4 11 i U N 1 i n I V i I J ilTJBftTlfc AJig S0fcau KHGKFTION APTBRMATIL Sonic Features Too Late Yesterdays Report for DRILL8HY TIIC LAMBS OOMPANIES A Ircrt llnnro In tlm Opnm Honnr Ilro unrka SI null li tlio Nliimi Ilium MllltiHJ llntiil mill Ollmr A ntttiniit Ilglit in WI1I11I1 OnoWim Aliiuml Hlllwl Tiik Nrww report of Mm Madison reception closed with tho exorcises nt tho opera house Tnoim being ovortho viiHt crowd amused themselves us thoir individual inolinatiotu dletutodsonio onjoyoil 11 rout in u Hhudy nook or on tho wilts provided some watched tho minriii mi tlm streets others took u whirl on tho in nvl donco nt nil such entertainments itnil still others promenaded nround tho city looked upon tho crowds and look In tho sights A fow yos n few boood gambled nt tho vnriouH devices anil quarolled and fought In tho Iiobo race nl though ono of tho official tlmoss fulled to catch tho tinio it was finally dooidoil that tho MikUpoii team had mado tho rnoo in somothlug llko 50 HocondH and Norfolk wot awarded tho first prize lb on its timo of UJ seconds Tho MadiHon tonm waH glvou tho Hoooud prizo of 15 Whilo thin rnco was taking plnoo FrodMlllor of Battle Crook nnd a nuin mimed ltobinson of Fairvlow proolnot got into a fioreo oucountor Tho iui modinto oanHO for tho encounter was not loaruod but it was understood that thoro is a fond of long fitnuduiK botwoon thoni Blows woro f rooly exchanged ho twoou tho combntautR until Robinson dealt his antagonist a knock out blow it is bollovod with hoiho instrument or wonpon Millor rocoivod tho blow on tho toniplo uonr tho oyo and n gash was cut which Mod frooly and soon covorod tho follow with Mood Ho was convoyed to tho ollico of Dr Smart who brought him to his sonsos after working ovor him about an hour It required about eight stitches to repair tho wound on tho injured mans head Thoro woro several other lights but none as disas trous as this Tho ladies who sorvod dinner in the pavilion near G A H hull found that t hoy hud plenty of provisions loft after sorving all organizations and served supper also Tliey put in uu immense amount of work aud their guests woro lniKolv pleased with thoir efforts Not only were their provisions plentiful but of a fino quality and of almost every variety that tho bruin of woman could conceive Tho Nowinun Grove Military band rondored soino vory fino musio on tho ntroots in tho oveuing boforo thoir de parture for homo After supper the ladies company of Itough Killers under the direction of Captuin 0 A Viokors and Captain Snnro executed homo complicated and interesting maneuver and woro roundly cheered After drill they wero treated to ico cronui soda by tho Chronicle which loosouod thoir tonguos and thoy guvo somo very interesting company yells Theso ladies mndo a very ploasing uppoariinco in their natty suitpund woro woll drilled Tho ladies cadet company of 1S hand somo young women and girls attired in patriotic colors also gavo an iutorosting drill ou tho street under tho conimnud of their instructor and wero accorded hearty nppluuso nnd cheers Soon after those pretty drills tho works woro oxplodod aud balloons sent up while cannon aud giant crackers boomed almost constantly At tho opera house after the Boats had been disposod of and tho room swept ovorybody who desired got on tho floor and danced to excellent music by a full orchestra Tills ninusoinoiit was thor oughly enjoyed until u Into hour Tlio Norfolk train loft at 10 oclock and tho crowd was landed in thoir homo town in less than an hour muoh plotted with tho day that had boon spent Tho Variety store is now open in tho Richards block Iomo and see our stock of now goods Wo soil at cut rate cash prices Honest Labor Bears a Lovely Face There is nothing more pleasing to look upon than a hearty ruddy face gained by honest toil They are the saying of the nation these toilers of both sexes strug gling for daily bread Vure blood nukes them able lo keep up the daily round of duty at home shop or store If the blood has a taint or im purity or a run down feeling comes on the one remedy is Hoods Sarsaparilla Americas Greatest Medicine for the blood Poor Blood SMy blood was so poor that in hottest weather I felt cold Hoods Sarsaparilla made me warm It is the right thing in the right place Hattie J Taylor Woodstcnvn N J Mooed SaMatmiflg Hoodt Illli cure llrerllli tli uou lrrluUiiK od only olhTrtle to Uk with Hood 8rprllU FHIDAY FACTS Horn to Mr and Mrs Mat living on South Fourth street thin morning a boy MIhb Cora Wlgtou has roturnod to hur homo in Osmond after n visit with Nor folk and Madison friends W II Vail has gone to Noligh to en tor one of his fast horses in tho races to tako place at the fair grounds IM Knrror an attendant at tho Nor folk hospital left this morning for Bout rice to visit for a few days with a brother Mr aud Mrs 1 I Kim arrived in tho city yesterday from Wayne and aro guests at the home of Mr and Mrs 0 H Hayes Curl Wilde and family camo over from Madison yesterday to attend the funeral of his late sister Mrs August HriuiHch Harry Hronie and parly returned yes terday from thoir hunting trip to Wy oming Mr Bromo has gone to Omaha and tho boys will romain hero for a short visit An onjoyublo picnic party was hold in lMgowater park yesterday afternoon nnd ufter supper had boon served tho pooplo participating wero treated to a hay ruck ride Tho funeral of Mrs August Bruusoh hold this afternoon was attondod by a largo number of friends and relatives and tho remains woro followed to tho ceniotory by n long Hue of currlagos Tho bids for tho construction of tho now Catholic church wero opened by Father Walsh this nftoruoou nnd tho contract was nwarded to lohn B Her mann whoso bid was tho lowest of tho four presouted August aud Otto Huobnorof Iludar woro among the visitors in Norfolk to day The former is ono of the promi nent farmors of this vicinity uud pur chased while in tho city twonty fivo hoad of fat steers John Huff tho onginoor has nccopted a position on tho Hustings local out of Fremont aud is moviug his family to tho lattor city Conductor Jacobs who has been occupying J C Aids houso will move into tho Hull house Tho lOth birthday of Mrs Louisa Moos mother of Mrs C F Hnuso was celebrated yestoulay by a largo crowd of friends at tho homo of C F Haaso north of the city A pleasant timo was onjoyod by thoso in tittoudiuioe Columbus Telegram Wo have i from good authority that the Anics boot sugar factory will not bo completed in timo for this years crop of beets and it is estimated that there will bo 1500 cars of boots shipped to Norfolk August Klontz who lives oust of tho city has under course of construction a now house and is today entertaining a nunibor of frionds and neighbors at a shingling boo This sorves two pur poses Mr Kleut gots his houso shingled quickly and cheaply while his guest onjoy the day aud feast with him C J Younger My Tailor closed his shop yesterday for tho first timo on week days in years and with his forco of workman went over to assist Madison in welcoming company F homo People uotod tho struntro fuct but did not wonder at it whon thoy considered the fact that Joe is chock full of patriot ism It is said that there was considerable potty tboeviiig done at Madison yorter duy during the recoptiou to company F Somo of tho band boyB aro reported to have lost their instruments audS R McFarland who conducted a cano and buby rack says that a number of canes and cigars woro taken out of his buggy lust night It hud been planned in making tho report of tho Madison celobriition yes terday to givo a synopsis of each address But tho program was delayed so late in tho afternoon that after tho report of Col Simpsons remarks was placed in typo it was found that it would be im possible to suninmrizo tho other speeches in fact tho exorcises wero barely completed when tho report closed at l M giving no time whatever to hnudlo the other addresses This state ment is mado as an explanation to thoso speakors who addressed tho Madison celobrutiou Thore eooiub to have been n misstate ment in this paper yesterday concerning the coming of Uonuis Sullivan to this city to7cousult with County Attornoy Tyler It is true ho camo to townbut it was in company with his son aud ft neighbor F M Sutloy and they in duced him to come believing that ho is a fit subject for the hospital for iuBiiue For 6omo time he has boon acting strangely and n few weeks ago he at tempted to burn his houso His own family as woll as tho neighbors had no ticed his peculiar aotious oven before he assaulted his wife and he was brought to Norfolk with tho idea that ho could be examined hero for admission to tho hospital for insane The sou aud neighbor consulted with tho county attorney in regard to tho matter and wero advised that they must tako him to Madison to fiiid tho board of insanity There was no cousultatiou between Mr Sullivan and Mr Tyler as tho neigh bors all seem to thiuk the old gentleman is insaue Mr Sullivan is probably be tween 05 aud 70 years old At the close of the prepared program - T1IK NORFOLK NKWS THURSDAY SElTEMHER 7 1899 at the Madison ontcrtalnment yesterday A P Chllds of the TimoH Trihuno was called on and rnadthn poem to company It which wai publlshod in that paper yesterday morning Ho liowovor had propurod an additional vorso to Don Spaniard who accompanied tho boys homo The poem was vory well ron dored and elicited hearty applause ThisSpiuiard has an Interesting history He is ii years of age The boys of V found him on a bittlollold where ho hud boon wounded When found ho was picking up bullets ami firing them at tlio Filipinos whenever ono appoared Ho had a deep gruilgo against the na tives and made it a point to got in every possiblo skirmish or Iligiigomout While not regularly onlisted ho mado himself extremely useful to company V doing thoir sowing and cooking and everything else that giuuo in his way Ho is a short man but looks very bright and is ready to learn Ho has relatives in Cuba and after remaining horo awhile will go to that island It is understood that ho has been offered a position at tho sugar factory SATURDAY SIFTINGS Mrs L J Hortou and children of Stanton woro city visitors yestonlay W W Crnigof Battle Crook was tho guoflt of A F Lowis ovor night Ho was on his way homo from Pierce S If McClury loft this morning for Homo N Y to assume his duties as superintendent of tho sugar factory H O Howell who has boon with Vails jowelry store hns gouo into busi ness for himself in Uttors book store Mrs B Mupos and ohildron accom panied the children of B F Whito to Omaha today Mr Mupos will go down Monday Miss Mary Mossmer aud nophow Herman Tuffort huvo roturnod from Burlington Iowa whoro thoy have been visiting During tho absence of W H Wida man Olllcor Kane will fill the positiou of marshal aud M O Best that of night watchman Sum Parks loft today to attend tho G A 11 national oncanipment at Phila delphia Ho will visit his old homo iu Pennsylvania beforo ho returns Miss Fannie Bronio wout to Omaha yesterday and Miss Martha Parker to day whero both teach in the public schools during tho coming winter Mr aud Mrs W II Widamau started today noon for Philadelphia Pa to attend the national oucampniont of the G A It to which Mr Widunuiu is a delegate Tho many friouds of Mr Parker pas tor of tho First Congregational church will bo glad to learn that the steamer Mojestio iu which ho sailed to England safely arrived iu Liverpool ou Thursday Whon Frank Salter the plumber was running iu tho hoso raco at Madi son on Thursday ho camo in contuct with tho reel which struck him n ter rible blow ou tho foot Asa rosult ho is now very lame Postmaster Sprechcr aud W W Craig huvo purchased tho grocery stock of A F Lowis taking possession yes tordny It is the intention of the now proprietors to closo out the stock as speedily as possible A picnic party composed of Misses Allison Sends 1 Mith McClary Bessio Cooloy and Fauuio Norton Messrs Guy Kox G H Whnloy Hoy Carter and Herbert Daniel aro enjoying an outing at tho Yellow Banks today Mrs Carrie W Scott of Wnshiugton D C a sister of Mrs Chas H John- sou aocompauiod by her daughters Misses Margaretto Dorothy aud Win Hold with her niece Miss Vidn Dawson of tho same place aro visit iug nt tho homo of Chas II Johnson AJrecent copy of tho MiddletownNY Mercury gives an account of tho annual reunion of the Muues family which was hold on Wednesday of last week and which was attended by about 200 mem bers Norfolk nlso has a fow niombors of that famous family who wero not present at tho rouuiou 1 red Salter and family departed this morning for Kuluniuoo Mich where they will make thoir home Mr Salter has secured the positiou of tho socretury to tho superintendent of tho sugar factory at that ptace Tho frionds of tho family nre sorry of their removal but uuite iu wishing them success South Norfolk has been on tho move very much this week Besides thoso changes heretofore mentioned Mr Kus sol Iiub moved into tho houso loft by Mr Beck when the latter occupied the new property purchased from Mr Aid Mr Perry has moved out of the Clifton hotel into tho Shafer houso whero ho is ruuniug a restaurant W R Hoffman aud son loft at 10 40 this morning for his old home at Asbury Now Jersey where they will had in teu years and it will uo doubt prove an enjoyable one Mr and Mrs Geuim of Marceliue Mo arrived in the city last evening Mrs Geuiin and Mrs August Braasob wore sisters andthe former accompanied by her husband immediately upon gram announcing that Mrs Bmnsch hnd boon strickon with npoploxy but owing to a wreck on tlio Missouri Pa thoy worodolayod Mrs iomiii did not know that her ftistor wuh dead until sho arrived hero last ovoning after tho funeral A spocial train with O St P M O railway officials arrivod iu tho oity last ovoning undWepurted this morning On board wore J 0 Stuwart gonoral su perintendent of tho ysteni A W Tronholm whosuccooded H S Jaynes as superintendent of tho Nobraska divi sion W B Fordyco chief train dis patcher and Lyman Sholcs division freight agent Tho train is in chargo of Conductor Geo W Cartor a former resident of Norfolk The officials are making an inspection of the road Fremont Tribuno The tolophono business in Wiusido has boon consoli dated by connocting both linos with the phono in Bonsor Sons store As both linos now bolong to the sumo company two offices horo woro uunocessary honco tho consolidation Tho old lino which counoots with all uorthoast Nebraska points will bo iisod for local business aud the now lino which has a coppor circuit for long distauco business The compuuy expects soon to string another wiro on tho old lino aud than make it a motal oirouit also which will bo a groat improvomont Tho ontcrtainment given by the Ludiefl Aid sooloty of the M E church last ovoning was a successful as well as uuiquo n flair Tho houso was well filled aud the ladios cleared something ovor 2000 The littlo pooplo partici pating woro woll drilled and aotod thoir parts vory satisfactorily Mothor Goose had a ludicrous timo tryiug to entertain tho Old Woman who lived in hor shoo with i0 children but sho succoodod ad mirably Thou there was Bo Peop aud all the rest of tho mysterious personages of childhood While littlo Philip Hazon was riding a Cock Horse to Danbury Cross ho foil oft tho horso and ovor tho railing croatiug a scone not down on tho program but ho was not in jured by tho fall The switch track which has been usod by G B Suitor Sou iu the hand ling of thoir graiu aud coal business has been moved to tho west about 110 feet and graded up This is to allow for tho erection of a new elevator of 7000 bushels capacity work ou which will commence in a few days This building will bo locntod just north of the ollico allowing teams to puss direct ly oft tho scales to tho driveway leading to tho dump Tho elevator will bo 18 by 2 1 feet and 50 feot high The engine house will bo outsido aud made of brick aud gasoliuo power will be used The old coal sheds will be torn down and uow ones put up ou a Hue with the olo vator while the building uow usod for a grain houso will bo moved aud used for coal Forty ouo yours ago yesterday in tho old Contenury church nt Marietta Ohio the oldest M VI church iu that state Jeorgo Davenport and Mary Elizabeth Heckard stood before tho altar nnd made vows which uuited thorn for life Through all the intervening years tho then young couple have been happy thoy huvo been blessod with twelve children teu of whom aro living fivo sous and fivo daughtorsiill grown to manhood aud womnuhood and thoy huvo always rojoiccd for tho associations connected with that old church Last ovouiug about 10 frionds of Mr and Mrs Daveu port invaded their home aud gave them a geuuino surprise to remind them that it was tho anniversary of that happy day long ago Whilo the guests camo uninvited they woro uono tho less wel come aud a most agreeable evening was spent by nil present As a token of their friendship tho visitors brought n handsome parlor table which was presented iu tho namo of the company by Hov S F Sharpless usiug a fow well chosen words of congratula tion and good wishes for tho future fn f riKir SmiiU ltictlit The following letter refers to tho con tribution from citizous of Norfolk s lic ked by D P Owen to help out tho First regiment transportation fund EXTCUTIVE ClIAMlirU LINCOLN Neb August HO To the Mayor Norfolk Nob Dear Sir I baud you herewith receipt No 2I8 for 10000 advanced to tho Btato of Nebrnska by tho citizous of Norfolk for the First Nebraska trans portation fund and iu order that a proper record may bo kept by your town or city I would suggest that you uttaoh to the receipt a list of the citizens con tributing with tho amouuts set opposite thoir names aud file tho same with your town or city clerk You will please extend the thauks of the state to the parties who so materially assisted iu according the gallant First Nebraska free transportation home which was so justly merited by its ho roio action Very truly yours W A Povntuk Governor visit relatives for a few weeks During nokfolk their ubsouce they will speud two days TuK jjkws A DeuUl September 2 Editor The Norfolk Journal nt ijettysburg ana stop at rew ioru SateiubGr i writinc up tho proceedings reason of not being plainly typewritten Mr Sprecher bus been wrongly in formed I noted as judge of election on that day nud occasion aud had not heard of it before eveu that so far started from home anybodys vote was throwu out for auy receipt of the reusou That the Gardner tloket re- Jlirik is I JH i Marred by inkstain cut and splinter Burned in summer chapped in winter Schoolboys hands have much to suffer Common soaps but make them rougher Ivory Soap is pure and hence Leaves such pleasant after sense That the careless schoolboy een Takes delight in being clean IT FLOATS coprniQHT mi sr the proctir aiMait co cincinnti ceived 22 votes aud tho Clemouts tickot 2 is true but the latter result wus possiblo only by resorting to uot strictly fair work nnd voting six to eight known to bo democrats and who do uot seriously deny that fact C F Eiselev at 1 3 rato provided thoro are 1400 or more certificates It is confidentially expected 200 or more will be in attend ance Part of tho sessions will be held ou the site of Old Camp Franklin aud every surviving family aud every member of his family as well as members of families of deceased mem bers should bo prosout Tickets cau bo purchased Sept 10 to 1 1 good to return until Sept 15 J F Meuky A G P A 111 Cent H R Dubuquo Iowa RAILROAD EXTENSION Tlm St IiiiiI Hum Itelliecl to hoTrIn to 1 1 cud oil tho Vimkton Project Tho report comes from Hartington that a party of surveyors of tho 0 St P M O came into that town lust week nnd immediately commenced surveying an extension of its lino north west to Crofton a distance of 18 miles To all nppeuraucos tho surveyors camo to stay somo time nnd they hired a number of helpers at that towu iudef iuitely Crofton is on tho porposed Yaukton nnd Norfolk road 12 miles from Yuukton and it is thought that this latest move of the Northwestern is to head oft that project if possible even if it becomes uecesaary to run its lino into Yankton This would appear to indicate that the Northwestern people place considerable confidence in the ability of Messrs Graham and Meckling to build the Yankton road as they stated thoy would do in the spring From auother source the report comes that these gentlemeu have already put 10000 into the project since they ac quired title to the old grado It begins and Chicago on their way home This Qt tue uouiuy uigt republican caucus to look as though the Yaukton might bo is the first vacation Mr Hoffman has nA ownon of Tuesday savs completed nfter all the setbacks it has That four votes wero thrown out by recelveu it it is not neaueu ou toy lliiml Notice to Land Oiiiiom To all whom it mny coucoru The commissioner uppoiuted to viow and locate a road commencing at tho uorthoast corner of the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of section 15 in township 24 north range 1 west of the Oth principal meridian in Madison county Nobraska running thence east ou section Hue between sections 20 and IVj and 25 aud 35 a distance of ouo mile aud iO rods aud terminating at the in tersection of said section lino with the public highway running from the city of Norfolk to the town of Stnutouihas reported iu favor ot tho establishment thereof nud all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed iu the couuty clerks office ou or beforo noon of tho 7th day of October A D ISO or said road will be established without reference thoreto Dated ut Madison Nebraska this 7th day of August 18 E G Heilman County Clerk Twcily Ilrst Iomi KiiiiIoii Ou accouut of the rcuuiou of tho 21st Iowa to bi held at Dubuque Sept 115th and 14th tho Illinois Central Railroad compauy will make a rate of 1 l 5 fare for the round trip from all its Iowa poiuts ou tho usual certificate plan Purchase a regular ticket to Dubuque from your nearest Iowa point Bo sure nud tako iigonts recoipt for same This receipt when properly stamped at Dubuquo will entitle holder to return the Northwestern The Hnrtington Herald is not a fervent supporter of the move ment as tho followiug gooB to show The move doe uot seem to meet the approval of the majority of our citizens as it will probably ciusn a small towu to start teu or twelve mills west of here aud tho same would draw considerable trade from tho surrounding territory all of which now comes to Hnrtington However from our experience with railroads wo kuow that if they mado up their mind to oxtond the road to hades they would do so regardless of auy protests our business mou might make so that about tho ouly way to bring thorn to timo is to miiko a fight for auother lino The people who huvo been assailing President McKiuby because he was nou conimittal and weak in regard to his foreign policy surely can get very little comfort or sntisfaction from his clear cut statement mado recently at Pittsburg on tho return of the Tenth Peunsylvanin from Manila Our soldiers were shot dowu while miuister iug to the wouuded Filipinos our hu niauity was iuterpreted ns weakuess our forbearauco as cowardice Thoy assailed our sovereignty and thero will be uo useless parley uo pause until tho iusurrection is suppressed nud American authority acknowledged and estab lished Surely such a deelaratiou backed by tho active preparations uow being made by tho war department to hasten more men to the Philippiues will satisfy all fuir minded meu that the president moans business in aggres sive prosecution of tho war Iu this he has tho henrty endorsement of tho masses of the people Whatever tho politiciuus may allego tho heart of the nation is true uud steadfast to the patriotic man in the whito houso who is determined to uphold American rights nud fulfill Americas plain duty uuswerviugly What are you going to do about Cuba cry the autis Thats dead ensy going to givo them a chance for self govorment just as soon as they aro ready for it Until then thoy will do business aud live nuder old glory Au Italian agitator has recently ar rived in this country to organize anar chist societies but is meeting with very little encouragement He should have been told beforo ho left homo that the Americau ppoplo aro liviug tinder a re publican administration nnd nro vory busy When people have more than they cau do thoy enre very littlo for uouseuse SCOTTS EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons FiRST Because if any member of the family has a hard cold it will cure It SECOND Because If the chil dren are delicate and sickly it will make them strong and well THIRD Because if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated It will build them up and give them flesh and strength FOURTH Because it Is the standard remedy in all throat and lung affections No household should be without it tIt can be taken in summer as well as in winter 4 S iU i no 1 Uruggliti SCOTT UOWNE Cheinbti hew York iA K a i