rv - r Let us make a SUGGESTION What to buy for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT A Pair of Shoes A Pair of Slippers A Pair of Leggins What is Nicer Davenport Bros Norfolk Nebraska NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Moots in Odd Follows Hall on tlio first and third Fridays of each month Visiting broth ra cordially luvitod to attend all our mooting W B Hoffman Financier L 0 linrBolt Ho eorder C U Dolan Mastor Workman SIMPSONS CORNER Offlco Hardys Coal Offloo Firo insurance Farm and Loans and Real Estato Como and see mo J E SIMPSON FOR FIRST CLASS MERCHANT TAILORINQ SEE MY TAILOR Where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of merchant tai loring when they are made to order Call on fly Tailor and have Prices Quoted jrGT Get Excited over CUT PEICES in Groceries They are only REGULAR PRIDES AT Thompsons Gash Grocery FOR CASH 20 pounds Sugar for 100 4 pound package Gold Dust 14 5 packages Uneda Biscoit 25 2 packages Grape Nut 25 Splendid Vinegar per gal 18 1 gal pail Syrup 35 1 package Soda 04 10 sticks Candy 05 All Standard Soap 10 bars 25 ABO Crackers 7o By Box 07 Prunes per lb 05 Package Coffee 09 See Us and Save Money The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 11 Minimum temperature 3 Average 7 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 09 Barometer 2988 Forecast for Nebraska Fair and con tinned cold tonight and Friday Colder east portion Friday THURSDAY TIDINGS Telephone No 109 has been placed in the residence of E B Konyou Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O F will meet this eveniug at 7 80 for work in the Third degree The funeral of Mrs Stengel hold this afternoon was attended by n largo con course of relatives and friends Richard Raabe and Miss Brodhagn were united in marriage this morning at 11 oclock in Hadar by Rev Klugo Travel for the west on the Elhkorn is very brisk the trains being crowded The eating house at the Junction last evening was filled full to overflowing H O Truman is having the interior of his wall papotf and paint Btore rear ranged to accommodate a large spring b took which is already beginning to arrive Word has been recoived here to the effect that Frank Gillette formerly a well known resident of Norfolk is very sick wjth typhoid fever at his homo in New Plymouth Idaho Dr Salter has flooded the tennis court in his yard and provided the little folks with a small and not dangerous rink It is needless to Bay that his efforts iu thoir behalf are appreciated by the ohildren An eclipse of the moou is promised by astronomers on Saturday evening at 7 oclock about tho timo it risos and thoso interested in astronomical phenom ena will do woll to koop a sharp look out for fair Luna Tho breaking down of an ougiuo on tho Black Hills tllvison yoBtorday re sulted in tho train from tho west not getting in bore until after C oclock last ovonlng Tho train from tho oast was oIbo lata lastovoniug Horman A Schorroggo of Wakoflold brother of E J Schorroggo of this city has just received n patent for a bako ovon which is pronounced by thoso who have scon it a lino thing for its purpose Ho will at ouco put it on tho market Tho last of tho trusses ovor tho audi torium of tho now opora houso is being put up this aftornoon and tho hardest part of putting up tho roof is being completed Auothur day or so of tins weather and tho roof matter will no lougor worry Mr Warrant and Ills forco of workers Invitations havo boon recoived by Norfolk friends issued by Mr and Mrs William Honry Layha of Marcolino Mo inviting them to bo presont at tho mnrringo of thoir sistor Stolla Isabella Ghesnutwood to ltico William Jlloyt which will tako placo on Saturday Jan uary 1 at 5 oclock p m at tho M E church of that city Tho couplo will bo at homo to thoir friends nt IV Chicago avouuo Marcolino aftor Fobruary J Mi3S Stolla has a largo circlo of friends in Norfolk who will cougratulato heron tho coming ovont A dispatch to tho State Journal from Ogalalla under dato of tho 12th says Christ MoKeunoy aged 00 a shoo inakor woll connected iu this county was adjudged Insane and sent to Nor folk tonight Mr McKinuoy loft tho homo of his brother-in-law on North Platto river and roamed ovor tho hills for two nights at soparato times as ho said playing foot ball his coat and hat off His relatives think that had it not been for tho exertion ho took ho would havo chilled to death as tho nights were very cold Mr McKouuoy was a thor ough mochauic and had a largo business having recently como hero from Mil waukee whero ho worked in n factory Froythaler has a lino lino Milwukeo sausages the best produced any whore Fine toilet cases for goutlemen or ladies just tho thing for Christmas You find them at Hayes Jewelry Store Beolors fire sale begins tomorrow Buy toys for tho children nt Kiesaus Fire Sale Fresh minod Hauna and Rock Springs lump and nut coal on track at Hardys at all timeB Houses for sale T E Odiornb Buy all your groceries of Box and get the beet PERSONAL W S Pardonner is in Omaha on bus iness Guy Kierstead is a city visitor from Tilden M D Tyler was a Madison visitor yes terday Fred Schloph of Omaha is visiting in Norfolk Mr and Mrs Rome Miller woro in the city last evening Olivo R Lightner of Monroe was a city visitor yesterday Attorney Guy R Wilbur is in tho city today from Wayne Superintendent O W Crum is in tho city today from Madison Mr and Mrs J U Mixer were in the city yesterday from Plainview J W Ransom is absent on a business trip to Grand Island and Ravenna Mrs F Otis and Miss Otis were here yesterday afternoon from Humphrey Miss Hattie Chapman of Fremont will visit relatives here for a few days Mrs M B Meyers is hero from Stan ton accompanied by her brother from Oakdale Judge J B Barnes returned last night from Ponca whero ho had been attend ing court Ed Karror has returned from his visit to Hastings and resumed his duties at tho asylum W W Finch representing Graiu O is in the city from Aurora N Y solicit ing orders for that beverage Mr and Mrs P F Bell and Mrs Chapman and son returned last evening from their mission into Iowa Miss Lottie Sldler has resumed her duties with tho Johnson Dry Good com pauy after a few days illness Mr and Mrs Burt Mapes MiTs Est alia Bevans and Mrs MoBrido drove to Madison yesterday to visit friends and relatives O E Doughty returned last night from a weeks business trip to the southern part of the state and went to Madison on the 10 30 train this morning E Steward oxpross messongor on the Union Pacific between hero and Colum bus is moving his family into tho Shaw cottage on South Twelfth street Jewels purchasod at an easy price can be found at Hayes jowelry store Telophone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residence und nflico Beelers firo sale begins tomorrow Oysters and celery at Schorregges THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY T- N1DRYJEAL MADE E A Bullock Gets Half Inter est in Sioux City Works HE WILL BE MANAGER OF BOTH Tho llunlaron Here Will Not tin Dotrlinrnl lly Aftetel WlllMlt llvo in Norfolk Uba Dlnpoxnil of Ills intercut In TncINc llotl to II II rnttnrimn E A Bullock has returned from Sioux City whero ho concluded n deal through which ho becomes half owner in tho foundry at that place known as tho Sioux Iron Works Ills asso ciate is Milton Perry Smith who by tho terms of tho deal secures a half In terest In tho plant hero The company thuB organized will conduct both works of which Mr Bullock will bo manager Ho will continuo to reside In Norfolk but his duties will require his presence in Sioux City occasionally Tho now nrrangomont means no loss to Norfolk and will probably result in tho better ment of tho plant at this plico John E Crouk who has boon an oill oiont an competent assistant in tho bus iness hero will bo superintendent of tho Norfolk plant while Mr Smith will havo chargo of tho works at Sioux City It is plauned to so conduct tho two plants that a certain class of work will bo givon special attention at each insti tution For inBtauco in tho manufac ture of tho popular warm nir furnaco a certain portion will bo mado horo and another portion at Sioux City This will result iu oponing up a field for that business which Mr Bullock had not boon ablo to ontor uudor tho former method of manufacture and those who know something of its success predict that its famo will soon spread through out the country This plant will botwoon now and spring bo especially fitted for tho man ufacture of hot air registers and other improvements both hero and at Sioux City aro under contemplation An im provement at tho Sioux City works will bo tho fitting up of machine and boiler shops and it is believed that tho work which neither or both of tho works enn not handle will bo a very largo and dif ficult contract indeed Both institutions aro now very busy and the work is being rushod to thoir full capacity As an instanco of what the uniting of interests may moan to Norfolk it might bo Btated that on Mr Bullocks return ho brought a largo order from Cherokee Iowa which will be filled horo and othors of a similar oharactor aro sure to follow Tho new corporation is capitalized at 50000 and its business starts out with every prospect of success The field for largo works at Sioux City is largo as tho Sioux works is the only foundry in the city and it is anticipated that the job work done there will be especially largo Mr Bullocks friends hero will con gratulate him on breaking his environ ments and reaching out into new fields and new territory worthy of his nbility Sella Interest In Pacific Hotel BecauBo of tho new duties and re sponsibilities he has assumed E A Bullock this afternoon disposed of his interest in tho Pacific hotel property to H H Pattorson This will give the latter gentleman a controeingintorestin the stock of that institution and the ability with whioh ho has conducted tho affairs of the hotel sinco assuming the management speaks well for its future success Ho makes an ideal landlord and his friends will bo pleased to know that he has enlarged interests in tho business For tho best pure apple cider try some of that Ohio make at FroythalerB Beelers fire sale begins tomorrow Santa Clans headquarters is Kiesaus Notice to Mock Holders Tho regular annual meoting of tho stock holders of the Norfolk National bank of Norfolk Nobraska will bo held at tho banking houso of said bank on Tuesday January Dth lOOObetween the hours of 10 a m and 4 p m of said day for the election of directors Norfolk December Dth 1899 W H Bucholz Cashier Snidors catsups at Boxs Beelers firo sale begins tomorrow Everything in tho sterling silver uovolties and at right prices at Hayes Jowelry Storo Farm and city loans TnK Duuland Trust Co I thank my stars I have found Hayes Jowelry and Musio House DrFrank Salter Diseases of ohildren Whats in a name Everything when you come to medicine When you get Hoods Sarsaparilla you get the best money can buy Beelers fire solo begins tomorrow Nothing liner for Christmas presents thou cut glass You can find a beautiful line to soloct from at Hayes Jowelry Storo A New Olllce The goneral ollioo of tho Piano Manu facturing company of Chicago was opened to tho publio yesterday afternoon in the Rome Miller building west of the express olllce While tho contemplated arrangements have not all been made T DECEMBER wan dli Fresh oysters In any Ton rr M 1899 ouough dlflolosod to show a porfoot oflloo for tho business to bo transacted Tho ofllco will bo occupied by Manager W H Blakonmu and his assistants mid from It will bo dlrooted tho business of tho company for tho north half of No braska under tho supervision of tho Chi cago hoadquartors From horo Rtock for tho territory will bo transferred and a full lino of tho Implements manufact ured will bo kept on hand nt all times Tho room is partitioned off with a wovou stool netting forming n lobby near tho door for those having business and keoplng tho desk and olllco room free from intrusion Bohlud this screen Is an array of desks chairs oablnots for stationery and other fixtures for tho handling of business An eight foot standing desk a largo safe nomo chairs and a settoo in tho lobby aro yet to bo added Tho largo display whitlow will bo let tered with an appropriate advert Isoinont of concave lettering and will bo cur tained It will bo used for a display of attractive advertisements of tho com pany it now contaluig a small working model of n mowing machine which at tracts considerable attention A largo sign will also adorn tho outside of the building In tho rear of tho main olllco is a room llttud up for private business transactions which contains a private tolophono A desk tolophono will bo used in tho main olllco Tho company may woll bo proud of their achievements in this territory for which no small share of the orodit may well bo given o Mr Blukonmn Tho ollioo besides being a great con vruionoo Is an attractive addition to tho business housos of Norfolk and tho enterprise of tho company should be highly esteemed not only by the people of tho city but thoso of tho entiro territory roprohonted Box can suit you on colToo Dolls albums toilot articles porfuiu ory and other suitablo gifts may bo so cured ut Kiesaus at right prices Even beggars may chooso at Hayes Boolors firo salo begins tomorrow Tho Latimer houso and lot in tho Heights for salo Easy terms Inquire of T E Odiomo Farm laud and city property for by G R Seiler salo stylo ut tho Bon Tint News od aopartmout is com plete in ovory particular Lost A black ico wool fascinator Finder please leavo at Nuws ofllco Sturgeon is the piano man Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate that your liver Is out of order The best medicine to rouso the liver and euro all these ills Is found In Hoods Piils 25 cents Sold by all medicine dealers 4 H n e if HARDY always keeps in stock all tho best grades of o HARD AND SOFT Coal in all sizes All coal scroenod and dolivercd promptly Satisfaction guar A anteed Yards east of U P depot TELEPHONE NO 36 Uptown 0fflce4th St L THE AX CUTS DEEP AND- PRICES COME TUMBLING DOWN AT THE Fair Store 20 pounds Granulated Sugar 100 Merry War Lye per oau 05 4 pound packago Gold Dust 15 Package Coffees 10 53 cans Guaranteed Tomatoes 25 8 cans Guaranteed Com 25 10 bars White Russian Soap 25 10 bars Beat Em All Soap 25 10 bars Santa Clans Soap 25 Sweet or Sour Pickles per doz 05 Best Tea in town per lb 50 As good Vinegar aa anybodys porgul 20 10 lb sack Whoatel 25 Mb paokago Soda guaranteed 05 Full Cream Cheese per lb 15 No 2 Lamp Chimnoy 05 2 pounds Soda or Oybtor Crack- ore A BO 15 3 Spools Standard Thread 10 11 HOLIDAY GOODS lly nsHorttnunt of Holiday Goods Is now Tho stock consists of All Jackets open to inspection Albums Plush Goods Toilot Sots Fino Stationery Fino Porftiincs Books Pockot Books Calendars otc Wo can save you nionoy on proscriptions GEO B CHRISTOPH Tlie Druggist A PLAIN TALE TRUTHFULLY TOLD We Must Have Room As I Intend to put my Two Stores into ONI3 mid In order niuko room am offering CUT IltlUKH on everything will be sold at Actual Factory Cost All Winter Oootls nt prices wo cannot replace thorn now It will big to como and set Keiuombor hit Prices on Everything THE DRY GOODS PLACE 71K to pay you F A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb w vsms i i r tdi tjii a rvT WALL PAPER From ioc a Double Roli up Window Shades Room Mouldings Paints Oils7 Glass MNthist Brushes Etc Etc Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Price SVfSS BABIES CRY FOR Have You Tried Them WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BOH TON FLOUR SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS The Norfolk Cash Store II AS ATioM lLKTK LINK OK Gents Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes Hats Caps Overcoats ftueensware Glassware Call and seo tho uico DINNER SETS offered at low prlcos Prices guaranteed tho lowest Groceries a specialty Best Brands of Flour Highest price paid for Batter and Eggs Como and leave your orders and they will bo woll taken caro of and dolivored ZZXrii A Q BOHNERT Proprietor C W BRAASCH DEALER IN GKeitT Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rook Spring Coal the best In the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61 Norfolk National i N A IlAINBOrr Preeideut ALKXANDKU 11KAU Vice Preaideot W H HUCHOLZ Caililer EWZUTZ AnUUut Cashier Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING EUSIHESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA j Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIEHOTOES A BEAU K P HANLON P J HALK W H UUCHOfZ wm 7riT 3 KA BAINBOLT JOHN B HAYS F VKBQKtf B B COTTON