The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 21, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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    v a
Proceedings of the Republican
County Convention
liloRutlonB KiMortcd From Vxrry Irr
Hurt In the County NoihIihipk rlnroil
on tlio Tlrkot lnililo of Two Hour mill
tho Convention Ailjotirim
KromSntiUilnjR Dully
Chirk District Court Oik Sen wiami
Cnntit Clnrk Iliiiir llu en
Treasurer HC Mtli
KlirritT f L 1 midniu
County Iniluo S AMmiw
SuporintiMiiliMit Piilillr liiMriiciiioii
Coroner V Mil Twsnit
Surwjor W II Lw
Count ConimIslonir llrst District
Cuius Smith
Tho republican county convention mot
today tit Bnttlo Greek as per cull in tho
opera honso for tho purposo of unming
candidntos for tho vnrioitB county ollleea
to be filled at tho gouertvl election this
fall choosing dologutoB to tho stuto and
judicial conventions and transacting
such othor business likely tocomo before
tho mooting
When Chairman S A Mackiy called
tho convention to order at 1 1 10 this
morning there was a very complete rep
resentation from tho various voting pre
cincts nil earnest in their dosiro tonamo
a winning ticket and with but little dif
foronco of opinion concerning tho tim
ber of which it should bo constituted
Tho first order of business was tho
making of a temporary organization
For this purpose W M Robertson of
Norfolk was chosen as temporary chair
mad and James Nichols of Madison as
temporary secretary
After taking his seat tho chair ap
pointed a committee of five on creden
tials consisting of P H L Willis M
Gross E A Bullock O A Randall and
O H Snyder
A committee of three on resolutions
consisting of S O Campbell P H L
Willis and C J Stockwell was also
These preliminary proceedings com
pleted the convention adjourned until
1 30 p min order to give tho committees
an opportunity to prepare their reports
and allow tho delegates to got dinner
The convention was oalled to ordo r
again at 2 oclock and tho Battle Creek
band rendered a selection Hail to the
Chief After they had finished the
convention extended a vote of thanks
their musio being highly appreciated by
the delegates
The report of the committee on cre
dentials showed that every precinct in
the county was represented by a delega
The temporary organization was
made permanent
The committee on resolutions reported
as follows
Resolved That we heartily endorse
the patriotism and statesmanship of the
administration of President William
Resolved That wo reaffirm our ap
proval of and our allegiance to the prin
ciples of the republican party as ex
pressed in tho national platform of 1890
believing that to their enforcement
during tho last threo years is duo tho
unexampled prosperity now enjoyed by
this nation and its high position among
the powers of the earth
Resolved Thnt we take just pride in
the glorious achievements of the Ameri
can arms on land and soa in tho late
war with Spain Especially do wo
commend tho soldiers of tho First Ne
braska whose deeds of heroism and
silent suffering on field and in camp
while upholding our national flag have
added imperishable lustre to tho name
of our commonwealth
Resolved That we commend tho sol
diers of the Second and Third Nebraska
regiments who by their prompt re
iponso to thoir countrys call and their
soldierly conduct through all the dif
ficulties of their military servico have
set example of patriotism worthy of
Tho report of tho committee was
unaimously adopted
After othor work of tho convention
was transacted tho nomination of
candidates for tho county ollicors was
taken up
For clerk of tho district court Chris
Schavland who has hold tho position so
satisfactorily during the past term was
renominated without opposition
Philip Bauoh was named for county
For Treasurer It O Miles was placed
iu uoiminntion
Norfolks candidate for fsheriff S L
Gardner waa successful in having his
name placed on the ticket
S A Mackny chairman of the county
central committee was named for couuty
For superintendent of publio instruc
tion George Snyder a young teacher
in the Tildon schools was nominated
Dr Edward Tanner of Battle Creek
who has for years past so well filled
the position was renominated for cor
For county surveyor W II Lowe of
this city waB placed on the ticket
After the county ticket had been nom
inated the dolegntes representing tho
First Commissioners district got to
gether and uamed Chris Smith for the
The ticket put up is a strong one and
the delegates departed feeling that they
had well served the interests of the party
which they repersent
From Momlayf Daily
The breaking of the telophone wire to
Battlo Crook Saturday afternoon cut
short tho roport of tho republican county
convention although tho main facta
wero given In nominating tho ticket
announced utmost harmony prevailed
ovory candidate except ono being solocted
by acclamation Tho ono exception was
on county clork whtio a ballot was
taknn giving W McDonald of Moadow
GrovoWu and Philip Biuch of Madison
fills votes wheroupon motion prevailed
that tho nomination of Mr Hunch bo
unanimous Messrs Schavland Hauch
Miles Gardner and MucKuy appeared
before tho convention and thanked tho
dolegntes for tho nominations nnd
Charles Snyder mitdo n ringing speoch
on bohalf of his son Geo Snyder
placed on tho ticket as superintendent
of publio instruction who was sorgeunt
of company H First Nobrasku and at
that time was iu Lincoln with his regi
Tho following named wero oloctod as
delegates to tho stato convention to bo
hold at Omaha Septombor 21 J H
Uarues W M Robertson John E
Douglas M L Thompson E A Bul
lock Cha Smith S O Campbell
Smith Grnnt EbortOlHou J II Thomp
son W N Huso A L Stewart J W
ltauBom lloury Massumn C S Smith
S M Dowling
Delegates to tho judicial convention
nt Norfolk on September 25 wero uamod
as follows Hurt Mapes Wm Paikin
son A 1 Johnson II II Killburn
Geo N Bools T A SchalTer Jus Clark
T L Gurus Jus Nichols Goo D Smith
S M Johnson W II Rish WmLowo
J S McClury Geo Richardson
Tho following named wero selected
as members of tho couuty central com
Norfolk First wnrd F K Fulton
Second wnrd Clyde Eiseloy Third
ward Burt Mapes Fourth ward J II
Thompson OutBido Geo D Smith
Jefferson T A Sohaffer
Battlo Creek H H Killburn
Madison J S Nichols
Union Cluus Young
Highland J Kneasol
Fairviow Sam Dunn
Valley David Whitla
Warnorville O A Slooper
Grove W B Hutchinson
Green Garden Jacob Goblemau
Deer Creek John Crook
Shell Creek C A Randall
Schoolcraft S M Dowling
Kalamazoo John Jostes jr
Emerick A B Richardson
ArtlcleH of Incorporation
Know all men by these Presents
That the undersigned have associated
themsolvoB together for the purpose of
forming and becoming a corporation
under tho laws of Nebraska and for
that purpose have adopted articles of in
The name of said corporation is The
Salter Coal and Grain company with
its principal place of business at Norfolk
The general nature of the business to
be transacted is tho purchase and selling
of lumber grain coal and livo stock
tho building owning buying selling
leofting and operating elevators coal
and lumber yards and tho doing of all
thiiigfl incident and necessary in connec
tion therewith and tho borrowing and
lending money necessary to tho carry
ing on of said business
The amount of tho capital stock is
five thousaud dollars divided into
shares of ono hundred dollars each
Tho time of tho commencement of tho
business of tho corporation is September
20th 180l nnd to continue for twouty
fivo years
Tho highest amount of indebtedness
to which this corporation may at any
one time subject itself shall be not to ex
ceed two thirds of its capital stock
The business of tho corporation shall
be conducted by a board of three di
rectors who shall chooso tho president
vice president secretary and treasurer
and may select tho same person for any
two of said offices Such ollicors may
or may not bo stockholders
Until their successors are olected and
qualified the following named persons
towit G B Salter O B Salter and
P G Salter shall constitute tho board
of directors G B Salter
O B Salter
P G Salter
Iloail Notice to Iuiul Otvnom
To all whom it may concern
Tho commissioner appointed to view
and locate a road commencing at tho
northeast corner of tho northwest quar
ter of tho northwest quarter of section
5 in township 24 north rouge 1 west of
the 6th principal meridian in Madison
county Nebraska running theuco east
on section lino between sections 2G nnd
35 and 25 aud iU a distance of one mile
nnd CO rods and terminating at the in
tersection of said section lino with the
public highway running from the city
of Norfolk to tho town of Stanton has
reported in favor of tho establishment
thereof nnd all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in tho
couuty clerks ofllco on or before noou
of tho 7th day of October A D 1800 or
said road will be established without
reference thereto
Dated at Madison Nebraska this 7th
day of August 18J
E G Hfiluax
County Clerk
Southern Literature
Interesting literature regarding the
South ia now being distributed by tho
Southern Railway Southern Homes
folders large map folders Land of the
Sky booklets Southern PieldB Min
erals and Mines booka etc mailed free
to any address Tho Empire of the
South a very handsome volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
alBO issued by the Southern Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 25
ceuts which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm H Tavlob
Asat GenIPaas Agent Southern Ry
Louisville Ky
Tub Nkwb jod department 1b com
plete in every particular
Norfolk Factory Will Start
Monday Morning1
Wilt CoinmoiiroSIUiInc With iilioiit I Mill
Toiih of Itoiitit In Tho lliirly
Murt It it looit Thine for 1iirinnra i
Wall HiihIiiikh Mimi
IVom Hnttucltus Dull
Tho Norfolk sugar factory will start
upon its ninth campaign novt Monday
aud tho prospects aro for a longer run
than usual thifl year owing to the fact
thnt in addition to tho crop raised Tor
this factory u portion of the beets in
tended for tho Aiuoh plant will bo
worked hero It had boon intended to
start tho factory today but ho litno was
doferrod two days more so thnt thoro
would bo no doubt but that Hulllolout
boots would bo in tho Rhods to prevent
having to wuit nftor tho start was ac
tually mado
Tho factory has presented a scone of
activity for many weeks whilo tho re
pairs woro boing made but during tho
past ton duyn tho employes huvo beou
unusually busy finishing up thoso ropairs
and getting everything in readiness for
tho beginning of tho campaign Whilo
tho iusido of tho factory has boon busy
siuco last Tuesday morning farmers
wagons loadod with beets huvo boon
rolling townrd tho plant in an almost
endless procession whilo many moro
have boon coming in on tho train It
iB cbtimntod that by Monday morning
thoro will bo 1 500 toiiB of boots in tho
sheds of which about 10 car loadfi will
have beou shipped in by rail Besides
this a groat number of cars of coal and
limo havo been received and when tho
wheels of tho groat plant aro put iu mo
tion at 7 oclock Monday morning thoro
will bo an abnudauco of supplies of all
kinds on hand nnd everything will
go off liko clock work About 20 hours
after the first Bcalo of boots aro sliced
granulated sugar will connnouco to ap
pear at tho roflnory end of tho factory
and from that time on until tho cum
paign closes thoro will bo a corstant
stream of sugar pouring into sacks from
tho mouth of tho drying drum Tho
article thus produced is tho finest quality
of granulnted sugar and can not bo dis
tinguished from tho best southern mado
cauo sugar which is attostod by tho
fact that tho Norfolk sugar factory took
the first prizo at tho Omaha exposition
iu 1898 for quality and purity
Tho tonnage of boots harvested so fur
is fair and if tho season continues fav
orable for growing by tho timo tho late
beets aro harvested the yield will make
a good avorago crop Tho boots thuB
far aro testing very well indeed the
average being about 14 per cent whilo n
few Holds have gone as high as 10 to 17
per cent aud ono exceptional fiold has
given 17- percent Tho oarly starting
of the factory should and will bo appre
ciated by tho growers as it will enable
thorn to harvest all their crop before
cold woather sets in
The early start at the factory is also a
benefit to tho business interests of the
city becnuso with tho beginning of work
at tho factory fall trade of tho merchants
invariably opens Not only is tho mon
ey which is paid for tho beetB put into
circulation but tho work in tho factory
where between 200 and S00 men aro
employed together with the work of
harvesting in tho fields proves an im
mediate and powerful factor in stimu
lating tho trade of the city Thoro is
no doubt but that ovory man who wants
work this fall in this vicinity canhecuro
omploymont Whilo tho sugar com
pany always considers applications
made by people living hero first
if not onough men apply for posi
tions then of course they must tako
those from away This has boon tho
case in several instances in preparing
for this campaign
AtWtml CnllrKTliiH Veitr
Never in tho history of our country
was thoro a grander opportunity than
the prosout for educated young men and
womou What an auspicious moment
for thoso who aro just now on tho
threshold of life
Grand Island Business aud Normal
college has for fourteou years boon tho
leading institntiou of its kind in tho
western states aud last year moro than
twice as mauy calls wero received for
its graduates as could be supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start iu life is taught business uonnul
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only 160 per week Ono years
time given on tuition it desired Col
lego record Bent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Harkos President
Grand Island Neb
Jleul Kniaie IruiiHters
The following transfers of real estate
aro reported by Chester A Fuller
ager of the Madtsou county abstract
office nt Norfolk
John N Walker aud wifo to
Elmer H Walker qcd part
of bwJ BwJ4 84 114 1000 00
Georgo J Brochler unmarried
to Chas Heggemoyer wd ne
noK H nh na H 20
and bw4 swJ4 24 and nwJ4
uwK 25 and bo bo4 23 23
3 8400 00
Josephino Heckeudorf to W
Wesley Roberts wd lot 12
block 6 Koenigateius addi
tion Norfolk 510 00
No flotrt Ntitliim WMittrt
The United Stntrs commissioner lo
the Purls exposition desires the fact
olllelally stntoil thit no such undig
nified production as a Hfo sheil gold
fitatue nf a woman will Im permitted
In the Paris exposition grounds either
an nn exhibit or a eonrosslon It Is
proposed lo maintain the dignity of
tho fulled Slates exhibit nnd not lo
MirournRo or penult ndvei Using whlih
would lelleet discredit upon the nation
IhdlumlH Cal nun a giant mowing
machine whlrh cuts a irtilp ot wheat
llfty feel wide
Its wonderful resourced nnd superior
ndvnutiigos to lioiiieseoliors are not
forth In a handsome illustrated pam
phlet jn t issued by the Prison Lino
Passenger Department Iopy will bo
mulled free nn Application to llryan
Snyder llouerul IAsnongor Agent St
Louis Mo
TntiitU MolS
The Putted States Patent Ofllro rec
ords show thnt 111 patentees who re-
j celved patents this week
4 A
nail stun eiiuer a pari or
tho entire Interest In their
Inventions Ill In means
that Hi per cent of the
luvenlorn have been suc
cessful In soiling their
Amongst the prominent
mailufucturern who bought these In
ventions am the
American Shoo Machinery Co Port
land Me
The lorbam Manufacturing Co
Providence H I
Hrown fltiurpo Manufacturing Co
Providence II I
Winchester Kopanllng Armu Co
Now lUvutt Conn
Western Ulloctrlc Co of Chicago
Srovllln Manufacturing o Wnter
bury Conn
American lilectrlc Vehlolo Co Chi
Ilothlnhein Iron Co South Bethle
hem Pa
Inventors desiring froo Information
ns to tho luw anil practice of patents
may obtain tho same In addresHlng
Sues Co Hoglfitored Patent Attor
neys Omntiu Nob
Inroniatlv Hunt
Durini tho poht fow months tho
Baltimore and Ohio railroad has ma
terially extended tho runs of the pas
senger locomotives on throuijh trains
EVirmnrlv enilnos were chiuicod on an
averago 6very 100 or 150 miles It woa
thought thM the mountain grados of
tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad woulif
prevent an extension of the ninB How
ever tho eyjerlmont was made It ha
proved successful and roducod th
number of locomotives formorly re
quired by twenty four which cn be
uaed in atber branchos of the service
and nave the purchase of more motive
power Under the now plan locomo
tives are double crewed and make from
7000 to 8000 miles a month as against
360 to 4000 under tho termor method
The best quallflod to Judge reckon
that tho fortune left by A T Stewart
which he loft to the care of the late
Judge Hilton amounted to about 40
000000 Mrs Stewart survived hor
husband ten years and tho great
Stewart fortune survived her ten
years In 1870 Stewart died In 188G
Mrs Stewart died nnd in 1890 tho
last of the visible Stewart millions
Ilsappearcd in the wreck of Hilton
Hughes Co
Wo will forfeit l0OO If Any of our pub
lUbed toHtlrooulalK nre pro von to bo not
genuine Tan Piso Co Wiirren 1a
A pun Is merely a play on words
but Its hard work to understand some
of them
A Virtvvl Cittlutrtln
Nrt violent Ir mplylnr tlin lKurulmir i lraiiliii liut
iff nil tlDialtlrp iotiIiik utrtiitrthMiliiKihe tntr
Mnal w cmiLiircts Cimlf Kttinrtli 10 lvMx
Its the easiest thing In the world
to forgive an enomy who is largo
enough to command your respect
118buysnew uprlRhtplnno Schmol
lcr Mueller 1318 Farnnm St Omaha
The military household of the czar
Is composed of ninety eight officers of
various rank eighty three of whom
belong to th army and flftcon to the
navy Nineteen members of tho royal
family are included in this list
lvvru Invention
Fifteen ps ents wero Issued to Iowa
Inventors thB week ns follows- To
A W Lewio of Keota for a vehicle
attachment to J Jnnios of Atlantic
for a draft oqualizor to W Loudon
of Fairfield for a hay carrlor to J W
Macy of Searkboro for a road grader
to A W and T B Morgan of Bur
lington for u wire fenco stay to J II
Morris of Maquoketa for a cream sep
arator to C F Nelson of ISxlra for a
ooot and shoe cleaner to C O Haven
and P P lbrlg of Fort Madison for
a harrow to H Phillips and W Hunt
of Ottumwn for a car loader to H B
Portmr of Hftrtwick for a hat and
clothes raok to B L Klgg of Oris
wold for a steam generating appli
ance to H Tattle of Cedar Rapids
two for a blcyclo to C II Van
Alstyne of Manchester for a barrel
heater and feed cooker and to S Ad
sou of Sprlngwator for a collar clasp
A copyright has been granted to
Rev A 0 Smith of Des Moines for a
new book entitled Gathered Gems of
Literature The work is In the hands
of a printer in Chicago and will be
handsomely illustrated and sold upon
the subscription plan
Consultation nnd advice about secur
ing property rights for Inventions and
literary work given free to Inquirers
Registered Attorneys
Pes Moines la Sept 2 1899
The population of the South African
Republic consists of 03000 Boers 87
000 other whlteB called Ultlanders
and 600000 kafflrs and ulus
In Manitoba there are 2500000 acres
under crops of which 1600000 ore in
GET shot
Back Hawk tho most noted of tlu
chiefs of the Wisconsin Wlnnohngo In
dians died In the town of Brocltwuy
lined HO yoatii Black Hawk has been
well known In t tin western pint of
Wisconsin for the last llfty years wait
always a friend of the whiles and on
several occasions prevented tho Wln
iinlmgnu from tnklng he war path
against tho palefaces
II Is estimated that the consumption
of beer In the mil Ire world amounts to
10800000110 per annum
In life u count upon the uncertain
but the Inevitable always sin prises im
Mrs Barnard Thanks
ir trm to Mat riNxnAU no iHmI
Di Alt PitlKNii I feel It my duty ti
express my gratltudu and tbanlin In
you for what your medicine linn dinin
for mo I wiih very inlsiirnbto and los
ing llcsh very fust hud bladder troublu
fluttering pains about Out heart mid
would got ho dlr7y and sufTerod with
painful meiiHtruntloii 1 waa reading
In a piiper about Lydla K PlnUhniiis
Vegetable Compound so 1 wrote to you
and after telling two bottles I felt like a
new person Your Vegetable Compound
lias entirely cured me and I cninmt
pralse It enough- MitsJ llAUNAlty
MitiTowN Wasiiinoion Co Mk
An Iown Woman Oonvlnolnir Httrnni i
I tried three doctors and tho lint
one said nothing but nil oimtiiIIi ii
would help me My trouble whn pro
fuse llowitig sometimes I would thii U
I would How to death I was no vtonk
that tho least work would tire m
Bonding of no many being cured by
your medicine I made up my mind to
write to you for advice nnd I am no
glad that I did 1 tooU Lydla H llnt
bainH Vegetable Compound and Liv r
Ill In unci followed your directions nnd
am now woll ami strong I shall recom
mend your inedlcitio to nil for It mivi1
my life- Miss A P Box 41 Aunoi r
The government ts paying from IJiiti
to 000 a day for each vhhhuI currying
horses supplies and army huggugi i
the Philippines and 1000 a day f n
such vessel that carries troops
An You Unto Allmi Fool KuiiT
It Is the only euro for Swolbn
Smarting Burning Sweating lpel
Corns and Bunions Ask for AIIcih
Foot Kase a powder to bo ahuken lulc
tho shoes At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores 25c Snmplo sent FllICIC A1
dress Allen 8 Olmsted IjRoy N Y
Unlike Some Other Occupatlons
Oolfer Dont you ever get tfrod of
farming Tho Farmer Taint nu
use gettln tired of It young man
Farmln aint no fad Puck
Mrs Wlnnlmrn Hoottilna Hjriip
ForrtitlitrU tnnllilntf noricni tins gumt rnlurei In
tUmuiwIoDilUyii pulQcuro wlodcullc SSuauultlo
The man who succeeds In forging
his way to the front Is In a position
to he trmpled on by the mob if he
Hulls Catarrh Cure
Is tnkon Intorniilly Price 75c
About the hardest thing for tlHi
amateur farmer to raise Is the money
to run thi farm
ipfeJi2Ejtfi kr M1 f
An Excellent Combination
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of tho woll known remedy
Svnur of Fios manufactured by the
California Fio Srnrjp Co illustrute
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plant known to be
mcdicinnlly laxative and presenting
thorn in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive cleaiiMiig the system offoctualy
dispelling colds headaches and fevets
gently yet promptly nnd enabling ono
to ovorcome habitual constipation per
manently Its perfect freedom frotn
every objectionable quality and sub
htance nnd its noting on tho kidneys
liver and bowels without weakening
or irritating them make it the ideal
Iu the process of manufacturing flgs
are used as they are pleasant to tho
taste but the medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are abtalned from senna and
other aromatic plants by a method
known to the Camfoiihia Fio Svitur
Co only In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations plcnso
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package
Por sale by all DrursHU Prlce 0c per bottle
Too Good and Too Cheap
to Be Without It
IKnitaka CuMrrni knit lholo Suppllf Cata
log free ilnlroa 1M DaugUt Itrcrt Onittia
M A Co Orai3 W NU No 30 18011
Everybody Our Large Uun Lutuout cooululcx 6pcili
VnM iuvu mm uc nn piling yiu oa liccipi 01 l CCOI1
to oy oae retirolng ihU ad and mcotioDloy lki ftpct We cu
are Ton Bin dollars on ijnl Wrtliilanri
Oul this out nnd solid to us and wo
will hoII you the Ixmt quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Hisal or Stiintlutd
Ilin on en ih OiiimIiii
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Re
Wo liimi luif Htiioli mill run mil tie ncmil
hIiIiiiiiiiiIh tin iln iikIiii Ih ici iilMilKoiltm I
liikc Iliiuirim on nliillni IUnulinti n
uiiiiiiititen Hull iUi Imll of mil IuIiim Ihir
liiim nniiln on m hiiIiiiIIih ulllilii Ilin liml
iiinil iIiijh Si UK n i flmi I hh Nn
eiirileil iitiu twlim Imrn III hlilp I O II
hiilijiit looxiiiiilniitinii it iIiihIiihI Will ro
iMinn twitin tipim ni niiiit of III nir iiiiiI
iIiihii mill hIiIi Inter llefniMiiriw Nnliriin
I a Siilloiiiil lunik tli in iniiiror mi linn of
cult--mm iihIoiihih nf Isw Aililrnun
The Western fIercgntile Co
Kllli mill Km nam Sin Oinnliu
Tim llniiKti t It it t Hihiih You Momi
Altiiitlnn KiiritiorH
Do ion dinlrii lo tnrurit IiiiiiiIiuiIh nf tmnipln
ropIiMi of inn Irullrriil journal inniiiilinw now
inipwrH liiinkn riitiiliifdiiH mid nirmlnrn of tlin
IiiIiimI linpiovnil rmni IniplniiinilH mill iniiililii
nr j it ii I Im ldpt poiitniloii luipioviil imimIh nuit
Hindi for Ivmi jihih or iiioin If no miml on
niir iiiiiiin wllli tiii ciiitH IiihIIvit unit m will
liiMil HiiiMitini In tli Ainnrlrnii Kiirinurn Dlrnn
lory whlrli ukkh uliirllliK nil over tint Uujlml
StntiH lo juiIiIIhIiiuh iiiiirlinntH Mini mntmiiie
luiiTH You III il iniiro uonil n nillliu nmttor
tliiui Jim rniilil hi roliiiHi for mini Union tin
hiiiiiII miHl of Inn riiilH Wo unlit niry fnriiinrn
iimim In tint Unlliil Willi h In our iliinclory nt
oucn Kahmhim IIiiiroiiiIiy Co
Dupiirliiiiinl UK
lllriiiitiiliiiui A In
let Awny n Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist ticlcots on sale via
Southern - Railway
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further Infor
mation write or call on
Louisville Ky
1 C Hicam Jr N W 1 A
80 jidains St Chicago
r A 1 tin 1 o procured
Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes
1720 New York Ave
Illcmintiiljlixlinil 1MW CliiirKiiHinoilunitn Cor
roHpomloncn runuiHUjil
Located on tlio Illinois Contra I U It in
4inl nlmi locntixl on tho Vnzoo mill Mleaisnipp
Vnlloy It It in tlio Kuiiioiih
Of JlinbiBnlppi SiK ciallly adutitixl to tho r a
Corn and Hocrs
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
I mill CoiiiiiilHHlonur AxBt Liimi Comr
III Cunt It It Co Tnrk How Itoom 57
Louisville Nashville
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