I- W N HUSH PubllMlior DA1IV IXnlilirliKil tv7 Kxtsrv ilnv nironl NutidiiX II uool lircntf II innil pur Jim rumor Jil IM lnr wrrutt IKMiililloliivl IKSI Korj Tlmrmln II mull I nrl7 Ktitrroil nl llio 1iwliiUlco nt Norfolk Noli ii roroud rliiK iiiiiIIit Tnliihoiin No li llasanyonn psudrtilarly noticed In a fusion shoot how lit price of oats is climbing upwnid Dont nil speak at unco Coin Harvey is going to writo an other hook with which to got moro coin Those who so otijoyml his lust fublo hopo tho plot nuiy ho useomplutolii tho forth coming work After four hundred years of Turkish tyranny Oreto has or Into bcon enjoying tho happy oblivion of tho peaceful Prince Georges administration law bcon vary prosperous anil happy ono Poor old democracy in Htill huiiMiiK for an issuo despite tho fact that air Uryan has hundreds of hum up his sloovo any ono of which is guaranteed to have a moro eerie olTVot than a ton -foot ghost in a country graveyard on a dark niffht Sonntor John T Morgan doinoorat of Alabama sizes up ono of tho lending questions most completely in six words There is as much truth and sense in thorn for thinking men as thorn would bo if tho ronuuk was strung out through volumes or volumes its it might ho Ho nays Kxpnnsion is accomplished Imperialism is impossible Whitolaw Roid in his spoooh at tho Now York chamber of conunoreo ban quet made an undoubtedly truo and wise declaration when ho said If thoro aro any tlueo great nations in tho world that God and nature mount for otornal noaco and amity with each other thoso throo aro Great Britain Gormany and tho United States J Sterling Morton wants to seo tho congressional apportionment equalized South Carolina with a voting popula tion of ill 771 is represented in congress by fiovi n representatives being ono for ouoli voters whilo Nebraska with illill voters has but six representa tives or ouo to oaoh 15WS votos cast Based on tho election of 1818 Hon Thomas W Tipton who repro flouted Nobrnskiv in tho United States senate for eight years died at his homo in Washington Tuesday agod 81 years He was a nativo of Ohio but camo to Nobnuka in 1858 and sinco bis re tirement has lived in Washington Ho loaves a widow and two sons M W Tifton of Santa Fo and T O Tipton of Washington Ho was ouo of tho first two souators from tho stato serving from 1857 to 1875 His colleague was Gene ral Thnyor who is uearing his 80th birthday but who is still in full posses sion of his fnolities Thus has another pioneer in Nebraska politics passed away Tho old guard is rapidly thinning and tho dutios onco so faith fully preformed by them Is boiug as sumed by new aud youngor men but their deods will over bo roinomborod by present aud coming gouorationt This question about seating Rrigham Roberts iu congress is iu tho estimation of The Nkws no question nt all That body canuot uudor any oxouso afford to publicly aud oftloially endorse polyg amy without throwing wido opou tho doors of tho nation to tho practice If a polygamist is allowed to sit In tho highest councils of tho nation as a law giver it Is within tho provlnco of any oltizen to adopt tho practice and defy a law that forbids whilo acknowledging n uoted violation Congressman Roberts of Utah cannot and will not bo Boated This Is ovidontly the view of tho situa tion taken by congress as a body judg ing from roports of Its action yesterday when by a voto of 02 to i0 it adopted tho Taylor resolution This provides for tho appoiutment of a special com mittee to investigate the charges mado against Roberts and deuies him tho right to participate iu thho proceedings of tho houso or hold a seat therein pond ing Euidcommitteob report Tho death of Senator Hay ward precip itates au immodiato tight among tho f usionists as to who shall represent tho btate in tho United States sonato until another election can bo had Tho Beloo tiou of Senator Haywnrds successor falls upon Governor Poynter and tho contest for tho placo seoms likely to be between ex Senator Allen aud G M Hitchcock of tho Omaha World Herald So long as It is coucoded that tho posi tion Is to go to a fusionist we siucerely hope the governor will appoint Mr Allen who is recoguized by everyone as an able man well qualified forthe posi tion He already has a strong standing among tho senators at Washington aud he is in position to do more real good to the state aud especially to tho northern portion than auy other fusion ist who can be Bout there Whilo it is not probable that the endorsement of a republican will out auy figuro iu the action of Governor Poynter yet if it would we hoartily hopo that he will consult tho Lost interests of the state by appointing Seuator Allen An Important Document Tho Fifty sixth congress yesterday afternoon liHtemd to PreMiloiit MoKin leys mosxiigo and tho substance of tho document is today before tho people for their consideration It is expected that his views and recommendations will not bo satisfactory to all but with I ho vast majority of people thoso who assisted him to tho highest nllleial position with in their gift it will bo read with plea stun and satisfaction Tho message Is a lengthy ono but not wordy every sentence bearing a moan ing and sigiiillcanctf worthy of deep and thoughtful consideration In handling tho important now ques tions devolving upon tho govorninont thoro is no equivocation and his policy is outlined in unusually cloar out and firm language Tho opposition has iu times past bcon pleased to sneer at tho presidents lack of backbone and has sought to convoy tho Impression that ho would sooner uvado mi issuo than meet it His mes sage backed by tho activities preceding it removes any potsiblo ground on which to mako such assertions in tho future It proves that ho Is not only willing but able to meet any question which may demand his attention Ho with pleasure reviews what has boon done during tho past few years along business lines Tho statements that tho combined imports and exports for tho year 1800 aro tho largest over shown by a single year in all our his tory and tltat our exports for 1811 alone exceeded our imports aud exports combined iu 1870 aro sulllclont to Indi cate how wo have prospered and ex panded in u business sense and is ex ceedingly gratifying to tho president and all his supporters who claimod that if elected an era of prosperity would bo developed that would contrast very markedly with tho season of depression through which tho country had passed Not only was this contrast developod but it has been shown that tho business compared most favorably with other oniB that at tho time wore termed pros- porous As a basis for this marvolous busiuoss activity tho condition of tho national troasury is shown to bo perfoot it hav ing within tho past fow yours boon brought up from a soason of depression aud lack of funds to a firm financial basis On Decombor 1 1800 tho avilablo cash balanco was 278C0I 811772 of which 2K 71 l005ll was in gold coin aud bullion This ulouo is Butlicieut ground for tho confidence in tho ability of tho administration to do business on business lines It is further stated that by tho end of tho year 1000 thoro will bo a surplus of approximately 40000000 Tho much talked of purchaso of 125000000 was shown to bo a wise busi ness move and ono that could bo af forded While tho proniium paid was 22tl5f21 tho not saving to the govern ment iu interest on these bonds wus 3 885000 Tho presidout recommends that tho socrotary of tho treasury bo givon ad ditional powor aud charged with tho duty to soil United States bonds and to employ such othor effective means as may bo necessary to maintain tho presout gold standard mouotnry policy of the government This recommenda tion when it is cousierod with what suc cess the past policy In that regard has boon mot cannot but bo satisfactory Even thoso who looked for relief to tho freo aud unlimited colnago of silver must acknowledge that all our presout system of finances neoded was a busi ness admiulstintiou of the monotary systotn and if this can bo strengthened it will most thoroughly accomplish tho purposes of the government Tho president acknowledges and fa vors a merchaut marino that in this growing age is a posltlvo necessity to tho oountry tho business of which has been largoly carrlod on through foreign ship owuors To promote this ho desires congress to take immodiato action looking toward tho strougthouing and promoting of our shipping facilities Ou tho question of haudllng truBts and combinations tho president takes a firm stand aud whilo reviewiug tho work that previous administrations have endeavored to accomplish looking toward their control ho makes addi tional rocommeudatinus In that regard in acknowledging that theso combina tions are obnoxious not only to tue common law but to tho publio welfare he states a fact patent to all but ho goesou furthorand says Thoro must be a remedy for tho evils involved iu such organizations If tho presout law can bo extended more cortaiuly to con trol or check these monopolies or trusts it should bo done without delay What ever powor tho congress possossos over this most important subject should be promptly ascertained aud asserted This supports tho assertions previously made that iu this as in all other import ant questions tho republican party can and will handle it to the satisfaction of tho people The situation lu tho Philippines is handled in detail without fear or favor a largo portion of tho message being di rected to this question Whilo btatlug that the future of the Islauds is exclus ively in the hands of congress aud the grave responsibilities of Its position is presented the president gives no room for doubt as to his intentions until the matter is finally disposed of by that body Ho Bays THE NORFOLK NEWS TIlliKSDAT DECEMBER 7 1800 QUuiil congress shall havo mado known tho formal expression of its will l shall use the authority vested iu me by tho constitution mid the statutes to up hold the sovereignty of tho United States iu tlmso distant islands as iu all other places where our Hag rightfully lloats I shall put at tho disposal of tho army aud navy all tho means which tho lib erality of congress and tho peoplo havo provided to causo this unprovoked and wasteful insurrection to coaso If any orders of mine woro lcqulrod to insure the merciful conduct of military and naval operations they would not bo lacking hut every step of tho progress of our troops has boon marked by a hu manity which has surprised oven tho misguided insurgents Tho truest kindness to them will bo a swift and olVectivo defeat of their present loader Tho Irotir of victory will bo tho hour of olomeuoy and reconstruction No effort will bo spared to build up tho wasto places desolated by war ami by long yoars of lnisgovornmont Wo shall not wait for tho end of strifo to begin this beneficent work Wo shnll continue as wo havo begun to opou tho schools and tho churchos to sot tho courts in operation to foster industry and trade and agriculture mid iu every way in our powor to mako thoso people whom providonco lias brought within our jurisdiction reel Mint It Is tlioir liberty and not our power their welfaro and not our gain wo aro seeking to en hance Our Hag has novor waved ovor any community but iu blessing I be lieve the Filipinos will soon recognize tho fact that it has not lost Its gift of bonodietion in its world wido journey to their shores If tltiB is not a clear cut firm stand on a paramount quostiou it wouldbo hard to find ono that is That it required a man of iudolinitablo will and purposo to handles this matter is conclusive and it is just ns conclusive that tho right man is at tho helm This declaration instead of showing evil designs of mili tarism or imperialism indioatos that jus tico and cloinoucyistho first considera tion All that is asked of the Tugals is that this govoruiuont bo givonan oppor tunity to show what it can accomplish for thorn and if not thou satisfactory it will bo iu their powor to direct thoir own affairs Tho relations of tho government with foroigu nations is roviowod at length aud recommendations in tho treatment of all questions aro mado This review indicatos that tho United States is fully compotont to uphold its placo as oae of tho worlds powers His recommenda tions lu regard to tho Nicaragua canal aro especially worthy of commendation ns overyouo rocogmzes tho importance of this proposed gatoway to tho commer cial world It will surpriso many to learn that Alaska is placed iu the same category as the islands of Hawaii aud Porto Rico aud that tho sanio legislation in each instance Is recommended If tho gov ernment is expandiug aud assuming im perialistic airs no w it was doing tho same when Alaska was purchased and what will be nocossary in tho government of Alaska will apply in regard to other posesssions not a part of tho mainland Tho president pays a high tribute to the army and navy and especially to the volunteers in which all will coniuoide President McKiuloys message will go down In history as ono of tho most im portant documents over Issued A Ijosb to tho State In tho death of Senator M L Hay ward Nebraska losei an enterprising progressive citizen ouo who has sinco an early day boon identified with its progress aud development His career as a politician began when he was ap pointed to tho district judgeship in 1880 Tho record ho mado was so satisfactory that his advauco was continuous In his race for tho governorship last year ho received tho decided approbation of the republicnus of the state who were not strong enough at that tiino to ele vate him to tho position Ho received proper rocogutlon howovor at the hands of a republican legislature and was olectod as United States senator to succeed Senator Allen whoso term had expired What was lost by tho country through his death is not known as ho uover had an opportunity to ox orciEo his abilities in the great law making body to which ho was olovated That his actions would havo been honorablo aud a credit to the state ho was elected to represent is doubted by no ono who has studied his career lu stato politics and it is particu larly sad that ho should bo summoned honco on tho day when that body was preparing for action tho hand of death intervening to prevent him from reap ing the honors to which ho had beon electod Kveryono without regard to party expresses a feeling of sympathy for tho family who aro bereft of his valued compauiouship and support As a citizen and a soldier Mr Hay ward placed himself high iu tho esti mation of the peoplo and his life and character havo been ideal in every re- Bpeot Ho will bo gratofully remembered for his service to Nebraska when entering statehood ns ho was one of the framers of the constitution under which the state has existed sluco 1875 Governor Poyuters proclamation in recognition of his services should be accorded strict compliance and all lags on publio bulldlugs should bo displayed nt half mast on the day of Ins funeral Tho Grand Islaud Dally Republican issued a 12 page Thanksgiving paper last Wednesday that was full of good reading appropriate to tho day Tho Kearney Hub Issued a Thanks giving number with illuminated covers on Saturday tho 25th that was well and tastefully printed and contained appropriate reading matter What has bocomo of Mr Rryans in come tax thunder As a disinterested advisor Tin Nkws would liko to suggest that before tho campaign opens up ho get his Issuos neatly printed and bound in calf with a haudy Intlox for ready roforonco so that nono of tho Important ammunition may ho overlooked Tho fuslonists aro at thoir old trick of endeavoring to convinco tho farmers that whilo tho prices on thoir products should inorcaso all that which they buy should remain at tho lowest point Sensible farmers will readily conceive that this is impossible and will not be deceived thoroby Expansion Whitlnw Hold Bays is tho order of tho day for tho livo peoplos of the world Tho moment tho United States stops growing that moment it will begin to dwindle and die Growth is the order of nature and tho attainment of tho maximum of growth marks tho turning point and tho setting in of dis integrating forcos Mr Bryan should bo given credit for ouo thing aud that Is that ho hasnt since election disturbed tho political atmosphero with any of his famous speeches Ho is undoubtedly gottiug a good ready to causo nu earthquake iu political circleB when tho pot of tho ap proaching presidential campaign shows the first sign of simmering Tho prico of corn hat bcon steadily ad vancing and fanners aro now receiving a price liovoriug about tho 25 ceutmark This meaus an advance of from 250 to I00 per cont ovor tho prices of 15 aud It appears that corn at least is keoping up an ndvanco fully equal to that of trust prices of which so much is hoard through domocratlo sources Deputy Labor Commissioner Kent has collected partial statistics showiug tho number of marriages and dovorces in Nebraska From 18D0 to 1808 inclusive thore wore granted 8951 divorces an average of -188 a year For tho same years there wero 08781 mnrriages an avorago of 701J each year Theso fig ures go to prove that tho greater major ity of mariages in Nebraska aro not enough of a failure to bring them into the divorce courts J Sterling Morton editor of tho Con servative is preparing a comprehensive history of the state of Nebraska This is a work for which thero should be a large domaud and one which will bo of inestimable value both for reference and general information Mr Morton is wel qualified tohaudle the matter ho having been closely identified with the history of tho stato since an early date Lovers of history and thoso who recognize the value of such a work will await its pub lication with eagerness and will wish Mr Morton much success in his re searches L D Richards treasurer of tho repub lican state committee has filed with the county clerk of Dodgo county his report of receipts aud disbursements during tho late campaign Ho roports having re ceived 5104 and paid out 507405 leaviug a balanco of 8985 And this is the Hauna boodle with which the Btate was Hooded This is the bogio man that the fusionists deslro to dangle before the eyes of tho people and shout corruption This munificent amount would scaroly settle the bill for Bryans Bwing around the circle with his friends and co patriots let alone tho other ex peuBOS of the fuslonists Truly tho cry of stop thief Is used indiscriminately Congress has convened This is rather au ordinary announcement but tho issues facing tho present session are by no meaus ordinary and its delibera tions will bo followed by tho peoplo rep resented with a deep iutorest bordering on anxioty Not since the civil war havo peoplo boon so much interested in what their representatives may and may not do as they aro In this closing session of the nineteenth coutury New aud untried duties face our law making bodies aud ns many old loaders aud old statesmen have oithor passed away or retired tho people confidently look to this session for the development of men competout and able to grasp the situation and guide tho affairs of Btate iu safe aud proper channels Much is expected of Presidout McKinley and his guldnuco but it must bo a stroug firm and brave man who will assist him on the floor of tho houso and of the senate chamber one who for truth and honesty and justice does not fear the taunting bitter attacks of tho person or persons who may oppose him Not only will the actious of the present con gress be of importance iu shaping tho future course of tho country but on it to a large extont will depend tho results of noxt years campaign It is with bated breath that the peoplo a wat Presi dent MoKiuleys declaration of inten tions as promulgated through his mes sage and Jt is with intense interest that tho proceedings of the cougress will bo watched nm A u IV in m i lie U fPiivrr Prom ItlncHN Cmmnil by nicctloii Itcliirnn mill AiIiImK DiiiKicriitlv liiiilcrn lo IMok 0T lu I Ill Kin en It it v Deoonncil in NOON Brno uv lNnnuAsnuN Wasiiinoton D O Tu the Kditur This lluro licz bin clozetl for rcpuros tu our lnsseratld feellnsand wo hev bin putlln ourselves Intu niournln and set tin In sackcloth nnd rubblu our no7es lu tho ashes on nccouut uv tho Novem ber clocshuns Wo hev on hnnd a lot uv red lire thot wamt burnt lu joobl Intln and a big stock uv political pre dlcshuiiH thot hev bin discredited bl the elccshun returns All hands hev bin so sick thot we lockt the doors uv tho establishment and kept out uv slto like fashionable pecplc du In the sum mer time wen tha haint got munnoy omiff to pa their bill for u Jamboree nt tho seashore I wuz so overcum with dlsnpplntment thot 1 hired a nigger tu tell all callers thot I wuz out uv town nnd then went tu bed whnrc I hev bin rcsidln most uv the time sencc Novem ber 7 and belli nurrlshcd bl slch doses uv npplojnek ez I cootl hold without beln forwarded tu sum ICoeley cure In stltoot for treetincnt All this rooln and dovastashun hez bin brol about bl tho voters boo hev filled tu cum up tu Dlinlcratlc oxpectasliuns and hoo hev gon rite along In their hedlong hnsto votln for Uepiibllklnlsin and prosperity wen we glv them the opportoonlty tu git Dlmocricy and kalntnlty Tho Dlinlcratlc members uv kongress nlr ez tender cz a bile on yure nozo for tha Interpret the elccshuns tumean thot their services kin be dispensed with at leest a good itienny uv cm du and tha cant sec nothln but defect and dis aster abed uv em iu 1900 At the earliest opportoonlty or cz soon ez It Iz safe tu du so I shall git the Dlinlcratlc big wigs tugethcr and take a new nccouut uv stock and sec if wo hev ennythlng left thot aint tu mutch shopworn bl use lu tho late knmpnne tu start In blzuess agin I am freo tu sa at present thet I dont kno whut It iz but perhaps we kin pick over the fragments uv deceased issoos nnd find enutT left tu make one inoar bluff Wo tried pretty mutch all we bed In different stalts and tho re sults air about the same In Ohio we put free silver In friint nnd McLean wuz outrageously licked In Iowa wo tried tu dodge and we got licked still wuss In Kentucky Mr Gobble wuz defected after countln out all the votes he thot It wuz safe tu and after the holesalc iutimidasliun nnd shootin uv niggers ami Ilcpubllklus In mi own beluved stait uv Noo Gcrsey sevcril thousan Dimlcrats cum up tnlssln and the gamblin nnd boss racln staltsmcn hoo wo dqpended upon fer effectiv wurk hev faled tu keep the Repub llklns frum copperln the commonwelth In Maryland we wou a great victory In consequence uv the Ropubllklns flteln ninung themselves nnd we hopo tu make it permanent by disfranchise the nigger Thet iz our stroug holt every whare If we kin only prevent enuff people frum votln wo air sure tu win If we kin du it bl the gentle methods uv stump speekln and cussln it pleeses sum people better but shoot in niggers nnd clecshun officers lz moar effectiv In the southern and border stalts In Nebraska Mr Bryans fusion ticket landed on solid ground with both feet down but I find a grate dlvlshun uv oplnyun here ez tu wether we ort tu mark it dowii ez a victory or a de feet Ez a personal victory fer Mr Bryan hoo lz not afilickted bi beln tongue tied he hez a rite tu thro up hlz hat aud jump a ten rail fence but the gold bug Dimlcrats all over the kountry nlr awfully riled up and tha air thretenlu moar mischief than ever before if Mr Bryan Iz renominated fer president I found one so mad he woodnt take a drink with me Now whut hope uv success kin we hev wen a DImlcrnt iz so demoralized ez thet In Massnchoosetts wuz whare we bed tu swaller the bitterest pill It wuz tharo whare the Fllllpeeuo Insurgents uv the Ilepublikln party lied whooped er up nnd mnde us beleevo tha wuz tu du wunders and wurk miracles It wuz thnre whnro Edward Atkluson bed fired off hlz noozepaper nmmunlshuu nnd advertized hlz lunch palls nnd cookln outfit It wuz thnre thet I mnde two trips tu ferment Republlkln discord and assist In rovolooshunlzlu tho stalt It wuz thnre In tho land uv John Hancock nnd John L Sullivan thet ministers and old maids resolootcd In favur uv Agulnnldo and sot him up ez n bigger man than Sam Adams and Tomns Jefferson With slch Inllooences In our fnvur wo bed bin led tu boleove thet Massnchoosetts uv all uther stalts wood rebuke the president hoo wuz liatchln out enuff Imperialism tu bust up tho whole outfit wlch George Wash ington bed left us In biz will We bed a lite tu expect slch a blleln over uv patriotism in Massnchoosetts ez wood overflow nnd delugo MeKlnleylsm in tho grnto Republlkln stronghold uv Noo Knglnnd Wo bed sent out orders tu leedln Dimlcrats all over tho icoun try tu prepare fer a sootablo recog nlshun uv tho grate event wlch wuz tu mnko the telegraff wires hot with Dim Icrutlc rejolclns Thnre wuz tu be red fire and rotnnn candles and sklrockets and plctcrs uv Atkinson nnd Agulnnldo ez big ez a barn door and their mimes In letters uv fire a yard and u haff long Instltl of wlch we got a dispatch wlch red Massnchoosetts Republlkln bl 05000 majority Du yu wuiider we air slk JjuortUiiuri u Frum Applejack Farm wich lz next tu G rover Clevelands in the stalt uv Noo Gersey Dniiliicnft Cannot tin Cured By local applications us thoy cannot rench the diseased portion of tho ear Thoro is only ono way to ouro deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by nn inllnined con dition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tubo When this tubo is inflamed you havo n rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is en tirely closed fentness is tho result nnd unless tho inflninmntion enn bo tnkon out nnd this tulw restored to its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed forever nino cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of tho mucous sur facep Wo will givo ono hundred dollars for nny enso of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hulls Catarrh Curo Send for circulars freo F J CitKNRY Co ToledoO Sold by druggists 75c Halls Family Pills aro tho best Wantkd Trustworthy persons to take orders for War in South Africa and tho Dark Continent from Slavery to Civilization by William Harding tho fumouBtrnvolcr cable editor and nuthor Press Bays wonderfully complete graphic descriptions brilliantly written Bumptuously illuistrated demand romnrkablo sales unprece dented prices low Wo shall distribute 100000 in goltl nmoug our salespeople be first dont uiIbs this chance also highest commissions books on 110 days credit freight and duty paid sample enso freo Address Tho Dominion Com pany Dept V Chicago Quickens the blood rouuds tho form lifts tho brain nnd body from weakness to power Thats what Rocky Mount ain Tea does Ask your druggist Its better than ready money becauso it makes peoplo happy by making them well Good luck comes to all who nso Rocky Mountain Tea Ask your drug gist TryGruln O Try Griilii O Ask your grocer to show j ou a pack ago of Graiu O the new food drink that takes tho place of coffee Tho children may drink it without injury as well as tho adult All who try it like it Grain O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java but it is made from pure graiuB and tho most delicate stomnch receives it without distress the prico of coffee 15 cents and 25 cents per packago Try it Ask for Graiu O A study of the germs found in tho human system in case of disease shows that they cannot live when Rocky Mountain Tea is used Ask your drug gist Ayers Cerry Pectoral Cheaper than any I experiment no mat- ter what the price S ff A fair inside is a good companion for out ward worth Slightly nlturflil from original linos to fit tho cut mill at tlio cum Daiiiti riiiKB for dainty wnarors wouii uibiu iiouuy ituiralim sorUco and liny pricno tliomaro tlin oirtb that Koto mako mo uiHiH in mis juwoiry Moro our It is troulilo to fahow kcoiId of oiin ami but wo aro in iiuMiitM iu uu irouiHou IIirooiiaroalab wolcomo to look with- out mi Iiik anil to Joao without impudent IHirtmuiiK ChriMnwiH comou but onco a jenr And ChribtimiB now h ory noai 1 ho llrbt lo look will tfot tho bent Altlio wo ro buro to btiit tho robt B P W MnRQUARDT Jeweler and Optician Norfolk - - - Nebraska WHEN YOU WANT A fiOOl SHAVE or BATH 00 TO- W 0 Halls Barter Shop MAIN riT THIHD DOOB EABT OF FOOUTU A