8 00
15 100 00
218875 X
0225 00
80010 00
52000 00
00000 00
00000 00
75110 00
71551731 00
Vkliero Fur m In n Piiys mill liivittiieiitM ri
Hull In ltrK null Suri Itntitrn
All attempt to coinprohend Nebras
kas wonderful fertility and miraculous
progress is surely au advantago to any
thoughtful man
Everybody is atlected by his environ
ment and inevitably m us tho Great
Mother domauds harmony in this us in
ovory thing so that ho who sits down in
tho shado of tho tall chimneys witum
ear shot of the whirring machinery cf
Acres oultivated
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Mroom corn
Sugar beets
2020721 00
1057180 X
050X K
20580 00
0218 00
1010001 00
0000 X
102755 X
151500 IX
1 OS ISO 00
nooio 00
inoix X
10800 00
5iX X
o27r7 00
earning his bread by tho sweat of his
brow my thoughtful friend is apt to
bo brought to a sudden realization of tho
inimonso factor which tho farmer is in
the world for it not only depends on
him for its food but tho product of his
factory Clods laboratory of sunshino
and wind and rain and soil makes its
coinniorco Wo havo perhaps como to
abetter understanding of tho iniportanco
of our farm products during tho past
year w lion tho war question mado it fo
plain that tho worlds battles of tho
tho fuctory and reads in his daily pa- j future were to bo largely fought by
per so much about manufacturing and boldiors fed 011 tho products of Amoricau
coinmerco and tho multitudinous inter- farms
ests that go with a largo and denso pop
ulation is apt to think these aro all
portaut and that hin bucolio friond
who cams his bread by tho sweat of
his brow is engaged in an inferior and
incidental business Mut when this
thoughtful man stops to consider that
the total valuo of tho cereal crop grown
by tho farmer in tho United States in
1898 was sixteen hundred millions of
dollars of which more thnii half was ex
ported to feed tho b ilanco of the world j
that tho total exports of manufactures
wero lebs than three hijudred million
dollars that the worlds product of gold
was only two hundred millions of dol
lars and that tha importation of gold
which wo heard ubout daily during tho
past year only amounted after all to uu
hundred aud fifty milliona of dollar
aud that whatever it was it was bought
by the fruit of tho labor of our bucolio
friend whose main business was pur
chasing this gold while incidentally
Of tho -1000000000 worth of coreals
produced in tho Uuitod States in 1808
more than 0110 half grew in tho upper
Mississippi valley in 11 territory that in
cludes lot8 than ono seventh of tho terri
tory of tho United States consisting of
thostates of Nobraska Kausns Missouri
Iowa Illinois Indiana aud Ohio To
get a more accurate boundary of this
field wo must cut off tho south half of
Missouri tho west half of Kansas aud
Nebraska tho north half of Minnesota
adding to it say tho east third of the
Dakotas and the south half of Wiscou
siu anil Michigan
No territory in tho world can com
pare with this in its fertility of soil aud
and its products
What the progress or this country
has been within tho past fifty years and
within the memory of ho oldor people
nmoug us it is ouly necessary to refer
to us a man of CO years of age can
roadlly recall tho tlmo when Chicago
was In tho wilderness of tho west 110
part of which west of Now York and
Pennsylvania had any particular valuo
in moiioy Today everybody Iciiowh
that tho farm lands all through this ter
ritory as far west at loast as tho Mis
sourl liver havo a largo and permaiiont
valuo coiniug of course from thoir
great fertility mid from the settlement
of tlio country It is not of course so
generally known that tho statos of Illi
nois and Iowa have the loast unim
proved farm land of any states in tho
union the figures being as I remember
them about fifteen per cent of unim
proved html in tho above named states
as against twenty to forty per cont in
tho Kastcrn and Now Kngland states
Keforring now more particularly to
Nobraska and especially to that part of
it oast of tho KXIth meridian which em
braces nearly one half of it and whloh
is a part of this wondorful agricultural
bolt it would seoni that sho oilers por
linps tho best investments today in any
part of this territory for sovoral reasons
First Ilorpropor location is In tho
contor of tho grand thoroughfare for tho
inovomont of coinniorco oast and west
which gives her n vory low rato to tho
At lautio seaboard- practically as low as
Iowa while tho oponing of tho now
channels to tho gulf within tho Inst fow
years has givon Nebraska at least as
much advantago in that particular as
any other locality Omaha would bo
considered in tho heart of tho territory
to bo bonolltod by these outlets to tho
gulf As proof of this movement tho
gulf oxports for 1 SOS were 221 millions
iw against 1 15 millions for Now York
whereas 10 years ago tho former were
almost nil and tho latter say 100 times
as much tho proportion changing in 10
years from 100 to 1 to 2 to 1 As 11 mat
ter of fact tho development of tho gulf
business is only in its infancy as work
on several important harbors and gulf
lines has not yet been completed though
large amounts of money havo been ex
f OlTlt
Then furthor as to location our
f armors often find it to thoir advautago
to hhip their products to tho Mlack Hills
or to different points through tho Rocky
mountains especially to points where
mining interests havo called together
quite nn aggregation of people Resides
all this with tho development of our
now interests in tho Pacific ocean it is
quito probablo that tho bulk of our
products will be exported through Pacific
coast points before many years Then
too Nebraska oilers a better field for in
vestments than states oast of the river
today bocauso hor population is yet less
per square mile and while hor land is
as productive as that of tho older states
yet it is old for from one third to one
half as much aud what has happened to
thoso oldor states within tho last genera
tionby adding to thoir improvements and
population in accretion to land values
is sure to happon in Nobraska and in
vestments in hor loans aro that much
safor It is surely a pretty safe thing
for you to invest your money in a state
that stands in tho first rank as a wheat
stale a corn slate a hay stato a sugar
beet stato aud par oxcollonco 0110 of tho
very best for tho raising of livo stock
NriutAsK v PHonicrs oni mvintii
In 1807 tho aggregate product of tho
threo principal coreals corn whea
and oats in the United States was
2220 millions of bushols Of this im
monso total which is so much that you
can hardly comprohond it Nobraska
produced ouo sevonth or 120 millions of
bushels in round numbers and not Icfs
than throe fourths of this was in tho
east one half of tho stato I uso tho
figures for 1807 because our Labor
bureau at Lincoln has not for somo
reason tubulated tho OS figures vet
though tho proportion probably would
bo about the samo
Making computations now as to tho
rank of Nebraska as a producer among
tho states comprising tho Granary of
tho World and figuring it from tho
number of bushels actually grown in
1S07 Nebraska was first on corn third
on oats sixth on wheat and about fifth
on haynnd hay stands third in its
value as 11 crop tho ordor being flrot
corn second wheat third hay fourth
oats tho valuo of thoso four crops being
not less that fiftooii sixteonths of tho
valuo of tho coreol crop as a rule
One word its to beet sugar I sup
poso it is not very generally understood
that two thirds of tho sugar product of
tho world today is mado from beets aud
one third from cano Tho fact is sugar
is sugar whether it is made from tho
beet or tho cano and unless you are au
expert yon aro not ablo to say which you
aro eating It is probably a well known
fact that the only state oast of the Rocky
niouutaius that has mado any particular
progress in tho manufacture of sugar
from tho beot is Nobraska and that sho
has had in operation two large factories
since 1800 0110 at Norfolk and one at
Grand Island Moth factories are sup
posed to boof thosutne capacity though
tho ouo at Norfolk is better equipped
and partly owing to this it has mado
about doublo tho amount of sugar mak
ing an average of about 8000000 pounds
per year The capacity of these fac
tories is 330 tons of heots per day though
iu tho last campaign ours cousumodover
-100 tons por day nt different times A
factory has just been completed at Amos
00 miles southoast of Norfolk with n
capacity of 1000 tons por day To sup
ply tho United States with sugar
would require 000 factories llko tho 0110
at Norfolk And inasmuch ns practic
ally overy aero of custom Nobraska has
proven well adapted to tho growing of
tho sugar beet and nn land rents for
this purposo from six to ton dollars per
acre it Is qulto plain that tho sugar beet
industry gives a vory solid foundation
to Nebraska farm values
IIi hI Hum Attraction ill tin Auditorium
PilMliiry i Tim Il lHglcM liiHt Nl lit
Another big houso greeted the Pringles
at tho Auditorium last ovoning when
thoy pro touted What Happened to
Folix a throo nct farco comedy which
proved satisfactory to all prosont John
nie Prlnglo has a good company thl
yoar and is rapidly pushing hlinsolf into
public favor In a short address boforo
tho ourtaln at tho closo of tho play ho
congratulated tho peoplo of Norfolk up
on having secured a beautiful now tho
atro which is in keeping with tho city
Tho managomont of tho Auditorium
fool that qulto 11 victory has bcon scored
in securing a dato from Otis Skinner
who has 0110 of tho leading farco comedy
companies on tho road today who will
appear hero 011 tho ovoning of February
12 Tho liiauagomont is obliged to
niako a heavy guarantee to soenro this
attraction but It is proposed that tho
now Auditorium shall present strictly
high class entertainments so long as
tho peoplo show an appreciation of thorn
and of course tho only thing that will
determine this point 13 tho amount of
receipts at tho box olllco
Tho Meo speaking of tho Otis Skinnor
attraction which appeared in Omaha
Monday ovoning says
Tho Liars
a com dy in four acts by Henry Arthur
Jones was presented for tho first timo
iu Omaha at Moyds theatre Monday
night by Otis Skinner and his compiuy
As a dramatic entertainment Omaha
theatre goers havo seen nothing bettor so
far during tho present season than
Henry Arthur Jones comedy Tho
Liar and it is oxtroiuoly doubtful that
a mora advantageous opportunity will
present itsolf during tho remaining i or
tion of tho season despito tho fact that
there aro a number of cxcollont attrac
tions booked for nppeuranco hero be
tween now and tho middle of Juno
which marks its closo This may appear
to bo a rather broad statement but
doubtless every one w ho was fortnato
enough to seo tho splendid presentation
given Mr Jones equally splendid play
by Mr Skinnor and his excellent com
pany Monday night will agrco with the
writer upon that portion of tho assertion
thai itjis tho best in its line that wo have
enjoyed this season
1000 carpet tacks for 5 cents six table
tumblors for 10 cents window shades
for 10 cents doll buggies for 25 mid 35
cents nickel plnted copper tea kettles
05 cents and a thousand other bargains at
Tho Variety store closing out sale
Wanted Honest man or woman to
travel for largo houso salary 05
monthly and expenses with increase
position permanent encloso self-addressed
stamped envelope Manager
1510 Caxtou bldg Chicago
isth rrzrLi
Do you t ake cold with
every change In the
weather Does your throat
feel raw Arid do sharp
pains dart through your
Dont you know these arc
danger signals which point
to pneumonia bronchitis or
consumption itself
If you are ailing and have
lost flesh lately they are
certainly danger signals The
question for you to decide is
Ilave I the vitality to throw
off these diseases
Dont wait to try SCOTTS
EMULSION as a last re
sort There is no remedy
ejunl to it for fortifying the
system Prevention is easy
prevents consumption and
hosts of other diseases which
attack the weak and those
with poor blood
the one standard remedy for
inflamed throats and lungs
for colds bronchitis and con
sumption It is a food medi
cine of remarkable power A
food because It nourishes the
body and a medicine be
cause it corrects diseased
oc and tioo all druggists
SOTT UOWM Chemists New York
iimwu iMlllWWWBBttBMWWWPWi
Im lPffi
Men who are always in a hurry and most men are want a
soap for the toilet that will lather quickly and freely in hot or
cold water Other soaps than Ivory may have this quality but
will likely contain alkali which is injurious to the skin Ivory Soap
is made of pure vegetable oils no alkali produces a white foamy
hither that cleanses thoroughly and rinses easily and quickly
Money cannot buy a better soap for the toilet
coprmdHT iooq av the pnocrtn gamble co Cincinnati
ut llil ll tiul Hlil orml l u with I HI tail wp hM nuil Juu IliU h
IXrilOHll rAKLOIt IIniHHMM lJ rrtU lt I II ll uljrcl lirimln
llia Vii cm rxmnliii It ntjour tuiircitlrrlclit depot mill It
jiu liml It otiiitlj lh crcalut ulup juu rr
ml Tai- Im llrr Ihin unrarm AilrrllfI lij nlhrrM At morp monrj paylhfl frcUhl
Sfnt OUrt PRICE S35G0 If Im 110 drjmntl or 3 lfO and
rrflKlitrhirert THE PARLOR CEM tO ur tlio nnt 111IUIIIh
AMI SHI I- ri ST 111 H liolntnirnli nrr madr llnmtliu llllntrntliltl
hlin ii lucti H cnnvtil illrfit f rim a tilwtoiruh joucnu lnnii
some tileiof It lieautltul npiamncc Almlu rrmiiHollil iiiiiirli p
run ill mill nrwilllintlMilclnil IH rfnnliil try Mill rull piuirl ImmIj
tflkiillfiil mpiuetrj ilfOtfn ianfl nnd mlnj oltirr hamlnme decoration
nd irnairnl iVlng II llir WKV I AlKsT ST1LK TIIK I VKIOU
liM b Otiit lilch42 Indict Iiiii2I Inilici riilonml wiIkIis 3V
Itoilllils UHlIllifioctaMl 11 nsfollousi llhpnnnn l rliiclpat
liulclini Stcloilln Olritr rriuuna llait Coupler Tnlie Coupler
lllxtiaion lorlr nndot HitmAnal a Orta o Coupler 1 Tone Swell
1 lrnnil Ortii Swell I SeU of llrelii tranonid Krwnator Ilpo
OmIIIt Uii 1 Set of 37 llire Sxiet Jlelolll UeriK 1 Sri or III
lliaimlnclr llrilllantlrliatr llecdi 1 let of 31 Itlrh Udlonr Sinuolh
llUnkkan Heeds I Set of lleftlne Suft Melodious Principal VotlP3yr37
THE PARLOR CEM uctlon emi ltsur tlio fAi i
eeiiraledicll Iti ed wlilcli uro only iibcil III tlio r AoinieVjSV
ostirrjilo InstnimontsilUtlll with Hammond Couplers anil
il llnmnos alii liivt llulo filtn lr tlicrsi tc licllows
or tliolHat iiililierrlntli 3 plv licMown Blnclc ntnl llm st
lcalln i In valcs THE PARLOR CEM Isfiiinlilieil
wlili ii linn liatrlcit pinto I n ncn inirrur nicKci piatiH
ftnd ciurj inn ii rn iiiiiiruuiu iii hb
ileaK with umiKk journclKlilioruhnut Mwi1tu
the pulillaher of this paper or Metropolitan
Kutiminl Hank or Corn Nnt Ilink of CMiicairo
nrOerniau lxclianirellaiik New York or any I i
nllroaii or mpress company In Chlcnco o
liair a capital of out ihiuiiJc0 nreuiy cntlro
win of the largest tiuflnes blocks In I hlcno
anil employ nearly SOno pci plu In our own
111111100 HK HHI OIII1 NS AT fJJIMI and um
mWkMn S3B50
asiHm MMmwMm
I Ii ismm
a J His iSsxslWM
fflriv I m
j frrM vj wiar IlTira i
jmm jmmw
r7Z W U
pciiii ii linos vtTKaWHrslw
runiMifrer a handonc organ alool and Ihe bel organ 5VviM ZWrvrrTSir rWl J1 1 W
llnnhiwknMlhid SWR3SICTt3ij KSftV fifjlfj
rilMJAUTCrn OK VPABQ llhrry WRMIH rP55rJvWi3 iMlWjfcA Eala
iuuf awntlun liliullui ai jeiirKiiarantie tiy the iftif ICstVM VjInlMl1 fr
tuiniHttnil ciunlltloin ofwlilch irnny part elves out wij 3WCVJ Uiy3 i rCr1MA1ral
rrimlr It rrror charee Irylt uno month anil we will tSjili 7sStU fiS P d SB
ml If not perfeetly KitlslU 1 K Vj8rtP pSfilk Vv5l it
r fu our money you fire 1 CiSH I Wa
nftlieiinwnwlllbe ioM at S3550 OKIUili vSiCJMJ Tli IVsKWa
ATIIMU iHiAriiAi fiJKMVatrffZaar V5llLli37rWUJWri
I r r A yzt yv7fegzrc iViTr r
bi orcan mimvxsymB
a i m inji
i r
Jilff f h f
T I d liJIHfl U K i ilW ns Ulustiated W elcht ut Hudi
f Jj mtaWw H Hu packed for ulilptnenr Ji pound
T I RvJUMiun M T- sIH iiinriis faih siioIhilih
j jws0 mm
riAVH 11 5110 and iipi also every tiling In musical Instruments nt lowest wholesale prices Write for free special
oran piano and muiieal Instrument catalogue Aililres r3ar lioobutL A Co arc thgroahly rcllaula uUor
SEARS ROEBUCK CO Inc Fulton Desplainesand Wajman Sts CHICAGO LL
OlKl WO Wilt
send you our
rJirHsJ4Vti t
lit I AMIhhMi
111 IS niTII
im uoiiiu
ly fn lttlit O Jr euljett to cxiinilniiltun
YOU CAN EXAMINE IT ntyouriieirevtfrelnlit 1 lllli
pcrlectly aulMuitor t Aiutl iik icnrertcntel
An Extra Fino High Crado Saddlo
and theiuul of saddles sold overvwhero at from
paytho fnlKht airent OUR PfllGt OObl
Ii m the 3100 dcpoetl or trilTrO und llibht
This Saddlo is mado on a l5Sor
IG lnch Conulno Ladosma or
Nelson Heavy Gtoel Fork
fAiM FiMiY piikotii ieawiiidi eoviiiii
J lilIX hound or loll entitle steel leathirtovriudKtlmipn
cr tMneh oxhow hiitsn houud asdcalred 1WU vend buund
rantle uolen ullirrHtpnrdered
lined 3 Inch w Ulo lace mil nip lathers ly lneli tlintraM
extra lonir on near Ride 2 Ineh to hucklo on olfrflde heavy
t otton twisted Slexlcan 6 Inch front cinch heavy cotton
c tins naiiKcinru conreciiri tcini 1000 Beat teat aim
H Jockey nil oneplieo
nlniit Itr nouniNl
CATALOGUE showing a lull lineal Cowboy and Rancher
Outfits at the lowest price ever quoted Address
f Uetrs Koebuck Co are tborooghtj relUble Editor
i ft sYriiw tT
j Iffe te 111 w
S sm
A blindness ccmes to mc now and thin I have it
now It ii queer I can see your eyes but net your nose
I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark
spots cover them it is very uncomfortable
I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take
of these it will cure you in ten minutes
What is it I
A Ripan i Tabulo
i ir ANTED - A cae of bail health thot n IP A S 8 will not tr neflt They Imnlsh pain nit prolong Ufa
V Out Klvr relief lto the onl Hl I AN S on tlio puckuKe and accept no ulitcltut
iu fornceiila or wilvoickifor W i ent mar lietmdiit un druy ture Tn ample aud nno thou-
r i letlmoiilalH will lo uiuliod to ur addru lor 5 tula forwarded W Iho UHu uhulcl Co tio
Ij Bruce bt St Vutlt