The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, December 14, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Question is Now Up to the
City Council
Hldnnnlkft Mint Itepnlred Street
Nniurft IoMrd tlnusc NRtnintlrlly
Nuinlirrril mid Mcltllng Fnrllltlr
JPromBnttirdaj Dully
D 1 Sinclair of Oiiinlm postolllco in
Fpoctor of ho district of NobriiHkn has
boon in ho oily and looked over Nor-
folks fitness for the cstabliHhtnont of ft
fno lnli erv of mails throuuh a onrricr
pj Htmn Ho Inspected tho Blilownlks
light liiK facilities and other
inonts diroctly connected with tho sys
In nn Intorvlow with ft Nrws re
porter ho was most f roo In condemna
tion of tho citys sldowftlks and stated
that they worn in very bad condition
ibout tho worst pleco coufcltloring tho
freyuonoy with vhicH it Is usod being
that In front of tho uostofllco
In giving tho essentials for tho ostftb
llshmunt of ft froo dolivory system ho
clearly indicated that tho matter is np
to tho city eonucll and intlmntod that
until they inako a rnovo along tho lines
indicated tho city cannot hopo to enter
tho froo delivery olass
Ho said Tho sldowalkB must bo
placed In proper repair houses must bo
numbered Bystomatlcally tho strwot
names must bo posted nt tholr intorsoc
tioiiB and tho city muBt bo properly
lighted In tho territory travorsod by tho
It is rnthor humiliating to enterpris
ing citlzons to bo told this by nn out
nldor especially when all huvo boon
ooguizuut of tho fact for mouths
nuy years Hut tho fact remains that
boforo Norfolk o in hopo to dosorvo tho
respect of tho postoilloo doparlmont or
of outsldors or ovon hor own cltlzonB
thoro muBt bo n vigorous movement by
an enterprising government on thohnos
mapped out
Mr Slncluir stated that it was not
necessary for tho carrier districts to
toko in tho entiro city limits nor was it
necessary for thorn to bo confined thoro
by thus admitting of an arrftngomont
-of districts that would tako in all tho
inoro populous sootious of tho city
All theso matters aro to bo presented
to tho elty council ami whou tho terms
have boon complied with Postmustor
Sprecher will miiko a cortlilcato to that
effect nud Mr Sinclair or sorno other
ofllcial will coino and put iutho sorvico
Atloastonocarrior will bo mounted
nud probably two
Tho matter or having froo dolivory of
mail as was mentioned beforo is up
Jto tho council nud it is hopod by outor
prisiug citizens that thy will not bo
long in making n mnvo in tho right
Takou as a wholo Mr Sinolnir was
vory muoh ploasod with Norfolk uud
gave it us his opinion that it enmo out
of tho hard times in tho best Bhapo of
any town ho has soon
A Sti Hugo Story
A young mnn was given lodging by
JIarshal Widaiuau last night who had a
strange story to toll As may bo imag
ined ho was out of money olso ho woold
not havo applied to tho marshal for n
placo to rioop Ho said that in company
with anothor young man ho auBwored
tho advertisomout of an Omaha agenoy
which called for from t00 to COO men to
work iu coal mines in uorthoru Wyoni
ing offering from 100 to fflOO a day
wages Tho agency chargod him a
snug commission for soouriug tho job
for him and ho also had to pay his rail
road faro out to tho mines Wheu ho
arrived at tho miuo ho was ngaiu com
pelled to pay his transportation in work
nud beforo ho could go to work ho had
to buy 1100 worth of tools Ho was
charged 2000 a month for his board
aud r00 u mouth for n pluco to sleep
Aftor ho had worked 10 days on this
basis othor raw recruits camo in and ho
was discharged with a number of others
who had only worked a short timo
When ho went for his pay ho was in
formed that tho paymaster would not bo
out from Omaha for ten days yet aud
be would cither havo to wait or take un
order on the paymaster Concluding
that if ho roumined he would be fleeced
out of all that was coming to him ho
pawned his watch for enough to tako
him part way back to Omaha ariiving
hero yesterday with only threo cents in
his pocket Tho marshal found him a
place where he could saw some wood and
secure a meal and last night ho was
allowed to sleep iu tho jail When ho
started out this morning he said ho pre
sumed tho Omaha paymaster would
have some other chnrgo ugaiust him to
take up what was coming on the order
One of two conclusions must bo reached
from the doleful story he is either a
most horribly abused young mau or else
ho is a most successful liar
Didnt Know It Wan Loaded
Dan Ducey t a young mnn 25 years of
age whoso home was a mile south east
of Newman Grove was shot a week ago
Sunday by the ciimiual carelessness of
a young boy in handling a rifle
Jimmie Hames 13 years of age is
largely responsible for the young mans
death Ho playfully pointed a 22 calibre
rifleat Ducey and said he was golug to
shoot film Ducoy said Dont point
that thing at mo it might go off
Young Haines nimworod that thoro won
no danger nn tho gun wasnt loaded
Ho had scarcely mado tho stntomont
whon tho flro arm was discharged and
Dncoy fell to tho ground with n bullet
hole through hU nbdomon Tho boy
Htood nn though pnralyed for a momout
aud then ran off leaving tho young man
to oaro for himself Ducoy lived until tho
next Tuosday noon following nml wuh
buried Thursday It would soom that
ono accident of this kind should bo suf
ficient to causn nil boys nud men to bo
exceedingly careful with n gun but
such accidents hnvo hnppoued nud nro
likely to happen until tho end of timo
Homo fool believing hlnisolf smarter than
tho ordinary run of mankind and often
discovering his failing when it is
lastingly too lato Tho Item is a littlo
old but is published for tho beneficial
otToot it may hnvo upon Uiobo wIiobo
attention may bo attracted by It
Tloihono Itntnu
15 A Dugan tho now assistant nt
tho contral ofllco roportcd for duty
Tho Tolophouo company Is getting
material on hand for tho metallic circuit
botwoon Norfolk and Sioux Oity
Tho tolophouo lino toNellgh and Elgin
was completed yesterday nnd an oflloo
was opouod for buslnoss at Nollgh
A Q Storrs of Omaha superintend
ent of exchanges for tho Nobraflkn
Telophono compony Is looking ovor tho
Norfolk exchnugo and figuring on noedod
Itoulli of 1C G Hyde
Ktom MomlnyH Dntly
Edward G Hydo dlod yestorday
morning at 210 from heart failuro at
tho homo of his daughter Mrs O J
Chapman in South Norfolk Ho had
boon siok for about a year past and last
wiutor had been bedfast for threo
months His illness datod from tho timo
ho learned of a sisters death when ho
apparently broko down in hoalth and
has boon failing ovor sinco Ho wuh
nblo to bo about bouio during tho sum
mer but since early fall has boon very
sick considerable of tho timo his heart
notion being kopt up by tho ubo of
stimulauts About flvo minutes boforo
ho died ho got out of bod aud walked to
a ohair It botng noticod that ho wna
fniliug rnpidly ho was assisted back to
his bod whoro ho passed away vory
Funoral sorvicos wero held this after
noon nt 1 oclock and voro conducted by
Rev John Toffories of tho Second Con
gregational church Tho remains will
bo taken to Dunlap Iowa his former
homo tomorrow morning and buried In
tho family lot by tho sido of his wifo
Mr and Mrs P V Bell Mrs Chapmnn
and son aud Mr and Mrs Charles Hydo
and daughter will form tho party which
will accompany tho remains to their
last rosting placo
Edward G Hydo was born at Staf
fordsvlllo Connecticut July 2U 1821
whoro ho lived for mary yoars Ho
was united in marringo with Sarah
Bumstead on August C 1845 and four
children was born to thorn Thoy were
Charles H Hydo of this city James
K Hydo of Fargo N D Nellie M
now Mrs O J Chapman of this city
aud Mary P now Mrs P P Bell of
this city Ho was extensively engaged
in busiueps at Staffordsvillo aud for a
number of yoarB run somo largo textile
mills Ho aftorward couductod a largo
gonoral merchandise business
On account of his wifes fuiling hoalth
ho disposed of his business interests aud
movod to Rockford 111 in 1805 Thoy
resided thoro about four yoars and then
movod to Dunlap Iowa whoro ho lived
until Mrs Hydo died in 1870 when ho
camo hero to mako his homo nud has
sluco lived with his daughter Mrs
In addition to tho sons aud dnughtors
nbovo named ho leaves n brother S
Hyde aud sistor Mrs Fox both of
whom reside at Hartford Conn theso
boiuir tho onlv monibers of his immedi
ate family who survivo
Sinco coming to Norfolk Mr Hydo
has boon deoply interested iu tho wel
faro of tho city aud espscially tho Junc
tion nud was sovoral times honored with
a sat iu tho city council representing
tho Fourth ward whioh is composed of
tho Junction During his couuectiou
with that body his busiuess sagacity and
interest iu tho publio welfare was of
value in admiuistoriug tho affairs of tho
Ho has a largo circle of friends who
will bo sorry to hear of his decoaso aud
who will extend to tho surviving mom
bors of tho family their heartfelt symp
Southern Literature
lnterfstiug llieraiuro regarding tho
South is now being distiibuted by tho
Souihoni Railway Southern Homes
folders lnige map folders Laud of tho
Sky booklets Southern Fields Min
erals nud Miues book erouiniled free
to any addiess The Euipho o the
South a very huudoiue volume of
about 200 pages piofusejy illustrated
also issued by the Southoiu Railway and
sent to any address upon icooipt of 25
ceuts which amount approximates ccst
of delivery Address
Wii H Taylok
Asst OenIPass Agent Southern R1
Louisville Kv
Ono two-years-old red Polled heifer
without horns aud with hole iu loft car
Weight about 050 pouuds
Aua Raasch owner
Residence two miles west of Norfolk
The City Council Held a Brief
Shown Hint llm Oily Hun Horn UiiiiiiIiik nt
n Ioni During Ihn Your A Deficit of
ovor 1 1000 -Minor Mnttem Were
Titknii Ultra of
Tho regular mooting of tho oity coun
cil was held Thursday night with Mayor
Simpson and Couuoilmou Brummuud
Buchol Degncr Doxtcr Uhlc Violo
and Htoknian presont Absent Council
man Bullock
Minutes of mcotiugs of Nov 2 nnd
Deo 2 wero road aud approved
Tho treasurers statement for Novcm
bor was road and approved It showed
tho following balances
General fund 574
Iutcrest fund f 101500
Water fuud 54818
Road fuud 10180
Sinking fund 252101
Flro department fuud 21400
Tho Btutomont of polico judge for No
vember showing -fl 8 iu flues paid uud
21 unpaid was read aud referred to tho
auditing committee
Tho treasurers statement for October
was reported back as correct by tho
auditing committoo
Tho water commissioners report for
May 1 to November 1 was reported back
by tho auditing connnitteo as corroct
J A Light wns on motion allowed
a dray llcouso for tho balanco of tho
yoar and tho full year iu advanco upon
tho payment of 1400
Movod that tho oity pnrchaso of Mr
Stoiubrechor a strip of land lilt by 202
and also a strip JJl by 71 for 70 to
open up ouo half of Hayes avenue tho
payment of suuio to bo deterred two
yoars without interest
Motion was withdrawn nnd tho
matter was referral to a committoo
on streets and alloys nud tho city
Tho water commissioner roportcd
thnt tho Union Pacific Railway com
pany requested permission to tap the
water main on Norfolk nvenuo to sup
ply water for locomotives Tho matter
was referred to tho committee consist iug
ofDegnor Dexter Uhlo and tho water
Tho city clerks annual statement for
tho fiscul yoar ending August 12 was
read aud referred to tho auditiug com
mittoo Following is tho roport
To tho Houorablo Mayor aud City
council I herewith submit my annual
report showing tho receipts nnd expeud
itures of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
for tho ilscal year ending AugUBt 12
From saloon occupation tax
From insurance companies
occupation tax
From miscellaneous licensos
From dog tax
Fioni sidewalk repairs eto
From county treasurer road
2250 00
270 00
152 43
240 75
1 18 33
708 91
Fioni county treasuror gon
oral taxes 11027 73
From water rentals 25 17 05
Total 18252
General fund
For salaries
For lighting
For elections
For streets
For printing
Forofllce supplies
For flro department
For miscellaneous
Water f nnd
For salaries
For coal and supplies
For repairs and extensions
Road fund
For street work
Iutorest fuud
Forinterston bouds
Firo Department fuud
Cash to flro department
Excess of
over receipts
Amount of floating in
2802 50
1103 00
225 77
1023 00
107 10
28 14
288 20
702 27
1045 00
1892 77
0018 90
019 00
5582 37
275 00
22439 7J
4187 01
debtedness outstanding
against water fund 1950 98
Respeofully submitted
J O Srirr
City Clerk
Tho following claims wero ordered
A list of bills was not furnished for
On motion it was decided to engage a
boy to light tho gasoliuo street lamps at
5 00 por mouth
Couucil udjourued
Itenl Kiiun Irnnntttr
Tho following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager or tno Aiauison county austruoi
ofllco at Norfolk
Daniel Hollorau nud wifo to
Chnrles Spriugstubo wd sw4
83 23 1 3200 00
Andrew J Durland aud wifo to
Hannah Jano Bowman wd
lot 18 block 4 C S Hayes ad
dition to Norfolk CO 00
S B Craiu aud wife to A K
Lind wd commencing nt the
no coruer of Pino street iu
A O Johnsons addition to
Newman Grovo and ruuuiug
east 10 rods thouco south 10
rods then west 10 rods thouco
north 10 rods to placo of be
ginning 100 00
Tho Variety store sells bargains iu
dolls toys games cbiuaware albums
boolnrei Nronlly or Grantor
Nary For
HnMy of Irrnmny
Brums Dec 12 Tho roichstag pro
tented a highly Imprcsslvo spectaclo
during tho debates on tho estimates and
tho formal introduction of Emperor
Williams now nnvnl program Count
von Buolow when announcing tho
Samoan settlement was ropeatodly In
terrupted by upplniiso His second
speech dealing with tho necessity for a
largo fleet provoked approval and dis
approval almost equally emphatic Tho
disapproval camo from tho Radicals
When ho declared that Germany did
not desire to pursuo an aggrossivo pyro
technical course but was equally de
termined nut to lie pushod aside politic
ally or commercially by other powers
nnd nover to allow an important inter
national question to bo settled without
consulting her thoro was an outbreak
of spontaneous npplanso Prince Hohon
loho whoso weak voice wns scarcely
audible Admiral Tirpltz and Baron von
Thlelman wore hoard Tho sossionwas
brief bucauso tho Iioubo desired to sco
tho speeches iu print boforo considering
the proposals Admiral Tirpitz mado a
number of statomouts in explanation of
tho governments changed opinion Tho
opposition which is apparently stronger
than had beeu expected was dumb
founded by tho vigorous joint govern
mout onslaught After tho adjourn
ment it was said in tho lobby that tho
emperor had givou strict orders for tho
dissolution of tho roichstag should tho
cabinet consider it uulikely that tho bill
would pass
General Gatacros reverse at Storm
borg was joyfully greeted on tho streets
of Berlin but tho newspapers for tho
most part aro reticent on tho subject
Now llullillni Collapses
South Bend lud Doc 12 Owing
to alleged use of sand not sulllciontly
sharp for mortar making purposes tho
foundation of a two story brick build
ing at Mishawaka this county owued
by Bernard Hoerstmann collapsed lot
ting down tho entiro structure so that
ono brick scorcoly remained on another
Charles Schmidt mason contractor aud
Oscar Nichols mason tender wero
killed Bernard Hoerstman Houry
Riser Isaac Williams and John Dofreo
wero badly crushed
Tho building collapsed without a
warning crack and fell upon tho meu
who wore iusido crushiug to death or
injuring all of them
Wilmh Wins IU Suit
Detkoit Deo 12 Tho Wabash rail
way has won tho suit recently begun in
tho county court by Stato Railroad
Commissioner Osboruo in his endeavor
to havo tho company roduco its fares in
Michigan to 2 ceuts a milo becauso its
last annual roport showod that it was
earning ovor 2000 per milo for its
mileago in this stato Tho company
contended that the law under which
suit was brought applied only to tho
earnings of tho road for carrying pas
sengers and baggage and not tho entire
earning capacity of tho passenger traiuB
Projjress In Mollneux Trial
New York Dec 12 Roland B
Molinoux on trial for tho murder of
Katheriuo J Adams was visibly per
turbed yesterday whon tho prosecution
called to tho witness chair Mamie Me
lando formerly a forewoman in tho
Newark paint fuctory of which Moliu
eaux was vice president Sho was
questioned concerning tho note paper
kept by Molinoux in his rooms ut tho
factory aud testified that this same pa
per was used iu a certain incriminating
letter whoso authorship Molineux de
Disinfectant May Kill lolitlrlitna
Topkka Dec 12 Colouol Jamos
Graham and William P Ouuuoou two
prominent politicians of St Marys
drank a bottlo cautaiuiug a disinfectant
yosterday believing it to bo whisky
and both aro seriously ill and may dio
Colonel Graham had bought a bottlo of
disinfectant to guard against smallpox
aud also a bottlo of whisky uud mixed
tho bottles by mistake Graham was
lioutonant colonel of tho Second Kan
sas regiment in tho Spanish wr uud is
woll kuown
llllzzurit HukIuk In Iowa
Cedar Rapids Deo 12 A hard
snowstorm approaching a blizzard ia
raging over eastern northern and north
west Iowa Reports show tho storm is
goueral Several places roport a foot of
mow Many wires aro dowu
It is reported at Duluth that Cecil
Rhodes and Dx laineson of South Afri
can fame aro about to go iu for Rainy
Liiko gold mining
Cluus A Blixt who pleaded guilty to
tho murder of Catherine Ging at Min
neapolis in 1894 and was sentenced for
lifo Monday tiled application for a full
Charley Supples of Buffalo wus given
tho decision Monday night by Referee
Malachi Hogan over Sanchez the Cu
ban Wonder on a foul in tin sixth
round at Detroit
Tho Now Orleans
poro Sunday thieo
Brooklyn on route
lost fully two to tho
arrived at
days behind tho
for Manila Sho
Brooklyn on tho
run irom Uoloinuo
Tho first body to como to tho snrfaco
of Lako Eno from the wreck of tho
steamer Niagara was found on tho shore
near Port Maitland Monday It is that
of a sailor named Kuowel
General McCooks brigado of tho fed
eral army in tho civil war has purchased
Cheathams Hill south of Uhickamauga
Hero it was that tho great fighting bri
gade had the fiercest struggle iu its en
tire war history
Govoruor Bradley of Kentuoky has
offered a reward of 500 for tho appro
heusioii and convlctiou of tho monibers
of tho Maysvillo mob who lynched aud
burned Dick Coleman tho uegro who
brutally murdered Mrs Lashbrook
Georgo O Seiple former tellor aud
bookkeeper in tho East Stroudsburg
Pa National bank Monday pleaded
guilty to having mado false entries in
the books of tho bank Ho was sen
tenced to Ave years imprisonment
Work on the New Opera House
Moving Along
Ono Hundred IIccib of Hcnnnry Ordered
fr llm HIiirc Which Will llo Int In
Under the Illrcrtlnn or an Ixiert In
loilor Will he Quickly KliiUhcd
Tho largo trusses to support tho roof
over tho main portion of tho uow opt ra
house aro now being put up and it is
hoped to finish this portion of tho woik
within tho next fow days after which
tho work of putting on tho roof will go
smoothly and swiftly Tho trnssos nro
being constructed on tho lloor but will
bo put together on top of tho building
nud moved to tholr intended location
Tho two Norfolk wnrm nir furnaces ono
undor tho stago nnd tho othor under tho
rear end of tho auditorium havo beou
placed aud inclosed with brick walls
and will bo rendy for heating tho build
ing as soou ub tho roof is on The tim
bers to support tho floor of tho balcony
havo been put iu nnd overything 1b pro
ceeding most satisfactorily O S
Brounough representing tho Kansas
Oity Sconio company was hero yoster
day in tho interests of his houso aud to
show what they wore ublo to do erected
a minuturo stago in tho diuing room of
tho Pacific hotel which was a ninrvol of
completeness nud beauty and was
viowed by many who are interested in
the building Mr Brounough illumi
nated it withjelectrlc lights aud showed
it workings in detail which wero per
fect in every respect Although Mr
Wnrraut had previously placed nu order
for scenery with a Chicago houso ho
concluded that promptness accuracy
aud beauty justified him in caucelliug
tho first order which was douo nud Mr
Brounough was given an order for about
100 pieces of scenery which will bo
models of tho scenio art When tho
order and building aro ready Mr
Brounough will come here and sot up
tho scenery Ho complimented Mr
Warrant very highly on tho arrange
ment and capacity of tho opera house
stating that it would accommodate any
company that travels This coming
from an expert ou tho opera houso
qutstiou should bo most satisfactory
not ouly to Mr Warrant but to tho
people of Norfolk as well who will
enjoy its capacity aud bo bonefited by
what it makes possible Thoy should
need no urging in viow of this to sup
port Mr Wrarraut utall times in his
Popular bargaius iu dolls doll buggies
toys cbiuaware games toilet cases nud
many other holiday goods at tho Variety
Attend College Thin Yeur
Never iu tho history of our country
was there a grander opportunity than
tho present for euueated young men and
women What an auspicious momout
for those who aro just now on tho
threshold of life
Grand Island Business aud Normal
college has for fourteen years been the
leading institution of its kind in the
western states and last year more than
twice as many calls wero received for
its graduates as could be supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start iu lifo is taught business normnl
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board ouly 150 per week Ono years
time given on tuitiou if desired Col
lege record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Hakeos President
Grand Island Neb
Wanted several bright and honest
persons to represent us us managers in
this and closo by counties Salary 900
a year and expenses Straight bona fide
no more no less salary Position perma
nent Our references any bauk in any
town It is mainly ofllco woik con
ducted nt homo Referouco EncloFo
self addressed stamped envelope The
Dominion Company Dopt 3 Chicago
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind dis
courages and lessens ambition beauty vigor
ana cneenuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys If the child urin
ates too often if the
urine scalds the flesh or if when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage it is yet afflicted with
bed wetting depend upon it the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same great remedy
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp Root Is soon realized It is sold
k tiMirrrvtete In ftfk
cent and one dollar
sizes You may have a
sample bottle by mall
4i rtilLi 4St
fiVitifrl BrttriKMH
tree also pamphlet tell- nome of swtmp noot
Ing all about It including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured In writing Dr Kilmer
Sc Co Binghamton N Y be sure and
mention this paper
Cut this out nud send to us and wo
will sell you tho best qunlity of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Standard Oo
Muuila 9c
Froo on enrs Omnlin
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
Wa linvo Mr Mod nml enn mnko prompt
Blilliiuotiln tho iln ordor in rocolndtmIont
tnki cliniirvB on rcmlini olrouhcro Wo
KitiiiiintcaUintatcry lull of our twlno lins
tiiicn mndoon nnwHpliidli H witliin tho hint
ninety ilnys Stuictly No
cnrrliMl over tulno lico Will flilp C 0 1
KUhtect to oziimimitlnn If desired Will ro
noru Initio upon pnjmont of 10 por cent
nit iinilMitjilittor ltoforcticcB Nabrnti
kit Nittloitnl hunk tills pnper or ntiy otto of
ottr 2000 customers of WW Address
The Western percentile Co
10th nnd Fnriinm Sts - Omnhn
Tho Houso tltnt Snrcs You Money
Qet Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the ninny
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - flaitaay
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm II Tayloe A G P A
Louisville Ky
1 O Beam Jr N W P A
80 dauiss St Chicago
Located on tho Illinois Centrnl U H in
And nleo Iocntyl on thn Yazoo nnd Mfssissip
Valley It It in tho Famous
Of Mississippi Speciality adapted to tbo ra
inj ot
Corn and hoes
Soil Richestinthe World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner ABst Land Comr
111 Cent It R Co Park Row Room 57
Louisville Nashville
Write for Information lo
of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in largo supply Millions of Htrnwborry
plaiilo ry thrifty and well rooted Jottha
litsT near homo and savo freight or expree
Send for price list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bend ridge County Neh
i 1MiiaM rr