Wo buy ovory garment for CASH Our purchases thin season already amount to over 11000 Not a garment goes into our Htoolc that iH not paid for This is tliu reason that wo can IJUY CHEAP and SKIjIj OHHAP Wo can buy and soil garments at what tho inor oliant who buys a handful on tho long timo turuiH pay for thorn Any business mini or woman knows tho forco of this argument Jackets from 300 to 1500 Plush Caos from 500 to 1250 Good Astruohan Capes t inches long 800 10 oo i3ro 2000 The Norfolk fiecas W N HUSE Publisher Kvorr iluv wool lf conlH DAILY KMnlilinlioil S7 oxiDpt Sunday Ily rirnor II until nr jiiar 5 1IOO WKKK1V KHtablUlHMl ISM Kvory Thurmlaj llmail iur uur lM or Kutnroil at tho lostollloo at Norfolk Nob tccoml class matter Ttiluluno No 22 While President Krugors favorit beverage heretofore is said to have been leniouade ho is now partial to Orangi aid Oom Paul may trust in Providenct without injuring his chances but it will bo well for him not to get Provi dence confused with certain Now York nowspapers which liavu gratuitously taken upon themselves tho task of set tling tho whole Transvaal trouble A new drydock under construction at Newport News Is large enough to hold two battleships at the same time With our growing navy the necessity for ample drydoeklng facilities Is ap parent Tho lesson of small things Is taught in the building of a million dollar Hu man Catholic cathedral In Elizabeth N J almost wholly as the result of dime contributions The collection of these small donations was begun ten years ago ami the splendid cathedral now completed will be dedicated some time In November It is Intended that the chimes shall ring for the first time on New Years eve to usher lu the yeai 1000 A neat and compact pamphlet has just boon ihsued from tho government priutiug ofllco at Washington contain ing tho statistics of tho Indian tribes agencies and schools in tho United States As it presents tho latest infor mation on this subject from official Bources its facts and figures are of in terest Tho total number of Indians at tho agencies is 213507 There aroCl agencies 132 agency day bchools 10 independent day schools 181 reserva tion boarding schools 20 nonreserva tiou 6chojis and 32 contract schools and 840 Indian pupils havo been placod by way cf experiment in pnblic schools The largest agency ia the Uuion agency in tho Indian Torritory with 77018 population divided as fol lows Cherokeos 32161 Chickasaws 8780 Choctawa 18450 CreekH 14 771 and Seminolea 2000 while tho smallest is the Sac and Fox agency in Iowa with 388 population The threo strongest tribes in tho Unitod States are the Cherokoes 82161 Sioux 21668 and Nuvajood 20500 rir v RIB GOUARETTCX TO ColllllllHHllMIKrH ll IICXVlllllKH Madison Nov 8 1SU At 1 p in board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment A O lohnson 11 W Winter and John J Hughes present On motion claims wero allowed as follows L W Lyon operating county grader 3rii5 I 11 Persons work with county grador 70 50 T F Flynn labor performed nnd material furnished on river north of Meadow Grovo 15000 John F Flynn graveling grndo at Meadow Grovo bahuieo 115082 less personal tax 31 50 balance 1053 Carl Wilde county treasui or account tax J F Flynn 18S8 and 1800 11 30 H D Scott piinting delinquent tax list 3 Id 10 W N Huso printing ballots bar dockets stationory etc 20025 It D Scott publishing commissioners proceedings and legal notices 8807 It D Scott legal blanks programs otc 1112 On motion board adjourned for sup- por and mot 7 p m On motion claims wero allowed as follows Western Whrol Scraper Co now apron and other ropairs for county grador 7020 Alva Crooks ditching 12 50 Gaut Vaago work and lumber on county lino bridge 751 Gaut Vaago ropariug bridges and grading 1850 o OW Grain county superiutoudout salary for October 10000 Aug Hrummuud oroctlug ballot box and election booths -150 Wm Brummuud work on bridges S5 an Jniues B Hume lumber for bridges 11175 Jno W Warrick lumber for bridges saw8j Joe Mills witness feo and mileage 2 50 Guy Deuel lumber for bridgo 1021 James Hughes work on bridgo and grader 4850 Wm Parkinson plumbers goods and WUKLh 7 50 Fremont Tribune olectiou supplies 4 75 S T Napper 1 wolf scalps8 IX ap plied on personal tax Curl Wilde county treasurer account tax S T Nairner 8 00 Horst Bros merchaudiso and labor to court house nud jail 45 80 O A Youngquist hauling mm lienor and work on county bridgos 2000 Fremout Tribune stationery 11 15 Johu II Hulff stationery and print ing for county 4090 J B Donovan letter bonds for county superintendent 700 Thomas Ostergard Co lumber for comity bridgos U2 58 Gust Kaul janitor for October 5000 State Journal Co record books and election supplies 81 40 less overcharge 100 balance 8040 Perkins Bros Co rubber stamps 210 In the matter of the insanity of Fritz Bolifski WF Hutchinson physician o00 Arthur W Gross attorney 3 00 Ohr Sohavlaud clerks foes 550 THE NORFOLK NEWS TIIUUSBAY NOVBMBEK 1i 1890 Vl llil A I I JL x v Jt I Collarettes 250 2500 STAPLE BARGAINS JOOO yds dark styliis Print full stan dard as good as made 3c Bargains stipromo aoou yos ioio niiil Long Cloth very heavy wide Print usually soil at I Do wo will lot it CO in this salo at 5c a yd 2000 yds Amana wide Indigo Prints Kelts ovory whoro at I -no oar prico 10c Dark Outings cheap at 5o salo pneo 4o nor yd Nico Quality Outings GyC par yd Kirst Quality Outings worth 10a salo price 8c per yd 8 pieces regular 12yO Dross Good Plaiils and OheokH 8c nyih i Pieces Pliiids and Checks regular 15c iroods 10c a yd Fur Muffs Tho finest assortment wo havoovor shown all now and at utimistakablo low prices An inspection is noeossnry to judge of values 2000 Yards Clm Schavland county atlas express and postage 2155 In tho matter of tho alleged insanity of Herman Mowis WF Hutchinson physician 3 00 A W Gross attorney 500 Dr E N Smart making porsonal ex amination 5 00 Chr Schavland clerk district court fees 5 50 Henry Smith witness feo and milo ago 2 50 Cecilia M Abts witness feo and milage 210 Jno Mills complainant 250 disal lowed On motion board adjourned until to morrow at 8 a 111 Board mot at 8 a 111 Nov 1810 With respect lo claims forsorviccs of election boards it was on motion resolved to allow judges and clerks in Madison precinct 3 days and in all other precincts 3 days except that tho monitors caring for and making returns shall bo al lowed 0110 extra day and mileago and that all constables or polico shall lie paid for ouo day Tho following is an enumeration of tho claims Norfolk First ward Aug Brumiuond judge 3 days aud 10 miles 700 Alf Bigolow judge 2 days f 100 O F W Marquardt judge 2 days 100 A P Pilger clork 2 days 400 J O Lambert clerk 3 days 400 Carl Korth police 1 day 200 Norfolk Secoud ward Julius Degnor judgo 5 days and 10 milos 7 50 Anton Bucholz judgo 2 days 400 II M Roberts judgo 2 days -100 H G Brueggoman clerk2 days f 100 annlied on personal tax B M Singer clork 2 days -100 Wm Lou polico 1 day 200 Norfolk Third ward J S McClary judge 3 days 10 miles 7 50 less personul tax 5 15 balance 2 1 l A Bryant juugo i uu applied on por onal tax J Ghosnutwood judgo 2 days 100 W II Dexter clerk 2 days 100 ap plied on personal tax Otto Zuolow clerk 2 days 100 ap plied on personal tax Joo Horrisky police 1 day 2 00 ap plied on personal tax Norfolk Fourth ward J M Roland judgo 5 days and 10 miles 750 Win II Itisli judgo 2 days 4 00 J S Burnett judge 2 days 400 ap plied on porsoual tax Fred Koerber clerk 2 days 1 00 ap plied on porsonal tax Lee Haisuiser clerk 2 days 100 No police employed Norfolk outside product C P Byorly judgo 3 days and 10 miles 700 John Wade judge 2 days 400 ap plied on personal tax Carl Winter judge 2 days 400 E D Hammond clerk 2 days 400 J Jartner clerk 2 days 400 Henry Haaso polico 1 day 200 Valley preciuot A E Craig judge 2 days 100 ap plied on personal tax Geo Herman judgo 2 days 100 Petir L Bussey judgo 3 days and 20 Two Great Bargains in Underwear 1 Full lino Wrights World Renowned Fleeced Vests and Pants sold the world over at 100 Our sale price less than the manufacturers wholesale 69c a garment 2 Wrights Fleeced double front and back to shirt mens cant bo beat at SI 00 Sale price 69c BEST DRESS CAMBRIC 3c per yd miles 800 less FFvIOES THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Sioro is always in Full Accord will Our Cusloiners Intorosls Wo always liavo and loday stand pledged lo sell you merchandise a little lower than any house in North OlH Nehraska Our superior facililies enable us lo do I his The busy scenes in our store every day prove the judgment of the public An intelligent comparison of value in all departments is all we ask We sell you goods on their merits Our marks are plain our services cheerfully at your command WATCH QU It IM11C13S Jackets Capes Wo will Save You Mon ey on Every Garment personal tax 125 balance s7 J F Hodman clork 2 days D Whitla clerk 2 days 100 400 II O Lulow polico 1 day 200 Deer Creek precinct Too Ilughos judgo 3 days 27 and miles 870 C N Marsh judge 2 days 100 applied on porsonal tax J II Jackson judgo 2 days 1 00 John Harding clerk 2 days 1 00 Joo Orr clork 2 days 400 applied on personal tax Tamos Hughes constable 1 day 200 Burnett precinct T K Hanson judge 4 days nnd 40 miles 1200 L A ltussel judge 2 davs 400 J II Kiorstoad judge 2 days 100 applied ou personal tax Chas A Smith clerk 2 days 1 00 Giles Warrou clerk 2 days 100 Caso Huycko coustablo 1 day 2 00 Grovo precinct W B Hutchinson judgo 3 days 27 miles 870 Herman Wohlfeil judgo 2 days 400 E B Green judge 2 days 100 ap plied 011 porsoual tax O J Hixson clerk 2 days 400 Geo Mufllv clork 2 days 100 No constable appointed Highland precinct F O Tegelor judgo 3 days and 20 milos 800 less porsoual tax 555 bal ance 215 H ltiokonburg judgo 2 days100 ap plied ou personal tax H Massinau judgo 2 days 400 T W Low clerk 2 days 400 Wm Miller clork 2 days 400 applied ou personal tax No coustablo reported Battle Creek precinct Frod Miller jr judgo J days aud 20 miles 800 E G Brink judgo 2days 100 applied on perosual tax Auir Stetfon judgo 3 days 4 00 Harry Barnes clork 3 days 400 Frank Martin clork 2 days 400 less posronal tax 325 balance 75 cents Phil Beck polico 1 day 200 Warnervillo preoinct O J Lodge clerk 2 days making re turns 1 day aud uiiliago for 10 milos 700 W K iettitt cicru z nays siuu E D Dauiol judgo 2 days 100 less porsonal tax 15 35 balance 05 cents Wm Bocho jr judgo 2 days 100 W II Boyd judge 3 days 1 00 less personal tax 43 coats balance 358 Harry Taunehlll police 1 day 3 00 Union precinct Ed Hyde judge 2 days f 100 M J ltiley judge 2 days 400 ap plied on personal tax O S Snyder judge 2 days 400 Johu J M ilone clerk 2 days -100 Wm Iseuhower clerk 1 days aud 1 mile 0 10 Claus Youug police 1 day 300 Fairview prooiuot E A Lyon judgo 3 dayB and 7 miles 0 70 Henry Witzol judge 2 days 400 Oscar Sundormau judgo 2 days 100 Fred Kurtz clerk 2 days 1 00 W W Stork clerk 2 days 100 No police appointed Schoolcraft preoinct W It Martin judgo 3 days 400 Underskirts Sale W flMih Puro Tallotta Silk haudsomo styles Petticoats as good as can bo found any where at 500 Salo price 338 i doz Black Satino Skirts caut bo matched for less than 1 fiO Salo prico 100 i doz lilack Satino Skirts braid ed equal value 125 All others at deep cut prices Bargains in Ladies Wrappers Prints 50c up Fleeced Flannelette 75c up House or Dressing Sacks 50c up All wash Embroidery Silks 2 skeins for 5c Pins penny a paper Thread 200 yds penny a spool applied on personal tax Frank Ambroz judge 2 days 100 C W Cluto judge 2 days 4 00 J C Osborn clerk 2 days 100 S M Dowliug clork and making re turns 5 days and 12 miles 720 ap plied on personal tax Thomas Lcstina constable 1 day 200 Emerick precinct John Horrocks judgo 5 days and 20 miles 8 00 Jay Vaughn judge 2 days 1 00 np plied on personal tax S H Grant judge 2 days 4 00 W W Young clerk 2 days 4 00 J H Twiss clork 2 days 100 ap plied on personal tax F II Willis pplico 1 day 200 Shell Crook precinct 1 A C Johnson judgo 2 days 1 00 George Morgan judge 2 days 400 appliod on personal tax C R Hinman judge 3 days 4 00 Mous Knutson clerk 5 duys and 23 miles 830 applied 011 personal tax A L Stowart clork 2 days 400 O Briukniiin constable 1 day 300 Kalamazoo preciuot J H Stibley judge 3 days and 18 miles 7 80 applied on personal tax Frod II Kohl judgo 2 days 400 Hortnau Eucker judgo 2 days 400 John Jostes jr clerk 2 days 400 Elmor McKibbon clerk 2 days 400 appliod on personal tax No constable appointed Groen Garden precinct Jacob Gabel man judge 2 days 100 Adam Gross judgo 8 days and 10 miles 7 00 Adam Emrick judgo 2 days 100 Honry Wehenkol clork 3 days 4 00 Henry Froudouburg clerk 2 days 100 No constable appointed Madison precinct J W Maguinuese judgo 3 days 000 O A Huylor judgo 3 days 000 August Litko judge 3 days 1500 J L Grant clerk 3 days 1100 A M Kochig clerk 4 days and 1 milo 8 K Matt Cleveland coustablo 1 dav 200 applied ou personal tax 1805 Geo R Wycoff canvassor 1 day 200 M B Foster canvasser 1 day 300 applied on personal tax City of Madison hall rout fuel otc 417 II W Warner hall rent 300 applied on personal tax O T Muflly setting up eloction booths 200 School district westlEmorick reut 250 School district Jeukius school house reut 250 School district No 27 rent aud fuel 2 50 On motion claim of A O Johnson for services as county commissioner miloace and postage was allowed 8410 Ou motion board adjourned fordinner aud mot at 1 p 111 The road petition siguod by Ira G Westervolt and X others asking that a publio road be located aud opened com meuciug at tho northeast corner of sec tion 19 township 24 north of range 4 west of the 0th principal meridian iu Madison county Nebraska running thence north one mile and terminating at tho southeast corner of section 7 iu same township and range was taken up Shoes Shoes Ladies Seo our Now Welt Jonucss Miller Winter Shoos It will pay you to got our prices on Overshoes and Winter Footwear More Staple Bargains Gray Guinea Flannel as good as sold at 10c sale prico 8c Good Guinea Flannel heaviest sale prico 9c Mens heavy leeced Socks always sold 2 for 25c salo prico II for 25c Mens heavy merino socks sale prico 2 for 25c Mens heavy black ido Work Shirts sale price 39c Mens outing llauuel Night Gowns salo prico 50c Childrens outing flannel Night Gowns salo prico 50c 15x33 fine Iluck Towels salo prico 10c 20x40 18c Genuino Turkey lied 15c Table Da mask salo prico 25 c Ladies Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 5c Mens 10c We Invite you to our store Yours respectfully THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS COMPANY NORFOLK NBBRMSKM Tho remonstrance signed by J A De Wolf and 54 others objecting to the es tablishment of paid proposed road was also read and considered Commissioner Johu J Hughes stated that ho would vote against the granting of the road for tho reason that in his opinion the publio good does not require the open ing thereof and for the further reason that tho benefits derived by the petition ers would not warrant the expense and cost of oponiug tho same Commissioner A C Johnson declared that ho opposed the petition for tho reason that ho thought tho board would not bo justified in cutting down tho dam ages as assessed by tho appraisers nnd that in his judgement tho said proposed road is not of sufficient importance to warrant the cost and expense of establish ing the same It was moved by H W Winter and seconded by John J Hughes that the petition of Ira G Westervolt aud others bo granted aud tho road opened as described in said petition The motion being put by tho chairman H W Win ter voted aye John J Hughes no A O Johnson no Tho motion was de clared lost and the petitiou disallowed and rejected On motions claims for costs incurred in above road caso wore audited and clork directed to pay tho same out of inonoy deposited James Itosoborough special commis sioner per diem and mileage 220 It D Scott publishing notice 500 W C Huycke constable serving in dividual notices on laud owners aud mileago 590 M L Perkins appraisers fee and mileage 250 S W Duel appraisers fee and mile age 250 Johu II Harding appraisers feo and mileago 250 In tho mattor of tho road petitioned for by J Hoopfinger nud others tho time for filing claims having expired tho clork was directed to appoint ap praisers On motion bonrd adjourned until 1 oclock p 111 November 28 1899 E G IIiniJiAN County Clerk DcafiifhH Cannot liu Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear There is only one way to euro deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tubo When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is en tiroly closed eeafness is tho result and unless tho inflammation caii bo taken out nnd this tube restored to its uormal condition hearing will bo destroyed forever nino cases out of ten nre caused by catarrh which is nothing but ait inflamed condition of tho mucous sur faces We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness causedby catarrh that cannot bo cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars froo J GKK Co ToledoO Sold by druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best f A- Vr y j l