I A m A1NTBD TUB SPRING HOW WHISKY GAP WY GOT ITS PECULIAR NAME The KrnntlrramrnH Ill Mo Thnt lio Mountain Strrnm AViin n fouiitnln I of Ymitli Ilirllri1 liy the True Sto ry of the lllciidliiK 1rocemi One of tho historic plnccs In tlio west Is Whisky Chip Wy Tho old tlnto dwellers of mountain unci plain tho men who fought Indians and hunted buffalo out west dining tho ooilaid train ilnys of tho curly sKtlos have shrugged their shoulders at tho men tlon of Whisky Gap for neatly -10 years This Is tho plaoe neeonllnjr to their belief where real llrevvnter gushed out of tho locks In n beautiful mountain spilng to quench tho thirst of a whole company of rncle Snmii trained Indian lighters It was noth ing but puio spring water they say a veritable fountain of youth Colonel 0 C Coutant the author of n history of Wyoming and tho pioneer days of tho west has learned tho true etory of Whisky Gup to bo somewhat different tiom the fountain of youth fable According to historical record of the early days along the govern ment overland trail Whisky Jap re ceived Its nnine In lSliJ during the building of the overland stage routo from Denver to Salt Lake City an J the Paclllc coast Tho people of Denver had long been working to secure tho regular overland stage route then connecting the east and tho west In 1S02 I Jen llollldny a veteran stage man became proprie tor of tho groat oveiland line and ho agreed upon a route running through Denver to tho west He decided to dis continue that part of the toad running up tho North Platte and the Sweetwa ter rivers and across South Pass Wy The many Indian dlflicultles experi enced on tills route wore the induce ments to abandon it Tho new ttall led by way of Tules burg Colo to Denver and on over tho established wagon road to Fort Lup ton and north ncioss Laramie plains then duo west through Biidgo Pass Wy Joining tho old trail leading across tho country to the Pacific coast The change was made dui ing the sum mer of ISO- All the tolling stock horses and other propel ty of the com pany were gathered at the station Just above Devils Gate in contial Wyo ming Company A of the Eleventh Ohio cavalry with Major OTarrell in command was the detailed escort at at the time During the first day the long line of coaches wagons horses and mules made 11 miles from the station wliote tho property had been gathoiod The route chosen was directly south from tho Sweetwater river The camp se lected was In a gap In the mountains where tlieie weio a lino spiing and plenty of wood for cooking purposes Shortly after going into camp the major dlscoveicd that quite a number of bis soldiers were Intoxicated and ho at once sent for Lieutenant W II Blown who was officer of the day and informed him of the condition of many of the men and gae it as his opinion that some ono was selling whisky in the camp The command was doing escort duty not only for stage stock and stoics but also for a number of emigiants who had availed them selves of the opportunity for safe con duct over the plains Lieutenant Brown received ordois to search all wagons and If lie should discover whisky to destroy it Taking a corporal and throe or four men hy commenced the search for the contra band article and found at last a ban el of whisky in an emigrant wagon The officer ordeied his men to roll the bar rel out of the wagon knock In the head and empty the contents on the ground This was done but it chanced that the spot where the whisky was emptied was Just above the spring and the fiery liquid went pouring down Into the water supply of tho camp The soldleis saw what was going on and they rushed forward with cups canteens buckets nnd camp ket tles to save what they could of tho coveted spirits Many a man stoop ed over the spring and drank almost without breathing until ho was drunk Ono soldier who hnd succeeded in getting a full canteen from the spring paid his respects to Major OFanpll at the headquarters tent assuring ills commanding olllcer with maudlin mien and many a hie that that was the finest bpriug he had ever seen anJ the very best water lie had ever tasted Major OFnrrcll was apprehending an attack from the Indians that night and tho condltiou of his men fairly dis heartened him He saw at a glanco that even a small band of savages could make a successful raid on ills camp consequently tho sober and less Intoxicated men were kept on the alert all night Fortunately no Indians put In an appearauce and by morning th j debauched men had slept off their In toxication Thus tho gap In the mountains where tho camp was made received the name of Whisky Gap For mauy years It was the favorite camping place for the mote credulous of tho old freighters and emigrants of the trail days but the little spring was never a fountain of youth as It had beeii In the old dayg when firewater gushed up out of tho rocks to quench tho thirst of n company of United Btates soldiers Philadelphia Inquirer An lie Put It Plancho told this story of an Irish man who was driving a mall coach lie observed him to be tying his neck up in the voluminous folds of his com forter and remarked You svem to bo taking very good care of yiaraelf my friend Oeh to be sure I am sir answer ed the driver whats all the world to a man when hla wlfoH a wlddyl NEW FALL CARPETS The Chen iter Won en n Cltnrmlnie nx the Attire CoMl liven tho comparatively Impecunious may Indulge artistic desires In lloor coveilngs this season and n refined taste need not bo restialned by a re Ktileted pin so judging fiotn the follow ing account which Tho Ait Intr fhange glos of tho tieasutcs picpur ed In this line The favorite shndes In fall house fur nishings aie to bo gieen and ted Tlioo come In such mm let y of tints ami gra dations of self color that they seem to lepiesetit the whole gamut of olor Ft om the pale lose to the royal put pic thcie Is an Infinite vailety of reds and one Is almost bewlldeiod by the nrray of cvqulsltc gieens coming in a mist giay effect and deepening and vivify ing the variations of tills color through olives and mvitlcs and emeialds These beautiful tones aie not confined to ex pensive weaves In cat pets the tunic puiity of tone Is to bo found In the biusscls and ingtalns as distinguish the costly uMiilnstois and wlltoiis In fact the higher guides ate exactly te produced in both color and design In the cheaper grades Tho advantage of width however comes In the high giades and expensive weaves Carpets me now manufactuied in extraoidl nary widths and the center rugs come In w hole pieces 1 by 12 feet which with the usual bonier make thorn huge enough for an ordinary room The Fiench weaves are now doing handmade carpets in one piece to fit any room of any shape or requite meats These are called the savon nlerre and aubusons and represent n small foitune In each carpet They come In the most exquisite colors and are as lovely as a niie porcelain Only a few specimens ate kept In Btock but samples ate shown and orders taken to represent any color scheme mode of decoration or style of treatment In the ainiiisters and wlltons there are much self color and two tone em ployed Tho plain carpets aie itch and handsome and come In all shades Angola velvets ate a new carpet dis tinguished by its long nap The Fiench ittons come In rose and cieam and ate elaborate In lloial designs The Turkey colors and oilontal nig designs as well as tapestry colors run thiough all giades of carpets The good delft colois aie also much sought after Diesdon colois and rosebud designs on ci earn gi omuls come for chambers Vivid yellows aie glowing lloor cov ets for music rooms Ingrains come in solid colors True tone effect seems to bo as much a pur pose of tho cheaper giades as of tho higher oues Tutted EilKlnK Fine tatting is seen on some of tho handsomest Imported gaimonts so It Is evident that this pietty fancy woik is again becoming popular Diamond Edging To make diamond first loop 4 d s p 4 d s p 4 d s p d s close make tlnoc more loops join For the heading make 2 d s p 10 times This Is one of the prettiest of eSSSHS niAMOVD EDGING the small edgings and Is very quickly done The diamonds may bo Joined and used without the edge for an Insertion or the edge may bo applied to both bides thus making a wider Inset tion Made of coarse black ciochet silk tills trimming Is seiviceablo and effect vo nnd may bo made much handsomer by sewing a small black bead In each opening of tho diamond Docotated in tills maimer the edge looks like tho handsomest nairovv passementeile says The Designer In presenting this pattern Perfnine IIiikh For Itiirenu Drawer Many women sew sachet hags in their bodices and distribute them in their closets where their gowns hang and some few go so far as to sow them In their corsets and carry them with them also But such a wholesale use of sachet powdeis kills the lefincd deli cacy nnd faintness so desired by fas tidious women It lias boon found after much experi menting nnd careful study that per fume bags scattered broadcast and In great plenty In the bureau drawers have a better and more lasting effect thau anything which has ever been tiled before Each woman has her own particular extract which becomes so Identified with her to her friends that one of them picking up a handkerchief and Inhaling the delicate scent clinging to it will nt once exclaim That Is handkoi chief New York Herald The Xfw QueNtlona of Style One of the hotly contested questions Just now Is whether a womans hair bliall be pinned high or low another whether tho Josephine influence Is to bo welcomed or struggled against The New Yoik Sun says In one night in London Mrs Langtry made her iufiucucc upon the hair of every woman so felt that within a week chignons had fallen from tho highest point on the feminine cianiiim to the base In prompt acquiescence the American woman lb following suit and a pin ting as white as moonlight a hackwuid folded tipple of locks on either side to a clublike terminus low upon the uuquc Is at present the most modish way to comb ones Hair Tlieie are no strong nnd convincing arguments yet hurled at tho empire gown because the designers have art fully done away with Its objectionable features and preserved only Its churms THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVKM1WR 2K 1890 1T0 1 M r NTH IDEAS FOR THINGS ODD ORIGINAL AND PLEASING A riiie Cnhlnet Tor llimh nnil 1ho touriilitiH IiieliitialMl Coimtrmt cil A Imii enleiit niul IMoltireaijtiu Wlmlim Arritnueiiieiit Odd bits of fiiinltuie something out of the common inn of things seen In the furnltiiie shops these aie the things that maiiv aie looking for To lie unique oilglual and pleasing n bit of fuiultuie need not bo e CAIUVKT KOH THE IMUtAIlY pensive though if bought at a dealers it usually Is If one can put his Ideas upon paper tho cabinet maker or tho skillful two dollar-and-a-half-a-day car penter will tinnsliite them Into wood very accurately Tills opinion The Ladies World has Illustrated as fel lows Take for Instance the design that Is shown heiewlth Outside of the luted coineis and ends and the center door of heavy glass a caipenter could constiuct this bit of furnishing In a very short space of time and consc qucntly nt small expense The fluted innteilnl can now be bought at lumber yards machine turned at trilling cost If the glass door with Its bulbs of opaque glass cannot readily be found substitute a wooden door of some at tiactlve design but the coloied tough sin faced glass will bo exceedingly at tiactlve If It can be obtained wheie the cabinet Is to be constructed One of the closets may well be used for the stoilng of mounted photographs of sceneiy aid of great paintings or as a tccoptaclo for the annual pictuie har vest of tho amateur photographer who may be a member of the family most families having sucli a member now Books scntteicd about In such recep tacles ns these make a binary a much more attractive and homelike place than do the stiff rows of closely filled shelves so often seen The second cut shows a treatment for library window that provides a num ber of conveniences not the least of which are the numeious drawers b ueath the bioad window scat another convenience and the bookshelves No room can have too many diawers In 11 wQ ml HrMpL muw as ffffff THKATMEXT OK A W IVDOVV the library they are specially useful for folding old magazines anil papers pamphlets writing paper and en velopes bought In bulk by the pound and the thousand photographs and scores of other things Where there are children In the family they will appropriate some of these drawers to their own use and here their play things cau be kept Fashions Luteal Mnnenvera Stltchlngs stltchlngs nil the way and the tailor well to the fore this about explains the position of affairs In fash Ions maneuvers Cloth gowns of light colors and of a claret and mulberry shade are alike to be patronized and these are Invailably trimmed with many stltchlngs set very closely to gether Theie are mnny editions of tho tunic skirt to bo seen Besides the faced cloths tho rougher kinds of tweeds are to be recognised nnd dark red cheviot will be among the pi line favorites A gown of this tilinnied with spotted panne a giay cloth with a coat boasting a plastron of stltchlngs set acioss rovers of giay pnnne nnd a huge collar of chinchilla n claiet colored cloth with an cimlne hood to the coat which displays a small yoke nnd cravat of pale yellow lace these are confections that represent the glory and richness of coming styles Besides stitching our dresses and our coats vve stitch our hats a fashiou which first made Its appearance laBt autumn The stitched velvet toque or turban la comfortable may be made becoming and Is therefore likely to succeed Snliie Slnmtlug llil From rtlilnjn lr j The local fdiootiug tournament plnntuu foryestetday and today by city spoi Isinon did not draw tho attendance of Hports niuii from other towns that was antici pated However thoHo who patttclputod yesterday en jojed tho sport voiy thor oughly in tho forenoon tlieie were a number of contests not on tho piograui Of tho out of town spoilsmen A and H Loeiko of Stanton I W Hoy il of Sioux Oily and A Robertson of Serlbuor took part in the contests The following uoro tho events on the progiam with the wiuneisof the purses 1 lOtargotH ALoirUolnt 1A inouov dlvultd between four contestants 2 lf tatgotH A Loerho 1st It Looiltu 2d l Ui targets Iloyd 1st II Loeiko 2d I 20 targets lloyd 1st llissinan 2d fi Ifi taigets 11 Loerkelst llobeit sou 2d tl lOllvoliinlswitlif tOadded topuise ilissinan 1st Nothaway 2d Boyd ld A Loorke and ltohcitsuu divided tth 7 20 targets A Loeiko and lloyd divided 1st Nothaway and Hobeitson divided 2d 8 lf targets A Loeiko 1st Not ha way and Hyd divided 2d No spoilsmen having an ived to part the events planned for today were ducliued oil Muni Hutu Siiiiipli il loo llllni A lodger at ono of our hotels found lihn Hlf in u cuiious prodit anient ono morning last week ItJwim his second night at tho hotel and on each night he occupied dillerent rooms Having occasion to get up tho second night ho wnudored back to tho room ho had occu pied tho previous night and wont to bed Upon waking up in the morning ho was horrified to find thatho had noclotlnng with which to diisshiinsolf and jumped to tho conclusion that it had been stolen Ho wnited in tho room until somo ono passed his door and asked that tho patser call the landlord as ho had boon robbed Tho arrival of tho landlord and ckik uponStho scene soon straightemd the matter upJjind tho clothing was found all light intlio room in which the man had iirstgono to lied Oto Iowa Leader 1 Ill lllll III Dll Take Laxative BiomoljiuninoTftliletH All dinggihts refund tho money it it fails to euro E W Groves sign iti o on every box 2ic Win iiiiivlllii Mrs Edwin Bootli went to Omaha Saturday Will Thatch of Madison isheio mov ing a house for S K Hill Robert Dvvyer of Lincoln is visiting his John Couley H Warner shelled a carload of new com Monday and shipped it to St Louis J J Clements and wife ot Norfolk visited Saturday and Sunday witli Fred Odell WAsnn Soveial bright and honest poisons loiepiesent usas managers in this and cIok counlos Salaiy iM a yeu and ixpoiiKs Stiaight bona fide no moie no less salaiy Position per manent Our rofe euces any bank in any town It is naiuly oillcowoik con ducted at homo Rofeieuces Enclosed sell- addressed stamped envelope The Dominion Con pa ny Dept i Cl cago rlldiurn VullejH Finn Frleiiil General Passenger Agent Huchannn of tho F E M V uulway is tho best friend of tho Elkhorn valley and pro poses that its magnificent resources shall not bo ignored by prospective settlers In advertising this valley Mr Buchanan does not lose sight of tho wonderful possibilities of other parts of the state A recent issue of tho Omaha Beo has this to say of Mr Buchanan nnd his intentions Ho is a firm believer in the possibility of Nebraska by reason of its natural ad vantages to grow arrd prosper until it shall become tho most importaut of tho Transinissouri states Ih has outlined a plan for showing its ndvautagfs as an agricultural and stock growing region tho object being to induce agriculturists and stockgrowors of neighboring states to locate in Nebraska to their certain profit and to the states benefit by increasing its population Nebraska says Mr Buchanan bos demonstrated its adaptation to re liable general farming especially as far west as tho 10th meridian and west of that to the raising of stock in small or largo herds tho promotion of dairy interests and the success of root crops These facts proporly and persistently published to tho world will attract tho attention of people in neighboring states who are struggling for livelihood on leased farms of high valuation and exacting rentals Mr Buchanan proposes to enlist tho honrty co operation of tho Nebraska newspapers in publishing information regarding tho advantages of tho state Ho alto intends publishing several pamphlbts devoted to a coinprehonsivo description of Nebric kV SOUTH NORFOLK W 0 Roland whb au Omaha visitor WednPfday Geo Bowman of Boono is visiting at the homo of his uncle F Liuerodo Matt Shaffer has announcod a reduc tion in tho price of meat that will bo ap preciated by his patrous Tho society pcoplo have formed a club the first meeting of which was held iu II illvvay ball Thursday night when an onjoyablo evonlugl was passed Tho olub proposes to have two events each month one of which will beiuhiiieo and tho other a eaid parly The club starts with a goodly number of members w ho anticipate much plcusuio from its meet liKH ioCnni tt lrliii In 1 mi Mum TikeLixatlvo Hioiiioninino Tablets All diiigglHtsiefuud the money if it fails to inn 10 W Iiovuh signaltno on every box 2ic IiIMiii SihiI Mir Vlillni lliiini liiflllliilliniM The huge catalogue hoiies and depart inetit stoics of the east do not take kindlv to tho t iloils ol tho newspapers to Keep the Undo for local men limits and endeavor by eveiy menus fair ot foul to oveieoino this influence which they by their actions in knmvledgi to bo of gienl welglit A suit has developed in Iowa growing out ol tho alleged abuse of catalogue implement house by a Fort Dodge paper Ot tho ctiiium Ntances tho Otniilin Tntdo Exhibit snvs Tho editor has been sued for flOOUO damages by a Chicago 1 1 1 lit which was mentioned by the p iper in au uncompli mentary way It goes without saving thivt tho litigation iiistitued by tho Hi m ih in tho nature or n liltill to use the sheet phi use Tlieso catalogue houses liavo been especially active in Iowa ol Into mid tho Foil Dodge newspaper man had tlie courage to wiito il up and piesont it in a fair square way to consunieis and business men alike The catalogue houses have too goml a thing to let such au arraignment go on challenged and nt tho suit followed The ldoii of tho catalogue fellows is of couiso to innko a gioat show of lesent inont and by crying wolf to befuddle tho issue Tho truth is that this grow ing evil cannot bo too sovoioly con doinned Tho writer is not tiilorined as to just what ehaigeswere made lit this specific instance but it is xvithin tho knowoledgo of tho wilier that tho cata logue houses doing business in Omaha could 1 tve leon voiy sovoioly ananged with full justice to all dining tho past summer Soeietaiy McLaughlin of tho Nebraska Implement Dealer h Associa tion in the prosenco of tho writer men tioned n number of specific nistaneis wlteroin downitglit dishonesty had been pi act iced in his locality by tho catalogue houses In truth those Hints piotcuil to doftway with tho middloinenandVater wholly to tho consumer when in fact tho consumer is made to pay event unllv moio for his goods by considerable than if lie had patronied t ho regular channels of trade Nebraska farmers have little faith in the promises of these people and the rot fillers have even less Datango suits like this ono will prove tho rotten ness of thocniiccrusmasqucrudinguudcr tho name of catologuo houses li ttir UmI List of letters loinaining uncalled for at tho postoflico Novomlur 20 ibIO A W Boldersnu Alnyn Alexander A E Bodoy A L flier W A Davis W E Tones AM S L Loiavenstein Saubagron II II ilryan tieo Mat i lunch Hcmhnru Leuh Oeoige Kirk lulius Glenn M Wulf 2 lessio Youngs If not called for in 10 days will bo solid to tho dead lettur oilice Pai ties calling for any ot tho above pleaso say adveitised P F Srnrciira P M Sonlliii n lllitrutiiii Intoiestiug iiteia ti o nig ding the South is now being tistubuteil by tho Southern Railway Southern Homes foldeis laigo map loiders Laud of tho Sky booklets Southern Fields Min omls and Mines books etc mailed fieo to any addiess Tho Etnpiio of tho South a very handsome volume of about 200 pages niofusely illustrated also issued by the Siutliont Railway and sent to any addrtss upon locoijit of 2r cents which amount approximates cost of delivery Address Asst fieulPass Wvi II TAYIOK Avon t Southern Ry LoUIbVU115 IY A Philadelphia firm is making street cars to bo used in China American made goods are fast capturing tho world Over Ylork Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes by all druggists In fifty cent and one dollar siz es You may have a I he kidneys are your blood purifiers they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood If theyaresick or out of order they fail to do their work Pains achesandrheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood due to netrlected kidney trouble Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble because the heart Is over working In pumping thick kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble if you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney remedy is soon realized it stands the highest for its wonaertui cures ot ine most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits tvlvv Ill nhijfi VihLAi EirriSa sample ooiue oy rrau Home c smop Koot free also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing Dr Kilmer fit Cq Blnghamton N Y 5 IMPORTANT Cut this oul nnd send In us and wo w 111 soli you the In st quality of Binding Twine AT Wholesale Prices Sisal oi Standaid Hunlln I II l nil I III Olllllllll 10 ino Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re funded i IniM Inn Mix I Mini i mi Mill I i l l hIiiiiiii ill h I In i In inilii im ii i iw 1 1 kimIi in t tiili iIiiiiiiin im hi mliiiit iImuIhH We uniiliiiilM llial i wu IkiII ir mil lun i tut liii II iiiimIi mi hi w t 1 1 1 1 1 f uilliln tin hikl linn 1 1 ilnH Hi mi 1 1 I I iis i i m So i in 1 1 it ni i t i lie In n XX 1 1 1 k i i i o hiiIiii Mil rxiiiiiiliiilinn if ill fin il W il in mix tuilii i i il i piiMiii nt ui ID ii i iii I IllVMI Hint hllli llllll III Itll III I H NlliMIH I ii Nnliiiiwil luiiili linn uiui in nin i ui r mil J mill i milium in nf IMl ViIiIii kh The Western Jtocantile Co mill niul Pn i im iii sin OiiiiiIiii I ln IIiiiiki tlinl Sim h Vim Miim A I It nlliiii I mi inn Do inn iIihImi In uitiim IiiiiiiIi iiIh if wiiiiin niliH nf nutlriilliinl Jtxi riitiln iniiiii7ltiii iihwh niivrN IiiuiIm i nliilnuiii h iiiul oin iiIiiih nf llm lull Hi iiiitunxi il fnrin hnili n ItitH nnil iniiclilii it mill In li iinnlniliiii 1 1 ii l iv i it hi iiiIh nnil Hloik fin tun 11llfH in ninli I1 If Ml hlllll IIH Mini iimniMvllli Ikm KtitH iiuillxi r mill wn ulll I in fit I Im wiiim In I Im A minium I n r unit n Din n tni uliii Ii Ioiii wlililhm nil hut tint UmIIimI SIiiIim to ihiIiIIhIicih mi ii IiiiiiIh mill IiiiiiIh Vim ulll lint iiinin h litmllim liuiltiT Hum nn rimlil nircluiM fur inmiy tlinim llm hinnll oiimI of Inn n lit h i uitnl iiiiij fiirmirH iiiiiiin In llm Unititl Hliitm In inir tliiiM tnr til OilCll rvtlMKIIH DlllKIlllllY Co Dt imrtuiiMit UK llliiiiliiKlnmi l let Away a Couple front of Months BAD WEATHER and visit Ashcvilloor Hot Springs N O Aiken S C Augusta or Savannah Ga oi l lie in toy FLORIDA BESORTS Tonus tk kelson sale via Southern - Haiay by all Ticket Agents For sclieduliw or fuilhor Infor mal ion wtite ot call on Wvi II Tamok A J V A Louisville Ky 1 0 IIham lrK V I A 80 vriams St GhiciiKO PATENTS U S AND rOKHION PROCURED EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes 1729 New Vnrk Ave WAitMINOION I C liciHtiillinicil IMSR Clmrsi h inoilornta rifiioiiiii nco nxiiii html CHEAP FAR Cor LANDS Iociitul on tho llllnolH Ccutni Ii It tu SOUTHERN ILLINOIS 111l ulho liirntil in tint Y117110 mul MlBeinBijip Vullif It It in tint 1 iiimma Of AlUsiheipiii YAZOO VALLEY Sjic cntlll Htliipted to tlio ra a iiildI Corn and Hogs Soil Richest n the World Write for PumplilctH and Maps E P SKENE UERNT MOE Lanil Cntntnlmioiior Ast Laud Lontr III Cent It H i Phi How ltooni17 CHICAGO ILL FIRST and THIRD TUESDAYS EACH MONTH CHEAP TRIPS SOUTH -BY THE Louisville Nashville Railroad Wrilt for Information to C P ATUOREt C P A - - LOUISVILLE KY