The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, September 07, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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I ft
I is
riWpfir VjSjum t
The JSiottfolk fietas
W N UU81C IlibllHlior
Ijnlillclnl vi
Krrj iln oxriil miihImj H currier r
wrul liccutf H mull mt join fXJit
CMiiIiIIhIikiI IVtl
Kvrrj Tlnirnliij II mini jier wiir 1 Ml
Kiitrrcil it lln Ilirtiilllin ill Norfolk Noli up
ectHitl rliim mutter
Tolililnttit Nil -
Illll1llllltl Ntllll ClIIMPIltHOII
ThiMniinlillrnti Ilnfltiim if llm Mntii of Nn
tirnckn nic iiiiinliil to mini ilMr tinti from
tliolrit imollMi rounlliK to nmtil In riiiitniitlon
In llin en J ut Oiiiiilm nn 1 lintKilii tlin IMt ilj
iirHniitiiiilmr IM Hi 1 oclnrk p in for tint
ptirimxi of plnrltHf In imiiiliiiitloii riiiullimttH
tor tlin fiilliiwliiu olllre
Our j tit If of tin Mlpliunn mint
Two nw nlK of the flute iiiihcrcHs
nil to IniliMiil miiIi oilier liiimiiiM if iim
propcrlN roiiii1 liefori lln IliiiMiilloii
Tin mmal roiinlie in illtlitl l mprn
KOIltlttioll lit flllloUH till llppllltlllllllllllt III
niit IiiimiI upon tlin In iiikI foi lion la Al
lliijwunl foi MoMTimr in IM1 umiw nm i
ioiiiiU onnililiwit ill Iiiiki mill inn for i iicli
nmnlir anil iiiiiJiii friiilion tliciiiif lnwll
llllllllllWIII ll
itiipn lllliiiriii ll
Itiiiinei Killli
lllnlnc S cjii ImIiii
It iJKimlmll -
llox Until ilviiiix II
Hj iimm trr
llrown almoin I
llnlfnlo II ouitii -
Hurt UUoiip -
HiitliT tlMiiilWii II
lh JlMlIlllIMIII 1
Vilm tiMcnlck II
tlinm INinirn j
linn Simmlm Hi
liijiinin iNticliillN l
In noinii IM
Cnlfnx sliiwiii l
umlim 12 PoikhiH J
imlnr lilllinlpH Id
liiUln iiriiion
i I11
Iteiiel llliil Willow II
Dixon IiUIIoIiiiiiIhoii H
loKn S1Jk
DiiiikIiih inSnlliiii 1
Diliiil ISnipj 7
rilmorii l7MniilrM
rrimUIn llKottV lllulT 1
Krtiiitlii liSmuitil Ill
nrniin IliSliiirlilnii
liiKii BIS inrnmn
liirllilil iSlmix 2
Itwpnr IStnntiiii
iriint STIihjit HI
iriili ITIioiiiiih I
Hull IliTlmrMim H
llmnilloii llVnlli S
Miirlmi VWiiblilimton II
llllJIS I WllMII I
llitrlipork f Wnlwlci II
Holt I Whiolm 2
llixikir 1 ork III
Ijiiwiinl k
lilTiThon U- Totnl M
It Ih riooiiiiiniiiliil tlint no pnixli bo nil
nlttcil to thu cntix Ilit Inn mill tlintllm ilnliKiitiH
primut do iiutliori7iil to riint tin cnliin mU of
tlio ililiKiitiou of tlio coiint which It lopin
It in furlliir Kconimoniliil Unit wlicroicr two
count coumiiIIoiib lio holil tlio Holictliiu ot n
iiumh Iluninlttio hluill tnko plnto at till llrHt
coniitlou mill Hint In iiinri chhd tlin mcrutni
Im roipiliiil to prompll iiiMhii tlio Htiilopoin
iiiltlciof llm orKiinbnlion of huoIi now ciiin
inlttio with tlio iimuih of oIlliOiK nioiulioiH
poHtolHpo uililritiH ami iiiinio of pioclupt icpio
mutiil h Ilicli
OiuiiIui NuliuiMka JuuoJl IMHI
It II Si iisilliRit
1 O lllmtM Cluiirniiin
luillcliil Oiiiiwmtliin
Tlio uncial ciinulliS c i n 1 1 1 1 r i h i 1 1 k tlin ninth Jn
ilipiiil illhtrictof NuliuiHkii mnlicroli iciiiiiMcil
to umiil ilohKiitiH to ii rnpuhlicnn jiiillplnl con
toiitiontn Im held at Noifnlk Ndliinxkii on tlio
2itli lii of Soptnmlior IVlnt ono oclock p in
for tlin iiuriiiiKOor pIiipIiik in iioiuiuution u cmi
iliilntt tin JuiIko of tho ilihtrict court of ttniil
illulrtrl Mini Tor tin trmiKiiitton of hill It othoi
IiuhIiiomi iih limy propuiiy oniu liufoiu tlio con
Tliondioriil couiitlm nn cntitloil turner thlit
cull to ropreKoiitiitioii iih follow h IiiihoiI upon
tlio Mito for lion M 1 Iliiwinl for Kovoinor
of the htiitonf Nulirimku In IS1I
Antnlopo 10
MiiiIIhoii HI
Wiij no H
Knox H
Iinmi ii
M 1 Tnhit
A A Wi isn liiiiiniuu
Kepiililli ini County CoiimiiiIIoii
Tlio lepiililipiiu nleptoiH of Mnilihoii poitlit
Ncliriiclil nro uuci lcl to pouil ilclciJiUne rioui
tliu MiMrnl ut inn iireciiiplh to meet in couxoii
lion nt Hnltlo Crook Noliiiinkii on Siiturilii
KoptoitilHir llllh ut It oclock it in for tlio pin
jmm0 of Hiiloctiiic iUleiitiv to tlio lopiililipiin
tluui mill judicial coiixoiltlons and for tho pui
IMiHoof phiciiiK in noiniuiition ciuuliilulcH for
count oIliceH iih follow H
Cloik of tlin ilibtncl court count clerk
count tioin ttrer county fhorilT count jiiiIko
count t uporiutiiiilent or echooU counl cor
onor count Mine or it nil count piuumiitiiiiir
for the llict coiiiinii Hioiier ilihtrict null to
trmiHicl Mich other IniHiuchH iih nut properl
comn lieforo the coiientiou
Tho Mveial precinctH nro outitlcil to repro
oontiition iih fnllowH tho apportionment lieini
IiiihihI uiHin tho otiiciiHt for Hon M 1 Hid-
wnnl for Kovenior in lUN hoiiiK ono deleyate at
nrKii for etch precinct nuil ono for oiilIi iwliiI
unto or major fraction thuioof
Norfolk -
Firol unnl 1 Vnlli I
Second ward 7 Wiirnenllli i
Third ward H lroe i
Fourth ward 1 Ircen linden J
Outnlilo Ii DeorCreok It
Juffcrt oii 7 Shell Creek s
llattlnCrcok School Craft 2
Mnilinm II KiiIiiiiiiizih -
Union i lluiorick I
HiRlilmul 1
Fniniow 2 Total ll
It U rtcoiniuiuiteil that no proxies ho mini t
tml ami tluit tho ileliKiitcM priMiut ciibt tlio en
iro oto of tlio precinct lliinitrleH rhouhl ho
held nnt later than September tt IMfl
IIukt M its S A Mi
Secretar liuiriiian
Gen Wheeler is to succeed to Gen
Kunstonh command tit Manila This
certainly indicates that tho brigade will
get very little time to rest
Marylands democratic candidate for
governor is the presuleut of a national
bank Ho is one of that list of national
bank presidents which tho sentiment of
tho Chicago liltl convention indicated
idiould bo interred in thoir own vaults
Behold how plonsaut it is for brethrau
to dwell unitedly together fieu Miles
thinks Secretary Hoot is all right and
Secretary Root thinks Geueral Miles is
the real thing while tho country thinks
a great deal bettor of both of them for
such thinkB
The eleotion of John McLean editor
of the Ciuoiuuati Enquirer who has
been nominated for governor of Ohio
i8 out of the question With Rough
Riders Roosevelt and othor repub
lican leaders campaigning tho state it
ifl doubtful if Mr McLean will know
that he is rnuuing
Gen Brooke has compiled a code of
laws from the Spanish law for use in
-Cuba so that the customs of the people
aiay not bo too suddenly changed
Never has Cuba had so good a govern
inont as she has today Geu Gomez
says Cuba must not be in too great a
hurry to govern herself
The Iowa democrats specifically de
clare that the war against Spain was
riKlit In tlito Hitv nro iltciileilly at
vitriitnro with Hit ciiMoni
whnso KtroiiK point of isstio lins
boon nllnloiiK tliit Hi vurnKiiiiHt Kimin
wns wioiik Tim wtstorn pooiilu nn
imlumlly uxiiiuiHiuniHtri II Im lutiruil in
the wiHtnrnpr Id bnlievo in tlu tiltimntu
Krtntiicsrt of llio country and to think
tlut the KtcutCHt hliihHiiiK Unit could bo
Hi von nny legion of tho eitrth would ho
to tliitl itsolf undur llm iirotectltiK folds
of tlio stuiH und KtripiH
If Victor Uosowntcr iH im hlnrk iih
lio iH imintod by thoOnmhii
ho iH cortiilnly n doiil iiirainuto
IT on tho otluir hand lio iH as jiuro anil
Innocent iih ho is ruproHtiiitLd to bo by
tho Omaha llco tlinn thcro uro boiiio
hnrrililo liairi in Omaha Moiiutimo I lio
dirty warfaro botweon tho two Kit at
dailiim of tho NobniHka inctropoliH iH a
moHt dit KtiHtiiiKi naiiHOiitiiiK allair tho
llko of which ciirriml on Ixitwccii ooun
Iry piiputs would lead to boUi pirtiul
pautH boiiiK nm out of tho community
thoy Hotihht to diHtfriuHi Tho niulro
politan HhtotH miKht Hccuro a fow points
to thnir advantano on tho quoHtiou of
how to niako a fit papur to K hit tho
homcH and on what ooiiHtltutuH morali
ty and kconoy from most any of tholr
unpictontlouH country oxchaiiKiH
It is notod with pleasure that tho two
N irfolk candidates for sheriff havo at
last Kot together and formulated u plan
whereby it is hoped to solvn tho dtllloult
problem as to who sliall bo tho choice of
tho Norfolk delegation before tho repub
lican county convention whioh meets nt
Uattlo Crook on Saturday Soptomber 11
Whothor tho plan will bo a hucciws is an
yet an open question but following tlio
spirit whioh actuates tho candidates to
tio into nn agreement for tho sake of
harmony the delegates will without
doubt reach a conclusion tint will be
satisfactory all around Tho best
feature of tho agroeiuont is tho fact that
it doos nway with a fight in tho party
which would tend to weaken tho sup
port so that neither candidate could bo
elected should ho bo nominated As
tho caso now stands tho party will re
main united and whichever candidiue
receives tho nomination has a right to
oxcopt tho full strongth of his party to
back him at tho polls
Now that Colonel Ingersoll is dead
tho question arises What prociBoly
wiih tho iutluonco which ho exerted upon
the thought and feelings of his contem
poraries and what is the likelihood Hint
tho otToct of his teachings in his writings
and locturos will prove a lasting one
That is tho subject to which Rev Dr
Ilonory M Fiold addresses himself in
hiB article on I ngoi soils Iutluonco in
tho Septembor uumbor of the North
Anioricnu Roviow Dr Fiold is sin
gularly woll qualified to deal with this
topic as ho was not only an intimate
porsonal friond of tho great agnostic
but was tho champion of the Christian
faith in tho most famous religious con
troversy in which Colonel Ingersoll
engaged Writing of Colonel Ingersolls
personal qualities Dr Fiold says
The more I becanio acquainted with
Ingersoll the mote I was interested in
his personality Ho was not as othor
men nro Tho typical American is a
bundle of norveswhich shows itself in
his quick step in tho flash of his oye
and tho gestivro of his hand Whon
Thackeray wiib in Now York ho would
sometimes tako his stand at the corner
of a streot to watch tho passing crowd
as a study in national character Had
he seen a man of stalwart framo walk
slowly by ho would havo said there goes
an Englishman In all tho years that
I have known Ingersoll I uover saw
him in a hurry Tlio crowd might rush
bybut ho never quickoned his pace but
walked slowly as if in deep thought
Whon I mot him in Broadway ho was
always ready to stop under an awning
or by n frioudly door and discuss tho
questions of the day If all the wisdom
that wub exchanged between us had boon
preserved possibly somo might have
beon wiser but alas it has been blown
away like the autumn leaves
Tho two nods that Americans worship
aro time and mouoy Ingersoll cared
for neither Money had no attractions
for him except for tho use ho could
mnkeof it I am told by ono who
kuow of his affairs perhnps oven bottor
than Ingersoll himself that his income
from his practieo at the bar and his
locturos was oftou not less tliau a hun
dred thousand dollars a year yet it was
noon scattored He could not deny
himself the pleasure of giving it away
The tales of his generosity had gone far
and wide and every morniug there was
a pile of letters on his desk from poor
clerks who were starving in garrets and
youug women who could not find any
means of support To Buoh nppealH he
responded so bountifully that they came
faster and faster His friends warued
him against the inijKMtious that were
practneed upon him and told him
that he ought to have a bureau of inquiry i
but he answered that he had rather be
cheated a doasen times than leave one
poor girl to suffer and perhaps to die
Seontl Wnnl ttu ii ouil Illmury
The republican electors of tho Second
ward of tho city of Norfolk will meet in
caucus at the city hull on Friday even
ing Septembers 1M9 ut 8 oclock p m
for the purposo of
1 The selection of one judge and one
clerk for tho primary election
s vbr5
of ono JuiIko mid ono clerk for tlin ono
nil election
it Tho selection of Mcn delrjjatcH to
be voted for at tho ptlinnry olcclion to
rojiresent tho ward in tho precinct con
I Tho Holection of Hovcn doleateH to
bo voted for at tho primary elcotlon to
be held Saturday September II lSllil to
attend tho republican county convention
at Hattlo Creek September III
All vntont who supported the repub
lican ticket last fall will be entitled to
participate in the caucus and oto at tho
primaries iviK HisitrY
Im Im t Ciitiriii
Tim republican voters of Norfolk
outside precinct will meet at tlio city
hall Katuiday September lth nt 2
oclock i in to elect six delegates to
attend tho republican county conven
tion to bo held at hattlo reek Sep
tember Kith nlso to elect delegates to
tho republican precinct convention
whenever called G I Smith
Piocinct Uominittooinan
The Aio Oitlornil to tlin lliirriickn ill
Ciilitoi in Il epiirntoij to Mm Hiik II nine
Manila Sept 7 The Iowa regiment
tho last ot ho volunteer organizations
on duty in the island of huon has
been withdrawn hoin Oalulet to bar
racks at Oalooeaii preparatory to depart
ing lor homo Tho number who will sail
is Will Iacss llian 100 of tho regiment
were left on duty at tho front when tho
order came for tlioir lelief -18 being on
the sick list This iegiincit has under
gone haul outKst duty for three
mouths during which it has been very
much exposed to the rains Seventy
live members ot the regiment havo re
enlisted Although tho Iowans partic
ipated in soine of the lighting between
Malolos and San Fernando not onu of
them was killed in buttle Thirty nine
members of the regiment however were
wounded and nine died of disease
Ciieiiini Moil Ills runeriil
Dis MoiNis Sept 7 All arraugo
mctits have been completed for tlio
funeral of ex Governor Samuel Merrill
The body will ariivo this evening no-
companied by his son J H Merrill
They will be met on arrival by Troop A
Iowa National guaid and tho Lincoln
hussars and these two troops of cavalry
will form the military escort Tomor
row the body s ill ho in stato at the
state houso until 1 oclock when ser
vices will bo held at Plymouth church
Governor Shaw and former Governor
Gear aio among tho pallbearers chosen
OmiIIoii lot DiHcy III Wukliliiutnu
Washington Sept 7 Admiral
Dowey will bo given his leal homo
coming ovation in Washington on the
night of Oct 2 The next day between
tho hours of 3 and p in ho will be
presented by President McKinloy on
bohalf of tho nation the sword voted
him by congress A letter was received
from the admiral in which ho stilted
that ho would arrive hero on that date
General Miles has consented to act as
giand ntarshal of the puade
ciipiuiii iniott ititiiiiiN
SiATUr Sept 7 Charles P Elliott
U S A and u member ol the govern
ment exploring paity under Captain
Glynn of the Fifth infantry which has
been gathciing data at Cook Inlet
Alaska has returned heie Caption
Elliott lepotts meeting u gieut many
piospoetors nearly every one ot whom
was bioke while many were sick with
scurvy and other diseases The expe
dition lcndeied the sullerers all the aid
Ciilliiinii nt ii Ciiiiilldnte
ChicaK Sept 7 Interstate Com
missioner William J Calhoun today
formally announced that ho would not
be a candidate for tho Republican nom
ination for governor of Illinois Mr
Calhoun said that the condition of his
business ullairs was alone responsible
for the position he has assumed
London 1npcr Mitkca ir Irotcl
London Sept 7 Tho Standard
makes nn editorial protest against in
sinuations from America that Great
Britain has rejected Canadian dicta
tion and abandoned tho Canadian
claims in tho Aliskunatfair
Hunt Murriin Injuries Iutnl
Simumhtkiu Mo Sept 7 Harvey
Murray one of tho most prominent
attorneys in tho stato died from in
Junes recehed in being thrown down a
stairway by E G Mays a wealthy
NBro Couple lulled
Milan Mo Sept 7 Clint Ray and
Aiary jioucn negioes oi tins city were
jailed heie last night on u wnrraut
charging them with infanticide Tho
evidence against them is said to be con
Aliiiuuiic of the lu
Thursday Sun rises flJ sets aft
023 Moon sots at 708 p in
Tho Weather Iowa Generally fair
Thursday and Friday uot so worm
Thursday in western portions probably
cooler Friday variable winds Ne
braska Fair and cooler Thursday Fri
day fair cooler in wentem portion vari
able winds
The best evidence of merit Is the cor
dial recognition of it whenever and
wheiever It may be found Bovee
Special cheap excursion to Omaha
via F B As M V R R ou September
7 1899 Fare 290 for the round trip
good to return until September 12
H C Matkau
Wurner Hie
There will be a dance at W P
Rowletts next Friday evening
Will MorriB of Central City was here
I Tuesday to see his brother Hurry
2 The selection for recommendation Mrs J D Simgon of Mariou Iowa
is visiting her sons Frank and Scott
M R Morris has sold his quarter of
hay land ono mile south of town to Jus
Degioit for u consideration of fiyiOO
There was a runnwny in O 1 Lodgos
hay field Inst Thursday which resulted
in cutting oil both hind feet of ono of
Roger Carberrys mules
Cnliirrli iiiinot lio Our il
with local applications ns thoy ennnot
reach tho cent of thu disease Catarrh
isnbloodorconstitutionil disease and
in order to euro it you must tako inter
nal lemedies Halls Catarrh Curo is
taken internally and nets directly on
tho blood nnd mucous surfaces Hulls
Cut anh Curo is not a quack niedooino
It waH proscribed by ono of tho best
physicians in this country for years and
is u regular prescription It is composed
of tho best tonics known combined
with tho best blood purifiers acting
directly on tho mucous surfaces Tho
perleet comblnittioii of the two
dienls iH what produces such wonderful
results in cm lug catarrh Send for
testimonials free
F TCnrNiY cc Co Props Toledo O
Sold by druggists price 7fc
Halls Family Pills are tho best
Not lie to Colli mi torn
Soilod bids will bo received by tho
Noifolk Railway Employes Hall
elation for tho erection of a frame store
building at South Norfolk Bids to nil
bo in tho hands of tho secretary by 7
oclock p in September 10th Tho
right to rojoct any and nil bids reserved
by the association Plans and siecifica
tions can bo had by calling on the sec
rotary Address all bids to
C J Chapman
Secretary Hall Association
To ThriiH ilnuil Money ATtor Hurt
Will but increase my pain If yonhavo
thrown nway money for modioines that
did not and could not curo why should
you not now begin taking Hoods Sar
sapaillla the mediciuo thnt never dis
appoints Thousands of peoplo who
wore in your condition nnd took Hoods
Sarsaparilla say it was tho best invest
ment they ever made for it brought
them health
Hoods Pills cure sick headache and
Dock Colloe Agree Willi You
If not drink CSraiu O made from
pure grains A lady writes Tho first
time 1 made Graiu 0 I did not like it
ut after usin g it for one week nothing
would induce mo to go back to coffee
It nourishes and feeds the system Tho
children can drink it freely with grent
benefit It is tho strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Got a package
today from your grocer follow the
directions in making it nnd you will
have n delicious and healthful table
boverage for old and young 13 and 25c
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a cbattol mortgage dated on the Ld
day of May 1899 and duly filed in tho
office of the county clerk of Madison
county Nebraska on tho 19th day of
July 1899 and executed by the Norfolk
Printing company a corporation to the
Wostoru Newspaper Union a corpora
tion to secure tho payment of the sum
of 8232 and upon which there is now
due tho sum of J 1880 Dofuult having
been miulo in tho payment ot smd sum
therefore the undersigned will sell the
property therein described namely
Ono Proutv newspaper press at public
auction at Davenports livery barn in
the city of Norfolk in Madison county
Nobrnska on the 14th day of Septem
ber 1899 nt 2 oclock p in of snid day
Dated August 2 lth 1899
Wkmkuv NewMaieh Union
By II L SiAii DiNo
Notice is hereby given that bj virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the Mth
day of April 1899 and duly filed in the
ollioo of tho county clerk of Madison
county Nebraska on tho lfith day of
April 1809 and executed by Sophia
Zwight to H H Patterson and assigned
to E A Bullock to secure the payment
of the sum of 7545 and upon which
there is now duo the sum of 070 de
fault having been made in tho payment
of said sum therefore I will sell the
property therein described namely
ono Mehlaud pinno nt publio auction nt
tho musio studio ot Luuwig lvoeuig
stein in the Koenigstoin block m the
city of Norfolk Madison county Ne
braska on tho 2trd day of September
1699 at 2 oclock p in of said day
Dated September 2d lb99
E A Bullock
Strike For Your Altars
and Your Fires
y wf
Patriotism is always com
mendable but in every breast
there should be hot only the
desire to be a good citizen
but to be strong able bodied
and well fitted for the battle
of life To do this pure
blood is absolutely neces
sary and Hoods Sarsapa
rilla is the one specific which
cleanses the blood thorough
ly It acts equally well for
both sexes and all ages
Humor When I need a blood puri
fier J like Hoods Sarsaparilla It cured
my humor and is excellent as a nerve
tonic Josie Eaton Stafford Springs Ct
yfocdA SaUafKVuiUi
Uoodt 111U cure Uer UIMu pou IrrlUlliiat nd
tSuly mlbaJtlc to uk with ifowli bauparlH
iii Yf
mMmwmmmmm mm mmmmmmi
m Every Woman Who Walks
will find a peculiar pleasure in
The price is only one of
many reasons why these
shoes are famous
All styles from the
light dainty dress crea
tion to the substantial
shoe for the street or out-
Oxfords S250
Shoes To walk in shoes
that are bountiful and sty
lish and perfectly com
fortable is a gratifying
0 A IaUIKABT Pbkhident
Salt Lake
i H K 8
The Only Direct Route
The Fastest Route
We have just received our Fall Line of
School -- Shoes
Which is larger and more complete than ever
If you want School Shoes that will give
wear at a reasonable price call on
We also do First Class Repairing
W B BBAASUU Abbt Casdiib
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 85000
Bay and sell exchange on this country anil all parts of Enrojio Farm Loans
Directors -Uri Abmcs V H JonNSON Chas S Bbiuqe C W Bbaabcu
Swank A Luikabt T K Mkmminoeb L Bkhbionb
The Popular Route
a- m HalV - f rt j
San Francisco
1 he Best Equipped Route
The Safest Route
For Time Tnbles Folders Illustrated Books Tauiphlets descriptive of the
territory traversed call ou