The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, January 11, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Healthy Girls MQhc nappy Women
There is no hntvpiiiess without health The wotimn
ho Is n constant sulTeier mny learn to Iwnr lirr burden lo
accept her tot She nitty Imve pence hut never linppincis
without henlth Nothtni is more iircrsMi y tlmn extreme
r I lit 111 1 ll in trill wwt tint
enre 01 me iteiimi in lll n m
the nine seeds of neglect niesown i the lmrvesl of uhicli
mny lc life lonir MifleritiK for the woiimti Dr Pierces
- ii i 1 i In tiiwiititiiitnilifl nu fllr mil
JMivoruc i leseiipiHiii in v -
remedy which is ante to help mid wife to use Mnny
pretmnttions offeied for wottiins um eontaiu dcMerunis
drues the use of which breeds drtu h1uvery and dtKriidii
tion Tlieie is no opium cocaine or other natcotie in
Viworite riescription It contains neither whisky nor
nlcohol hut is strictly a tciiipetaiicc medicine A purely
vegetable pieparatiou for womans use it cannot harm the
most delicate system
Kitvotile Inscription tenulnles the periods dries
unhealthy drains heals inflammation and cures female
weakness It is it medicine especially designed for
womans lilt and has been acclaimed by those who use it
A Oodscnd lo women It makes weak women sttonj
nnd sick women well
None of the pi onuses made for Iavorite Preset iption
can be made for a substitute medicine Thetcfbtc insist
that as you want it euie you waul the medicine which
ltascuicd others Dr Iietces bavoiite 1iesciiption
Alxnil ten jrnt nn 1 whs laiitrinl imil tlitrr month Inter I
became tttiiiniit Imt did loiow what wns I he ninltcr wllh
inc writes Ml Joint llctlllitl Mlllisotl Million IM I win no hick
mid ucrvoii wns mil nlilc to iln nny woik lit nil Imil lo hire it nil
done My liinlmnils mollirr Imil licru iisIiik join temcillp niul
one tiny site enme over lo cec ttic niul IiioiirIiI dome of yoni Inxor
itc llticrititlou with her nml nlir nilil TnLe Hint liieillcliie - I
know It will help jolt I took It nml II ifn lieti tiicninl Kl licllcl
orthclmit feelltiK Hint I Imil heforc I eotniiiflicrtl tnUlltK It wn
noon ntile lo ilo my woik myself 1 look the niullclne iIhiiI iiIoiik
Mnflrrconfiiitiiiciil nnd I ohm wifely wiy Hint lr IMetie Iltvotlle
lrcctliHoii I heller tlmn nil other tlm tom mctlklnr tint loKttnci
Now I mil hntipy nml well nml the iicnple who mw me lieloic when
1 wni nick iniil see me now luie unlit How well nn look nml they
nsk me wlmt I not to innke me no will I quickly lell lliiin whil
iitnile me lictlci Some of the irIkIiIkii hnc uiul the snme nicili
cine thionuh my nilvlee nml they hne licen ejiiilly bciafileil too
It nieil to tc licfnie I im tl vour mullclnc Hint iitiy month I Imil
iinln like Inhor pnln nml then the How woiihl stop unit Inn tiny m
two come luck mnln nml so on lor n week nt n time nml I wonlil
lmve lo lie In IhmI Imt now Hint 1 nil ovct I enn ko nheml with mv
wotk n If liotllliiK wiis Hie inntlei I will lie eer thnnkfill to CihI
ml von for ImviiiK such rciiieille lo help n pom miITciIiik Invalid
like 1 was
Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets are small easy to take
gentle in action and peculitrily adapted to be used as a
laxative by women Use them with Iavorite llescrip
tion whenever a laxative is needed
Favorite Prescription makes weak women
strong sick women well
IJxprrloneo I I ho llcst Toimlior
Wo must bo willing to learn from tho
oxporionco of othor pooplo Kvory ton
tiniouiul in favor of Hoods Siirsnpnrilla
is tho voico of exporionoo to you and it
is your duty if your blood is itnpuro
nml your health failing to tako this
modiciuo You bavo ovory reason to
oxjHiot that it will do for you what it
has dono for others It iB tho host modi
oino uionoy can buy
Hoods pills euro sick hoadaoho indi
Working NIKlit imil Day
Tho busiost and mightiost littlo thing
that ovor was nuulo is Dr Kiiigs Now
Lifo pills ThoBO pills ohango wcaknoss
into strongtb listlossnoss into onorgy
brain fag into inoutal power Thoyro
woudorful in building up tho hoalth
Only 2Go por box Sold by Kiosau Drug
Co drug storo
To Curo Conitlpntlon Forever
Tako Cnscnrots CnmlvCnthnrtlc lUo orSSo
If C C C full to cure UrncnlMs rut unit muuoy
Tor Infants and Children
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signaturo of
- w jwm
Stood Death on
E B Munday a lawyor of Honriotta
Tox onoo foolod a gravo digger Ho
says My brothor was very low with
malarial fovor and jaundice I per
Huadod him to try Elootrio Bittora nud
ho was soon muoh bettor but contiuuod
thoir use until ho was wholly cured I
am sure Elootrio Bitters saved his lifo
This romody oxpels malaria kills dis
ease germs and purifies tho blood aids
digestion regulatos liver kidnoy
troubles fomalo complaints givos por
feet hoalth Only 50o at Kiosau Drug
Go drug Btoro
More lopulnrTliun lCver
Sinco 1800 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota have been recognized as tho ro
sort for westoru people
All things aro favorablo for thoso Book
ing rest hoalth or pleasure This season
finds tho resort well patronized by people
from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota
Wisconsin and oastern South Dakota
and overyone well satisfied with tho
Wonderful Wators
Delightful Olimato
Modern Hotels
Varied attractions for sight soors
Tho Northwostorn Lino is tho pionoor
to this resort
Tho Northwestern Lino runs Wagner
Falaco sleepers to Hot Springs South
The Northwestern Line makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your nearest railroad agent for
the date of tho next excursion via tho
Fremont Elkhoru Missouri Valley
R It Northwestern Line
J II Gaulb J K Buchanan
Des Moines Omaha
A Night of Terror
Awful anxiety waB felt for the
widow of tho bravo General Burnham
of Machias Me whon tho doctors said
sbo would die before morning writes
Mrs S II Lincoln who attended her
that fearful night but she togged for
Dr Kings New Discovery whioh had
more than once saved her life and
enred her of consumption After taking
she slopt all night Farther use ontiroly
cured her This marvellous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all throat chest
and lung diseases Only 50c and 100
Trial bottels free at Klesau Drug Co
drug store
eari th lh8 Kin1 Ha8 BOUfiM
makes you strong
snd pocket-
Dont Totmrro Spit nml Mnckc Ynur Life Artny
To otilt tolincco onslly nml forever ho lime
nctlo full of life norvo unit vlitor tulto No To
line tho wnmlcr worlier Hint nmlies wonlt men
ntronir All ilrufilstHt0iorl CuroKtiatnn
tceu llooldct iitul sample froo Aililrcss
Perllni iiuminly Co Clileimo gr Now Yoilc
AVIint lo tlm Ohllilrou Drink V
Dont give thorn ton or colloo Havo
you triod tho now food drink cnllod
Grain 0 V It is dolicious and nourishing
and takos tho plaeo of colloo Thomoro
Grain 0 jou give tho children tho more
health you distributo through thoir sys
toms Graiu 0 is mndo of pnro grains
and whon properly prepared taBtos liko
tho choice grades of cotloo but costs
about Vi as much All grocors soil it
in conts and 25 cents
Will of ton causo a horrible burn scald
cutorbruiso Bucklous Arnica salvo
will kill tho pain and promptly heal it
Oures fovor botos ulcers boils corns all
skin eruptions Best pilo curo on earth
Only 35ots n box Ouro guaranteed
Sold by Kiosau Drug Co drug storo
Dcnnty Is Dlood Deep
CIcnn blood menus a clean skin No
bcntity without it Casenrets Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood ami keen it clenn by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all
unities from tho body Begin to dny to
I innish pimples boils blotches blackheads
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cnscarets benuty for ten cents All drug
gists satisfaction guaranteed 10c 25c COc
Mou can bo cured privately and posi
tively at homo of nil wcaknoss and dis
oaso Writo for now froo book
Dr J N Hathaway
i2 Commercial Block
Sioux City la
EduentoYour HoweU Willi CuncnroU
Ciimly Cathartic curo constipation forovor
i0ci5c If C C O full ilrugRlBts ref unit money
Bowithe Kind You Hayja Always Bought
Tills Is Your Opportunity
On receipt of ten cents eouh or stamps
a gonorous snmplo will bo mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and liny Fever Cure
Elys Grenm llabn snfHciont to demon
Btrato tho great merits of tho remedy
CO Warren St Kcw York City
Itov John Iteid Jr of Great Falls Mont
recommended Elya Cream Balm to me 1
can emphasizo bis statement It is a posi
tive euro for catarrh if inert as directed
ltev Francis W ioolo Pastor CeutralProa
Church llelcua Mont
Elys Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious dru Price fiO cents
now Are Your Kldneyi t
Dr Hob bs Sparairu Mils euro nil kidney Ills Ban
pit free Add Htertliitf HouiudyCoCtilcnKOorN V
IlreaU with you whethrr yon rnntlnn Var
urrTcKiiiuH luutiru nftnii nuiul
rvuiuTvs iub ursiru lor touaeco wii
out upnuui uiire eiucia nico
tine purldn ills blood roaal
I I iold
vaf if VSLV
wL bB IbVbW
BTaTaTVTai V aTak b
risearurvd Uut
NOa4 UACfroio
r own ririiiririit ho
111 voufh for na Tikn It with
TfiHPatlrutTierilitentlT One
oiil uauallr curoit JboxtillbO
Arantasi1 tn tlrM nr rafund mnnsv
8urll Kud l H Iw Iri
with protruding piles brought on by constipa
tion with which I was afflicted for twenty
years I ran across your CASOARETS in tho
town of Newell la and never found anything
to equal them To day I am entirely free from
piles and foel like a new man
a U Ubitz Mil Jones St Sloux City Ift
Pleasant Palatable Potent Tasto Good IX
OooaNTer blckeu Weaken or Qrlie10c2icUc
ItrlUf niil Cmfui CkUtss tfl wTf IH
UnTnslAn Boldand guaranteed by all drug
RUIUIAU guuto VVJCiS Tobacco Uablt
Gives Reasons For Depositing
Money In National Banks
Nntlmnl City lliink of Nmv Vnrk lets tlm
InrRrsl Inrlliii llirimsn It DrpimlU tlio
lnrjriit Aiiioiint nf Seourity It nni
I inn fur ontntilriicri
Wabiiinciton Jan II Socrotnry
Gngo Hont to coiiKfCHS liiH roplicH to
rcholutioiiH recently introduced in tlm
Humtlo by Mr Alien of NobniNlai nud in
tho hotiHO by Mr Sulzur of Now York
In HuminiiiK up IiIh raply to tho in
tniirioH tho Morulury Kays
Tho reiiHon for utiliiuK national
banltH us dopositoritH for public monuyfl
im mithoriod by law whon tho rocoipts
of tho treiiHiiry wnro oxooediiiK its ox
pondltiiivH bus boon to avoid tho din
turbaiico to biiHinoss which tho with
drawal of lurfro huiiih of money from
uotivo circuliition to tho troiiHiiry vaults
inuHt inovitnbly ciuiko Tho policy thus
pursued by mo has been tho ostablisbed
policy of tho KoverniiHMit for ninny
years niul it tleparturo front it under
similar conditions would certainly causo
disastrous results
Tho roasoit for directing tho internal
roveiiuo receipts into depository banks
at this timo is that tho revenues aro
now largely oxeeeditiK disbursements
from mouth to month mid Room likely
to do so for tin indefinite timo This
condition would bo a inenaeo to tho
business world if assurance woro not
given that this surplus would bo di
verted from tho treasury vaults to pub
lic depositories whom for whilo hocuro
to tho government it would ronmin
available to business uso
Tho reason for directing nil of tho in
tornal rovonuo rocoipts to ono depository
was that it is more convenient to irst
collect tho rocoipts of nuinorous offices
into ono place and to inako tho dosircd
distribution from it than to givo now
instructions daily to 11 collectors
Tho reason for selecting tho National
Oity bank us such distributing agent
wns tbiitat tho timo tho ordor was issued
it was ono of but two banks which had
offorod bonds sufficient to covor tho
amount of tho daily doposits
Eulogies Uion Ilfo niul Cluructor of Iato
Vlo lriKlImit In Sntutto
Wasuington Jan 11 Beautiful nnd
iniprossivo tributos woro paid by tho
soiiuto yosterday to tho memory of tho
lato vice president His intimato per
sonal relations with many senators nnd
his close official afllliutioii with all of
thorn rondered his death a distinct loss
to ovory member of tho body as woll as
to tho country It was in commemora
tion of his illustrious caroor and of his
distinguished public sorvico and of his
privato character that tho sonato set
apart tho sossion yosterday for tho pro
nouncement of oulogios upon him Per
sonal friends nnd associates and party
friends and party oppononts joined in
paying such silicon and eloquent tributo
to tho inomory of Mr Hobart to hia
character and public services as havo
seldom beou paid to any public man
Addresses wero delivered by Senators
Sowolland Koano N J Daniel Va
Dopow N Y Cockroll Mo Onllom
Ills Davis Minn Morgan Ala
Chandler N II Lodge Mass Caff
cry La and Allon Nob
Early in tho session Halo Mo intro
duced a resolution of inquiry addrossed
to tho department of stato as to tho
soiuro of American flour by tho British
authorities which aroused moro than
usual interest beeauso of its attitude
toward Great Britain It was not acted
rrooolliiRii Iu tho House
WashinotOiV Jan 11 Miscellaneous
business of minor importanco occupied
tho attention of tno houso yesterday un
til 1 oclock nftor which an hour was
dovoted to tho eulogies upon tho lifo and
public services of tho lato ltopresonta
tivo Greono Nob Tho Jiouso thou ad
journed until Friday
Arrunco for tho Contest
Frankkokt Ky Jan 11 Tho adop
tion in tho house of tho ruloswhich will
govorn tho joint assembly by a decisivo
majority was a surprise ns woll as a
disappointment to tho Republican and
anti Goebol factions in tho legislature
They hud not oxpectod to dofeat tho
rules but thoy confidently believed that
tho vote would bo eloso
W O P Breckinridge who has
practically assumed direction of tho
unti Goebel forces was in conference
with ox Governor Bradley Taylors at
tomoy a long timo yesterday and it is
said thoy aro preparing to spring legal
objections to tho manner in which Goo
bols contest is being conducted
Clark Senatorial Ciisv
Washington Jan 11 Tho sonato
coniniitteo on privileges and elections
held only ono session in its hearing iu
tho Olurk sonatorial olectioncaso yester
day Stato Senator Whitesido of Mon
tana was tho only witness Mr Whito
bido closed with tho ronowal of his
declaration that ho boliovod himsolf to
bo sorving the stato of Montana in his
present courso and a review of tho uso
of tho money iu stato affairs which had
iucited him to it
McDonald for Supervisor
Washington Jan 11 Congressman
Morcer and Sonator Thurston have
agreed upon John W MoDonuld as sup
ervisor of consus for tho Second No
braska district vico R A Borlin re
jected by tho sonato
Tour New Itenr Admirals
Washington Jan ll Tlm nresl
dent yesterday 6ont theso nominations
to tho senate Navy To bo rear ad
mirals Henry L Howison Albert
Kautz George O Reiuoy Noruiau II
Mnrlcnt Depressed liy Lnrcn Iterclpts nnd
Iiulit Clriti nnres Uonrsn Ornlns Finn
Ciiiijahii Jnn lOTha wlimt market was
Hotnowlmt IrroRtilnr lixlny Imt on thn vrliolo
wns ilepriHiil liy tho larne rnonlpu nml llwht
rlonrnnrw Mny eliwiiiK Wbis under yestor
day Corn nml ontn closoil n nlmiln lit ulior nml
provlHloim tinchniiKP1 to 6o up UIosImk prlcon
WllKAT Mny orio Tulv 08V
CoitN 1nniWfoj Mny IKKSIio
AT8 lnti aio Mny Up
1oitK Inn 1111 Mny
Hum Intl 15 W Mny KO
IiAitn Jnn tiTn Mny MKl5r
Cash qttotntlotii No rnl whont 07o No 2
uprliiK whmtt OVtMJOi No a corn DlJic
No onts sao
ClilrnK lltn HI ink
ClIiriAdo Jnn 10 nttlo HccclptR IflfiOO
Kooil to cholcii fnt KtctM Htcntly J Inferior to
niillum wenk to llo lower ko1 to eholeo HC
rll 45 noor to mullumtliariOO nilxe1 Htock
en MWXilKljHleetilfeiileMtl lOiftlTfij kooi
to cliolco rows lflii4ltt liclfcrH i3V4To
niiinerH tWniW luilN JJWtCI IW cnlvw
1 1 Mir IKI i fetl Texiu be VCM l2V3Si I Iok
40000 fulrly iietlvo ia lower
fnlr Ilenrntieo uiixcil nml liutohers M1K5
tfir koo1 lo elinlco henvy t44V4IIO rough
liunvy JJmKll7l5 llclit 4 J444 bulk of
wiIcm UIK4fiO Hhvui ltiiciilitfi 15000 bust
hteiiily others wenk untlvo wothers 44Uct
ft 00 IhiuIh IMt0atiweitiru wetliers JllKXiJ
4TS westurit linnlw VMtQM
Kmims illy Ili Slock
Kinsi OtTV fun 10 Unttlo Itopnlpts
0 Nli nil offerliiKH of heiuMotiel qunllty KoliI
nttlventHtront priues nothing elioicooffercl
few llnshy liitiicluM kIow eiinuiioii nallvu
KteiTH KMtSHO liKlitvetKhtMU515ttocl
iii s nml reeileiM lfidc05OO Imtchors cows nml
lielfiTH JUWeli runiierH 24I3U0 fed
westeriiM liKht510 western feeders fit ufKf0
4 l eoiiiimm Trxnns JUWC4M Hoks Hu
reipts 14000 openel nctlvo liirKtly sternly
few Into nn Ivnls sold JJiWxj lilRlicrihriivy nml
mlxeil 44tfVK f Ml llht420l4U plus lhO
4 1ft Hlieip Heeelpts 1JOO gooil leiunml nt
firm prlecH lambs ftMK3lK imittons 100
ii llKI stiickHM anil feelerti fl55150j culls
South Oniiiliu Mm Stock
Houtii Omaha Inn 10 Cnttlo Hocnlpti
LTOO Ktemly imtHi heef steers 4 lft575
western steers IIXX6IK5 Texas Nteers tli70
itl W cowH nml heifers iUikj ISJ5 cunneiH
l7fi00 Ktoekers niul ferdera WMKJIW
cnlves atKt00 bulls hIiiks nto iiWfrVX
lloKs Huenipts 0700 shnilii lower henvy 4110
1 lOiinlxml 4Ullari llRht 4oyi417H
plus JilHiiJ4iai bulk of snlos J4 12iJ4a7
Hlttiup Heeelpts 1U00 Htronur fnlr to choice
nntlves JlfyJviflSO fnlr to cliolco westerns
JtiiVal00 ciiiiiium nud stock bhocp JU7ud4U5
lnmbs t45O010
own ItottlllM AHHOCllltlOII
Dns Moines Jan 11 Tho Iowa Bot
tlers association hold its annual con
vention yesterday with about 100 pros
out It was deoided to ask no chango
in Iowa at present although moro lib
eral laws aro do sired Tho officers
elected nro President M Ingverson
Clinton vico president Oharles Ostrau
dor Atlantic secretary and treasurer
Fred Harbach Pes Moines
Miuil 13- Ills
Kansas City Jan 11 Dr W S
Woods tho bauker yesterday made his
first legal movo in tho suitsfor 110000
brought against him by his son-in-law
Arthur Grissom tho Portland editor
Attornoys for Woods filed motions to
dismiss tho suits bocauso Grissom does
not livo in this county and therefore
had no right to bring a suit in the courts
of this countv
Philip Bissingor president of tho Gor
man Savings bank of Now York died
Wednesday nged 72 years
Colombian advices annonnco that tho
revolution in that republic is now thor
oughly organized and uniformly success
ful in tho interior
Rov Beninli L Whitman president
of Columbian university resigns to ac
cept tho pastorato of tho Calvary Bap
tist church Philadelphia
Phil Armour tho Chicago millionaire
packer is at Pasadona Cal and has
announced that ho will make his future
homo thero Ho is negotiating for a
On tho unusal charge of dealing in
confederate states money P M Davis
who conducts a general mail ordor busi
ness in Chicago was arrested Wednes
day by government oflicers and hold to
tho grand jury
Tho grand jury Wednesday reported
an iudiotmont against Lomont Bato
ninn manager of tho Toledo Tube
works for violation of the Ohio coer
cion law Batoman discharged an em
ployo named A B Colo because of his
affiliation with a bicyclo workers union
Steel rails tied across tho track wrecked
a passenger train on tho Illinois Central
near Hopkinsville Ky Wednesday
Prico Gary was captured whilo skulking
iu tho bushes uud was identified as a
negro who bad ono night been put off
tho samo train und had sworn venge
James II Brown of Battle Creek
president of tho Michigan Stato Live
Stock sanitary commisbiou was ar
raigned in court Wednesday upon an
iudictment brought by tho grand jury
ut Lansing alleging that ho charged the
statu for otlicial sorvices whilo also
charging privato parties for tho samo
Will furnish music for dances and par
ties Prices reasonable
Mrs HHHull
Pacini Trcitmeat Maoicaring and Shampot
Will cltdlr call t yoar liomei and do any of th
work Orden Uknn for fine hair ewltohei
Perfect matoh guaranteed Besldenoe on Pint
atreat Junction Orden may ba left at tht
Junction Drug Btore Telophono IS
fc 1 if
ii i A 1 rrTi i mi mil i i i i i ii i
AVcCclaWcPrcparalionror As
similating ilicFoodatulRcqula
tiiig llic Stomachs nndBowcis of
Promotes DigcsllonCIttCTful
ncssanclRcstContnlns neither
OpiuinMornhinc norMncraL
JimXui SttJ
ytnite Sent
Jtt Ciutonntt J1K
llgw tVtnn
Apcrfccf nemedy for Conslipa
liort Sour StoniachDiarrhoca
css omiLoss of Sleep
TFacSitnllc Signature of
iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiniininlllllllllllillliiiiiiniilItlTlTlTlTlTlTnitr
bbI Kb 8 I fl 1 1 ii it t
lsSI m tr n nunAn
r if B JL VI JlllIUlia Wil VJlllVlAUUt
Sj IBlBll
H The Kind You Jay
fcf Hliifmroi UrLvc
v seyer
HfYS nrtKASf I1ATM iHrtpoRltivnrurn
Apply Into the nostrllit It U quickly ntisorlicd 50
cents at DrusclM or by mull Bamucs loo by mall
ELY UUOTHKUS CO Warren St New York Cltv
Had Cataurh 30 Years
Josiah Bacon conductor on the P W
II R R says I hnil suffered with
catarrh for 36 years aud regarded my
case as hopeless One day I saw the
testimonial of Geo II Hearu in a Braz
ilian Balm circular Ilearn was the
engineer on my train and I knew his
case was desperate I talked with Ilearn
aud his cure gave me hope I began
the use of the Balm at once There was
not much change for the first two months
but then I began to improve aud iu six
mouths to my inexpressible satisfaction
I was entirely cured
1 Bears tho
SI let- i WW
1 iVr
1 1 W P8
f Toy Have
I Always Bousht
P 9 B ov a I f a i liM
w vm c h
THe ccriTAun company rrwvonn citt
HELTH AND vitality
Tho creat rerucdy for nervous prostration and all diseases of tho cencratlvo
prRans of either spx such as Nervous Prostration PalllnB or Lost Manhood
Impptency NlKhtly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry oxccsslvo use
Xw wjiuu uu iciu hi uuauiujJiiuu auu insanity wttn ovory
AFTER USING S order wo trunranteo to or refund
RULM UOinU euro tho monoy Sold at 100 por box
o boxes for JlSOO IlltITIOTTS CUUmiCAt CO Cloveland OlUoi
Blood Poison
For honest treatment and a speedy cure write
or go to Dr J Newton Hathaway whose
great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of
satisfactory results Consultation 0latby imii Free
Conti acted or Hcreld
tary Synlilllls In all its
terrible stanes producing copper colored
spots on faco or body littlo ulcers on the
tongue in tho mouth or throat falliiif out of
the hair or eyobrows decay of tho Mesh or
bones completely and forever eradicated
without the uso of Injurious drugs leaving
tho system In a pure strong and health-
i ui state
or enlarged veins which
lead to a complete loss of
sexual power also Hydrocele Gonorrhoea
Gleet Stricture and all Private and Venereal
Diseases and Weaknesses of men quickly
Kidney and Urinary
Weak Back
cult Too Froquent Bloody or Milky Urine
all functional diseases of the Heart Lunzs
Liver and Stomach also Catarrh Hupture
Ilheumatlsm Piles Fistula and all Wood
and Skin Diseasos and all Femalo Diseases
treated according to tho latest and best
methods known to medical science
Home Treatment
cessful Writo for free book Just published and
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trorsal8 In Norfolk by Geo B Christn
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years of constipation and etomach disorder Dr Kuys Henovutor has removed
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Pi Renovator
17 10 ffnno Tit TTnvta Catarrfl Curo did It T 1 11 l ai i -
ur rviiyH tatarrii tjuroa It is tho best thing I ever tried
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we give FRbE ADVICE ana send frea Dr
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uliuui your cukii
for thoy havo No Equal They con bo had prepaid Just as gool
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Dr II J Kav Medical Ho Krnm Lnin u v r uv
- MfcOf 1