Ml W M ft ft i I i i MV IM 1 w M 1 t 1 fi k 1 I i r R ft L if UK 19 m IVv 1 1 I M I if 1 H vm wj I It V Kh I i I hi U 4 j 1 1 1 II hi ft The Norfolk Weekly News jONDON in the dark No Official News Received From the Front TUG OROWDS AT THE WAR OFFICE 1eoplo TIiroiiR tlio Corridor Until After Midnight Nil 1 1 1 T i r i m 1 1 1 1 1 Kegiirillni the INiolllou oT tin Troops Tluit Iluvo Arrlvcil Sltico Itohertn Took Coinmiiinl London Jan an The ussi nhlngo iu Pall Mull outside the war olllco and thoso privileged to wait in tho lobbies reluctantly dispersed at midnight after tho llnal word that nothing more would bo announced Tho morning papers wont to press with conjectures and fore casts of all sorts striving to guess out something from Spionkop General Hollers infantry to roach tho summit of iipionkop must cross u nat ural glacis three quarters of a mile wide and climb GOO feet up a steep Klope JNobody hero seems to known not even the war olliee what Lord Roberts has done with his largo reinforcements Six thousand troops awaited his arrival at Cape Town and since then 5000 others have reached thoro Military critics aroall hoping that a good share of these 12000 have gone to help Gen eral Bullcr and they arguo that a few days wait may make him strong onouyh to overcomo tho deadlock There are 19000 troops at sea and this heavy weight on tho British side is ex pected to destroy tho equilibrium now existing on every flold of operations Tho British losses up to date in killed wounded and captured according to General Bullors last list total 8216 men j Vllitlng ItcKUinod mi Tnesiliiy London Jan 25 Tho Daily Tele graph publishes tho following dispatch from Spearmans camp dated Jan 2i On Monday Sir Charles Warrens forces cannonaded and fusiladed the Boer positions west of Spionkop near tho Acton Homes road A lyddito bat tery co oporated with tho other batter ies and tho Maxims Certainly tho tiro was effective causing tho enemy serious losses Tho Boers however clung des perately to their works from which thoy arc only being very slowly driven Today tho enemy fired their guns oftener using also tho captured 15 pounders with shrapnel Oar casualties today wero less oven than thoso of yes terday lighting began about 0 in the morning and continued all day but thero has been loihing like a general engagement Tho naval big guns as sisted from Potgioters drift iu shelling the Boer positions lloers Itrlni Up More film London Jan 23 A dispatch to tho Times from Spearmans camp dated Tuesday says Tho Boers today had more guns and arc prepared to fight al most interminably having intrenched thoir ridgo which stretches iu an al most unbroken lino from Drakensburg many miles eastward Firing contin ued throughout tho day Wo have not advanced any further but wo throw up intrenchmonts during tho night from behind which tho musketry duel con tinued from exactly tho same position as yesterday Situation Ih Desperate Berlin Jan 25 German press tac ticians aro almost unanimously of tho opinion that tho situation of tho British forces around Ladysmith is desperate Tho Berliner Tageblatt prints a Brus sels special claiming that General War ren has been signally defeated A mil itary writer for tho Krouzo Zeitung says tho movement to roliovo Lady smith has failod rendering tho British lino of retreat endangered Cecil Khoilex Working n Gun Eimiieuley Jan 25 Tho bombard ments have ceased but tho Boers aro perpotually engaged iu sniping Long Cecil is doing excellent work and Cecil Rhodes has personally fired soveral shells from tho gun PANAY OPEN TO TRADE Work of Ariiorlrnn Troop In tliu riilllji jilnen Stiinllly Sucoexufiil Washinoton Jan 25 General Otis reported to tho war department yester day that the western coast of tho island of Panay is now open for trado and that tho coast of Laguna do Bay and tho neighboring sections of tho country will also bo opened to unrestricted traf fic by tho ond of tho week Ho also re ports sovoral minor ongagomonts with tho Filipinos iu which tho American arms mot with tho usual success Tho enemy lost heavily and a largo amount of arms and ammunition wus captured Ileiiteimiit Ntockley In Miuatng Washinoton Jan 25 General Otis cabled tho war department as follows Manila Jan 25 Lieutenant Stock ley Twenty first infantry has been missing sinco Jan 12 Ho was on re connoitering duty at Talisay near Sau Tonias Batangas and was evidently captured Search is still being prose cuted ICeroIiitlonury War Widow Washinoton Jan 25 Responding to au iuquiry from Senator Gallinger Commissi uer of Pensions Evans has sent to itim a statement giving tho number of pensioners borno on tho rolls of tho oflico on account of each of tho wars of tho United States and giving a brief review of tho laws under which thoy wero granted Tho statement as to tho number of pensioners is as lows On account of tho revolutionary war four widows and seven daughters War of 1812 oue survivor 1098 widows DELUGED WITH ORDERS First Sulmnrlptlon For Chrlntlnti Unity Color Irom NehrniUn ToiEKA Jan 25 Tho immediate nnd extraordinary rcsponso of tho pub lic to tho announcement in tho Associ ated Press of tho Sholdon edition of tho Dally Capital is indicated by tho fact that Mr Sheldon and tho Capital have boon deluged with telegrams and letters from all parts of tho country nskiug for information regarding tho proposed plans for a Christian daily newspaper Among the dispatches re ceived was ono from Now York con taining an order for 10000 copies of each issue during tho week Another order by telegraph asked for 5000 inches of advertising space Tho first sub scription order which caino within 12 hours of tho announcement of the plan in tho Associated Press was from Ne braska for 101 copies of each issue Requests have come to the Capital from over 100 newspapers iu Kansas for cuts of Mr Sheldon to bo used in their col umns Mr Sheldon said that while he would receive no compensation for his services it had been stipulated that should tho receipts exceed the expenditures of tho edition a large part of tho proceeds would bo devoted to missionary and philanthropic work i TROOPS TO EXPEL A DEPUTY KcltliiK Sitfiio In tlui 1roiifh Cliunilmr During u Debute on Conxplrnry Pakh Jan 25 Thero were exciting scenes in the chamber of deputies yes terday M Jean Charles Bernard so cialist member for the Second district of Bordeaux violently denounced tho statements made by tho public prose cutor at tho trial of the Assuinptionist Fathers nnd attacked tho minister of justice M Monis colling him a scoun drel and a canaille Tho chamber pro nounced itself in favor of tho expulsion of M Bernard from the house but tho deputy refused to withdraw Tho pro ceedings wero temporarily suspended and a detachment of soldiers was marched in whereupon M Bernard left tho chamber protesting against his expulsion The trial of tho 12 Assuinptionist Fathers before tho correctional tribunal resulted in thoir sentence to 10 francs fine and the court decreed tho dissolu tion of tho order Seek liiiiniKCA lor Shillder Coium ills Neb Jan 25 James Uamons hits tiled suit against John Mirra for 10000 damages Both aro fanners and live near Lindsay Last November a son of Ilamous shot and killed Daniel Duey Jr while thoy wore hunting ducks- Atiu timo it was generally conceded to have been an accident Hamous alleges in his peti tion that Mira has frequently declared that tho shooting was willful and de liberate The petition also recites that Mirra has at divers times tried to or ganize a crowd to lynch both tho plain tiff and his minor son To ItOKtoro tliipltul Illlllnlililent TorssA Jan 25 Governor Stanley is quoted as leclaring ho will recom mend to the next legislature that tho crimes act fixing tho punishment for murder bo amended so that tho jury shall decide that question and tho jury having fixed tho punishment tho judges only duty shall be to execute its judgment This would restore in Kansas capital punishment for murdor which tho present law practically abol ishes Tho recent double lynching at Fort Scott is believed to have iufluouced the governor TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Now York wants tho national Demo cratic convention Dr J II Hardin has resigned tho presidency of Eureka colloge D O Mills has been elected a direc tor of the Now York Central railroad Tho condition of E J Phelps ex minister to England who is ill at Now Haven is slightly improved Ohinoso pirates emboldened by recont successes have been again attempting to blackmail foreign firms at Canton Ev Congressman Charles W Walton for 15 years a justice of tho Muino su preme court died in Portland Wednes day Baron von Hollebon German ambas sador to tho United States was tho guest of tho University of Chicago Wednesday night Tho gavernor and council of Massa chusetts have decided to soil tho states stock in tho Fitchburg road to tho Boston and Maino Tho indictment against John Whallon of Louisvillo charging him with at tempting to bribe Senator S B llarrol was quashed Wednesday Tho Afghanistan ameer has ordered all roads leading from Kerhat to bo guarded and iu Katia tho frontier gar risons have been reinforced Count Castellano Wednesday sent an other long and abusivo dispatch to M do Roduys in responso to a shorter dis patch received by him from tho editor of tho Figaro Arrangements for tho national anti trust conforenco to bo hold in Chicago threo days boginning Feb 12 practi rally aro completed Threo sessions Will bo held daily Government officers arrested Harry J King and James Prince managers of tho Chicago embroidery oxchango on tho charge of having swindled a num ber of women iu all parts of tho country Tho introduction of a resolution of sympathy with tho Boers in tho lower houso of tho Texas legislature Wednes day precipitated a stirring debate Tho resolution was referred to tho commit tee on federal relations Mrs Bollo Eddy alias Mrs R B Yates of Cleveland a well known cluirvoyant was arrested Wednesday on tho chargo of using tho mails to do fraud Mrs O L Common accusing her of wrongfully obtaining from her 410000 NORFOLK NEBRASKA THURSDAY JANUARY Lf 1900 LANDIS ST1HS HOUSE Young Orator From Indiana Wins New Laurels DEBATE ON THE ROBERTS 0ASE 8nr reorinnn Apotle Aro Living In Io IjgitiMy Toilny Speeches Irenlly Help the Minority ttcKntntlont Io I- KxellMloii Seoul o IroeiiMllngft WASHiNtviON Jan 25 Tho second days debate in tho house upon tho Roberts case was less dramatic than that of Tuesday Tho galleries wero almost us crowded but tho ladies wero less demonstrative Tho presidents pastor Rev Dr Bristol was in tho ex ecutive gallery tho greater portion of tho afternoon listening to tho argu ments Mr Roberts was not present during tho day Had ho been ho would have hoard the most scathing excoria tion of tho Mormons ever delivered ugon the floor of tho house Landis Intl tho young orator who distin guished himself during tho last congress in an oratorical duel with Johnson of his state won new laurels lie charged that Utah had been admitted to tho union as a result of a Mormon conspir acy and reviewed tho history or tho apostles of tho church whom he charged with living in open and lag rant violation of tho statute aarainst polygamy to show that thoy had basely broken their solemn plcdgo to tho gov ernment Tho othor speakers wero Messrs Powers Hop Vt and Miers Dom Intl for tho majority resolu tions Snodgrass Dom Tonn and Wilson Silver Rep Idaho for tho minority resolutions Lacoy Hop la for his proposition to expel without swearing in and Cruinpackor Hop Ind for exclusion by a two thirds majority Tho speeches greatly strength ened tho majority resolutions which seemed in danger of failing after Littlo lields speech Tuesday and Chairman Taylor is confident that thoy will bo adopted when tho houso votes this afternoon Semite 1iisne Ietllgrow Resolution Washinoton Jan 28 Routine busi ness occupied tho attention of tho sen ate yesterday in a brief session Tho resolution offered byPettigrow of South Dakota calling upon tho president for information as to tho treaty entered into with the sultan of Sum was paused sifter Pottigrow laid mtido an attack upon tho administration for entering into an agreement which ho said au thorized slavery An oxtended debate was precipitated on the confercnoo re port of tho census administrative bill but tho census committeo gained its point and tho measure was scut back to conference LAY OUT PARTY POLICY Democratic Member of tlio Semite Hold a Conference Washinoton Jan 25 Tho Demo cratic members of tho senate held a con ference to consider tho question of party policy on the various questions boforo congross Thoy havo found thoinsolvos following somowhat divergent paths on somo of these questions and concluded that their party intorests demanded that thoy should havo a better understand ing among themselves No dofinito conclusion was reached but when tin conforenco adjourned thero was a gen eral understanding of tho linos to bo pursued The question of policy to bo pursued towards tho Philippine archipelago at tracted mora attention than any other On this point thero was a general ex chanfjo of viows tho concensus of opin ion evidently favoring tho policy out lined in Senator Bacons resolution o protecting life and property iu tho isl ands until quiet is restored when the United States shall provido tho oppor tunity and prescribo tho method for tho formation of a government by and for tho peoplo of tho Philippine islands to bo independently exercised and con trolled by thoinsolvos Thero was also more or less discussion of tho bills providing a form of govern ment for tho Hawaiiau islands and for Porto Rico Tho propondoranco of opinion concerning these bills was fa vorablo to absoluto froo trado between tho United States and thoso islands as a part of this country With reference to tho financial bill it was practically decided to offer a substi tute providing for tho froo coinage of silver Iteimett for Secretary of Semite Washinoton Jan 25 Tho Repub lican caucus of tho sonato decided defi nitely on tho reorganization of tho olectivo offices of that body and noini liatcd Hon Charles Bennett of Now York for secretary to succeed Hon William R Cox and Hon Dan M Ransdoll of Indiana for sergeant-at-arms to succeed Colonel R J Bright Somo feeling was manifested ovor tho olection of a secretary caused by tho circulation of reports concerning Hon J W Clarkson who was Mr Bonnotts only compotitor which his friends con sidered unconipliinontary and untrue A letter and a telegram from Mr Clark son wero read declining tho place but somo of tho senators declared their in tention of voting for him regardless of these Kvlduiitn of Tliiuu Hullo Fkahkfokt Ky Jan 25 Many wit nesses wero examiucd boforo tho guber natorial contest board yesterday Tho evidence related chiefly to tho alleged use of tissue ballots in Democratic coun ties uud to tho use of tho militia iu Louisvillo for More normalschools Meimuris lnolilng to Their llnhlMinienl Inti otlneeil In louu ICKUIitturc Drs Moinics an 25 Tlio measure proposing to establish new normal schools in Iowa was introduced in both houses of the legislature In tho Neiiate llaleton of Pottawattamie county fathered the ntousuro and in tho houso Uvers of -Shelby In the unper body tlio bill was referred to the coininitteo on schools of which Senator Lewis is chair man ami in tho houso was sent to Stocksltiger of Linns committeo on nor mal schools Thoy provide for tho es tablishment of threo new schools with in I he next three years one in each year respectively boginning in 110 1 Tho locations are to lie decided one week after the passage of tho act A bill for tho abolition of state offices of printer ami binder was introduced iu the house Wednesday by Clarice of Dallas The bill is not materially dif ferent from one introduced in the sen ate its main provision being to let state printing and binding by competitive bids It was referred to the coininitteo on printing JORDAN IN THE TOILS Iloi Moines Mini IiimKimI Willi IimiiiIii I tut ly INIng the MulK I3rs Moines Jan 25 U E Jordan of this city was arrested yesterday on a charge of fraudulently using the mails Jordan is charged with operating three fraudulent establishments In Kansas City he called i tho Jordau Wilkins company in Omaha tho company and in Des Moines the Jordan Konyon company Each estab lishment was represented to bo a branch of a main institution iu one of tlio other places Ho advertised for traveling men to sell a harness oil and required each to deposit 50 boforo beginning work Ho refused to pay their expenses and kept tho 50 deposit His letter heads indicated references to leading banks iu Kansas City Omaha and Des Moines and these banks havo all in formed Postolllco Inspector Koteham of Chicago that thoy never authorized tho use of their names TRY TO SHUT IOWA MEN OUT iuMctn OperntoiH Iluvo Troubles Knoiigli Without Adopting More IxniANAroLis Jan 25 The second day of the joint conference between tlio United Mine Workers and the coal op erators of Ohio Indiana Illinois and Pennsylvania did not accomplish much The gulf between tho miners and oper ators from Illinois seems to widen A tight will be made to keep the Iowa operators out of tho interstate compact John P Reese ox board member of tho United Miners is from that state and ho will try to bring the operators into tho interstate fold Michigan is also asking to come in This state will havo a bettor chance than Iowa To drag in Iowas grievances would bo folly seid a Columbus O opera tor and I for ono will opposo tho ad mission of tho stiito Lot tho operators settle their own troubles StinleritM Seek Tourliur Sculp Sioux City Jan 25 Thero is trouble of a sorious iiituro in Morningsido col lege Sioux City becauso of tho dislike of the students for Professor Perkins Slocum vice president and a member of tho faculty Affairs came to a head when Slocum suspended ono of tho stu deuts for talking in tho hallway Now tho students aro circulating a petition urging that the unpopular teacher bo re moved So far tho attention of the faculty has not been called to tho mat ter but the 200 students aro deter mined to rid themsoles of tho professor IMlnliel loen iicct OlMccrn Kansas City Jan 25 Resolutions providing for tho appointment of a per manent committeo to euforco a reduc tion in freight rates wero adopted yes terday by tho Missouri Kansas anil Ok lahoma Lumber Dealers association Tho following officers wero olected for tho ensuing year President James Cos tollo Liberty Mo vice president R B Pierce Topeka Harry A Gorsnch was ro elocted secretary and Gcorgo D Hope treasurer TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Recruiting in Chicago for tho Philip pines has been supended by order of tho war department Judgo Orrin N Carter of Chicago an nounced Wednesday his candidacy for the Republican nomination for governor of Illinois It is said tho work of raising money for tho Democratic national committeo has been entrusted to W If Hiurichsen of Chicago Colonel Howard of Fort Payno Ala Wednesday announced his candidacy for tho United States senate on tho Populist ticket A combino looking to tho control of thousands of acres of valuable coal lands in western Wyoming and tho out put of tho mines there is said to be iu process of formation Another cut of 2j per cent in tho prico of window glass has boon ordered by tho trust Tho fight of tho trust ugaiust tho independent factories is now taken to bo to tho death Ropresoutativo Georgo WWoymonth of tho Fourth Massachusetts district has accepted tho position of general manager of tho Atlas Tack company and will not seek rouoininutiou for congress The official census of Porto Rico has been finished San Juan has o2500 in habitants Ponce has nearly twico us many residents tho number being 50 000 There aro 057000 inhabitants on tho island In tho Christian county circuit court at Taylorvillo Ills Frotl Sibleys attor ney withdrew his motion for a now trial and Sibley was sentenced to life imprisonment for tho murder of Miss Jane Bruuot in connection with Henry Brunct tho womans nephew CAHTBR HOST 10 Tlill Court of Appeals Affirms Judge Lacombes Decision CAPTAINS LAST OHANOn HONE Army OMIcer tontleleil lu tooi t Mui tlul if Itilllcli Hit No lteiiiiino lint to Scr hit II In Sentence ol Six Venn nt Im I lem eni oi th Niw YoiiK Jan 25 The United States circuit court of appeals allliined Willi costs the decision of Judgo lu combe dismissing the habeas corpus proceedings in tho case of Former Cap tain Oherlln M Carter of the United Slates engineers convicted by ootirl iiiiirtial ot Irauds iu connect ion with the Savannah river and Cumberland t oiiud improvements The decision was signed by Judges Wallace ami Sliipmiui Car ter is a prisoner at Korl William but has been sentenced to si years at Furl Leavenworth Kan lie was also or dered In pay a line which he has done CHAPLAIN SHIELDS GUILTY Convleleil hv tnitil Miirtlul to He lU mUieil lor llrnnlicnni Washington Jan 25 Post Chap lain David II Shields lias been dis missed from the army of tho United States to lake effect Fob I and Uov Edmund T Easterhrnolc of New York has been selected for appointment to the vacancy The action in the case of Chaplain Shields was the result of court martial proceedings He was tried at San Francisco for conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman inconse quence of tho use of intoxicating liipior and was sentenced to bo dismissed Tho case came before the president in tho usual course of procedure ami lie ap proved tho sentence yesterday New Mlllliiry Ill San Fkancisco Jan 25 A new gov ernment prison is to bo creeled immedi ately on island in this harbor Before the outbreak of tho Spanish war thero was room to spare on Alcatra for all the military prisoners from Califor nia Oregon and Nevada but the last lot of 150 from Manila filled tho quar ters to oversowing Another consign ment of 150 is now daily expected and in order to accommodate them the now prison has to bo erected The prisoners have sentences of from ono to live years to servo nearly all the punishments being for breaches of military disci pline Threo Women Ituilly llnroeil Niw Voitic Jan 25 Three women wero badly burned during the progress of fire in a browns oue boarding house at 115 West Fifly sevonth street Tho fire wtis controlled before a great amount of damage had been done to property but it caused n panic among the ten ants Annie Holland Natalio Miles and Helen Miles in attempting to pass through a burning room wero severely burned about tho head hands and arms All the other tenants escaped in safety although it was necessary for tho fire men to take many of them from wind ows in tho third and fourth stories of the building IMiiiim lor it IViiklon Iliml GALKSiirmn Ills Jan 25 The move ment among thu Chicago Burlington and Qtiinoy railroad employes to estab lish a pension department is taking shupo and a proposition was forwarded to headquarters This contemplates thu establishment of a fund from as sessments of 1 per cent of the monthly wages of each of tho C000 employes ami from tho revenue iu reserve now hold by the Burlington relief depart ment aggregating i00000 When the men reach tho retiring ago thoy will bo paid one half their usual wages Hhnrlir ICIIIh Two ConrhoyN IIklicna Moil Jan 25 Agent hoy of tlio Fort Peck Indian reserva tion who has arrived iu Helena brings word of a shooting affray at Culbortson Charles Reed and Nolan Armstrong cowboys terrorized tho town Deputy Sheriff Klder attempted to arrest them but they scorned his talk about resist ing tho law and turned upon him Ho shot and killed both men Tho verdict of tho coroners jury neither censured uor approved tho action of tho officer ISimhor No m ex llolea for Irenhlent Watkui oo la Jan 25 Horace Boies as tho Democratic noinineo for president is tho suggestion of S II Bnshor Those who know tho close relations existing between tho two men regard the declaration as a practical an nouncement of his candidacy by Mr Boies himself GRSEILER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Brffaach Avenue and Tnlrd St PHONE 44 p MKNICU Ac TYLICIt J II Ilrnwi 1 M nTjUrf Attorneys it Lim Norfolk - - Nebraska TJU C S PAItKKIl IHINTIST At Ileiee Kvrrt Mimilny Mast Mlock - Norfolk Neb tU II T IIOLDION IIivhIcIiiii nml Surgeon Olllce Iitlriinn Nntimiiil llmil lliilMinu Iohmlinnii 101 Siuiltulimii nml lliHiiliiiie M ii in mill lUli Sll Tcliiiliiino 11 Norfolk - - Nebraska J J COLIC DKNTINT OlllonotnrtlllriMiK Nntl Hnnk ItenMmion aim Monk north uf CoiiHrcinnlloiml aliurnh Not folk Nobrnskn MKS MAItY SIIKLLKV Fashionable Dressmaker Ill eUlro In lttm olonk nvnr llmiina itorej Ilml oliiBo work tftinrimtiiMil Norfolk - - - Nebraska pOWHRB HAYB AtloriioyK at Law Hoom in II ami U Mnrt Illnok Norfolk - Nobrnskn gKHSIONH A BICLL Undertakers and Uiahnliiiors UriMloua lllk Norfolk Av Norfolk - - - Nobrnska - M ItOBKItTSON Attorney nt Law Iioonis t and 2 Hoberfson it Wlgton Block Norfolk WIIKN VOI WANT A J00I SHAVE or BATH JO TO- W 0 Halls Barter Simp MAIN nC Tllllll DOOIt KABT OK KOUKTH HwTcTwALk ER DKAlKIt IN FLOUR - FEED Oil and Gasoline TELEPHONE NO 33 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink Kirst door West of Post O ill en KARO BROS Everybody wants the best of meats We make a special effort to please our trado Our Shop g the Neatest in tho fltr PURE GROCERIES Are essential to health UHLE handles only pure groceries free from adulteration and sells them at FAIR PRICES You get what you pay for atUhles A