The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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TAe Norfolk 4c
W N HUBK imbllnhor
KMnMlnlinl IS O
Kfery ilny oxront Hiimlit Hy rnrrior ior
woov l conU Hy innlt or jnar frtOO
ltnlllnliol till
Kory Tlmrnlny Hy mull mr jour 1MV
ntnlnroil nt tlw IWolUcoiit NnrfiilL Noli n
focoiut clnM mntliT
Tntnihimn No 221
A fiislonlst iuchuigo nflor giving tho
nuiounts of money oxpotidod during
pnsltwo yearn by tho United States in
war oxpondltuiw oh1ih Can miyoi o
point out a ninglo lmnollt Inuring to this
country as tho result of tho oxpondituro
of ro much money XuiHlilerad from
n sordid standpoint us tho quonliou is
Hovoral bonolltH might ho pointed out
It lias required iiiillloiiH of dollars to
food olotho and pay tho soldiors and
this money or tho greater part therrof
has gono into ulrouliilioii to pay tho
butohor tho linker and thocandlo Htlok
innkor not mentioning tho fanner
stoolc raiser mechanlo and laboring man
who produced tho supplies usod by tho
nnny which Im perhaps a singlo
lCditor Foster of tho Plalnviow Nows
is probably sincere In his reitoration
that thoro Is no prosperity Ho appar
ently insists on looking tho dark side
of tho picture ami if there is no dark
side milking ono Ills imagination
inugnilloH a bank or business failure a
thousand times and he hoos nothing but
gloom desperation and calamity in the
papors Tho stattmiont that business
failuroB wore fewer in I8iljthnn for
JO years past cannot enter his thoughts
Tho manner in which bank deposits
owned largoly by tho farmers have in
creased is not comprehended by him
tho fact that oven at this timo ofjycnr
laborors can Hud work and earn wages
whon ii few years ago they had little
work fjuniuior or winter cannot disperso
tho clouds under which ho is groping
for calamity straws In tho same paper
through which ho denies prosperity lo
tolls of n transfer of proporty in which a
consideration of 5000 is involved 1 o
urges people to tako hold of a scheme to
build an 3000 hotel in his town whito
his editorial page would indicate that
thoro aro not 8000 contsiu thevillnge
ho tolls of jo neighboring town whoio
tho people have already subserilcd
1000 toward a stock creamery lo
gives items of now buildings being con
structed another where a man canio to
Norfolk on a big laud deal another
whore n now paper started in business
another where a form was srIv but in
tho ontiro paper ho does not publish n
business failure or a sheriffs sale or
soomingly nnything to indicate calamity
or doprossion savo his editorial expres
sion which limy be suillciont to convince
his roadors of tho truth of his assertion
It would seom that it would require a
vast amount of hrazou gall to make such
statements witli nothing else in tho
paper to support it
lie ToliI HIh Ti ntililcn ltlnlit Out at
tin- WllllllK
A good story comes from Atlanta
but the Incident happened several sea
sons ago The occasion was a swell
church wedding The edlllce had been
gloriously decorated The bride sur
rounded by a company of pages llow
tr girls and maids of honor was slow
ly passing down the aisle while tho
prospective bridegroom and his best
man and the ollichitlng clergyman
were taking their places The church
organ was pealing forth the sounds as
of joyous wedding bells Fashionable
people dressed for the occasion occu
pied the seats of the handsome church
It so happened that one of the pages
had in the rush of business prepara
tory to dressing for the occasion been
turned over to the care of a nurse As
he proceeded down the main aisle of
tho church In company with the other
youngsters who in white satin suits
were doing the honors of each respec
tive household he suddenly espied his
mother seated in one of the pews
At this iwiiit the organist began
playing softly as the wedding parly
passed to the altar Then above the
gentle strains of music clear as a bird
could be heard the voice of the u fore
said small boy
Mamma he shrilly cried nurse
put on my panties wrong side before
nud I cant hardly walk
Of course the honilled mamma eouM
do nothing but blush scarlet but 11 wd
u prayer that the young scion v ould
n mi i tii i i
WV i I1 BUI IIUIII 111 II III11U UK uu in
Uifruinil received a hearty kls from
thu bNJu at the close of the ce oniony
This Isil true story and can he vouch
ed for byHhose who ill tended the
On Mail
ExiiuililvN Thai Worn Uaetl In Hjjjpl
i000 Yen i H Aro
Probably the oldest copy book for
home lessous In arithmetic was recent
ly unearthed in Kgypt The papyrus
which was found In excellent condi
tion dutes from the period about 1700
11 C that Is about 100 years before
the time of Moses qr almost IlGOO
years ago It proves that the Kgyp
tlaus had a thorough knowledge of
elementary mathematics almost to the
extent of our owu The papyrus has
a long heading Direction how to at
tain the knowledge of all dark things
etc Numerous examples show that
their principal operations with entire
uults and fractions were made by
means of additiou and multiplication
Subtractions and divisions were not
known In their present form but
reel results were obtained nevertheless
liquations me also found In the pr
pyrin Among tho examples given la
Ibis one Ten measures of barley are
to bo divided among ten persons In
Hiieh a manner that each subsequent
person receives oneelghth of a meas
ure less than the one before him An
other example given Is There are sev
en men each one lias seven eats each
eat has eaten seven mice each mouse
has eaten seven grains of barley each
grain of barley would If cultivated
have yielded seven measures of barley
How much barley has been lost In that
The pnpyrus also eontnlns calcula
tions of area the calculation of the
area of a circle and Its transformation
Into a square and llually calculations
of the cubic measurements of pyra
mids Philadelphia Kccord
lie I mini lit- IVuil
Whon the Republicans weio about
to nominate somebody to run for gov
ernor in lh 11 there were candidates in
all parts of the woods Tho day of tho
convention however Undo Dick
went down and without having present
any semblance of candidacy other than
his own personality he was nominated
by acclamation
His brother-in-law David T Littlei
was a candidate for state treasurer
He had been to some pnlns to make his
candidacy an organized feature of tho
days preceding the convention When
Oglcsby was named for governor Lit
tler was put out of the calculations by
reason of coming from the next county
and was side tracked in consequence
Although Mrs Ogles by and Mrs Lit
tler wire sisters the houses ol Oglesby
and Littler were fin apart from that
time Thu heads were so completely
estranged that one did not speak to the
other Kor ten yiars they remained
Littler lived in a great old fashioned
mansion in Springlleld Oglesly lived
on his farm near Klkluirt One day to
the suipriso of tho Littler family ex
Governor Oglesby walked in
How aro you Dave said tho ex
How aro yon governor said Lit
tler as ho struggled against his aston
ishment Then the extended hand of
tho unexpected visitor was coidially
1 came to tako dinner with you
Well Im glad of it answered
Littler ns he took thu hat and coat of
his caller
Is the whisky bottle in tho samo
old place DavoY
It is and theres whisky in it
And that was how tho family feud
ended forever Chicago Tribune
Aiiiiimiilrt UN ii IMn lliiKiilnhcr
Probably tho best tiro extinguishing
liquid is aipia ammonia without any
addition whatever Wo have personally
had uxpeiienco with the almost mar
velous power of tins substance in this
direction In ono instance where lire
had originated probably from spon
taneous combustion in a pile contain
ing several tons of cotton seed and tho
interior of which wns almost a holid
body of live coal a half gallon of am
monia completely smothered tho tiro
In another which occurred at Sa
venay France tho vapors of a tank
containing 50 gallons of gasoline caught
fire in the linen room of a laundry The
room was instantly a mass of living
names nut a gnnon aim a nau ot am
monia water thrown into it completely
and almost immediately extinguished
the tire Thu ammonia wae in a glass
demijohn in an apothecary shop next
door to tho laundry and was thrown
into tho room by thu druggist as an ex
periment Po completely was tho tiro
extinguished that workmen were en
abled to enter the room almost imme
diately whero they found thu iron tanlo
of gasolino intact National Druggist
A Clitiip liinolionn
A good story is told in connection
with tho last Ascot meeting An Amer
ican who was used togoinginto racing
booths in his own country ordering
luncheon and paying 1 found himself
hungry at tho royal iieeting so ho
walked into tho first tent handy and
told tho attendant to give him some
thing to eat Tho ltfun put a sumptuous
luncheon before htm to which as well
as thu champagne t lit visitor did amplo
justice He thou handed tho attendant
fi shillings received his thanks and was
bowed out jif tho tent inwardly con
gratuliiting himself on tho moderateness
of thoehaigo An English friend whom
he met oitside said
I did not know you were acquainted
with Lord H
either am 1 replied thu Bosto
Oh I beg your pardon said tho
interrogator I thought you were as
you came out of his tent London
Tit Hits
HrmMittiKli Ha
Mrs Godfrey Cleik told nio today at
dinner that when she was in London
last year somo ono said in her presence
It is strange that Uradlaugh although
lie speaks well should never bo ablo to
manage the letter h Sir F Hnlliday
who was sitting by remarked The
reason is obvious we know that
Twas wlilsporfil in heaven
TVIIH IllUttllltl in llL11
and lkadlaugh will have nothing to
say to either Sir M E Grant Dnffa
Tlie UuhIiipum For Him
Little Charles Sister told mamma
yesterday you was born to be a poli
Mr Skinipley A politician I won
der why she thinks so
Little Charles She says you can do
so much talklu without commlttlu
yourself Chicago Thnes IIerald
People who suffer from heat in the
hands ami feet can obtain speedy and
easy relief from the samo by putting
Inside their stockings and gloves a
small portion of very tine oatmeal
Ilr lri inr Nil m llery tlprntoor
lVr Slrculnnliiin AmmiK tin-
ClnxMrN tint In DlNiippiilnlril
Willi in Hi nun if in irrirn
Tu the Editor
I bed expected thet the outamed and
ontameable Dlmlcnits boo Infest these
hedquarters and boo try lu manufac
ter llggers ami stallments tu cumfcrt
the mourners wood he able tu Impart
sum uv their cnthonslaHiu tu the Dlml
emtio members uv kongress boo re
maned here doorln the holidays We
bed made sum extra preparaHhuns fee
thet purpus nud bed laid In a good
suppll uv applejack tu lubrlkale the
coirvcrsashuu nud assist lu eularglu
the ImagluaHhuu I bed prepared sum
fiery llteratoor for slrkulashun mining
tho laberlu classes explalnlu tu em
how Ilia vti7 belli trodden outu hi the
niunney power and how we cood al
most hear tho sound uv their crunchln
bones ez tha wuz slowly belli ground
tu pcoces I pictured tu em how tha
wiiz all the time growln poorer and
poorer wile the bloated bondholders
wiiz learnln tu ride In automobeels and
monkey In with gasolene
In lookln over the November elecshun
returns we bed notlsed thet the most
uv the laberlu people bed forgot tu vote
tho Dlmlcratlc ticket and thet neerly
all uv the grate centers uv the laberlu
populashuu bed elected Kepubllklus tu
represent em In the present kongress
This wiik so unexpected and so furrln
tu our plans for the cumin yeer thet 1
conseeved the Idee uv preslpltatln ml
self rite lutii the midst uv these bee
hives uv Industry so tu speck hi
moons uv pamphlets and slrkulars fill
ed with llery appeels and enkurrljln
staltments 1 reezoned frum past ex
perience and observashuns thet If we
cood llnd n peecefiil settlement uv la
berlu people ennywhare or a factory
full uv opemtlvs boo wiiz quietly at
work Hiipportin their families at fair
wages and Ifwe cood kick up sum
kind uv a rumpus or glt up a strike or
git sumbuddy discontented wo cood
lunik perlltikal capital out uv It If It
wo uotblu in oar than tcarlu up a rale
road track or burnln uv a freight car
or spllttln open the lied uv a scab
workman It wood help the Dlmlcratlc
parly Ours I the party uv toomult
and kalainlty It thrives best wen the
times air out uv Jitit and wen people
aint prosperus Tharefore it wins our
dooty e good Dlmlcratlc parllans tu
tire off sum Incendiary documents in
order tu create a reacshun agin the
provnlin bizness prosperity
After wareln and tnrciu ml brancs tu
git the documents In shape I wiik neer
ly nockt silly lu hev the kougressmen
hoo wuz present turn lu agin the whole
skecm and so It wuz no good
Wen I ast an explanashun uv their
conduck tha all sod it wuz no use tu
Invite the laberlu populashuu uv the
kountry tu malk enny further kom
parason between the present good
times and the wa It wuz wen Old
Cleveland wuz steerin the Dlmlcratlc
party One uv em remarked hot the
workmen wuz now curryfn around a
full dinner pale lnsthl uv an empty
belly and gltlln good pay for doln It
Sleh remarks ess thet may seem
smart tu sum people sod 1 but tha
hev no place lnn Diinicratic meet In
Well whqfs the use uv klckln he
sed Thekountry Iz prosperus and
everybuihVy knows It except sum diirn
fool Dlmlcrats hoo aint got sense eiiuff
tu kn6 wen tha air llekt We hev
notliin tu hope for among kontented
laborers and opcratlvs
Exactly sed I and thet iz why I
want tu stir em up We must give em
anuther tueh uv kalainlty befoar we
kin hope tu regain enny uv the ground
we hev lost since prosperity overhaul
ed em and hez kep em bizzy Talk for
instance the coudlshuu uv the mill op
cratlvs In Noo England wich Iz the
hotbed for propagatln all kinds uv He
publlkluism Thare nlr a hundred and
sixty thousan uv em hoo hev bed their
wages Increased since January llrst
and tha will glt ten per cent moar ev
ery day What hedway kin we mail
I ask In prcechln Dlmocraey tu em
unless we kin cut down their pay or
throw em out uv employment V Ez
long ez the chimneys air hecvln up
smoke and tho wheels turnln and the
spindles buzzln tha haint got no time
tu llssen tu us but give em plenty uv
nothln tu du with closed mills and
then we kin rcech cm with sleh hair
liftin llteratoor ez only Dlmlcrats kno
how tu prepare We hev dun It befoar
and we klu du It agin but we kaut du
It unless we kin uproot the present
prosperity and replace It with sum
form uv discontent
I tried thjt racket sed the kon
gressman hoo bed lnterruptld me and
It neerly defected me 1 told the wurk
men in ml deestrick thet thare warnt
enny real prosperity 1 1 wuz only a deloo
shun and a snare and thet tha coodnt
expect tu glt the real article ontll tho
Dlmlcratlc party wuz restored tu pow
er But I coodnt fool em enny longer
Thn knowed tho difference between
plenty uv wurk with good pay and no
wurk and no pay I wuz elected hi a
close majority in a deestrick thet shood
hev bin heavily Diinicratic but a lot
uv our fellers wuz swamped lu tho
storm in uther parts uv the kountry
niul will never be heard frum agin
Alas the time hez cum wen a Dimlcrnt
klu no lougi depend upon the workiu
classes sbowln enny dlsposishuu tu
make fools uv themselves And then
we nil couclooded thet the kongress
man wuz rite and sum new game must
bo sprung in make up for the loss Put
whut shall It be
Frum Applejack Kurni wich h next tu
O rover Clevelands hi the btait uv Noo
Nnto Kowlott is building nn ftddition
to his homo
John Willis of Maysvillo Mo is hero
visiting his daughter Mrs A II Crop
Tho Modorn Woodmon will givo a
danco in tho hnll Friday ovoning Jan
uary atlth
Mrs Win Lodgo nnd children of
Albion aro visiting with O J Lodgo sr
Harry Hcokor is taking enro of llohort
Pettltt who lmB boon sick n long timo
and is quite feeble
Kogor Carborry returned to Wnrnor
villo Saturday af tor an absconco of six
months spout iu Iowa
Tho danco advertized to tako placo
in tho hall last Friday ovoning was a
fizzlo thero being somo 35 cr 0 young
men present nnd only threo or four
young ladies
Ilowii Thin
Wo offer ono hundred dollars roward
for any case of catarrh that cannot bo
cured by Halls Catarrh Curo
F J O11KNKY Co Props Toledo O
Wo tho undersigned havo known F
J Ohouoy for tho last 15 years and
boliovo him porfectly bonorablo in all
business transactions nnd financially
ablo to carry out any obligation uiado by
their firm
West ifc Tnux Wholesale Druggists
Toledo O
Waldixq Kinnan Marvin Whole
sale Druggists Toledo O
Halls Catarrh Curo is takon inter
nally acting diroctly upon tho blood
and mucous surfaces of tho systorn
Price 75 couts per bottlo Sold by all
druggists Testimonials freo
Halls family pills aro tho host
Tin- Kale of A1 111 1 rill DyiiK
Admiral John Byng wns the fourth
son of the Earl of Torrington nnd serv
ed In the British navy rising to bo
admiral of the red In 1748 when he
was 44 years old In 1755 he was sent
with a badly equipped licet to relieve
Minorca threatened by the French
lie reached Minorca after the French
had got there Ills second lu com
mand Bear Admiral West drove them
back while Byng kept his ships out of
action In a day or two he sailed to
Gibraltar leaving Minorca to its fate
He was tried for treachery and cow
ardice but acquitted Tho court mar
tial convicted him of not having done
his best to relieve the island and un
der tho application of nrtlcle 112 of the
British naval code of those days he
was condemned to bo shot The min
isters took hi 111 ns a scapegoat and he
was shot on the quarter deck of his
own flagship the Monarquc in Ports
mouth harbor on March 14 1757
Novcr quit certainty hopo
Nover tako a medicino of doubtful vnluo
instead of Hoods Sarsaparilla which is
suro to do you good
Maud Is 5 and 110 too old to hopo for
improvement I should say not One
just begins to livo Tako Rocky Mount
ain Tea Youll bo blooming fair nt 00
Jtrul KHinrn TriiiiKlcri
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of tho Madison county abstract
otllce at Norfolk
Martha E Harvey and husband
to Minnie 13 Rightmiro wd
part of 10 24 1 25 00
Mudisou County Building and
Loan association wd lots 5
and 1 block 0 Madison 75 00
Seek not to Bteal tho other fellows light
Rather put on steam and mako your own
Do whatever you do with all your might
By taking Rooky Mountain Tea at uight
Take time by tho forelock If your
blood is out of ordor begin taking
Hoods Sarsaparilla at ouco and prevent
serious illness
Board by day or week at tho Bou Ton
Welcome Evil If
TV- i L At
x nuu boniest jnionc
One evil that cannot come
alone is impure blood If
this as allowed it is at
tended by kindred ailments
galore This condition
means that every vein and
artery of the body instead
of carrying to the organs a
health giving flow of life
is laden with a slozu and
impure fluid that is harm
ing instead of heating
It is unfortunate ivhen there is bad
blood inside of you Hoods Sarsa
parilfa nvill not nuke enemies friends
but it nvill make bad blood good
blood and blood should be of the best
quality Hoods never disappoints
Grip After a severe attack of grip
my health was poor I got no relief un
til J used Hoods Sarsaparilla nvhich did
what was needed purifed my blood
M M Stewart Orizaba Miss
Liver Troubles MJy wife and I
are advanced in years and have derived
great benefit from Hoods Sarsaparilla
for liver and stomach We do not think
of being without it and Hoods Pills
Hiram Hervey Bliss field Sftlich
llooi IMIli cure Hirer Ilia the nun IrrllalliiK nnd
ouly cullmrtrc tu take wllTi Uuo3 tjraarllll
r rWt if 0mrfSSftKflMp IHy vyni
All Kinds of Hard and SoR Coal Thoroughly Bright
and Clean nt
All Coal Screened Choice Smithing Coal
Your Palronago lfesnccifully Solicited PHONE 54
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Iluy nnd soil oxcIkuiro on thin country anil nil pnrtB of Europe Form Loans
Director 5aiu Ahmcb W II Johnson Ciiab S Hhidoe C W Ubaascii O
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Woman Knows Woman
ZuRicn Kan Jan 31
I used Wlno of Canlul for ner
vousness and weakness in Mia
womb After taking ono bottlo I
was well again I am a midwife
and always recommend Wine of
Cardui to my lady friends during
pregnancy nud after birth us a tonic
Kvery lady who takes it finds that
it docs even more than is claimed
for it
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
Sioux City nnd Omaha Pastenger i0nm
Sioux CltyPausonger 100 pm
Sioux City Passenger 1035 am
Biocx City and Omnli t Passimgur 730 pm
Connects at Norfolk with P E M V going
west and north and with tho U P for points
south P V Junkman Agent
Daly excoptSunday
Nobody knows woman like woman Men go to medical colleges
study books and listen to lectures They learn indirectly of the diseases
of women but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments
the sufferings the agonies of mothers wives and sisters A woman
knows Mrs Boisvert known She lias passed through the trials
and tribulations of her sex She has been near by when her sisters suf
fered She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardui Is
it any wonder she recommends it Is it any wonder that thousands
Kornclvlco in rases requlrliiK special
directions nrtilress nlvlnn miitnnib
UJIr41lnrjll l rhrl lUTTlMHHU
lIMHCIMtto CliattnnooBii Tenn
ot otner women recommena it
They know They have ac
tual experience to prompt them
They spread the tidings from
mouth to mouth telling how Wine
of Cardui helps young girls helps
the weak of sll ages helps and cures all womanly ills
Druggists Sell Large Bottles for 100
isiroaii and Business Direcfon
3 5
tn Qj
ui LL g
c 3
ca a
U 3 is
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omnlia ldseenRcr BDlnm
Chicago Exprcbe 1210 1 m
Chicago Express 7J0 p m
Omaha Passenger 1210 j m
Illack Hills Kipreps 740pm
Verditiro lusscnRor 12IOp m
VordiRro Accommodation 900am
Illack Hills Express 1220 pm
Vordijrro 1assonRor 1105 am
VordiRro Accommodation 720im
Thn Chicago nnd iilnck Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot Tho Omaha
and Vordigru trains arrive anil depart from city
depot H O Matuad Agent
Union Pacific
Columbus Accommodation 1180 p m
Omaha Denver and Pacific Const 1100 a m
north Aitnivi
Columbus Ace mmodation 1030 pm
Omaha Denver and Pacific coast 000pm
Connects nt Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with tho C Bt P M O
for points north and naBt
P W Junkman Agont
-Fine Watch
Spenceti Ovclman
Boots and Shoes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 Fourth Street
Paints find Ha 1 Paper
House and Sign Painter
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
The Norfolk Horseshoer
Am Wouk Guaranteed
Cor 4th St and Hrnascli Avo
Splendid Train Service
Union Pacific
Two truins daily to and from Denver nud Colorado points
Two trains daily to and from San Francisco nud California points
Two trains daily to and from Salt Lake City and Utah points
One train daily to nnd from Portland aud North Paciflo Coast poiuts with
direct connections for Tacoma and Seattle
Double Drawing Room Palace Sleeping Cars Buffet Smoking
and Library Cars Ordinary Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars Chair Cars
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets descriptive of tho
territory traversed callon your nearest agent or address
General Passenger and Tickot Agent Omaha Nn
Rebinding old Books
and riagazlnes
Next to Dean s Paint Store Fifth Street
For PluibUg Still Fitting Puipt
Tanks Wind Mills
And all repair work Id this Has en
BttUftotioa Qaanotesd
rirnt door loutb of Daily Ntw offlot