- r i i 1 r f 1 f V j I 1 tf is It S ZW ilW AJTCDND EPLODE f W rmf COPYRIGHT IN THE LIFE OF AMELIA BUTTERVCMH 3 BY ANNA KATHAPINE GPEEN AUTKOT CFTHCLCAVEMWORTM CAfE DUIIHD CUVXb POOC Wr AFrAlB NUT DCO rlB97 Br AMNAa K ROMLFJ ETC CtC This Kill holds tho wont to tlio wholo situation thought 1 Tho be lief that nothing can 1 barnod from tlio Knollys is a fill one 1 must too Mr Gryco Williams rodoniiintados nro ho niutli iinjity air but LncettiiH wnrM slio snay Ivrn lmvo Ix on nt tlio bottom of ho horrililo criiiHH which lmvo nivtn itn niiniu to tho liinn wo wrro in but Iiit uitw if nuts tlu y weir with tho riMilt of n Ilumkil niinil Hm iI forovur upon tho fiim kil uroils of Bilwico has u nicnnum wo cannot allonl other and not thoiwinvssion of iiorsoiml to ignoro tiirnituilo or Iven of poi Muml loiiiiiK So ininrewcl was I by this that 1 took or nvnrioo Thcroforo 1 could pity her tho ilrst onnortnnity which presented mid I did itself of seeing tho detective This was early tho next morning Ho and several of tlio townspeople had made their ap pearance at Mother Tunes cottage with spades and picks and tho sight had naturally drawn us all down to thogato where we stood watching operations in a silence which would havo been con sidered rnntituriil by any one who did not realize the contlicting naturo of tho emotions underlying it William to whom tho death of his mother seemed to bo a great deliverance had been in clined to bo more or less jocular but his sallies meeting with no response ho had sauntered away to havo it out with his dogs leaving mo alone with tho two girls and Hannah This latter seemed to bo nbsorbed en tirely by tho aspect of Mother Jane who stood upon her doorstep in an at titude so menacing that it was little short of tragic Her hood for tho first timo iu tho memory of those present had fallen away from her head show ing a wealth of gray hair which flow away from her head liko u weird halo Her features wo could not distinguish but tho emotion which inspired her breathed in every gesture of her uplift ed arms and swaying body It was wrath persouified and yet an unreason ing wrath Ono could seo she was as much dazed as outraged Her lares and peimtcs wero being attacked and sho had como from tho heart of her solitudo to defend them I declare l murmured Hannah It is pitiful Sho has nothing in tho world but that garden and now they are go ing to root it up Do you think said I that tho sight of a littlo money would appeaso her I wished an exeuso for dropping a word into tlio ear of Mr Gryco Perliaps baidHanimli Sho dear ly loves money but it will not take away her fright It will if sho lias nothing to bo frightened about said I and turning to tho girls I asked thorn somowhat mincingly for me if they thought I would make myself conspicuous if I crossed tho road on this errand and when Loreen answered that that would not deter her if sho had tho money and Lucetta added that tho sight of such misery was too painful for any mere personal consideration I took advautago of this complaisance and hastily mndo my way over to the group who wero de bating as to tho point they would at tack first Gentlemen said I good morn ing I am hero on au errand of mercy Poor old Mother Jano is half imbecilo and does not understand why you in vado her premises with theso imple ments Will you object if I endeavor to distract her mind with a littlo picco of gold I happen to linvo in my pocket Sho may not descrvo it but it will make your task easier and savo us some possi ble concern Half of tho men at onco took off their hats Tho othor half nudged each oth ers elbows and whispered and grimaced liko tho fools they wero Tho first half wero gentlemen though not all of them woro gentlemens clothes It was Mr Gryco who spoke Certainly madam Give tho old woman any tiling you please but And hero lie stepped up to mo and be gan to whisper You want something What is it I answered in tho samo quick way Tho mine you thought exhausted has still its pofsibilities Question Lucetta It may provo a more fruitful task than turning up tho soil Tho bow he made was moro for tho onlookers than for tho suggestion I had given him Yet ho was not ungrateful for tho latter as I who was beginning to uuderbtautl him could seo Give it ho cried out aloud Wo would not disturb the old crone if it were not for ono of herwoll known follies Nothing will tako her over 10 rods away from her homo Now what lies within those 40 rods These men think wo ought to seo Tho bhrug I gave answered both ho open and tho underlying question Sat isfied that ho would understand it so I hurried away from him aud approached Mother Jano Seel said I astonished at tho regu larity of her features now that I had a good opportunity of observing them I havo brought you monoy Let them dig up your turnips if they will Sho did not beem to perceive me Her eyes wero wild with dismay and her lips trembling with a passion far bo yowl my power to comfort Lizzio sho cried Lizzio Sho will come back aud And no homo Oh my poor girl I My poor poor girl It was pitiable I could not doubt her anguish or her sincerity Tho dolirium of a broken heart cannot bo simulated And this heart was not controlled by reason that warn equally apparent to any ono who could seo Immediately my heart which goes out slowly but none tho less truly on that account was touched by something moro than tho surface sympathy of tho moment Sho jqpy havo stolen eho may havo dono J Making another appeal I pressed tho coin hard into ono of her hands till tho contact effected what my words had been unable to do and sho finally look ed down and saw what sho was clutch ing Then inde d she changed and in u few minutes of slowly growing compre hension becaino so quiet and absorbed that sho forgot to look at the men and oven forgot me who was probably noth ing more than a Hitting shadow to her A silk gown she mummied It will buy Lizzio a silk gown Oil whoro did it como Irom the good good gold tho beautiful gold so little but enough to make her look line my Lizzie my pretty pretty Lizzio No numbers this timo Tho gift was too overpowering for her oven to re member that it must bo hidden away To gloat over it sho must keep it in her hand 1 walked away while hi r de light was still voluble Somehow it cased mo to havo dono her this littlo benefit and I think it eased tho men too At all events every hat was off when I passed them again on my way back to tho Knollys gateway I had left both the girls there but I found only ono awaiting me Lucetta had gone in and so had Hannah Why I was soon to know What do yon suppose that dctectivo wants of Lucetta now asked Loreen as I took my station again at her side Whilo you wero talking over thereto Mother Jano ho stepped over here and with a word or two induced Lucetta to walk away toward the house See there they are in thoso thick shrubs near tho right wing Ho seems to be pleading with her Do you think I ought to join them and find out what ho is urging upon her so earnestly 1 dont like to seem intrusive but Lucetta is easily agitated you know and his business cannot bo an indifferent one after all he has discovered going on in our house No I agreed and yet I think Lucetta will bo strong enough to sus tain tho conversation judging from tlio very erect attitude she is holding now Perhaps ho thinks sho can tell him where to dig They seem a littlo at sea over there and living as you do a few rods from Mother Jane he may imagine that from sonio sign or other sho can direct him whoro to first plant tho spade Its an insult cried Loreen All theso talks and visits are insults To be sure this dctectivo has sonio excuse but Watch I interrupted Lucetta is shaking her head and looking very positive She will prove to him it is an insult Wo need not interfere I think But Loreen had grown pensive and did not heed my suggestion A look that was almost wistful had supplanted the expression of indignant revolt with which sho had addressed mo and when next moment tho two wo had been watching turned and camo slowly to ward us it was with decided energy for her sho bounded forward and joined them What is this sho asked What does Mr Gryco want Lucetta Mr Gryco himself spoke I want her said ho to givo me just a littlo clew from her inmost thoughts When I was in your house ho explained with a careful oonsideia tiou for mo and my relations to theso girls which was ono of tho good points with which ho offset some which wero of an exasperating naturo to mo I saw something in her attitude being as you may aurmiso something of a keen observer which convinced mo that as a dweller in this lano Miss Knollys was not without her suspicions as to tho secret cause of tho dread mysteries which I havo been sent hero to clear up Tolay I havo frankly asked her and she sho will not tell mo Miss Loreen Yet her face shows oven at this moment that my old eyes wero not at fault in my reading of her Sho does suspect somebody audit is not Mother Jane How can you say thut began Lu cetta but tho eyes which Loreen that moment turned upon her seemed to t rou bio her for sho did not attempt to say any more only looked equally ob stinate and distressed If Lucet a suspects any one Loreeu now remarked steadily then I think sho ought to tell you just who awl why You do Then perhaps you com menced Mr Gryco can persuado her iiH to hor duty ho finished as ho saw lier head rise in protest of what ho evi dently had intended to demand Lucetta will not yield to persua sion was her quiet reply Nothing short of conviction will move the sweet est natural but tho most determined of all my mothers children What sho thinks is right she Will no I will not attempt to influenco her Mr Gryco with ono comprehensive survey of the two hesitated no longer I saw tho rising of tho blood into his forehead which always precedes the beginning of ono of his great moves and filled with a sudden excitement I awaited his next words as a tyro awaits tho first uufoldimr of the nlnu hn ban THK NORFOLK NEW- THURSDAY JANUARY 18 WOO seen working in tlio brain of some fa mous strategist Miss Knollys his very tone wan chnnged changed in a way to niiiko us all start notwithstanding tlio prepara tion Ids momentary silence had given us I have been thus pressing and per haps rttdo in my appeal because of something which hascouioto my knowl edge which cannot but niiiko you of all persons extremely anxious as to tlio meaning of this terrible mystery I am an old man and you will not mind my bluutness 1 havo been told and youv agitation tells mo it is true that you havo a lover i Mr Ort lander Ah Sho had sunk as if crushed by one terrific blow to the earth Tlio eyes the lips tho wholo pitiful face that was upturned to us remain in my memory today as tho most terrible and yet tlio most moving spectacle that has come into my by no means uneventful life What lias come to him Quick quick tell me For answer Mr Gryco drew out a telegram From tho master of tho ship on which ho was to sail said he It asks if Mr Ostiander left this town on Tuesday last as no news has como from him Loreen Loreen Ho parsed down that wayl shrieked tho girl rising liko a spirit and pointing down tlio road toward Deacon Spears He is gone Ho is lost but his fate shall not remain a mystery 1 will dare its solution 1 I Tonight you will hear from mo again And without another glance at any of us she turned and lied toward the houso TiilxiCoiitiimnil Noxt Wrel CniiiiiilnHlniHiiV IroiccilliiKK Madison Nebraska January 2 IICO At 1 p m the board of commis sioners met pursanl to adjournment Christ Snlimitt II W Winter caiid John 1 Hughes present On motion tho minutes of lust meet ing wero read and approved On motion the claim T OCannon for cash paid for certificate of tax salo No 44fi against oast -12 feet of lot I block I Mathowbons addition and forsubsqueut taxes nnd interest amounting to a totnl of sirU fit waB disallowed to which tlio claimant T C Cannon by bis Attorneys Mapes and Hazon excepted and gavo notice that ho would appeal to tho dis trict court On motion tho clerk was directed to draw n warrant in favor of Cirl Wilde for cash paid for jury certificates in tho sum of iai0 Oujiiiotiou official bonds wero approved as follows H G Miles county trcasunr C W Oram county superintendent Philip Baucli county clerk W II Lowe county surveyor OIc Olson jusUco of the peace Shell Creek precinct Amos T IUegle justice of tlio peace Fairviow precinct K A Liudemau justice of the peace Norfolk precinct Geo K Richaidsou justice of tho peace Madison precinct Geo S Venablo justico of tho peace Battle Greek preciuct W T Pinker justice of tho peaceJ B iruett precinct Win Hayden assessor Grove pro cinot Dan Mahoney assessor Fairviow precinct Robert Dales assessor Burnett pre cinct XI R Morris assessor third ward Norfolk city Frank White assessor Green Garden precinct B B McGinuis assessor Madison procinct L M J Vaago assessor Skill Creek precinct Gant Vaage road overseer district No U8 J F Attstadt road overseer district No an O A Youngquist road overseer dis trict No 21 J F Neidig road averseer No 24 Sandford Millor road oversoar No 18 W 13 Gillaspy road overseer No 10 L M Johnson road overseer No 20 Win Roikofski road overseer No 18 On motion claims wero allowed as follows Howard Miller Lumber Co lumber E000 L O Mittelstadt lumber for county 99 i0 Fisher Typewriter Oj typowritor ribbons 200 Porkins Bros Co supplies S5 00 Frank Derrick caring for election booths and cleaning school houso SOO applied on personal tax Jacob Sheets work on road 250 Win Rfcikofski extra road work Sin 00 Gust Kaul janitors salary for Decem ber and cash paid for washing ft 00 On motion the application of M O Wager for the position of superin tendent of county poor farm at a salary of 40000 per year was accepted and clerk requested to draw up a contract aud require a bond off 1 00000 On motion board adjourned until to morrow at 8 a m Board met at 8 a m Jan 1000 On motion official bonds wero ap proved to wit Arthur P Pilger doputy county treas urer A E Bontly justico of the peace Grove precinct J P Wright constablo Norfolk city Chas Lothoby road overseer district No 20 Road overseers reports were audited as follows W F F Winter district No IhIiow lug lulaiico duo him fJ Alfnd Duel district No l balance duo him 27 00 Win Hruiiinuiiul district No H bal ance duo him 18 SSI less personal tax S7tl balance 1007 M W Cormody district No I bal mieo duo him iJJtftOO Sun Kent district No 10 all accounts paid and no money on hand W H Ditiiel district No 11 balance duo him 22 It rjgWin llawkiiiH district No 12 halation duo hlmyjti On motion board adjourned for dinner and met at I p in IJoud oveisotis reports wero audited as fellows Win Ueikofslii district No II all accounts ptid aud balance on baud 12 fill Mtolmel Halpln district No I bal ance ilue him Till cents Thomas I Kennedy distiiet No 17 all accounts piid and no money on hand San ford Miller district No IS bal ance on hand itl tlfi 1 K Hooves district No lit balance duo lilm S 15 C A Youngquist district No 21 bal duo him 2000 Lisoph Kinkral district No 22 all accounts paid and no money on hand 1 K Noidiu district No 21 all ac counts paid and no money on hand C F Mueller district No 21 all accounts paid and no money on hand 1 II Fielder distiiet No 27 bnliinc duo him 12 00 Gant Vaage district No 2 all ac counts paid and no money on hand Krnest Nathan district No 110 all accounts paid and no money on hand Frank Whilo district No ill all accounts paid and no money on hand Mark Uichardson district No 112 all accounts paid and no money on hand August Borgineyer district No 20 balance due him 1200 On motion bonds woro approved as follows David Anderson assessor Ihnorick precinct P F Oberg justice of the peace Madison precinct Dmositoky Hrsn Norfolk National bank Norfolk Ne braska Citizens National la k Norfolk No ra dci Cittlo Creek Valley biuk Puttie Creek Nebraska Meadow Grove State bank Meadow Grove Nebiaska Tilden State bank Tilden Nebraska Elkhorn Valley bank Tilden Ne braska Citzons State Bank Newman Grove Nekraska Madison State bank Madison Ne braska Tho fee book of Wm Bates county judgo was examined and on motion approved showing total amount of fees collected during tho i months ending Dec ill 1800 to bo tho sum of 5 It 115 On motion board adjourned for sup per and met at 7 p m Statement of institute fund rendered by G AV Cram county superintendent was audited aud found correct showing tho balauco in said fund to bo 1080 The feo book of Goo W Losey county sheriff was audited and approved show ing total fees received from July 1 1800 to January 2 1000 toboi8700 Statement of fees rendered by Chr Schavland clerk district court was audited and npproved showing total amount of fees earned for quarter end ing Decombor ISO 1800 to bo 21007 On motion board adjourned until 8 a in tomorrow Board met January 4 1000 On motion official bonds wero approved as follows James Hughes road overseer district No Arnold B Heilman deputy county cleric County trearurers receipts to Geo W Losoy showing that the sum of 11000 has been turned into the county treasury as proceeds of salo of old jail cells sold to Madison city was received and ordered placed ou filo On motion claims wero allowed as follows M D Tyler county attorney salary for quarter onditigDocember 111 1800 0000 Wr II Daniel woik on county bridges 20 00 W C Klloy delivering election bal lots to all precinct except Norfolk and livery for county commissioners 21 SO J B Donovan printing for county judgo 750 Albert Degnor nails for county 1800 G W Cruni salary for December and incidental expenso 12840 K G Heilman salary as clerk of tho couuty board for last quarter 100 00 K K King livery for couuty com missioners 300 applied on personal tax Brinkman Son paint and medicino for jail and prisoners flfiOfi Alfred Deuel extra road work 37 00 less personal tax 10 20 balauco 1080 Ou motion board adjourned until 1 oclock p in K G Hkilman County Clerk The News jod aepartment is com plete in every particular Boils TV WM tifflb 1 W f fIILittfm jWiXvl rv in 1 r ilSitiaiiSiS mm 3flS 1975 taVttHrAriM i ffta bsj r hhi Yi m 1 1 r hi i n trr 11 AN UNFAILING SIGN THAT S W IE s When Nature in ovnrtnxed she M her own way of Lhuitf iiola e that anio isuiviltil Nlu dues tint ask for MATURE K APPTAI INE ln lpunlll It iiinpnHibleip4 along witliout ItMIUriL 10 JIN UrtLlllU U WMU and pimples an- an unheal inn that he tunlein is nccilliuiliil llir Imiilll it Ion u llioll rfin llrl n tunst no gotten ml ol llioy are an urgent t lUn IlLLi i a warning that can not Mifelv bo igimicd To noileot to pinify tio blond at this time moanii more tliin the auiinyuiK o of painful lN aud unsightly pimples If those Impuiitiis are allowed til remain the Msteiu siieoiiuilw to imv ordinary illness and 11 unable to withstand the in my ailnoiitu wluoli im so prevalent during spring and summer Mrs L lent tie 201 1 Hoonii 1 vonuo H utile Wash kjivh 1 was alllioted for a lung time with pimplrs w lm h iviini viirv iiiiiioviiur aH thov ills I nneil lit v luce rCnl t v After using many other remedies In vain H S S nniiilv and thoroughly cleansed in bond and now I rejoice in a good complexion which I never had bofoio i apt w ll nuiiiap oi mo a i m It It Cliatlaniioiia Teiin writes iMiiniHiili im mill wo uill Itttll II fit riliinv iltiv ml mo iwii nntMUil im II tlltrirriil nmlci nnd Rtiier hmltiif HiwMm at fHbO 1 3 ftloimH1 Ml tVZ u mil up nil r lit tliritlnil In nttr tnr Hclni NV Uiwhlrc UlnliKiie hill fid bit Kit Mil llldM IMnh 1 HUM I III IIIUIK I In irrriil iilni wr iilrrri 11 i nnv linr BEWARE OF IMITATIONS lv7rirfri UbClnilllHlilUlllC uiiLiiiimii limtlliiri Utlill1 Mil liUHIlllui I III t lima In ilnrrmrnla Uilloanin Till oil In lilraitii nll urn ntn artTrlUlilp ahlMlinnrr mil rirr Kti BE3rlTL l imi miiliu Minimi mi m I triaZ CJ U rC U I IV muv iuiin iiumih itiii liinn noil jiiin iinr null nir 1 1 CIS ill MIM MmiIc lit On- ImmI iMiiltcr In Amrrli n Irviilliv IH I iiiliUrlal inline j a lor assistance nn ArMt tf SoMial bolls ami carbuncles luoko out upon me aiming gloat pain and annoyance My blood seemed to be in a lioloiui Ilitiililiiui and nothing I look seemed to do yi imv good His Mottles oi s i cuioil mo cnumlotolv 4 mid my blood has boon peifeetly pure ever iiince r x t ll w umnm w - ft M FOR THE BLOOD is tho best blood rMiodv bocaunn it in purely vegetable and is tho only one that is nbsnliiti free fimn potash nnd nioicuiv It promptly purines tho Mood and tlininurhly ii ho Mliin IiiiiIiIm up tho general health and Hticiiglh It riiivs Scintilla Koroma Cancer Kliouma Mhoi Tetter Hods Sims etc b going duvet to bo cause of the trouble and foioing out all iinpuio blind Books free to any adilioss by the Swift Kpe illo Co Atlanta in SEWD WO ftfBOMEV SSSHSa 311 F qiUDt PROP CABINET BUIIDICK SEWIH0 MACMIHE oliij n t 1 jtf MfJM fl It in Villi Illll Illllllllll I III Jillirilflllliil lllilrlll illlnll mill II rmmil j wr V PiJi ljl iirfrrlli fnllnriirnWtl iim Hliri illliil niiml I inarhl Iliitnnl ILHliW l H4 - iwii fiiiiiiii iimi no iHMiisi iiuiiith mi crvr i i nit in Jim nr n Special Oiler Price 1550 frwiatoBg ur Nrluhl itmliilir J 2 ft V cTS tfjll lt23in III I Ju 1 niiiirictnlil Hiiiikiii JlMi lilnii h IkIim IWI iiiiilnniMl lliffrt lulit will H Cffl I ILLitkJiifOrlUolir5d I i i niii miii inn mvr it Tunrr mtutuc tuiai in ii1 tPAMVJclflSKtvmiPlln l Rr T I - IS I I lfl -- liW I tJI MC TJLIV f riV i 3f2 l SOLID OUmRTEH SAWED OAK CtiJpptsnCABliitTiiniili ClliMll III III HlllH II III Hirlll IU III lllll Hi II rilillT IIim llil irlil tin- iitlirrinii villi lull liiiili Inlil mill In ml In pliipi ln MWlllir I fnnrj ilrrr Ilrl si li liinn rrmnr iimi il nilillul l Iiok i il iimi ill rnlulioliliii I llnlrli Ilnifl iil ilnmii fiOl l111 iiH tirn r IiiiiiIIi uiiniliiiMinlli linn hliiml llmil lain Wall A I ml Ii HIM I III llHIllill Tllil tllli Hlllllir Vlhrillllllf Iilllnllllllll linlliln mIihIi i ihiJii IiiIiIi I iiiIiimx iiniiiilliiiilim 111 rnlir 1 1 1 1 1 t t 1 1 f ulnH 11IJ11 I1I1 IihimiIhIhiIII nrilii iiiiiini 11 1 I Imlllll ill lililil lirUlli lilililiiinil 1 rural il nnl rnan ull ninl In iinltliillj nlrLillrlniiiliil CUARANTEED llrllllrl rinilnir mual lurllr nil I rrl niUrlraa inarliliirmail I nj kiiiii allarl nl la fnriKlinl mill mil 1 rcn I i mnicltmi Uook 11 ll Jui linwniijiiiiii niiiiiii Itiiml ilm lllni pliilii nr imv I In I ill I iiC BlirK K lrrallliiillnlliitnlirlalMllllllllvl iy inm lilm In an anrianlirllilnarlitiii rmiiplll II wUll IT PfiCTC VOII fnTlllrjf II VUbla TUU IUIIIIHIi vllllr r mh ut fliiuii tn tmilin nml IIiimi ir cHivlncnl Unit mhi in iiui turn 1 1 IImxi pov 5r In It1 J V w Hi HKirilN iilllt li in If mine tlmi mini iliiuin nilm n 111 mil nilinllnl I1I1HH m im DONT IUiLAY Si urb llncliiii I 1 u 11 11 iliniiuilih n lmlili I illii 1 Address SEARS ROEBUCK fit CO Inc Chicago III o FA II I Kit l Opmis Mnniliiy si pl 3 Wiirli Inr Imiril V ikiiI lint stuili nls 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rain sooAiiHrn coat ic SEND ONE DOLLARS e2rf mmM wmftjw xmwzw m w Wm JCTtfTijj IlIIIVr M AiIvINIOhll ftirwUllJ I Mlx nut nml MJMiil In iim anil SENO NO MONEY LnY UIB out eui yi iuii and fend to un I ACME rMIIOIW M Al h li jmir lidilind willil laic uuutfrbf trttuUlC 1 nutjjiit tn vintiii imiii i aruuoo huaj l hmHt tmvtr nation youuun rimnlni It ut jrnir uiifruniriT ui iiiurrry ttu fivUlil lUJKIl tltVl IUUIK1 1IM1 II vfjllUKm1oulliIiirfHiihyrxprHf atUtnrlutyvxiuHly u nitrrtitti CiOHi hublrrl lu tBnilntUu ajiilne nnd u u on Mt ourni artt rxprvt rf olltO thil If round rirll rrirr4AltMl mil Ihr miMl wwutlrrrul lur ffiu rr ii r fcrftrd ut nd iul lu n ruat jam tm huy for vfrmi h irn fiitiHaKini tun K7IIUI imtl IlUlK 275 anU tiru llllh 1IA KlSTOMIisUtMtlltOa riyi tury PlUJiKi uiuilii intm ntj ilHprrof Ifcu rulur f t nulnr lltrrl ioiht full le iik th duulilu brenAttd Hnirxlct collnr fancy plaid lining wutrnroul Mwcdcruiiia huitabJe tut boih Uln or hrrtuat and turbr il ltA1lT Ulli eirr uffrrrd t un nr bllV otht r lioilhv tor I ri loth htniplr of Mm Mttckliitoitlii4 ut to AW -T i1 Suits and iier vr rnHfAt fnim V itn 110 on ytXQ for llrK MUlIfcallltOIOe IHlK J Aitdrrkt SEARS ROEBUCK Co Inc CHICAGO Hunt Uotbuck Ato n itorouKtlj rtUtl tdltWi unii eniihil to mjiIci thnt rilull u f ipt IX pay Ihr rsllntid arrul tiur rrUI prirr 3Of I riin ur G73 i frulrflit rhniv Tin itliliiplnu wtliht U V Ilix nnd tin f nltfht will ttViTiiifi r i m U Wi Millu urn Mr fuartiolcr ut drflirry int Aim tor firm klnrr vr warrliiUviUllft i InrHAiHl iflATfORM If MADE SCAU ruaiunuei IU will ftlhtlllirttllllH vm u t ma mi Iaft9 CO I H C 3 rn so 1 lH ZX3 r n S o Will Melrfli C0 llii hy ualni nil elilit fiirnlshpil llraaHlfcaiu welulliU lb huii Klrirna llraiahlldloK Iulr riutfonii la lfii1 liHlitK n tlni nil ailjilfctabli chill hfirliiira han lliiitou rtcrl pl0U niuat aLiitltUf accurHtii ami ilitrnblo vchU inailo inounUil on foiu Inrn whifla tliiy aru nlri Jy jaiiuloil anil oinauieuUd ami Ixautlfully llnlahnl 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