The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    The 4ortf oik fleuas
W N HUU10 IMbtlrtior
oxrniil Smiiliiy lljr crurinr
wooV cent Mr niMl imr nnr JMOO
IblnMlhliml HSt
mall inr jonrllrO
rKnlPTOil nl llin IWolllru nt Norfolk Nott
epcoml rlnn ntntlnr
Toloiilioiin No El
111 sptlo of all tliolr otlorlH to hulu tlio
ruth tho lomoonitlt forms nro gotting
voijr norvouH
In npUo of all tliolr otlorlH to conceal
tliot tlio KiikIIhIi In South Africa
nro liucoinitiK insulTiirablv lloorod
Tlio talpgrnpliiQ nmrtiKcs from tlio
Philippines for Homo tinn pasl liavo
nvoniKcilfWSfiOOOii nunitli for Uiiulo
1oot liiiuroatn Aiutin HayH that Kng
land guiirdrt tlio mm Whllo that
may bo It is very ovliliuit that tho light
ing tills ynnr is on tho land
Whon it cotniw to lawantl ordor thoro
nronltogothor too many lllco tho man
down In Maino who wiw for tho llklcor
law but agin its onforconiont
Tho Into Dr MoQIynn wiwii grout
friend of tho poor Ho had no patience
whatever with tlio idoan ho commonly
provnlliiig that n few people were lorn
to have wealth while thomiuiy wore
rioKttned to ponuiy and want Ho
Hunnned up IiIh whole thought in this
inuttor whon ho Hiiid God Ih the father
of all ItiH children and tho stop father
of nono
f Not many even among our patriotic
AniorinuiN would roturn to tho govorn
niont tho check Hont thorn in payment
for services romlorod tho government as
captain of volunteers during tho late
war ThiH however was tho ootn
nioiiilnblu action of Oaptain William F
English Bouof Win It English who
was caudidato for vice president with
There is said by expert engineers to
bo no insurmountable obstacle to tho
projoct of a traiiK laeillc cable from an
engineering point of viow Tbonavy
depart inent surveyed tho route from tho
California coast to the Hawaiian islands
in 18IV and decided that a cable could
best bo laid from Montery to Honolulu
and thoneu to tho Philippine islands
and Japan A more careful survoy is
now being made on the bed of tho
Pacific Such a cable at the present
cablo rates would earn the United States
JpJgSOOO a year and thoro would
certainly bo increasing commercial use
of tho cablo whiob would steadily in
croaso its value
Tho fusionists are exerting their on
orgies to have tho United Statos mix up
in tho Boer English war These are tho
Banio people who insisted and persisted
iu tliolr efforts to liavo Uncle Sum drive
tho Don oil the wostoru continent and
as soon as tho effort was iniido began to
llud fault with the method in which it
wis dono and everything connected
with it atid resulting therefrom They
aro finding fault yet and will probably
contiuuo to do so for years to couio In
tho first instanco they had tho support
of tho pooplo u nearly overyono desired
that Spains mis rulod mis troatod and
opprosed possessions bo wrestod from
hor They hnvo not tho support of t10
people howovor iu thoirfault fiudiug
campaign Thoy know that thoro was
fault to bo found no matter what
method was pursued but thoy consid
ered that sluco tho government under
took tho contract it should perform it ns
host it could What thoy principally
desirod has been acoompllshod and thoy
nro in tho main patistlod Their ro
ceut efforts howovor tiro a littlo far
fetched and tho peoplo aa a class do
not debiro this covornmout to mix with
either tho English or Boor sido of tho
question Wo would not hnvo toloiated
tho mixing iu of somo powerful govern
mout iu tho settlement of our disputo
with Spaiu and no more should wo
force oursolves into a foreign war that
doosnt particularly conooru us We
liavo our 6ympathios but thoy do not
requiro expression by forco of arms
Borne Lcglsluttvo Lolllea
Iu tho current issue of Tho Green
Bag a New York law publication Mr
Eltwecd Pomeroy president of the
Direct Legislation League of the Uult
ed States has a very interesting article
on tho fdllles of legislatures Ills In
terest iu the referendum has made Mr
Pomeroy an especially close student of
state legislation anil here arc tome of
tho legislative follies ho has discov
ert tl
New Jersey has n law taxing bache
lors while the lower bouse of Texas
passed a bill lining every unmarried
man 50 a year unless be should pre
sent nn affidavit from sonic
i blc woman that she had refused him
vlurlug the year Missouri has a pure
Ipeer law that forbids the use of auy
thing but bops malt barley or rice lu
making beer preventing water from
bIng used Carelessness on the part
of the Nebraska legislature led to the
enactment of a law that scuds the jus
tice of the peace to Jail uutll the drunk
ard he fines shall pay the -penalty lie
assesses A Kentucky law borblds the
firing of deadly weapons whether
loaded or unloaded Michigan has an
nntMrcatlug law pnflsoil In 1805 For
n Joke a bill wan rtinhctl through tho
Kiuihaji bouse changing tho nnino of a
legislator with an unpronounceable
nnino to Pat Murphy TexaH passed
a resolution declnrlng that tho shies of
Texas wore bluer than tboio of Italy
Hlrlct construction of a Ilhodo Island
law mnltcfl every child of parents mar
ried In the state lining tlio last 50
years Illegitimate
Such follies Mr lomcroy thlukn nro
not surprising The nvcrago legisla
tor pays scant attention to he bills
that arc acted upon except to wonder
bow they will nlTcct bis future That
Is the only consideration that rules bis
conduct Ho long ns a committee of
men Is given uncontrolled power they
will use that power for their own
ends says Mr lomcroy anil If they
are chosen frequently they will retain
a certain portion of be noble spirit of
service to the whole people as long as
they are new at the service crude and
Inelllclcnt They will make lots of mis
takes be easily led by designing men
and by be end of the term be ready
either to retire In disgust because they
see nothing can be accomplished or
adopt the prevailing low moral tone
look lit every bill from tho point of
What Is there In It for me nnil bo
lit subjects for the lobbyist
The remedy suggested by Mr Pom
eroy for the follies of legislatures Is to
limit the powers of the body mid iiiake
It an advisory council while the laws
themselves shall require the approval
of the people through the referendum
Work Th lit ltt i n Hlcnth Ilny
Bloat of he Time
Did you ever bear of a piano detect
ive V
The city ball detective scratched bis
bead rcllectlvcly and then was compel
led to admit that be bad never beard of
such an Individual
Well there are a dozen or more of
them In Philadelphia and they make
good money too
Their work Is simple you see n
great ninny piano linns sell Instru
ments on the Installment plan That Is
the purchaser pays say 50 down on a
500 or JJtMN Instrument and agrees to
make good the remainder at so much a
month My far the greater number of
such purchasers are ns hottest as the
iluy Is long but once In a while a man
comes along whose little scheme Is to
move out the piano a day or two after
It Is delivered and sell It for a couple
of hundred
It Is the business of the piano de
tective to circumvent this sort of thing
As a rule some suspicious movement
on the part of the would be defrauder
of the piano dealer causes him to be
placed under suspicion The dealer
cant stop hi anil take his Instrument
away under the contract and the only
thing he can do Is to watch It Here
Is where the piano detective comes in
He hovers around the house In which
the suspected purchaser lives night
and day watching any attempt to make
way with the piano Psunlly three or
four weeks aro long enough to settle
the question one wny or another If the
piano buyer Is crooked he Is practically
certain to make some sort of a move
before the expiration of that time If
be doesnt It Is pretty safe presumption
that tho suspicion Is groundless and
the piano detective Is called off by bis
employer with no one but himself and
two or three others the wiser Hut the
precaution Is a necessary one Cin
cinnati Enquirer
Suuulnlittrla Acid AVnter and Zinc
Create Artlllclitl Storm
Some years ago Kansas was overrun
with so called rainmakers who did a
thriving business in vicinities afflicted
with drought The Hock Island rail
road had a rainmaker who traveled
about the country In a special car and
made rain from Texas to Iowa At the
time the process employed was guard
ed us u secret and no doubt the mys
tery surrounding tho operation bad
much to do with the Interest aroused
among the people Hut now conies
George Matthews in the Wichita Eagle
with a full exposition of the means
employed by the Hock Island wizard
and others anil the following Is tho
recipe given by him
Ten llultl ounces of subsulpburlc
Fifty fluid ounces of water
Flvo ounces of zinc
Renew every hour and stir every 30
minutes day and night until rain
conies The moment rain begins to
fall remove Jar or crock In territory
west of KnuMis use one third less at
sea level use double the quantity In
Kansas work only on southerly winds
which are the moisture bearing winds
Begin an experiment only In a clear
sky One station of the experiment If
successful will produce a rain 30 to f0
miles In diameter A better and more
certain result enn bo secured by having
three or more stations -10 or f0 miles
According to Mr Matthews this mix
ture left in an open mouthed Jar gen
erates hydrogen gas which rapidly
ascends The theory is that this gas
ascending creates a shaft through the
hot air down which tho cold air rushes
creating a storm center and gathering
moisture for precipitation Matthews
claims that of the 200 experiments
made by him nt least 180 were success
ful Kansas City Journal
An im One
lie entered the cheap restaurant nnd
took a sent nt one of the tables
Will you have n 15 cent dluncr or i
25 cent ono inquired a waiter
Is there any real difference
What is It
Ten eeuts Ohio State Journal
Fifty Arlalocrntlo Southern Girl
AVrrn TnUrn nn Irlinicr of Wnr
nnil Vtcrci Currlril Vlrltaliuric
nml Flivro llrlil nn llimliiiri
I wns mixed up Iu ono little unre
corded event of tho civil war said
General 11 hat was Interesting from
Its very uiiiisiialncsH and which ns 1
look back upon It seems strnngely pic
turesque Wo were nttnehed to what
was known iih tho marine brigade a Ut
ile licet of 12 Unclad river Btcaniboatn
that piled up nnil down the Mississippi
river after he surrender of Vlcksburg
The term Unclad by tho way Is some
what misleading as It Is not remotely
connected with the white metal but sig
nifies rather boats heavily planked with
oak for the purpose of protecting them
Home what from the ravages of bullets
Ono day our littlo battalion of four
companies was ordered to Hteiim down
tho river disembark at Rodney march
to Port Gibson and there consult seal
ed orders In regard to further proceed
ings Imagine our surprise upon read
ing the Instructions that wo were ex
pected to capture and carry back to
Vlcksburg as prisoners f0 of the most
aristocratic Confederate young women
In the city However we hud served
long enough to obey orders without
question and provided with guides fa
miliar with he own we set about our
bizarre and not too ngrecable ask Wo
first established headquarters at tho
residence of a prominent Confederate
Then different squads were sent out
to call at tho homes of tho young wom
en and escort them to the place of ren
dezvous The Instructions were that
they must report at headquarters with
in two hours on penalty of their family
resilience being burned to the ground
The only Information we could give
them the whole transaction was as
much a mystery to us ns to them was
that they were to be taken to Vlcks
burg ns prisoners of war but were on
no account to suffer any discomfort or
Of course there was great weeping
walling anil gnashing of teeth from
cutler modiers loving sisters and Irate
fathers and brothers But the Incident
had to be accepted as belonging to the
fortunes of war and at the end of two
bonis -It of the HO attended by anx
ious friends and relatives were at the
rendezvous Mercy was Implored for
one delinquent An additional hour was
granted and at their own suggestion
several of the young women were dis
patched to her homo to persuade her
to follow their example In gracefully
submitting to he inevitable The result
was bat before the hour was up the
last fair prisoner had put in an appear
ance though iu a very defiant mood
Our troubles however by no means
ended here Indeed they were lumlly
fairly begun The next question vns
how to transport our beautiful captives
to Rodney a distance of some JO miles
over roads that were In a frightful con
dition from the devastation of war and
consequent neglect All the good
horses too like all the good men were
off to the war and as for carriages
they had most decidedly fallen Into a
statu of Innocuous desuetude
There was obviously nothing for us
to do therefore but to gather together
all the broken down old horses ami di
lapidated vehicles lu the vicinity
which we somehow managed to hitch
together with plow harnesses bits of
rope straps etc With these improvised
coaches drawn up into line began the
process of loading on our victims and
when they were nil stowed away it
was a motley looking procession I cau
assure you Even tho sound of fare
wells and tho sight of weeping eyes
could not blind us to the humorous as
pect of the scene You must remember
that wo were all pretty young fellows
lu 1SIK1 Tho civil war was fought by
men whose average age was only lll
Well we made our wny slowly
amid tears antl laughter to Rodney
where we embarked for Vlcksburg
Upon arriving there the young women
were taken before the provost marshal
who put them ou parole confining
them to the limits of the city Most
of them bad friends in the town with
whom they chose to remain ami suit
able quarters were found for the rest
The reason for the whole transac
tion then transpired It seemed that
some northern young women school
teachers had been taken prisoners by
the Confederates and were at that mo
ment lu their camps where they wero
forced to wash and mend for the sol
diers and perform other menial serv
ices These Confederate young women
were therefore to bo held as hoslages
until the northern women wero re
There was littlo delay lu tho ex
change antl we had our visitors lu
Vlcksburg only 30 days They were
however very gay delightful days
Yankee otllcers nnd Confederate maid
ens Intermingled socially and tho ac
quaintance so rudely forced upon the
beautiful southerners proved lu some
Instances a mutual pleasure I could
Indeed point to more than one roman
tic marriage that was tho direct out
come of our raid upon Port Gibson
Washington Times
Old Dunce In Old Time
In Edward Scotts Dancing In All
Ages are some curious details about
the dances used by our forefathers
Joan Sanderson was a Jolly
dauce In Mr Scotts definition for be
fore It wns ended each lady had kissed
all the gentlemen twice and each man
had been equally enterprising Mary
Stuart danced tho Yolta though
not so high and so dlsposcdly as
Elizabeth In King Charles time peo
ple dauced Treuchmore th Piwii
Ion Dance Omnium QnUiorum and
Holte cum ToKc
All In n Garden Green Gndierlnn
of Peascodi Lumps of Pudding
Under nnd Over Tho Bnlb Ihii
Slaughter House and Have at Thy
Con f Oltl Woman aro dances not
quite so old
Not iVnaleil on Iter
This happened o ho wlfo of a well
known merchant who Is rather con
spicuous for bis devotion to tho church
His spouse dressing one Sunday morn
ing got Into a waist tbnt moro than
put Josephs coat In the shade She
was conscious of bo color scheme but
decided to ask her husbnnds and her
falhers opinions boforo wearing he
garment to church They ngroetl poor
men that she was delightfully dressed
and thnt tho wnlst could hardly bo im
proved upon
So hey went to church tho wife
with secret misgivings which as the
case turned out wero well enough
founded for they were no sooner seat
ed In Grace Episcopal church than the
Rev Dr Worhlngon gave out the
text We will rend tho reverend rec
tor said from be gospel of S Mat
thew the sixteenth chapter and eighth
verse To what purpose Is this
Tho good woman collapsed In her
pew and never rnlsed her bead during
the remninlng portion of the service
Cleveland Plain Dealer
A Text Thnt Caught
The following extraordinary coinci
dence occurred at Tlnwnld recently A
young preacher who has lately mnr
rled was planned to tnke the morning
service but by a misreading of the
plan ho mistook his appointment for
an evening one Consequently the con
gregation gathered on the Sunday
morning waited lu vain for his appear
ance Thereupon one of the olllce bear
ers of the church present undertook
the service Totally unaware that the
absent preacher had recently married
be electrified antl amused his audience
by announcing as his text lie has
married a wife and therefore be can
not come New Zealand Herald
IIowh Thin
Wo offer ono hundred dollars rownrd
for any fuse of catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Halls Catarrh Ouro
1 J OHKNEY Co Props Toledo O
Wo tho undersigned bavo known P
J Chenoy for tho last 15 years and
boliovo him perfectly honorablo in nil
business rniiBacions nud financially
able o carry out any obligation niado by
their firm
WrST Tnux Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
WAUiiva Kiknax Makvin Whole
salo Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Cure is takou inter
nally acting diroctly upou tho blood
aud mucous surfaces of tho system
Prico 75 cents per bottle Sold by nil
druggists Testimonials free
Hulls fnmily pills nro tho best
Girls if you wish to bo n Juno brido
with red lips laughing eyes a lovely
complexion tako Rocky Mountain Tea
this month T cents Ask your
0000 years havo wo waited for tho
greatest blessing over offered It doubles
your joys nud halves your sorrows
Thats what Rooky Mountain Tea does
35 coute Ask your druggist
Takon this month keeps you well all
tho year Greatest touio known
Rocky Mountain Tea mado by Madison
Medicino Co 35 cents Ask your
Better do it than wish it done
Better euro catarrh by taking Hoods
Sarsaparilla than complnin becuuso you
suffer from it
Mautl Is fi nnd 150 too old to hope for
improvemout I should Bay not One
just begiufl to livo Take Rocky Mount
ain Tea Youll bo blooming fair nt CO
Durability is
Better Than Show
The wealth of the multi
millionaires is not equal to
good health Inches without
health are a curse and yet
the rich the middle classes
and the poor alike have in
Hoods Sarsaparilla a valua
ble assistant in getting and
maintaining perfect health
Catarrh Our Mile boys tuhooping
cough left him with catarrh but Hoods
Sarsaparilla made him perfectly well 1
have taken it myself toith satisfactory re
sults Mrs W S Gordinier Newton Kan
Scrofula My boy suffered with
scrofula when young Two bottles of
Hoods Sarsaparilla cured him He is now
ten Our physician advised its use We
always recommend it Mrs E C
Clipper 8 Kidder St Cleveland Ohio
Tired All Day No tired feeling
such as J used to have morning and night
since Hoods Sarsaparilla cured it as it
cured the pain in my little girl s stomach
Jas T SMann Hubbardston Mass
Pain in the Side have taken
Hoods Sarsaparilla and Hoods Tills for
pain in the side and back Was not
able to work They cured me Mary
E Cafe Chesterfield S C
fiodS SaMafxttitl
Hoodi llllicure liver lilt the nun Irritating and
All Kinds of Hard and 8oa Coal Thoroughly Uright
and Clean at
1 A I
All Coal Screened
Your Palronngo Respectfully Solicited
U1KAKT InicsinnNT
a mUDOK Vtou Imsiiibnt
Union Pacific
Columbus A cctimmotlntlnn
Oinnlni Denver mid Iaclllc Count
Columbus Ace mniodntion
Omaha kcuver urul Iacillc coast
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Reblndlng old Books
and Hagazlnes
Noxt to Douns Taint Storo Fifth Street
Will furnish musio for dances and
ties Prices reasonable
For Plumbing Stum Fitting Punps
Tmks Wind Mills
And all repair work in thle Una oa
Batlefftotion Gnnmntead
Klrtt door sontb of Dail New offle
Wire H H Hull
Facial TreakeDt MnoicoriDg and Sbmpoi
Will glarllr call t your homei and do an of tbl
work Orderi UVn for tins hair ewltobei
Perfect matob guaranteed Beildoaco on Flnt
street Junction Orderi may be left at tbr
JnnKltnn lmHtrr TolAnhnnn 1t
Cleanici aad Uiutille the tut
1iumutcl a loiuciiit growth
Never Falls to Itcitoro Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color
Cujxi icalp difftic ti hair falling
SOcamHHiuat irurlm
Choice Smithing Coiil
t 30 pm
1100 a in
W p m
Joimocts ut Norfolk with b IS fll coiua
west and north and with tho C 8t P M O
for points north aud eust
F w Junkman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux rity and Omaha PaBSongor it 30 am
Sioux OltyPassenuor 100 pin
Sioux City Passenger 10 85 am
Bioux City and Omnhrt Pasenngor 780 nm
Connocts at Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north nud with the U I for points
souin p juneman Agent
Daly oxceplISunday
W It imiAASUH AssT
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
liny nnd noil oicliansn 011 lids country nnd nil nrtn of Kuroiio Fnrm Lontm
Director Abmls W H Ioiinhon Ciias S Hiudok C V Hiiaascii
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Railroad and Business Directory
- bl
- 5
co i
c 2
O 3 is
Fremont IZkhorn Mo Valley
Oranlin Passenger
v KxproBg
1 r
thro Express
Ou iiHscngor
Ulnck JIIIIh rxiirens
VonilRro IlipsoiiRor
1210 1 m
70d m
1240 11 m
1240 pm
Vonllffro Accommodation 900 111
west AimiVK
Hlnck HilU Kxprons 1220pm
VonliKro lnusotiKor 110 nm
VordiKro Accommodation 720pm
Tlio Chicago nnd Muck Hills Exprcfm arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tlio Omalia
and Vordigro trains nrrivo nnd dopart from city
dopot II C Matuau Atfont
Fine Watch
Spencer ovelmon
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
t 1 Fourth Street
Paints and Ola 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk florseshoer
All Work Guaranteed
Cor 4th St and lirnaech Ave
Daily News Job Department
North -Western
F E IW V R R Is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
The Land of Sunshine
AreH n m tF
Fine Train Servico via tbo Union Pacific
Palaco Sleeping Cars Dining Cars
Freo Reclining Chair Cars
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars
Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Pintsch Light Steam Heat
Fivo Daily Trains from MiBbouri River
For Time Tnblee Folders Illustrated Books
Iamphlots de6criptlvoof tbo territory travers
ed call on