6 vJvB tfc COPYRIGHT l THE LIFE OF AMELIA BUTTERUOWH BY ANNA KATHAPINC AUTHOR OFTHC LrAVtMWORTH CATtV IRCT7 wv AMMA It- ROHLKS EK W CIIAPTElt XXI r THK Tllllll NKIHT Tlio nftoruooii whh spout notitltoKoth r ntiimilltalily HnviiiR noon iiuuiy thiiiRH in tho houHokuopliiB which would boar chnnKing I took oreimiou In nponil aonio tlmu witli llniiiiiili m tlio Kitoiion giving hor hiritiK visit hoimo hiutH in tvgnnl to liommhald nffnlrn wlrich If followed would nmko coiinidoriiblo rtif foruncn in tho comfort of Uioho oouooru ed Hlio received thorn pntiontly but I hvo neon no clmiiKo In her nmnngo xuent of tlio kitchen that I f col juHtiilcd lu attrihutiiiK to my iutluunca But I know hunmn imturo woll onnnih not to lmvo expected it Hurt tho kitohon been far ther from the door of tho llowor parlor I might not have thrown away bo much norgy I did not effect an ontrnnoo into tho flower parlor howovor nor did I sno oped in hcoing any ouo oIho ontor It Uoithur did I Buoeood in making linn snh talk on auy othor toplo than ordi nary domestio eoncornH but I Haw cer tain thlnga I had formed a plau for tho night that roqulrod nemo courage Reoalllng Lu oottaH expression of tho morning that I might expoct a ropetition of tho expe rience which if a dream hud hud tho appearance of a most formidable reality I prepared to profit by tho warning In a wny sho hnd oortulnly novor meant that I should Satisfied that If thoro was ny truth lu my suspicious thoro would bo an aot performed in this house to night which if seen by mo would for ever Hottlo tho question that was agitat ing tho whole countryside I mado up -my mind that no lockod door should in terfere with my opportunity of doing so How I effected this result I will relate in a fow minutes After on evening more solemn than tho day but characterized as the two jxrovious ones had not boon by a long talk with tho two girls together I wont to my room in a state of seeming fatigue that evidently mot with the approbation f Lucotta who had accompanied mo to my door with a lighted candle I hear you had Bomo troublo with matches last night said she You vrill find thorn all right now Hannah must bo blaraod for some of this care lessness Then as I bogan some reas suring roply sho turned upon mo with a look thut was almost fond and throw ing out hor arms cried eutruatiiigly Wont you givo mo a little kiss Miss Buttorwortk Wo have not given you tho best of welcomes but you oro my mothers old friend and sometimes I feel a little lonely I could easily boliove that and yet 1 found it hard to embrace her Too many shadows swam between Althcas chil dren nnd myself Sho haw my hesitancy a hesitancy I could not but have shown oven at tho ritk of losing her confldeuco nnd puling slightly dropped her hands with a pitiful binilo rou dont like mo sho said I do not wonder but I was in hopes you would for my mothers suko I have no claims myself That you must bo suro I am thoroughly convinced of You are an interesting girl and you have what your mother had not n se rious sido to your nature that is any thing but displeasing to mo But my Jtlssos Lucotta are as rare as my tears I had rather givo you good udvicoj and that is a fact Porhaps it isas stronga1 proof of affection as any ordinary caress might bo Perhaps sho murmured but sho did not cnoourago mo to givo it to her notwithstanding Instead of that sha drew buck and bid me a gentle good sight which for somo reason inuda mo sadder than I wished to bo at a crihis demanding so much nerve Then sho walked quickly away and I was left to fnco tho night alone Knowing that I should bo rather weakened than holped by tho omission of any of tho little nets of preparation with which I am accubtomed to call my spirits for tho night I went through them all with just as much precision as if I hud expected to spend tho ensuing liours in rest When all was douo ami only my cup of tea remained to bo quaffed I had a little struggle- with myself which endod In my not drinking it at all Nothing not even this com iortablo solaco for an uiihutisfactory day bhould htand in tho way of my bo ing tho completo mistress of my wits this night Had I known that this tea contained a boporifio in tho bhupo of a littlo harmless morphine I would have found this net of self denial much easier It was now 1 1 Confident that noth ing would bo douo whilo my light wns burning I blow it out and taking a caudle nnd matches in my hand softly opened my door and after n moment of in ten bo listening btepped out and closed it carefully behind mo Nothing could be btiller than tho houso or darker than tho corridor Am I watched or am I not watch ed thought I and for an instant stood undecided Then seeing nothing and bearing nothing I slipped down tho ball to tho door beyond inino and open ing it with all tho euro possible stepped inbido I know tho room I had taken especial aioto of it in my visit of tho morning I knew that it was nearly empy and that there was a koy in tho lock which I could turn I therefore felt more pr lot s safo in it especially us its window was uudarkened by tho branches thut huug to thickly ucross my own casomont shutting me in or seeming to ehut me in from all communication with tho ontsldo world and tho unknown guard ian which I hud been assured constantly at t endod my summons That I might strengthen my npiritH by one glluipso of this sanio outsldo world before settling down to tho watch I hod set for myself I stepped softly to tho window and took ono lingering look without A holt of forest illumined by a gibbous moon met my eyes nothing else Yet this sight waswelcomo nnd it was only af tor I had boon struck by tho possibility of my own figure being neoni at tho cahomaut by somo potwibla watoh or in tho shadows bolow that I found tho hardihood necessary to withdraw Into tho darker precincts of tho room nnd begin that lonely watch which my doubts and expectations rondorod neces sary Thin was tho third I had boon forced to koop and it wns by far tho most din mal for though tho bolted door bo twoen mo nnd tho hall promised mo personal safety there prosontly roso in somo fnroff placo a smothered repeti tion of thut sumo rat tup tap which bad sent tho shudders ovor mo upon my sudden entrance into tho houso early In tho morning Heard now it brought a weakness upon mo which I did not know oxistcd In my nature and whilo with this recognition of my feminine susceptibility to impressions there camo a certain prido in the stnnchnoss of pur poso which lod mo to rostraiu all ac knowledgment of it by any recourse to my whistlo I was mora thun glad when oven this sound ceased and I had only to expect tho swishing noise of a skirt down tho hall nnd that steulthy look ing of a door I had taken tho precau tion of loavlng It camo sooner than I oxpected camo just lu tho way It had tho provlous night only thut tho porson paused a momout to listen beforo hastening back Tho silence within must lmvo satisfied hor for I hoard a low sigh liko that of relief boforo tho stops took thomsolvos back That thoy would turn my wuy gave mo a momentary concern but no I had too completely lulled their sus picions or let mo bo faithful to all the possibilities of tlio caso tuey put per haps too much confidence in tho powdor with which thoy had seasoned my nightly cup of tea for them to doubt that I was soundly tishiop in my own quarters Three minutes after I had followed thoso steps as fur down tho corridor as I dured to go for sinco my lust appear ance in it a candle had been lit in the main hull and faint as was its glimmer it was still a glimmer into tho circle of which I folt it would bo foolhardiuoss for mo to stop At somo 20 paces then from tho opening I paused and gave uiybolf up to listening Alas thoro was plenty now for mo to hear You have heard tho sound wo all havo heard tho sound but fow of us in a dosolato structure such as I stood lis teuiug lu and at the hour nnd under tho influences of midnight Tho measured tread of mon struggling undor n heavy weight and that weight how woll I know it as well us if I had soon it as I really did in my imagination It camo from tho adjoining corridor from tho room I had found no oppor tunity of entoriug that day and it ap proached surely and slowly tho main hall near which I was standing but in such n position it would bo impossible for mo to seo anything if thoy took tho direct courbo to tho head of tho stairs and so down as there was every reason to expect thoy would I did not dare to advance howovor so conccntrntod my faculties anew upoii listening till sud denly I porcoived on tho great white wull in front of mo tho wall of tho main hall I mean toward which the opening looked thooutliuoof a shadow puss and roalied that tho candle hud been placed iu such n position that tho wall nnibt receive tho full bhadow of this pibhing cortego And so it wan I miw it hugo dihtorted mid suggestive beyond any picture I over behold tho pabbiug of a body to its loug homo car ried by hlx anxious figures four of which scorned to bo thoso of women But that long homo I Where wns that likely to bo It was a questiou bo im portant that for a momout I could think of nothing but how I could follow them without running tho risk of dibcovory Thoy hud reached tho head of tho btuirs by this time and I heard Miss Kuollys low linn voico enjoining sileuco Then they began to defend To lx Cnntinuod Next Wcel Ono of tho funny tbiups about a dona ocratio paper is that it will still refuse to boo hoar or feel any prosperify and loses no opportunity to arguo that no such quality of happiness exists They might as we 1 argne to tho stones as to the farmers and laborers nud merchant s who passed through the times when Coxy armies free Boup houees distress and starvation woro coubtautly in ov dence Thoy might bo able to couvince a few credulous individuals with little mind of their own that tho moon is made of green oheeso but with thinking re membering humanity their argument is fntilo and somewhat silly If woman had the ballot she would probably be Intensely partiyau since she wouldnt be able to sharpen a lead pencil for the purpose of soratohing her ticket the Norfolk Ntow RUSH FINANCIAL BILL Republican Caucus Approves the House Measure TO BEGIN DEBATE NEXT MONDAY Finn Volo Will lroWily ni Taken nt Glnsn of tlio Week Two Minor Atnnnit iiiiinll An Made Flood of 1II1U Intro duced In tlio Senate Wahuinuion Deo 7 Tho Repub lican caucus unanimously approved tho house financial bill and recommended its iinmcdlnto consideration and pas sage Tho bill was not amended except iu two minor particulars Iu purHuancu of this resolution Over street Iud who introduced and who is in general ohargo of it today will submit u resolution asking that a spoclal rule bo mado for tho consideration of this measure Tho terms of this special nil o oro prac tically agreed upon and provido that tho debate will bogiu next Monday with a final voto at tho closo of tho week The unanimous approval given to the bill camo aftor two hours discussion Ovcrstrnot and his assistants whe framed tho bill were warmly congratu lated on having boeu able to Bocuro such comploto unanimity and approval which Is rogardod as giving nssuranco thnt tho bill will bo passed boforo tho Christmas recoss Flnnnolnl 11111 In Snnnte Washington Deo 7 Nearly 800 bills and joint resolutions sovoral Im portant concurrent resolutions and peti tions uumboring hundreds were pre sented to tho senato yesterday A ma jority of tho bills wore old stagers A fow wero of national iutorost and im portance Mr Aldrlch hnd tho honor of intro ducing the first measure iu tho senato It was tho financial bill drawn by tho sonato committee on fiuanco and prob ably was tho most important measure introduced during the day Resolutions wero offorod providing for an investigation by tho judiciary commit too of all phases of polygamy ro coutly proBouted in connection with what is known as tho Roberts caso ex pressing tho sympathy of the senate for tho Boers iu thoir war with Great Brit ain and declaring that Senator N B Scott of West Virginia is not entitled to a seat iu tho senato Mr Harris Pop Kan was appoint ed a temporary mombor of tho commit too on privileges and elections Tho appointment is important and signifi cant becauso tho committco has under consideration tho Quay Olark and Scott contests MILLER TEAM IN LEAD Champion nnd III Iurtuer Aro One Lap Ahead at MudUon Hquare Iiirdcu New Yokk Deo 7 Miller tho bix day champion with his team mato Waller wus still ouo lap in tho lead at Madison Square garden last night going at a 20 milo an hour gait The Canadian team Maya and McEachorn wero second in tho race ouo lap ahcud of Gimm and Pierce Two oclock bcoro Miller Waller 145 1 Muya McEachern 1453 Gimni Piorce 14529 14520 Stovous Turvlllo 14524 Baboock Stiuson 14528 Schlniieor Forster 14489 Wulthour 739 Aran son 700 Orenon Wheat for 1urU Kxpoiiltlon Portland Deo 7 Thoro was shipped to the department of agriculture at Washington a largo buudle of wheat in stalk which is to form tho couterpieco of tho American grain display at the Paris exposition The wheat was raised on the Oregon Railway and Navigation companys experimental farm near Walla Walla under tho supervision of tho United Statos department of agri culture South Dakota lusane Asylum Scandal Yankton S D Deo 7 Tho stato insuno hospital scandal culminated yes terday when 17 attendants composing hoads of nearly all tho wards handod in thoir resignations Tho troublo grows out of chnrgos of incouipoteuoy drunk ounoss and criminal cnrolcssness result ing In tho death of n patient flro iu ouo of tho wards and an nssault by ono asylum phytiicinn upon another Cubans lloased With the Message Havana Deo 7 President McKiu loys mebsngo to congress has been re ceived by Cubans of all classes with much satisfaction Even tho loaders of tho oxtromo party admit this ami tho announcement that there will bo no Amorican civil governor has cleared away most of tho clouds thnt had been hanging over tho Cuban political situa tion Hue No Word from Young Washinoton Deo 7 General Otis cabled tho war department that ho has had no word from General Youug for a weok This is taken to indicito that Youug Is contluuiug his hot pursuit of Aguiualdo aud probably is in a country where ho regards it as uusafu to ubo couriers Investigating Charlestons Loss Washinoton Dec 7 Admiral Wat son yesterday cabled tho navy depart ment that tho court of Inquiry to in vobtigato tho loss of tho cruiser Charles ton couveued Tuesday at Cavito Ho added that all tho Charlestons pooplo wero present Next Irund Army Iteuulon Chicago Dec 7 Tho national coun cil of tho Grand Army of tho Republic decided yesterduy that tho next rouuiou will be hold during tho last week of August 1000 in Chicago Wood Gets Auother Mar Washinoton Deo 7 Tho president lias nominated Brigadier General Leon urd Wood to be major general of volua toera THURSDAY DECEMBER 7 1899 If tho republicans want to win out in tho olcotionn next year loss boosting nnd more thorough organisation in needed Why not charactorizo Mr Bryans desire to fill President MoKluloys shoes as that of grcod If ho had no nohlng void that tho ofllpo alono could fill why should he bo so persistently comping on ItB trail Down in Missouri they are not op posod to war In othor countries Dur ing tho past your thoy havo sold for war purposes from that stato nearly 8000000 worth of mules Why should they kick tho pooplo not tho mules After all wo are paying too much at tention to the small portion of our citi zens who are agin tho government on Its Philippine policy It is giving too great dignity to their opposition to call thorn traitors they are simply chumps The democrats declare tho presidents mossago an noknoledgment and plea for greed This might bo interpreted that thoy concede to Mr McKinloy tho offlco as long as he wants It How otherwiso could hia greedy cravings bo satisfied Dr Gntllng tho famous gun expert has invented an automobilo plow which It Is claimed can do the work of eight men and 12 horses How much this remarkable maobino may coast is not stated but in all probability will not bo within tho roach of tho ordinary farmer for somo timo to como Every newspaper man in will commend tho good ndvico tho lnnd givon a young lady by an esteemed rural con temporary iu the following A girl wants to know if it is true that kisBlng will onre freckles Wo wouldnt say positively but a smiplo recipe like that is worth tryiug Gall after business hours It is reported that In Chili it is not an unusual occurrence for a man to drink 17 whiskey cock tails before breakfast just by way of getting his digestive ap paratus iu shape for business It would look ob though there was an ample field for temperance reformers and a detach ment of W C T U lecturers should soon be enroute Those who have been clamoring for an increased currency circulation should derive some consolation from the annual report of Secretary Gage of the treasury department who Bays that Tho total comage during the year 1899 was 180855076 gold 108177180 silver dollars 8254700 subsidiary silver 9400877 minor 950010 This means an inciease in the circulation of coin of about 2 per capita which added to that already in circulation places the circulation per capita another notch higher tluin auy couutry in tho world The decision of the United States bu premo court iu the Addystone pipe case is a severo ono to the much talked nbout trusts and monopolies aud it begins to look as though another important ques tion was being settled without the aid of Mr Bryan It is a shame to thus take away Mr Bryans campaign thunder with which he bos been ramming his batteries for notion but the people in terested will probably be satisfied even though the reform is brought about under President McKinleys administra tion This decision means that it is probable that the present federal law govornlng trusts is sufficient for the people when they havo a competent at torney to prosecute This decision while not of itself sufficient to restrain all trusts from doing business opens the way for thoir prosecution by the trade interests affected and further gives to congress tho power of strength ening aud improving the law for such cases provided To Curo Ia Grippe In Two Days Take Laxative Broino Quinlno Tablets All druggists refund the mouey if it fails to cure K W Groves signature on every box 2To Notice Charles E Oluoy Jeremiah Olney and Georgo H Nichols will take notice that on the 24th day of October 1899 T C Cannon plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Madison county Nebraska against said defend ants and John E Olney and Charlotte E Oluey the object and prayer of which are to foreclose certain tax Ileus against the following described real estato sit uated in Madison county Nebraska to wit Lot six tt block one 1 and lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 11 block six 0 of the town of Norfolk lots twelve and thirteen 12 and 18 and the south 132 feet of lots fourteen 14 fifteen IP uud eixteou lJblock two 2 lot six 0 block three and lots three li four 4 uiuo 9 ton 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 nud fourteen 14 in block four 4 all of Matbewsons second addi tion to the town of Norfolk by virtue of tax sale certificates issued by the treas urer of Madison county Nebraska dated November fi 1894 for the taxes of 1890 1891 1892 and 18911 and sub sequent taxes paid by tho plaiutiff for tho years 1894 and 18H5 and a tax deed issued therefor dated March 11 1897 and recorded in he office of the county clerk of Madison couuty Nebraska March 13 1897 in Book 27 of Deeds page 225 aud certificates of tax sale for taxes 1890 dated November 1 1897 and subsequent taxes paid for the years 1897 aud lt93 and plaiutiff prays for a de cree thnt defendants be required to pay the same or that f aid premises may be sold to Futlsfy the amount found due with costs interest aud attorneys foes and that defendants be excluded from any and all titlo claim lion or interest in or to said property of any part there of Yon aro required to answer nald peti tion on or boforo tho 4th day of Docom bbr 1809 Dated October 2fi 1809 T O Gannon Plaintiff By Mapes Hnzon His Attorneys Legal Notice Maria L Averill dofoudout will take notice that on tho day of November 1800 T O Gannon plaintiff heroin illod hm petition in tho district court of Madison county Nobrnska ngnlnst said dofendont nnd D A Onimeriuaii tho objoot and prayer of which ore to forocloso certaintnx lions against tho northeast quarter of aectiou twenty thrco2l iutowiiRhip twenty four 24 north of rangd two 2 west of tho Gth p in in Madison county NobraBko issued by tho treasurer of said county datod Novombor 7th 1802 November lth 1895 and Novombor 7th 1808 re spectively for tho delinquent taxes levied and assessed against saidlond for the yeara 1801 1804 and 1807 respective ly and for subsequent taxes paid for tho years 1892 180 1805 1890 nnd 1808 and a tax deed issued thorefor dated Ifobruary 18th 1805 and recorded In tho offlco of the county clerk of said county In Book 25 of Deeds at page 250 and plaintiff prays for a decree that defend ants be required to pay tho same or that said promises bo sold to Faiisfy the amount found due with costs Interest and attorneys fees Yon are required to answer said peti tion on or beforo the 18th day of Decem ber 1890 Datod November 4 1800 T O Gannon Plaintiff By Mapes Hazen His Attorneys TeRnl Notice Catharine Dicey dofendant will toko notice that on tho 4th day of November 1800 T O Cannon plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Madison county Nebraska against said defendant tho objeot and prayer of which are to foreclose certain tax liens against tho northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section ten 10 in township twenty four 24 north of range four 4 weBt of tha Gth p m in Madison county Nebraska by virtue of tax sole certificates issued by the treas urer of said county dated Noveiriber 5 1804 and November 1 1807 respectively for tho delinquent taxes levied and assessed against said described promises for the years 1808 and 1800 respectively and for subsequent taxes paid for the years 1804 1805 1807 and 1808 and a tax deed issued therefor dated March 13 1807 and recorded in tho office of the county clerk of said county in Book 27 of Deeds at page 225 and plaintiff prays for a decree required to pay the premises may be amount found due and attorneys fees that defendant be same or that said sold to satisfy the with costs interest You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the 18th day of Decem ber 189 Dated November 4 1899 T O Cannon Plaintiff By Mapes Hazeu His Attorneys Lt Every cough makes your throat m more raw and irritable Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs Cease tearing your throat and lungs ia this way Take r Prom tho first dose the quiet and I rest begin tho tickling in the throat ceases the cough disappears i Two sizes 100 60c J O AVER CO lAweU Hass faf 1 Mi a - -4 i 1 vyers KyPectal Or Ajrr CherrV Pectowl Plaster honld be over the lunirs of every person troubled with a cough Dr Humphreys Specifics euro by acting diroolly upon tho discaso without exciting disordor in any othor part of tha system no ccru rum 1 Fetcrt Conjrostlodi InlUmmtlotu its ItWormi Worm Force Worm Colic 2H 3 Teething Colic CrylnKWnkcfulnesi 95 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults US 7 Coughi Colds Bronchitis 8 Neuralgia Toothache Foccaoho U5 O Headache Sick Headache Vertigo 35 10 UvspepalaIndlKCitlonWcakStomach35 11 Hnpprciicd or Ialnrul Periods 35 l2 Vhltes Too Prof usorcrtod U5 13 Croup Lartngltls Hoarseness 9 a 14 Halt Bhenm Erysipelas Eruptions 35 18 nhcumatlim Ilhoumatlo Fains 35 10 Malaria Chills Fovcr and Aguo 35 10 Catarrh Influenza Cold In tho Ucad 35 30 WhooplngCough 35 37 Kldnev Dlscnse 35 38 ervoua Debility 100 30 Vrlnary Weakness Wotting Bed 35 77 Grip Hay Fever 35 Dr Humphreys Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Frco Sold by dnigKlsts or sent on receipt of price Humphreys Med Co Cor William A John 8ts Now York PATENTS S AND PORBIOM PROCURED EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes 1730 New York Ave WASHINGTON D C nicooetnblfiIiOll68 Charges moderate rospondenco requested Cor Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains QUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS rwo daily vast trains each way BETWEEN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South ern and Eabtern points Unexcelled time and accommodations to the Famous Hot Sorinss of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more comploto information descriptive pamphlets etc address J 0 PHILLIPPI W C BARNES A G F and P A TPA Southeast Cor 14th and Douglas Ste OMAHA NEBRASKA 975 BOXRAUM COAT i BKiiuiisgooWATiit n 7C AS IMtUOK MAUKIVIOHI tor dZifO MT SEND NO MONEY J J fe 35H stale jour height Ddwrlght iUt number or ssftNaisW f i Iarhi traiiBd had1 at lirif Iiitn sif V ---------- - ---- en unaer eon ciote op unaer arm ana we will wnd you tbUcoat by express COD subject lo examlnatlo Jx amlneandtnrlt on at yourneareeC cxpreb ofllce and If foud eiaeJljr aa reprettaiea ana ine moti wonaerrui value jou etrr aaw or heard of and equal lo any eoat 700 caa buj for S60O iMTthe erpresairent OCR BlUIAL OrlKK FiUCK 275 d viiBi icro TIIIH HALKIMOgn Is latest 1W style eay nttlng made from xtlrrprcr iu color itcolnt Diilrrl Clolhi full lenirth double bretttcr Surer velret collar fancy plaid lining- waternroof sewed beams Bultablefor both Bila or Oitrroit and fasraattM OKKlTKtjT YAMK eftr Wtrr4 by us or any other bonne For Yrt Cloth Bupl oi jHFna MacKiniosnes up 10 hw and Hulls and Over coats at from IS no tot 10 00 write for KBKK HiHPIK BOOK X IMlK Iddrau 8EARB ROEBUCK Co Inc CHICAGO Bssrs Becbvtk U art uorvufbly rtUtble Mltor liT 1MB HI - yrt v jwili iT f v hi tn CbJ9 Om w fTOiLLfevaai j 4aflVaaaWssW 1 v lev SHE WAS BLIND A blindness comes to me now and then I have it now It is queer I can see your eyes but not your nose I cant read because some of the letters are blurred dark spots cover them it is very uncomfortable I know all about it its DYSPEPSIA Take one of these it will cure you in ten minutes What is it A Ripans Tabule eW 1fth 9HS 8 wlu not tn8t Thy banish pain and prolong lira On Ire relief Note ttie word H 1 IMN S on tue package aid accept no suUtllata Kl PlNU X for 8 OMS or tnrlre packU for U centi may tx bod at any drug store Trn sanptes and one thou sand testimonials will b mailed to any address fer 0 Mali forwarded to Ue lUpans taanilcal Go Me ifljrucl New York V i ti