The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 14, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Members of Company L Leave
on Morning Train
TIip Ciimimiiy U Coiiiiom1 of Ten Olllijirt
mill il Moil ColniK1 Triicy
AriiiiiipniiliH llin HojH WIU In Alurnt
Tn lnj Itotl of llio Coiupiilij
Kroin Siitiirilnr Dully
Tho mombora of company L loft this
niorninfc in n spocial car iittnohcd to tho
it oclock train of tho l 15 M V for
Lincoln to attend tho animal encamp
niont of tho Second regiment Tho on
cnmpiucnt will last ton days during
which tlino tho niomboM composing it
will enjoy regular army lifo and recoivo
army pay
Lieutenant Colonel 15 11 Tracy ac
companied tho boys of L and will re
mnin during tho encampment
Dr J W Jennings formerly pastor
of the Methodist church horo but now
pastor of tho Trinity Methodist ohurch
of Omaha is chnplaiu of tho regiment
and will probably be in nttoudanco on
tho encampment
Arrangements for tho meeting havo
beon completed at Lincoln nnd tho con
tracts for furnishing the rations havo
been awarded by Adjutant General
Tho camp which has beon named af
ter tho gallant Stotsenburg of tho First
is located near Lincoln park and is a
very pleasant place for tho purpose
Tho feeding of tho men composing
the regiment is no small task and it will
require a vast quantity of provisions
Contracts for furnishing tho rations
havo beon let as follows Fresh beef
tho Oudahy Packing company at r
cents per pound aud pork at 7j cents
por pound Armour will furnish bacon
at 3i cents per pouud Mr True of
Lincoln will supply soft bread nt three
cents per pouud the Beatrice Creamery
company will furnish fresh eggs at 10
cents a dozen and Hnrgreaves Bros will
-furnish tho balance of tho supplies in
cluding potatoes aud canned tomatoes
Company L met at tho armory last
night to complete their arrangements
aud this morning as the first sign of day
made its appearance in tho east the
members of tho company were sum
moned from their beds by loud and re
peated blasts from the buglo in tho
hands of tho compauy musician and
with their guns and other accoutrements
proceeded to the train The officers and
members of tho company are as follows
there being ten officers nnd ii men
Captain Gerecke
Sergeants Amariuo Oesterling 15hr
hardt Small
Corporals Fox Mills Potter Ellis
Privates Beebo Bilgor Brueggeman
Davenport Durham Gerecke Howell
Inholder Klontz Kuhl Lobnow Win
Murqunrdt Ed Marquardt Mayer Mar-
ii u Osterling Piller iaiuoyfcpauiciing
Stuckur ClnibO Davi Decker Fruuland
Allen Massick McDonald Patrick
Peterson Renibo Schaefer Meinke
Foyerherm King
Second Ward Calico
The Second ward caucus met at tho
city hall last evening and was called to
order by tho chairman W M Robert
son wns elected chairman and Clyde
Eiseloy clerk
S McFurlnud was chosou judge and
H E Hardy clerk of tho primary elec
tion which is being held today at the
latters coal ofllco
H M Roberts was recommended for
judge aud L M Gaylord for clerk of
the general election
The chairman stated that tho two
candidates for sherill had a proposition
to make to tho caucus The proposition
was stated aud accepted and tho candi
dates wpre allowed to select tho delega
tion Mr Gardner choosing lour aud
Mr Clements threo of the seven tho
ward is entitled to in tho county con
Tho following named an tho delegates
selooted W M Robertson J W
RauBom Gay Halvorstein W L Kern
J Stockwoll II M Robertson Clyde
Delegates to the precinct convention
were selected as follows C W La
mont Sam McFarland J 1 Jefferies
Ray Parks Geo N Beels L M Gay
lord H G Brueggenian
Delegates to both conventions were
empowered to cast tho full vote tho
ward is entitled to
Tho delegates to the county convention
wero also empowered to appoint substi
tutes to tho conference of tho precinct
delegates to deoide on a caudidato for
sheriff should auyof them be unable to
Outitiile Irecliict
The caucus of the outside product was
held nt tho city hall at 1 oclock this nf
ternoon and wos organized by tho oleo
tion of A L Carter as chairman and
Goo D Smith as secrotary
After a discussion the caucus decided
to allow Messrs Clements and Gardner
each to name a man who should select
three delegates apiece to the county oou
ventiou The result was tho choice of
A L Carter O P Byerly and G D
Smith as Clements delegates E J Rix
A Osbora and Stoma Mathewson as
Gardner delegates
Tho Borne delegates were elected to
represent the precinct nt the precinct
convention when called
StiilincMit tlinttlio Union Puclllo mul Norlli
wrfttorn nm In Ulnaolvo
Tho Oninhn Bco tolls tho following
story concornlng tho prospoctivo disso
lution of tho Union Pacific and tho
Northwostern systems which if thorn
is any foundation to it may moan a
considorablo to Norfolk Nothing has
boon said in tho novvspapors within the
immediate past regarding tho dissolution
of the prosont existing combine between
tho Union Pacific and Northwostern as
soon as tho Illinois Central shall havo
completed its lino into Omaha but tho
reported activity of the Northwestern
in certain directions is of itself almost
rithor convincing proof to some persons
that such a change of affairs may take
place It is asserted that tho North
western ii negotiating for the extension
of itH lino from Caspor Wyo to Salt
Lake City and tho only nocessity for
such nu nddition would asiso in tho
future lack of a western outlet now
furnished by tho Union Pacific With
its lino cxtondod from Casper to Salt
Luko tho Northwestern would bo in a
position of ludopondonco and possess a
direct route from Chicago to tho Mor
mon city almost as good as any other
Information comos from Salt Lake
that tho Northwestern has boon nogota
ting with tho owners of valuablo
franchises through Emigration nnd
Chalk Crook canyons into Salt Lako
These franchises aro now in possession
of a Salt Lako company which has had
in project tho building of a railroad but
so far has never passed boyond tho olo
moutary papor stage In possession of
tho Northwestern tho problem of its
entry iuto Salt Lako would bo settled
most satisfactorily and no dilficuity
would be oucountorod in effecting an
entranco Tho distance betweou Caspor
and Salt Lako is sbout fiOO miles and tho
country lying between is readily acces
sible to railroad building Tho only
hitch thus far has been in securing a
suitable entrance into tho capital city of
Utah and tho ndquisition of tho
franshises above montiouod would re
move that difficulty
Interesting Service Held Yt nterilny lit
tlm ViirloiiH Chin olio
From Monilny8 Daily
Tho gentleman representing the
Young Mens Christian asssociation who
conducted services Saturday and Sun
day at the various churches of tho city
completely captured the hearts of tho
christian people of Norfolk and their
efforts will undoubtedly result in much
good to the christian sentiment of tho
people especially tho young manhood
afl well as helping tho causo of the asso
ciation they represent These meetings
were tho last of a series that havo been
conducted in tho principal cities of Ne
braska by tho stato committee Tho
association has along with other organ
isations experienced tho depressing in
fluences of the hard times through
which the countrj has just passed and
these meetings aro among tho first evi
dences of their lo awakening to lifo
Those who had tho pleasure of listening
to their talks and attending their meet
ings sincerely hopo that they may again
visit Norfalk in tho near future
Tho first service was held at tho
Congregational church Saturday evening
andwns a very successful ono much
interest being awakened The early
service at i oclock yesterday morning iu
the M E was not lnrgoly attended but
proved very interesting
The regular morning servico at tho
Congregational ohurch was in charge of
F H Willis general secretary of the
Y M C A of Omaha Ho gave an in
teresting address and delighted tho
audionco with some singing ho having
a most pleasing voice
Mr Overton and Mr Mooro had
chargo of tho regular services at tho M
E church nnd very successfully enter
tained those in attendance
A mens meeting was held nttho Bap
tist church in tho afternoon at which
thoro was a fair attendauco and tho
meeting wos very successful iu its ob
jects This meeting was led by Mr
In tho evening there was a big union
service at tho M E church with Mr
Willis and Mr Mooro in oharge Both
geutlemen gave very entertaiuing talks
telling something of the organization
and what it had accomplished Mr
Willis again outertnined tho people
with several solos that wero heartily ap
At tho Second Congregatiual church
at tho Junction thero wero also interest
ing -services last evening At both
services collections wero taken to aid in
the work which aro said to havo beon
very liberal
Southern Literature
Interesting liternturo regarding the
South is now being distributed by tho
Southern Railway Southern Homos
folders large map folders Laud of the
Sky booklets Southern Fields Mm
ends aud Mines books etc mailed free
to any address The Empire of the
South a very handsome volume of
about 200 pages profusely illustrated
also issued by the Southom Railway and
sent to any address upon receipt of 2
ceuts which amount approximates cost
of delivery Address
Wm II Tavlok
Asst Genl Pass Agent Southern Ry
Loui8ViLiK Kv
Two heads are better than one
If the one you have is dull and heavy
you need Hoods Sawaparilla It will
give you prompt relief
Selected as Candidate for Sher
iff Saturday Evening1
Wler the Ninth Itiillut Sir Ilmuenlfi With
lrn 11 1 Niiinii mill lteiimnliMl III
rrlriulH to Voto for liuclner Who then
Soeureil llin Clnilrn Ity Acelnnmtlon
From MouilnjH Dully
The result of tho republican confer
oneoat tho city hall Saturday evening
was tho selection of S L Gardner as
the ehoieo of Norfolk precinct for candi
date for sherilV and ho will receive the
entire I0 votes of tho precinct at tho
county convention to bo hold at Battle
Creek next Saturday Throughout tho
proceedings of tho conference a surpris
ing spirit of good feeling prevailed
when tho magnitude of tho stake boing
played for was considered Tho feeling
of friendship that has been maintained
botweon tho two principals since this
contest commenced was apparently un
broken and Mr Clements gave
anco of his hearty support to Mr Gard
ner and tho wholo tiekot
Shortly aftor H oclock tho conferonco
was called to order and organized by
tho election of W N Huso as chairman
and G M Thompson iw secretary
Roll call of tho wards showed tho fol
lowing named delegates and proxios
First Spear by F 1C Ful
ton 1 W Edwards by F K Fulton 15
J Schoreggo by F K Fulton F K
Fulton and Eli Rasley
Second ward V M Robertson 1
W Ransom Gay Halverstoiu by Goo
N Beels W L Korn luff Stockwoll
II M Roberts Clyde I5isolov by W M
Third ward W N Huso M C Ha
zen Burt Mnpes M C Walker J B
Barnes 15 A Bullock G M Thompson
1 S McClary
Fourth ward W H Kish 1 II
Thompson J L Uershisor
Outside A L Carter C P Byerly
C D Smith 15 J Rix by A K Leon
ard A Osborne S Mathewson by P II
M O Hazen and W II Bucholz
were appointed tellers and after a mo
tion had beon carried that neither candi
date should bo considered choice of tho
conference until ho had received LO votes
ballot was ordored This resulted as
had been expected giving 15 votes for
Clements and 15 votes for Gardner
After nine ballots all resulting in tho
same manner a motion was made to ad
journ This was amended to adjourn
until 0 4 and carried
When tho caucus was reconvened
Mr Gardner secured tho floor and
stated that ho would release his dole
gates from any further obligation to
him and stated that they wero free
to voto ils thoy thought best from that
time on Mr Clements followed with
tho same kind of statement and before
tho discussion of what was the next
best thing to do was finished Mr Clem
ents again arose and formally withdrew
his nnmo requesting that his friends
cast their votes for Mr Gardner
It was moved and seconded thatS L
Gardner bo nominated by acclamation
aud thnt the delegates from Norfolk
precinct caBt tho entire 10 votes for
him in tho county convontiou at Battle
Creek next Saturday for caudidato for
sherill Rising voto was called and all
but two of the delegates voted aye
Another recess was taken aftor which
Mr Gardner thanked tho conferonco
for tho notion tnken Mr Clements
also thanked his friends and expressed
tho hopo that every ono of thom would
support Mr Gardner nnd tho eutiro re
publican ticket
Coin m UHlnunrn Proceed I nj
MMJihON Neb Sept 5 18 at I p
m Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment Winter
and Hughes present A O lohuson ab
On motion tho minutes of special
meeting hold August S and adjourned
meeting held August 10 1809 wero read
nnd approved
On motion claims wero allowed as
Austin Western Co two
scrapers 12 X
Western Wheeled Scrnper Co
repairs fl 75
American Express Co charges I 7
Geo Davenport livery for com
missioners 150
Gust Kaul janitor for August 10 00
L W Lyon grading fi
D H Persous grading 55 50
W F F Winter work on
bridges 28 7
A Degnor nails for bridges 115 15
M W Carmody work on grado t7 00
less personal tax f 155 balance I2 -15
Carl Wildo county treasurer
account M W Carmody 4 55
J F Flynu work ou Meadov
Grovo grade 158 50
J F Flyun graveling grado 125 00
Alvah 15 Crooks ditchiug 11 10
Ou motion board adjourned for sup
per and met at 7 0 pm Members all
On motion claims wero allowed as
Joseph Sheets work ou bridge 7 60
R E F Crozier repairing In
jail l 00
State Journal Co supplies 15 50
Fromont Tribune fee book for
elork district court 7 50
Edwards Bradford Lumber
Co material for bridges Oil 0J
Perkins Co typo writer
ribbons I Oil
Hammond Bros oc Son exami
nation paper I 50
W A Sutherland paint and
painting bridge at Battle
Creek 10 50
James B Hume lumber I OHIO
James II Hume eoal for jail II 75
Branseh uelow goods for
sick paupers 7 10
C V Crinii county superin
tendent salary for August 100 00
Goo V Losev oMionse account 117 81
II 15 Keavis moving grader ap
plied on personal ta I 50
Carl Wildo county treasurer
account tax Reavls I 50
C F Montross stationery and
printing 1 1 50
J W Walkor conveying Bolof
ski to poor house applied 011
personal tax 1 50
Carl Wililo county treasurer
account tax J W Walker I HO
On motion board adjourned until to
morrow at 8 a m
Board met at S a 111 Sopl ember I
On motion bond of Carl Hoieho road
overseer of district No II was approved
On motion claims woro allowed as
Canton Bridge Co to a ply on
contract I000 00
Howiud Miller Lumber Co
lumber 2ll III
O II Gillespie goods for jail 10 15
It appearing that C O Carey was as
sessed with tho Baino personal property
iu both Madison and Union precincts
and having paid his taxes for tho year
1807 in Madison precinct ho elork was
directed to strike taxes for IS7 in Union
On motion tho following resolution
was passed
Whereas Thero is now in the Union
Pacific R R bond fund a surplus of
I00 and whereas tho statutes pro
vide that such funds shall bo distributed
among tho several road districts situated
in tho precincts from which said funds
havo accrued to bo expended for tho
improvement of public highways there
Resolved That tho county treasurer
bo aud is hereby instructed to apportion
the said funds as follows
Tho sum of 125000 belonging to
Norfolk precinct including Warnorvillo
is apportioned towit
To road district No Ill 550 00
To road district No 1 250 00
To road district No 8 250 00
To road district No 100 00
To road district No 1 i 1 00 00
Tho sum of 02500 belonging to Fair
viowprecinct is apportioned as follows
Road district No 18 300 00
Road district No 211 1125 00
Tho sum of 102100 belonging to
Union precinct including Madison and
Jreou Garden is apportioned as follows
Road district No 17 171 00
Road district No 2l IIO 00
Road district No 25 215 00
Road district No 20 210 00
KoaddistrictNoil 250 00
Road district No Ii2 210 00
Road district No III 1175 00
Bo it further Repolved That it is
recommended by this board that tho
funds so appropriated bo expended for
tho improvement of tho main thorough
fares leading to tho cities and that tho
road overseers consult with tho county
commissioners and determine ou what
roads tho money shall bo expended
Commissioners Hughes aud Johnson
roported that thoy had viewed tho road
petitioned for by J Hoopfinger and
others commencing at tho nw corner of
tho swjj of tho uwo of section 24 4
west running thence 1 orth to tho
county lino aud stated that tho pro
posed road is practicable and for tho
public good and the clerk was author
ized to udvertiso and proceed according
to law
On motion board adjourned to moot
October It 18 at 1 oclock p m as
provided by law E G Hkiimav
County Gleik
Letter I Int
List of letters romaining uncalled for
at tho postoflico September II lb9
O Burchard W J Creamer Claud
L Davis R C Uennion W 15 Foster
S B Hnlloway Cora Mann Delia
Nouhausor Davis Pile Thos Salter
Claro Smith Augusta Virgutz
If not called for in I0 days will bo
send to tho dead letter office
Purties calling for any of tho above
please Bay advertised
P F Siiir cmiit P M
A Short lesaon on tho Meimlnj of Iu
iiilliiir Word
Disease is tho opposite of ease
Wobstor defines deseaso as lack of ease
uneasiness trouble vextution disquiet
It is a condition duo to some deraugemout
of tho physical organism A vast
majority of tho dis oaso from which
pooplo suffor is due to impure blood
Disease of this kind is cured by Hoods
Sarsnparilla which purifies enriches and
vitalizes the blood Hoods Sartaparilla
cures scrofula salt rheum pimples aud
all eruptions It tones tho stomach nnd
creatos a good appetite and it gives
vigor and vitality to tho wholo body
It reverses tho condition of things giving
health comfort and ease iu place of
Hny Pettsr Autuiun Orlp
The symptoms of hay fever aud la
grippe are identical prostration snooz
ing inflammation of the mucous mem
brane Dr HurnphreyBS Specific 77
cures both Twenty five cento at all
Iteeuliir Moot I lit mul ItcRiiliil Itntttliio of
Htiftluonn litnt Night
Tho regular mooting of tho city coun
cil was hold last evening whon there
were pi esent Mayor Simpson Council
nion Bnimmond Bucholz Degnor Bax
ter Uhlo Vielo absent Bullock and
Minutes of the meeting of August II
wero load ami approved
Treasurers statement for August was
read anil rofened to tho auditing com
mittee showing balances as follows
Geneial fund IIIi7l intetest fund
115011 Ml road fund litl water
fund IIIs0l sinking fund i0H2M
lire depart inenl fund I5I0
Statement of the pollen judge for
August Miowing 2500 collected anil
12 00 unpaid was read aud referred to
he auditing commlltee
A warranty deed was rend Dr Verges
conveying to tho city tho tract of laud
necessary to open Prospect avenuo
consideration 10000
It was moved to accept the deed aud
tho clerk was authorized to draw war
rant to Dr Verges tor 10000 and re
cord deed On roll call all present voted
aye to the motion
Tho commit ton on lire and police was
given further time to report on lifo sav
ing appliances at the Noithfoik river
1hn water commissioner reported a
claim of W C Roland for 175 on
account of repairing his service pipe
frozen as t ho result of grading t he si reel
thoreby uncovering tho pipe llofcrred
to the committee 011 public works
Tho matter of posting numbers anil
street names was referred to the com
mit too on st roots aud alleys
Bond of M J Best as substitute
policeman was read aud approved
The following claims were lead and
ordered paid
II 15 Hardy coal 111 HI
IYunk Roeilel III1 days work mow
ing weeds 11120
D Amariuo plastering at city hall
Crano Churchill company supplies
for waterwoilis 7111
A Richoy unloading and moving
rock 825
Wm Uolnhaiilt 10 hours labor aud
washing jail blankots S20
Al Degnor dipper and nails 50
Geo W Boymor salary police to
July in inii
Aug 1nsowalk blacksmithiug and
supplies 705
II J Truman painting roof of city
hnll and jail two coats 2000
O W Braasch coal 101115
Wintor Schulz straps and sewing
cots for city jail 250
Pardon Marshall live days labor lay
ing Btono crossings 750
Burt Mapes salary city attorney May
1 to AugtKiit I 5000
M Besf five days work on sfono
crossings 750
T 15 Odiorno 18 loads gravel 180
Martin Kane salary for August 50 00
W II Widaman salary chief polieo
for August 0 00
Wm Bluchor mowing weeds and
scythe 1575
Nobraska Telephone company rent
for threo phones 5 15
Northwest Publishing company four
city maps and county plat book 5000
T A Ayers special polieo one day
and 0110 night 1100
J A Light 12 days labor hauling
dirt and mowing weeds I025
Geo W Boymer salary for August
and disposing of 0110 dog lf0
II II Hoyt five days work with
team and ono half day without 11112
A H Kiesau one gross pons 150
F Klentz streot sprinkling during
August 2000
W H Law special polieo one and
one half days 225
C St P M O Ry Co froight on
car of stono 150110
J W Babcock As Co Kasota Minn
Btono for crossings 10701
II II Patterson salary water com
missioner for August 5000
II H Patterson salary for July 700
Anton Bucholz furnituro and sup
lilies for city jail 000
II II Patterson lesseo street light
ing for July 10000
II H Patterson lessee street light
ing for August 10000
C O Manwellor salary for August
C O Mauwoller Balary for July aud
amount paid for repairs to clock 1700
Albert Degnor supplies I1UII
Times Tribune printing and station
ery 1050
W N Huso priutlug and stationery
U S Supply company supplies for
waterworks 12
W J Gow Bro error in payment
of flro insurnnco tax by Nebrasku Mer
chants Mutual Iusurauco company of
Lincoln 500
M J Best special police 11 nights
nnd ono hnlf day 2175
W H Law 18 days labor 2700
A H Kiesan wall papor 500
Tub News 300 department Is com
plete in every partionlar
Mp Kidney trouble preya up-
ou tne mm discourages
a NJ r
AINU and lessons ambition
WOMEN leautvi vigor and cheer
fulness soon disappear
when the kidneys are out of order or
diseased For pleasiug results use Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney
remedy At druggists Sample bottle
free also pamphlet Address Dr Kil
mer Co Biughamton N Y
Cut this out aud send to us and wo
will sell you tho best quality of
Binding Twine
Wholesale Prices
Sisal or Standaid On
Manila iI
I in tm n t h I Iniiilui
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money lie
r ni Inn Mori mul run 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1
tlc l l lllllll IH HM i UimI Inn I
ill I Illlllllix II Mllllllllf IUlUllI tl
ijiiii i llml iii Imlliifniii luini Iihh
llllll lllllllr llll lllW HpillllllH Mlllllll till IhhI
lllllll lIlMK Slllll II I 1 M t I HM Nil
1 111 1 inl iwr tu inn hiii Will xlni II
XllllJlMt III IXIIIIiIIImI lllll if lllHIIIll Will II
Mllll I Willi lllllll IIIIMIIIlll III III l l
ilnuii mul nliii lnlnr llifiiiiiriN Ni Iiiuh
U ii Niitiiuiiil limili HiIh iiiiiI hi mm iiiic nt
mil JlOlrtiMmiiniHiir I VililniM
The Western tecantile Co
IIMli mul liiiiimn Six OiiiiiIiii
Tl ii IIiiiimi llml Hm Im Nmi Mnnii
Allimtliiii 1nriiiiiiK
Do jnil tlinlrn In Hnniirn IiiiiiiIiiiiIh nf Hnitiplit
rnpliH if nitilnillrrnl JourimlH Iinuii7 Iiiih imwn
impurH Imiilai iiiIiiIiikuim mill ell lai h of tlm
IiiImhI lintirmiil fm in IiiiiiIiMiiiiIh iitnl iniirlilii
nrj mill li Itnpl ihihIiiiIiiii iniprnviil kiiiIh mill
hIiiiIi for twu jimis or inmi7 If wi hkiiiI un
Mini iinnin willi Inn iiiiiIh IiihIIviI mul m will
liimrt llin xiiinii ill tlm Atiiiirliiui KimiM iV Dlrrc
liny wlilrli iohh ulilrliiiK nil iivit tlm UiiIIimI
SIiiIiih to jiiiIiHkIihih iiikkIiiiiiIh mul iiuumfnn
liiiniH nil will iil iiiiirn kiioiI rruillnit iiiiittnr
Hum jiiii iiiiiIiI iiiiroliami for inmiy timnri tlm
hiiiiiII ohhI of tun iiiiIh Wii wiint iiiry fminnr
niiinii ill llm Unitiil HIiiIch In imr iliriilnry nl
llllll lUMHlm HlllKlllllUY Co
Diimrliniiil 1IH
lllimtmlmin Aln
let Awny a Couple of Alontlts
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the maiiv
Iliuiist tickets on sale la
Southern - Hailiuay
by all Ticket Agents
Kirsclieliilcs or furLher Infor
mation wiile or call on
S II Tamok A C P A
Louisville ICy
1 C Bkam Jr N V 1 A
HO primus St Chicago
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1720 New York Ave
HiruiMtiililiHlinil IsiiH liiirKiKiunilnriitn Cor
riHiiniiiliincK i iiiiHliil
l os
Iocatiil on tliu IllinniH Ontnil It It in
nil ttlwi lorntdl on llm Yimio mill MleHiBniiu
Vullny It It in tlm Imnoiih
Of llibolbHlppi spicinlllj mlu 14 -4 to the ra q
Corn and Hosts
Soil Richestinthe World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
I mul oiumlhxioiiiir Ant Iuml Ooinr
111 Ceut It It Co Turk Itow lloom S7
Louisville Nashville
WriU for hformitkm to