s r 10 from Henry T Oxnard proRlclont of tho American Hoot Sugar rompntty announcing that W S Pardonnor and family will loavo Otllfornln tomorrow fot this placo mid that thoy may bo ox pool oil to arrive Imro on Friday Mr lardontior comos totnko chargo of llio Norfolk factory riiiritiir tho nlwonco of Managor R Whitor who goes to south orn Colorado whom tho company ifl untitling u now factory and wlioro Mr Woltzor Is needed for a short tinio in u lmnlnw1 capacity It will bo remain bored that Mr Iardoimor was for u numbor of years manager of tho Norfolk plant and that ho wont to dallfornlu last wintor In takoolmrgo of tho Ohliio factory whioh has Just llnlshod its run for tho season Tho arranRomont Ih only of a temporary nature but It will rIvo Mr and Mrs laidonner an oppor tunity to visit their friends in Norfolk of whom thoy still have many and who will bo Rhul to welcomo thorn back to Nebraska Thoy will tako rooms at tho msidoncoofIohn H Huya whilo in tho city TUESDAY TOPICS O II Folsoin of Plalnvlow is in tho oity Jns Newels of Albion is In tho molio polls S A MoFarhuid is a oity visitor from Lindsay Tas Johnson of West Point is n Sugar Oity visitor Nod lluloyof CieiRhton camo dova thlsmoruliiR II J Hiiukos of Lindsny was n city visitor over niRhl O II Wort of Oroighton was u city visitor this morniiiR T A Keoly of Greyly was an arrival in tho oity last night W O Hallls arraiiRiiiR to rnlllo oil his Rray drivhiR liorso Ranker O V Pitts of Alton Iowa was n oity visitor yesterday V II Blakonmn loft on tho noon train for u business trip to Chicago A K Anderson of Albion was an ar rival in tho city this morning Mrs A Whito who livos south of tho Junction is reported very low MissBurkny and Miss Krampo of Baxter Iowa aro tho Ruosts of Mrs F W Kiesau Miss Kdith Tatmaii returned to Fro mont whoro sho is attoudiuR school tills moruiuR Mr ami Mrs W J MoNamoo aro tho parents of a baby daughter born to thorn this morniiiR G II Cono adjusting agontfor tho Union Paoiflo railroad company was a oity visitor last night A N Frick representing a pleading wholesalo house of Omaha is talklug with tho liquor dealers Tom Foloy of Omaha formorly a res ident of this city is attomlinR tho con vention of liquor dealers Pat Stanton of Tildon vice president of tho association Is in thocity to attend tho liquor dealers convention M Meyor soprosontliig tho Krug Browing company of Omaha is in tho city attending tho convention Do not fail to hour Itov Ida Ilultou in her address before tho Woman SntTrago convention at tho Congregational church tonight F O Wolsou fc Council Bluffs Iowa gonoral managor of tho Plauoeonipuiy was a Sunday guost ut thoj homo of W II Blakeniau W G Wittick who formorly held a position In tho Citieim National bank at this placo Is now bookkooror for the firm of Weber Halo Co at Rochester Mlohigan Rev W It MoKim of Hartlugton passed through tho oity lostnlghton his way to Columbus to attend tho state inoetjug of tho Kpis copal church Ho is on tho program for a paper Tho boys of tho Seventh and Kighth grades of tho high school have organized a foot ball team and no doubt contoni plato an eudoavor to strugglo with tho high school classos for tho honor of tho field Munagor G T Sprochor and Richard Requa went down to West Point yester day to attend to telophonq business Tho former returned last night but tho latter will romaiu for a week doing line work A little girl by tho name of Johnson aged 10 or 12 years was taken veiy sick iiiSchool at South Norfolk yesterday Dr Mackay was sununonod to attend her and It is reported that sho is gotting along nicely Cards are out auuouucing tho mar riage of Miss Mildred OTerry to Jeffrey Westervolt formerly of this city The eveut will probably tako placo at tho home of tho brides pareuts north of Meadow Grove Tho date sot is Novem ber 29 Doo Brown of Randolph has beeu in another shootiug scrape which took place last Thursday night This time he was ebot by Village Marshall Carrol for re sisting arrest The shot took effect in his right leg Tha marshal was ou deavoriug to arrest him for being drunk and raising a disturbance Tub News was in error yesterday in eaying the receptiou for Bishop Williams would ba ou Sunday eveuiug It will probably be held Saturday evening at tho residenco of Mrs Jennie MoKim and will bo tondorod by tho Ladlos Guild tho church members and townspeople Ronorally will bo cordially welcome Tho performance al Marqnurdts hall lust night by Bllllu Holms Jay Coons Kroin Dhlo drew out a fair amllonco tho Interest especially centering In tho oako walk which was won by Col Kd Mason of this city and Mis Hcatrico Jonos of Fort Smith Arkansas Tho winning eon pin wcro presented with tho cako and also a medal A Washington dlspatoh states that a poi tion of tho industrial comlsslon will go to Chicago this wot k to conduct an Inves tigation into tho question of transporta tion Among tho witnesses who havo agreed to appear buforo tho board is Ohostor A Fuller ot this city represent iiiR the Business Mens Association Tho date sot for his testimony is No vember 18 Tho ontortainniont to bo given by Mr and Mrs Laurant at Marqtmrdts hall tomorrow evening promiacs to bo well attended and tho reputation of tho two persons is a guaranty that nouo will bo disappoint ml It is to 1m Riven under tho direction of tho ladies guild of Trinity ohuroh Tho Cincinnati En qulifcr says of tho profonnanco An hour and a halfs program that has novor boon equalled in this city Tickets may bo obtained at Leonards drugstote up town and Ilershisors at South Norfolk A county womans suffrago convention convenes today in tho lecture room of tho First Cougrogatiouul church tho object being to promote equal suffrage In tho state and organize for an active campaign Tho session will continue touionow Tho convention is held under tho auspices of the National American Woman Suffrago association Hopresontativo spoukers and workors from both orgauiations aro in attend ance and it is expected that tho meetings will bo lull of interest and largely at tended Tho Nebraska Rot all Liquor Dealers association is today convened in this city to hold its Bomi aunual meeting the ob ject of which is to canvass tho situation throughout tho stato in regard to busi ness discuss methods of promoting their welfare and especially to havo a good time Tho mooting is being nttouded by noarly a hundred delegates from nil parts of tho stato Tho first sossiou was called to ordor at 2 oclock this afternoon in the Murquardthall tho delegates be ing callod togothorby music by tho baud whloh mot ut tho Oxuard and marched to tho hall wlioro thoy roudorod sovoral Boloctious Mayor Simpson was occordod a placo ou tho program to dollvor an ad dress of welcome which ho is abund antly ablo to do Dr A Bear is ou tho p ogrum for an address this ovouiug Lincoln Journal Col A E Oampboll of tho Second regimout Nebraska na tional guard who is iu Deuvor ou a mouths loavoof absouco has sout in his resignation us a momborof tho veteran corps of tho Lincoln Light iufantry Ho is omployod by tho Burlington rail road ut Douvor and his reason for resign ing from tho votoran corps is that ho is no longer a resident of tho stato His resignation as colonel of tho regimout is oxpected to follow Tho resignation from tho votoran corps will be consid ered at a mooting of tho company Mon day ovouiug All mombors ot tho rogl mout aro iutorostod iu tho forthcoming election of a succossor to Colonel Camp bell Au eloctiou will not bo called by tho adjutant gonoral until tho explratiou of Colouol Campbells loavo of absouco or until ho resigns Lieutenant Oolouel Traoy of Norfolk is uow iu command of tho regimout Tho old timor havo consulted their gooso bone the corn husks aud other iufallablo proguosticators and tho result of their deliberations is au open winter for this soction this year The follow ing from tho Black Hills also foretells a dry soason for next year as it is said that snow ou tho mountains moans plenty of ruin aud no snow means tho reverse Thus far the weather has boou very mild aud iluo aud old miners are planning upon several weeks more of warm weather while tho Indians prophesy that thoro will bo no snow in tho hills this wintor to speak of basing their prediction upou the fact that tho leavos upon tho trees along tho moun tain streams dried boforo falling off This slgu is to tho Indians an infallible muou Tho cattlomen baso thoirprodio ion upou tho appearance of 6took Ihey say that when i auge cattle havo a light growth of hair they aro pretty sure that the wintor will bo mild and feel safe iu arranging accordingly Last winter for instanco thoy Bay that cattle put ou a vory heavy coat of fur and tho usual result of a hard wintor followed Cattlouiou say that this full stock has a very light coat of fur Ranchmen report thin corn husks whioh is their sigu of au opon warm winter Iettt r List List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postollico Novembor 7 1899 Lafayette Halhtead Carrel Baldwin Leanord Boughnmu Oliver Anderson Jack Buchauuou li II Evans Fred Towle Lusy Frauk John Hagau Wm Kiupka J G Sim Leru Giles Mrs Moouey Heury Priuz James Smith If uot called for iu ftO days will be 6eud to tho dead lettor oillce Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Spukcukk P M THE xVORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1890 DECISION IN BRADYCASE An Ac lion Tliitt lui Itnrti tlnforo llin Cniirln for Nlnn Vrnrn 1HhmiI of The caso In which Mrs Lucinda Brady was plaintiff and tho 0 St P M fc O Railroad company defendant has at last boon disposed of by a doclsion of tho su premo court It has boon on trial for nino years past during which tinio it was boforo tho district court throo times and boforo tho supremo court twice It wos a suit glowing out of an Occi dent in whioh Mr Brady rccolvcd in juries that resulted In his death Tho accident occurred at tho railroad crossing near tho CrulRhton depot The Sioux Oity train was coming up from tho Junction on Its way cast and Mr Brady was approaching tho track from tho woM drivhiR a hay wagon Tho evidence went to show that tho train was running at tho rate of llvo miles an hour aud as Brady approached tho rise leading up to tho track tho horses slacked up and tho fireman supposed ho was stopping Instead tho team was whipped up and au effort mudo to cross Tho engine struck tho wagon aud Mr Brady wiib severely injured Tho verdict of tho distriot court iu which tho action was tried was for tho dofeudiuit ou the grounds that tho plain tiff was guilty of contributory negligouco iu driving onto tho railroad track iu front of an npproaohiug train without Btopping to look or listen whethor tho train was coming or uot Tho supreme court alllnnod tho do els on of tho district court thus dispos ing of tho caso Following is tho opinion of Judge Nerval Whore contiibutory nogligonco was tho proximate cause of personal injury thoio can bo no recovery of damages Whero thoro is no coullict iu the evi dence and but one resonablo inference can bo drawn from tho facts tho ques tion of negligouco iB for tho court The attoruejB for tho plaintiff through out tho action wore Robertson Wigtou and Whitham Attomoy for tho do ponso J B Baruos llii it Wiiiitril HimtlnrH Bright actlvo honest boys aro wanted at onco by tho St LouiB Sunday Star to act as agonts for this great papor which sells readily whorovor presented Tho agonts obtain tho papers ou most fnvor ablo terms aud hundreds of boys all over tho country aro maklug good money handling it You can do tho same aud havo niouoy for tho holiday Booson Tho papers aro sout to you postpaid and you run no risk as you got credit for heads of unsold papers returned Write at ouco to Mauagor Circulation St Louis Star St Louis Mo Wasted soyoral bright aud honest porsous to roprosout us as managers iu this aud oloso by counties Salary 000 a your aud expenses Straight bona fide no more uo less salary Position perma nent Oar roforouces auy buuk iu auy towu It is mainly otlico work con ducted at homo Roferouco Enclose self addressed stamped onvelopo Tub Dominion Company Dopt 1 Chicago Ibhh Tliiin CI1h lor Copy The St Louis Sunday Star with beautiful colored cover of humorous matter nrtistio music folio of uow aud original songs tho 21 page magazine iu book form containing short stories fashion plates articles on timely topics by loading authors and haudsomo illustrations All tho nows from polo to polo Mailed to auy address threo mouths for 50 cents Address St LouiB Star St Louis Mo Samplo copy can bo soon at this otlico Attaml College TIiIh Year Never in tho history of our country was thoro a grander opportunity thau the present for educated youug men and women What au auspicious momont for those who aro just uow on the threshold of lifo Grand Island Business and Normal collogo has for fourteen years beeu tho leading institution of its kind in the western states and last year moro thau twice as many calls were received for itB graduates as could bo suppliod Everything necessary for a successful start iu life is taught business normal and shorthand courses Expenses low Board only 1 fiO por week Ouo yearB time given on tuition if desired Col lege rocord sout free or for six conts will send elegant catalogue A M Hahiuis President Grand Island Neb MukIu Allium Free Subscribe for St Louis Sunday Star and you will receive with each number a now song regular sheet music sie with lithograph titlo handsome J 1 page nmgaino iu book form with beautiful illustrations tho colored covor of funny mutter for the lit tlo folks and all tho uows Send fit cents for threo months trial subscription Address St Louis Star St Louis Mo A copy of tho pa per can bo soon at this otlico Iliirlluiftiui Ieta Conduct Sidney Neb Nov 15 Tho Bur lington Railroad company has let tha contract for grading from Bridgeport Neb to Brush Col Tho bridgo across tho Platte river 110 miles north of hero is ncariug completion Toutaa uastor aud his son-in-law Westervolt are hero buying up moro right-of-way Flreiuun Filially SouliUul Nouth Piattk Nub Nov 15 Hays demons nromau ou ongiuo No 1710 was sculded to death at Chappoll lutt night by tho bursting of au arch pipo His parents livo at Her6hey Neb Quarantine Aiculiut Ilucue Tkif stk Nov 15 Owing to a death from tho plague ou board a Turkish steamer all arrivals from the Mediter ranean are uow subjected to a period of observation K Alllua JnorKO jlrncblor Foil County Hiikuiik Hnlilllillnnti 1 I Doin Siimnol X lnnbiiir IlopnbliciiiiO wmr v 1 ipnny I 1 Uoill i uit i nm i uijihiiv Hmiitinl AMcKny Itopiibllrnn - j no Foil SlMMHINTCMIIINT IIP Illlllll lMMTIltTliw joo W Hnlilor Kopiiblicnn i mini i v nun L i Doin Ton County Suit ioii Wlllliiin II Limn Hoimhliciiu John I Hoovur IJ Doin Koit Count y Coitosini IMuitrilTmilior Uopubllnin lNink 0 Suitor I I Doin Ton Counts Commission k Kiuht Disiiiipt ClirlBScliinitt Hotiubllcnii ItimI KiiiiI l I WEDNESDAY WRINKLES ShorilT Losoy was a city visitor yostor day Peter Schad of Dodgo is a visitor iu tho Sugar Oity August Hochno of Stautou was a city visitor yesterday Peter IIolV was a Ilartington visitor iu Norfolk yesterday Ohas Harding mndo a business trip to Sioux City yesterday G II Ghvsser of Windsido was in tho Sugar City yesterday A baby boy was bom to Mr and Mrs August Vielo hist week Bob Appleby clork of Stautou county was in tho city yesterday Judge J B BaruoB went to Bloomficld this morning on logal business W A Moldonhauor has jast returned from a business trip into Wayne county C 11 Burrows departed today for a weeks visit with his brothor at Ohey ouue Wyoming A W Treuholm superintendent of tho O St P M O road wus a city visitor yestorday F K Kliple traveling freight agont of tho Burlington liuo was a visitor iu Norfolk yesterday Tho opeuiug of the now rooms of tho Congregational church has boou in definitely postponed Mrs O H Reynolds entertained tho Tuesday club yestorday aftornoou iu honor of Mrs Finch Dr A Boar is haviug his residence ou Norfolk avenuo and Niuth etreot im proved by a uow coat of paiut Mr aud Mrs Jonas Welsh of Colum bus are expected hero this evening to visit Conductor Fox and family M Cray of Mankato Minn claim agont of tho O St P M j O roadwus iu tho city yesterday ou business F M Flansburg deputy supreme commander of tho Macabeos is iu the city ou business connected with that order Workmen aro today placing tho first joists iu the uew Catholic church Tho work of laying tho briok is progressiug nicely Miss Bessio Cooloy will go to Butte to tako charge of tho patient recently oporatod on by Dr Salter iu the capacity of uurso Itov G H Main has returned from Coleridge where he attended tho district conference Hu roports a very interest iug session Oue of tho Fair store delivery wagous broke down iu front of tho postofllce this noon aud tho contents of the wagon had to be unloaded Tho Kpworth League will give a mu sical social ou Friday eveniug in tho oaguo room of tho ohuroh All aro cordially invited to attend A hunting party couBistiug of M D Tyler Sol G Mayor W II Bucholz aud O H Reynolds went west of tho city yesterday in search of game A uew joko is going tho rounds as follows Have you soeu that wonder ful magician No What about him Ho cau turn a glass of beer iuto a man Tho trick of a board walk Hying up and hitting a person is an old one but a reporter hist ovouiug noticed a stoue crossing tly up and hit a young lady quite hard Tho stones were not broken Carl tho 11 -year-old sou of Mr nud Mrs I J Johusou living ou West Nor folk avenuo whilo trying to get on a passing buggy got his leg caught iu tho wheol and received some painful bruises The old beer vault north of the Creigh tou depot owned by tho Auhouser Busoh company has beeu remodoled iuto an Ice house aud a line uow vault will be erected adjoining it on the south 0 13 Ilazeu will depart tomorrow for Ashland Oregon to join his family who loft several weeks ago aud will make that their future home Mr Hazen has remained to close up his bus iness affairs The followlug item Bigued Business Men wus handed in this morning i NOHKOIiK M XV IVS N 10S Wi 7 10 lilt m 81 121 ltd 0 1211 Si 101 1011 101 114 IS HI 10- 112 174 m 171 XV 7K 72 K h lf2 102 177 K 173 1SI SI m lis no IK 20 1401 111 OFFICIAL VOTE OF MADISON COUNTY NOVEMBER 7 1899 OANDIDATKS Foil Iiiixiu of tiikHuihkhi ouiit Miitmiili II Itonan Kntnilillcnti nimn imicomn r l Uom Mllvor Hop run 111 in ur 1 hi o r 1 H UHn rlIHITY Wlllllllll II ICIv Itnmilltn Kilimiiiil I MrUIIUm Hnpiihllrim liiim li Tcnlors I 1 Dotii Hllvor Hop ivimi 1 n on r 1 iom ninor imp liiirlnn i Mm t 1 Irxlilllilini Albort Illcli Prohibition rim rm p im rn iuiikIAI IJIht inn Alison A Wnlrli HmmMlriii William V Allan I I Horn run mum ill- 1 111 inn i Kit l LUUIll Clir Holmvliiinl Hopubllcm Hmmml MrKllioiM l iom Pill ffllTNTV riilllp Hniirli Itopiilillcnn illinium I ourimy I 1 Uom 1 on i ountv TiiHumit M 121 K 74 120j iiui SS in ift tun 131 M 13D m XM 1M 101 120 xo 1VI K2 121 T 1 1 Hi 111 13 J M 12 l il W 13 ss 12 13M SOT 14H 131 XVA XW 137 121 i2 2T 232 157 m 212 170 132 251S 171 xm 212 229 iroj 231 m m kS K 4 73 13 102 7t 113 m no 01 74 DO 73 S2 h 2i a 5P Perhaps tho growing kick by tho morn ing contemporary would havo moro force if tho old junk was removed from In front of tho Times otlico Tho Fort Sidnoy military reservation in Choyonno county is to be sold nt auc tion on Novembor 15 It is a very valu able pioco of property HO acres iu ox tent containing many haudsomo resi dences and other improvements It is uotcd that C J Stockwcll has boon banking up his house aud other wiso preparing for cold weather and tho homo coming of his wife who has beou absent several weeks visiting frionds and rolatives iu Iowa aud South Dakota A follow giving the name of S Mur laud was arrested yestorday charged with being a plain drunk Ho was brought boforo Judge Hayes who assessed him a fine which with costs amounted 1010 Tho money was paid aud tho ofleudor discharged Oflicor Kauo arrested a inau giving the name of Flemmiug at the Junctiou Monday ou the suspicion that ho wus a criminal wanted in another part of tho country The fellow gave his homo as 88 Seattle and proved not to be the iudivid 1 ual wanted so was givou his liberty Friends of Rev aud Mrs W H Eaton to the number of a houseful called on them at their home on South Fourth street last evening without announcing their iutontions The party took tho form of a pouud social aud resulted in a miscellaneous collection of all kiuds of products being left on tho table of the reverend goutleman and his wife Thoso who attended tho function report a most enjoyable evening The beet sugar factory at Carlsbad New Mexico expects to start on its fourth annual sugar campaign on the 20th of this month Tho campaign is but waiting for the ripeuiug of the boots which it is expected will bo iu condi tion for working by tho date set Tho machinery of tho factory has been over hauled and repaired and many improve ments have beou made A successful campaign is therefore anticipated A railroad conductor from Washing ton to Baltimore tells the following I found a lady in black grieving profusely 1 asked My poor madam cau I bo of any help to you aud what is the mat tor Sho replied O conductor con ductor I have my husbands remains in the baggage car carrying them to Balti more to bo cremated A little farther down tho car a lady just as handsome as the other said to me Conductor what ails that good sister Madam I replied she is carrying the body of her husband to Baltimore to be cremated aud I am surprised at her grief as it is her fourth husband Lady No 2 began to weep very loudly and in great sur prise I said Madam you aro worse than tho other sister What ails you O conductor tho Lord is not good I havo trusted to the Lord for forty years aud novor had uary husband and thero is a womau with husbands to burn Mr Warraut supervisor of tho opera house is now prepared fo deliver tho tickets subscribed for good for tho open ing night Tho eutortaiumout will tako placo about Jauuary 1st or as soon thereafter as possible The plau of tho seating capacity is now coinplotod aud provides for 818 seats divided as follows Four boxes of eight seats each 13 Par quot Soctiou A II B 81 059 total 222 Parqnet circlo D 57 K 8i F 57 total 200 Balcony Lower sectiou G 53 II 55 Kr total 101 Balcony Upper section L 58 M 107 N r8 total SiA The seats aro nil desirable and a good viow of tho stage can be obtained from auy of them Tne work ou the buildiug is progressing finely aud It is believed that inside of a week tho struoture will be ready for tho roof The walls are now nbovo the tops of tho side doors aud windows Tho weather has thus for beeu vory favorable for the work aud it is the hope of all friends of the enterprise that it may bo coutiuue Considerable intorest was in evidenco concerning the promised shower of meteors last night and it is isafe to presume that there were a larger num iC m II iy 0 4S 5 vJ 311 7 31 82 31 81 71 177 74 13 ll7 l3 to l Sffl 143 3 Ill 189 71 1H2 Sffl 192 821 71 31 ri 31 50 CO 49 48 34 fiffi 02 49 00 69 m r2 411 iniroi 701195 lmrf3 1231391 117 1400 rsiav 138 80 113 111 w US 1797 1901 1309 1729 tr44 14U10I8 75 3 88 143 81 154 701 112 71 150 00 10l 1481 1819 142H 1802 1131 1816 17 m 1771 1402 531 491 Z o 3 B0 103 121 312 532 181 331 434 432 272 30 37 her of wido awake oyes than usual watch lug tho starry heavens Alarm clocks which had uot beeu usod for years wero brought into requisition parties wore organized to assist each other in keeping awako nud other methods wero employed to warn curious poople if tho Bpoctaclo should tako place Tho sky was cloud less but uo meteors appeared to tho anxious watchers with one exception Sol Mayor claims ho saw ono but ho has not produced tho papers in substantia tion of the assertion It is reported that Asa K Leonard took up his vigil on tho back stoop of his residouco prepared to witness everything going and then some but the soft balmy breezes lulled him to sleep and ho would havo missed tho sight if a million meteors had pre cipitated thonisolves across tho range of his vision It is said tho watchers will keep vigil with renowed courage tonight and some of thorn hope to give a signal that will awake their less vigilant frieuds should tho spoctaclo take placo WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS A County Convention lu Session Here Yes terday and Toduy From Wednesdays Daily The county Womans Suffrage con vention was opened at tho Congrega tional church last evening with a brief address by the manager Miss Gregg of Kansas After the invocation and tho rendi tion of some music the audience was addressed by Rev Ida C Hultin of Il linois iu a masterly speech The speaker gave evidence of being woll informed on the subject handled and her remarks wero attentively listeued to The convention continues through to day and the evening session will bo hold a the Congregational church this evening at 8 oclock Rev Hultin and Mrs Evelyn H Beldon president of tho Iowa Womans Suffrago association will speak tonight All interested iu tho movement are invited to attend the meetings aud be come informed ou tho work aud tho man uer of handling it SOUTH NORFOLK Mrs A Fishback is ou the feick list Geo W Beymer who has been absent for some time has returned Rev Chas Rowse of Niobrara passed through today enrouto home with the remains of his daughter who died in a hospital at Omaha Geo W Hossman of Creightou passed through yesterday with four cars of blooded cattle purohased in the east which will go toward stocking up his ranch near the abovo town A J Kuolliu Co nro now engaged in the interesting process ofdipplng tho bunch of sheep recently received by them for the curing and provontiou of disease They havo got through with about 1000 head and it will require a week or moro to oompleto tho job Ha laughs best vho laughs last If you tako HoodB Sarsaporilla you may laugh first last aud all the time for it will make you well Half SiGlt a Half Well Many persons havo their Rood day and1 ticwl flair Uknn r 4 Others aro about half 4um y j ne nil thn tlmn Tim unoy navo neaaaone backache and aro restfesa and nervous Food does not tasto good and tho diges tion is poor the skin Is dry and callow anddisflguredwlthpimniesororuptlona iiA b wutvsmuy nuiAHtk UUIUC11 it uai uuusus IU13 And tha remedy Impure blood Agers Sarsaporilla M H It falrAB nilt nil Imnii Uln it m - mw- VUw uiiitllwa ilUUI WW wtten these aro romored nature IDiooa right hold and completes tho cure 1rlnA ftl ftrt a litta A 1ll wwf w vvh tsvtlv WIV Ul UiUglHUI A7 nsiipauon tako Ayerl Pills Frlce 26c a box WrlU to the doctor all the particulars In rOtlrrllA Vnn will ronolva Lirffhont U v wrviziw v VM u v Al JIl tOHClb MiiiV i