The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 31, 1899, Page 9, Image 9

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Extensive Improvements at
Norfolk Sugar Factory
One Hundred Men Engaged in
Making Repairs
lToxprilM lur a It It Crop or licet the
Miit lor Yi iirn IturwHt Will Cointiicnrii
Aliout tint Mlililln of Mitninlior mid
the Inctory Will Itrclu on tliu UIHIi
lint few oven in tliis city renlizo tho
magnitude of tho improvements being
niiitlc this year by tho Amoricnn Beot
Sncar company in the Norfolk factory
While it hits been known in a gonorul
wny thut tho pant was being repaired
it was not underhtood that in nmny in
stances the repairs amount alomst to tho
rebuilding of portions of tho factory
Yet such is tho case and when tho cam
paign of 1SI opens it will be found that
the plant will no longer be rated as a
HiO ton factory but that its capacity has
been increased so that it will cut about
4K tons every 21 hours
Work was begun on tho repairs
about tho first of May when W men
were given employment and six weeks
ago the for was increased to 100 men
All theso improve monts have been made
under the personal supervision of Man
ager F Wietzer Superintendent W H
Baird and Chief Engineer N A
Lockwood Besides increasing the ca
pacity of tho plant two objects have
been aimed at in the changes now being
made One of theso is to secure light in
every room and in all portions of every
room and tho other is cleanliness for
with no dark corners it will be much
easier to maintain the latter than it ever
has been before Considerable inefli
cieut machinery has beeen thrown out
its place being supplied with newer and
more up to date appliances The im
provements will have cost when com
pleted between i000 and 0000 at
least two thirds of which has been ex
pended for labor All work will be
fuifched by the 10th of September so
there Vvill be no delay In starting the
To a layman who visits the factory
as did a representative of Tyn News the
other day the mass of machinery
throughout tho great plant does not
present a very intelligible idea of the
process required to convert raw beets
into finely granulated sugar nor does
the importance of the changes being
made appeal to him as it would to a
practical sugar maker While roaming
around the factory in charge of a guide
the representative learned that tho filter
press department had been enlarged by
the addition of 100 more frames which
increases the capacity abont20por cent
while iron scrolls and boxes have re
placed those formerly made of wood un
der the presses A cement floor has been
laid in the second carbonation room as
there has also been in other portions of
the building A new carbonation filter
press has been added making five in
stead of four of that class of machines
It is in the other end or refinery por
tion of the factory however that the
greatest change has taken place The
beet cutting machinery uud diffusion
battery havo always had a higher ca
pacity than the remainder of the plant a
spusmodic run of 410 tons of beets hav
ing at one time been cut and put
through tho diffusion but tho other
machinery was not able to handle tho
juice at such a rate The changes will
put tho whole plaut on a harmonious
basis each part uble to keep up with the
others Much of tho machinery in the
refining department has been raised the
uniform height of six feet among this
being two vacuum pans one wiighiiig
2 tons and the other 20 tons The old
wooden storage tanks havo been replaced
with steol which have also been sot on
a level six feet higher than tho old ones
A new crystallizor has been put in
making four instead of three Four cast
iron bag filters and a now steam radiat
or for drying sugar havo been given
place in this end of tho factory
Tne laboratory which is on the second
fioor of the factory in the northwest
corner has been wholly rebuilt aud fur
nished with the best chemical instru
ments necessary for conducting analyses
accurately It is claimed by those who
are familiar with the subject that the
laboratory of the Norfolk plant is one of
the best arranged best lighted and most
complete in the United States The
store room on the fioor beneath has been
provided with a complete sot of now
racks each compartment carefully la
belled so that there is no delay in find
ing supplies
Tho factory will burn coal this year
instead of oil on account of the advanced
price of the latter This necessitates
putting grates under the boilers which
is now about completed Crudo petro
leum has been used for several cam
paigns aud at tho prico heretofore pro
vailing it was coat idered moro satisfac
tory but the increased cost will pre
clude itH consumption this year
The improvements in the leading
manufacturing enterprise in this section
of tho stato provo that tho beet sugar
industry may bo considered ono of tho
perninnent institutions of tho country
nnd that tho stock holders of the Anieri
Beet Sugnr company are well enough
satisfied with their investment to feel
themselves warranted in continuing to
put money in tho plant Tho later years
have been far more satisfactory from
the standpoint of tho beet growers thnn
wore those during tho early oxporiment
with tho crop in this country Then
farmers did not understand what was
required to produce good boots and the
experience of learning how was expens
ive and annoying Now tho farmer lias
becomo so well acquainted with beet
growing that it is his most profitable
It is expected that the yield of beets
this year will bo the largest over grown
in this section Whilo tho acreage for
tho Norfolk factory is practically tho
samo as last year about IIOO acres tho
prospects are that tho tonnage will be
considerably increased over any preced
ing year it being estimated that some
fields near this city will go as high as 20
tons to tho aero It is belioved that
enough beets will bo ripe so that harvest
ing can commence about tho middle of
Septembor in which event tho factory
will bo started about tho 20th Tho out
look is that the coming campaign will
bo tho longest in tho history of tho Nor
folk factory and it would not bo at nil
surprising if the run is continued well
up to the first of March
Tho advantages from a commercial
point of view to bo derived from a long
campaign can only be estimated Tho
steady employment of a largo number of
men for an extended period together
with tho money which will bo paid tho
farmers for beets is an influence in the
trade of Norfolk business men not to bo
Tli o California Campaign
Tomorrow morning at t oclock the
triplo chimo whistle at the sugar factory
will tell tho people of tho valley that
sugar making for tho season has com
menced and hundreds of men aro busily
engaged at work in tho factory
Beet harvest on the Chiuo ranch com
menced Wednesday morning nnd hun
dreds of tons have already been delivered
from tho fields here Yesterday noon
the first beets came in from Orange
county and today tho first trainload
will arrive from Oxuard in Ventura
county On Monday morning the force
of employes came in from all directions
in response to notices from the company
and were assiugod to their different
stations about tho factory The labor
roll of the factory comprises RIO men ex
clusive of department heads foremen
clerks and all salaried men It is said by
the management that they have a better
class of men this year than ever before
Many of them aro farmers aud farmers
sons on tho ranch who have come in to
work during tho campaign while work
on tho ranch is scarce
Tom ri ow morning everything will be
in full swing aud by Sunday pure white
sugar of the vintage of OS will be
pouring into sacks at tho other end of
the factory
A campaign is no longer a speculation
but a reality And from now on the
daily stoam whistles tho whirring of
mnchinery tho hissing of steam long
lines of workmen going to and fro and
strings of loaded wagons and incoming
freight trains loaded with beets will all
attest the busy season that is upon us
Chiuo Valley California Champion
August ti
Irtdnct CHiimiM
The republican voters of Norfolk
outside precinct will meet at tho city
hall Saturday September th at 2
oclock p m to elect six delegates to
attend tho republican county conven
tion to bo held at Battle Creek Sep
tember 10th also to elect delegates to
tho republican precinct convention
whenever cnlled G D Smith
Precinct Committeeman
Notice is heroby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on tho 2d
day of May 1809 aud duly filed in the
office of tho county clerk of Madison
county Nebraska on tho IHth day of
July 18 and executed by tho Norfolk
Printing company a corporation to tho
Western Newspaper Union a corpora
tion to secure tho payment of tho sum
of 8J52 and upon which there is now
due tho sum of 4880 Default having
been made in tho payment of said sum
therefore the undersigned will sell tho
property thereiu described naniply
Ono Proutv newspaper press at public
auction at Davenports livery barn in
the city of Norfolk in Madison county
Nebraska on the 14th day of Septem
ber 1809 at 2 oclock p m of said day
Dated August 21th 1809
Westekn NeWMAIKU Uviov
By II L Siuniixu
u Sack Cannot Stand I7irjlit
Neithor cau poor weak thin blood
nourish aud sustain the physical system
For strength of nerves and muscles
there must bo pure rich vigorous blood
1 oods Sarsaparilla is tho standard prep
aration for tho blood and its many re
markable cures and tho fact that it does
everybody good who takes it nrovo it is
just what you need if you aro weak and
Hoods Pills do not gripe All drug-
gists 25 cents
Tin- ViiiiUcc Coimniuiilcr linr AVnx
llcnil Ior tilt rmr uud Proved
Too riocU mid Tool fill for Ilia
Opponent A Mor ot Minion
The pluck and grit of American na
val officers are aptly Illustrated In tin
article by Henry Collins Welsh In
AlnsleeH Magazine In which tho writ
op tells how Cotniniintler Ieary
brought the tiernian nauil force In Sa
moa to terms houiu years ago llu
It was at the outbreak of elvll strife
that Captain Leary arrived at Apia In
the American warship Adains Dr
Kuappe was then the ieruiau consul
at Apia and ho aud Commander
Krltzo of tho Ceiinan warship Adler
carried on alTnlrs with tin Imperious
hand Feeling run high between thu
ticrimuiH on one hand and the Ameri
cans and English on the other Tho
CioriuaiiH bombarded villages on vari
ous pretexts fired upon unarmed na
tives and gave open aid to Tumnsettc
Captain Leary at that time was u
commander and It was not long bo
fore ho and Captain Frltzo hud some
lively Interchanges of compliments
On ono occasion tho Adler steamed
past tho American ship with a native
chief bound to her foremast The Jer
itiiin saluted when he passed but no
answer canie back from the American
Soon the Jcrimiu came to u standstill
A boat wiih dispatched to ascertain
why the American had not answered
tho salute Commander Leary sent
the Toulon this characteristic reply
Tho United States does not salute
vessels engaged In the slave carrying
But an Incident which best Illus
trates Commander Learys grit and de
termination aud which deserves to live
in song and story occurred In the wa
ters near Apia on Nov 10 18SS
Strained relations came to a crisis
then and war between the United
States and Germany seemed Inevita
On the day previous a message cnino
from Mataafa to Inform Commander
Leary that the Germans had threaten
ed to attack Mataafa In his strong
hold on tho morrow Botli Mataafa
and Tnmasose had Intrenched them
selves In fortified places about seven
miles from Apia upon hind under
American protection Mataafa asked
for advice and Commander Leary told
him through the messenger to stand
his ground that he would not allow
the German to make an attack upon
properly under his protection
According to the German pro
gramme the Adler was to bombard at
dawn Captain Leary quietly prepar
ed to foil the plan at tho same time
keeping his counsel By using some
hard coal he had aboard ho was able
to get up steam without the telltale
smoke that would have warned the
Germnns of his action Then he muf
fled his anchor chains with native
mats and at 4 In the morning till
hands were quietly called to quarters
At daybreak the anchors of the Adler
were hauled up and with full steam
on the vessel made for the open sea
Noiselessly came up the Yankees an
chors nnd to the amazement of the
Adler the Adains was close upon her
heels The German had to turn to
get out of the harbor and by the time
she reached the entrance the two ships
were close together Again the Ger
man turned and then bended toward
the fort that was to be bombarded
Commander Leary ran his ship be
tween the Gorman and the shore and
when about MO yards from tho Ad
ler gave the order
Clear for action
At once the decks were cleared and
the guns were trained The Gorman
followed suit and tho two ships
steamed along the coast ready for the
A shot from either vessel meant war
between the two countries When op
poslte the native forts the Adler came
to anchor and the Adams anchored
between the German and the shore
So close were the vessels that no guns
could be fired from the Adler without
passing over or through thu Adains
Then Commander Leary sent this note
to tho Gennnn commander
I havo the honor to Inform you
that having received Information that
American property In tho Latoga vi
cinity of Lanlll Lotoauuu and Solo
Solo Is liable to be Invaded this day I
am here for tho purpose of protecting
the same
For hours the men stood at their
guns but no shot came from tho Ger
mans He was ready to war upon the
Snmonns but war with tho United
States was another tnntter
At length tho German started on a
cruise ulong the coast but he could not
hhake off the persistent Yankee Final
ly he renounced his designs and re
turned to his anchorage In Apia bay
To her anchorage enme also the Ad
mits and Commander Leary had won
the game
lie Vnfurnl
Ono of the surest ways to be awk
ward in company Is to try to act dif
ferently from ones accustomed man-
uer If ones everyday manner Is not
food enough for company then It
should bo changed but tho most de
lightful company manner is the nat
ural manner when It Is natural to be
charming One of tho charms of nn
agreeable manner Is to seem to be un
affected Another Is to listen appre
ciatively when others speak The Gen
Tho clock at the houses of parlia
ment Is the largest in tho world The
dials are 32 feet In diameter The pen
dulum is 15 feet long Tho hour bell
Is 8 feet high nnd 0 feet in diameter
nnd weighs nearly ip tons Tho ham
mer alone weighs moro than 400
tlmiiKC of Mipm Intonilentx
It is understood that Mr 11 S inynes
who for tho past I I jears has been
division superintendent of the f St
P M A O com puny in Nebraska will
retire from that position on September
I to lake the joint freight agency of the
Northwestern system at Omaha 1 It
will be succeeded by Mr A WTreholin
who for a long time has been
superintendent of tho Northern division
of that road
Mr lay lies has been a hard working
pains taking rind ellleiout olllcer and
under his supervision ninny changes for
the betterment of the road have taken
place Ills popularity has steadily
increased with the employes of tho road
mid its patrons and everyone will
regret that helms withdrawn from the
position which lit hits filled so well at
the samo time wishing him abundant
success in his new field of labor His
successor is iv thorough and ellleiout
railroad man and will no doubt coudnct
tho business of the road in a manner
acceptable to its patrons
Trust not to appearances buf put
your faith in Hoods Sarsaparilla which
nover disappoints If is tho best medi
cine money can buy
Docm Collen Ajjrce Willi Von
If not drink Clrain 0 from
pure grains A lady writes The first
time I made Orniu 0 I did not like it
but after using it for one week nothing
would induce me to go back to collee
It nourishes and feeds tho system The
children can drink it freely with great
benefit It is the strengthening sub
stance of pure grains Set a package
today from your grocer follow the
directions in making it and you will
havo ji delicious ami healthful tablo
beverage for old and young If and 2V
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loan on good farms
G II Skilick it Co
To err is human but to continue
tho mistake of neglecting your blood is
folly Keep the blood pure with Hoods
If you want to sell or trade your
property list it with
O It Sinfi it Co
11 ore IopnlaiTliiiii Dicr
Since 1S90 tho Hot Springs of South
Dakota havo been recognized as tho re
sort for westorn people
All things aro favorable for those seek
ing rest health or pleasure This season
finds tho resort woll patronized by people
from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota
Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota
and every ono well satisfied with tho
Wonderful Waters
Delightful Climate
Modern Hotels
Varied attractions for sight scorn
The Northwestern Line is the pioneer
to this resort
The Northwestern Line runs Wagner
Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South
Tho Northwestern Lino makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your nearest railroad agent for
tho dnto of the next excursion via tho
Fremont Elkhorn ite Missouri Vulley
II It Northwestern Lino
J II Gaiilk J It Buchanan
Des Moines Omaha
FKVM V - Cheap Kxcui hIohh
To Philadelphia Pn account G A It
Fmcninpmont Excursion tickotson Sept
1 2 nud I at ti0 for tho round trip
good to return by deposit of ticket with
joint agent nt Philadelphia until Sept
Will cheerfully furnish full informa
tion regarding these low faro excursions
via tho Northwestern Line
II 3 Mathau
If you want to buy or trade come and
see us G H Skiikk Co
Ofll jo in Mustjtlock
The News joo department is com
plete in every particular
Marquardts Hall
A d DURLAND Manager
- OH-
A superb cast specially engaged for
Browuridgo Collins faultless produc
Special Scenery and Mechanical Ef
fects Seats on sale at Leonards drug
Prices 25 35 and 50c
Tho prico is only ono of
many reasons why I hose
shoos aro famous
All stylos from I ho
light daiiily dross crea
iiou to the substantial
shoo for the street or out
ing Price
o -S
Oxfords S250
ClUS S liKIUOK Viri Iuisiucst
TZ t
Hv f
pt mmmtmtmmm
Every Woman Who Walks fe
will find ii peculiar pleasure in vS
1 TP
o wnllc in shoes ile
I hat aro heaiitiful and sty
lish and perfectly com
fortable is a gratifying
y V
1 CktJi
rn O
S ra
c TO
- o
C3 j
We have just received our Kail Line of
School Shoes
Which is larger and more complete than ever
If you want School Shoes that will gie good
wear at a reasonable price call on
We also do First Class Repairing
W It IIIKAABC1I Ahh t Cahuicb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Buy anil nfi hxcIibukh tlun country out all part of Europe Harm Loaus
Director Ahmlh W II Johnson hah S Hkiihik C W llUAAhcii C M
Swank i A Iuikaut T K Mkmminoub L Skhhionh
The Popular Route
Salt Lake
Rj K ijp3j JlSivj kt
The Only Direct Route
The Fastest Route
San Francisco
iwn7Vc x3CaP3rfrMr3rxXPa0
The Best Equipped Route
The Safest Route
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Hooks Pamphlets descriptive of tho
territory traversed call on